• Published 1st Sep 2021
  • 2,570 Views, 903 Comments

Electro Swing - Rego

When blame is cast on Vinyl Scratch for ruining an elite winter party, Fancy Pants intercedes on her behalf. However, even the Kingmaker of Canterlot may lack the power to stop the record from spinning out of control.

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Chapter 40: A New Unordinary Feeling

Dumb. This whole situation was so dumb, and Vinyl was dumber for enjoying it so much. She’d invited herself on a jog with Fancy Pants on a whim, and she was just eating up every moment like candy. Stupidity, pure and simple. And she hated how stupidly happy every one of his words made her.

No you don’t, the filly taunted knowingly from Fancy’s back.

Yes she did, or at least the functioning part of her brain was still against all of this. Vinyl was acting ridiculous while dressing ridiculously and getting ridiculously excited at the slightest modicum of praise she was given.

It was more than that, though! Way more. He said you made Suede’s music alive again! That’s not slight!

Yes, but she shouldn’t be three steps away from bursting into a heartsong. Fancy had been complimentary about her in the past.

But that was before your crush.

Vinyl gritted her teeth. Fancy’s words shouldn’t have hit her so hard. Sure, he was Suede’s son. Obviously his thoughts on her music would carry a unique perspective. Him speaking for Summers and Suede, though; even if it was just him saying things, it felt validating. Vindicating. She had something that they would appreciate.

That’s not why you’re so happy though.

Vinyl tried to shake the elation from her head. Hearing him describe the music—her music—in his own way, she wasn’t sure if she could wrap her head around how deeply it affected her. The relief and elation she felt after the Showcases, the standing ovation in front of a roaring crowd, it simply paled in comparison. She shouldn’t have felt this good about it. And she most certainly wasn’t supposed to let her emotions overtake her senses, making her act like an idiot!

But you liked acting cute, the filly teased.

Vinyl Scratch wasn’t cute! She was DJ Pon-3. She was supposed to be cool and confident, not practically melting from one stallion’s words. That wasn’t who she was. Vinyl looked up from her thoughts to Fancy ahead of her. After they’d left the park, he’d turned and pulled slightly ahead of her. Leading them on his usual jogging path. On his back sat the troublesome little nag, wrapped up in Vinyl’s favorite sweater like a burrito. She sipped the best hot chocolate Vinyl’s mind could imagine and glowed with complete contentment.

It was her. All of this was that filly’s fault!

That little nagging spark constantly urged her to be around Fancy Pants all the time. Before she came along, Vinyl would’ve never walked into Fancy’s study and started geeking out over a stupid pair of objectively amazing earphones. Vinyl was fine with quickly chopping a quartz apart for a stress crystal, but spending the time to custom craft a sonorous sapphire out of the best one she had for him? That was all the filly’s idea.

But you wanted to do something nice for him.

It’s the least she could do for him. She owed Fancy so much.

You know that it’s not about that.

No. Not it wasn’t. It all boiled down to one fact: Fancy liked her music. She knew that already. He’d said as much before. But, it wasn’t just that he was saying it. He was enjoying it. It made him feel alive and invigorated. He… he understood it. He got it, but more importantly, he got her. She swooned as much as she was troubled by it. How much one opinion from Fancy Pants—one, single pony—had affected her? It was simply terrifying.

And that’s why Vinyl had become a profound moron. She knew the risk of investing so much into one pony. Seeking validation from others. Just wanting to know she was appreciated, that she had value, that she was okay just the way she was. The opinions of others weren't supposed to matter this much, but here she was foolishly hanging off of Fancy’s every word. She thought she was better than this now. This was a song and dance she’d done before. How vulnerable it made her. She’d been taken advantage of like this before.

No! Don’t think like that! the filly quickly rebuked, shaking her head. This is different! Fancy’s different!

Nonsense. The filly was what Vinyl wanted, but knew she shouldn’t. A contemptible, temptatious fiction of a poisoned mind she’d given into at her own peril. Vinyl cursed the imaginary, tortuous voice in her head she’d ignored for so long. She buried it deep and whacked it with her shovel anytime it dared to crawl back up to the surface. It felt good in the moment, but such dependence on others could only lead to disappointment in the end.

Stop it! the filly cried, interrupting Vinyl’s train of thought. She sat up and stared directly into Vinyl’s soul. You don’t want to be sad anymore!

