• Published 1st Sep 2021
  • 2,571 Views, 903 Comments

Electro Swing - Rego

When blame is cast on Vinyl Scratch for ruining an elite winter party, Fancy Pants intercedes on her behalf. However, even the Kingmaker of Canterlot may lack the power to stop the record from spinning out of control.

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Chapter 19: Visions of a Kingmaker

How did other ponies get by without a horn? While a blatantly bigoted question, there probably wasn’t a unicorn alive who hadn’t asked themselves at least once. Before the unification of the major tribes, it seemed almost impossible to those blessed with horns for other races to do much of anything without spells to help them. Fancy Pants still marveled at the complex crafts developed by the other races without the use of magic. Blacksmithing and needleworking made some sense, but how in the world earth ponies had developed the beautiful art of glassblowing through their hooves and lungs alone was an absolute mystery to him.

Perhaps the stallion’s unspoken bewilderment was why Luna had settled on the traditional artform for their dream magic practice, or at least something close to it. Rather than conjuring an entire workshop around them, the princess simply summoned a lone, brightly glowing glass furnace in the middle of the formless Dreamscape. Her streamlined approach was probably for the best. Fancy tended to forget he was asleep whenever Luna was dreamweaving. The princess had to rouse him constantly from his foggy stupor whenever her creations became too real for him.

“Still with me, Fancy Pants?” Luna asked, bringing the stallion out of his introspection. He offered a simple nod in reply. “Good. Now, take some molten glass using your hoof,” Luna ordered as she reached into the furnace and pulled off a glob for herself.

Fancy looked into the burning crucible and gulped. He knew it was just a dream, but so far that hadn’t seemed to matter. As he reached out to touch the fiery slag, he swore he could feel the heat rise. An errant ember licked his fetlock and he pulled away on instinct. The contact briefly sparked his jacket sleeve, forcing him to quickly pat it out before it could fully catch fire.

Luna shook her head and approached Fancy, studying his scorched fur. “This unnecessary feedback from your imagination is as peculiar as it is frustrating.”

“My apologies, Luna. Part of me knows none of this is real, but I can’t seem to fully convince myself.” Fancy looked back to his hoof to see it had returned to normal while he wasn’t paying attention.

“Then perhaps a quick experiment is in order.” Luna dipped her hoof into the Dreamscape below and scooped up a strange-looking ice cream cone from the aetherial sea. “Take this in hoof. Tell me, how ‘real’ is it to you?”

Fancy nodded and grabbed hold of it as ordered. “It’s really quite strange. It feels mostly numb, but there are flashes of cold here and there.” Fancy went for a taste, but it was flavorless. Looking closer at it, his mysterious treat appeared to be a white ice cream with orange, red, and black swirls mixed into it. He licked in again, but only felt a dull chill on his tongue.

“Interesting. It appears your imagination mimics reality through your memory. It does its best to keep your mind grounded within the familiarity of the waking world.”

“So, you’re saying that I am overthinking things against my will? Sounds par for the course for me.” Fancy laughed at himself and looked back at his frozen treat to give it another try. “Perhaps if you were to tell me what this is, I might be able to ‘recall’ the taste.”

“Oh, that?” A mischievous spark flashed behind Luna’s eyes. “Why that, my dear student, is a scoop of vanilla ice cream mixed with molten glass.”

A wave of panic shot through the stallion mid-lick as the ice cream began melting immediately. Fancy’s tongue burned with a waxy aftertaste of a used candle. He threw the cone to the ground and backed away as it quickly caught fire, burning itself into nothingness. The princess couldn’t help but laugh at her student’s plight despite the withering glare on his face.

“I’m sorry, Fancy Pants,” she managed to say between her unladylike guffaws. “I never imagined your mind would react so viscerally.” After regaining her teacher-like composure, she studied Fancy again. “Still, it seems even when presented with a contradictory existence, your mind panics, trying to put things back into a proper state of black and white rather than accept the colorful spectrum of impossibilities. Perhaps if I show you what I summoned this crucible for in the first place, we may yet be able to push through your unconscious limits.”

Luna took the glob in her hooves and rolled it into a thin tube. She sealed one end and blew into the other, filling it with air like a balloon. Finally, with a speed and dexterity that would put any birthday clown to shame, the princess twisted and wrapped the glass over and under by hoof, creating a symphony of rubbery squeaks. After her work was done, she held the creation aloft in her hoof and rapidly cooled it with one powerful beat of her wings.

