• Published 22nd Sep 2021
  • 7,479 Views, 569 Comments

New Noses To Know - Irrespective

Baked Bean and Princess Celestia have welcomed their newborn into the world. Now the fun begins.

  • ...

9. - Starlight

* * * *

“Trixie is not paid nearly enough to deal with such trivial matters.”

The Great and Powerful Trixie snorted, glanced around Ponyville’s train station, and began the long march to the center of town. When she had accepted the position as Prince Baked Bean’s full-time secretary, she had expected to spend her days comfortably situated in the posh and regal palace, surrounded by the finest that Equestria had to offer.

But with Princess Celestia’s overbooked schedule and Wysteria’s twins, it fell upon the dutiful secretary to hazard the journey to Ponyville and to confirm that Princess Sparkle had everything ready for Celestia’s visit and dinner that evening. Her saddlebags were laden with all of the documentation that needed to be completed, and Trixie was not looking forward to trudging all over town just to complete an overblown checklist.

“It’s little wonder where Sparkle picked up her obsessive organizational skills,” she grumbled. “This is ridiculous. The Great and Powerful Trixie is an artiste, not a gopher! I should be perfecting my new stage show right now. Sparkle probably has everything ready to go, anyway. She’s such a perfect little perfectionist that there’s no way she’d let anything be wrong, especially since it’s Princess Celestia coming to call.”

“If I didn’t know any better, Ma’am, I’d say you don’t like Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

Trixie paused so she could properly glare at her royal guard escort. “Sparkle and I have a history, Private Lemon Tart, and I’ll leave it at that.”

“Are you jealous that she has more magical power than you, Ma’am?” Tart grinned smugly. “Or are you still sore because she stopped your takeover of Ponyville by using your playbook against you?”

“You heard about that?” Trixie squeaked.

“Everypony has. The Royal Guard Academy is using that encounter as an example of lateral thinking when faced with an overwhelmingly powerful foe, Ma’am. Lieutenant Spear Point wrote the lesson.” Tart lowered her voice slightly. “I’m fairly certain he was not pleased when you were hired.”

“Oh, great. As if being beaten by Sparkle wasn’t embarrassing enough, now I'm a textbook.” Trixie resumed her annoyed march to town. “Besides, Trixie is not the same pony that she was then. I learned my lesson.”

“Just don’t forget it, Ma’am. My orders are to protect the Princesses first and foremost, then Prince Bean, then you.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Trixie knows not to challenge any Princess, thank you very much. Anyways, this shouldn’t take very long. As soon as Sparkle sees my checklist, she’ll start to drool over it, and she’ll fill it out for me. Trixie thinks a trip to the Ponyville Day Spa sounds rather nice, and then maybe lunch at Gustav’s restaurant.”

“I’ll pretend that I didn’t hear any of that, Ma’am.”

“You know, you’d be a lot funner if you’d loosen up a little bit. Sergeants Hokey Pokey and Clover Leaf joke around way more than you do.”

“Respectfully, Ma’am, the amount of jokes a royal guard is allowed is directly proportional to rank, as is the appropriate reaction. If a sergeant cracks a joke, it’s the funniest thing I’ve ever heard in my life. If Captain Armor even hits at humor, then I chortle for days. If the Princesses deign to share a moment of levity with me, I immediately keel over and die laughing.”

“Hey!” a pony shouted from somewhere. “Is that The Great and Powerful Trixie?”

“Indeed it is!” Trixie instantly struck a pose, and a cream-colored mare rushed over to her. “Behold! The one and only, the Great and Powerful Trrrixie!”

“Wow! I can’t believe it’s really you! Daisy, Lily, look!” The mare gestured to a pair of ponies who were chatting nearby. “It’s Trixie! She came back!”

Before Trixie could reply, a mob appeared around her, and everypony clamored to catch a glimpse of the famous showmare. Trixie waved and mugged for the growing crowd, her smile spread from ear to ear.

