• Published 1st Sep 2021
  • 2,570 Views, 903 Comments

Electro Swing - Rego

When blame is cast on Vinyl Scratch for ruining an elite winter party, Fancy Pants intercedes on her behalf. However, even the Kingmaker of Canterlot may lack the power to stop the record from spinning out of control.

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Chapter 51: A Glimpse of Paradise

The moon rose on the eve of the longest day of the year, its surface still scarred by the visage of a demon who had consumed a lost princess over two centuries ago. The ancient spell’s chill ran down Princess Celestia’s spine, just as it did every night as she set her sister’s orb on its proper path. She couldn’t help but wonder if this was how Luna felt every time, or if the moon’s frozen bite was of the villain lashing out at her intrusive touch.

“Your majesty, we are ready to begin the festivities…” a long-forgotten farmer said warily as he approached.

“85,196,” Celestia counted to herself as the ice on her breath created an unseasonable mist in the warm summer air.

“What was that, your highness?”

“Nothing.” Her horn dimmed as she turned to face her faceless subject. “Shall we begin this year’s Summer Sun Celebration?”

“Well, of course your majesty, but it’s just…”

“Just what, my little pony?” she asked with a dispassionate smile.

“Well, it’s just that the longest day is tomorrow, right? Why’re you wanting to hold the festivities now instead of just waking up at the crack of dawn like we always do?”

“As you said. It’s the longest day. Why would I want to make all of you celebrate for so long in the heat of summer?” The princess held her hoof out, letting her fur rustle in the wind. “The coolness of an evening summer breeze is an unmatched pleasure. It’s much better to enjoy the evening and end with the sunrise than suffering such a gruelingly hot day, don’t you think?”

The farmer took his straw hat off and shuffled it around in his hooves by the brim. “Well… it’s just that… you know.” While the silhouette of the stallion bore no eyes, his gaze unmistakably was drawn over Princess Celestia’s shoulder to the nightmarish moon behind her.

The princess giggled to mask her acute anger. Then, she smiled with the serenity of Elysium. “Well, perhaps this change will be the first step in helping fix that.”

Princess Celestia sat down in a royal box in a massive concert hall in Canterlot. As she got comfortable, she raised the playbill of the evening to admire the cover. Two disparate lovers sat on the edge of a moonlit lake looking away from each other, their hooves reaching out to touch one another. Under them was the name of the opera she was here to see: Starlight Soliloquies.

“Oh, oh! There she is! It’s Princess Celestia!” a noble lady called out, but the princess paid her no mind. “I told you she would be here tonight.”

“I don’t believe it,” the flummoxed opera manager whispered back to her with dread. “She didn’t hold Day Court today. I was so certain she would come to one of the earlier showings!”

“She’s in attendance now. Is that a problem?” the lady asked.

“All of our leads are resting. She’s going to be suffering through a slew of understudies!” he bemoaned. “And with Proscenium still mixing up his verses half the time, this show is going to be a disaster! Why didn’t she announce her attendance earlier?”

“Who is to say? The sun moves as she wants, and she seems to favor going out at night.”

“But nopony wants to be out at night!”

“There’s nothing for it, my good stallion. Perhaps your prime showing should be moved to later?”

Their petty aristocratic debate continued, and the princess breathed a sigh of relief as the world became just a little more bearable. As the curtains rose, so too did she channel the icy spell to raise the moon. “156,251.”

The stage moon came into full view as the actors took their places upon the stage. Princess Celestia offered a light applause and smiled with the serenity of Elysium.

“Princess Celestia!” another blank stallion called out from afar.

The alicorn turned her head down as the pony caught up to her long stride down the hallway of her school for gifted unicorns. “What is it, Headmaster Wintershire?”

“I must speak with you urgently regarding this new magical proficiency test you’ve instated this year,” the stallion said as he caught his breath.

“The one for the magical kindergarteners?”

“Yes. I’ve been reviewing the tasks you’ve asked to be performed and, well—forgive me for speaking out of turn—they don’t seem fair, your highness.”

The princess raised an eyebrow as she stopped to give the stallion her full attention. “Oh my. What makes you say that?”

The vision of the headmaster sifted through his papers, looking for the right one. “You see, your highness, while the problems you’ve provided have varied solutions from all the various schools of magic, they are much easier to satisfy if the student’s natural inclination favors illusion, enchantment, and abjuration. Those showing promising talents in different schools will have a harder time placing.”

“This is a problem. I didn’t think it was so obviously weighted.”

“It’s not a glaring mistake. I almost missed it myself after analyzing the solutions, but the bias is definitely there if you know what you’re looking for,” the headmaster bragged.

“I see. And have you mentioned any of your findings to the other teachers?”

