• Published 22nd Sep 2021
  • 7,479 Views, 569 Comments

New Noses To Know - Irrespective

Baked Bean and Princess Celestia have welcomed their newborn into the world. Now the fun begins.

  • ...

3. - The Ambassador

* * * *

“Bean?” Celestia’s warm words caressed the outer edge of Bean’s ears before gently tickling the fine hairs on their way into his slumber. “Are you awake, love?”

“Nuh uh,” he grunted back, with a wiggle to push more of himself against her silky smooth coat. “Still asleep. Enjoying my Snugglestia time.”

“As am I.” His wife’s delicious laugh sent a tingling wave of delight right down the middle of his spine. “But if we don’t get up soon, we’ll be late to raise the sun.”

“Bah. Let it stay down. Nightmare Moon will love it.”

“Perhaps, but Luna most certainly will not. C’mon.” Celestia’s magic gently tugged on his tail. “We don’t want to be late to our meeting with Prince Blueblood, either.”

“Oh, fine.” Baked Bean peeked one eye, and he smiled when he saw the most perfect pair of eyes looking back at him. “But promise we come back to this later.”

“That may happen sooner than you think,” Celestia replied, the corners of her mouth twitching upwards. “Doctor Horsenpfeffer still has me on light duty, as it were, so after our meeting with Blueblood and the Ambassador, we have the rest of the day off. I just hope Ambassador Horwitz will be patient and understanding when I step out to take care of Apollo.”

“I’m sure he’ll understand. Besides, I get the feeling that the Yaks really want to normalize relations between our kingdoms, so at the very least, he should be tolerant of your situation. Yaks have new mothers too, after all.”

Celestia nodded as they both reluctantly rose from their peaceful resting positions. “I would have Mama Nana look after Apollo during our meetings, if he were older,” she remarked as she moved to her son’s crib. “It does not feel right to leave a three-day-old infant in the care of another when you and I are perfectly capable of tending to his needs.”

“Is he awake?”

“Not yet, but he is stirring,” Celestia said with a small smile. “I should have enough time to feed him before the meeting.”

“If not, I doubt it will be a big deal. Seems like Luna and Blueblood will be taking care of most everything today, since they’re the two most knowledgeable ponies in Canterlot about Yak customs. If you step away, I’ll just follow their lead.”

“A good idea, but please remember that you need not exclude yourself completely from the discussion,” Celestia gently said as they both walked out on the balcony. “As my husband, you have the authority to act as my voice and my will. If you feel that you should say something, please do so.”

“I dunno. You sure you can trust me with such a momentous responsibility?”

Celestia didn’t reply immediately. Instead, her horn lit, and as Bean once again reached out to the sun with her, he felt a powerful peace that could only be equaled by the love that they shared with each other.

“If I can trust you with my heart—and the sun—I think I can trust you with a Yak.”

* * * *

“Agh! The cuteness! It’s… too much!”

Bean couldn’t hold back his chuckle as the nearby guard clutched at his chest and leaned on his spear for support. “I think I need to take Apollo from you, Celly. You’re overloading the staff.”

“What?” Celestia tossed her mane back and stood a little taller, thus allowing her bright-eyed and babbling son in the carrier on her chest to be better seen by all. “I think he’s just fine right where he is. No need to disturb him.”

“Feeling a little mommy pride, are we?” Luna quipped with a wry grin.

“I see nothing wrong with taking some contentment in presenting the fruits on one’s own labors,” said Celestia as another guard groaned and went weak in the knees. “Especially given the labor I went through with him.”

“I shall tell Miss Lulamoon to make sure we add supplemental heart attack coverage to the insurance, then.”

“Stop that,” Celestia said with a deep smile. “They’ll be fine.”

“I hope so,” Bean added as he pushed open the door to their conference room. “After you, ladies.”

“Ah, Your Highnesses!” Prince Blueblood quickly rose from his seat, hesitated for a moment when his eyes moved to the tiny Prince in his carrier, cleared his throat as his front legs wobbled slightly, bowed, and then motioned to the empty chairs across the table. “Iron will, Blueblood. Stay strong,” he muttered before smiling. “And young Prince Apollo! Thank you for taking the time to meet with me. Please, have a seat. There is much to cover, and Ambassador Horwitz is eager to meet you.”

“Thank you, Blueblood,” Celestia replied as she, Baked Bean, and Luna moved to the offered chairs.