“Behold, a dog,” Luna announced, revealing the animal made of glass.

“Most impressive. I was unaware you knew how to make balloon animals.”

“I know next to nothing about the art in the real world. We had no such thing a thousand years ago. However, performing this level of artistry is mere foal’s play within the Dreamscape.”

Luna placed the balloon animal down on the ground and, after a moment, it sprang to life. The glass creature ran around like an excitable puppy, barking with a tingle of glass shards. It rolled on its back, demanding belly rubs from the princess. Luna gladly obliged by tickling it with her feathers, sending the dog into a fit of happy leg kicks. She giggled at the creation’s antics as she pulled another bit of slag from the furnace and threw it. The loyal balloon bounded up from the floor and gave chase to retrieve its molten toy.

Fancy wished more ponies could see this side of their princess. Luna wasn’t always the nation’s unassailable guardian of the night. She enjoyed herself just as much as anypony else. He couldn’t help but admire the princess’ free spirit as she cheerfully played with her canine creation. Once she was comfortable with somepony, Luna was always an absolute delight to be around. If only she wasn’t so awkward when trying to make her first impressions.

For whatever reason, Princess Luna always assumed everyone was terrified of her. Upon stepping into any room, she tripped over herself trying to assuage the presupposed fear she instilled in others while balancing her deep desire for friendship. The more time he spent with her, the clearer it became just how right Princess Celestia was about her ancient sister needing help to adjust to the modern world.

Fancy heard a glassy bark at his hooves and looked down to see the balloon dog had dropped the slag ball for him to toss. Feeling the heat from the molten glass, he forced a smile and picked up the toy in his magic. His levitation was quickly struck by a midnight aura, overpowering his spellwork.

“Again, you dwell too much upon what is and isn’t possible,” his dream teacher rebuked as she held the molten glass in front of his face. “We currently reside in the Dreamscape, where the only limit is your imagination. Focus on what it is you wish to do. There is no danger before you, so take the glowing ball in hoof and throw it.”

Fancy took a deep, calming breath. He closed his eyes and reached to take the “ball” for the “dog” to fetch. Realizing he wouldn’t be able to feel the toy with his eyes closed, he opened them back up to see it had been replaced by a red rubber ball. As he grabbed it, he saw a young golden retriever impatiently waiting for him to throw it as it jumped up and down trying to snag it out of his hoof.

“That is not quite what I meant,” Luna sighed in defeat. “How utterly vexing. I did not appreciate how much easier it was to train a child’s mind for abstract thought than that of an adult.”

“I’m sorry, Luna,” he said as he tossed the ball for the puppy. It jumped and caught the ball in the air and vanished in a puff of aetherial smoke. “Perhaps I’m simply too set in my ways for this.”

“It’s difficult, but not impossible. Unfortunately, time grows short and I soon must return to my other duties. I’m truly sorry, Fancy Pants. I hope you’re still willing to try despite the setbacks.”

“Of course, Luna. I might be a bad student, but—”

“You are not a bad student!” Luna corrected quickly before shrinking back from her own reprimand. “It is our failure as your teacher. We shall reconsider how to approach your training more effectively.”

“It’s quite alright. No need to beat yourself up about it. I’m nothing if not patient,” Fancy admitted proudly while puffing out his chest.

“Our—my apologies, Fancy Pants. Perhaps it is I who needs to relearn the value of said virtue. My sister was always the more patient of the two of us.”

“It is quite easy to put patience into practice during my ‘off hours.’ Looking at it another way, perhaps it’s a good thing that I’m a slow learner. I might never stop working if I get a handle on this dream magic of yours,” he noted with a laugh. Fancy’s smile faltered when Luna frowned deeply and strode up to him with the stern regality of her station.

“I truly hope that was said in jest, Fancy Pants. I do not impart this knowledge to worsen… I believe the modern vernacular is ‘work-a-holism.’” Luna rubbered her chin as she pondered the correctness of the odd word. “Regardless, the mind needs rest. Not just sleep, but leisure as well. My sister and I do not toil endlessly, and neither should any who live under our skies. There is value in appreciating the smell of roses. I simply wish to broaden your bouquet into a thriving garden.”

