• Published 9th Nov 2021
  • 2,269 Views, 70 Comments

Horizons - Battwell

The sequel to Sonic the Hedgehog X My Little Pony: Chaos & Harmony. But a new player is added to the adventure of a lifetime

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Raft Breakout

Thunder roared in the sky above New York as the storm showed no signs of letting up anytime soon. Peter swung from one building to another and landed on the roof of MJ's apartment building. He sighed and checked his phone to see what time it was. His eyes widened as he realised how late he was.

"Shoot! How did I lose track of time? *Sigh* Miles and MJ are probably waiting for me in the apartment." Peter said to himself as he made sure no one was around and took off his costume and placed it in a duffel bag he had hidden on the roof.

Now in civilian attire, Peter made sure the duffel bag was hidden and walked through the stairwell leading to the lower floors of the building.

He made his way to MJ's apartment and fixed his hair. He sighed and walked into the apartment.

Peter entered the apartment and saw Miles and MJ talking on the couch, waiting for Peter to arrive. They turned and smiled at him.

Peter chuckled nervously as Miles elbowed MJ in the arm, "Told ya he'd be late."

MJ elbowed him back and got off the couch and walked over to Peter, kissing him on the lips, which Peter happily returned.

They both parted lips and smiled at one another.

"Eh, better late than never." MJ said to Peter.

"Sorry I'm late." Peter apologised.

MJ giggled and wrapped her arms around Peter's neck, "Come on, dinner's waiting."

They all then walked to the table to eat.

While eating, Peter was telling Miles and MJ about his day as Spider-Man, he told them of the various break ins he stopped and how he stopped Kingpin's gun running business. After Peter finished talking, MJ asked Miles on how school was going. Miles told her all about it and then went on about how he stopped a robbery as Spider-Man earlier today.

"Wow, that's great, Miles." MJ congratulated.

Peter smiled as he set his fork down, "You've greatly improved since you've become Spider-Man, Miles."

"Well, I had a good teacher." Miles replied.

They were about to continue talking, but they were interrupted by a breaking news forecast. The TV showed a picture of The Raft on fire. MJ then walked over to the couch and picked up the TV remote. She turned the volume up so they could all hear what the Newscaster said.

"Breaking news. It has just been reported in that the supermax prison known as The Raft, is currently under attack. Police correspondance are currently being dispatched to aid the guards at The Raft in securing the situation. We'll bring you more as the story develops."

Peter then stood up from his seat and turned to Miles, who also stood up.

"Ready to go to work?" Peter asked.

Miles smirked, "Do you even need to ask?"

MJ then got out her laptop and sat on the couch, "I'll monitor the situation from here. Go get 'em, you two."

They both nodded in response. Peter walked out of the apartment and made his way to the roof, he then unzipped his duffel bag while Miles went to the bathroom and took out his backpack and unzipped it, revealing his Spider-Man costume.

A few moments later, Miles leaped out of the window as Peter jumped from the roof, both in costume, and swung through the city, making their way towards The Raft to help in anyway they can.

(End song)

The guards at The Raft were being pushed back by a horde of escaped convicts. The guards had their shields raised, blocking the convicts as they shoved them back with a man made wall. On a nearby rooftop, a convict had gotten into the armory and stolen a rocket launcher. He aimed the RPG at the guards and prepared to fire, only for the RPG to be webbed out of his hands by Peter, as Miles landed on the roof and kicked him in the face.

Peter landed next to Miles and looked down towards the guards and convicts.

Peter then turned to Miles, "You ready for this?"

Miles nodded, "Let's do this."

They both then jumped down to the ground below behind them and caught the convicts attention.

"Is this a private party or can anyone join?" Peter joked.

The convicts then turned and glared at the two Spider-Men. They then charged towards the mob of criminals, the convicts doing the same.

(End song)

Peter jumped into the air and shot two ropes of web at the biggest convict there and pulled him into the air. He then punched and kicked the criminal in mid air and then fired another shot of web and slammed him on the ground in between a group of criminals, causing them to leap out of the way as the big guy crashed down.

Miles ran forward directly towards the horde of criminals, his hands glowing with electricity. He then leaped into the air and slammed his electrified fist onto the ground, using his Venom Smash ability to send all the criminals flying back. Miles' Spider Sense then went off, notifying him that a criminal was trying to sneak up on him.

Miles backflipped over the criminal and shot two ropes of web at the ground and pulled back. He then loosened his grip and shot downward and kicked the goon in the back, knocking him down to the ground.

Peter then saw a barrel nearby and shot some web at it. He then began swinging it around in the air, once it had enough momentum, he released the barrel and sent it hurling towards a group of convicts heading his way. The barrel knocked down two of the four criminals, the other two still charging forward.