Blueblood waited for the royals before sitting himself, and with a grin, he pointed to the trio of feathers that were now tucked behind Baked Bean’s left ear. “Ah! I see Auntie Luna has already mentioned the importance of ornamentation. The ambassador is fairly reasonable, as far as yaks go, but the display of alicorn feathers should prevent any conflicts regarding your status as Celestia’s husband. Horwitz will not question your word or your authority.

“Actually,” started Bean, “one of them is a phoenix feather, since—”

“Don’t be too specific when engaged in diplomacy,” cautioned Blueblood. “Now, I am sure that Auntie Luna has given you both some brief details regarding Yaks and their customs.” Blueblood’s horn lit, his magic shut the door to the conference room, and from somewhere beneath the table, he produced three manilla folders. “So, I will keep my remarks brief this morning. Auntie Celestia, Horwitz has been apprised of your newborn son, so he understands that you may not be available for a time as you tend to Apollo and your own needs. Yaks place the greatest value on the health of their offspring, and believe that a mother and her child should be given ample time to bond.

“In these folders, I have compiled a summary of Yak customs and traditions, for you to review at your leisure,” he went on as he passed them out. “These are, obviously, not all-encompassing, but they should provide you with the essential basics. You are all aware of yak predilection for smashing, so I have taken the liberty of removing the more expensive and historical pieces of furniture from any area where Ambassador Horwitz is likely to lose his temper. Fortunately for us, Horwitz is the most even-tempered and open-minded yak I’ve met, so if you were hoping to rid yourself of a few more of those garish paintings that you dislike, Aunt Celestia, then I’m afraid you’ll have to destroy them yourself.”

Celestia hummed a thoughtful note. “A tempting idea, but those pieces that did survive my wrath when the fake Bean was exposed have already been removed from the palace and put into a secure storage vault. Everything in the palace is now reproductions and copies.”

Blueblood nodded, obviously attempting to hide a smile at the way Apollo was entranced by his outfit. “In all other respects, the Ambassador is a fairly typical example of yaks in general. They are loud, stubbornly convinced of their own superiority in all physical aspects, argumentative, decidedly lacking in grace or subtlety, and fiercely loyal to those whom they consider friends. They enjoy smashing, contests that pit the strength of one against another, spending time with family, smashing, fine poetry, pottery, epic tales of glorious battles gone by, smashing, and other various hobbies that vary between individuals, just like us. Given the clime of the northern mountains, yaks are quite fond of nearly every winter sport you can name, and excel in a great many of them.”

“Has any progress been made in their acceptance of pony customs and traditions?” Luna asked.

“Some. Pinkie Pie has been most helpful in that regard, I must confess. Horwitz in particular is very accepting of our different cultures and customs, but I would expect him to proudly proclaim that yak traditions are superior to ours. Yaks, in general, tend to see things in relation to how it affects them, and more importantly, their pride. They abhor the thought of being defeated or being seen as weak, but are willing to accept such setbacks in time, and with a fair amount of smashing.”

“Sounds like some of my customers back home,” Bean quipped.

“Which is why I think you will do well with the yaks, Uncle Bean.” Blueblood smiled broadly. “Your unique experience as a restaurateur will be most beneficial, as they are, indeed, much like a temperamental patron. Your ability to cater to their various demands will, undoubtedly, resolve many problems before they begin.”

“Really? You actually think I’ll be useful?” Bean glanced at his wife, who smiled and kissed his nose, then added one for their son, who had been very good so far and deserved a reward.

“That’s all there is to it. Your background and skill from the Zuerst will translate well in this particular circumstance. If you treat Ambassador Horwitz like a troublesome patron, then you will either resolve all of his concerns or run him out of Canterlot. Given what I know of you, I am confident it will be the former.”

“I’ll do my best, then,” he said thoughtfully. “You didn’t happen to bring a yak cookbook with you, perchance?”

“Now why would I bring one of their cookbooks?” Blueblood asked with an ill-hidden smirk. “Prince Bean, I have been living among a bunch of temperamental and easily angered yaks for the last year. I have been a student of their culture, their language, and their fickle demands for Yak perfection. Of course I brought a cookbook.” Blueblood’s magic teleported in a large tome, bound by thick gold clasps and with several thin bookmarks protruding from the lower edge. “However, I am still working on the translation from yakki to equish, so I have only a few recipes available. Since you have mentioned it, I was going to ask if you wouldn’t mind preparing a light luncheon for the Ambassador to enjoy during our meetings today. He will be most pleased to have a meal from his home country.”