But it always hurt—

It won’t this time!

Vinyl turned away from the filly to look anywhere else. She hadn’t noticed that she’d followed Fancy onto Mane Street. How long had she been lost in thought? They were passing slowly filling walkways with ponies wandering about. Some had even stopped, noticing the striking clothes she was wearing. A slowly creeping self-awareness sank into her spine. She was jogging with her crush where ponies could see them.

Isn’t it great?

Vinyl turned towards the store they were passing, seeing her reflection looking back at her.

And, to top it off, we’ve got some groovy clothes to go with it, too, the filly praised through Vinyl’s reflection. Summers would probably say you look ‘dy-no-mite’!

No. Vinyl Scratch liked hoodies and darker clothes that blended in. This was obnoxiously loud and decades out of style.

But Vinyl Scratch also likes this too. Why can’t you just admit what you want?

“What I want you to do is shut up!” Vinyl whispered angrily to her reflection.

I know you do, but I also know you don’t. You like what Fancy said about—

“I know what he said!” Vinyl hissed lowly. “Stop talking as if you’re real!”

Mercifully, the row of windows passed, overtaken by brick and plaster walls. Vinyl sighed in relief as she turned her head to face forward.

I’m not real, I’m just you.

Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw the muzzle of another pony. She turned to see her fully and was met with… herself. Not as a filly, but as clear as her unavoidable reflection. She was wearing the exact same clothing that Vinyl was, but somehow, she wore it better. Vinyl jogged, but she strided. Vinyl frowned where she smiled. This other version of herself was warm, and Vinyl wanted to be warm too.

Of course you do. I’m what you want, but won’t admit to.
I want the world to enjoy my music.
I want to discover a method of stabilizing a cacophony crystal.
I want to try a blueberry muffin from the shop you just passed.
I want friends who care for me.
I want to hang out with Fluffs more.
I want to get to know Dapper Dandy better.
I want to try all of Athena’s awesome food.
I want to laugh at Steeplechase’s terrible puns.
I want to have wildly unhealthy lattes again with Tavi.
I want to know why Princess Luna likes my music.

Vinyl slowed down as her chest began to feel heavy. The flair of confidence in her imagined self began to diminish as she kept listing all of her wants. With each one, she became smaller, younger, and more honest.

I want a family who won’t abandon me.
I want to call Éclair ‘Maman’ like I said I would.
I want Fleur and me to be sisters forever.
I want to forget the pain of not having a place to call home.
I want to be free from the past.
I just want to be held without fear.
I just want the pain to stop.
I just want to be told I’m okay.
I just…
Please, I don’t want to be alone anymore!

Vinyl knew that. She knew all of that. All of those tempting desires constantly whispering in her ears caused nothing but trouble for her. It was her greed. The greed she learned from before.

No! Stop it! the filly begged herself before she collapsed. The little girl kept shrinking as she curled up into a ball. Her cutie mark vanished as she closed her eyes. I-I don’t want to think like that anymore. It hurts.

It was true. Vinyl wanted to, but she couldn’t. She’d learned it too well. Maybe that’s why these desires—her Desires—were like this; why they felt like something separate from herself. They were compartmentalized and hidden so deep they were unrecognizable with a deep lingering wrongness. These wishes were something unattainable. Foolish whims that would hurt her in the end. Dangerous. With an imperative to be ignored, or else. She needed to suppress them again, right here and right now.

But she couldn’t. She didn’t want to ignore them. Not anymore.


Hearing her name, she snapped out of her stupor and looked to Fancy Pants who was approaching her in concern.

“Are you feeling alright?” Fancy asked. “We can head back if you’re unwell.”

I… I don’t want to stop jogging with him, Desire answered feebly from the ground.

“No!” Vinyl shouted before shaking her head. “I mean, no. I just got lost in thought for a second while catching my breath,” she replied, placing a hoof over her heart. She’d been so distracted, Vinyl didn’t even know which track she was listening to. “Let’s keep going.”

“Of course, Vinyl. I’ve been a bit distracted too this morning,” Fancy admitted with a cough. “Here I am supposed to be jogging with you and I nearly wandered off with my head in the clouds while leaving you behind.”

“It’s fine. I told you to lead the way and you did, right?”

