• Published 1st Mar 2022
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A Meeting With A Changeling King - origami

Princess Celestia and Luna are contacted by a changeling claiming to not be associated with the ones that recently attacked Canterlot. But can they be trusted?

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Nearly two weeks had passed since Princess Celestia and Princess Luna reached an agreement to host a meeting between themselves and King Apidae, a changeling king who ruled over a hive located somewhere in the dragon lands outside Equestria. To prepare for this event, the princesses ordered the palace be prepared to host foreign dignitaries, which meant everything cleaned from top to bottom and polished to high luster.

Additionally, the princesses were vetting ponies to determine who would be best suited interact one on one when this king arrived. In all, they had a group of fifty ponies spread out over all the areas in the castle's staff, from maids to guards and every job in between.

Currently, these fifty ponies were waiting in the throne room of Canterlot Castle, where they had been called to assemble. The various ponies were talking amongst themselves, coming up with various ideas as to why they had been called there. All anypony knew was that it had to be something rather important.

A few moments later, and a door on the side of the room opened. Through that door came Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. The solar and lunar princesses strode across the room and up to the front of the crowd. They both had stern expressions on their faces, which told everypony watching them that it would be a very bad idea to interrupt them in this moment.

"Thank you all for coming here this evening" Celestia began. "I'm sure you're all wondering why you are here, but the answer to that question will be given once I have fully explained the situation."

Celestia paused to take a few breaths to calm herself down, then continued speaking.

"Now, I've heard various bits of speculation that you are here tonight in regards to something relating to the attack our city suffered only a month and a half ago. Well, that speculation is true, but only to an extent."

This brought some confused looks from the staff members, so Princess Luna elected to clarify. "Two weeks ago, a film reel was presented to us by an unknown pony. Upon watching this film, we were introduced to an individual named Apidae. According to this film reel, Apidae wishes to integrate with our kingdom, and promises to offer us assistance in capturing the changelings responsible for attacking our city."

A pony in the group raised their hoof, which Luna acknowledged by calling upon them. "Princess, exactly who is this Apidae?" the pony asks.

Celestia takes a breath before dropping the bombshell. "Apidae is a king, and more specifically, the king of a changeling hive in the dragon lands."

At the conclusion of the sentence, everypony in the throne room is voicing their displeasure to Celestia and Luna. The sisters look at each other before letting out a sigh and then slamming their hooves down loud enough to cause all talking to cease and every eye to be focused solely on them.

"We understand that all of you are rather concerned with this piece of information," Celestia continues, "but my sister and I can assure you that we are taking all necessary precautions to avoid a repeat of the attack from last month."

"Your highness," one of the ponies interrupted, "how can you be so sure that these efforts will be adequate? Our guards were practically useless against the changelings!"

Upon hearing this, Luna donned a scowl. Slamming her hoof down and using the RCV, she scolded the pony. "HOW DARE YOU INTERRUPT YOUR PRINCESS AS SHE IS SPEAKING!"

Everypony in the room flinched and took a step back, fearful that the princess was one push away from returning to her Nightmare Moon persona. After a few moments, Luna calmed down. "As for your question, we have learned from our mistakes in the training of our guards and have learned from the attempt to invade our city and have trained all of our guards in methods to counter their spells, be it attempts to hypnotize us or mask themselves with their ability to disguise their appearance. While there is never any absolute guarantee, we feel as though the guards now are as prepared as they can possibly be."

Nearly everypony had an unsure look on their face, but none voiced their concern, mostly for fear of retribution from Princess Luna. Celestia took this as her cue to continue.

"Now, as I was saying, we have taken precautions to avoid a repeat of the attack last month. While the training of the guards is one very crucial step, it is far from the only one. For reasons of security, we won't be discussing what those are."

"Why can't we?" another pony asked.

"Because," Luna interjected with a much quieter but very stern tone, "on the off chance one of you is a spy sent to obtain information for another attack, we can't very well compromise our security by discussing such matters openly."

Nothing further was said. Celestia continued speaking.

"Moving on from security, we come to the main point of you all being here. As I said before, this changeling king has reached out to us with a desire to integrate into our kingdom in a peaceful way. He has requested a meeting with us to discuss the possibility of this happening, and we have agreed to host that meeting here in the castle."