“Of course, Luna. I’ll be sure to ‘double my fun’ so to speak,” he promised with air quotes around the princess’ favored line.

“See that you do,” Luna sternly said as she dismissed the furnace with a flash of her magic. “Such lucid dreams are meant for levity, not labor.”

“Speaking of wordplay, your modern Equestrian practice seems to be paying off in spades, princess,” Fancy remarked, brightening the princess’ face with the compliment. “Usually, it’s referred to as ‘being a work-a-holic,’ but I suppose the ‘~ism’ form works just as well. Also, the common expression is ‘to stop and smell the roses’ for the idea of taking life at a more leisurely pace.”

“Intriguing. I was also unaware the humble gardening tool could be used for settling debts.” Luna summoned a quill and parchment to write it down. He made a mental note of his own to look into spades so he could correct the princess before she tried to swap shovels with somepony. “It’s always the subtleties of language that are the most difficult to grasp. Culture is always changing the language. I cannot fathom how my sister is able to keep pace enough to parse the words of those around her.”

“From my experience, your sister is not terribly quick on the uptake either, but I suppose it helps when some of the more timeless sayings are ones she came up with herself. If memory serves right, to ‘stop and smell the roses’ was one of hers.”

“That is… surprisingly eloquent for her. It seems that Celestia’s more poetic wordsmithing has improved somewhat over the years.” Luna whisked away her writing utensils in a flash of magic. “Tell me, do you know if she ever held Night Court during my absence?”

“I believe you said she knows better not to burn the candle at both ends. Well, the sun in her case. I don’t think she ever did. She holds Day Court when other matters aren’t taking up her time. Aside from the time of day, Is there a difference between the two?”

“There was, but now I’m no longer sure. The modern sense of royal courts seems to be an endless flow of petitioners. Back in the Everfree era, our courts were broader in scope. Perhaps the complexities of a larger society demanded delegation of matters to those with the time and talent to work them. Day Court dealt with education, agriculture, and politics of the day, while Night Court was for relaxing and appreciating creativity.”

Darkness descended upon the Dreamscape as the moon rose in the sky with stars sparkling to life. Pulling his eyes away from the heavens, a group of ponies were gathered under the soft moonlight in an open field. They danced and laughed around a large pyre to an ancient folk song played on a string instrument Fancy had never seen before. Luna was enjoying the night right along with them, not as their princess, but as an equal.

“After laboring under the sun, ponies would ply their art in my presence. Music, painting, storytelling, all trades were welcome to be presented for the pleasure of those attending my court. Everypony needs leisure, and it was my duty to ensure laughter was maintained after toiling during the day.”

“It sounds like quite a wonderful tradition,” Fancy affirmed with a smile.

“Indeed. It was once a most joyous occasion,” Luna beamed as she savored the wonderful nostalgia. Her happiness was fleeting as the rest of the memory took form. “However, like all things with ‘royalty,’ it became polluted by politics.”

The mirthful scene was wiped away by walls of ancient stone rising around them on all sides. Luna sat alone on a throne in the Everfree castle overlooking a lifeless gallery of fine art stretching from wall to wall while several pretentious nobles yelled at each other.

“Divisions grew among our little ponies as many began to… shun our night. The few who remained vied for my favor in a petty war of pompous paint brushes. They bore neither a love of art nor a desire for my company. They only wished that their vapid attempts to impress me would find favor with my sister to enrich their waking lives!”

Luna unleashed a powerful, jealous buck upon the castle walls, shattering their foundations and collapsing the castle. As the dust settled, they found themselves in the modern day castle ruins in the Everfree Forest. It took a moment for the princess to catch her flaring temper, and she lowered her head from the weight of old sorrow and shame. “Perhaps it is better that our court remains lost to the Silence.”

“Nonsense, princess. Just because there are various galleries and societies these days doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to restore it to its former glory. It may not be the same, but I know I’d enjoy attending your court.” Fancy laid a supportive hoof on Luna’s shoulder, causing the princess to look up at him with hope. “Besides, didn’t you hold one the night of the Festival of Flakes?”

Her relief was wiped away immediately by the question. The princess bit her lip as she looked around as if somepony else could catch them within Fancy’s Dreamscape. “W-we did, despite your gracious invitation,” Luna admitted as she refused to look anywhere near the stallion.

