• Published 3rd Feb 2022
  • 14,444 Views, 912 Comments

A Flurry of Problems - MelodyMori

Human wakes up as Flurry Heart and tries to figure out how to either get home or adapt to Equestria

  • ...

Ch 4 - I Hate How Cute I Am


At first, all I felt was a deep hole in my heart as I was once again slogging through snow. In the distance, I could see a faint pink and green shine that felt familiar to me, almost like I’ve seen it many times before. Regardless, with the skies dark and nothing else around me but snow, snow, and more snow I saw no other option but to continue forward.

After what felt like either five minutes or five days I finally found a difference in the snow when I fell down a hill. Flailing my arms and cursing up a storm so bad that my mother was certainly rolling in her grave gave me no respite as I bounced down like a cartoon. Eventually, I smashed face-first into the snowy ground.

After groaning and wiping the snow from my face, I saw something that I did not expect at all: my old family house. Or well, a rotted shell of my family house, slowly sinking into the snow. Despite the fact that it was 100% a trap, seeing no other option I decided to bravely step into the shell. After all, some cover was better than no cover, right?

I tried to open the front door, but instead of creaking open it simply crumbled to pieces in front of me. Tossing the useless doorknob behind me, I stepped into the house of my childhood, a house I had not stepped into for over a decade. Immediately I felt a sense of relief, as my bare feet touched the carpet in the front hallway, however rotted it may be.

I sighed and ran one hand along the wall as I went towards the kitchen, finding a cracked and broken mess inside. The window was broken, letting the snow and cold air in, while all the food that was exposed was long since rotted away. Sighing I went straight to the basement, hoping that somewhere down there was a safe sanctuary from the ever-present snow. Despite not feeling the cold, I never was a fan of the snow.

In the hallway before the basement stairs hung a mirror, albeit with the lower half broken off and buried somewhere under the snow. Looking in it I could see that, unlike my usually sharp features, instead I bore much more feminine looks. Truth be told, I almost looked like my sister, if it wasn’t for the bright blue eyes replacing the usual brown my family bore.

Frowning, I looked down at my arms and the rest of my body for the first time in this dream. My whole body was now feminine, albeit I still bore the scars and tattoos I got during my 24 years. I was wearing a black t-shirt and shredded black jeans, usual fare for me. However my boots were missing, and my shirt was torn more than usual.

This doesn’t feel odd. Probably more concerning than the fact I just randomly changed gender in my subconscious. I mean I still feel like a dude, but also....ugh, I can feel my old Tumblr friends screaming at me.

I focused for a moment, thinking about my manliness and how I remember being. I felt my body shaping back to the way it was, albeit a bit more lean than normal. Shaking my head I descended into the basement as carefully as I could, due to the extremely rotten and decayed wooden stairs. As soon as my feet hit the bare concrete of the basement I let out a squeak, before laughing at the childishness of the sound. Braving forward I stepped into the warmest spot I knew in the house: my father’s old study. Inside was a broken swivel chair, rotted desk and....


In the middle of the floor was a massive pool of blood along with a very, very familiar skeleton. I quickly stepped backward out of the study, tripping over myself in my mad dash. As I fell backward my chest exploded in searing pain, driving the breath out of my lungs. Crashing onto the ground I grabbed my chest, feeling as if my lungs were on fire. In the distance I could hear the unmistakable sound of hooves on wood, as somepony descended down the stairs. But before I could see who it was my world fell out from under me.

I woke up, grabbing the blue stuffed bear I had been left with as tightly as possible in my sleep. I could faintly hear the beeping of the heart monitor, which somehow worked despite not being actually attached to me. Trying to focus on my surroundings to break the panic, I forced my eyes open to see something other than darkness.

Instead, I couldn’t help but let out a scream as I opened my eyes to see a small white unicorn with a fluffy pink and purple mane staring at me with wide eyes about an inch from my face. As I screamed she screamed, leading to us both screaming at each other for a good 30 seconds before I quickly scrambled out of the bed....and backward off of the bed right onto my back.

“Ugh, what the fuck is wrong with you?” I groaned as I got up from the floor, rubbing my head with one hoof. As I staggered to my feet I heard a gasp from behind me.

“How uncouth!” I whipped my head around to see a full-grown white unicorn mare with a purple mane looking down on me with a disappointed look. “Such language from a princess! If it wasn’t for the fact that you are still in a hospital, I’d ask Twilight if I could give you some etiquette lessons right now!” She paused and rubbed her chin with a hoof. “Although, I suppose with the amnesia I was told that you would need lessons on that anyway...”

I blinked and frowned at the overly dramatic unicorn, shaking myself like a dog to get the last vestiges of whatever had bothered me the night before off. Grabbing the fallen teddy bear I tossed it back onto the bed before I faced the two unicorns with a glare I pulled from the depths of my soul. Admittedly it was mostly focused on the smaller unicorn, who I could now see was the same height as me.

“And who are you two?” I growled, narrowing my eyes a bit. “I was in the middle of getting some bed rest before you scared me.” I pointed at the smaller unicorn....filly, I suppose considering that is what everyone keeps calling me. Well, I tried but lifting one hoof to point ended up making me land face-first into the tiled floor since well, balance was an issue. “Ow! This...this is gonna take some getting used to.”

The filly ran over and helped me up, and despite my grumbling, I couldn’t help but feel a little bit grateful. The older unicorn stepped over as well, her eyes still a bit disapproving but also concerned, giving me a quick look over. Looking up at her was a slight trial considering she was basically twice my height, a problem I hadn’t had to think about since I was little....or was walking with Dash....

“Well, I suppose introductions are in order. I am Rarity, and this is my sister Sweetie Belle.” The older unicorn politely explained, giving a small bow as she introduced herself and her sister, who simply waved hello. “And I am sorry for interrupting your beauty sleep Princess Flurry, but Twilight asked me to pick you up from the hospital.”

