• Published 22nd Sep 2021
  • 7,479 Views, 569 Comments

New Noses To Know - Irrespective

Baked Bean and Princess Celestia have welcomed their newborn into the world. Now the fun begins.

  • ...

7. - Crystalling Pt. 3

* * * *

“Celly? Are you awake?”

“Mmungh?” was the most Royal Reply to Baked Bean’s question.

“I guess that’s a no, then,” he said with a note of concern. “Are you sick? I didn’t keep you up too late, did I?”

“No, no.” Celestia yawned, rolled onto her back, and stretched all of her limbs at the same time, much like a giant feathered starfish. “I am not sick. I just feel a little out of sorts, that’s all. This trip has been a rather wild emotional roller coaster ride, and I think it’s finally catching up to me.”

The Princess of Day hoped that she sounded convincing, since she wasn’t fooling herself in the slightest.

“Are you sure? You sound kinda depressed to me.”

“Do I?” Horseapples. I don’t want him worrying about me all day, especially during Apollo’s Crystalling. “Hmm. Perhaps a kiss from my fair prince will help my tone and my mood.” She puckered up, and to her relief, Bean moved in and made good on her invitation.

Their lips stayed locked for several long moments, and Celestia admonished herself to enjoy the embrace. Kissing her beloved Bean had quickly become one of her favorite pastimes, and prior to now, it had never failed to lift her spirits and brighten her day.

But as her tongue probed the inside of his mouth, she found no joy or pleasure in their actions. To her dismay, she could do nothing more than move through the motions while making the appropriate sounds, numb to the enlightening excitement that she usually received from her husband and his amorous moves.

She didn’t know why she felt so empty and distant, but the feeling frightened her. The only other time she’d felt this dark of a depression was when she had thought her Bean had been killed in the Everfree Forest.

She forced out a pleased smile when Bean pulled away, and she faked a small moan of delight. I can beat this. I’m just emotionally drained, that’s all. I’ll feel better once we start the Crystalling ceremony.

“Better?” Bean asked.

“Getting there,” Celestia lied. “But I think some coffee and a hearty breakfast would be most uplifting as well. I will need the calories if we’re going to keep this up, you know.”

Bean blushed slightly, nodded, and kissed her cheek. “I think breakfast is just about ready, conveniently enough. I know Wysteria wanted to eat early so she’d have time to take care of her twins before their Crystalling, and Trixie is always ready to eat, no matter what time of day it is.”

“Naturally.” Trixie cut into the conversation, her clipboard floating behind her as she entered the room. “The Great and Powerful Trixie never knows when she will be called upon to perform, or to display her awesome magical prowess. So Trixie has learned to be ready for anything at any time.”

“Or you just enjoy my cooking. Admit it!” Bean admonished with a sly grin.

“Trixie is…” the dutiful secretary hesitated and made a show of tapping her chin with her hoof. “Let’s say that Trixie is partial to your meals. They are very filling, and the taste is adequate.”

“Adequate,” Bean scoffed. “You’re starting to get awfully surly, you know that?”

“Trixie has no idea what you’re talking about. I’ve always been surly,” Trixie shot back. “It’s not my fault you’re inattentive.”

“Just for that, I’m not going to put any spices in the next dish I make for you. I’ll teach you to call me out.”

“Ha! The Great and Powerful Trixie is used to eating bland things, thanks to her amazing road trip skills! I know fifteen different ways to cook tree bark. Bring it on.”

“Celly? Are you okay?” Bean’s question startled the Princess, but she hid her shock and offered a diplomatic smile.

“I’m just fine, love.”

Bean gave her a doubtful stare. “You’ve been really quiet this morning. Usually you join right in with the banter.”

“I am well, Bean. Come. We should eat so we’re not late to the Crystalling.”

* * * *

“So, what exactly is a Crystalling, Spike?” The newly minted Ambassador Thorax asked.

“To be honest, I’m not sure.” Spike paused, glanced down a hallway, and then resumed walking with his new changeling friend. “Since it’s been gone for so long, nopony is really sure how everything in the Empire works, and the crystal ponies don’t remember much from before King Sombra. I think Shining Armor and Princess Cadence would know more, so we’ll ask them during breakfast. I hope you’re hungry,” he added with a friendly nudge.

“Actually, I’m still full from all the love I got last night.” Thorax patted his midsection, let out a small burp, and grinned sheepishly. “If I have to eat some pony food as part of being an Ambassador, I will, but I’d rather not.”