“Sure, I’ll give it a shot,” Bean replied. “Hopefully it isn’t anything too strange.”

“I think you’ll find their cuisine to be surprisingly robust. I was able to survive on it for nearly a year, after all. I may have also put on a few pounds. Yak portions are just as exuberant as the rest of their culture. Now, allow me to move into a brief history of Yakyakistan…”

* * * *

“...and that is all I have for you at this time,” Blueblood concluded. “As a last note, I would like to emphasize that there are still a great many Yak customs that I am unfamiliar with, so I am sure Ambassador Horwitz will be more than happy to fill in the gaps when we come to them.”

“Of course,” Luna said as they all stood. “I would hardly expect anything less.”

“Prince Bean?” Blueblood dipped his head in deference again, and his gaze remained on the floor. “May I have a few private words with you before we meet with Horwitz?”

“Uh, sure?” Bean glanced at Celestia, who bobbed her eyebrows and winked at him. “Is something wrong?”

“I would like to discuss that alone, if I may.”

“We’ll be in the hallway,” Celestia said with her most imperious tone. “I believe it’s time for Apollo’s feeding. Come, Luna.”

The Two Sisters left without further comment, and Bean swallowed hard as the door shut behind them. Did Prince Blueblood still harbor some ill will towards him?

“Thank you for granting me this private audience, Prince Bean,” Blueblood began as he straightened. “I… I admit, I felt some trepidation coming into this meeting, and I greatly appreciate your peaceful demeanor, to say nothing of your son and his good behavior in my presence.”

“Of course. You’ve clearly put a lot of work into this, Blueblood, and I thank you for sharing it with me.”

Blueblood nodded. “Permit me, then, to get right to the point. Your Highness, I wish to again beg for your forgiveness in regards to my prior actions towards you. I allowed my hubris to blind me to your skill and your worth, and my unsympathetic words are the direct reason you have suffered grievous injuries to your leg that, as I understand it, will never fully heal. Had I been more accepting and open upon your arrival, I believe I would have found a friend and an ally.”

Ah, so that's what this is about. Bean allowed a good natured smile to spread across his face, and he put a hoof on Blueblood’s shoulder. “Tirek is the one to blame for my bum leg, not you. I don’t blame you for what happened. Besides, I would have defied my wife’s orders, no matter what you did. Whatever happened between us in the past can stay there, for all I care, and I look forward to moving into the future with you as my friend.”

“That is most generous of you, and thank you. For what it is worth, I am committed to being, for now and forevermore, your staunchest friend and servant.”

“That is worth quite a bit, then. But I don’t know that I like that servant stuff. How about we say we’re fellow chefs, both cooking in the same kitchen now?”

“An apt analogy.” Blueblood stuck out his hoof, and Bean shook it with no hesitation. “Thank you again, My Prince. I look forward to serving with you.”

“As am I.” The two of them turned to leave, but then a thought came to Bean. “Say, do you mind if I ask what happened to Lady Chrysanthemum?”

Blueblood’s smile faltered and faded from view. “Ah, yes. A worthy question, and one I don’t mind answering. Your Highness, I’m afraid the Lady Chrysanthemum terminated all association with me while we were on our way to re-establish communication with Yakyakistan last year. I have not seen or heard from her since we passed through the Crystal Empire. It would seem that, once again, I was being manipulated because of my status and connections. She was using me as a means to achieve her desire to study the crystals of the Empire.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

“Think nothing of it. Such has been the lot of my life, so the treachery is not new nor surprising.” Blueblood hesitated, his gaze distant for a moment, but then he forced out a smile. “Besides, I have a doting cousin who will be more than happy to ‘fix’ my love life, as she puts it.”

“Yeah, knowing Cadence, she’s probably got a half-dozen mares already vetted and waiting for you,” Bean said with a light laugh. “I’m sure you’ll find somepony special soon.”

“Perhaps. Whatever happens in my personal life, however, I shall remain committed to you, to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, and to establishing Yakyakistan as a perpetual friend to Equestria.”

“Between you and me, do you think it will be difficult? I’ve never met a yak before.”

“All in all, I doubt there will be much resistance or difficulties,” Blueblood said confidently. “Forgive me of some pride, but my efforts in Yakyakistan have been most productive, and Prince Rutherford himself is eager to normalize relations between our nations again. He realizes that both yaks and ponies have much to gain from each other, but opening the border will benefit his yaks and his kingdom far more than it will benefit us.”