“Finally! Some respect! Yes, yes! Please, don’t push! The Great and Powerful Trixie will sign a few autographs for you, but please wait your turn! There’s plenty of Trixie to go around!”

“I don’t believe what I’m seeing.” Private Tart gawked as what seemed like all of Ponyville swarmed around Trixie, almost like a pack of parasprites that had found a five-layer, blue velvet cake with vanilla frosting and extra sprinkles.

Trixie, for her part, drank it all in with aplomb. She was quick to sign the various scraps of paper that were being thrust towards her, smiling and waving at the flashing cameras, and continuing to call out to the crowd without the slightest hesitation.

“What brings you back to Ponyville, Miss Trixie?” a small colt asked from the front.

“Why, Trixie is here on official royal business, sent by none other than Prince Baked Bean himself! Yes, yes! It’s really me, it’s Trixie! Drink it in! I know it’s a lot, the hair, the bod,”—she paused to blow a kiss to another photographer—“but please, do try to contain yourselves!”

“We love you, Great and Powerful Trixie!” a pony shouted.

“And I love you, random citizen!”

“Seriously?” Tart murmured before taking to the air. “This day just got a whole lot worse.”

* * * *

The Great and Powerful Trixie let out a long, luxurious sigh, and wiggled her rump slightly to settle fully into the plush spa chair. Now that she had finally broken away from her unexpected fans and their demands to bask in her presence, Trixie was content to enjoy the pampering and the quiet tinkling of an unseen water fixture.

Trixie had never realized how exhausting being popular was. Up until now, Trixie had never been able to attract attention—or, more accurately, she could not attract positive attention—to herself. The nobility of Canterlot put up with her only because she was Prince Bean’s secretary, and truth be told, a lot of them only put up with him because he was married to Princess Celestia. If given the opportunity, most ponies would excuse themselves from Trixie’s presence while pulling their own disappearing act that was so good, Trixie wanted to learn how to do it for her show.

But if the local praise and adulation kept up, Trixie was going to have a hard time taking care of her tasks before the arrival of Princess Celestia and Prince Bean.

She tried to tell herself that it didn’t really matter; that Sparkle would take care of everything anyway, but the idea refused to comfort her. If she didn’t get the checklist checked off, then she ran the very real risk of disappointing her employers.

Being responsible is annoying.

But for now, she was going to enjoy the cool cucumbers on her eyes and the relaxing tingle of the facial cream. A gentle back massage and horn filing was scheduled after her facial was done, and once the hooficure was completed, Trixie would then worry about how to finish her job.

“Ahhh,” an unseen pony sighed in relief behind her. “This is just what I needed.”

“Tell me about it.” Trixie had to agree.

“You ever have one of those days?”

Trixie tilted her head towards the speaker, her mind filling with all of the ‘heated discussions’ she had been engaged in over the past week in Canterlot. “For me, they’re all one of those days. I’m going to start coming here every time I visit Ponyville.”

“You’re not from here, either? I’ve been trying to make friends, but it’s not easy. They’re not saying it, but I think everypony knows about my past. I may have been a tiny bit completely and utterly evil.”

Trixie rolled her eyes, but the effect was lost since nopony could see them. “Ponies judge me on my past, too.”

“Wow, finally! A pony I can relate to!”

“But the Great and Powerful Trixie doubts you have been as evil as me.” Trixie removed the cucumbers, and she offered a smile as she turned around.

“Trixie? Who’s that?”

“Trixie is me!” Trixie struck a pose, then frowned. “I take it you’ve never heard of The Great and Powerful Trixie before now?”

“Can’t say that I have, sorry. My name is Starlight Glimmer.”

“Starlight, Starlight. You sound familiar.” Trixie tapped her chin, then brightened. “A-ha! You’re The Starlight Glimmer, Stealer of Cutie Marks and Destroyer of Alternate Dimensions! Impressive accomplishments. Trixie has heard all about you from Princess Celestia and Prince Baked Bean.”

“You have?” Starlight shrunk back and swallowed nervously. “How do you know them?”