“But that’s no reason to keep going ahead of you when you wanted to join me for this excursion. I’ve been a terrible host.”

I want to jog side-by-side.

Picking up the cue from her heart, took a deep breath and walked through the door. “Then you can make up for it by jogging next to me. You wanted to ask me questions about the music, right?”

Fancy nodded with a smile. “Of course! But, could you remind me how to motion to go back again? I’m afraid I wasn’t listening as mindfully as I should’ve been.”

“Yeah. Double-tap quickly on the sigil side. Double left is back and double right is forward.”

“How exactly do I tap left?”

“No, I mean double-tap the left earphone. I’m wearing the right one, so I’d double tap to skip to the next track.” She perked her ear up and clicked her hoof twice on the side of the earphone, pausing the song and then playing the next one. “It does mean you need to be careful when pausing though. You can always do these with your magic if you want to be more precise.”

Fancy hummed in thought as his horn sparked to life. His aura wrapped around the earphone as he clicked twice to go back to the song they’d been listening to. “Is there a way to do this faster?”

“Just double-tap to start and then keep tapping. You kinda need to remember your playlist order though to navigate it quickly.”

“I see.” Fancy carefully skipped his way back through the songs. He nodded, confirming the first few beats of the song before passing it by. He kept going until the first notes of “Save the Last Prance for Me” sounded in their ears.

Vinyl tilted her head. “All the way back here?”

“Again, I got distracted,” Fancy admitted with a diplomatic smile. “Anyway, we are almost to the station. Since we’re in the area, would you mind if we stopped by Pâte de Lune? I need to talk to Éclair about some of the catering.”

Vinyl blinked. Stop by de Lune? While she was with Fancy Pants? Wearing what she was wearing?

I want to see my sister and maman.

“Sure. Let’s go,” she answered without a second thought.

Éclair de Lune was still opening up the bakery when they arrived. Upon seeing two of her favorite ponies, she galloped to the door and pulled them both inside. The little mare was so excited to see them, she made sure the front door was flipped to “closed” and locked up tight.

Fleur! Notre famille est arrivée!” she shouted as the baker scrambled up the stairs.

“Family?” Fleur loudly groaned from upstairs. “Why is Vy here?”

Et Fancy aussi!” Éclair added.


Fleur emerged from the entrance to the house section of de Lune. Her magic was untangling her mane as her toothbrush was sticking out of her mouth. She looked over the banister at the ponies following her mother up the stairs and did a double-take at her sister’s choice in clothing.

Not wanting to pass up on the opportunity. Fleur quickly ran her brush over her back rear teeth before hovering a cup to perform a foamy spit-take as her sister approached. “Vy! What in the world are you wearing?”

Vinyl slapped a smile on, intending to do her best to play along. “Do you like it?”

“Like it? It’s awesome! You’re finally embracing your grumpy side and dressing like an old mare,” Fleur joked as she examined her friend. She trotted around to see the whole outfit. “It’s even got flared legs!”

At once, the warmth was sapped from her body as it sank into her hooves. Fancy was right. She shouldn’t have gone out wearing it. She looked terrible. It was why she never wore her sweaters outside. She didn’t know much, but she knew being comfortable was never good-looking.

“Where did you find something like this? It looks brand new!” Fleur exclaimed excitedly as she came back around, at least until she saw the straining smile on Vinyl’s face. “Woah, woah, sis. Just because it’s old doesn’t mean you’re not pulling it off. I think you look great!”

Vinyl’s mood surged back with hot relief. “Really?”

“Yeah…” Fleur said as she gave the psychedelic DJ a curious glance. “Since when do you care so much about fashion?”

“I don’t.”

Usually, Desire added in the back of her head.

Vinyl cleared her throat. “It’s just that DJ Pon-3 has an image to maintain.”

“Okay?” Fleur furrowed her brow. “But that’s not something you’re gonna perform in. I’d expect that level of fashion panic from a runway model.”

Before the inquisition could continue, Éclair cut in between them, smiling warmly for Vinyl. “You are beautiful, Vinyle. You glow with such sunshine. This must be precious.”

“Not really,” Vinyl said quickly. “It’s just something we found in the closet so I wouldn’t freeze to death on the jog.”

“Oh? So it is Fancy’s?”

