• Published 9th Nov 2021
  • 2,296 Views, 70 Comments

Horizons - Battwell

The sequel to Sonic the Hedgehog X My Little Pony: Chaos & Harmony. But a new player is added to the adventure of a lifetime

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(Act 1 Finale) War On Three Fronts (Part 2)

Twilight and Spike were surrounded by several Egg Gunners. Every direction they looked, there was an Egg Gunner standing there, with their gun aimed right at them. Twilight then made the first move and released a burst of magic that sent the robots flying back.

Spike then took to the air and released a breath of fire, it didn't do much, but it gave Twilight the chance to create a wall of magic with her horn and push it to the group of robots. She slammed the robots into the wall of a nearby building with her wall of magic, destroying the Egg Gunners.

Twilight smiled proudly, but Spike got her attention by screaming for her to look out. She turned and her eyes widened as an Egg Gunner aimed its gun at the alicorn. Twilight quickly teleported into the air as the Egg Gunner fired its gun. The gun shot bullets at very high speeds, demolishing the wall that was behind Twilight.

Twilight then encased the robot in a bubble and hurled it into the air. Once high enough, Twilight popped the bubble and the robot fell to the ground, exploding on impact. Spike breathed some green fire, which created a wall of flames that blocked the oncoming Egg Gunners. Twilight then looked down and fired a beam of magic at the group of Egg Gunners, destroying them.

Twilight then landed on the ground and turned around, only to be approached by seven men in demon masks.

The majority of them were holding guns, but two of them were holding swords, which the blades of those swords were engulfed in a negative flame, while one of them held two whips which were also engulfed in a negative flame.

Twilight then took a step back in slight fear.

"Who are these guys?" Twilight thought to herself.

She suddenly squeaked as four of the Demon Thugs fired their guns, firing negative flame bullets soaring towards Twilight. Twilight quickly teleported out of the way and appeared next to Spike. The pair then ran away towards the edge of the city with the Demon Thugs following close behind them.

Spike turned his head to Twilight as they ran, "WHO ARE THESE GUYS, TWILIGHT?!"

Twilight turned to Spike and replied, "I DON'T KNOW!!! I DON'T KNOW!!!"

They eventually made it to the edge of the city and turned around to face the group of Demons that threatened their well being. Twilight and Spike gulped as the two sword Demons charged forward towards the two. Twilight thought quickly and teleported her and Spike out of their way.

The two thugs skidded to a stop and turned around to face Twilight and Spike. The whip Demon then tried to hit the two friends, but Twilight and Spike took to the air, big mistake. The whip Demon then grabbed their legs and brought them back down to the ground.

The two landed harshly on the ground and struggled to get up. The Demons approached, ready to finish them. Twilight then gritted her teeth as she turned to face them. She ignited her horn and sent a blast of magic that sent the Demons flying off of the edge of Canterlot.

Twilight and Spike sighed in relief and got to their feet/hooves. They walked to the edge of the city and gasped at what they saw. They saw massive sparks of yellow electricity and several explosions originating from Ponyville.

"THAT'S PONYVILLE!!!" Spike exclaimed.

Twilight looked fearful and began charging up a teleportation spell, but she was interrupted by a helicopter that rose up from the edge of the city. The side door opened and a Demon Thug, who was on the mounted gun, aimed said gun at the two.

"Uh oh." Twilight muttered before she quickly grabbed Spike with her magic and placed him on her back.

She quickly took to the air as the mounted gun fired. Twilight flew over the helicopter and headed towards Ponyville. The helicopter then turned around and followed them towards Ponyville.

(End song)

Down in Ponyville, Applejack bucked an Egg Gunner into a nearby wall while Rainbow Dash flew right through a line up of them at high speeds and landed next to Applejack. The two friends nodded at one another as they were quickly surrounded by Egg Gunners.

Applejack then turned her head to Rainbow, "A'll give ya one guess as to who's behind this mess!!!"

Rainbow smirked, "Looks like EggHead is back in town. Didn't he get the memo the last time he invaded Equis?"

"Apparently not." Said a voice.

Suddenly, the robots were turned into chocolate milk and splashed onto the ground. Rainbow and Applejack looked up and saw Discord and Fluttershy land on the ground.

"Ugh, I hate sequels." Discord muttered.

A group of Egg Gunners then walked towards the small group with their guns raised. They group readied themselves, except for Fluttershy, who cowered behind Discord, who offered a small smile for comfort.