A pony was about to interrupt her again, but a sharp look from Luna thoroughly dissuaded them from doing so.

"Since we are hosting this king," Celestia continued, "he will likely be staying here in the castle for at least one day. The reason you are all here is because you all will be working together to take care of any needs that they may require."

The voices raised up once again in an indiscernible cacophony, and once again, the princesses slammed their hooves down and returned order to the room.

"I am well aware of what that comment can mean," Celestia said, "but I assure you that we will not allow anypony here to come to harm. In fact, our instructions specifically said that we are to hold the meeting and discuss the matters at hoof first. At that time, we shall discuss any matters in regards to their... unique dietary requirements."

"That matter aside," Luna interjects, "this king is to be treated with the same respect that you all give to every other visiting dignitary, so we are to hear nothing negative said about your conduct during his visit. Is that to be understood?"

Nopony said anything, but one did raise their hoof. "What if this king says we were being disrespectful, but we weren't?"

Celestia was quick to respond. "Any disciplinary action to may result from such an accusation will only be administered when we can completely verify that such an incident did occur. As for in the moment, you may receive a verbal reprimand, but just take it with a grain of salt. You know we never use any serious forms of punishment without discussing the situation and determining that enact such punishments are justified."

Nopony could disagree with the princess's remarks; her rule has always been characterized as fair and just.

Celestia decided then to get to the true heart of the matter. She sent a signal by tapping her hoof three times. The side door that Celestia and her sister had come through a short while ago opened to reveal Raven Inkwell, who was carrying a writing desk in her magic. Walking in front of the princesses, she set the desk down and removed a stack of papers, some quills, and a few inkwells and set them onto the table. Once the setup was complete, Celestia addressed the ponies once more.

"Now, we come to the main reason of our calling all of you here. Since all of the information we have given you is not only of a rather sensitive nature, but could also cause quite a panic and create a situation that would allow the changelings to attempt another invasion, and quite possibly succeed this time. As such, we are asking all of you to sign these non-disclosure agreements. You made read over them, but in the interests of saving time, the agreement states that you will not share any of the information that you've been given here tonight until such a time as we allow you all to do so. If you break this agreement, then you shall immediately be terminated from your position here in the castle."

"What if we refuse to sign?" a mare in the group asks.

Celestia frowns. "In the interest of security, you will be kept in the castle until the matter has been concluded. You will be allowed to write to your loved ones, but your letters will be screened. They may also visit you, but you will be under guard supervision so that we can guarantee no information gets out. Again, this is to avoid a panic that can do a great deal of harm. You wouldn't want our city to fall because you shared some information that you weren't supposed to."

The ponies all looked at each other, clearly uncertain if they should agree to what the princess was saying.

"If this meeting should go well and we can come to agreement on how our two kingdoms can coexist with one another, then we shall have an announcement declaring the peace reached between our two kinds, and at that time will introduce the king to our subjects. Once that happens, you may all disclose whatever information you knew before that agreement was created."

After hearing Celestia make that promise, the ponies were a little less nervous about the document, and more than half appeared ready to sign. "If you are ready to agree to this, then step forward to sign your copy of the agreement."

A line formed shortly afterwards, and one by one, each pony made their mark on their paper. All in all, only two had not yet signed, but those two had not outright refused. This confused both Celestia and Luna.

"Is there some concern that we have yet to address?" Celestia asked the two ponies.

The two workers, a cleaning mare and stallion chef respectively, stepped forward. "I do not mean to sound ill of you," the mare replied, "but what if this changeling king refuses whatever offers you intend to present him?" The stallion nodded in agreement before adding "And what if this king is only doing this as a diversion for another group of changelings to attack elsewhere in the city while both you and your sister are occupied?"

Celestia and Luna looked to each other before nodding in agreement. Luna looked to both the stallion and mare and gave a reply on behalf of herself and Celestia. "If the king refuses any offer we make in regards to certain topics, then we shall at least negotiate for a peaceful existence where nopony is hurt. As for if this meeting is a diversion, then I can say that we have planned for such an outcome. As far as specifics go, that is a question I can't answer without compromising security. If my response is satisfactory, then I ask you both to please sign."