“In a sense, yes,” Fancy interjected to clarify. “Though, only through inheritance. I wouldn’t be able to squeeze into that if my life depended on it.”

“Inheritance? Then this is Summers’?”

“It belonged to her, but she never wore it. Fortunately, she didn’t throw it away either, so it’s Vinyl’s now. In pristine condition to boot.”

Éclair gasped in awe. “I see. It is most precious.”

“It’s a hoof-me-down,” Vinyl dismissed.

Non-non, Vinyle,” the mare whispered gently as she reached up to stroke Vinyl’s ponytail as she gazed tenderly. “It is a gift. A gift is always precious. And you look so formidable.”

The caring touch. Her gentle eyes. A motherly voice. Vinyl knew she wanted this, but she hadn’t realized how much she did. She sucked in her lips and leaned into the touch as she let go of her fears for the briefest of moments as she felt her heart beat.

“Thank you, Maman.”

A second of surprise swept across Éclair’s face, but it was quickly doused by her beautiful smile. She wasn’t bouncing with excitement like Vinyl had expected. Maybe it was the mare’s maternal instincts at play or she was just so relieved to finally hear the word, but Éclair simply glowed. She was as soft as she was strong, pulling Vinyl forward into a hug. Even though Éclair struggled to get her shorter legs around Vinyl’s neck, it dwarfed the safety she felt from Athena’s massive arms. Vinyl became a filly again, desperately crying out for warmth as she collapsed into Éclair’s embrace.

“Welcome home, ma précieuse fleur de vinyle,” her maman whispered into her ear.

The quick visit to de Lune had derailed immediately. Vinyl didn’t know how long it had been since Éclair sent Fancy and Fleur downstairs to continue setting up de Lune for the day, though she couldn’t bring herself to care. She knew she was being selfish, breaking down into a blubbering mess, but Éclair was just so warm, freely and unconditionally. Maman had taken the estranged daughter into her bedroom and sat her down on the bed, guiding the sobbing mare by the hoof the entire way and never once letting go.

Éclair didn’t shush her when she started crying. She didn’t ask questions. She said absolutely nothing. All she did was hum. When she joined Vinyl on the bed, Maman had pulled her close to her side, pressing Vinyl’s ear against the side of her neck as she hummed the same song she had tried to sing at the Performer Showcases. If Vinyl wasn’t sobbing so hard, she might’ve fallen asleep to the comforting melody reverberating through her heart.

Vinyl never wanted this moment to end. She’d forgotten the feeling, if she’d ever experienced it in the first place. There was no begging for Éclair’s attention. There was no need to earn this from her. There was just endless affection and food for a starving soul. The more she savored it, the more the years of its absence tore at her. Each missing moment renewed her cries to fill a hole in her heart so deep and abandoned that she’d forgotten it wasn’t supposed to be there in the first place.

“I’m sorry,” Vinyl finally managed to choke out between heaves.

Éclair leaned over and kissed her daughter’s forehead. “I’m not.”

“B-but de Lune—”

“Is not important,” she interrupted softly. “You are one most important, Vinyle.”

Vinyl had nothing, only her apologies for taking advantage of her time and touch. “I’m sorry!”

“Why?” Éclair asked with a smile as warm and welcoming as a fireplace. “I am joyed. Filled with happiness. I wish I knew more words to tell you.”

Even if her speech was sometimes silly and broken, the truth was clear from her heart. Vinyl clutched tightly onto the smaller mare who returned the gesture with another motherly kiss.

“I always worried when you went back to your lonely home,” Éclair whispered, soft and tender. “I wanted to stop you. I wish I stopped you. But, you are now here. You are with family. Fleur, me, and Fancy.”

Vinyl looked up at Éclair in confusion. “Fancy? But you said he’s never here.”

“No, but you have him, Vinyle, and he has you, too.” Éclair booped Vinyl on the nose with her hoof. “You look great as one.”

“As one what?”

Qu'est-ce que c'est ça? Do you not catch my meaning?” The mare lifted one of the loose ends of Vinyl’s scarf with her hoof. “Your beauty at this beautiful gift is clear, no?”

Vinyl wiped her eyes and shuffled her hooves, kneading her nerves into the bed. “I already told you. We just found it sitting in the back of a closet. Besides, the scarf was one of mine.”