“Trixie is the personal and exclusive secretary to Prince Bean.” Trixie rubbed one hoof on her chest. “All official communiques to and from His Royal Highness go through me.”

“Really? You couldn’t have been all that evil then if you work for him.”

“You doubt the Great and Powerful Trixie?” Trixie smiled smugly. “You there! Yes, the white, muscular pegasus!”

“Yeah?” said pegasus asked.

“Do you know who I am?”

“Uh, yeah?” he slowly said. “You’re the Great and Powerful Trixie, the Element of Pride.”

“And what is Trixie famous for in Ponyville?” Trixie went on with a bob of her eyebrows.

“Well, you did bring the Ursa Major into—”

“Ursa Minor, and that wasn’t my fault. What is Trixie famous for after that?”

“There was the Alicorn Amulet—”

“After that!” spat Trixie. “More recently!”

“You’ve got the largest open bar tab at Berry Pinch’s—”

“Not that recent! And Trixie is going to pay that off today. Remember that event with Tirek?”

“You fought Tirek?” asked Starlight with a gasp.

“Distracted him, mostly,” said the muscular pegasus. “Still, one of the bravest things I’ve ever seen anypony do.”

Trixie puffed back up.

“Other than Twilight Sparkle,” continued the pegasus.

“Doesn’t sound all that evil to me,” Starlight quipped dryly.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie used to be petty and narcissistic—”

Private Tart snorted from the other side of the room where she had been pretending to read a magazine.

Trixie glared at her guard for a moment. “But the Humble and Penitent Trixie has learned her lesson. I admit I haven’t always been the nicest of ponies, and I have done a lot of things that I regret, but that’s all behind me now.”

“Huh!” Starlight looked impressed. “So, do you think you could give me some tips on how to rehabilitate my image?”

“Starlight, my new friend,” Trixie wrapped a foreleg around her and pulled her into a confident hug. “By the time Trixie is done, you’ll be the second-most popular and beloved pony this side of Canterlot!”

“That’s it. I’m calling for reinforcements,” Tart muttered. “And a pin.”

* * * *

“Now then, my young apprentice, it is time you began your journey under the tutelage of the Great and Powerful Trixie.” Trixie grinned broadly at Starlight as they walked towards the center of Ponyville. “Sparkle may be the Princess of Friendship, but she doesn’t know everything. I have a few tricks up my sleeve.”

“But you’re not wearing any sleeves,” Starlight noted.

“Nuance, and don’t change the subject. Though I do like your redirection skills. Have you ever thought of taking up a career in—” Trixie threw an arc of sparkling glitter over the pair of them “—show business? There’s no business like it, no business I know.”

“No, can’t say that I have.” Starlight brushed the glitter from her shoulder, then snorted a flake off the end of her nose.

“You really should. Now, what has Princess Perfect Smartypants told you about friendship?”

“Well, not much, actually.” Starlight rubbed the back of her head in thought. “I mean, she’s helped me see that I can’t force ponies to do my bidding, but other than that…”

“Well, we’ll soon fix that!” Trixie said, her joy overflowing. Finally! A way to upstage that insufferable Sparkle and prove that she wasn’t the end-all, beat-all that everypony believed her to be! By the time Trixie was done with Starlight, Sparkle would be forced to acknowledge the Great and Powerful Trixie’s skill! “And we begin right now!”

“Hey, it’s Trixie!” a stallion called out from across the street. “Trixie! Can I get an autograph?”

“Lesson one: always make time to schmooze with the rabble,” she said out of the corner of her mouth, beckoning the stallion over. “Of course, sir! Who do I make the inscription out to?”

“Oh, wow! Could you make it out to Caramel, please? I’m one of your biggest fans!”

“But of course! Allow me to introduce you to my assistant, Miss Starlight Glimmer. She’s new in town. Have you had a chance to meet her?”

Caramel glanced over Starlight and hummed thoughtfully. “I think so? I’ve seen you around, at least.”