“I...shouldn’t she be the one to pick me up?” I tilted my head at Rarity, now more confused than anything. “No offense, but I always thought that someone’s family member had to pick them up from the hospital.”

“Unfortunately your Aunt Twilight is busy with, well, Princess matters.” Rarity rubbed the back of her head as she frowned a bit. “I wish I could offer some more information, but she told me it was top secret. I am sorry, but I can promise that you will be perfectly safe with me and Sweetie Belle! Plus you’ll get the best reintroduction to Ponyville that anypony can provide!”

Wow, some Aunt huh? Something has to be up, first my parents aren’t around and now Twilight is too busy to pick her niece up from the hospital? What is going on?

“Okay, Ms. Rarity.” I sighed and drooped a bit, trying to look as pitiful as I could. Or well, before I suddenly had a burning thought and perked back up. “Wait, you said I was a princess? What are you talking about?”

“Well, you’re the daughter of Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor of the Crystal Empire. So that makes you a princess by birth.” Rarity explained, a bit too slowly for my tastes but still.

“Sooooo....is that where we are now? I mean, you said that Auntie Twilight had princess duties. Is she a princess too?”

“Well, uh, no, and yes.” Rarity raised an eyebrow at my constant questions before smiling. “The Crystal Empire is wayyy to the north of Equestria, and is more of a separate but close kingdom. And yes, your aunt is a princess but one of Equestria, not the Crystal Empire. She rules alongside Princesses Celestia and Luna.”

“Oh...okay. Thank you for explaining that, ma’am.” I smiled, happy that I got so many lessons on etiquette from my mot-

“Uh, are you okay Flurry?” I heard Sweetie ask from somewhere. It got really hard to see all of a sudden so I couldn’t really see where she was but I felt her hug me out of nowhere. “You’re crying.”

“I, uh, I’m fine.” I sniffled and blinked the tears from my eyes, though I did lean into the hug a bit. “Sorry, not sure what brought that out. Thank you.”

“No problem Flurry. If you ever need help, I or the other Cutie Mark Crusaders are always willing to lend a hoof!” Sweetie proudly stated before she ended the hug.

“Well, on that note we should get on with the discharge, eh?” I looked up at Rarity, who was smiling at the two of us.

“I wish I had my camera, that was such a tender moment.” Rarity cooed before chuckling. “But yes, let's get a move on. I have a full schedule prepared for your first day back!”

I nodded before following her towards the door, Sweetie Belle walking right next to me. Probably to make sure I don’t fall over again, walking on four legs is a bit of a change from two so I wasn’t the most stable yet. Before we got to the door though I saw Rarity’s horn glow before I felt a weight on my back.

“Wouldn’t want to forget your stuffed bear, would you Flurry?” She chided before opening the door, prompting me to roll my eyes behind her back.

The three of us quickly made our way down the hall of this wing of the hospital, which was still strangely empty. Once we reached the stairs I hesitated but hoped my muscle memory would kick in as I gingerly made my way down. Thankfully I didn’t fall down like a fool, but I was a lot slower than the two unicorns as I made my way down.

The second floor of the hospital was also almost completely empty, other than one door with two large stallions in golden armor in front of it. Rarity led me and Sweetie past them, with the two guards nodding to us as we passed. However, her plans to quickly pass by were quickly dashed as the guarded door swung open as a very angry mare stepped out, covered in green fluid, and ran right into me.

As I got bowled over and flailed as I fell over I accidentally looked into the room for the few moments it was still opened. Within were two more stallions in gold armor, along with a strange creature on a medical bed. It looked like a pony, but more insect-like and with bindings holding it to the bed. For a split second, the two of us made eye contact before the door was covered in Rarity’s magical aura and slammed shut.

“Oh my Celestia I am so sorry Princess!” The mare who ran into me quickly got off and helped me back to my hooves. “I wasn’t watching where I was going, are you hurt?”

“I am fine, I am fine I promise.” I waved her off, wiping the bit of green fluid off of my body.

“Good, come on you two.” Rarity huffed at the mare. “This isn’t a floor for fillies. Nurse Redheart is downstairs.”

Rarity pushed me and Sweetie with a hoof, forcing us to head towards the stairs with a good amount of grumbling along the way. This stair trip was less nerve-wracking than the last since I now had some grasp on it but it still felt like crawling down like a baby more than I liked. Standing in front of the second door on the left was Nurse Redheart, who smiled at the three of us before waving Rarity in. Sweetie and I sat in the two chairs next to the door as we waited for whatever the two were doing in there.

“So....” Sweetie smiled and poked my side with one of her hooves. “I noticed that you don’t have your cutie mark yet, Princess. I and my two friends Scootaloo and Apple Bloom can help you find it if you want.”

“Please, just call me St-” I cleared my throat before continuing, “I mean, please, just call me Flurry. And what do you mean cutie mark?”

“You know, cutie marks? Everypony gets one, it shows your special talent.” Sweetie Belle hopped out of the chair and showed me her flank, which had a mark like a shield with a star and note on it. “And since you don’t have yours, the Cutie Mark Crusaders would love to help you find it! After all, we’ve never helped a Princess with a Cutie Mark Problem.”

I blinked at her, the gears in my head spinning with the implications getting a cutie mark in this body would mean for me. Would it be Flurry’s destined mark, or mine or both? If I managed to go home and Flurry got her body back would she keep the cutie mark and have a weird destiny or would it change? What would a cutie mark for being a princess even be? Heck, if I got a bad cutie mark would I just be screwed for life?


Author's Note:

And you are a princess, and you are a princess! Check under your seat, you're all princesses!