“Hey, forget about it,” Spike said with a playful scoff. “If you’re not hungry, nopony will make you eat.”

“Spike? Can I ask you a personal question?”

“Sure! What’s on your mind?”

“Well, I’m… I’m a bit nervous, I guess. What’s it like, being a non-pony in Equestria? Do ponies treat you nice, or are they mean because you’re different?”

“I’ve always been treated nicely.” Spike stopped and turned to face his friend. “I know what you mean, though. Ponies do give me funny looks sometimes, since I’m a dragon and all. But I’ve found that once they get to know you, ponies are curious and kind. Take Prince Baked Bean, for example. When he first met me, he had, like, a million questions he wanted to ask me!”

“He did?”

“Yeah! He wanted to write a story about dragons, so he wanted to get some authentic information. I wonder how that’s coming along, now that I think of it.” Spike tapped his chin, then shrugged. “I’ll have to ask him. Anyway, it might take some time, but ponies will accept you. Just be nice and be yourself, and if you have questions, just ask! I’ll be right here to help you out.”

“But what if you’re not here? Queen Chrysalis wants me to stay in the Crystal Empire, since she’s in Canterlot already.”

“She does? That’s weird. Usually ambassadors live in Canterlot. I wonder why she thinks it’s better for you to be here.”

Thorax glanced around nervously. “I guess she thinks I can do more good here.”

“Well, if you stay here, then Shining Armor and Princess Cadence will help you out. They both know you weren’t responsible for what happened at their wedding, and look at the friendships they’ve made with the Yaks! In fact, I bet Shining Armor wants to learn more about changelings and changeling customs. He’s a lot like his sister, Twilight Sparkle, in that way.”

“Thorax!” Prince Baked Bean interrupted their conversation. Before they could turn around, he was giving the changeling a friendly hug. “I’m glad I caught up to you. Are you both heading down to breakfast? It’s just this way. If you have some time, I’d love to ask you a few questions, Ambassador.”

Thorax glanced at Spike, who smiled smugly and bobbed his eyebrows. “Uh, sure? What kind of questions?”

“Just some general information stuff. The only thing I know about changelings is what I saw in the Hive, so that means I know next to nothing about you and your kind. Since I’m your friend now, I want to know everything about your culture and traditions.”

Thorax let out a large belch, then held his gut with a moan. “Oof. Having friends is going to take some getting used to. I’ve never been so full in my whole life!”

“Did I just give you some love?” Bean asked. “I didn’t think I was.”

“There’s all different types of love, Your Highness. Romantic love is the most filling and tastes the best, but we changelings enjoy any kind of love, including the love that’s built into friendships.”

“Hey, I’m too short for that ‘Highness’ stuff,” said Bean with a grin. “You can just call me Bean. All my friends do.”

“Oh, I couldn’t do that,” Thorax said, with a small wince when he thought of how his dreadfully beautiful Queen would react if he ever forgot to show the proper deference. “I’d feel a lot better about calling you Prince Bean, Your Highness.”

“If you must, but feel free to stop whenever you like. I'd even settle for 'Your Shortness.' Just this way.”

“Uh, Bean?” Spike jerked a thumb to the hallway behind them. “Dining hall is that way.”

“Just when I thought I had this place figured out,” Bean muttered. “Whatever you do, Thorax, do not ask me for directions.”

Thorax laughed at Bean’s joke, but then his eyes went wide in horror. “Oo! I’m sorry!”

“Why? That was a joke, and I’m glad you laughed at it.”

“Really? Wow. I have so much to learn about friends and friendship!”

“Hey, between Spike and myself, you’ll be an expert in no time,” Bean offered with a playful nudge. “Isn’t that right, Spike?”

“You bet!” said Spike. “I’d also expect Twilight to get involved, too. The idea of befriending a changeling will drive her crazy.”

* * * *

“Are you sure you’ve got them?” Wysteria asked for what was probably the hundredth time. “Really, I can hold on to the twins.”

“Will you get out of here?” Sergeant Quillpoint playfully shot back. “I’ve got them just fine, and even if I didn’t, your Mother will swipe them away, beat me to a pulp, and take care of them herself.”

“Mama can be a bit protective at times.” Wysteria leaned over and kissed her special somepony, then moved to her precious daughters that he held in each foreleg. “I’ll be right back.”

“See you in a minute. I’ll start getting them ready for the Crystalling while you’re gone.”

