• Published 1st Mar 2022
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A Meeting With A Changeling King - origami

Princess Celestia and Luna are contacted by a changeling claiming to not be associated with the ones that recently attacked Canterlot. But can they be trusted?

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"At last, we're through another stack of paperwork!"

Celestia had said that sentence with a bit too much enthusiasm, but it was very much the truth: she was not fond of paperwork or bureaucracy. Regardless, she understood the necessity of it at times, but that didn't mean that she didn't get a headache while dealing with it.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the end of it for the day.

"My apologies, your highness," came the voice of Celestia's assistant, Raven Inkwell, "but these documents were just sent for you. In short, they're more requests for restitution for damages sustained during the attack."

The solar princess let out a soft groan and brought her hoof to her head, the ache behind her horn growing a bit more at being told there was yet more paperwork.

"Sister, let us handle this round. Please?"

Celestia looked to her younger sister sitting at a desk across from her. Since her return, Luna had insisted that she be allowed to resume as many of her duties as she could. In the early days, it had just been simple public appearances, but with the return of her abilities, she had resumed all of her previous duties from before her imprisonment in the moon. Celestia gave a nod, and Luna's magic took the stack of papers from Raven.

"I would have thought that we had addressed all of the damages to the city by this point" Celestia remarked.

Luna gave a snort. "Tis true that many have suffered damages at the hooves of those monsters," she replied, "but there are those who would use the excuse to attempt a pilfering of the royal coffers."

Celestia gave a nod, but not after wincing at the use of the word "monsters". It was in reference to the attack that had taken place last month during the wedding of her adopted niece Cadance and the captain of the royal guard Shining Armor. Sometime before the wedding, Cadance had been abducted and replaced by a figure claiming to be the queen of the changelings, and swore to enslave the ponies of Canterlot, and later Equestria, to harvest the love ponies held in their hearts.

The solar princess then remembered with a twinge of regret her defeat at the hooves of that monster, and her body being encased in a cocoon, making her a prisoner of the queen and helpless to try and stop her. Fortunately, her personal student, Twilight Sparkle, was not fooled by the queen's deception, and had found and freed the real Cadance. Though captured later in an attempt to recover the elements of harmony from their storage vault, Twilight was able to free Cadance, who freed her husband and restored his magic so that they could repel the changeling invaders from the city. For that, the princess was truly grateful.

"Excuse me, your highnesses"

The voice caught the princess by surprise. Looking over to the door, she saw a stallion in royal guard armor carrying what appeared to be a film reel. "This film was just left at the front gate by a pony claiming to be from the dragon lands. He said we were to deliver this to you and then he just flew off. A group of guards pursued him, but we lost him very quickly after we began to give chase. There's concern that it may have been a changeling that got back into the city."

Celestia's stomach dropped upon hearing that the invaders may have returned and were plotting another attack. "Guard, I want you to inform your commander that I wish for the guards in the city to be put on high alert and a search began for the suspected changeling" she instructed the guard, who saluted and hoofed the film over to the princess, who took it in her magic. His duty fulfilled, he turned and galloped away.

Once he was gone, Celestia looked at the film. "Sister," she asked Luna, "do you believe there are any ponies that live in the dragon lands?"

Luna shook her head. "I do not think so" she admitted to her sister. "While the relations with dragons have improved greatly from the time before our banishment, I do not believe that it is at a level where ponies would be allowed to make homes there, even along the borders."

Celestia nodded in agreement. "There is also the claim that the pony delivering this was a changeling. Do you think that is possible."

"As much as we hate to admit it," Luna began, "We do believe it is possible. We should hope our guards will apprehend it soon."

Celestia gave a nod. Luna then regarded the film in her sister's magic. "Does it seem as though the film is sabotaged?" she asked.

Celestia examined the film in her magic. After a minute, she shook her head. "It does not appear to be sabotaged or set up as a tool for our assassination. Perhaps we would get more answers if we were to watch it?"

Luna gave a nod. "Perhaps the answers we seek are present on this film."

Celestia nodded in agreement as well, then turned to another servant standing in the room. "Please bring us a projector that will play this film."