Discord was about to snap his fingers, but didn't as the Egg Gunners were suddenly wrapped up in confetti and then were blasted apart by a beam of magic.

They all turned and saw Pinkie Pie and Rarity galloping over towards the group.

"Sorry we're late, but the author had to come up with a way to introduce us." Pinkie stated.

Everyone looked at the pink mare in confusion before turning to one another.

"Well, it seems that ruffian, Eggman has returned." Rarity said.

Rainbow shrugged, "Eh, I'm not complaining. I enjoyed kicking his butt the last time he was here."

"Oh....um....I kinda wished Eggman would have stayed away." Fluttershy said.

"I never even met the guy the last time he was here." Discord then turned to.....me? "Thanks for that by the way. You couldn't have found a better way to integrate me in the last story?"

Hey! You're here now, so I wouldn't be complaining if I were you, Discord. Keep it up and I'll make you sit on the sidelines again.

Discord sighed and stuck his tongue out at me and turned to the others, who were confused beyond belief.

(End song)

Suddenly, a yellow bolt of lightning was shot at the group. The lightning bolt hit the group and they were sent back. They landed harshly on the ground and sat back up and looked at their attackers.

They all then saw Electro land down on the ground, hands crackling with electricity. Zavok then flew down on his robot dragon, he jumped off of it and landed next to Electro. Zavok pounded his fists together as Metallix landed next to the Zeti with his arms crossed.

All of their eyes widened as they heard a familiar laughter. They looked up and saw Sombra in his shadow form as he hovered down in front of the group of villains. He then returned to his pony form and gave the group of heroes an evil smile.

They all gasped as Sombra laughed evilly.

"KING SOMBRA?!!!" They all shouted in unison.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here? Some foolish mares who don't know when to quit?" Sombra then stepped forward towards the group, "You are not on your knees. It is unwise to not kneel to your king when he is in your presence."

Dash then stomped her hooves on the ground, "WE'LL NEVER KNEEL TO YOU, YOU JERK!!!"

"How are ya even alive?" Applejack asked.

Sombra then chuckled, "Oh, I had a little help." He then gestured his hoof to Metallix, letting them all know who had exactly revived him.

"Eggman." Rainbow and Applejack growled angrily.

"Hm hm hm hm hm. And now, for your constant interference with our affairs. You shall be executed for all three worlds to see!!!" Sombra exclaimed.

They all then tilted their heads in confusion, what did he mean by three worlds? Discord then stepped forward and cracked his fingers.

"Alrighty then. Time for Discord to save the day." He then turned his head to the ponies, "You're welcome, by the way."

Discord then snapped his fingers. His eyes widened as he snapped again. Nothing was happening. Sombra laughed as Discord kept snapping his fingers, hoping something would happen.

Discord then glared at Sombra, "What have you done?"

Sombra smiled, "Oh nothing. Except for the fact that we have these."

Sombra gestured to his left and they turned to see a group of Demons place a generator with a yellow electric field, courtesy of Electro, on the ground.

"What you see before you, is a Chaos Dampener. It took some time, but eventually, we programmed it to cancel out any form of Chaos Energy. Including the Chaos Emeralds and your Chaos Magic. You're welcome."

Rarity then stepped forward, "You won't get away with this, you ruffian!"

Sombra chuckled, "Oh? I already have! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" He then turned to the other villains, "Kill them all!"

(End song)

Electro then took to the air, surrounded by yellow electricity, "WITH PLEASURE!!!" He then fired a blast of electricity from his left hand. They thought quickly and spread out to avoid the electricity.

Rainbow was about to fly up there and attack Electro, but she was suddenly tackled by Metallix, who pummeled her into a wall. He held her throat in his hand and tightened his grip.

"Nrgh, nice to see you too, Metal." Rainbow said, she then kicked him off of her and took to the air with Metallix chasing her.

Zavok then leaped into the air and smashed his right fist down on the ground, spreading the rest of the group out. Discord chuckled and snapped his fingers, only for nothing to happen.

"Oh, you've gotta be kidding me." He muttered before he was punched in the face by Zavok.

Applejack then threw her lasso around Zavok's wrist. She tried to keep him in her grip but Zavok pulled the lasso with his wrist and grabbed Applejack by the neck and slammed her onto the ground.

"Pathetic." Zavok muttered.

