• Published 3rd Jul 2022
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Sonic The Hedgehog & My Little Pony The Movie - Idiotboy24

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Final Battle 1/3

Canterlot: Entrance

The sun and the moon kept on moving a few more times before finally coming to a stop, and on the way towards the entrance was a cake like a really big cake.

On top of it was Spike who acted like a candle and the Mane five were pulling it with downed faces, Capper however walked in front of them with a chef’s hat and apron with a paper in hand.

The Storm creatures guarding the entrance blocked his way as he looked up at them. “Uh, yeah, I got a delivery here for a Mister "The Storm King". I was given explicit instructions to bring this here cake to this here castle's throne room.”

The Storm creatures looked at the cake and the ponies, they weren’t convinced and pointed their weapons at the cat. “All right, then. Look here. Could one o' y'all go be a pal, go tell your boss he's not gettin' his "congratulations on subduing defenseless pastel ponies" cake? 'Cause I don't wanna be the one responsible for the big guy missin' his special dessert. You know what I'm sayin'?”

He walked over to the group and looked at Pinkie who looked up at him with a frown, he held out three fingers and counted down, when he finished the guards moved out of the way.

Pinkie smiled as Capper winked at her, they proceeded in. “Thank you kindly, fellas. I'mma be sure and put in a good word for the botha y'all.”

Pinkie held a wide smile while the others continued to frown buckled up to the carriage, they passed by a Storm creature who looked at them suspiciously, Applejack caught on to why. “Pinkie, quit lookin' so happy! Ya ain't foolin' nopony!” Pinkie understood.

“Oh! Okay!” She then made one of the saddest frowns and winked at m—… yep I’m not gonna question it.

They walked on through passing nearby captured ponies and menacing Storm creatures, in a nearby pie stand Grubber popped up with two pies in both hands.

He then noticed the giant surprise on the carriage. “Oh, hello, cake!” His eyebrows moved up and down, he threw away the pies he was holding and hopped up onto the carriage.

“Ooh! Don't mind if I do!” He swiped his paw across it revealing an eye, he didn’t notice it at first. “Mmm! That's some, like, gourmet ithing!” He then noticed it and leaned closer. “Who putth eyeballth in filling?” it then blinked.

Grubber panicked and yelled. “Guards!” Squabble came out and pulled Grubber inside, however the guards turned to face the group of ponies they were caught.

They came in closer blocking their path. “Uh-oh. Plan B?” Capper suggested, Rainbow wasted no time. “The jig is up!” She then bucked the carriage with one leg.

The cake burst open as the Pirates, Skystar and Sonic jumped out, and landed. “Come on!” Celaeno yelled they all launched forward.

Boyle swung his hook knocking away the Storm creatures weapons, Skystar avoided them and swooped down grabbing a guard and dropping him on four other guards, who surrounded Spike.

Squabble placed a floaty around one making the Storm creature drop his weapons, Lix Spittle poked a guard in the butt making him yell in pain while she laughed.

Applejack tied a rope around a guard and made him fall down, while Capper and Rarity tripped three guards with a massive ribbon and wrap them up in a bow. “Lovely!” Rarity said.

Pinkie then came from nowhere with a present. “Surprise!” She gave it to the guard and left, the guard took it and looked at it with curiosity.

Only for Pinkie to pop out of it with a cupcake. “Double surprise!!” She smacked him across the face and began spinning her forehooves in circles with cupcakes, coming from nowhere.

They kept on hitting the guard who fell down after taking to many of them at once, Pinkie laughed like a maniac and even sounded demonic.

Fluttershy stopped running after a weapon pierced the ground in front of her, she looked up and saw the guard glaring at her with intimidation.

She lost her fear. “You seem tense. Do you wanna talk about it?” Oh god it’s adorable.

The guard became confused. Celaeno and the Pirates kept on fighting the guards, she managed to kick one of them away with the help of Rainbow Dash who flew down.

She locked weapons with a guard and looked at the group, and noticed how many there were. “It might take a little bit before you can get to the castle!” Sonic who had been helping out a little bit saw a Storm creature try to rush him.