Fifteen minutes later and a small film projector had been brought into the private office of the two princesses. Once set up, a servant started the film and then left the office until they were needed again. Celestia and Luna sat side by side on a large sofa that had been moved in front of a large white screen. While this was a common arrangement for the sister's occasional private movie nights, there was no popcorn or refreshments to be had.

As the film played through some lead stock, decorated with random numbers and technical phrases, the screen changed to a sight that shocked both princesses. Suddenly in the middle of the frame was a changeling, complete with shiny black chitin and sharp fangs. However, this one had much paler blue eyes than the invaders that had attacked the city a month ago.

Another difference that made the princesses giggle a bit upon later review was how the changeling had its snake-like tongue hanging from the side of its mouth in a way that a pony stallion might when he was repairing something he had a hard time seeing or reaching. After a few moments, in which the focus went in and out, the changeling stopped and turned to face somepony off camera.

"The recording equipment is ready, your highness" the changeling addressed the figure, presumably a changeling queen, and possibly the same one that invaded Canterlot.

"Thank you Diocles," came a much more masculine sounding voice, "you may return to your previous duties."

The changeling identified as Diocles gave a bow and then left the frame. With him out of the way of the camera, the two princesses were treated to a view of an ornate room, similar but yet different from the rooms of the royal palace. The walls were made from oak wood that had been stained a golden color, and were polished to shine as brightly as could be made possible. In the center of the screen was a large oak chair, carved and stained in a similar fashion to the walls, but was also adorned with cushions covered in plush red velvet.

Before anymore analysis of the room could be conducted, a figure stepped in front of the chair and took a seat. Though its body was covered in a red velvet cape that was bordered with white fur with black splotches, the neck and head had given away that the princesses were looking at a changeling, and going by the cat like eyes, which were a similar pale blue to the previous changeling, this was the leader of their hive. As this changeling sat down, they could then see a crown made of gold and encrusted with jewels adorning its head, with a face that suggested that the two were looking at a male instead of a female. The changeling on screen cleared its throat and then began speaking.

"To the esteemed rulers of Equestria, Princess Celestia of the Sun and Luna of the moon, greetings and salutations. I am King Apidae, ruler of the dragon lands changeling hive. Yes, you have heard me correctly. I am a changeling."

The male's voice took both princesses by surprise. It was quite regal and refined. For a moment, the two had to question whether or not that was his genuine voice or if he was copying a pony he had met at some point in his life. Their thoughts were interrupted as he continued speaking.

"I would first like to begin by offering my apologies for what happened in your city a month ago. While we had no direct involvement in that attack, we were aware that it was going to happen, and we did try to give warning to allow you to prepare for it. Unfortunately, we didn't give an adequate warning to you and your city paid the price for that. For that mistake, I am truly sorry."

After he finishes the last sentence, he bows his head. He holds it there for a few moments before he lifts it back up and continues speaking.

"Now I come to the reason I contacted you initially. My kind have lived amongst ponies for nearly as long as Equestria has existed, and we have done so through practices that, while not completely innocent, were at the very least peaceful. Our kind requires consuming energy generated by emotions and held inside the body of other living creatures. To be more specific, we require the energy generated by love, and as such, we have found the ponies of Equestria to be a more than adequate source to fulfill this need."

"I can understand if this revelation makes you feel uncomfortable, but please don't brand us as monsters for that fact. You don't hunt down the manticores that roam the Everfree Forest just because they consume the flesh of other creatures to sustain their own bodies. No creature should be persecuted for doing the things they need to do to survive."

"That said, I can assure you that whatever the queen who attempted to invade your city said, her hive was not on the verge of starvation. In fact, I'm willing to guess that she purposefully starved her subjects so that they would have become so ravenous with hunger that they would be unable to think properly. If that is the case, then I must offer to you my assistance in the search and apprehension of this queen, as her actions are crimes not only against your own laws, but the laws that all changeling hives are bound to."

"I offer this assistance because I also wish to open up diplomatic channels with your nation. You see, I was intending to introduce myself to you a few years from now, but this recent hostile action has forced my hoof to move sooner than I would have liked. It is my desire to integrate our societies peacefully, so that my kind can acquire the sustenance they need, but also have an opportunity to experience lives where they can live their own identity, and not one they have to assume by copying another."