“Not yet. I wanted to bring it to your attention first before asking the faculty.” Wintershire bowed respectfully as he offered her a scroll. “These are some recommendations I’ve made if you wish to review them. In the meantime, we can still use the old tests.”

“Wonderful. Thank you for bringing this to my attention, headmaster.” Celestia picked up the scroll in her golden aura and sparked it with a flicker of sunlight, reducing it to cinders in an instant. “There. Administer the tests I designed.”

“P-Princess Celestia?” the headmaster stammered as his head followed the scattering remains.

“Equestria is in need of more ponies gifted with the focuses I’ve recommended. With more ponies growing more comfortable with staying out later, we will need better spells for illumination and protection in the future. Nopony should be afraid to explore the wonders of our world, day or night.”

Wintershire looked over his papers again and then back at the princess. “But the tests… they’re not fair.”

“No, they’re not. Is that a problem?”

The stallion stomped a hoof in objection. “Of course it is! You’re asking me to play favorites with our applicants on a whim!”

“Then I suggest you pretend that it isn’t,” Celestia stated warmly, but firmly. “It will only be for a time, I promise.”

“But it’s discrimination!” He let the word hang in the air, but was met with cold silence. Hearing no reply from the princess, Headmaster Wintershire sighed as he tucked his papers at his side. “Very well, your majesty. It will be done.” The stallion turned around and began to walk away.

“Oh, before you go.” Celestia stopped him with her wing and guided his gaze up to her face.

“Y-yes, Princess Celestia?”

“Just now, were you going to tell the other teachers about your findings?”

“No, your hig—”

Verim loqui,” she whispered as a gust of primal arcane magic flowed into his mouth.

“What language was—yes, I needed to tell them not to use the weighted tests.” The stallion froze and covered his muzzle in shock.

Celestia smiled with the serenity of Elysium. “Thank you for your honesty. I will be sure to attend and see that our newest applicants are given the proper exams. For now, would you care to join me in watching the moonrise tonight as we discuss your replacement?”

The wing against the headmaster stiffened before he could make a break for it. He then nodded yes. “N-no. I’m scared,” he admitted weakly.

“There’s no need to fear, Wintershire. I’m sure field research in the Frozen North will suit you well.”

The princess lit her horn with the strength of the solar winds as she channeled for a teleport across the world. She folded the shivering stallion into her caring wings as she counted 292,388 in her head. Even if the moon’s face was still marred by that old villain, she was going to enjoy seeing it from Crystal Peaks Outpost. The icy air always made her sister’s sky shine so much brighter.

A prismatic explosion shattered the sound barrier and rocked the School for Gifted Unicorns with its powerful energy. The applicant trying to hatch the test phoenix egg began glowing with the unmistakable might of a magical surge. Before she lost complete control, Princess Celestia threw a shield up around the little filly to contain the worst of it, but she underestimated her raw power. She hadn’t felt such gifted strength in ages. It took layers upon layers of wards to maintain the hastily cast shield, but the filly showed no signs of slowing down.

In a desperate attempt to save the girl from overwhelming herself, Celestia ran to the nearest window and redirected the excessive magic force into a beam of pure energy. Her horn burned as she channeled it into the most massive arcane firework Canterlot had ever seen. It burst into a flash of lavender that rivaled the rainboom that had caused it in the first place. She made a note to apologize to the weather services for the disrupted cloud layer later.

The princess lowered her shield, expecting to find the worst underneath. To her surprise though, the little pony was still alive, only a little dizzy from the ordeal. Not only that, but a purple phoenix chick emerged from its shell. It’d been many moons since she’d seen a mage channel enough of their magic into one of Philomena’s eggs to change the chick’s natural plumage so deeply. The unicorn was so young too.

“Twilight!” her mother, Twilight Velvet, cried out as she rushed the platform to embrace her daughter.

“Are you alright, my little pony?” the princess asked Twilight.

Twilight’s eyes spun around trying to figure out which way was up. “Did I pass?”

Celestia giggled as she reached for the phoenix chick. “I’d say. And with flying colors,” she announced loud enough for the examiners to overhear. They nodded in agreement and began writing in their notepads. “You have a very special gift. I don’t think I’ve ever come across a unicorn with your—” her words died on her lips as she saw the filly’s familiar cutie mark appear at her flank: the symbol of the Element of Magic.

“Princess?” Twilight asked nervously.

“Twilight Sparkle? I would like to make you my own, personal protégé here at the school.”


The princess tilted her head. “Well?”

“Yes!” the filly shouted as she jumped for joy.

Twilight’s parents joined in her excitement as they rushed around their daughter. Celestia nearly hopped in as well. Such a phenomenon couldn’t have been a coincidence. This was the first sign from Harmony that the ancient predictions weren’t wrong. The prophecies were all coming together, and soon the stars would aid in her sister’s escape. And, if Twilight’s cutie mark was an indication, she would play a pivotal role in saving Luna where Celestia had failed all those years ago.

