• Published 3rd Feb 2022
  • 14,446 Views, 912 Comments

A Flurry of Problems - MelodyMori

Human wakes up as Flurry Heart and tries to figure out how to either get home or adapt to Equestria

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Ch 17 - Storytime

Under normal circumstances, Princess Luna would not be one to rest while traveling. Trains were a new invention to her after all, having been made during her banishment. While convenient, the noise and speed often made her a little sick to her stomach. Flying fast was one thing, but traveling at such speed by somepony else’s power was a strange feeling to be sure. However this was not normal circumstances, so she did.

Her bedroom rested in the third car from the engine, more heavily armored than the rest of the train cars. The second and fourth cars held various guards from all four tribes, ready to protect the Lunar Princess at any moment. Inside was a simpler version of the bedroom within Canterlot Castle, mostly containing a four-poster bed, an armoire, and a place to hold her royal regalia.

Since it was midday, many ponies would not dare to bother Princess Luna, as it is the middle of her rest period. The nighttime was her domain as much as the day was her elder sister’s, so she rested now. However the sender of the scroll was not most ponies, and so she was bothered.

The scroll appeared in a poof of green smoke, falling to hit Princess Luna on the head. The Princess groaned and hesitated in her stirring, not wanting to wake when she didn’t need to. A shiver went down her spine as she snapped her eyes open, recognizing the sound of the scroll’s apparition. She groaned as she sat up, lifting the scroll in her magic and reading the letter contained within.

Dear Princess Luna,

I really messed up. I should have listened to you but I wanted to fix things before you arrived and cast a memory spell to fix Flurry Heart’s mind. She freaked out and started crying before passing out and not waking up.

We moved her to my castle and are keeping an eye on her but she isn’t responding. She’s still breathing thank Celestia but I don’t know what went wrong.

I’m sorry Princess Luna, I really need your help.


Princess Twilight

Luna let out a low hiss, her eye twitching slightly in rage. Her earlier drowsiness was banished under a mountain of concern for Storm and anger towards Twilight. In a rush she hopped out of bed, the covers tossed to the floor without any further thought given towards them. Her royal regalia was grabbed in her magic, sitting in the proper places with a speed acquired through experience.

Now dressed, she flung open the door to the second cart, making her Royal Guards jump in surprise before they bowed their heads. “Make sure this train makes it to Ponyville. I will be teleporting ahead.” Luna commanded, her tone far more direct and terse than she usually used to her trusted guards.

“Is that a good idea, Princess?” One of the unicorns shook his head, his voice professional but his eyes unable to hide his concern. “Ponyville is still quite far from here, so it would be a lot of distance to cover with a teleport spell.”

“I understand your concern, but it is a matter of great import.” Luna forced herself to give the guard a reassuring smile. “I will be fine. Just make sure this train makes it to Ponyville on time.”

With that, she turned and headed back into her own train car to prepare. Despite her reassurance to the guard, he was right in the fact that they were still far from Ponyville. To teleport there would require more of her power than she would be willing to spend under any other circumstances.

“Twilight Sparkle, you, Celestia, and I are going to have a talk about your inability to wait,” Luna growled under her breath as she gathered her magic.

Luna took a breath, letting her rage pass as she breathed out. She did the same again to fully center herself before she teleported into a tense situation. Once calmed she completed the teleportation spell, disappearing from her train cart with a pop and a flash of blue magic

With a similar flash of blue magic, Luna appeared in front of the Castle of Friendship, the crystalline and wooden edifice looming above the Ponyville skyline. She stumbled as she took the first step towards the castle, her horn smoking slightly at the powerful burst of magic. Luna winced slightly, licked her hoof, and gently rubbed her horn to soothe the irritation as much as she could. Once Luna felt she recovered enough she stepped into the Castle, her hoofsteps echoing throughout the empty halls.

“I wish Twilight Sparkle was more precise in her location,” Luna grumbled as she headed towards the center of the castle. “Searching each room may take a while.”

“Oh, Princess Luna I’m glad you’re here!” Spike sprinted towards the Princess from where he was waiting in the center area, almost tripping over himself in his haste. “Twilight came in with Flurry and everypony else and Flurry didn’t look so good and Twilight was freaking out and-”

“I read the letter, Spike..” Luna cut the dragon off, mentally wincing at how his shoulders sagged from the bluntness of her tone. To hopefully balance it out she gave him a comforting smile. “Show me where they are and I will give as much help as I can.”

The dragon nodded and began jogging into the castle, Luna following along at a fast walk. It took the two of them almost 5 minutes to traverse from the center of the castle to the bedroom that Twilight brought Storm to. Standing outside was a trio of fillies Luna recognized as the Cutie Mark Crusaders, with Scootaloo and Apple Bloom pacing around Sweetie Belle. At the sight of Luna turning the corner, the trio ran over to the princess, a mix of relief and concern on their faces.

“Princess Luna!” Scootaloo cried out.

