• Published 9th Nov 2021
  • 2,297 Views, 70 Comments

Horizons - Battwell

The sequel to Sonic the Hedgehog X My Little Pony: Chaos & Harmony. But a new player is added to the adventure of a lifetime

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War In Netherworld (Part 1)

The two armies then charged at one another, each glaring at their respective opponents. Spidey launched into the air and web zipped towards Electro and punched him in the jaw, to which the electric villain responded by turning around to where Spider-Man was and firing a bolt of electricity towards the wall crawler.

Twilight flew through the air, firing blasts of magic at multiple robots and mind controlled ponies. She then quickly turned to see Zazz leap into the air and attempt to slash at the alicorn. Twilight quickly dodged to the left and fired a bolt of magic as Zazz passed her, sending the Zeti to the ground.

Celestia and Luna led the charge against The Superior Empire's forces head on. Celestia took to the air and shot down a blast of magic, sending the enemy forces back a few feet. Luna charged head on, firing multiple blasts from her horn to try and thin them out.

It was the she glanced slightly to her left and caught Rhino charging right at her. Luna quickly took to the air to dodge the charging villain.... Only to be kicked back down to the ground by Master Zik, who landed right in front of her and pointed his staff at the alicorn. Luna gritted her teeth as she released a shockwave of magic that sent the incoming forces back, including the elderly Zeti.

Shining Armor let our a mighty war cry as he charged along side the Canterlot Royal Guard, as well as the Crystal Guard, toward the mind controlled ponies and the multitude of robots that headed their way. Shining gripped his sword in his mouth and slashes an Octobot to pieces, he didn't stop there as he quickly fired a blast from his horn and destroyed an incoming Egg Pawn to his left.


The guards didn't even need to be told.

Starlight and Trixie were standing back to back as they blasted incoming Badniks and Octobots with their magic.

"You know....The Great and Powerful Trixie thought that this would be harder."

As Starlight rolled her eyes, her eyes suddenly widened as a massive blast of negative energy came their way. Starlight tackled Trixie to the ground as the blast went right past their heads. They both looked up to see Mr. Negative and Zeena standing there, ready for a fight.

Starlight gave Trixie a deadpanned look as the show mare chuckled awkwardly.

Ember and Queen Novo took to the sky to try and get a better shot at taking down the helicopters that were firing down relentlessly with their mini guns. Queen Novo was about to charge at one of the helicopters, but she was suddenly tackled to the ground by Vulture.

As the Queen got back up, Vulture took to the skies once again.

"Sorry. But the skies are mine to rule!"

Suddenly, Ember turned around to see Zor, who was standing atop his owl mech, approaching her.

"(Sigh) Just give up. Nothing matters in the grand scheme of things."

Queen Novo took to the skies and glared at The Vulture while Ember snarled at Zor.

Shadow was busy plowing through any robots he laid eyes on. A squadron of Egg Gunners aimed at the Ultimate Lifeform, but were suddenly webbed up, giving Shadow the opportunity to fire a Chaos Spear at the squadron, destroying them. Shadow turned to see Miles land behind him and give the hedgehog a thumbs up.

Suddenly, Miles' Spider-Sense went through the roof.


Shadow quickly teleported out of the way as Scorpion landed on the ground and stabbed the ground with his new stingers. Shadow reappeared and crossed his arms as Scorpion retracted his stingers and glared at the hedgehog.

Shadow glared, "I've been meaning to find you. I've been wanting to pay you back for poisoning me."

"Then by all means," Scorpion unsheathed his stingers, "COME AND GET ME!!!"

Shadow and Scorpion charged at one another, ready to settle this once and for all.

Miles was about to intervene, but something large landed behind him. He turned and saw Zomom standing right behind him.

Miles slumped forward, "Oh, gimme a break."

Zomom punched the ground in an attempt to hit Miles, but the young hero leaped out of the way, his fists charging with his Venom abilities.

(End song)

As the villains watched the battle through their massive monitor, they each gave one another a worried glance.

"It....appears that the battle is shifting in the enemies favor..." Sombra muttered.

"But it is ever so slightly..... They have a small army while we have thousands upon thousands of lackeys at our disposal..." Otto added.

"WHAT HAPPENED?!" Eggman exclaimed loudly.

Eggman then began pacing around the room in a frantic manner.

"No-no-no! This... This is to be expected! We-we sent them to crush those bothersome heroes, but they bust our robots and beat our lackeys ALL the time!" Eggman reassured himself.

Sombra turned around with sweat dipping down his head, "Right, right! Sonic and Twilight's friends were weak enough to be captured! So OBVIOUSLY The Sinister Six, The Deadly Six, and our armed forces were just a stalling tactic!"

Otto crossed his arms and rolled his eyes, "Obviously." he muttered sarcastically.

The three villains then turned to face one another, although Otto looked far more composed then his two partners, he too was starting to get a little worried that their plans were beginning to fall apart.

Eggman then chuckled nervously, "Besides, with the nature of this zone, we can call upon an unlimited amount of robots to stall them for a little longer while we get everything prepared for the final phase of our plan, so there's really nothing to worry about!"

The mad doctor didn't sound so sure, but Sombra decided to go along with him.

"Agreed, never mind the OTHER counter measures we've built and have in the works!" The dark unicorn added nervously.

"There's no feasible way that those annoyances will stop us in time!" Otto finished with a more collective voice.

The three villains chuckled nervously, before all of them went into deep thought.

"I've seen enough of my plans fall apart to know where this is going! If all else fails, I'll be taking The Sinister Egg Core back to MY WORLD! My sincerest apologies, you two, but I'm afraid that you'll both have to be stuck here FOREVER with those annoying pests!" Sombra thought to himself.

"It's been fun, you two, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to cut you both loose! If everything else fails I can at least return to Mobius with my GLORIOUS Sinister Egg Core! I may build a statue in remembrance." Eggman thought.

"My revenge is at risk thanks to those two imbeciles! There's nothing wrong with reaching for the stars, but they reached TOO FAR. I'm afraid that I'll be taking The Sinister Egg Core back to New York to finish off Osborn while you two continue to bicker for all eternity." Otto said in his thoughts.

Eggman stammered for a moment before saying, "Well- Back to work! Can't waste any time now!"

Otto nodded, "Indubitably! We're not just going to beat those fools with our good looks now are we?"

Sombra smirked, "Says who?"

The three villains laughed together before walking off, sneering at one another as their final weapon was being close to completion.

This was evident as a single red eye began to glow.

(End song)