Celestia subtly plucked a feather from the phoenix and summoned a book of her personal students. Passing by entry after entry, she found the next blank page and began to paint a circle using the feather’s fiery barbs. The book’s enchantment worked its magic, burning a hole in the center of the circle while Celestia copied the filly’s full name at the top. The phoenix’s right eye glowed with magic for a second as her enchanted tome finished burning a window onto the page. She clicked her tongue to grab the chick’s attention, and nodded in approval seeing it look up to her face through the lens in the book.

“One more thing, Twilight Sparkle,” the princess said as she closed her Personal Protégé Compendium.

“More?” Twilight asked in disbelief.

The princess turned to her new student and smiled with the serenity of Elysium. “What would you like to call your new phoenix familiar?”

The moon shone in all of its unblemished glory on the outskirts of the Badlands. It’d taken far longer than Princess Celestia would’ve liked to track down Chrysalis after she and her ilk had been blasted away from Canterlot. The little drones that had survived the newlyweds banishing spell had suffered enough, and hopefully learned their lesson. There was just the matter of dealing with their recovering queen.

Celestia gave one last look to make sure she hadn’t been followed when sneaking out of the hive. The coast was clear, so she dove towards a clearing and rolled the cocoon off her back and kicked it towards the ground below. It smashed into the dirt with a splattering impact, expelling the injured royal within. Chrysalis screamed from the violent wakeup call as she tumbled over sideways before a tree trunk brought her to a sudden stop. The weary changeling groaned in pain as she tried to get her bearings.

“Good evening, Chrysalis.”

The queen’s eyes shot open at the familiar chipper tone. “Y-you! How are you here?” She looked around at the forest’s edge that stopped just shy of the wasteland. “Wait, this isn’t the hive.”

“No, it’s not. You didn’t make it easy either. Luckily, most of your subjects are still trying to recover what’s left of your invasion forces. Retrieving you from your hive was easy enough to do without anyone noticing.”

“But my throne… nothing but changeling magic should work! The disabling barrier would’ve made picking you off mere nymphs play.”

“Throne?” Celestia tried to recall anything remotely chair-shaped in that place. “Oh! So that’s what that siphon-stone structure was supposed to be. Unfortunately, I couldn’t just leave it alone with all the harm it was doing to the local environment,” she explained, pointing towards the perfect circular edge where the grass fell to the desert. “The hive will just have to make due with the barrier gone.”

“G-gone?” Chrysalis balked. “How—”

Celestia’s horn sparkled with golden sunlight. “Siphon Stone, or Antimanacite, doesn’t completely negate magic. It only absorbs it when used. The stone still needs to dissipate the energy, and it’s not very efficient at cooling off when it comes to solar magic. Don’t worry though, I was able to erect a shield long before it exploded.”

“But…” The exhausted changeling struggled to keep up with the alicorn’s explanations. “What is even going on? You don’t look hurt in the slightest. I blasted your horn with everything that I had. You shouldn’t be able to walk around!”

“I will admit that you did fool me enough to gather an impressive amount of love. That was no small feat. I wonder though, was it cunning or coincidence that you attacked me when you did?” Celestia tapped the top of her pristine horn with her hoof. “I had to take the blow myself. Otherwise, defeating you might’ve resulted in too much collateral damage. Lulu would’ve been so upset.”

Chrysalis tilted her head. “Lulu?”

“Yes. My sister’s been looking forward to our niece’s wedding, despite having to keep watch from the anonymous tip you left to throw us off. Honestly, it is a small blessing that she was sleeping when you made your move.” Celestia smiled softly as her eyes flared briefly with a deep, ancient anger. “Had you struck her down, I assure you that we wouldn’t be speaking right now.”

The changeling shuddered from the brief change in the princess’ demeanor. She looked away, trying to blow off the unease. “Well, you found me. What do you want?”

The princess shook her head. “There’s nothing I need from you. I just wanted to offer you a chance to tell me your last words. Do you have any?”

“Last words? What do you mean last—” Chrysalis screamed as lashes of solar wind wrapped around her with searing light. She shivered with anger and pain and tried to control her breathing. “W-what do you think you’re doing? Let me go this instant!”

“My apologies, Chrysalis, but I can’t let a creature like you scuttle away. Not when I’ve worked so hard to bring perfect harmony to this world.” Celestia stood up, lifting her captive next to her as she escorted the queen to the border between the grassy plains and sandy wasteland. Another fiery flash sounded as Chrysalis tried to break free. “Don’t struggle against the binding. They only burn if you move. I don’t want you to pass out before the end.”

“The end?” The changeling’s eyes shrank as she finally understood the gravity of the situation as the edge of the wasteland drew closer. “Wait, no! Stop! Don’t I get a say in this? A trial at least?”