“Ah. How do they feel about the whole Sombra incident?”

Blueblood paused and gave Bean a surprised look. “You’re familiar with the fall of the Empire? I’m impressed.”

“I wouldn’t call myself an expert by any means,” Bean said with a scoff. “Most of what I know I picked up from helping Luna with Star Struck’s biography.”

“Tell me, what do you know of the incident?”

“Mostly just the highlights, probably. Sombra rose to power and took over the Crystal Empire in an effort to control all magic across Equestria. He enslaved the crystal ponies, then raised a mind-controlled army and attacked any who would dare to oppose him, including Celly and the Yaks. Eventually my wife and Luna banished him to shadow and ice, until he returned and was dealt with permanently by Princess Twilight Sparkle, Princess Cadence, Prince Shining Armor, and Spike the Brave and Glorious.”

Blueblood nodded. “Sombra’s attack upon Yakyakistan destroyed all goodwill between us and them in an instant. The yaks were blindsided and deeply injured by the assault, and they did not see a difference between the enslaved ponies and Equestria’s regular military forces. To them, it was as if Celestia herself had inexplicably declared war upon them, and it was a war they knew they could not win. They did not question why the fighting suddenly ended, they simply took the opportunity to retreat and build up their defenses against us. The later Sasquachiary Wars—or what little news they received of it, at any rate—convinced them to remain isolated and on high alert, and thus it remained until Sombra’s final defeat. It was only then that Prince Rutherford was able to convince his ruling councils that overtures should be cautiously extended to Equestria once again.

“The answer to your question is straightforward enough: the Yaks still harbor some distrust and concern, but the majority are willing to open relations with us again. They realize that open borders would bring greater opportunities and fortunes for themselves, and they would like to make new friends, thanks to Pinkie Pie’s influence and efforts. The establishment of an Embassy will be a tremendous boost, and I am confident that they will have forgotten their concerns by this time next year.”

“I hope so. Just let me know what I need to do.”

“I will. For now, just be yourself, Your Highness. My work will be simplified, amplified, and expedited if Ambassador Horwitz is met with friendly and understanding ponies, and his subsequent positive reports back to Yakyakistan will further our mutual goals.”

* * * *

“Is it bad that I’m a little nervous?” Bean glanced up to his wife with a slight frown before turning his attention to Apollo in his carrier and his efforts to eat his own forehoof. “I mean, I’m sure everything will be fine, but I still can’t help but worry about doing something wrong.”

Celestia glanced to Blueblood and Luna, then dipped her head to whisper in Bean’s ear. “To be honest, I’m a bit nervous too. There’s nothing wrong with that. The trick is to funnel that nervous energy into confidence, much like how you would turn anticipation into results at your long distance track competitions.”

Bean mulled this idea over for a moment, then smiled. “You know, you really need to show me how you do that.”

“Do what?” she replied with a matching smile of her own.

“Take my concerns and utterly destroy them with just a few comforting words of encouragement.”

Celestia scoffed. “As with a great many things, the answer is simply love. What I say matters very little when you feel my desire to comfort and assist you.”

“And believe me, that has made all the difference.”

“As it has for me.” Celestia kissed his cheek, and Bean felt a deep warmth spread from his ears to his tail.

“Thank you.”

“Anytime. You’ll do just fine, my Bean.”

“Here we are,” Blueblood announced as he stopped in front of one of the guest suites. “I felt it might be best to meet with the ambassador in a more informal setting.”

“A wise choice. We would wish for our guest to be comfortable, after all,” Luna replied.

Blueblood nodded, turned to the door, and raised his hoof to knock. However, he never got the chance. Before Blueblood even touched the door, it was ripped off its hinges and flung to one side, making space for a giant wall of fur that lunged forward through the open doorway and wrapped around the surprised unicorn.

“BLUEBLOOD!” The massive Yak roared with delight. “Yak was beginning to wonder when Pony Blueblood would bring Princesses! Come, come! Yak has much to talk about with ponies!”

Bean, Celestia, and Luna all stifled their laughter over this amusing and enthusiastic greeting, but Celestia led them into the spacious and relaxing lounge area while Horwitz continued to cackle with delight. Bean took a moment to look over the plush velvet chaises and intricately carved tables that were scattered about, and then finally to the yak ambassador.