Wysteria couldn’t help but kiss all three again, but then she forced herself out of the guest room. The secretary in her was demanding that she confirm all of the details for the upcoming Crystallings, and she would not be satisfied until she had a copy (signed, notarized, and delivered in triplicate) of all the paperwork she’d generated to ensure a smooth event. It was crucial that Prince Apollo’s ceremony go off without a hitch, and she would be immensely grateful if nothing happened during the ceremony for her twins, as well. This event would set Lilac and Elegant Flourish off on the path to greatness, and she was determined to make sure her daughters received only the best.

That, and she’d never hear the end of it from Mama or Raven if something happened.

With that unpleasant thought, Wysteria adjusted her collar and briskly trotted towards the dining hall. If Miss Lulamoon had done her job properly, it would only take a few minutes to verify everything, and Wysteria was confident that she had completed it satisfactorily.

It was a bit strange that the traveling magician had settled into her position as Prince Bean’s personal secretary so quickly, but Wysteria wouldn’t trade Trixie for anything in the world. Her bravado and her stubbornness had a way of dislodging even the most dug-in of nobles. Also, she had to admit to herself that she had gotten a few good ideas from her employee on how to ‘motivate’ others.

Fortunately, it seemed that Beatrix Lubella Lulamoon wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon. The employment was stimulating, her audience was both captive and compelled to interact with her, the paychecks were generous, and the palace cooking was far too delicious. Most importantly, Trixie had all the adoration, appreciation and kindness she had ever wanted for the first time in forever. She would occasionally make an off-hoof remark about going on the road next year, but Wysteria knew there was no motivation in those words.

It would be nearly impossible for any pony to leave such a comfortable and well-paying position. If anything, Trixie might take a few weeks of vacation from time to time so as to properly scratch the traveling itch and shed a few pounds perhaps, but she would always return.

All of her friends were in Canterlot now, after all.

“So, it would seem that the Great and Powerful Trrrrixie’s abilities are needed once more!”

“Good morning to you too, Miss Lulamoon.” Wysteria rolled her eyes while Trixie struck a pose and smiled smugly. “How long have you been standing there, waiting for me?”

“Only for a few minutes. Trixie knew that you’d sleep in, and that you’d rather be with your twins and Quill. I have all of the paperwork for the Crystalling, signed, notarized, and in triplicate, right here for you.”

“Thank you, Trixie.” Wysteria took the papers and quickly sorted them on her clipboard. “Are you heading down to breakfast now?”

“I am. Trixie is famished.”

“You know, you really need to watch what you eat. You’re not a traveling magician anymore, but if you’re going to keep eating like you are, pretty soon you’ll be the great and bountiful Trixie.”

“Trixie has heard that stallions like a mare with a big back porch,” Trixie replied with her cajun accent. “But Trixie, she know how to keep elle-même lean and fit, no? Trixie live in Neigh Orleans, after all.”

“True. I don’t suppose they offer a fat-free version of gumbo down there, do they?”

“Only for touristique, the heathens.” said Trixie in her normal snarky tone.

“You know, it’s a bit of a shame that you don’t use your natural accent more. I mean, I understand why you don’t, given what you’ve told me of your past and your family, but it’s really quite charming, in my opinion.”

Trixie bobbed her head from side to side as they rounded the last corner to the dining hall. “Maybe Trixie can use it a bit more here and there. Trixie admits that she would be a bit sad if she totally lost it.”

“Well, It’s a part of who you are. It’d be a bit like if Prince Bean stopped cooking entirely just because his parents tried to force him into being a chef.”

Trixie didn’t reply, but she was clearly thinking the idea over.

“Anyway, I’m going to get something ordered for breakfast for me and Quill. Do you want me to get something started for you?”

“No, thank you. Trixie needs to watch her girlish figure, or so I’ve been told,” Trixie said, sliding a hoof down her barrel with a sly grin. “Trixie will see you at the Crystalling.”

“Stay out of trouble in the meantime.”

“Was there ever any doubt?”

* * * *

“So, what should I do during breakfast?” Thorax asked as he and his escorts approached the dining hall doors. “I’ve never shared a meal with royalty. Queen Chrysalis always dines alone.”

“She used to,” Spike said with a scoff. “If this trip is any indication, she’s been eating with Sergeant Pokey all the time now.”

“Eating with or feeding off of?” Bean asked with a deep frown.

“Probably both,” Thorax said. “She could steal more love from him if he’s enjoying his meal.”

“Yeah, but he knows she’s doing it, so she must not be taking too much from him, right?” asked Spike.

“She always did like to leave a little love for later.”

“I’ll chat with him later about it,” said Bean. “I don’t want him to go through what I did. Just through here, Thorax.”