Éclair pursed her lips. “But you like it so. It can be small, big, old, new. It does not matter. Your heart glow is the same as mine, and you are beautiful. So beautiful.”

“The same as your what?” Vinyl asked with trepidation.

“My glow. I remember it with my Suede. My husband.”

“Woah, woah!” Vinyl shouted before Éclair could continue. Vinyl’s tears were shocked out of her system and she pulled away from Éclair in an instant. She reflexively grabbed the door with her magic and slammed it shut. “We aren’t like that! Where did you even get that idea?”

“But you are glowing with beauty. Are you not falling with him?” Éclair asked in confusion.

Vinyl’s instincts were screaming at her to deny it out of hoof like she tried to with Athena. It was just clothes. They were old and neglected. Junk mail in the back of a forgotten closet that just so happened to let her go jogging this morning with Fancy.

But you want it to be true, Desire whispered in Vinyl’s heart.

Did she really though? It was just a crush. It didn’t mean anything. Fancy was just being kind and considerate like always.

Which is just one of the things you like about him.

She shook it away. That wasn’t special. Fancy always treated everyone with proper decorum and took interest in what they were saying.

Even if he doesn’t know what they’re talking about.

But he was still willing to learn more, even when feigning understanding.

It’s so cute when you catch him! He even tries to fess up to it on his own terms, which just makes it even more adorable.

She wouldn’t call it adorable. That wasn’t a Vinyl word. Besides, it wasn’t special. He’d make anypony feel that way.

Like they’re worthwhile. Like they’re the only one in the world. Like they’re priceless.

Vinyl could feel the warmth rushing to her face.

You know, the longer you’re quiet, the guiltier you look.

That might not be true. Maman was from Prance. There might be a different reading of awkwardly long silences. She flicked her gaze back to Éclair who was barely containing her laughter.

You’re very bad at hiding your feelings, Desire teased.

“As they say here in Equestria, ‘You have it quite bad’ so it seems,” Éclair joked as she squeezed her daughter.

“Don’t tell anypony, please,” Vinyl begged.

“I won’t say anything. But watch your face. It says everything already.”

“I’m serious! I-I don’t know if I like him!”

You do.

Vinyl buried her head in the bedding and groaned. She was already emotionally exhausted from crying. The last thing she needed right now was her intrusive thoughts tag-teaming with Maman.

“If you really don’t know, then you should try and see,” Éclair explained as she stroked Vinyl’s mane with her hoof. “You glow with such joy for him. I will cheer for you in quiet.”

She wasn’t sure why, but hearing Éclair’s encouragement was relieving. A soft touch, the smell of warm bread, the tenderness of her understanding, even if it was embarrassing to be caught, it felt good to affirm the possibility. “How did you know you liked Suede Shoes?”

“Aside from his handsomeness?” Éclair said with a wink. “His heart. I wanted him to be near all the time.”

“Not his music?”

Éclair giggled and brushed the idea away. “Non, Vinyle. Truly, I did not know he was a great musician before I told him I was falling with him.”

Vinyl balked. “You mean, you didn’t know he was a famous singer?”

“Not at all. Suede was not famous in Prance. I found his songs very old, but beautiful when I heard them.”

“You at least knew he was rich though.”

Éclair shook her head. “He dressed well, so I knew he had money. I did not know how much money. It was ridicule! Why have so much?”

“I don’t know. I mean, you wouldn’t ever have to work again.”

Non, non, non! I like my work. I like baking bread.”

“But you could do whatever you wanted!” Vinyl argued.

Éclair tisked and wagged a hoof in admonishment. “Is money why you like Fancy?”

Vinyl shrank away and chewed her lip. “Well, no, but… it’s weird, right?”

Éclair’s brow curled at the confession. “Who says it’s so? Money wasn’t why I liked Suede. Do you think I am one wanting to call le Dragon de la Riche Antiquité?”

Vinyl’s brain halted at something about rich dragons. “Call a what now?”

“It is a saying of the Prench ponies. ‘Do not call the dragon of Riche Antiquité.’ Do you not know her story?”

Vinyl slowly shook her head.

Je suis choqué!” Éclair exclaimed, taken completely aback. “But Fleur favors les dragons en peluche so dearly! I think she would share from where her enjoyment comes.”

Vinyl shook her head again, though it was more because she didn’t know what Maman was talking about.