He wasn’t quite what Baked Bean had expected, but he was close. Horwitz was a large creature, standing nearly as tall as his wife—or perhaps a smidge taller, if one included the massive horns—with a light grey face and dull blonde mane that stretched down and became an impressive, nearly floor-length beard. Unlike most yaks that Bean had seen pictures and drawings of, Horwitz had pulled his mane out of his face and back into a loose bun, allowing anypony to see his dark brown eyes and pince-nez glasses that were perched near the end of his nose. A blue rug—or what looked like one, since the official name of that particular article of clothing was not coming to Bean at that moment—rested comfortably on his back, and, of course, several gold bracelets were hung on his tail, around his ankles, and one large one kept his beard gathered together. He seemed to be a rather pleasant sort of fellow, and Bean felt another wave of ease come over him as Horwitz released Blueblood and turned to Luna.

“Ah, Princess Luna! Yak not see you since you left Yakyakistan.”

“It’s good to see you again, Horwitz,” Luna replied as he bowed to her. “I trust everything is well?”

Horwitz barked out a loud laugh. “Only problem is cute midnight Princess left Yaks without saying goodbye! Yaks have missed Luna and want you to visit again.”

A subtle hint of red came to Luna’s cheeks, but she kept her composure even and calm. “I would like to visit again as well.”

Horwitz then turned to face Celestia, but he squealed in delight and dropped to his front knees to be eye level with Apollo as soon as he saw him. “HA! Princesses bring tiny pony foal! Almost as cute as yak calves, and even has horn!” The thoroughly enamored ambassador cooed, babbled, and jingled his foreleg bracelets in front of Apollo, who instantly took an intense interest in the golden trinkets, and would probably snatch them away if not for the lack of motor control. “Yak loves baby calves and baby foals. Yak wants qiza to have many grandchildren for yak to spoil, but yak only has Yona so far. Qiza is still young, though,” he said with a knowing wink.

“And Princess Celestia! Yak is honored to meet you.” Horwitz stood so he could properly bow to the daytime diarch. “Princess Luna and Pony Blueblood have told Yaks many tales about how noble pony leader has smashed her enemies, like how yaks would! Yak and ponies will be great friends.”

“I am looking forward to deepening our relations as well, Ambassador,” Celestia said.

“But who is yellow pony?” Horwitz now turned his gaze to Baked Bean, but once he did, his eyes widened and he let out a loud gasp of alarm. Half a second later, the massive yak was completely prostrated before the befuddled prince. The ambassador was saying something in rapid, humble tones from his native language, but Bean couldn’t even begin to guess what he was saying, let alone figure out why Horwitz was acting this way.

“Um, hi?” he offered.

“Yak is most humbled to be in presence of Feniks Kuşunun Asıl Dosu,” Horwitz offered in deep reverence and humiliation. “Yak did not know he would be meeting one of the Favored.”

“Favored?” Bean asked, with a glance over to Luna and Blueblood, who both shrugged. “Forgive me, Ambassador, but I’m afraid I’m not quite sure what you mean.”

Horwitz pointed to the trio of feathers behind Bean’s ear with a trembling hoof. “You wear sacred gift from Feniks, noble Prince. You are Ot Kayra Jaralgan, granted power and honor from the Everlasting.”

There was a healthy pause with this revelation, and then another, and almost a third one before Bean spoke. “I’m afraid I still don’t understand.” Bean absentmindedly reached up and touched the feathers while he tried to process what was going on. “Feniks. Wait. Are you referring to the phoenix feather?”

“Phoenix?” Horwitz slowly stood, but his look of awe remained. “That unfamiliar pony word. Prince wears feathers of Day, of Night, and of Feniks in mane.”

“Okay, so phoenix and feniks are the same thing,” Bean thoughtfully said. “Forgive me for asking, but why do you think this feather is so important?”

“In Yakyakistan, Feniks is important and sacred demigod,” Horwitz said softly. “Feniks bring fire to Yak in long-ago past, save first yaks from freezing in cold mountain homes. Only very few yak see Feniks since then. If yak sees Feniks, Yak blessed with long life and much gold. If lucky to get Feather of Feniks, then yak is given great power and ability. Prince Ulysses was given Feniks feather, and used power to create Yakyakistan.”

“That would have been nice to know,” Blueblood muttered under his breath. “How did I miss that?”