Bean pushed the door open, and Thorax followed Spike inside. Twilight Sparkle was waiting just to their left, and she moved to face the group before they could get very far.

“Ambassador Thorax! It’s a pleasure to have you here. If you don’t mind, I have a little something I’d like to say to the group before we start eating.”

“Group?” Thorax leaned to glance around Twilight and see the other ponies in the room. “What group?”

He regretted asking the question. Shining Armor and Princess Cadence were standing just a few feet away, and in a rough semi-circle behind them stood all of the most important creatures in Equestria. The Element Bearers, Princess Celestia and her son, Princess Luna, the Yak delegation, and a trio of bored-looking griffons were all patiently waiting, and their combined presence compelled Thorax to retreat slightly.

“Every creature, could I have your attention for just one moment?” Twilight requested, eliciting a groan from Grandpa Gruff. “As the Princess of Friendship, it is my duty to set an example for all of Equestria, but last night, it was Spike and Prince Baked Bean who taught me that a new friend can come from anywhere. I guess all of us have a few things to learn about friendship, even me! If Spike and Prince Bean say that Thorax is their friend,” she turned and offered a hoof to the stunned changeling, “then he’s my friend, too!”

“Thank you!” Thorax said, his gratitude overflowing as he took the Princess’ hoof and wiped away a tear.

“On behalf of the Crystal Empire,” Princess Cadence said, stepping forward, “I would like to extend my hoof in friendship as well, and I’m sure all of my subjects are eager to do the same.”

The guard detail in the room let out a cheer, and Thorax approached the Princess of Love with a deep smile. “I don’t know what to say! This is all so… so overwhelming!”

“Welcome to the Crystal Empire, Thorax,” Shining Armor offered. “We’re all looking forward to getting to know you. If you have some time, maybe we could start now?”

“That would be amazing! I want to know all about friendship, and maybe one day I can bring that knowledge back to Lovey Dovey Smoochy Land! If my kind learned how to get love from one another, maybe they wouldn’t have to steal it from others!”

“Can we eat yet?” the elderly griffon interrupted. “This is all wonderful and all, but I’m not getting any younger over here!”

“Gruff, shut up!” the other two griffons admonished.

“Yes, Grandpa Gruff,” Shining Armor said with a slight eye roll. “We can eat now. Thorax, why don’t you come sit up here, between Spike and Prince Bean?”

Thorax tried to express his gratitude once again, but it was drowned out in the commotion of every creature moving to and being seated at the long table. Princess Cadence sat at the head, with Shining to her right and the Element Bearers next to him, and he found himself one dragon away from her, with Baked Bean, The Two Sisters, and Prince Apollo next to him.

“Bring on the grub!” Gruff barked, banging his silverware on the table.

On cue, a set of doors burst open, and an eclectic group of ponies flowed into the room, each depositing a large plate of food in front of the guests in a smooth, fluid motion.

“Mom?! Dad!” Baked Bean laughed as his parents presented him and Celestia with their meal. “Did you guys seriously run the staff off again?”

“We did no such thing,” Garbanzo Bean replied. “It was all Grandma Flagolet’s idea, I swear.”

“They needed the day off!” an elderly mare called out from the kitchen. “Besides, this is good practice for your cousins! None of them have ever cooked for griffons or yaks before!”

“Not-a-Bean’s family make Yak food?” Prince Rutherford asked, with a suspicious sniff of his meal.

“We did,” a blue pony next to him replied. “Me and my wife, Chowder, made sure to only use ingredients from Yakyakistan. I hope you like it.”

Rutherford took another sniff, and for a moment, Thorax wondered if he would see the legendary Yak temper in action. The burly leader then took a small bite, chewed slowly, paused, and erupted.

“YAK LIKE!” The prince slammed his face on the plate, cleared it in one massive bite, and licked his lips when he came back up. “Blue pony make perfect Yak food! Yak want another!”

Rutherford smashed his plate on the floor as the rest of the Yaks dug in, and their plates were smashed in similar fashion. Thorax gasped at the display, but as the poor Bean cousin scampered off to get more food, Luna chuckled and leaned in.

“In Yakyakistan, the highest compliment a Yak can give to the chef is to smash the plate his or her meal was served on. Mung and Chowder have done well.”

“Eh, they did okay,” Gilda said, but her indifference couldn’t hide the love from Thorax’s sense of smell. “I think I might be able to eat this.”

“That’s as close to a compliment as we’re going to get,” Prince Bean said with a small chuckle. “Dig in, every creature!”