Looking to each other and nodding, the two ponies stepped forward and signed the documents. With all fifty documents signed, Raven placed them into an office folder and bowed to the princesses and left. Celestia and Luna, satisfied with the response from the staff, changed their more stern looks to that of a gentle gaze from a foal's mother. "I am happy that all of you have agreed. I intend to announce this decision as soon as I can get King Apidae to agree to a peaceful integration of our kinds."

"Your highness?" a pony in the back asks while raising a hoof. "I don't mean to overstep my bounds or speak critically of you, but while the changelings may want to coexist with us, there's gonna be ponies that won't want to coexist with them. How are you going to resolve that problem?"

Celestia and Luna both looked at each other with concerned looks. "It won't be a simple problem to fix," Celestia admitted, "but I feel confident that when I actually introduce King Apidae and the members of his hive, I will have also quelled the worst of the fears that the rest of Canterlot and Equestria as a whole and convince most ponies to give a small benefit of the doubt that could result in the beginnings of life long friendships for some ponies and changelings."

"I agree" Luna chimed in. "If and, hopefully when we have agreements in place, we'll be able to move forward and facilitate peaceful existence between our two species, and Equestria will stand to benefit as we turn an enemy into an ally."

"But... what if that doesn't happen?" the pony prods.

"If there are ponies that still cannot see the agreement moving forward as being both genuine and the right way forward for Equestria and this changeling hive," Luna replies, "then we shall simply have to find a way to resolve the matter to everypony's satisfaction."

This seemed to placate the pony asking questions, as he did not press the matter further.

"Now," Celestia continues, "does anypony else have a question they would like answered? Please, though, nothing along the lines of 'Are you sure this is a good idea?' or 'How do you know for sure about this or that?'. Neither my sister or I are interested in answering the exact same question over and over again with only the wording a little different."

The members of the staff looked at each other but all shook their heads. Celestia smiled. "Now, I would like to show you all something that was given to us by this king. It's an important item for him, and he has given to us as a token of good will, asking us not to mar it or anything of that nature. The king you will meet tomorrow is the same one featured on this tapestry."

Using her magic, Celestia unfurled the tapestry to show her subjects just who exactly they would be meeting. All the ponies looked on in awe as the image of King Apidae was shown to them for the first time. After it fully unfurled and revealed the king, there were mixed opinions amongst the group; some were blown away by the amount of detail and rich color used by the artist who crafted the piece, while others recoiled at the sight of another changeling ruler after only having seen one in pony a relatively short time ago.

"According to the king, this tapestry was made by one of the changelings that lived under him at the time of his coronation as king, or whatever term the changelings use for when a new king or queen takes over the throne from the previous one. It was made several decades ago and the changeling that made this has since passed on, so I ask you to treat this piece with the same respect that you all give our stained glass windows that honor the heroic deeds of ponies of the past. I plan to display this somewhere in the castle, but must confer with Luna as to where a suitable location would be."

"Now, the hour is late and my sister and I should retire so that we are well rested for tomorrow. If you would like, there is a projector that has the film that the king sent us so you can see and hear what this king looks like. If you do not wish to do so, then I recommend retiring for the evening as well. Good night, and may you all have as pleasant of dreams as possible."

Celestia and Luna turned and left the throne room. Walking down the hallway to their bed chambers, Celestia and Luna stay quiet for a time. Eventually, Luna broke the ice.

"Sister," she begins, "you seem rather nervous. Is something troubling you?"

Celestia cocks an eyebrow to her sister. "I think you are well aware of what's troubling me, sister."

Luna raises a hoof defensively. "I was simply attempting some humor to lighten the overall mood between us" she responded.

Celestia looks at her, then turns to look ahead while sighing rather audibly. "I know sister" Celestia replies. "I'm just concerned that this will all not turn out well."

Luna places a hoof on her sister's withers. "Remember what Starswirl told us in our youth - The future holds no consequences on the present, so do not worry about the things that don't affect you in the here and now. You can only prepare for them."

Celestia gives her sister a smile. "You're right, Luna" she tells her sister. "You go ahead and go to bed. I'm gonna find Raven and make sure those papers are filed correctly, and them I'm getting some sleep too."