“So, by wearing the feather of the Feniks, Prince Baked Bean is, in your eyes, equal to the Feniks itself?” Luna asked, one corner of her mouth twitching upwards.

“Yak pledges himself to eternal service of Great and Powerful Prince,” Horwitz said while prostrating himself before Bean once more. “Prince’s word shall be Yak’s command.”

“I’m not going to order you around,” Bean said quickly, his eyes widening in alarm. “Please, Ambassador, rise. You really don’t need to show me all this deference. I’m just a pony, nothing more.”

“Not to mention the fact that Trixie will be upset that you are moving in on her territory,” Luna added with a snort of amusement.

“If Feniks Kuşunun Asıl Dosu does not want Yak to give him honor he deserves, then Yak will not. Yak must still bow and give much respect Feniks Kuşunun Asıl Dosu, as required by ancient tradition.”

Bean started to protest again, but his words were cut off when Celestia whispered in his ear. “Don’t push this anymore, Love. Let him give you the respect that he thinks you deserve. If you keep telling him to stop, it will be disrespectful to his culture and traditions.”

“Okay,” Bean whispered back with a nod. “But I still don’t like it.”

“Welcome to my world.” Celestia nipped his ear.

“Yak understand why Princess Celestia picked Prince Bean now,” Horwitz continued, but then a confused look came. “But, why is Prince called Baked Bean? Prince is pony, not food.”

Blueblood chuckled. “Here we go.”

“Why would I be a food?” Bean asked.

“Ponies have names that tell what pony is,” Horwitz said matter-of-factly. “Celestia raises sun, Luna raises moon. Pinkie Pie is pink, Pony Blueblood is noble. So Baked Bean should be food, not pony.”

“Pony Blueblood?” Celestia took a turn in this impromptu question-and-answer session.

“Pony Blueblood,” Horwitz confirmed with a firm nod. “Blueblood is not Prince, so why say he is?”

“I did neglect to mention that Yaks can be literal-minded at times,” Blueblood added. “Since I am not a prince by birth or by rank, the yaks refuse to refer to me as such.”

“Blueblood not tell Yak that Prince Bean named wrong,” Horwitz added. “Baked Bean is not bean at all! Prince Not-a-Bean!” he guffawed and slammed a hoof to the ground over his joke.

“I’ve been called worse,” Bean said with a bemused shake of his head. “If you want to call me Not-a-Bean, that’s fine.”

There was a brief pause, and Horwitz took a moment to study Prince Bean with an intense stare. Once that moment was over, though, the ambassador let out a deep laugh that rattled the windows in their panes.

“Prince Not-a-Bean! Ponies are funny creatures. Bring much amusement to Yak! Ponies and Yak sure to get along, since Feniks Kuşunun Asıl Dosu has good sense of humor!”

“I certainly hope so, Ambassador,” Bean replied.

“Come! Sit! Ponies and Yak still have much to talk about! Yak want to hear tale of how Princess’ nose picked Not-a-Bean and created marriage.”

“I’d be more than happy to tell you the story,” Bean replied with a grin.

* * * *

“Well, that was weird,” Bean muttered to Luna as they walked towards the kitchen. “I never thought I would be compared to a demigod. Should we tell Horwitz about Philomina?”

“It may be best to avoid that topic for now,” Luna replied. “At least until we better understand the details and the legend of their Feniks. But given that my sister is also seen as god-like to the Yaks, I imagine that Horwitz would not be surprised when he does find out.”

“Just Celly?” Bean gave her a nudge and a wink. “C’mon, fess up. I’m sure you’ve got some divinity in you too, given your moon juggling skills.”

“Alas—or perhaps, thankfully—the Yaks consider me to be just a pony. An extraordinary pony with wings and a horn, yes, but still a pony in the end. I would be willing to wager that you will outrank me in their eyes, O Favored of the Feniks,” she said with a bob of her eyebrows.

“Yaks don’t see you as divine?” Bean asked with surprise. “I really thought they did.”

“Celestia never betrayed her sister, for one,” Luna noted. “Nor has she ever been banished for any length of time. Celly’s reputation and status has done nothing but grow over the last thousand years, while I am still new and lacking in notoriety. Or, at least in the positive sense. I do know that Nightmare Moon is very much a part of their culture, in a similar way to how I was seen in Equestria.”