“For the real? Bah! I told it to her many times, though in Prench. That silly filly,” Éclair scoffed, brushing her frustration aside like an irritating gnat. “It seems I must tell it now.”

A strange thrill ran though Vinyl’s spine. She’d never been on the receiving end of the Prenchmare’s Prench-ness without Fleur. Éclair was always one of the ponies Vinyl kept at a distance, but being one-on-one with her now left her feeling like a filly again. Vinyl Shuffled into place to listen, and Éclair smiled as she readied to prepare her daughter a story from home.

“Before, Prance was ruled by La Dame Riche Antiquité. She was a greedy pony who loved money and cake. She was a beautiful dame and lived in the most beautiful castle of gold and ruby. Riche ruled over Prance and took from ponies. She bought grand dresses and hosted parties for her friends. When she heard stories of hunger outside, she asked ‘Why do they not eat cake?’”

Vinyl rolled her eyes. “Sounds like a class act.”

Oui oui, of class and mean minded that one. She was too much! A wise pony came to her. She told Dame Riche, ‘You live like a cruel dragon, on gold and rubies! You must not keep so much. If a dragon sees, we will be eaten!’ But, Dame Riche did not listen. She would buy ponies to fight dragons. ‘No one would take from me!’ she said. So, she hired knights to protect her. She stopped buying dresses and hosting parties. Riche only sat in her house and grew richer on treasures and fatter on cakes.”

“Cakes? That would’ve been a pretty sweet deal for you, Maman.”

Éclair laughed knowingly. “You say just as Fleur did, but that is not my meaning. Let me finish, Vinyle,” Éclair complained as she bonked Vinyl on the head with her hoof. Not bothering to wait for her to say anything, she pressed on. “One day, she wanted a new dress, but was too fat from cakes. Non dresses fit in all of Prance. So, she made all her too small dresses into one extravagante. Dame Riche told the knights to take her outside. She wished all to see her grand beauty as she ate her cakes. The knights did so, but she was a mountain of cake and gem, and they tired from moving her. Outside, her back became a great rainbow in the sun and she was proud.

“But, a great dragon saw the rainbow from the sky! Riche Antiquité called for her knights, but they were sleeping. The dress was as grand as her belly, and she could not move. So taken by gems, the dragon did not see Riche. He ate her in one bite like a cake. But Riche was too rich with cake and gems, and the dragon went sleeping. The ponies quickly took the gold and rubies off the castle and shared it before the dragon woke. Then, the dragon woke and saw nothing but poor ponies and left. And then, all of the ponies of Prance were happy ever after.

“So, in Prance, we say do not grow fat on rich cakes and money. You never want to call a dragon like le cruel Dame Riche Antiquité. La fin.

“Was that a true story?” Vinyl asked.

“Who’s to say?” Éclair admitted with a shrug. “It is a tale from many years before. Riche Antiquité was real, I think. The story is told in different ways. One say she is only little fat. Once, I saw a picture book showing her cake belly bigger than her gold castle. Another says she changed into the dragon and was chased by her knights. It matters not. The meaning is always the same. Do not be greedy. Do not call the dragon.”

The gears began turning in Vinyl’s head as she mulled the story over in her mind. “So… I’m not weird?”

“Weird? Why say you are weird?”

“I don’t like money.”

Non weird, Vinyle,” Éclair cooed with a smile as she stroked Vinyl’s mane. “I feel similar feelings, you know? I do not like what money does to ponies. It makes them proud for having many little metal circles. Why? It is shiny, but so is sugar. I can eat sugar, not metal.”

Vinyl chuckled to herself at the thought as she leaned into the pats from Éclair. Maman seemed to know exactly what to say to make her feel at ease. She was so caring. So wonderful. It was everything she ever wanted as a filly, but never felt for long. She couldn’t remember ever feeling this way, and it hurt. It hurt so badly.

So many missed moments, so much time fearing the touch of somepony who cared. They’d compounded into a crescendo of mistaken apathy. She didn’t hate being held, she hated being let go. It wasn’t an annoying presence, but the eventual absence. How it’d be taken away again. Ripped away and repossessed. How she’d have to earn it again, but she could never afford it. Not for long. The rent was always too high. Her eyes burned with heaviness again as she pressed into Éclair’s side, trying to absorb every last morsel of Maman’s tenderness to make it all stop.