“Lesson two,” Trixie whispered, as she took the photo of herself from her eager fan. “Appeal to other ponies’ interests. Mister Caramel, didn’t you provide covering fire with a pie-apult during the Battle of Ponyville?”

“I did provide a few shots,” he said sheepishly, but with a small grin.

“Trixie was wondering what kind of pies you used. They looked delicious.”

“Oh, they were just some mass-produced boysenberry pies, Miss Trixie. Your fireworks did far more damage.”

“Interesting. What is your favorite type of pie?”

“Oh, I don’t have a favorite. I guess apple, if I had to pick, since we have Sweet Apple Acres right in town.”

“Starlight, what is your favorite kind of pie?” Trixie asked with a sly wink.

Thankfully, Starlight picked up quickly on what Trixie was attempting to do. “I like apple pies too, but my favorite apple dessert by far is caramel apples. Do you happen to know a good place where I could get some?”

“Really? Y-you like caramel apples?” Caramel stammered bashfully, his gaze on his hooves. “Um, well, I like to think that I make the best. I mean, I provide all the caramel apples to Sugarcube Corner, the local bakery. And candied apples, too. I make some really good candied apples.”

“Really?” Starlight quickly winked at Trixie. “Why don’t you tell me more?”

* * * *

“Not bad, Starlight. Not bad.” Trixie paused to finish off her candied apple, licking her lips.

“Really?!” Starlight blurted and pranced in place for a moment, but then she visibly pulled herself back with a small smile. “I mean, I wasn’t really sure if I was saying the right things to him. I’m more used to telling others what to think, instead of hearing their thoughts.”

“With some practice, and my superior tutelage, you’ll soon be able to make ponies think what you want them to think. A true magician always controls her audience. They see what she wants them to see, hear what she wants them to hear, and believe what she tells them to believe.” Private Tart, positioned behind them ever dutifully, cleared her throat. “Within appropriate boundaries, of course.”

“So, what’s the next lesson?” Starlight eagerly asked as they walked into Ponyville once more.

“Hmm…” Trixie glanced her new protege over, and tsked. “We need to work on that smile of yours. It looks too fake, too forced.”

“Does it?” Starlight rubbed her cheeks. “I guess I just got used to smiling the same way all the time in Our Town.”

“You’re not going to make any friends looking like that! Here. Relax your face. No, not like that. Deep breath in, and…” Trixie began tugging on the corners of Starlight’s mouth. “Loosen up a little… there, better… ack! Worse! Definitely worse!”

“I can’t do it, can I?” Starlight moaned.

“Yes you can! We just need a new strategy.” Trixie tapped her chin, then perked up. “A-ha! Trixie has it. Close your eyes. That’s it. No peeking! Now, think back to when you were in the spa right when you first met the Great and Powerful Trixie. How did you feel then?”

Starlight thought back to the warmth and comfort of the spa that had begun to unwind the frayed nerves and knotted muscles of the last few stressful weeks. “Well, I—”

“There! That’s a good smile!” Trixie proclaimed. “Keep that one!”

“Really? Wow!” Starlight touched her lips for a moment, then smiled more. “You know what? I like this!”

“Was there ever any doubt?” Trixie said, matching the smile with her own.

“Hey! It’s the Great and Powerful Trixie!”

Before either pony had a chance to react, the mob from earlier reappeared and surrounded the pair, each member clamoring for an autograph or a photo of the stunning showmare. Trixie retreated a few steps and offered a nervous chuckle, but she had no idea what she was supposed to do with all of this sustained attention. It was beginning to wear her down, and just when she was beginning to enjoy her time with her new friend.

Suddenly, Starlight let out a sharp whistle. “All right! Everypony who wants to meet the Great and Powerful Trixie, form a single file line to my right! If you’re not in line, you’ll be kicked out!”

“Kicked out of where?” Trixie had to ask, but the question went unanswered. In a flash, the crowd did as they had been told, and Starlight glanced them over with a critical stare before turning and nodding to Trixie. “There we go!”