“Wow. I had no idea that real estate was so expensive at the hive,” Shining Armor remarked around a bite of food.

“Yeah, there’s a lot of demand, but not a lot of supply. But we’re planning a large expansion on the north side, so that should help with the costs.”

“Hey, Shining,” Spike interrupted. “Thorax was asking me earlier what happens at a Crystalling, and why the Empire does it. Could you explain it a little to us?”

“I’ll let Cady answer that one,” he said with a pointed look and a sly grin for his wife. “Unless she needs to have a fifth helping.”

“Hey, I’m eating for two.” She stuck her tongue out briefly, but then turned and grinned. “I actually have to give a lot of credit to Amethyst Maresbury, our resident librarian, for what we know about the Crystalling. She provided us with all the books and information.

“But the Crystalling is as old as the Empire itself.” Cadence settled into her chair, projecting a rough animation of what she was saying in the air with her magic. “You already know that the Crystal Heart needs to be recharged on occasion with love, but back then, the only way to do that was to manually gather the love from the citizens in small crystals, like the ones that will be used for Apollo and Wysteria’s twins. So, whenever a new foal was born, ponies from all over the Empire would willingly give up some of their love in these crystals so the families could then offer that love to the Heart in gratitude for their new child, and to bring health and prosperity. The newborn would then be declared the newest citizen of the Empire, their name recorded on the official population record, and a small gift of bits or land would be bestowed. As time went on and as the Empire grew, the Heart needed more love than what was supplied during Crystallings, so a larger outpouring—The Crystal Fair—was instituted, with Crystallings helping to keep the Heart full in between.”

“Wow,” Thorax and Bean said in unison.

“As the birth rate picks up again, we’ll probably need to have just one large Crystalling once a month,” Cadence went on. “Shining and I are still working on that, with input from our subjects. It’s an important tradition we want to carry on, but there are some logistical concerns when you have hundreds of newborns in a month.”

“But why is keeping the Crystal Heart full so important?” Thorax asked. “The Empire was gone for a thousand years, and everything kept going anyway, right?”

“Aunt Celly? This is a question you could answer best.”

Celestia nodded and passed Apollo to Luna. “The Crystal Heart—and the Empire—provide love and harmony not only to the rest of Equestria, but to the whole world. When Sombra blighted this far kingdom and took it from us, the love that was shared between all creatures diminished and eventually faded away, leaving us divided and opposed to one another. Diplomatic overtures failed without this love, and that is why all of the various tribes—Ponies, Yaks, Griffons, and so on—have lived apart and alone. With the return of the Empire and the love that it holds, well,” she motioned to the Yaks and the Griffons, “you see what the results are. As the love continues to disperse and permeate, we will see other creatures, like the Abyssians, the Hippogriffs, and many others slowly reach out again to bring harmony back to their lands. It will take time, and there will be some difficulties, but it will happen nonetheless.”

“Provided we continue to build upon the foundation that is being laid here,” Luna added. “I know all too well what happens to individuals when a creature’s capacity for love is destroyed, so it is imperative that we not let these overtures of peace come to nothingness. It will require compromise, adaptation, and understanding, but it can be done.”

“Ha!” Rutherford bellowed. “Yaks are best at making friends! Yaks will supply ponies with all love needed for Crystal Heart! Yaks, Ponies, Griffons and Changelings will be best of friends for many moons to come!”

“I suppose we don’t have much to lose, either way,” Gruff grumped.

“Except for the chance to finally make Griffonstone a better place,” Gilda shot back. “We can’t keep doing what we’ve always done. The aerie is falling apart under our claws, and all we can do is squabble at each other.”

“Oh-ho, you think you’ve got all the answers, do you?” Gruff glared at Gilda, who returned it in equal measure. “Maybe I should just put you in charge!”

“She couldn’t be any worse than you, you old fruitcake,” Gallus added. “She’s the only one who’s been able to keep her business going for more than a month.”

Gruff wanted to retort, but his efforts died before they could start. “Oh, fine. I guess we griffons can try to work with all of you.”

“Changelings are going to be a bit more… difficult,” Thorax added. “A lot of it will depend on Her Majesty, Queen Chrysalis.”

“Speaking of which, where is she?” Gilda asked. “I can’t believe she’d want to be left out of something like this.”

Queen Chrysalis, the Mighty and Fearsome Queen of All Changelings and Don’t You Forget It, groaned in pleased agony as she tried and failed to roll from her right side to her left. She wasn’t entirely sure of what time it was, or even where she was, but at least the bed beneath her was soft and supportive.