“Not to worry, Luna. I always leave an open invitation for royalty as more of a formality than anything. Princess Celestia rarely attends my parties considering her busy schedule, and your niece—” He stopped himself before revealing the newest Princess Cadance’s behavior. After their initial introduction through Celestia, the princess of love always seemed to give him a wide berth at any event they were both attending. “She was always busy as well.”

“T’was not our intention to reject your kindness. Verily, we wished to attend, but…” Luna trailed off and dropped her regal demeanor with a depressed sigh. “But our hooves grew cold that night. Instead, we pretended to hold Night Court and kept the doors open to eavesdrop on the festivities from afar. We were not prepared to hear from actual petitioners and we were caught completely unawares after that dreadful noise! In the chaos, we seemed to have ordered an early snowfall. It was not our intention to cut thy merriment short!”

“It was quite a deafening blast. I’m sure a guard must’ve simply misheard something,” Fancy explained, hoping Luna wouldn’t notice the white lie. “Besides, the ‘merriment’ was over after that accident. I for one think it was quite fortunate the snowfall came when it did.”

“We—I suppose you are right. Though, not all was lost that evening. Shortly after the disturbance, my ears were graced by a most wondrous piano solo. I was unable to thank the performer, but it was truly a work of art worthy of my Night Court.”

“Ah, yes. That lovely rendition of ‘A Stroll Through a Secret Garden’ played by Miss Scratch.” While Fancy had enjoyed the concert himself, the memory was marred by the thought of Vinyl’s painful cries at the bar. He hadn’t understood what she meant when the DJ said it had hurt to play, and the fact she wished it had hurt somepony else unsettled him.

“Vinyl Scratch?” Luna gaped awestruck. “You mean the record accounting DJ Pon-3 is a masterful pianist as well? That one never ceases to amaze me!” Luna clapped her hooves together excitedly, but stopped as she considered Fancy for a moment and smiled pleasantly. “A most joyous occasion. It seems you’re on your way to mending the relationship with her.”

“How did you know about that?”

“It is plain to see that you are no longer consumed with worry at the mere mention of her name. Know that I am thankful that she is surrounded by ponies who care about her, even if she cannot see it herself.”

“I think you give Vinyl too little credit. She seems to have taken a shine to Fluffer Duster recently.” He had seen her more around the estate, but he hadn’t gotten a chance to talk to her since that unfortunate time in the tunnel. “I am glad at least somepony can help her feel welcome at the estate more than I can.”

“As much as the young maid is able, yes. I’m sorry I cannot be of assistance in this endeavor. It falls to you and the others as I am powerless to help.”

Fancy cocked his head to the side. “Powerless to help with what exactly?”

“You mean you are unaware?” Luna tapped her chin and searched Fancy’s eyes before nodding. “Then I must trot carefully. I thought you knew more. At the moment, I would do more harm than good approaching Vinyl Scratch in her dreams. I am certain my presence would be a nightmare.”

Fancy suppressed a groan at Luna’s depreciation of herself. “I know you got off on the wrong hoof, but it was a simple misunderstanding. Would you like me to reintroduce you two so you can smooth things over?”

“Neigh, Fancy Pants. That is not the reason. However, I cannot clarify why until you discover the truth for yourself. As of now, there is nothing to be done for her here in this realm.”

“Are you sure? If she is truly in need of your guidance, then surely even disguising yourself would—”

Silence!” Luna slammed a hoof and looked down upon him with royal authority. Her force of will demanded his attention, lest he be cast down from the mountain that was her sheer presence. “Unless you have suddenly become the Guardian of the Night, the dreams of others are private matters. You will inquire no further!”

“Understood, your high—Luna.” Fancy coughed into his hoof to regain his composure. “However, if somepony like you can’t help, I’m not sure what hope there is of me doing any good for her.”

Luna cocked a quizzical eyebrow at his plight. “Is it not your gift which glimpses into the unknown futures of others, Fateweaver?”

“Fateweaver? Pardon my boldness, Luna, but you must be mistaken. I have done absolutely none of this fate weaving business you claim I am capable of performing for Miss Scratch.”

