• Published 3rd Feb 2022
  • 14,444 Views, 912 Comments

A Flurry of Problems - MelodyMori

Human wakes up as Flurry Heart and tries to figure out how to either get home or adapt to Equestria

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Ch 13 - Of Rabbits and Fillies

As Fluttershy and I began to walk towards her cottage on the other side of Ponyville, I couldn’t help but take in a breath of fresh non-hospital air. After the past few days of hospital care and foalnapping, some quality time with animals and a kind if a bit too timid mare sounded like heaven. She took her time walking, keeping an eye on me while I trotted a bit ahead of her, enjoying the fresh air and sunlight. Unlike last time, a lot fewer ponies stared at me in surprise, which was nice. I wasn’t too much of a fan of attention, at least when it wasn’t warranted.

“Say, Ms. Fluttershy, am I going to be staying with you for a bit, or is Auntie Twilight going to pick me up later?” I looked up at the pegasus, who grimaced and hid behind her mane at the question. I frowned before sighing and kicking a rock. “Let me guess, she has ‘princess business’ and won’t be around for a few more days? Again?”

“Something like that. Sorry Flurry.” I felt Fluttershy’s wing wrap over my back and pull me close to her. “Spike told me she was freaking out about Princess Luna’s upcoming visit, but I am sure it's nothing. Means we get to have a sleepover and get to know each other a bit better!”

I grumbled to myself before looking up at Fluttershy with my big sad filly eyes. “But I’ve barely seen her all week! Isn’t she supposed to be watching over me?” I sighed and looked away, staring off at the flowers in front of somepony’s house and the pink mare next to them. “Maybe I should go back home instead.”

“Flurry, don’t talk like that!” Fluttershy put a hoof on my chin, moving my head to look at her again. “Your aunt loves you very much, but sometimes she gets a bit...worked up. But even though she doesn’t seem like she is watching you, trust me when I say that nopony is more worried about you than she is.”

“If you say so, Ms. Fluttershy,” I grumbled and continued walking with her to the cottage. “I hope she’s okay, she cussed when she read Spike’s letter.”

“Oh dear, I haven’t heard her swear in a while.” Fluttershy blinked before stammering a bit. “Not that it's something to be worried about, Twilight has Spike and Starlight, and if she really needs something she can always ask her friends.”

“Okay. Hopefully whatever Princess Luna comes for isn’t too stressful in the end.” I grumbled.

I know lying is a sin, but I doubt I could tell such a kind mare that I want to be there when Princess Luna gives Twilight a good yell at for being such an idiot the past few days. And probably making me Flurry Heart. Something shady is going on.

I spent a good few minutes taking a look at some of the buildings before looking up at her again. “Oh, I know you said you’d show me how to actually take care of my wings when we get back to your place. But is there any way you could show me how to fly? I tried before but all I got out of it was me crashing face-first into the ground.”

Fluttershy gave me a gentle smile and nodded happily. “Of course Flurry, I can show you how to do that. If you want to do some tricks you should speak to Rainbow Dash, but I can show you the basics at least.”

“Thank you, Ms. Fluttershy!” I grinned, slipping out from under Fluttershy’s wing to trot ahead of her again. God, it felt good to stretch my legs again. And hopefully my wings soon!

Fluttershy led me to this beautiful wooden cottage with what looked like a grass roof, instead of the thatch most roofs in this town were made of. There were dozens of birdhouses scattered about the roof and trees leading up to the property. What really caught my eye was the coop over to the side with chickens and other animals inside.

“Wow, these are a lot of birdhouses,” I muttered under my breath, a bit blown away by the sheer number of implied animals living in this area. I couldn’t see any of them at the moment, but I had no doubt that they weren’t too far away.

“Oh, I take care of lots of animals.” Fluttershy giggled as she waved towards her cottage. “Most of them are probably waiting inside for their food. Once I’m done let’s have some tea and relax. How does that sound Flurry?”

“That sounds amazing Ms. Fluttershy!” I couldn’t help but skip a bit as I went over the bridge towards the cottage. Curse this tiny body and its youthful energy!

Fluttershy opened the cottage door to reveal what would otherwise be a quaint cottage main room with sofas and a fireplace and a few scattered tables. Well, if it wasn’t for the two dozen or so scattered animals waiting with their food bowls in the middle of the room. I could see a few rabbits, a snake, an eagle, even a fucking bear! Honestly, the fact that they were all waiting patiently instead of eating each other was the most shocking part.

“I’m sorry for being a bit late, I had to pick up a friend at the hospital.” Fluttershy stepped in, giving each animal a pat on the head in greeting. “Everypony, meet Flurry!”