Pinkie pulled out her Party Cannon and jumped in, but not before lighting it with a match. The cannon then fired, sending Pinkie towards Electro. Electro chuckled as he created an electric shield around him. Pinkie hit the shield and got electrocuted. As she was screaming, Electro then blasted her with some electricity from his hands.

She crashed down onto the ground, moaning in pain. Electro then saw Fluttershy running towards her fallen friend. Electro then flew down towards the ground and landed in front of Fluttershy. She backed away in fear as Electro approached her slowly. His hands then began crackling with yellow electricity as he got closer.

Discord got up and saw Electro approaching Fluttershy. He gritted his teeth and quickly flew over there.

Electro then raised his electrified hands, "Nighty night, pony." He then fired two shot of electricity towards Fluttershy, but before she got hit, Discord jumped in front of her and took the attack for her. He screamed in pain as Electro continued to electrocute him. Tears were in Fluttershy's eyes as Discord finally fell to the ground.

She rushed over to his side and began shaking him, begging him to wake up. She then looked up and saw Electro raise his hand in front of her face. He smiled as he fired some electricity, knocking her out.

Zavok threw Applejack into the side of a building, creating a dent where she remained. She tried to get up but Zavok charged over there and punched her in her torso. He then punched again, and again, and again. He then grabbed her by the throat and threw her to the other side of the street.

Applejack gritted her teeth as she struggled to get up. She eventually did and glared at Zavok. She then screamed in anger as she galloped over to the Zeti and leaped into the air and reeled back a punch. Zavok responded by backhanding her away.

She rolled on the ground and stopped in the centre of the street. She tried to get up, but eventually fell to the ground, defeated.

Sombra and Rarity both fired beams of magic from their horns and they both collided together. They both struggled for victory as the beams tried to overpower one another. Sombra smiled evilly while Rarity gritted her teeth.

Sombra eventually overpowered Rarity and sent her flying through the air. She then landed right in front of the Carousel Boutique.

Sombra walked over to her slowly as she tried to get up. Sombra then smiled a malicious smile as he charged his horn once again. He then fired the beam, but not at Rarity, but at the Boutique. The beam then destroyed Rarity's home in a blaze of glory.

Tears streamed down her cheeks as Sombra laughed evilly. He then used his magic to show Rarity her worst fears. Her eyes glowed green as she screamed in absolute terror. She then fainted, beaten by Sombra, who was laughing in victory.

Metallix blocked a punch from Rainbow with his wrist guards. He then fired a beam from his chest, which Rainbow avoided by flying under the beam and flew towards Metallix. She smiled as she approached the metal machine, but she stopped smiling as Metallix teleported away.

She stopped dead in her tracks and looked around, "SINCE WHEN COULD THEY TELEPORT?!"

She was then elbowed in the back of the head by Metallix. She stumbled but recovered and glared at the robot. She flew forward again, but this time, she was blasted away by Electro, who shot lightning at the rainbow maned pegasus. As she rolled through the air, Metallix teleported behind her and punched her to the ground.

Once she landed, Zavok walked over to her and grabbed her by the throat and slammed her down on the ground. He then brought his foot up and slammed it down on her face, knocking her out.

Metallix landed next to Zavok and Electro did the same as Sombra walked over to them. He then used his magic to grab them all and levitate them into the air. He then formed shackles with his dark magic and put them on his new prisoners.

Twilight flew through the air, dodging left and right to avoid the bullets being fired at her from the helicopter. She saw Ponyville right below her, but her and Spike's eyes widened as they saw Sombra and the villains walking away with their new prisoners.

"KING SOMBRA?!" Twilight exclaimed as she dove down towards Ponyville while Spike held on for dear life. The helicopter was about to give chase, but Sombra saw both Twilight and the helicopter and waved them off with his hoof.

Twilight landed on the ground as a portal opened behind the villains. Twilight glared at Sombra, who just simply smiled as the rest of the villains began walking into the portal with her friends as their prisoners. Sombra then laughed as he turned into his shadow form and went into the portal.

Twilight then took off with full speed and flew towards the portal. Her eyes widened as she saw that the portal was closing. She picked up the pace and entered the portal as it closed, leaving Equestria behind.

(End song)

Meanwhile, on Mobius. Sonic was running away from The Vulture, who was firing metallic feathers at the speedy blue hedgehog. Sonic changed lanes every time Vulture shot a metallic feather at the hedgehog. Sonic's eyes then widened as Scorpion landed directly in his path and whacked him with his giant tail.