If she ever managed to remember what had happened last night, she was going to take notes. There were a few fleeting images, but even recalling them gave her a serious case of heartburn that threatened to turn into nausea. She felt bloated, hungover, and filled with a satisfaction that she never wanted to let go of. All she could recall clearly was Hokey Pokey, the aforementioned bed, and more love than she knew what to do with. What had the two of them done?

“Ah, you’re awake,” a tender and absolutely perfect voice slid into her brain, and the resulting tingles made her dry heave, then throw a forehoof haphazardly on her swollen midsection.

“Don’t do that,” she moaned weakly, and unconvincingly. “I feel like I’m going to pop.”

“And what if I disobey you?” Hokey Pokey appeared in her vision, a broad, mischievous smile on his face. “What if I give you just a little bit more…”

“No, don’t you darURRP!” Her belch rattled the windows, shook the chandelier above them, and filled her with a delightful warmth that trickled out of her mouth as pink bubbles. “Ugh. So good.”

“Interesting. If this is what happens to you after a simple cuddle session, I’d love to see what happens if you get something more.”

“I’d die happy, that’s what.” She groaned, tried to roll over again, then gave up as the love in her gut sloshed and threw off her balance. “And then I’d sic my minions on you to steal all of this.”

“They could try, but for now, you should really get up. Breakfast is almost over, and the Crystalling will be starting soon.”

“Don’t even mention that,” Chrysalis muttered, her eyes fluttering shut as Pokey started to softly rub her belly. “This wretched Empire can keep it, for all I care.”

“What? You’re not foaming at the mouth with the prospect of more love? Who are you, and what have you done with Queen Chrysalis?”

“I will smite you for that.” She took a halfhearted swing that wasn’t anywhere close to hitting him. “Mmpfh. Get over here.”

“No can do. You wanna smite me, you’ll have to catch me.”

“Too much effort. Gimme twenty minutes, then I’ll get up. I gotta figure out how I’m going to function today.”

* * * *

“Your Highnesses? We’re ready to begin the Crystalling.”

Celestia nodded to Trixie and retrieved Apollo from his carrier, giving his cheek a small kiss. As wonderful and glorious as this moment was going to be, the Princess of the Morn was beyond ready to be done and on her way back to Canterlot.

She forced out a diplomatic grin as her beloved Bean came up on her right side, and she gave him a wink when he glanced up. Once they did get home, she was going to have to make this up to him, in some way. He had been more than patient with her unwelcome emotional state, and such kindness deserved to be rewarded.

“Do your parents have Apollo’s crystal?” she asked. Bean nodded. “Good. Miss Trixie, we are ready to begin.”

A proud fanfare soared to the skies above, and the Royal Couple proudly strode out on the balcony, with Apollo held high in Celestia’s magic. Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor stood just to their right, the Crystal Heart directly behind them, and Baked Bean’s parents stood with Luna and Twilight Sparkle to their left. The entire population of the Crystal Empire stood before them, all waiting in eager anticipation for the ceremony to commence.

“Citizens of the Crystal Empire!” Princess Cadence called out in the Royal Canterlot Voice. “May I present to you the newest citizen of our fair lands: Prince Apollo Cocoa Bean!”

The crowd erupted into cheers and applause. Baked Bean and Celestia each gave Apollo a kiss on his cheeks. The newborn prince giggled with glee as he began to levitate with the help of his mother’s magic, and this, in turn, brought the love of the Empire to its zenith.

“Oh, he’s so cute!” Celestia heard a pony near the front exclaim. “It’s just so moving!”

Garbanzo and Lima then stepped forward, each holding one side of the velvet-lined case that held Apollo’s unique crystal. Luna took it from them with a nod, a grin, and a wink, and in one smooth motion, she levitated the crystal down, and touched it to the ground in front of the crowd.

The Empire, in turn, bowed before their leiges and offered all of the love that they held within them. The broad streets illuminated as that love spread from them outward, and when all of their love had been gifted, Apollo’s crystal absorbed the generous offering until it was glowing brightly.

Luna brought the crystal up to the Crystal Heart and brought it to its surface. In an instant, the love was transferred, and the Heart spun, faster and faster, until it was just a fantastic blur.

The Heart launched a pulse of magic, and Celestia felt the familiar transformation to her crystalline self as it swept over her. She took a quick glance down to admire her husband’s new sheen, and carefully, she caught Apollo with a hoof as he descended back to them.