“You truly believe that? Your actions on Hearth’s Warming Eve say otherwise.”
Fancy felt Luna’s gentle caress on his mind as the Dreamscape came to life. The stallion quickly sidestepped a vision of himself in an ugly sweater as it dashed past him and Luna. His dream self galloped through the snow-filled streets of Canterlot, racing towards a darkened apartment complex as fast as he could.

“Have you not already taken the first steps down this path?” Luna asked as she watched the other Fancy gallop around the Dreamscape. “There you were, charging headlong towards a lonely home to give its occupant a new purpose. You intervened on her behalf to show her another way. If you were not up to the task, you should not have interceded.”

“I told you before, my talents are completely different,” Fancy argued. “I see options before me and I choose the best one. Investments, negotiations, business opportunities. I was simply taking responsibility for what got her into this mess in the first place.”

“So, you attribute your actions to a mere sense of lingering responsibility.”

Luna lightly tapped her hoof on the ground, causing a shockwave of grass to grow and spread all around them. Familiar topiaries and trees sprung to life, forming Canterlot Castle’s gardens. Fancy admired the familiar serenity until he nearly tripped over a prone pony silently frozen in time who was covering her ears with a pained wince.

There was only one reason the high class mare would have such a reaction: the Vinyl Screech at the Festival of Flakes. He hadn’t been outside for it, but the endless complaints from his peers was enough to paint the picture. Surveying the rest of the party, everypony in sight was desperately shielding their ears from a deafening blast coming from the stage. Looking towards the source of the sound, DJ Pon-3 was reared up on her hind legs. The snapshot in time had captured Vinyl mid-scramble behind her sound system. The performer’s sunglasses had been knocked ajar in the mayhem, revealing the young mare’s absolute panic. He hated seeing her like that.

“Tell me, Fancy Pants. Why should you feel responsible for the DJ’s mistake? You were helping a fatigued waiter catch his breath at the time. Your actions have already proven yourself to be a most noble of nobles amid your peers. Why needlessly saddle yourself with such trivialities at all?”

“Because the Screech wasn’t her fault. I couldn’t just let her take the blame for Fleur’s mistake.”

A vision of a horrified Fleur de Lis appeared next to Vinyl. The taller unicorn was trying to focus long enough to lift the plate away with her magic while covering her ears.

“Any why not? Fleur was far closer to you than some random DJ.” Luna relit her horn as the party jumped forward in time to when the nobles glared bitterly at a helpless Vinyl with Upper Crust leading the charge. “Would it not be easier to turn your back and let a stranger take the blame?”

“No, I couldn’t just let it happen,” he murmured as Vinyl tripped over herself and fell backwards. Upper Crust and her friends drew closer, surrounding her on all sides. “It might be easier in the short term, but Vinyl is Fleur's best friend, a talented musician, and most importantly, a good pony. It wouldn’t be right.”

“Chivalry is such a tired, old institution. There are other, easier ways to remedy this situation without the DJ.” Another jolt of the Dreamscape pulled Fancy and Luna into a featureless, black room with Fleur and Vinyl. “So many talented musicians exist within the world, and even our best friends come and go.” Vinyl vanished and was replaced by a young, teal stallion with sunglasses and three stars on his flank. The stallion vanished and was replaced by Octavia Melody, then Lady Rarity, and finally by a vaguely familiar butter-colored pegasus with a pink mane. “Why not let other, less divisive ponies fit that mold?”

“But that’s not the point, Luna! Nopony else would’ve helped her!”

“Nopony you say? Such arrogance!” Luna sneered as a bolt of lighting arched around her, blinding Fancy. Two familiar ponies emerged from the flash’s wake, burning with matching anger at Fancy’s words. “Are you saying Éclair and Fleur are so feckless that they cannot help their beloved friend?”

Fancy tried to retreat, but found his back against a wall as the three mares surrounded him. “I wish I knew! For whatever reason, the girl was willing to lose everything rather than ask for their help. Vinyl clearly didn’t want anypony else to know her situation, so I tried to help her indirectly, even going as far to address the problem at its source. B-but I failed. I couldn’t simply let them get away with destroying her. What else was I supposed to do?”