“You’re already guilty of attacking Equestria. I have the headache to prove it.” Celestia held the changeling over the dropoff into the desert. “And like so many villains to come before you, I don’t see a path of reformation given your proclivities. So, I will ask you again: do you have any last words?”

“Please! You can’t do this! I’m Queen of the Changelings!” the captive creature cried as she tried to wriggle her way out of the magic locking her in place. The scorching magic tightened around her body, squeezing her until she was immobilized as her eyes were forced to stare at the unwavering sun. “I’m sorry, okay? I’m sorry! I promise, I won’t ever attack Equestria again!”

“Thank you so much for apologizing.” Celestia smiled upon the sinner with the serenity of Elysium. “Henceforth, I shall bear these final words in silence. Go now before me in both peace and harmony, Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings.”

With that, the princess shot a golden beam of purifying light into Chrysalis’ eyes as she begged for mercy. Her wails became brittle and hard as the petrification spell wormed its way through her body down to her silken tail. When the pest had finally solidified, the princess lobbed the fresh statue into the air. She whipped around and gathered every ounce of strength from both her body and the surrounding landscape into her hooves. As the pitiful statue fell behind her, Celestia unleashed her mountain-cleaving fury into a single buck.

The problem dealt with and her anger vented, Celestia took a calming breath as she watched the flakes of gray silt scatter in the wind. She gave one last scan of the horizon with a life detection spell to make sure nothing had witnessed Chrysalis’ judgment. The last thing the princess wanted to do was chase down loose ends when she had a wedding plan to readjust around her sister’s freer schedule.

The final vision collapsed, but the tranquil smile on Princess Celestia’s face never faltered. Fancy stepped back, his fur standing on end, finally seeing the taciturn warmth for what it truly was. Luna stared directly at its dominating glow. There were no words that crossed her lips, only tears that flowed freely along with the scales that were burned off her eyes. The oppressive light of her sister’s confession seared her soul with lifetimes of sins she bore in quiet serenity.

Celestia’s stillness faltered with gentle understanding. “I am so, so sorry, Luna. You were never meant to know any of this.”

“Sorry?” Luna muttered in disbelief. She subtly shook her head, not allowing her gaze to falter in the face of such calming terror. “No. You’re not sorry. You can’t be. Not after manipulating our little ponies for a millennium…” Luna trailed as she looked into her sister’s brilliant, pink eyes. “How have you not succumbed to darkness?”

“I would never. I did this to dispel the darkness forever. As long as we keep watch over chaos’ seal, nothing will ever come between us again,” Celestia assured.

“Because you purged everything in daylight! How is this not the realization of that loathsome utopia the worshipers of this forgotten temple sought to establish?”

“Because they wished to end the night forever! For me to slay you!” Celestia’s eyes flickered as she reaffixed her smile and calmed herself. “I would never do that! Not to you.” The princess reached her hoof out and shined sweetly upon her little sister. “I love you, Luna. I love you more than anypony. More than the world. More than Harmony itself.”

Luna retreated from the blistering malevolence extending its touch towards her. “This isn’t love… this is madness! Never in my wildest dreams would I think you were capable of such profanation.”

“I know. I do not expect forgiveness for what I have done. All I ask is that you now allow me to fix this.”

“Fix? What do you mean fix?” Luna yelled through desperate laughs. She wasn’t sure if it was from the insanity of it all or the sorrow crushing her from within. “There is no fixing centuries of tyranny! There is only stopping it before you can use up even more lives!”

“No, I can. I swear to you that I can. It’s possible if we act now.”

“Stop it! Stop lying to me!” Luna gripped her head as she fell back on her haunches. “What can even be done to begin repairing the damage you’ve done? What justice could you possibly serve as recompense for such heinous acts?”

Celestia closed her eyes. “I’m prepared to face whatever punishment you decide to enact, my beloved sister. Trapped within an eternal dream, petrification, beheading, whatever will make you happy.”

Luna flinched from the very thought. “There is no realm in this or any reality that I would take pleasure in taking your life! I still love you, sister! Despite the evil you have done, the terror you have inflicted, the lives you have taken, I still love you.”

Celestia smiled gently and closed her eyes. “As do I. I always have and I always will love you. no matter what. All I ask is that whatever you require of me, that we never be parted if I remain in this world. I could not bear it.”

SILENCE!” Luna boomed as she stood against her sister in defiance. Nostrils flared as her gaze burned with righteous rage, but her knees quaked in the face of reality. “Silence. Be… be still. Do not speak. You have no right in making any requests of me. Not when I don’t know what to do!” Her breathing became uneven as grief overtook her and she began to weep. “Why, sister? Why have you done this? You knew it was wrong. You knew I would hate this! Why?”