“Is Flurry Heart going to be okay?” Sweetie Belle pleaded.

“She was cryin’ an’ passed out an’ we aren’t being allowed in the room!” Apple Bloom whined.

“Don’t worry my little ponies, I’m here now. She will be okay, I promise.” Luna gave the three fillies a warm smile, her heart warmed at their concern for Storm. He made friends, that is good. “For now, go home, I will make sure that you are the first to see her when she wakes.”

The fillies looked hesitant to leave, but nodded and scurried off. Once they were out of earshot Luna opened the door into the bedroom, revealing a simple bed and furniture in what was likely a guest room. Scattered around the room were Twilight and her friends, all with looks of concern towards the small pink figure in the bed. Applejack and Rainbow were pacing around, while Rarity hovered over the bed like a mother hen. Twilight was crying into Fluttershy’s shoulder, her head buried under one of the pegasus’ wings. Lastly, Pinkie Pie dejectedly sat in one corner, her mane completely straight, unlike the usual poofiness it bore. At the princess’ entrance, all but Twilight turned towards her and bowed their heads in greeting.

“Spike, could you get me a coffee? I am usually resting at this time, so I could use the extra boost.” Luna yawned, truthfully quite tired despite the situation before her. The small dragon nodded and ran off, closing the door behind him. “Now, Twilight Sparkle, I believe we need to speak.”

The purple alicorn sniffled as she pulled herself from Fluttershy’s embrace, wiping the budding tears from her face. “All of this is my fault. If I listened none of this would have happened and Flurry wouldn’t be like this. Some aunt I am.”

Luna raised an eyebrow before letting out a small sigh. “I am happy to hear that you have some self-understanding. But blame can wait, first I need the full story so we can help Storm.”

Twilight winced at Luna’s choice of name and nodded, clearing her throat to properly tell the story. “About two weeks ago I met Shining Armor and Cadance in the Crystal Empire to pick up Flurry Heart. Cadance wasn’t feeling good so I offered to watch Flurry for a few days to hopefully help. I showed her around and spent time doing aunt-niece activities I read in a book before putting her to sleep at her scheduled nap time. I went to do some paperwork but my changeling detector wards went off so I ran over to investigate.

“I saw what looked like Rainbow Dash, but she sounded...off. I tried to stop her but she moved like nopony I had ever seen before. She was fast and agile and spun me into a wall when I tried to block her way. I chased after the changeling but she evaded me a few times with smoke bombs and other tricks. I tracked her straight into Flurry Heart’s room where I saw her holding my niece in her hooves, a grin on her face.” Twilight choked a bit as she glanced over to the sleeping filly on the bed. “I knew I couldn’t beat the changeling in a physical conflict so I tried to blast her wing to ground her. But Flurry....Flurry tried to fly towards me and flew into the blast....”

Luna’s eyebrow slowly lowered as her scowl deepened, her gaze slowly burning into Twilight. “How powerful was your spell, Twilight?” The last word was dripping with venom, causing every pony in the room to take a small step back from the Lunar Princess in slight fear.

“Too powerful. I was scared and angry and instead of simply injuring a wing it...it...” Twilight took a deep breath before forcing the words out. “It blasted straight through Flurry’s chest, blowing both her organs and the changeling’s hoof to bits. I rushed over to her but she was bleeding out fast and died before I could do anything.” Tears began to well up in her eyes at the memory, the younger alicorn’s haunches shaking as she forced herself to stay together.

“You told us that the changeling hurt her!” Applejack scowled, stomping one of her hooves into the ground in frustration. “That the bug was the reason that Flurry was so badly hurt!”

“Yeah Twilight, what’s going on?” Rainbow Dash tilted her head in confusion. “Why would you lie to us about something so serious? Did you actually kill her?”

Twilight took a deep breath to get her confidence before nodding. “Yes, I did.”

Immediately the room fell into pandemonium, the other five members of the Elements freaking out and voicing their displeasure at such horrible news. For committing a horrifying crime, for lying about it, for the implications this held. Luna let this hold for a moment or two before slamming one hoof down, silencing the room.

“Continue, Twilight Sparkle. We can see that your niece still lives. If you killed her, how is this?” If looks could kill, Twilight would be a pile of ash from the look Luna was giving her.

“I-I. I teleported us to the one place I could think of.” Twilight gingerly took her crown off and looked at her reflection in the gold. “I took her to the Tree of Harmony. I pleaded to the Tree, to the Elements to help bring her back, and offered it whatever it wished. I almost gave up all hope, but the Tree responded. It said it would help return her soul, but with a price for such powerful and selfish magic. I accepted the deal, whatever cost was acceptable.

“The Tree of Harmony released a rainbow of energy, like what usually happens when we use the Elements. It wrapped around Flurry’s body, lifting it into the air as a shrieking was heard from all around. I could hear what sounded like a firework going off before the rainbow disappeared and an older Flurry fell to the ground. Like the one in the bed. The Tree told me that it brought back her soul from the beyond and would need to rest before going silent, the magic dissipating from the Tree.” Twilight winced and shook her head. “Starlight is there now, keeping an eye on the tree, making sure it’s still alive.”