"Of course, we fully intend to bring something to the table for you and your subjects in return. I have prided myself on the subjects of my hive traveling the world and learning about all of the things in it. Some have returned to us as physicians, and others as engineers, as well as a few mages that actively look to resolve the mysteries of our kind, as we believe we were created through some form of magic. What I've been most proud of, however, have been my artisans. The changelings I've sent that have studied the arts have come back with talents I could never fathom our kind to have. For example, my crown."

The changeling king raises his holed hooves to his head and removes the crown resting there. He moves it down and sets it on a small table beside the chair. With the crown gone, the princesses see the long curved horn in the middle of his head, which is also accompanied by two smaller curved horns, one on each side of the larger one.

"This crown was made by one of my female subjects some years ago. Her name was Hera. I would have made her my queen, had she not fallen to illness." The king pauses and bows his head again, a small tear finding its way down his cheek. "Anyway, she crafted this for me as both a token of appreciation for being her king, and as a symbol of the love that she carried in her own heart for me."

"While we do feed on emotions, we also feel them for ourselves. As to why we can't simply share love amongst ourselves? That's a question that I unfortunately cannot answer, and simply because neither myself or any other changelings know of the answer."

"I show you this because, as royalty yourselves, you can appreciate the care and passion that went into producing this one piece, which I proudly wear everyday. As show of faith, I have also sent you a gift, which should arrive sometime after this film reaches you."

"I must implore you - If you do not wish to have this gift, then I seek its safe return. It was made a fairly long time ago, at the beginning of my reign as king. Thusly, it is something that I care a great deal about and do not wish to see damaged. If you accept it, then it should be something that I hope you will be proud to display in your castle."

"There is not much film left, so I shall relay the important information. If you do not wish to open these diplomatic channels that I request, then you need do nothing further. I only ask you not seek out my hive. Though we are peaceful, we are not incapable of defending ourselves, and will do so if we are threatened."

"If you are willing to grant my request, you need only post a sign at the border to the dragon lands naming the location where you wish to meet. If it makes you feel more comfortable, you may move to that location before sending this notice, as it would afford you time to establish an adequate defensive position. For my own personal security, I will be arriving in a pony disguise of my own crafting. He is a pegasus stallion with strong jaw, auburn eyes, chestnut mane and tail, sky blue fur, and the cutie mark is my insignia - a bee in a flame."

"I hope to see a positive response, as I'm putting the cultural future of my hive in your hooves. My gift should be arriving soon. There will be another film reel included with the gift, and I ask you to please watch that one as well. I thank you for your time, and wish you well in your efforts to detain the rogue queen."

With the completion of the king's monologue, the film ended. Celestia and Luna both looked away from the screen and to each other. Neither said anything for a few moments before Luna spoke up.

"Sister," she asks, "do you believe the words of this king?"

"I don't know," Celestia admits honestly, "but for one of them to choose to contact us in this way, I don't believe his actions are meant to be hostile."

"He could be intending a trap for us" Luna pointed out.

"It is possible," Celestia admits, "but to allow us to choose where we wish to hold a meeting, allow us the time to set up defensive measures, and telling us of what his appearance will be so that there are no surprises?"

"That last could most definitely be a farce" Luna warns. "He could show up looking completely different from how he described, or perhaps he doesn't show up at all and only sends an army so as to imprison us in those awful cocoons you described to me."

Celestia shuddered at the memory. Luna winced upon realizing what she had done.

"Forgive us, sister" she says with a regretful look. "We did not intend for thou to relive that horrible moment."

"It's okay" Celestia responds. "That day will hold bad memories for me, but also happy ones." She says the last part with a smile, recalling how happy her niece and the guard captain looked when they were finally announced as husband and wife.

Before further conversation could continue, a knocking on the office door got their attention. "Enter" Celestia calls out, and the doors open to reveal several guards and a stallion that neither princess could recall seeing before. Levitated in the magic of a guard's magic was an object wrapped in brown paper and twine.

"This 'pony' claimed he was here to deliver this package to the both of you. Considering what happened earlier, we detained this one immediately."

The princess nodded and took the package in her magic. Setting it on her desk, she stepped back a safe distance and used her magic to undo the twine and open the package.