Luna nods. "Do not keep yourself awake for too long sister" Luna responds with a smirk. "We wouldn't want you to fall asleep in your oatmeal bowl."

Celestia gives her sister a playful glare, which causes the lunar princess to giggle and trot on down the hallway. Once out of sight, Celestia slips back into her office.

Quite unexpectedly, Raven is sitting in an unused chair going over some paperwork.

"Isn't it getting a little late to get all of that done?" Celestia asks with a raised eyebrow.

Raven stops writing and looks up at the princess. "Just finishing a few things before going to bed. I trust you came looking for me to make sure the paperwork is done?"

Celestia nods. "They all signed the paperwork, so there's nothing we should be afraid of from a legal standpoint."

Celestia nods and breaths a sigh of relief. All she and her sister needed to do was wake up and be ready for the king to show tomorrow.

"That isn't why you wanted to see me though, is it?"

The question caught the princess off guard. She looked to see Raven looking at her thoughtfully.

"No, it's not" Celestia admitted to her assistant. "I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that you could deduce that so easily."

Raven smiled. "I wouldn't be much of an assistant if I didn't have some idea of what my boss was thinking at any one moment."

Celestia gave a nod as she sat down at her desk. She takes a moment to compose what she has to say.

"Raven," she spoke to the mare, "what is your opinion on what is happening?"

"I'm sorry, your highness?" Raven replies in confusion.

"The matters at hoof with these new changelings. What is your opinion of the situation?"

Raven still looks confused, so Celestia explains further.

"My sister and I are charged with the safety and welfare of this nation. We are trusted to make all of the important decisions that affect the everyday lives of all of our subjects. With this in mind, I realize that I rarely ever seek out their opinion on a matter before making a decision. In this matter, however, I believe that I should seek an outside opinion that is reflective of those I govern. So, Raven, what is your opinion of this situation?"

Raven doesn't respond immediately. The mare thinks for a good minute or so before she responds.

"I don't know how things will turn out, or what the intentions or aspirations of this king are. What I do now is that my princesses are rather nervous and have done all they can to prepare. As far as opinion, I'm afraid I can't offer much to you on that. My opinion is whatever actions you decide to take will hopefully be for the good of Equestria."

Celestia gave a nod. "That wasn't quite the answer I was hoping to hear, so let me rephrase it. What do you hope will come of this meeting?"

Again, Raven takes the time to think before giving a response. "I would like for there to be peace" she answers. "I've seen what the events from last month have done to this city. Neighbors no longer say hello to each other; they give suspicious glares as they walk past. Foals hugging their mothers do so with apprehension. The mothers do the same. Some ponies have been afraid to go to the hospital, believing that changelings are hiding there and waiting to attack them at their most vulnerable."

"Of all the things though, the worst has been with the ponies that wish to find their special someponies. I have heard rumors that the changelings had intended to steal love from us, and I'm guessing the meaning of that was something different, but they still managed to succeed in doing just that. I have not seen ponies meeting and talking at the taverns I occasionally visit, nor the dance halls in the city. Everypony is on edge and is afraid that the next pony they meet could be a changeling in disguise, ready to suck the love out of them."

"If any good can come of these talks, I hope it is peace. Not just because peace would be wonderful to have, but because we need it. Besides attempting to steal our love, the changelings stole our peace of mind, and it's going to be a long time before we can get even a sliver of it back."

Celestia nods with a warm smile. "That's the kind of answer I was hoping to hear" she tells Raven, thanking her for her input. Raven gives a simple bow and leaves. With her assistant gone, Celestia elects to retire to her bedchambers for the night. Tomorrow, she and her sister would be having a meeting with the king of a changeling hive, and hopefully starting the processes needed for her kingdom to heal itself from the horrible incidents that occurred on that fateful day.

Author's Note:

I wanted to get this chapter completed sooner than what I did, but I also wanted to get as much work accomplished on my other major story as I could while trying to get at least one chapter of a story published each month. The next chapter will take a good bit to get done. In a nutshell, I have one very sizable and incomplete draft that I'm going to be breaking down into smaller pieces so as I can better manage it. I hope to have something perhaps sometime later this month, but definitely no later than sometime next month.