The various animals growled, squeaked, and roared in greeting, the sheer volume making my mane blow back from the force. I squeaked a bit and awkwardly waved a hoof in greeting to the various animals.

“H-hello!” I put on the bravest smile I could, even though I could feel my ears flick themselves back and pin themselves to my head. I would call myself a brave filly man, but when you’re about a dozen feet from a massive bear that kind of goes out the window.

“Why don’t you wait in the kitchen while I get everypony set up, and then we can have tea and breakfast ourselves? I know you probably ate at the hospital, but you should probably have some actual food in your system or you won’t grow big and strong like your aunt.”

I nodded as fast as I could before trotting into the kitchen to get away from the more dangerous animals. Taking a deep breath to calm myself, I maneuvered myself around the combo kitchen and dining room towards the wooden table and chairs in one corner. Unfortunately, I realized one big problem with taking a seat - I couldn’t really move the chair easily with my lack of hands.

I frowned to myself and tapped my horn with a hoof, ready to try again after the first mess with the hospital door. I pointed my hoof towards the chair and tried to move it with my magic, albeit more gently than the door. My horn and the chair glowed, and I could see the same rune as before appearing out of the corner of my eye. I once again focused on the rune, but much more softly than I did before. The chair slowly shifted to the side, more slowly and less graceful than I saw Rarity move furniture but still. Once the chair finished moving enough for me to hopefully wiggle my way up to the seat I stopped, letting the chair settle into place.

Wow, that was great! A bit tiring but great! Maybe I should ask Rarity or Sweetie Belle to show me a thing or two, might get some great use out of this whole horn thing. Cast a fireball or something like D&D? Who knows.

I stepped over to the chair and hopped into the seat, relaxing a bit into the familiar feel of a nice wooden chair. Annoyingly the table was about the same height as my neck, so only my head poked over the edge. On the table itself were a few plates and a simple tablecloth, but nothing too special.

However, after a second of peace and quiet a white bunny rabbit jumped up, raising one of his eyebrows at me. I blinked at him before offering a smile and wave. He frowned and crossed his arms, turning his head away from me.

“Wow, you are one angry bunny.” I couldn’t help but tilt my head, taken aback by his attitude.

He sighed and pointed to his belly before pointing to the counter, where a bundle of carrots lay in a glass bowl high up on a shelf. He then pointed to my wings and flapped his hands, as if to mimic me flying.

“Oh, uh, I can’t reach that either.” I shrugged, feeling my wings twitch a bit at the thought of flying. “I haven’t figured out how to fly. Sorry, buddy.”

The bunny scowled and stomped one of his feet on the table, before hopping off onto the ground. I watched him bounce off into the main area, probably to bitch to Fluttershy. I simply shrugged and pushed him from my mind. Instead, I leaned back in my seat and stretched out my back while I waited for Fluttershy.

Almost half an hour later Fluttershy gently shook my shoulder to wake me up from my daydream. I blinked and shook my head like a dog before looking up at her.

“Sorry for keeping you waiting Flurry. Earnie the bear and Maude the eagle both needed a good talking to.” Fluttershy smiled warmly at me before gesturing to her kitchen. “I put the kettle on, but first what would you like for breakfast?”

“Uh, is there any chance I could have some scrambled eggs?” I gave my best adorable filly eyes, prompting a nod from Fluttershy.

After a short period of time, I found myself presented with a beautiful plate of scrambled eggs and ‘taters with a mug of tea to drink. Picking up a fork with a hoof took a few tries but I was eventually able to secure a hold on it so I could enjoy my delicious meal. The mug presented a different problem since I couldn’t really afford to drop hot tea all over myself.

I decided instead to grit my teeth and grab the hot mug with both hooves, despite the fact that it was scaldingly hot. Fluttershy blinked in surprise at this from the other side of the table at this display of stupidity but I persevered and managed to finally take a sip of tea. Was fucking delicious and worth it.

I miss meat but if Fluttershy could show me how to cook this good I’ll be annoyed but mostly happy I guess.

“I hate to impose but do you have any, er, smaller and cuddlier animals I could meet Ms. Fluttershy?” I gave a nervous grin and rubbed the back of my head with a hoof. “Bears and other big predators are a bit much, sorry.”

Author's Note:

Time for Flurry to start small when it comes to animals, both literally and figuratively. After all, seeing a giant bear when you're a tiny filly will scare anybody. But animal shenanigans are coming, don't worry! We'll see if a filly can wrangle animals with any more skill than the Cutie Mark Crusaders Animal Wranglers!

Next chapter I am planning on doing something different than normal. We'll be getting an Interlude with a certain dreamy alicorn's thoughts and notes on what's going on before she heads to Ponyville, so slight spoilers next update for info our dear protagonist may not know.

Hope you all enjoyed it and have a good day!