The elder princess rushed in, wrapping her wings around her precious sister, holding her close as she cried. Celestia dried her sister’s tears with her feathers as Luna tried to push away, but the larger alicorn refused to let go. She kept the moon within her warming embrace as she kissed her forehead.

“I am weak, Luna,” Celestia admitted, smiling all the while for her beloved sister. “I failed you a thousand years ago because I loved myself too much. I was blinded by hubris until it was too late, and then I drowned my sorrows in the adoration of the ones who built this accursed place. Even still, I didn’t see what I had done until Glissando’s zealous cry forced me to destroy what my blind arrogance had created. I couldn’t let them turn against you again. I wouldn’t let the Nightmare return. Never again.”

“And now the world is a nightmare we cannot awake from.”

“No, no,” Celestia cooed as she lifted Luna’s head to meet her caring gaze. “I swear this was a mistake, Luna. Just wake me up and I will make all of this go away.”

Luna sucked in her lips as her resolve weakened to her sister’s siren song. “How? Suppress my memory like you did centuries ago?”

“Never. You would never fall for such a clumsy illusion for long anyway.” Celestia stroked her sister’s mane, trying to calm her down. “Just tell me where you found that record and I'll make this all go away.”

Luna’s tears dried as she realized what Celestia was asking her to do. “Traveler’s Remembrance…”

“Yes. All you have to do is tell me where to find that troublesome record and I will destroy it as it should have been all those years ago. Allow me to bear the terrible weight of this sin in silence.” She pulled the smaller princess under her chin as she smiled serenely. “I swear upon the sun, moon, and stars above, you will never find this out again.”

Princess Luna’s eyes dried as she pulled back from her sister’s wings. Her horn lit with magic as she teleported away from the eclipsing sun. “You expect me to just forget this? To let you walk away? To allow your sins to go unpunished?”

“No. Not if you don’t want me to. You may deliver your judgment to me now and I will do my best to carry it out myself. And once this silly summit is over and you’ve fully resumed your place at my side, we can finally rule together. Or, if you prefer, you can go explore your wondrous world while I watch over Equestria. Whatever you want to do.” Her gaze flickered over to her most capable envoy. “I just happen to know the perfect guide for your travels. Isn’t that right, Fancy Pants?”

Fancy blinked in confusion at the sudden attention. “I beg your pardon?”

“Again with the questions. It was your business to know my desires before I had them for over fifteen years. How are you so dense?” Celestia’s angelic laugh made Fancy’s fur stand on end as she brought a hoof to her forehead. “Honestly, I’m really disappointed. You’ve been on dates and gone to her room multiple times. And then I find out from Cadance that there’s not even a spark of romance between you? From either of you? I know they say I’m as patient as the day is long, but even I have my limits.”

Luna’s breathing increased rapidly as she began connecting dots in her head. “Those rumors, constantly cropping up around the castle… It was you. Of course it was you. How could it not be you?”

“I won’t apologize for trying, but I will if I misread any shifts in your preferences. If it’s not a stallion you favor, I’m certain any or all of the Element Bearers would love to have you. There is also a former student of mine if you want a bit of a bad girl, but I’m afraid arranging a blind date will be difficult. She fled through Starswirl’s mirror portal when she traced the scrying spell on her familiar.”

“They’re ponies with free will, not dishes to be sampled on a whim!” Luna rebuked, cutting her sister off before she could utter another word. “By the stars, I’m still finding myself after my return. So much has changed, both in the world and in myself. It may be years before I can trust myself enough to share a lifetime with another.”

“And that is fine. Those will pass in due course, Luna. The Elements saved you from her clutches. However, that does not excuse you, Fancy Pants.” Her smile never faltered, but her eyes burned with a thinly veiled wrath as she turned to him. “The time you’ve spent together should’ve been more than enough for there to be at least something. Still, you feel absolutely nothing for her?”

“But I do care for her, your highness. It’s simply that she’s a princess—”

“And you’re a noble!” Celestia argued as she stood taller. Her mask cracked as she drew her smile slightly too taut. “Not just any noble, but the noble of nobles. The Kingmaker of Canterlot. Respected, well-traveled and versed in multiple languages, handsome, uniquely talented, honest, loyal, kind, filled with laughter, and generous to a fault. You turned out to be better than I could’ve ever imagined, practically sent by Harmony itself right when my sister was set to return! You are perfect in every conceivable way! I made sure of that!”

The solar princess stomped her hooves in explosive fury as the cathedral began burning once more under her solar flaring. “SO WHY DON’T YOU LOVE HER?

Luna dove into Fancy Pants, sweeping him across the room to safety, away from her sister’s wrath. “Are you alright?”

“Yes, I’m…” Fancy trailed as he tried to find his courage. He could feel Luna’s tremble in her desperate grasp. “I’m fine, your highness. But what about you?”