“How did you do that?”

“Well, I am pretty good at organizing stuff,” Starlight said proudly. “Magic props, brainwashed crowds…”

The two laughed, and Trixie couldn’t help but be impressed. This Starlight Glimmer would be a fabulous assistant if she ever went on the road with her magic show again.

* * * *

“Are you sure you’re not interested in show business?” Trixie asked Starlight as she signed an autograph for the next pony in line. “You’d be a natural, you know. With your help, I might even be able to pull off the most stupendous, the most awe-inspiring magic trick Equestria has ever seen!”

“Really? What’s that?” Starlight asked.

“The Moonshot Manticore Mouth Dive!” Trixie proclaimed. She then pulled her new friend into a hug while gesturing with her free hoof. “Only one magician has ever pulled it off: my hero, the great Hoofdini! You are supposed to blast yourself into the open mouth of a hungry manticore. After the manticore chews you up and swallows you, you magically step out of a box on the other side of the stage, completely unharmed!”

“That sounds very…”

“Dangerous?” Trixie offered.

“I was gonna say cool!”

“I knew I liked you for a reason,” Trixie shared a hoofbump. “But I’ve never been able to figure out how he did it. If I tried it, I’d get chewed up and swallowed by that manticore.”

“Not if you could use real magic,” Starlight mused.

“Obviously. Way to rub it in.”

“No, I mean, I could help, like you said! You could start the trick, and right before you got chewed up, I could use magic to save you and make you appear in the black box!”

“I guess that would work,” Trixie said thoughtfully. “But if you made one mistake, I’d be a goner.”

Starlight scoffed. “When it comes to magic, I don’t make mistakes.”

“Of course, Trixie would want to practice first,” she said while taking the next paper to sign. “Who do I make the autograph out to?”

“Could you make it out to Baked Bean, please?”

“Your Highness!” Trixie was on her hooves in a flash, her ears splayed back as she caught the full force of her employer’s frown. “Trixie can explain! I just need to get a few more things checked off…” her gaze darted around, and then she quickly shoved herself under the table. “Where are my saddlebags?! I just had them…”

“Do you mean these saddlebags that I found at the spa?” Bean held them out, complete with the unchecked checklists. Trixie hit her forehead, yelped in pain, then extracted herself and snatched them with her magic.

“Trixie espèce d'idiot! Just a moment, Your Highness. Trixie can get all of this done before dinner.”

“Dinner!” Starlight gasped. “Oh, horsefeathers! I was supposed to be back at the castle by now for dinner with Princess Celestia!”

“An hour ago, actually,” Bean said.

Starlight retreated behind Trixie, and they both could not look him in the eye. “We, um… well… you see… We can still make it if… No, I promised not to use that spell again… Um…”

“Trixie, you have caused confusion and delay,” Bean said sternly. “Princess Twilight was running around like her tail was on fire when we arrived, and half of her castle has been torn apart by her frantic efforts to prepare without your checklists. The dinner itself was a disaster; Twilight pulled two random ponies and a donkey off the street, and none of them had any idea what was going on. Lieutenant Spear Point is furious over having to send more guards to Ponyville to help Private Lemon Tart keep this crowd under control, and don’t even get me started on Spike! We trusted you, Miss Lulamoon, and you’ve really let us down.”

“This isn’t Trixie’s fault! Trixie was just…”

“Trixie was just trying to help me make new friends, Your Highness.” Starlight stepped forward, albeit with her ears still splayed and her tail tucked down. “She saw I was having a really hard time, and she took the time to befriend me when nopony else would. If you’re going to be mad at anypony, be mad at me. Trixie would have gotten her work done if I hadn’t interrupted her.”

“No, Starlight.” Trixie put a hoof on Starlight’s shoulder and shook her head. “I’m the only one to blame here. I should have gotten my work done first, then helped you out. I had a job to do, and I didn’t do it. I’m sorry, Prince Bean.”