“What could you have paid for a life, darling?” Rarity asked, still hovering over the comatose body of Storm, her eyes full of concern and heartbreak.

Twilight took a shaking breath before shaking her head. “I don’t know. I didn’t care at the time, and am too scared to ask now.”

Luna cleared her throat, stepping towards the younger alicorn, forcing herself to sit next to her to prevent herself from looming. “Continue.”

“I brought Flurry to a hospital and sent a letter to Cadance and Shining Armor, but never got a response. I spent the next week both checking the Tree of Harmony and Flurry Heart, but...” Twilight sighed, a deep frustrated sigh at that. “When she woke up she didn’t recognize me. She had amnesia, which I guess made sense at the time but later on claimed to be somepony else.”

“She called herself ‘Storm’.” Pinkie Pie clarified from her corner, her voice a near monotone.

“I, yes, ‘Storm’. She claimed she had another family, that she was a ‘human’, not a pony, and even had a marefriend from ‘Japan’.” Twilight shook her head, her eyes narrowing. “I never saw or heard anything like that. I knew she had an active imagination but fabricating a while identity to fill in the gaps? I did not know such a thing was possible. So I tried to fix her memory...”

“Even though I told you not to.” Luna frowned down at Twilight, who flinched back a bit.

“I...yes. I wanted to fix her mind. I needed-” Twilight began, her tone pleading as she looked up at Luna before being simply cut off.

“You wanted and needed to ‘fix’ something that was not your place to.” Luna got to her hooves, stepping away from Twilight to head to the bed. “I told you to leave your niece alone, and you not only ignored my order but went above and beyond by casting one of the spells I specifically told you to not cast. If you actually thought about your actions and read the letter I sent, I told you to leave Storm alone for a reason, I used that name for a reason. Now instead of having a confused filly on our hands, we have a mentally broken one.”

“Uh, Princess Luna, who is Storm?” Fluttershy’s voice was a near whisper and would have been lost had the room not been deafeningly quiet following the end of Twilight’s story. “Flurry called herself that but didn’t elaborate.”

“Storm is the name of the soul mind currently in Flurry Heart’s body. She lived in another world with her siblings, before dying in the hooves of the one she loved. If Flurry died and you used the Tree of Harmony to bring her soul back, I think Storm may have been her reincarnation brought back into her past life now that Flurry is gone.” Luna shook her head, rage slowly bubbling within her. “If you brought back Flurry’s memories, no wonder Storm fell into a coma. The foundation her very identity has been built on has been shaken by new memories that her mind was never built to handle.”

“Storm is real...” Twilight collapsed to the ground, her face covered by her forehooves. “That is why the spell didn’t mess with what I thought were fake memories, just added new ones...”

“No wonder she freaked out so bad...” Pinkie Pie dropped, her eyes misting. “I threw a party to cheer up the wrong pony and now she’s hurt.”

“No, you’re not the reason she’s hurt!” Applejack stepped over to her friend, lifting her face with a hoof. “Twilight is.” She looked at Luna with an eyebrow raised. “Can ah leave or do you need me to stay.”

“You are free to leave if you wish, Applejack.” Luna nodded to the farmer, who nodded back in understanding.

“Come on then Pinkie. We’re gonna get some fresh air.” Applejack helped Pinkie to her hooves and led her out of the room, letting the door stay open behind her.

“I got to get some fresh air too.” Rainbow Dash crossed her forehooves, lifting herself into the air with her wings as she did so. “I’m sorry Twilight but I need time after everything you just said. Come on Flutters, let’s leave the Princesses to help Storm in peace.”

Fluttershy nodded and followed Rainbow Dash out of the room, leaving just Rarity as the sole non-alicorn in the room.

“Rarity,” Luna stated, catching Rarity’s attention. “Will you also leave, or will you remain?”

“I want to stay, I promised Flurry I’d take care of her when Twilight can’t and failed.” Rarity shook her head, brushing a bit of mane out of Storm’s mouth with a hoof. “If she was somepony else I don’t care, a promise is a promise.”

Luna smiled and nodded, her horn faintly glowing. “Good. I will warn you, this may not be pretty. I have to step into Storm’s mind to repair the damage done.”

Rarity nodded her understanding. “I still want to stay. A promise is a promise.”

With a simple understanding smile, Luna touched her lit up horn to Storm’s and released her spell. The world around her fell away as she stepped into Storm’s fractured mind, her mission clear even if the path was not.

Author's Note:

My apologies for the delay, this chapter was a surprising challenge to write.

Next chapter we delve into Storm's mind. Originally I wanted to have this all be one chapter but as I was writing it felt more akin to its own tale so y'all will have to wait until Monday for that.

Anyway, hope y'all enjoyed it and have a good weekend!