• Published 1st Mar 2022
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A Meeting With A Changeling King - origami

Princess Celestia and Luna are contacted by a changeling claiming to not be associated with the ones that recently attacked Canterlot. But can they be trusted?

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To Get Ponies and Changelings to Get Along

Princess Celestia and Luna looked at the changeling king after he announced which topic he wanted to address next. It was true that he voiced a desire for his subjects to peacefully integrate into pony society, but they also knew that what he desired would be difficult, especially so soon after the attempt to invade the city by another group of changelings.

"I suppose that is something that we should discuss" Celestia concedes.

King Apidae chuckles as he takes a sip of tea. Placing it back down he looks at her with a sad sort of smile.

"I know that what I wish to discuss is a topic that will be difficult," he admits, "but it is one that will be necessary for a future of peaceful coexistence. Please understand, my desire to discuss this is not just for my own hive, but for the other hives out there. If I can set the example and show that it is possible for our kinds to not only exist, but thrive together, it will bring about an end to a great deal of suffering."

"I understand your ultimate goal, King Apidae," Celestia replies, "but so soon after the attempt by this Queen Chrysalis to overthrow the rule of my sister and I, most of our subjects will not have a very strong desire to seek out a peaceful relation with changelings."

"That is why it is up to us to set a positive example" King Apidae responds.

"What kind of example are you referring to?" Luna asks, eyebrow raised in curiosity.

King Apidae took another sip of his tea. After he put it down, he looked at the princesses with a simple answer.

"A diplomat."

Both Celestia and Luna look confused. "A diplomat?" Celestia repeats to the king, who nods.

"The recent attack has given a very public and very negative image to changelings as a whole" he elaborates. "In order to counteract this, there is need of a representative of our kind to show that we are not out specifically to cause harm, and that the opinions and decisions of the world impact us just as greatly as they do the subjects of the rulers and elected leaders of the various countries that make up this world."

Celestia mulls over the idea before giving a nod. "A diplomat would be the best approach in this matter. However, we are still presented with the problem of our subjects not trusting changelings in general. For this to have the best possible chance at working, I believe that recognizing a diplomat from your hive would have to wait until after Queen Chrysalis has been captured."

Apidae gives a somber nod. "Yes, that would give this situation the best possible chance for success."

"Do you plan on reaching out to other kingdoms and territories?" Luna asks the king.

"Eventually" Apidae replies. "In truth, I was hoping that, after we establish peaceful relations here, we could make contact with the other kingdoms and territories and establish peace with them and having you all to vouch for us so that our offer has a greater legitimacy than it would otherwise."

"I see" Celestia says with a smile. "You're hoping for Equestria to something of a 'wing pony' for your hive?"

Apidae chuckles at the joke. "Not exactly," he responds, "but an advocate would most certainly not hurt."

Celestia smiles but it eventually fades as she moves the conversation along. "A diplomat will most certainly help with public image, but that will only go so far. For things to change in a more permanent fashion, your kind being visible on a regular basis will be the most critical part of your goal."

The king nods. "Yes, it will be. My subjects are spread all throughout this world, interacting and learning from the ponies, griffins, dragons and other creatures they meet. I fear the biggest obstacle currently will be the feelings of betrayal that will most probably be raised when we finally shed our public mask in the future."

Luna hums her agreement. "That is a valid point. Many of our subjects will learn that the ponies or other creatures they've been interacting with and making friends of have been the same kind that have carried out horrible atrocities against us since perhaps even before Equestria was founded."

"Sister!" Celestia scolds. "Tact!"

"It is alright" King Apidae responds while waving a hoof. "I wouldn't look at abductions of and subterfuge against my subjects in a positive light either. As I said before, it is something that we shall have to make amends for. I believe that instructing my subjects to offer apology and some form of recompense between them and the ponies they've misled will help with some of the negative reception that our being revealed is most likely going to bring. Of course, I believe that most of them will wish to apologize without my prompting them when the time comes."

Celestia gives a nod. "I am glad to hear that your subjects understand the gravity of this situation. They clearly have a very good leader to look up to."

Apidae smiles. "I don't know about the last part, but I definitely feel as though this action will benefit our subjects greatly moving forward. Right now, there are a few things I would like to establish for when the time comes."

Celestia and Luna both look at him questioningly. "Oh?" the solar princess responds.

"There are a few things that I want to happen when we finally announce our establishment of peace" he begins. "First, I would like a path to citizenship established for my subjects, both already living here in your kingdom and for those who wish to move here on a more permanent basis."

Celestia chews over what the king has said and gives a nod. "This is another thing that shall have to wait until after the queen is captured."

"As will pretty much all of the things that I am making a request of" the king says in agreement before listing off other things he wants for his subjects.