Luna nodded. “In Yakyakistan, Nightmare Moon is the Demon of Darkness, a plague that tried to blot out the sun and destroy everything that yaks hold dear. The legend states that, even during my banishment to the moon, I continued to wage an eternal war against Celestia. My evil darkness would wax stronger and spread further during the autumn season and into winter, until reaching a peak at the winter solstice. Celly would then drive back the dark with her light, until peaking at the summer solstice, and then the pattern would repeat.”

“So, what happened when you returned?” Bean asked.

“Not much,” Luna said with a note of indifference. “The legend went on, even with the knowledge that I was no longer the nightmare, just like how Nightmare Night continues. Remember that you, yourself, once thought phoenixes to be nothing more than myth, and even after meeting one, you still hold many of the same beliefs about them that you did before. There are some stories and legends that are so ingrained in a culture that even knowing the full truth will not dislodge them. They become a part of who you are, and why you are what you are.”

“That’s true.” Bean mulled over this thought for a moment, then filed it away for further consideration at a later time. “I gotta admit, everything else after that went well, even after Celly stepped out early to take care of Apollo.”

“This meeting was more of a formality than anything. It reassured the Ambassador that the highest levels of government in Equestria wish to establish favorable relations, and with that, Blueblood will be able to tend to the details, as it were. You have done well, Bean.”

“Thanks, but let’s hold off on the praise until after lunch. I might just undo everything if I botch this meal.”

“I doubt that will be an issue. A chef of your caliber and skill will have no problem cooking one exotic meal, of that I am sure.”

“I hope so, but thank you for the vote of confidence.” Bean smiled, then nodded down the hallway. “I’m gonna go check in on Celly real quick and see if she needs anything.”

Luna simply nodded, and the two parted ways, but a gurgling laugh caught Bean's ear just as he rounded the last corner. With a slight smirk, he angled over to the open nursery door. Celestia had disappeared early in the meeting to tend to Apollo, but he didn’t mind. Based on the cooing that was mixing in with the laughter, mother and son were now enjoying some well-deserved time together.

Baked Bean paused in the doorway, then leaned against the frame as he took in the precious sight. Celestia was resting comfortably on the floor, her forelegs crossed in front of her and Apollo carefully held in them. His tiny hooves squirmed and wiggled in random motions, but the delighted smile on his face was proof that the newborn prince was enjoying his mother’s undivided attention.

“Are you talking to Mommy, little Sunflower?” Celestia dipped down and nuzzled her son, which set off another round of delighted squeals. “My goodness! You just have so much to tell me, don’t you? Please, do not spare the details. I’ll always be here to listen, no matter what.”

Baked Bean had known happiness before. He had felt it during his childhood, when he successfully mastered new recipes and brought home report cards loaded with excellent grades. He had felt happiness in quiet moments at home, a contented peace that he shared with his parents after an uneventful day of work at the Zuerst. And, perhaps most importantly of all, he had felt a deeper happiness and joy than he’d ever felt before with Celestia, and that joy had steadily grown day by day and moment by moment.

But now, as he watched his cherished wife and his newborn son, a new sort of happiness sprung out of his heart, spread across his chest, and filled his body with a warmth that he couldn’t really compare to anything else. The perfection of this moment touched his soul in a way that nothing else could, and a profound gratitude for what he had and where his life had been led to.

In that moment, with the overwhelming serenity enveloping him in radiant bliss, Baked Bean came to a determined resolution. It was not a new design, nor one that had ever been in question before, but his commitment to it was reinforced and doubled.

Baked Bean, no matter what, would always be there for his wife, his son, and for the future family he was sure to have. They would never want for his time, his attention, his affection, or anything else he could possibly give to them.

“Bean!” Celestia called out, and her soft smile threatened to buckle Bean’s knees with an overload of joy. “I didn’t see you there. Are you alright?”

“Never been better,” he replied. “I’m just enjoying your conversation.”

“He’s been quite talkative today, haven’t you?” she said as her attention turned back to Apollo. “Yes! So much to see, and to do, isn’t there?”

Apollo replied to this with a series of cheerful noises and a small raspberry.

“There always is,” Bean replied with a small sigh. “I was just on my way to get lunch ready. Did you need anything before I go?”

“I believe Apollo and I are fine,” Celestia said. “Don’t worry about us.”

“Okay. Just send Trixie over if you do need something. I’ll bring you something light once I get done with the Ambassador's meal.

“Until then, my love.” Celestia blew him a kiss, which Bean deftly caught with a hoof and placed on his own lips.

“Until then.”

* * * *