Inside was a large folded piece of cloth, and resting atop it with wax paper beneath was a film reel. "Just as he said there would be" Celestia thought, and then turned to the stallion among the guards.

"I want you to remain here, stallion" she spoke. "Guards, leave us. We shall see to this pony ourselves."

The guards looked at each other with confusion, but they dared not disobey the princess. Sure, she probably wouldn't give a harsh punishment if they didn't listen, but they would have to live with the shame of breaking their oath to follow the princess's orders without question. The princesses had millennia of experience ruling, so who was any pony alive to question them?

The guards left the stallion in the room. Once the door was closed, Celestia spoke to the stallion again, but this time, she got right to the point.

"By the fact that you delivered the package as described in the previous film reel, I already know you're one of Apidae's changelings, so I ask you to remove that disguise."

The stallion looked rather shocked, and then quite nervous as well. "I-I'm not..." he trailed off but was stopped fully by Celestia's hoof.

"I wish to address you as what you truly are" she says more sternly.

The stallion was about to protest again, but he let out a breath of defeat. A wave of magic covered his body, and when it disappeared, a changeling similar to the one in the film was standing before the princesses. The changeling stood stock still, fully expecting to either be blasted into nothing but dust or sent to the dungeons to live out his soon to be short life.

"If you have fears that I seek retribution for the attack that occurred last month," Celestia began, "then you need not worry about that. If what was said on that film was true, then you are not at fault for what transpired that day."

The changeling looks up at the princess in disbelief. The one ruler that had every right to hate his kind, and she was not going to exact revenge upon him.

"Tell me, changeling," she continues, "what is your name? I do not wish to keep calling you changeling."

The changeling is quiet for several moments, but then finally answers. "I'm Aulus."

"Well, Aulus," she begins, "I can tell you're rather nervous, so I'll get to the heart of the matter. I am not going to hold you prisoner or allow my guards to cause you harm. They wouldn't normally, but emotions are running high since last month's attack by the rogue queen. You wouldn't happen to know of her name, by chance?"

The changeling looked reluctant to respond. "The king wishes to tell you himself, if you'll agree to meet him."

Celestia says nothing initially, but responds after several seconds. "Well, that's not important at this moment. To get back on topic, I am considering you a diplomat for your hive, so what I say to you here and now, I want sent back to your king. This conversation, and the message we received on the first film brought to us, shall be considered the first official channels between Equestria and the dragon lands changeling hive."

The changeling couldn't believe what he was hearing. To not be executed on sight AND now appointed as representative of his hive by the sun diarch of Equestria? Drones could only dream of such an honor being bestowed upon them.

"Now that the political matters have been addressed," Luna interrupts while holding the film reel, "I believe we have a film to watch. Aulus of the dragon lands hive, do you know how to properly load this film into a projector?"

Aulus looked dumbfounded at Luna. He had heard her name in legends as the mare in the moon, a jealous princess that attempted to usurp her sister's power, but was banished to the moon for a thousand years as punishment. When the mare in the moon disappeared from the celestial body, panic had spread over the hive, and continued for several days before one of the king's scouts brought back a newspaper detailing the events of the Summer Sun Celebration in the Equestrian town of Ponyville, and the six mares who not only purified the lunar princess of her evil jealousy, but also became the new bearers for the legendary elements of harmony.

Now, that same princess was standing before him, and was expecting an answer to her question. "O-Of course, y-your highness" he hastily replied as he took the film from her magic and began preparing the projector. Once he was finished, he looked to the two rulers expectantly.

"Very good" Celestia said to him. "Now, we please ask you find a seat before us, so as we may keep watch of you as we observe this next film."

"O-Okay" Aulus replied nervously. "Do you wish for me to start it?"

"If you would please."

Aulus then pressed the button marked "RUN" on the projector. After another section of lead in, the scene on the screen was from a different room than the last film, but just as ornate as that one. Decorated on the wall of the room was a large tapestry, running all the way from the ceiling to the floor. It depicted King Apidae standing upon a rock. The quality of the piece was indescribable. Nopony she knew could capture the level of detail that she was seeing here and now. This piece was truly the mark of a gifted crastspony.