The Princess of the Night loomed over Fancy, regarding him with an aloof glare as she halted the advance of the other two mares. “Indeed. I believe ‘what am I supposed to do’ was the question that crossed your mind that night.” A soft, understanding smile softened Luna’s face as she pointed her hoof behind Fancy. He craned his head over his shoulder and saw the vision of himself again panting for breath as he knocked on a door. He gathered himself and took several paces back, knowing he was one of the last ponies the mare behind the door would want to see on Hearth’s Warming Eve. “Instead of giving up on her, you instead chose the best way to help her in her time of need given the options presented to you, did you not, Kingmaker?”

Fancy took a moment to watch the memory play out. Luna released her grasp on his mind, allowing the stallion to recollect the scene by himself.

“Please, Miss Scratch. Vinyl. I know you won’t let me help you, so let me hire you instead. I promise you this is a legitimate offer, and there is nopony better suited for it than you.”

“Why?” Vinyl finally croaked behind a hitched breath.

“If I’m being honest, I didn’t want anypony else getting into those old records, considering my… unique family situation. But since you know about my father—” Fancy stopped as the DJ walked through the doorway. She lifted her sunglasses, revealing all of the panic and anxiety brimming in her exhausted, bloodshot eyes.

“Why are you being so nice to me?”

Her question pulled Fancy back outside of Upper Crust’s estate. He found himself dashing at full speed from the party as he stumbled clumsily through the snow, struggling to get his ugly sweater on in his haste. Though the mountain’s bitter chill was enough to freeze his winter-hardened hooves, he remembered his cutie mark burning with ideas as he galloped through the streets.

The Kingmaker’s concentration was split between recalling the apartments Vinyl mentioned living at over lunch while an idea was formulating in his mind. Moving while lost in thought usually proved hazardous to his health, but Vinyl was being crushed by an uncaring Canterlot elite. He couldn’t stand the thought of her suffering needlessly alone for a second more on Hearth’s Warming Eve of all days. He pressed onward as his focus was drawn away by his thoughts.

In his mind’s eye, Vinyl Scratch trotted into his parents' studio with a notebook in her magic. She was reviewing it carefully as she opened the door to a storage room he trusted nopony to walk into: the Summers-Suede Collection. Fancy had no idea why she was there until he caught sight of her notes. Among the hastily scrawled horn-writing was a list of records to archive.

The mare was working for him, but not as a maid like Éclair had begged him to do. It was that accursed archive that Steeplechase always kept harping on about. While Fancy never intended to let anypony enter that blasted vault, he was surprised by the lack of dread he felt with the mare’s presence. Perhaps with no reason to ask uncomfortable questions, she’d be uniquely respectful of his desire for privacy without having to be told exactly why. If nothing else, it’d help her afford a place to stay.

As he pondered the scene, the vision of Vinyl stopped her contemplation and shivered from the chill in the air. She darted out of the studio into the nearby guest room and grabbed her forgotten sweater off the bed. It’d be easier to simply give her somewhere to stay rather than finding an apartment during the holidays. It’d be a much better place to stay than that old—

His focus returned to the snowy streets of Canterlot just before he nearly galloped face-first into a tall mound of shoveled snow. Sliding on top of the icy streets, he managed to find purchase as he skidded to a halt. Looking around, he could see he was still on his way. His body was on the right path, but his mind was on the wrong train of thought. He refocused, allowing a memory to enter his mind.

The cold streets vanished, revealing Fleur standing next to him in his nice, toasty study. Looking towards the fireplace, he saw Vinyl laid out on the couch still recovering from Luna’s “remedy.” Fancy heard a grim chuckle in the back of his mind, but ignored it to dwell on the memory before him.

“Yeah!” Fleur remarked as he stumbled into the middle of a half-forgotten conversation. “Like, I dunno, and I'm just spitballing here, but maybe some fabulously wealthy pony could offer to pay your rent?” Fleur less-than-subtly winked and nudged his shoulder.

“No!” Vinyl spat back without missing a beat. Both Fancy and Fleur flinched from the mare's sudden defensiveness.

“C’mon, Vi. I was just joking. Besides, Pantsy isn’t like the other snobs around here.” Fancy rolled his eyes at recalling the playful jab from Fleur.

“I don’t owe anypony in this town anything, and I plan on keeping it that way.”

That was right. The proud mare was not about to let him offer her such a living arrangement freely. The only way he could was to give her a job, and the only job he could supply himself without rousing her suspicion would be archiving the Summers-Suede Collection. He didn’t particularly like the idea, but it would have to do.