Sensing the fragility, Éclair softened as she let Vinyl bury her face. “It is okay. I am here.”

“I’m sorry. I-I want to stop, but I can’t… I can’t! I’m so sor—”

Éclair silenced Vinyl with a kiss on her forehead. “Again. I’m not. I will never be, ma précieuse fleur de vinyle.”

Vinyl was embarrassed. Refreshed and exhausted like she’d never been before, but still completely embarrassed. A quick visit to see Fleur and Éclair had morphed into a sobbing fest in the embrace of her new maman. No. That was wrong. Not new, just the one she distanced herself from for far too long out of an unspoken fear of another word. Vinyl refused to use it. That was still a bad word. Too much pain wrapped up in too many memories.

To her shock, Fancy hadn’t left. She wasn’t sure if it was for her sake or he was patiently waiting to speak to Éclair. Whatever the reason, he didn’t seem angry in the slightest at the long delay. Luckily, when they had opened, Fleur had managed to barely hold down the breakfast rush while Fancy packed pastries in the back, hidden away from the clientele. He’d called the ordeal “impromptu kitchen calisthenics.”

Fleur had offered to go with her sister back to the estate, but Éclair had stepped in before letting her get in on their one-on-one time. Hopefully all the Prench they shouted back and forth had been convincing to let them go without suspicion. Still, Fleur gave her a big hug before she left. Vinyl hugged back, deeper and more sincerely than she ever had, and Fleur noticed. She still wasn’t nearly as clingy as princess monkey grip herself, but Vinyl could now say without a doubt that she liked hugs now. Or rather, she liked hugs again. She’d forgotten that.

Blinking away the sting in her eyes, Vinyl wished she’d brought her sunglasses. They’d call attention to her as DJ Pon-3, but, she didn’t need to look in a mirror to see how swollen and puffy her eyes must’ve been. She didn’t even know she could still cry like that, at least not anymore. Her throat burned raw and the winter chill wasn’t helping matters, but Vinyl would do it all again in a heartbeat.

For his part, Fancy had forgone listening to any more of the music. He still needed to put his hood up to avoid anypony calling out to him, but he was walking slowly with Vinyl as they journeyed back home. Every time she’d stolen a glance, she’d been caught by Fancy looking back with concern, giving her his undivided attention with enough space for the silence.

Vinyl followed the direction of Fancy’s steps without muttering a word. If anypony had noticed either of them, they hadn’t said anything. That was good. Any trouble would be her fault after all of that. The whole point of his early jogs was to not be recognized. He probably wanted to get home as quickly as possible, but instead he was slowly trudging with her. The “Sir Fancy Pants” could be doing a million other, better things with his valuable time, but instead he was spending his time on her like she was the only pony in the world. Even if he was just being a gentlecolt, she couldn’t help but savor the spark’s burn inside.

Feeling the slope at the base of steps, she knew the Upper Districts awaited them. Soon, they’d be home after their jog. Even though the thought of curling up in bed was tempting, she didn’t want to end their time together so quietly. She liked going around Canterlot with Fancy. There were so many little spots he knew that she’d ignored on her way to Celestia’s school. Maybe she’d been too busy to appreciate them or had grown callous to the city after fighting it so long, but seeing it through the eyes of a diplomat—a stallion who’d proudly represented his country—she could glimpse its true beauty through the glitz and glam.

“Vinyl?” Fancy asked, noticing the mare next to him had stopped moving. “Are you alright?”

“Yeah,” she lied.

“We’re almost back to the mansion. It’s just a little up this dreadful hill and to the end of the street. You can get cleaned up and do whatever you’d like.”

No, she couldn’t. What she wanted to do was spend more time with Fancy Pants. She wouldn’t have a good reason if they went back now. Worse still, the desire left her feeling greedy, needy, and abusing his good will.

“Sorry,” Vinyl muttered. “I must’ve messed up your whole day.”

“Not at all, Vinyl. From what I can tell, you definitely needed that. If I had anything to do with—”


Fancy’s mouth hung with his words shoved fully back inside from her sudden objection.

“Please, sorry. I mean. No, you… you didn’t do anything wrong or whatever. I was just being stupid.”