Sonic quickly recovered in mid air and curled into a ball. He was about to use a Homing Attack on Scorpion, but he wasn't able to due to Zeena, who leapt into the air and kicked Sonic away.

Sonic rolled to a stop and shook his head. He got into a crouched position and turned to see Zor standing there, admiring a dying flower in his hand.

Vulture flew forward and prepared to dive down to attack Sonic, but he was hit by a Chaos Spear, thanks to Shadow, and was launched into the side of a building.

Sonic smirked and turned to Shadow, "Thanks, Shadz."

Shadow glared at the blue hedgehog, "How many times have I told you not to call me that?!"

Sonic shrugged, "Lost count."

Scorpion then leapt into the air and fired an acid shot from his tail, aimed directly at Shadow. Shadow smirked and used Chaos Control to teleport away. He appeared behind Scorpion and hit him in the head with a roundhouse kick, sending him to the ground.

Vulture then recovered and flew towards the Ultimate Lifeform, but was hit by a Homing Attack, courtesy of Sonic, and was sent to the floor. Sonic landed and dashed towards Zor, who just sighed in depression and quickly leapt out of the way to avoid Sonic.

Zeena tried to scratch Shadow with her nails, Shadow smirked as he kept swaying left and right to avoid the female Zeti. He then heard Scorpion land behind him. Shadow then teleported away as Scorpion shot acid from his tail. Zeena's eyes widened just before she was hit by the acid.

She screamed and flailed her arms around while running in circles.

Scorpion smirked, "Never send a millennial, to do a man's job."

He was then shut up by Sonic, who hit him with a Homing Attack. Scorpion flew through the air and made his way towards Shadow, who teleported in his way and kicked him to the ground. Shadow then eyed Zor and brought back his right hand.


Shadow then fired a Chaos Spear at the depressed Zeti. Before Zor could react, he was sent into the wall of a building by the resulting Chaos Spear. Zor then fell to the floor, unconscious.

Vulture wasn't done yet as he took to the sky once again and fired more metallic feathers at the two hedgehogs. Sonic boosted forward and jumped up into the air and curled into a ball. He then hit Vulture with a Homing Attack, sending him flying through the air. Shadow then teleported behind him and elbowed him to the floor.

(End song)

Shadow and Sonic landed on the ground and turned to Eggman, who was smiling for some odd reason. Sonic then heard the sound of a plane approaching. He turned and saw the rest of his friends heading over to provide back up. As Sonic chuckled, Shadow glared at Eggman, who burst into full on maniacal laughter.

Suddenly, a portal opened up behind Eggman. Suddenly, a laser beam shot out from the portal and hit the Tornado, surrounding it in a bubble. Sonic's friends were confused, but then they began to scream out in pain as electricity hit every single one of them inside the bubble.

Sonic's eyes widened as the bubble turned back into a laser beam and shot back into the portal. Sonic then gritted his teeth and glared at his most hated nemesis.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" Sonic screamed in anger.

Eggman smirked, "Hmm, I could tell you, or I could kill you. Or I could just tell you and then kill you." Eggman then smiled evilly, "I think I'll keep you guessing, then I'll kill you. Ta-Ta, losers! Oh ho ho ho ho ho ho!!!"

Eggman then turned around in his Egg Mobile and flew into the portal, laughing his iconic laugh. The other villains quickly got up and entered the portal. Sonic and Shadow looked at one another and dashed into the portal, chasing after the mad doctor.

Peter glared at the group of criminals standing before him. He clenched his fist as Otto pointed towards him with his left hand.

"Kill him." Otto ordered.

Rhino then charged forward at high speeds to try and hit Peter. But Spidey simply rolled out of the way, but he was then attacked by Mr. Negative, who slashed his sword at the wall crawler. Peter did multiple flips to avoid the sharp blade. Martin then fired a blast of negative energy at the friendly neighbourhood hero.

Peter swung into the air to avoid the blast, his Spider Sense then went off, but before he could react, he was kicked in the chest by Master Zik. Otto then launched one of him mechanical arms and grabbed Peter by the chest and slammed him to the ground.

As Otto prepared to slam him again, Peter shot some web into Otto's eyes, blinding him. Peter then grabbed the arm's claws and made them release him. As Peter fell, he shot a line of web to a nearby building and swung away. He stuck himself to a wall and equipped his Web Bomb and threw it at Zomom, who was charging over towards Peter.