"Besides citizenship, I also want some form of safeguard for my subjects against harm, be it by royal decree or some other official process. The reveal will be met with a great deal of negativity, and I accept that that will happen. What I would like to see happen is that I don't have to plan any funerals for my subjects."

Both Celestia and Luna winced at that remark. The king was right that ponies were not going to take this news well. There would be reactions and quite possibly a few angry mobs.

"We shall draft something and make sure that it is something that we can all agree on" Celestia says in agreement.

King Apidae nods. "The last will be something that goes hoof and hoof with appointing an ambassador. I would like to construct an embassy in your city."

Celestia and Luna both look at each other and then back to the king. "That is something that will take time." Celestia tells him.

"The construction will have to be approved by our civil engineering ponies so that it is safe for everypony and creature to occupy it. Besides that, we will have to decide on a parcel of land to place it upon. Real estate in Canterlot is at a premium, and as such, commands a high price."

The king nods. "I am quite aware. That is why I wish to take advantage of an already existing structure that is both already established and within the building codes of your city, and is at a relatively fair price compared to other structures."

"What location is this?" Celestia asks, confused as to what the changeling is talking about.

After he takes yet another sip of tea, he looks at her and answers her question.

"The crystal caves under the city."

Celestia and Luna both flinch at the mention of the caves.

"I can understand that being a desirable choice," Celestia concedes, "but I must refuse that suggestion as being improper."

The king quirks an eyebrow. "Oh?"

"Our niece was held prisoner in those caves when Queen Chrysalis attacked the city and her wedding."

Apidae looks uneasy. "Oh. Well then we will have to find another location. The caves were ideal because of the general desire of the hive to use natural structures over artificial ones."

Celestia and Luna both appear confused. "When we saw your films, you were in what looked like some rather ornate hallways decorated in very decorative wood."

The king nods. "I was. Those were the royal chambers. Each changeling king or queen styles their hive in a manner of their choosing. The wood was a gift from one of my subjects that found success in Zebrica as a wood worker The rest of the hive looks more like a cave."

"Fascinating" Celestia remarks as she sips her tea.

"I must ask how you know of the caves" Luna interjects.

King Apidae takes the final swallow of his tea before setting the cup down. "A few of my subjects were actually employed the last time those caves were mined for crystal."

"That would've been near the beginning of your reign" Celestia points out.

"True" Apidae concedes. "At the time, we practiced a simple strategy of finding places in society where we could work close with ponies and absorb ambient love being emitted from them so that we could have basic sustenance and a surplus to bring back and provide for others, including our young."

"So you've had your subjects assume identities and take jobs in various places to be around ponies to collect love from them?" Luna summarizes.

"Put simply" King Apidae acknowledges. "You could look at it as being similar to bees collecting nectar to make honey, only we're not pollinating flowers as we do so."

"Well, most of our subjects are concerned with the ways in which their 'nectar' is collected," Celestia points out, "or the fact that it's being collected at all."

"I understand their concern," King Apidae tells Celestia, "but any of the methods that my hive uses are ones which have been proven over many years to not only be effective for us, but also cause the least amount of disruption to those we feed from. If things are done correctly, then you never realize we're there."

"A statement like that is not going to bolster any kind of good will in our subjects" Luna points out.

"True, but the entire situation I had in mind for our introduction to your subjects was supposed to be a well thought out and planned affair. Recent events have transformed this into damage control now, and most of the planning is how to try and rebuild the already damaged reputation we now have."

Things go silent for a while before Celestia remembers something from the films the king had sent her and her sister.

"You said you pride yourself on the artisans of your kingdom, correct?"

Apidae nods. "Yes, I do. Their skill is as high as any pony or other creature, and the style they craft in is rather unique."

"Then I believe I have an idea that will help immensely" Celestia says with a smile.

Apidae's curiosity is piqued. "What do you have in mind?"

"An art exhibition" she answers. "We'll hold it here in the castle, and after I have gotten feedback from everypony, I will reveal all of the artisans who made the pieces."

The king looks a bit apprehensive. "I do like the idea of the work of my subjects being appreciated, but is revealing them in that way the best idea?"

"There are going to be risks," Celestia admits, "but the best way I can see getting public opinion to sway more in the favor of your subjects would be to have them associated with more positive things, such as fine art. I trust that you also have playwrights in addition to the more traditional physical art mediums?"

"Of course" the king responds. "I've already mentioned Sorrel King earlier, but there are other writers. I believe you're also familiar with the philosophical writings of Toad Stool?"

Again, Celestia and Luna's eyes widen at the utterance of a familiar name. "Toad Stool?!"

The king nods. "Indeed. He spent a great deal of time interacting with your subjects, as well as the subjects in other kingdoms."