It was a time of great rejoicing, as evidenced by the wild cheering of the crowd and the tears in every creature’s eyes. Though she couldn’t quite make it out, she was fairly sure that she could hear remarks about this being the best crystalling ever.

But to her growing horror, the Great Ruler of Equestria felt…


There was no jubilation in her soul, no peace in her heart. All she could feel was a numbing emptiness that stubbornly refused to yield to the merriment that was crashing around her like a tsunami.

But Celestia was the preeminent expert in faking happiness, and she forced her smile wider as she waved to the crowd. She couldn't let her little ponies think that she was anything less than thrilled over her son’s Crystalling, and they would not realize anything was amiss.

They never had before.

But as she turned her back to the crowd and moved inside, her beloved Bean bumped her and gave her the most concerned look she’d ever seen on his handsome face.

He didn’t ask the question. He didn’t need to.

There was a small part of her that was annoyed that she could no longer hide her emotions from him, but that was forgotten as a twinge of relief sprung out of her chest. She wanted, no, needed somepony to see past her perfect princess exterior down to the true Celestia, and with his observation, Celly felt a small breath of calm and comfort.

Without a word, Bean trotted ahead, snagged the first Royal Guard he could find, and whispered urgently in his ear.

* * * *

“This is unexpected.” Chrysalis twisted around as she took in her new crystalline appearance in the full-length mirror. “But not entirely unwelcome. This isn’t going to be a permanent thing, is it?”

“No, it’ll wear off in a few hours,” Pokey replied. “Unless you stay here. Then it’ll last for a few weeks.”

“Hmm. Not sure I like the new mane style. It’s far too similar to Lovebutt’s locks.”

Pokey scoffed. “I would think you’d be used to her style. I like it, personally.”

“You do?” She gave him a curious glance, then went back to her reflection as she primped the thick, wavy, and slightly sparkling mane that cascaded gently down her neck.

“Yeah. I’ve always had a thing for long-haired mares. Now, if we just add a little something…” He took her pince-nez glasses and placed them gently on the end of her snout. “There. Now you really do look like a Queen.”

“I do?” she whispered softly, her eyes unable to move from her reflection. “Really?”

“Really really.” Pokey kissed her cheek, and her hoof moved up to hold it in place. “Guess it’s a good thing you didn’t go down to the Crystalling, eh? You wouldn’t be able to admire yourself.”

“I suppose not.” She somehow broke her gaze and glanced at Pokey again. “But what if I had? Would the ponies there say I look like a Queen, too?”

“Probably.” He shrugged. “Or they’d say something similar. At the very least, they’d probably make comparisons between you and the Princesses.”

Chrysalis looked back at her wings, still stained in a rainbow of colors from Studly’s little prank during her last molt. But now, in this crystalline form, they almost looked like a stained-glass window. A small flutter scattered colorful beams of light all across the room, and the corners of her mouth twitched upwards.

This was a look she could get used to.

“You know what?” She tossed her exquisite mane and stuck her nose in the air. “I suddenly feel like socializing with the peasantry. Lead the way, Pokey-poo.”

Hokey Pokey chuckled. “I figured you would. If we hurry, you can make it to the Crystalling for Miss Wysteria’s twins. Right this way.”

* * * *

“That was so amazing!” Thorax hovered in the air, his innards stuffed so full of love that he thought he could explode. “The way everypony shared their love, and how the crystals sucked it up, and… and…”

“Easy there, Ambassador,” Bean said with a slight chuckle. “The ceremonies were amazing, but I’d hate for you to hurt yourself, somehow.”

“So, now what?” Thorax asked, as he and his new friends entered the palace once more. “Is there something else that happens?”

“No, that’s pretty much it. Celestia and I will keep Apollo’s crystal as a momento, Wysteria and Quill will do the same. Really, all that’s left to do now is head home.”

“Oh.” Thorax landed, his excitement tempered. “Do we have to go already? I mean, I just gained a whole bunch of new friends, and now we have to separate again?”

“Not quite. Since Prince Shining Armor and Princess Cadence are traveling to Canterlot, why don’t you come along? If you’re going to be the ambassador for Lovey Dovey Smoochy Land, there’s some paperwork to fill out, and it’d be good for you to visit the capitol.”

“What about Queen Chrysalis? She wanted me to stay here.”

“I guess you could stay here, but I think you’ll be a bit bored. I’d love to stay here longer so we could spend more time together, but there’s a bit of an emergency that’s come up, so I have to get back to Canterlot.”