“Sonic watch ou—“ Spike’s voice came but it suddenly stopped as did everyone else, except for one that is. “Really?” Sonic asked to the frozen Storm creature, he smirked before running off.

Sonic ran slow as he navigated around and even smiled when he saw what Pinkie had done, he proceeded to take all of the Storm creatures weapons and place them above their heads.

He then moved everyone out of the way as he proceeded to grab a very long pennant, and run around the creatures legs and even managed to tie it to a nearby lamppost.

He then ran around the place and freed all of the Ponies that were locked in cages, and all of the Ponies who were prohibited from using their magic or wings.

He then tied a trio of guards together with some other items he found around the place, and smiled at his work.

He then returned to where he was standing at the start and stepped to the side pointing out his leg, and everything returned to normal speed.
(End Song)

The effects were immediate, the guards who had their weapons taken from them were down for the count as said weapons fell on them, most of the guards fell over from the pennant, the trio of Storm creatures fell on the ground tied together and all of the ponies were freed.

The final Storm creature ran forward only to trip over Sonic’s leg and smash into a stand knocking him out cold, the group of heroes came to and saw the aftermath, they were confused until Sonic came up next to them.

“So should we continue?” The Mane five (except Fluttershy) and Spike nodded. Celaeno and the rest of the Pirates saw the Storm creatures getting back up.

“Head for the Castle! We’ll hold them off!” The others nodded. “Come on!” Rainbow Dash ordered as they ran off with Capper and Skystar. They also ran past Fluttershy who comforting a crying guard.

“Let it all out.” She then heard her friends call her name. “Oh! Sorry, our time is up. Buh-bye!” She hopped away and followed her friends, the guard waved to her still crying.

The group began making their way up towards the castle, but a squad of guards followed closely behind them, Skystar faced them. “Keep going!” The others did so and continued forward.

She brought out her two clam friends. “Shelly? Sheldon?” She threw them and managed to successfully hit a guard in the eyes, the rest of them ran past her but she managed to pick up one and take him away.


The Mane five, Spike, Capper and Sonic made it up to the top of the stairs only to encounter, more Storm creatures. (You know what I’ll call them Storm guards!) “Uh-oh!” Applejack said aloud.

Capper got an idea. “Hey, ain't you a fire-breathin' dragon?” Spike smiled up at him and was grabbed by Capper who aimed Spike at the guards.

They were all catching fire as Capper continued to use Spike as a flamethrower, the group advanced forward successfully making their way towards the castle.

Canterlot Castle: Balcony

Up above on the balcony Tempest and Twilight saw what was happening. “What?! How?!” Tempest growled.

Twilight looked down and gasped happily her friends were here, she even saw Sonic who seemed to be having fun. “It's... It's the Magic of...”

The Storm King then appeared from nowhere. “Yeah, yeah!” He grabbed them both in a fake hug. “Friendship, and flowers, and ponies, and bleh! I’m sick of this brainless pony garbage. This will all… end… now!” He aimed his staff up and began performing a spell.

He spun the staff around in a circle motion as the dark clouds above, started to come down in a spiral, the others who were below noticed this and were immediately hit with a strong wind.

Twilight and Tempest watched the tyrant use the staff to create a tornado, that had lightning appear out of it, Canterlot also became darker as well.


The group below realised how bad this would get. “Move them hooves, ponies!” Capper yelled, they all made a run for it as other Storm guards were ready to grab them.

Unfortunately the guards were swept away into the tornado, the group hid behind a stand and noticed how powerful the tornado was. “You'd have to be flying faster than a speeding Pegasus to break through that wind!” Rainbow exclaimed, seeing the Storm Guards being tossed around.

Pinkie gasped heavily at that. “Excellent idea, Rainbow Dash!” They all looked at her as she put on a helmet. “Pinkie are you thinking, what I’m thinking?” Sonic asked.

“Yes I do ‘Mr Needlemouse!’” Sonic smiled and together with the rest of the group went to go an in act Pinkie’s idea.

Author's Note:

Oh boy we’re getting closer to the end

I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Question Time: How would rank the songs from the movie, including: We Got This Together, I’m The Friend You Need, Time to Be Awesome, One Small Thing, Open Up Your Eyes, Rainbow and Off To See The World