"I wonder if we should discontinue asking topics such as this" Luna says. "I fear what other surprises we may uncover."

Apidae chuckles. "I can understand the surprise you had to learn that such influential figures within your own society weren't ponies at all, but it only goes to reinforce my point of wanting better relations between our subjects."

"Which is something that I want to bolster as well" Celestia responds. "My other idea with the art exhibition is to help your kind get some advocates."

"Advocates?" the king questions.

Celestia nods. "Yes. The ponies that will be able to attend this exhibit will most likely be members of our noble class and a few well known ponies from places such as Manehattan and Fillydelphia. Newspapers and gossip columns often report on things they say or do, so my idea is to have the exhibition so they can be seen interacting with all of you in a positive way."

"If my subjects can see that your subjects are ordinary creatures that have thoughts and feelings, then they'll be less apt to paint you as horrible monsters."

"Aside from that, I shall also make a royal decree."

"What kind of a decree?" the king asks.

"Any of your subjects who choose to live in Equestria will be allowed to apply for citizenship so that they may live here openly. Also, I will make it very unlawful for anypony to verbally or physically harass any of your subjects here in Equestria, be it they are applying to be citizens, already are citizens, or are simply tourists."

The king nods along with the princess's ideas. "Yes, that can help. However, there is also another way that my subjects and I can convince ponies that we're not out to cause them harm."

"And what would that be?" Luna asks, curious as to what his answer will be.

The king smiles as he produces a small pouch and dumps out its contents. About twenty or so golden Equestrian bits.

"Money" the king responds.

Celestia looks for a moment before laughing. "Of course" she says. "Ponies tend not to argue about things when they are receiving a financial benefit because of it."

"Too true" the king replies with a chuckle. "I believe that this will be a method that will help my kind most greatly. Having my subjects openly moving about and conducting fair and honest business will go a long way to repairing the damages done by Queen Chrysalis."

"That it will" Luna says. "However, my sister and I will still need to make a royal decree that your subjects are to be treated fairly. I can already see ponies posting signs in windows declaring that changelings aren't allowed to do business with them."

Celestia frowns upon hearing that. "Yes, that is something we will unfortunately have to do."

"I feel I must apologize for all this" King Apidae says. "I came here to create peace, not headaches."

Celestia waves a hoof and smiles. "Our subjects just being themselves causes us enough headaches sometimes. It's just something we as rulers have to grin and bear."

Apidae laughs. "A truer sentiment could never be worded."

He refills all the cups at the table and lifts his own. "To our subjects!" he toasts. Luna and Celestia nod as they raise their own cups and gently tapping them together before all three take a drink and place them back down.

"So," Apidae continues, "I will supply my subjects with a sum of money that is legal tender for your kingdom so that they may use it to either establish themselves financially or provide for their comfort while visiting, and you will enact a royal decree offering them protection?"

Celestia and Luna both look to each other and then the king. "Yes" Celestia responds. "We will grant legal protections to your subjects who choose to either visit or reside in our lands, and we will make efforts to ensure safe and positive integration into our society. The rest will unfortunately rest with our subjects."

"Unfortunately" Luna parrots, and then turns to her sister. "However, I do believe with the right kind of speech, we may be able to convince them to give the king's subjects a fair treatment."

Celestia looks at her sister for a moment. "Are you suggesting that we guilt our ponies into giving these changelings a chance to prove their intentions?"

Luna looks at her sister for a few seconds before smiling. "It worked when you wanted your former griffin consort to be accepted by the nobles."

Celestia looks at her sister for a few moments before she starts giggling, which then turns into a healthy stream of laughter. Soon, the lunar princess joins in, and both are laughing heartily at the old memory.

Apidae laughs as well. "I must say that I enjoy seeing the both of you smiling" he admits. "I could tell how tense both of you were at the beginning of this meeting, but now you've both finally managed to relax some and even share some laughs. I feel that we are all well on our way to finding the peace that we have all been seeking."

Celestia regards the king for a moment before she makes a call for one of the servants. After whispering a few things into the servant's ear, she sends them off and returns to the king and her sister.

"It is close to our normal lunchtime" she tells the king. "While I know that you do not need normal food as a form of sustenance, perhaps you and your advisers would like to join my sister and I and partake of some of our kingdom's fine cuisine?"

The king smiles at Celestia. "We may not need it to survive," he says, "and though I can't speak for them, I do enjoy trying new things. We would be honored to join you for lunch."

Author's Note:

Some ideas are shared about how to get ponies to be more accepting of changelings. Fortunately, the group is in agreement that their best odds for success will be after Chrysalis is caught.

I probably won't have a chapter for this ready for a while, but I have in mind what I want to do and... it will make things interesting.