Opening his eyes once more, instead of wandering the streets again, Fancy found himself face-to-face with an acutely irritated Upper Crust on the balcony of her home. It was the moment he felt his cutie mark begin clawing at the back of his mind after failing to smooth things over with the mare on Vinyl’s behalf.

“I suppose you’re right, Miss Upper Crust. I am in the minority on this one. Which means I should find a way to capitalize on the opportunity myself.”

And so he did. Without missing a beat, he left Upper Crust’s home with a half-formed thought burning at his side as he raced and his mind raced towards a young mare who deserved far more than what Canterlot was willing to give her for Hearth’s Warming.

“Why are you being so nice to me?” the memory of Vinyl asked once more, begging to know why he was wasting his time with somepony like her in the first place.

Fancy smiled kindly. He barely even needed a second to know the answer as he placed a supportive hoof on her shoulder.

“I already told you once before, Vinyl. You’re worth it.”

And with that, Fancy unknowingly started threading a new fate for Vinyl.

Fancy took a deep breath as the memory collapsed around him, revealing Princess Luna standing beside him in the empty Dreamscape. “I’ve made a terribly short-sighted mistake.”

“Do not curse your actions that night!” Luna commanded harshly before softening with a disappointed frown. “You have a good heart, Fancy Pants. Please, to bemoan your actions that evening cheapens the kindness you bear for others.”

“You must understand, Luna. As they say in Minossos, ‘the road to Hades is paved with good intentions.' I just wanted to help her in any way I could, but this… I’ve completely overstepped my bounds. How am I supposed to do this fate weaving nonsense when she has no reason to trust me in the first place?”

“When she cannot trust your good intentions, you must trust them for her. If they are genuine, you need only to let harmony guide your steps. Remain loyal to the path before you. Be honest and generous with her, especially when she cannot understand. Share laughter when darkness threatens to overwhelm. And above all, show her unconditional kindness so that the true magic of friendship may reveal another way for her life to proceed.”

Fancy chuckled with uncomfortable fear rising in his stomach. “You make it sound like I am some sort of hero.”

“Neigh, Fancy Pants. As I said once before, soothsayers are rarely the heroes of stories. It will be up to Vinyl Scratch to determine how your role will ultimately be played within her story.” Luna’s ears flicked at a crackle heard in the distance. “I believe it’s time for me to depart.” At once, she flared her wings and prepared to fly away.

“Luna, this isn’t a shaky business proposal or some controversial treaty that can be renegotiated later. We are talking about somepony’s life! I cannot in good conscious force her to do anything.”

“Correct. The burden of choice lies with her, but that doesn’t mean you refuse to extend your hoof. Continue to serve as a guiding light, Fateweaver.” Luna strode up to Fancy and placed her horn against his as she wrapped him into a hug with her wings. The coolness of her wings and her calming presence in the face of the growing foreboding within himself. “Still your heart and be at peace, Fancy Pants. Do not be afraid. Just as she is not alone, neither are you.”

The princess’ eyes flared open, shining a brilliant silver as she seemed to glimpse into Fancy’s soul. “While I cannot tell you what you don’t know, perhaps I can clarify that which you already do.”

In a spark of starlight, the princess vanished, leaving Fancy suspended in an endlessly dark void. As the infinite blackness overtook his senses, he began to fall. He tried screaming, but his voice failed in the emptiness of space. One by one, stars streaked by, growing more numerous as he fell faster and faster. The loss of control was as beautiful as it was horrifying with the countless wonders of space speeding past him during his descent into nothingness. Within the spectacle, he heard the soft words of the lunar princess echo in his mind.

There is no damsel in distress, only a tower closely guarded.
Gifts given freely arouse suspicions of honeyed words hiding poison.
Clearer vision is needed for reflection, but old fears cloud her eyes.
Despair, unrelenting, shrouds her worth from behind the mirror.

More and more stars coalesced around him, chasing away the blackness of space by plunging the world into a brilliant, terrifying white. Then, everything shattered.

Author's Note:

If you find a simple mistake in the GSP (Grammar, Spelling, or Punctuation), please let me know through a private message rather than leaving it in the comment section. Thank you for reading!

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