Prince Bean let out a short huff. “Thank you, but an apology won’t be enough to fix all of the problems you’ve caused. I think both of you need to come back to Twilight’s castle with me, for starters.”

“Of course, Your Highness,” Starlight said, retreating behind Trixie once more. “We’ll do whatever you want us to do.”

“So, does this mean the Great and Powerful Trixie won’t be signing any more autographs?” the next pony in line asked. The remaining crowd let out a chorus of disappointed sighs.

“Trixie will be back later, once she’s done cleaning up,” Bean said to everypony’s obvious relief. He then turned back to Trixie. “We did have time scheduled this evening so I could offer my thanks to the citizens for helping me fight Tirek, so I think you could tend to your fans during that time, don’t you?”

“With my new friend’s help,” Trixie pulled Starlight into a friendly hug, “it’ll be no problem at all, Your Highness.”

* * * *

“Now, then. About your punishment.”

Trixie drew in a deep breath. Now that everything had been straightened up and everypony had gone home for the evening, it was time for her to face her employer. She took a quick moment to adjust her secretarial collar and ensure her mane was still up in the Wysteria-approved bun. “Trixie will accept whatever you deem to be just.”

“Wait! Your Highness, please.” Starlight stepped up again, rather nervously. “Don’t punish her. This was my fault. You should imprison me, not her.”

“Imprison? For failing to complete paperwork?” Bean said with a small laugh. “That’s a tad bit extreme. I was just going to give her a verbal warning and deduct the cost of dinner out of her paycheck. Her dinner, not the whole rolling disaster. Spike was going to save her plate in the icebox, but since we’re going back to Canterlot, he ate the leftovers. And the plate.”

“Wait, really?” Trixie asked. “That’s it? Princess Celestia isn’t going to send me to the moon?”

“She left your punishment up to me,” Bean replied. “Since you report to me and Wysteria, not her. Strictly speaking.”

“How much did dinner cost?” Starlight asked. “I’ll pay for it.”

“No.” Bean shook his head. “Miss Glimmer, I admire that you’re trying to take the blame here, but Trixie had a job to do and she didn’t do it. I did decide to take it easy on Trixie since she was helping you out, but in the end…”

“Thank you, Starlight, but Prince Bean is right,” Trixie said. “I accept your punishment, Your Highness. I’ll draw up my reprimand and have it ready for your signature by oh-nine hundred tomorrow.”

“Good. As for you, Miss Glimmer, I’m sure Princess Twilight will have a discussion with you, but I’ll leave that to her. The only thing I’ll say is that you’re very fortunate to have met Trixie. Normally, she’s a very punctual and organized pony, and highly loyal. If you’ve gained her friendship, then you’ve gained a new friend for life.

“However, we need to get going. It’s late, and Trixie has a lot of paperwork to file before she goes home for the night.”

“I guess this is goodbye, then?” Starlight asked Trixie.

“Not goodbye. Trixie prefers ‘à toute à l'heure!’” She gave her new friend a hug and a smile. “I still say you’d make a Great and Fabulous assistant. We’ll talk more about your role in my Humble and Penitent tour later, okay?”

“Sounds good. I’ll write up some ideas and have Spike send them to you tomorrow morning.”

“Wait to send them until about eleven or so. Trixie is usually in a meeting then, and it’s hilarious when I burp up messages right in the middle of their presentations.”

The two laughed, hugged again, and Starlight waved as Trixie and Prince Bean walked to the waiting carriage.

“Did Princess Celestia go back to Canterlot already?” Trixie asked as they boarded.

“She did. She was worried about Apollo.”

“I see.” Trixie braced as the carriage leapt into the air, but then she twisted to wave one last time to Starlight.

“Seems like you made a pretty good friend. Despite everything that happened, I’m actually kinda proud of you, Miss Lulamoon.”

“Starlight is a good friend.” Trixie’s smile grew larger. “Trixie hopes we can get together again soon. Without destroying the world, of course.”

* * * *