Luna shook her head as she clutched onto Fancy. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry you were caught up in this. I’m sorry for… I’m sorry!”

Fancy hugged the princess back, shielding her from the sun’s burning rays. The envoy looked towards Celestia and held firm as he stood up. This needed to end. He couldn’t allow Luna to keep fighting on her own.

“Your majesty, is this what you truly wanted?” he asked as he stepped forward.

“Of course not, Fancy Pants. I’m sorry that I lost my temper, but we wouldn’t even be in this situation had you not so hastily spilled your tea on my book.” The princess stepped forward, standing at her full height against him as she hardened her gaze. “I trusted you with her, I tasked you with her safety in this foreign world. You were my most Noble friend, and yet you betrayed me.”

“You once said that a true Noble One was somepony who carried the legacy of friendship through their lineages,” Fancy remarked, refusing to yield any ground. “How can you say you were truly a friend of my mother after you so blatantly abused her trust in you? How can I be a Noble One if your friendship was built on a lie?”

“That was not a lie. I loved your mother,” she answered evenly, despite the twitch in her eye.

“You certainly had a strange way of expressing it,” he spat in disgust.

“How dare you!” she shouted as her mask cracked further under the pressure. “You saw the memories! I wanted to tell her that I loved her. I wish I could’ve told her the truth. But it would’ve jeopardized everything I’d worked for!”

“I’ve seen what your work does. Just look around us!” Fancy pointed his hoof at the grand cathedral serving as the most splendid funeral pyre the world had ever seen. “How many more were there like Summers? Any one of them could’ve loved you like she did! I bet we could fill this room with the sheer number of ponies who would’ve gladly shared their lives with you. Was sacrificing all of them worth it?”

“A thousand fleeting lifetimes for an eternal one? Without question,” Celestia answered as plain as day. “You come and go like waves on a beach. Even if I feel relief for a moment as you wash over me, the water always recedes, and I’m left alone upon the burning sand once more.”

Fancy glared at his friend in disappointment. “So, our lives are only valuable for the comfort they provide you?”

Do not twist my words!” the princess roared as her mask shattered into pieces. The light of the sun glowed hot with indignation. “If I did not love you, I would not bother ensuring the sun rose every morning to bring life to this world. It was my overindulgence that brought the Nightmare about! You had all the love to give to me, and I greedily took it all for myself!”

“No. You’re wrong, Celestia,” Luna corrected as she looked up from her despair. “That is not what happened.”

Celestia stopped her tirade and turned to her sister. “What are you talking about? I was obsessed with the attention. I shined so brightly that nopony could see you. I failed to share their love and mine. I failed to save you as the Elements took you away for a thousand years.”

“Neigh. You belittle my involvement in this sordid affair. I still became—”

“You became trapped in the moon because of me!” Celestia argued.

“You can erase the memories of those awful events, but you cannot change what happened.” Luna stood to her hooves and wiped her tears so she could gaze clearly at her beloved sibling. “I know what I did. I remember it clearly. Why do you insist on taking it all upon yourself?”

“Because it was all my fault! Don’t you see? I didn’t love you enough. I only loved myself. I betrayed you!”

Luna shook her head. “And your memories betray you. A thousand years was naught but a blink of an eye for me. I became jealous—”

“Because I—”

CEASE YOUR PRATTLING AT ONCE!” Luna royally commanded her sister, the force of her voice collapsing another section of the fracturing wall. “This world doesn’t revolve around you!” The princess fumed quietly for a moment, but then caught herself as something flashed across her face. “But you think it does, don’t you? Why else would you play goddess with fate?”

“I had to. I couldn’t let anything drive us apart again. I just wanted you to be happy.”

“Happy with you,” Luna remarked as the gears began turning in her head. “Not jealous of you. It always was, and still is about you. You say you made this world for me, but if that was true, then you would have submitted to night eternal long ago!”

“No! I’d never forsake you to that evil! I-I just wanted you to come home and be happy again. I love you,” Celestia offered weakly.

“I know you do, but you also want me to love you.” Luna took a long, hard look at her sister, who was slowly cracking under the pressure. “You’re scared that I won’t. You… you fear that more than you actually love me.”

Princess Celestia’s eyes bulged as the words crossed her ears. She shook her head on instinct, but her shivering told a different story.

“That’s it, isn’t it?” Luna said as she stepped forward in deepening concern. “It’s the only reason you’d go so far. You’re absolutely terrified of the idea.”

The retreating sun opened her mouth to deny it, but she couldn’t force her lungs to breathe. She desperately tried to cauterize her wounded mask, to reset control of herself, to become the steady sun once more, but she could no longer hide. Her hoof touched the side of her head, feeling her visage locked in panic. “I’m scared?”