Miles then ran forward and jumped into the air as Peter grabbed the other convict with his web and pulled him towards him.

Miles kicked the convict in the face as Peter punched the criminal in the face. The two convicts landed on the ground, both unconscious.

(End song)

(Play from 2:05 to end)

Peter and Miles then looked forward and saw a giant metal door up ahead, leading further into the prison.

"Come on! We gotta make sure no more criminals get loose!" Peter said to Miles.

"Right!" Miles replied.

They both ran towards the door, but as they approached, the door suddenly exploded, sending the two wall crawlers flying back. They sat up and looked towards the door, from the flames inside, a giant metal tentacle shot out and slammed on the ground. Then the other three shot out as Doctor Octopus emerged from the flames.

Peter's eyes widened while Miles sat there in shock of who was before him.

"Dr. Octavius?!" Peter shouted in shock.

Otto chuckled and smiled at the two wall crawlers, "Hello, Peter."

The two heroes stood back up as Otto spread out his two human arms and gestured to the destruction around them, "Beautiful, isn't it?"

Peter walked slowly towards Otto, "Otto, you caused this?"

Otto chuckled, "Not alone, but yes."

"Otto. Please don't do this. Don't make me fight you again." Peter pleaded.

Otto chuckled and shook his head, "Sorry, Parker. But the gears are already in motion. I won't let you take what's mine again."

Otto then pointed his thumb over his shoulder, "And neither will they."

Suddenly, The Vulture flew overhead and landed next to Otto. Electro landed after a bolt of lightning shot down on the ground. Scorpion crawled over the wall of the prison and leaped off of it and landed next to the others. Rhino smashed through a wall to the Spider's left and charged right towards them. They both jumped into the air to avoid the tanking villain. Mr. Negative then jumped down from a nearby roof and landed next to the others as Rhino walked over as well.

Both of the heroes' eyes were widened, The Sinister Six stood before them, freed from their cells. Electro then began charging up electricity in both of his hands as he began to walk forward, but Otto stopped him with one of his mechanical arms, holding it in front of him.

"Leave them for now." Otto then turned to both Spider-Men, "We have business to attend to."

Suddenly, a portal opened behind the Sinister Six. Five of the villains turned around and gawked at the portal.

"What is that?" Electro asked.

Otto smiled as he turned around, "Our ticket out of here."

Peter's eyes then opened up further, they were about to escape, "NO!!!"

Peter and Miles then ran forward, but Mr. Negative turned around and shot a massive wave of negative energy at the two heroes. Unable to dodge in time, they were both sent flying through the air and crashed down onto the ground.

Otto chuckled as The Sinister Six entered the portal, but before Otto entered, he turned and smirked at Peter, "See you around, Parker."

Octavius then entered the portal. Peter then quickly got up and web zipped towards the portal, but he was too late as it closed just as he reached it. He landed on the ground in a crouched position, he then punched the ground below him in frustration.

Miles sighed in defeat as The Raft's alarms blared around them and the fire crackled.

(End song)

The Sinister Six stepped out of the portal and arrived in the villain's base of operations. The group of villains looked around at the base, Vulture then turned to Octavius.

"Where are we?" Vulture asked.

Otto then used his arms to walk forward past The Vulture, "We are in a dimension between dimensions. A Special Zone, as it's called. One of our own creation."

Rhino scratched his head in confusion, "Uh, what?"

Otto then turned around to face his team, "Welcome, to NETHER WORLD!!!"

Otto then walked further into the base with the others following close behind. They entered the Badnik production room and saw the robots being made. They walked through several rooms until they reached the monitor room, where Sombra and Eggman were waiting.

The two villains turned around and faced The Sinister Six.

"Ah, Otto. I see you have arrived with our associates." Eggman stated.

Suddenly, Electro bursted out laughing. They all turned as he laughed hysterically.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! IS THAT A UNICORN?! AHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Electro laughed at the appearance of Sombra.

Electro's laughter was cut short by a blast from Sombra's horn, which sent him flying through the air and hitting the wall. Electro landed on the ground and the rest of the villains turned to Sombra.

"Hmph. Imbecile." Sombra muttered.

Otto then walked towards Eggman, "So, I've brought my team. Where's yours?"

Eggman then stroked his moustache and chuckled, "Heh Heh. Don't you worry about that, Otto." Eggman then held up a purple shell, which was within his hand, "My team is so deadly, it's not even funny."

Author's Note:

The villain's are gathering their forces.

What will happen after that?

Stay tuned to find out.