Stepping into view was the changeling king, only his cape was gone and he now sported a red vest that appeared to be made from very soft silk. His legs now uncovered revealed the signature holes that had been so quickly associated with his kind. Turning to face the camera, he gestures to the tapestry with a hoof.

"This tapestry was done by a changeling named Aurelius at the time I was named successor to Queen Vespa. She is still living but chose to abdicate voluntarily due to her health. Changelings are not immortal, and our royalty only have expected lifespans of about two millennia at best. I myself am only about two hundred years old, so I will be with all of you for quite some time, barring extenuating circumstances such as an illness."

"Drones have lifespans similar to your ponies, so unfortunately Aurelius is no longer with us; he died from old age about fifty years ago. His son, Brutus, is alive and does similar work to his father, which is the crafting of tapestries such as this one."

"I am gifting this tapestry to you as a demonstration of the services that my kind can offer. Our artisans are all highly skilled, and can make many things that ponies would wish to have. Our potters can make beautifully decorated clay pots to hold flowers or dry goods. The blacksmiths of my hive can craft ornate cutlery from pure silver and gold. The textile makers can supply silk fabrics to be used in beautiful gowns and other articles of clothing, as you can clearly see from the vest I am currently wearing. Even this tapestry stands as testament to our skills, which I would very much like to show the world."

"I can understand if you hold negative feelings for my kind because of recent events, but I implore you not to damage the tapestry as some form of petty revenge. Simply return it by taking it the the Equestria and dragon lands border."

"There is an abandoned farm there, and before you grow suspicious, we did not abduct the farmer that lived there, nor did the rogue queen. It has been abandoned for several decades. In back of the small house is a grain box. Just place it inside, and I will have one of my subjects retrieve it."

"I hope that the two films I have sent you have left a good impression with you. I would like to discuss more with you, but I do not wish to divulge too much information. If the rogue queen were to intercept these messages, then it could possibly be used in another deception against you."

"That is why I ask you to respond in the manner I have suggested. Changelings from different hives will stay away from each other's hives; the defensive pheromones our soldiers secrete do that job well enough."

"Simply reply as I have asked, and I will meet with you where you so choose. If I do not hear a response from you by the end of the next month, I shall consider that a refusal, and I will not bother you again. I thank you for your consideration."

With the king's final remark, the film reel ran out. Celestia and Luna both sit there for several moments, both contemplating what was discussed on the film. Aulus looked at the two princesses nervously, wondering what they would elect to do with him once they realized he was still in the room.

Celestia rose and looked at Aulus. "Resume your disguise" she told the changeling. "I'm going to have the guard keep custody of you for the moment until we've made a decision on the other important matter at hoof."

Understanding what the princess meant, Aulus gave a nod before taking the appearance of the stallion again. Celestia opened the door and called for the guard to escort Aulus outside and keep him there until they called for him again.

Once again alone, the sisters looked at each other.

"Sister," Luna spoke, "do you think that this king can be trusted?"

Celestia has a somber expression. "I do not truly know," she answers, "but if his intentions are pure and he wishes for peaceful diplomatic channels, then I suppose a single meeting will cause no harm."

Luna nods. "I agree that one meeting would not do any harm. However, where should we hold this meeting?"

That question was one Celestia had a hard time deciding. There were many places in Equestria where she could hold this meeting, but the biggest problem was the changelings that belonged to this "rogue queen". If one of them saw the princesses were outside the castle and exposed, they could send up a signal to capture the two, and then send replacements to begin another infiltration of the capital, and ultimately the country.

At that thought, another crossed Celestia's mind, and one that made a fair bit of sense to her.

"Sister," she spoke to Luna, "why don't we host this king here in the castle?"

Luna went wide eyed at the suggestion. "Sister, what are you saying? Inviting a changeling here to the palace only a month after that horrible business on our niece's wedding day? If the nobles ever found out, who knows what they would do!"

Celestia gave a grim nod. The reactions of the nobles in the wake of the invasion had been highly negative. Most were calling for some form of retaliation, with a few even suggesting that the princess carry out an execution of the queen and any changelings found in the city after that day to serve as a warning to the rest of their kind that trying to take over their city would have the most severe of consequences.