“I’m afraid so.” Bean drew in a deep breath. “Princess Celestia is already heading back on an air carriage, in fact.”

“Is it something bad?”

“Hopefully not. We’ll know more once we get back.”

Thorax nodded thoughtfully. Chrysalis had ordered him to stay put, but there was precious little he could do without being able to talk to Prince Armor and Princess Cadence. The Empire was bound to be low on love reserves after the multiple crystallings, and friend or not, there was no way the Crystal Corps was going to let him anywhere near the Crystal Heart.

But above all else, he wanted to spend time with his new friends.

With that cheerful thought, Thorax grinned. “You know what? I’ll come! Queen Chrysalis will probably be too busy to notice anyway.”

Bean gave Thorax a hearty backslap. “Wonderful! We’ll have lots of time to talk on the train ride back, and once we get there, I’ll make my special Eggplant Lasagna for you. It’s Princess Luna’s favorite meal; she can’t get enough of it.

“Then, we can stay up all night and talk s’mores. I’ll answer all the questions you have, and I can start showing you how to make friends. Honestly, it won’t take much. You’ve got a good start on it already.”

“Really? Oh, wow!” Thorax took to the air again. “So, when do we go? I don’t have any luggage, so you don’t need to worry about me.”

“Let me go check with Trixie and make sure everyone else is ready. We should be on the train back within the hour.”

* * * *

“And then what?” Horsenpfeffer asked, leaning back slightly in her chair.

Celestia sighed deeply. “I managed to maintain the facade during the Crystalling for Elegant Flourish and Lilac. It was a beautiful ceremony as well, but my emotional state remained the same. Bean ordered a carriage for me to take home, and I returned while he bids farewell with Apollo to the visiting diplomats. Ambassador Thorax and Horwitz should return with Bean, Shining Armor, and Cadence. I know my dear husband is concerned, but what was I supposed to tell him? I don’t…” Celestia paused, then shuddered. “I’m scared, Doctor. I’ve never felt like this before, not even when Luna became Nightmare Moon. What is wrong with me? Why do I feel no love for my son?”

“Celestia, please look me in the eye.” Horsenpfeffer did not ask, and Celestia could not refuse. “I want you to listen to me very carefully. You have a medical condition called Postpartum Depression. It is, sadly, one of the more common side effects of childbirth, but it is treatable. You are not broken, you are not defective, and you are not a bad mother. The emotions you feel right now can be caused by a number of things, but none of them are your fault, so don’t blame yourself. Despite what you may feel, or what your brain may tell you, I want you to remind yourself of this, again and again: you are a good mother, a good wife, and the Princess this Kingdom needs. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it.

“Now, here’s what we’re going to do. I want to draw some blood and send it off to the lab. These emotions could be a hormonal imbalance: you had a surge of them while you were pregnant, and now they’ve been cut off and your body is adjusting to the lower levels. If this is the case, there are some medications I can perscribe that will help.

“In the meantime, I’m going to refer you to a therapist.” Horsenpfeffer wrote something down on a pad of paper. “Hormonal imbalance or not, therapy is the best treatment for your condition right now. I expect you to be in her office within forty-eight hours, and I will coordinate with her during your sessions to ensure you’re getting the maximum benefit.”

“Who is it?”

“You may have heard of her, but in a different way.” Horsenpfeffer grinned, ripped the page from her pad, and gave it to Celestia. “She spends most of her time teaching now.”

Celestia glanced at the name, then back to her physician. “Doctor Cheerilee?”

“One of the finest therapists I know, but I may be a bit biased, since we were roommates in med school. Remember, I want you in for a clinical visit within two days. If you don’t, I will drag her up here, hunt you down, and force you to talk to her. Don’t make me do that.”

“I will have Wysteria make the appointment immediately.”

“Good. Now, let’s get that blood drawn, but remember: it may take time and effort, but you can beat this.”

* * * *

Author's Note:

For anyone who is feeling overwhelmed, depressed, or suicidal, there are wonderful resources avaliable. Please reach out and get the help you need and deserve. Here's a few of my favorites, in no particular order:

United States Helpline: 988


Crisis Text Line (USA): text HOME to 741741

Native Youth Crisis Hotline (Native Americans in the USA): 1-877-209-1266

Beyond Blue (Australia): 1300 22 4636

Kids Helpline (Australia): 1800 55 1800

Distress Centre (Canada): 403-266-HELP (4357)

Kids Help Phone (Canada): 1-800-668-6868

European Alliance Against Depression: eaad.net

Samaritans (United Kingdom and Ireland): 116 123