“I see it now. You’re frightened. Just like I was jealous. You let that festering fear control you, consume you, and drive you to this.” Luna’s face fell with grim understanding. “You could never become a Nightmare because I already made your life a living one, every day for a thousand years.”

“No, don’t be silly, Lulu. You did nothing wrong.” Celestia shook her head as she plastered on a fragile smile. “Just allow me to wake up and pluck that record from the past. I promise that you’ll never discover this again. I can do this.”

Luna smiled sadly. “I know you can. You’d keep this from me for all eternity, letting it fold within the annals of history as time erased any trace of your abuse outside of your memory. However…


Princess Luna flared her wings out as darkness swirled around her. “I see through your dwindling light, sister. You put on a brave face as you walk this world in denial of the truth, but the guilt is crushing the sunlight within you. I know it well, for it is the same one that I’ve lived with since my return to this world.”

“Denial? No. I’m not denying anything.” Celestia struggled to put herself back together, but her mask crumbled again when she saw the encroaching shadows. “You were judged by Harmony upon your return and found blameless. You have no reason to feel guilty for what happened.”

“That is what you wish for, but that is not how things are, or ever were.” The Princess of the Night continued her slow march towards her sister. With each step, her body lurched higher as blackness consumed her fur. “For you to face your sins, you must first accept mine.”

The last vestiges of her front collapsed as she backed away from the advancing moon. “No, Luna. Stop. You’re mistaken. She wasn’t you. You’d never hate me. I stole that light from you. It was my fault!”

“Even before we ascended, I was always jealous of your superior grace, your beauty.” Her nebulous mane flared out with stellar power as her pupils narrowed with predatory intent. “And when we became Celestia and Luna, Harmony had the audacity to grant you greater magical strength as well. You grew in greater power and beauty under the favored day while I faded into the darkness of night!”

“Stop it. Please. No more!”

“I hated you,” Luna said as her voice became sharper and colder. “I slowly turned my back on Harmony as loneliness and envy festered within my soul,” the ancient demon proclaimed as her mouth sharpened and she donned a mythril helmet. “I was the one who devoured our subjects for magic to match yours. It was I who wished upon the stars for a chance to murder you in cold blood!”

Et tacet!” Celestia hopelessly commanded, but the magic fell on deaf ears within the Dreamscape. “Et tacet!”

“It was me, dear sister!” Nightmare Moon cried out, her monstrous presence stained with deep sorrow and shame. “It was always me.” The ancient villain bowed her head. “I’m so sorry that I hurt you. I love you, Tia. Even after all you’ve done. I love you so much.”

“Get away from me!” Celestia crumpled to the floor, her majesty fading as the years weighed upon her shoulders. “Nightmare Moon hated me, and… and I hate her for taking you—for stealing my sister away from me!” The streaks of green and blue retreated from her mane as her alabaster coat lost its brilliant luster. Finally, her broken wing fell open at her side, the enfeebled limb’s feathers blowing away, leaving behind a threadbare appendage.

With pity in her eyes, Nightmare Moon stepped forward towards her withered sister. Celestia tried to crawl away, but her brittle hooves skidded uselessly against the stone floor. “I used to dream of this moment. I would savor watching you helplessly flee before I slaughtered you. I am so sorry I ever entertained such darkness.” Nightmare Moon stretched out her obsidian wings and drew closer to the eclipsing sun. “Deny the truth no longer. Please, sister. I cannot stand to see you suffering like this.”

“Then let me wake up!” Celestia begged as the shadows licked her scattered feathers. “Let me fix this so you never see it again!”

Nightmare Moon shook her head and knelt before her sister. “We were meant to rule together, to bear the weight of the heavens in harmony. So too must we bear the yoke of our immortal sins upon our withers. I solemnly swear this to you: I shall never leave your side again, my beloved Celestia. We shall care for each other, sharing in sisterly love forevermore and beyond, even after time itself has reached its end.”

“No! No, please! Let me wake up!” Celestia wept bitterly into her sister's raven chest, screaming for relief as the black swan’s wings folded around her. “Wake me up!

The cathedral’s fires flared even larger, trying to set the stone platform below them ablaze to free Celestia from her worst nightmare. Fancy looked around for safer ground, but there was nowhere to go. The dreamscape burned so intensely, he swore he could almost feel the heat boiling the air. He fruitlessly reminded himself it was just a dream as he ducked down lower to the floor to avoid the billowing smoke. He watched with worry as the black pillars rose skyward towards the sun.

And the sun stared back at him.

“Luna!” Fancy yelled as he pointed up to the sunlit iris engulfing the sky. “Above us!”