“Don’t say that,” Fancy quickly countered with a firm frown. “I disagree with such an analysis wholeheartedly. I haven’t seen Éclair that happy in years. Not since—” Fancy shut his mouth, biting back words on his own. “Rather, I think it’s good to let out such emotions. I fear I haven’t been honest enough with myself and paid dearly for it.”

“What do you mean?”

The stallion fell silent as he considered his answer. After a few moments of tense contemplation, a complicated smirk pulled at the corner of his mouth as he turned back to his companion. “I’m afraid I’m still not honest enough to answer, but I’m glad you are with yourself. You’re braver than I am.”

Vinyl chuckled at the idea. “If something is enough to scare a stallion who drinks griffon brandy and has argued politics with dragons, I don’t think I wanna know what it is.”

“You’d be surprised. Ponies can be frightened by the smallest and silliest of things.”

Vinyl shrugged, giving up the argument and the idea of delaying their trip back home any further. She started taking steps up the hill, but stopped seeing Fancy was lingering behind.

“You know, I did have one more meeting planned for today,” Fancy pondered aloud as his eyes wandered away from the hill. “It was going to be around dinner, but working around dessert breads this morning made me hungrier than usual. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind if we bumped it up to a brunch appointment.”

Is he asking you out on a date? Desire exclaimed.

If only she could buck her heart into the stratosphere for buzzing in at the absolute worst times. “D-do you want me to go too?”

“Only if you’d like. It’s my treat.”

“After everything I put you through this morning?” Vinyl pressed.

Fancy’s smirk grew into a confident smile as he straightened up to his full height. “You mean after cutting a wonderful crystal for me, a pleasant jog to introduce me to it and your amazing music, and on top of all that, I got to see Éclair the happiest I’ve seen her in years? If that’s putting me through something, then I suggest you keep it up. So far, this has been one of the most enjoyable mornings I’ve had in a long while. I only wish to repay the kindness.”

“But I’ve been crying all morning.”

“I suppose there is that,” Fancy agreed as he scratched his chin. “If you’d like, we could go back so you can get changed first and wash up a bit, but I don’t think Athena would mind.”

“The Labyrinthiyum?”

“I need to discuss our plans for the catering of the summit, but outside of that, I’m sure she’d enjoy seeing you again. From what she told me about the experience, she was thrilled to have you and Octavia the first time. And, don’t take this the wrong way, but if there is anyone that I think you’d benefit from seeing, it would be a friend like Miss Cypriel right about now.”

Oh. So that’s why, Desire sighed. An Athena hug sounds nice right now, though.

It wasn’t a date, but the small disappointment wasn’t enough to stop the happiness spreading across her face. “I’d like that.”

“Wonderful!” Fancy exclaimed as he joined Vinyl’s side. “Shall we head to the estate first?”

Vinyl shook her head. The butterflies were already fluttering in the stomach. She didn’t want to give her nerves the opportunity to have second thoughts.

“I was hoping you’d say that,” Fancy remarked as he turned around with a million bit smile. “To be honest, smelling cinnamon rolls for an hour can leave one quite famished, and I do not want to be on the latter end of her brunch rush.”

Nodding enthusiastically, Vinyl joined Fancy’s side. She reached into her pants’ pocket and retrieved one half of Fancy’s paired earphones and clipped it on.

Following suit, Fancy flicked his hood back and clipped on the other. “Smashing idea, Vinyl. I do believe you said we were only halfway through your playlist.” With practiced movements, Fancy reactivated the crystals and the music began to play again. A smoother beat began playing as he nodded along to the rhythm. “Oh, this one isn’t like the others.”

“I don’t have a lot of electro swing made yet, and there was a lot of room left in the crystal, so I threw in some music I thought you might like. I didn’t make this one, but I think you might like this shot in the dark.”

As she finished her explanation, a smooth, sultry voice of the night sang in their ears. Fancy’s smile widened in recognition. “Soothe Shade.”

“One of my favorites,” the DJ remarked confidently.

“Your tastes are impeccable, Miss Pon-3.”

The two shared a laugh as they listened to the music. There was still half a song list to go, and Vinyl was looking forward to how it might play out.

Author's Note:

If you find a simple mistake in the GSP (Grammar, Spelling, or Punctuation), please let me know through a private message rather than leaving it in the comment section. Thank you for reading!

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