"I agree," Celestia tells her sister, "but I also know that holding the meeting her in the castle is the best option. Despite the previous invasion attempt, our city still has the best defenses in the nation. We have the core of our guard here with us, from which we can personally vet a contingent to stand guard over us as we hold this meeting, and holding this meeting here give us an advantage over him in that, if his intentions are hostile, he will have to answer to not only two princesses and our guards, but the entire city as well. Hosting the meeting here is our best option if we wish to hold it at all."

"That is the other question we must address, sister" Luna responds. "If we wish to have this meeting."

Celestia gave a somber nod. They were talking as though they wished to hold this meeting, but did they really? All that they knew of changelings at the moment was the fact that a swarm, or possibly an entire hive save for their children and perhaps a few caretakers, had attacked their city in an attempt to overthrow their rule and enslave their subjects.

However, this king claimed amitous intentions, and a desire for peaceful diplomatic relations. He had extended to proverbial olive branch to them.

But to do so so soon after another of his kind had committed such a violent act against them?

"It is not an easy decision," Luna conceded, "but for the good of our subjects, it is one we should make as soon as possible."

Celestia thought about that fact as well; the good of her subjects. Since the invasion, the nobles had been calling for blood. The changelings had attacked their homes and hurt their families.

Even now, there were ponies of all ages laying in hospital beds, an apparent apathy across their faces and themselves in a comatose state. It was the result of changelings forcefully draining the love out of them, and seeing what would've happened to all of her subjects happening to even one of them was enough to sway her opinion.

"It is in the best interests of our subjects, both the subjects of King Apidae and our own, that we should hold this meeting and try to establish a peace."

"I agree," Luna finally concluded, "and I believe you are right in that we should host this meeting her in the castle. Do you agree?"

Celestia gave a nod. "Then we shall make it final" the solar princess said with conviction.

"Indeed we shall" replied Luna, who then moved to the door and opened it, calling for Aulus to come back inside. The changeling, still in his stallion disguise, came back into the room. He stood before the solar and lunar diarchs as they were scratching something down on paper. Once they were finished, they applied the royal seal and presented it to him.

"We know what it said about how to contact your king," Celestia told Aulus, "but we wish for the king to hear this news immediately. You will present this scroll to your king, and he will arrive at the appointed date we have agreed upon. He will be given the same treatment as any dignitary that we host, but if this attempt to meet us is a farce in order for us to lower our guard so he may attack, he will suffer greatly for it."

Aulus took the note and nodded.

"You will be taken to the front of the castle," Luna interjected, "and you will be free to travel back to your hive. If your compatriot is still here in the city, then we strongly suggest you collect them before leaving. The guard are still searching homes and ponies to identify changelings, and you will not want to be detained for that reason."

"Um," Aulus began sheepishly, "that was me. I was told to use multiple forms for security. In case the rogue queen had managed to get spies back into the city."

Celestia gave him a stern look. "Then for your sake," she said sternly, "I hope that you have been truthful with us. I would hate to have to revoke the trust I have placed in you when I appointed you a diplomat for your hive. The consequences would not be favorable for you."

Aulus gulped and gave a nod. The princesses gave a nod and then opened the door so they could call out to the guards. "He has proven to us beyond doubt that he isn't a changeling," she informed them, "so please escort him to the palace gates and resume your previous duties."

Aulus walked out the door and was met by a guard that agreed to take him to the main gate of the castle. Once he was out of sight, Luna gave Celestia a worried look. "Sister," she asks, "do you believe we have made the right decision?"

Celestia didn't answer for a moment, but when she did, she did not sound very sure of herself.

"I do not know, sister," Celestia replied honestly, "but the die is cast. Now we must wait to see what will come of our decision."

Author's Note:

This story has been percolating in the back of my mind for some time now. I'm kinda surprised that the changelings weren't developed more in the show. The idea of other changeling hives has been explored in other stories, and even the idea that there had always been a peaceful existence between each side, even if one side didn't know about the other. This idea of changelings actively seeking peace and diplomacy stuck out in my mind, so I elected to expand upon it by writing this story. I don't plan on this being very long, chapter-wise, but I might also choose to write some off-shoot stories in the future.

Edit - Made a small edit in some dialogue