The Nightmare scattered into black mist, leaving Princess Luna behind in its wake. She turned away from her sister and looked up to see another sun turn its gaze towards her, enveloped in a blazing sky that stretched across the horizon. Luna quickly lifted her sister’s tear-streaked face and looked into her mournful, pink eyes.

“If this is not a Nightmare, then this must be…” Luna looked back up at the sun and gasped with recognition. “You said that this was a cursed recurring dream. A punishment for tearing out the memories of our subjects whilst they slept. Why did I believe you?”

“I was too weak, Luna.” Celestia’s head fell forward against her sister’s neck. “My resolve was faltering. I needed to remind myself.”

“So you created a tantabus?”

The entire sky roared with deafening, magical fury that shook the world. Meteors began to rain from the sky, bursting upon the ground with apocalyptic fury. The sun retreated away, revealing a second as it pulled its face away from Equestria. It reared back and crashed one of its hooves into the backside of the moon, breaking the heavenly body apart like a mere dirt clod. Fancy’s mind nearly shattered trying to fathom the enormity of the creature blotting out the stars.

Through his descent into madness, a beam of light blasted him between the eyes, along with a command from Princess Luna.


Fancy shot awake from the nightmare and looked around. Princess Celestia had collapsed onto the table, but Luna was nowhere to be found.

“Dear heavens! Is she actually in there with that thing?”

He rushed to Celestia’s side and found the soggy book under her sleeping forelegs. He tried to grab it with his magic, but his aura was already occupied with searching for his crystal. He carefully took the tea-soaked tome out from under her and threw it in the fireplace. He stoked the fire until the spell in question was burned beyond recognition for good measure.

With the forbidden spell book dealt with, Fancy needed to get Luna out of that nightmare. He reached for his unfinished cup of tea and whispered a soft apology before splashed it into Princess Celestia’s face. However, nothing happened.

“Wake up, your majesty!” Fancy yelled into the princess’ ear. It flicked slightly, but it wasn’t enough to overpower the magically induced slumber. Looking around, he spotted the record player still spinning in silence, with the occasional pop of the needle. “That could work.”

Taking a page from the Festival of Flakes, Fancy cranked up the volume as high as it would go and set the disk to reset itself. He then covered his head with the cushion and waited for the broken record to do its duty.


The old speaker wailed with the shrieks of the damned, sending Princess Celestia skyward in terror. Her sudden ascent stopped as quickly as it started as the back of her head collided with the ceiling. She bounced back down to the ground and turned the player off.

“What in heaven’s name was that for…?” Celestia’s voice fell away as she remembered the answer. “The book!”

Fancy kept his mouth shut as the princess teleported to the side of the table, searching high and low for her precious tome. The fireplace popped with the fresh kindling, whipping her attention around just in time to see the last of the pages turn to ash. Celestia’s magic reached into the fire to pull it out, only to recover the scorched remains of a hardback cover. The conquered princess’ knees buckled as she toppled to the floor.

After another moment, a mote of starlight shined into existence and flared with lunar light. Princess Luna sailed out of the exploding starburst towards the ground on her back, covered in soot and smoldering wood. She bounced across the floor and collided with the wall, groaning in pain as she flopped onto her side.

“Luna!” Princess Celestia cried. She abandoned the useless remains and teleported to her beloved sister. “Luna, are you okay? Luna!”

The smaller princess groaned as she coughed up some debris. She glared at her sister with pity and righteous indignation. “By the power granted to me by Harmony itself, I hereby strip you, Celestia, of your title and duties as a Princess of Equestria and Keeper of the Sun, effective immediately.”

“But sister, you have only just returned. You’re not ready for—”

“This is not a request,” Luna wheezed through a hacked cough. “If my lungs were not filled with ash, I would be issuing this decree with the Royal Canterlot Voice. Do you understand me?”

Celestia closed her eyes and nodded. “Yes, your highness.”

“You shall be relieved of all duties until you have served penance for imposing your will upon the fates of others and I deem you capable of ruling once more, if ever such a day comes. For now, I must ask you to relinquish your power willingly to me immediately.”

A palpable silence fell over the room as the waning moon looked upon the all-powerful sun.

“Please, Tia,” Luna begged with a weak croak. “I cannot fight you. Not again.”

Celestia sucked her lips in as she gazed lovingly at her precious sister, tears welling up in her eyes. She channeled her magic as she leaned down and kissed her sister’s forehead. The morning light faded from her aetherial mane as it flopped down in strands of pink. The luster of her right wing withered with the chaotic wound flaring back. Its creeping black and purple veins webbed through the unfurled limb hanging lifelessly to her side.

As the fallen princess broke her kiss, her soft smile returned with the serenity of Elysium. “Anything for you, Lulu.”

Author's Note:

If you find a simple mistake in the GSP (Grammar, Spelling, or Punctuation), please let me know through a private message rather than leaving it in the comment section. Thank you for reading!

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