The bomb exploded and Zomom was caught in the web. Peter then leapt off of the building and kicked the Zeti in the chest with both of his feet. Zomom fell to the ground, but he quickly broke the webbing and got up. Peter's Spider Sense went off again, alerting him of Zazz, who was charging right towards the hero.

Peter then backflipped over the Zeti, causing Zazz to clash with Zomom, sending them both to the ground.

Peter landed on the ground and smirked underneath his mask, "Have a nice trip." Peter quipped.

He then turned around and saw Rhino charging towards him. Peter then ran towards the giant villain and slid under his legs, webbing them up in the process. Once he reached the other side, he stood up and pulled the webbing, causing Rhino to fall to the ground.

Master Zik tried to attack Peter from above, but Pete rolled out of the way and shot webbing at the old Zeti.

"You know, didn't think I'd be fighting a Smurf today. Just sayin'." Peter quipped.

The webbing hit Zik, tangling him up. Peter then shot a line of webbing at the old master and began swinging him around. His Spider Sense went off, alerting him of Martin Li, who leapt into the air and was about to bring his sword down on Peter's head.

Peter then hurled Zik at Mr. Negative, the two clashed and fell to the ground.

Peter then turned to face Otto and the two glared at each other.

"It's over, Otto. You're alone, give up now!" Peter shouted.

"I was about to say the same thing to you!" Otto replied.

(End song)

"He's not alone." A voice said behind them.

They turned and saw Miles land on the ground. He then walked over to stand beside Peter.

They all glared at each other before Otto launched two of his mechanical arms at the two Spider-Men. Peter flipped over one arm while Miles slid under the other. Peter then shot a line of webbing at a nearby building and took to the sky to avoid another attack from Otto.

Miles then began charging his Venom abilities as he ran towards Otto. Otto growled as he swiped his bottom left arm at Miles, who jumped over the arm and continued towards Otto.

Peter then shot a line of web at Otto's chest, the webbing hit and Peter pulled Otto closer with a tug of the webbing. Miles then hit Otto in the stomach with a Venom Punch while Peter kicked Otto in the face with his foot.

Otto was then launched into a nearby parked car. He shook his head and got back up thanks to his mechanical arms. Otto then turned around and climbed the wall of the building behind him. Peter and Miles then webbed up into the sky and pursued him.

Both Spider's landed on the roof to confront Otto. Both of their eyes widened as they saw what Otto wanted them to see. New York was being attacked, buildings were on fire and an armada of ships were in the sky, firing upon the city.

Otto turned around and smiled at the two heroes, "Welcome to my utopia."


Otto chuckled as he shook his head, "You have to break a few eggs to make an omelette."

(End song)

Peter and Miles then charged towards Otto in anger, which is what Otto wanted. He then pulled out a detonator from his back pocket and activated it.

"Have a nice nap, Parker." Otto said.

(Play from 2:33 to end)

Suddenly, the roof of the building exploded in flames as Peter and Miles were sent flying off of the building. The last thing Peter saw was Otto entering a portal that had opened up behind him. Both Spider-Men landed in an alleyway, defeated.

Peter and Miles then got back up, struggling due to their exhaustion. They looked to the street, the villains were gone. But suddenly, a portal opened up in the street they were just in.

Sonic and Shadow then jumped out of the portal and landed on the street. They looked at their surroundings to see where they were.

"Where are we?" Sonic asked.

"I don't know. It appears we're in a city, but it's not Station Square." Shadow replied.

Suddenly, Twilight and Spike flew out of the portal, both of them screaming as they crashed and rolled on the street.

Twilight then put a hoof to her head as she and Spike got up.

"Twilight?" Sonic asked as he and Shadow approached the two.

Twilight and Spike's eyes then widened as they saw Sonic approaching. Before Sonic knew it, he was tackled to the ground by his two Equestrian friends.

"SONIC!!! IT'S YOU!!! IT'S REALLY YOU!!!" Twilight said while crying tears of joy.

Sonic chuckled, "It's good to see you both."

Shadow scoffed at them, "Get up, Faker. We don't have time for this."

Suddenly, Peter and Miles landed in front of all of them as Sonic, Twilight and Spike got up off of the street. They all stared at one another for a moment before Miles broke the silence.

"So? This weather's crazy, right?" He said as he rubbed the back of his head.


Author's Note:

And that's the end of Act 1.

Next up is the beginning of Act 2, where introductions will be made and alliances will be forged.

Stay tuned.