• Published 3rd Apr 2022
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Demon Slayer: The Strange Demon - Blackdrag-rose

Pinkamena was minding her own business inside Pinkie's mind before she was ripped out of it and thrown into a new world, without any connection to Pinkie, leaving her on her own as she faces demons and a threat to the safety of this new world.

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Mizunoto: New Allies

With Susamaru and Yahaba defeated, and Pinkamena made sure that their bodies were stored inside the Storehouse, she and Tanjiro joined Tamayo, Yushiro, and Nezuko inside the basement of a now destroyed residence, something that was bound to draw attention from the authorities at some point in time, hence why Tamayo wanted to get everything ready so she and her assistant could move out once the sun was down. Of course there wasn't much left of the house itself thanks to all the damage that Susamaru had done to it before Tanjiro and Pinkamena forced her into battle, so most of Tamayo's and Yushiro's belongings had been smashed up by the attack, but fortunately they had missed the lab and all of her equipment, so that could be stored away before they left Asakusa. Thanks to the existence of the dungeon that meant the man and his wife were safe as well, who they would transport to safety in due time as well, though it also served as a good place for all of them to rest in and made sure no one was seriously injured, mostly Tanjiro in that case since he was the only conscious Human in a basement full of Demons. His body was sore from having to unleash Form after Form to survive Yahaba's final attack, something that made sense due to the fact that he only just recently learned how to properly channel all of Sakonji's teachings into the Water Breathing that some Demon Slayers knew of, and Pinkamena was sure that a few of his ribs might be damaged from his fight with his foe, so it would be some time before he fully recovered.

Nezuko, however, was just fine, as Yahaba hadn't touched her with his arrows and Susamaru had ignored her since she had been elsewhere at the time, but that didn't stop Tanjiro from hugging her, before she made sure their new friends were safe and sound, especially since part of her seemed to see certain people, regardless of whether they were Human or Demon, as people to protect, and both of their new allies she seemed to see as Humans, which made Tamayo happy.

"Originally I had planned on using Muzan's curse to kill Susamaru, but you proved me wrong," Tamayo said, where she told them that the curse activated when a Demon uttered his name, hence why many called him 'That Man' or the 'Great One', though her words were for Pinkamena, who had defeated an empowered Demon while showing off the power of her own Blood Demon Art, one that was far stronger than anything she had seen so far, "of course I was unable to obtain any blood from the two enemies we just faced, so my research into a cure will be postponed for some time."

"Here." Pinkamena stated, where she produced two vials of blood and handed them over to the doctor, who stared at her in surprise since she hadn't been doing anything but listening to them talk about certain things, especially how the Kizuki had their numbers engraved on their eyes, the Lower Moons having it on one eye and the Upper Moons having it on both eyes, though she had extracted some blood from both of their enemies and put them into these vials, "Some blood from both Susamaru and Yahaba, to add to the bit of Nezuko's blood you extracted before the attack started... it should be the start of what you need for the cure."

As Tamayo collected the blood, and safely stored it with the other samples she had collected so far, she had to wonder if she had missed Pinkamena gathering some of Susamaru and Yahaba's blood, which might be possible since the Demon in question brought them to her domain, or there was the sickening idea that any Demon she slew was transported to that dark world and their remains placed inside it, for her to feed on, to which she decided not to question it, to save her sanity from the madness that was Pinkamena. After that Tamayo asked if Tanjiro would be willing to leave Nezuko with her and Yushiro, which would protect her from those who might seek to do her harm while also giving her a better chance to see to creating the cure that all of them were searching for, though it allowed them to see that Yushiro was against the idea, as in he seemed like if it happened he was going to end Nezuko if she came with him and his boss. In the end, however, Tanjiro told her that he and his sister would see this through to the end, that they wouldn't be parted from each other, thank to his sister reaching up and gripping his hand for a moment, showing her opinion on the matter, where Pinkamena smiled for a moment, even though she was keeping an eye on the outside, for their crows. Sure enough she found them coming towards Tamayo's ruined residence, where she excused herself and headed out to meet them, and found two crows, their crows, meaning it was time for her to give their report and see what was going on, since she did mention Muzan before both of the other Demons showed up.

What she discovered was that no Hashira were coming, as she was able to intercept the Muzan sighting easily, despite the fact that the crows would be telling their leader about it once they returned, though it was in that moment that she found a new mission for them, they were head to the south east and track down another Demon, but there was no information on what was going on. In fact she was only able to figure out one thing, that they were going to be reinforcements for the Demon Slayer who had been sent to take care of it, someone who hadn't reported in for some time, so there was a good chance they might be fighting a powerful Demon this time around, possibly one of the Kizuki, something that made her all the more interested in seeing what was waiting for them. A few moments later her crow departed with her report, which would tell whoever was in charge of the Corps about Muzan being spotted in this city, even though he had departed after two Demons showed up, where she made sure that the two in question were the ones that had been reported, making it more like they accidentally ran into Muzan and didn't seek him out intentionally. With her report made, and the rest of the Corps would be informed about this in the very near future, she headed back down to where the others were standing and found Tanjiro making sure Nezuko was fine, with Tamayo ensuring the transformed Human was fine before they left the city and made their way to somewhere else so Muzan didn't find them.

While they did that Pinkamena made sure the area was secured, even though she knew that no Demons would dare attack them while the sun was up, but that didn't mean Muzan was without Human servants, people who wanted the power that being a Demon could give them, so she decided to keep an eye out for anyone and everyone that might be interested in this part of the city.

As it turned out nothing happened for the first hour or so, meaning they didn't have to worry about Demons or Muzan's twisted Humans coming after them, Pinkamena and Tanjiro departed from Asakusa with Nezuko safe inside her box, all while heading down a different path to make sure none of Muzan's people saw them, though fortunately thanks to all of Tamayo's Blood Demon Arts, used the night before, no one knew who they were. Such a thing allowed them to get out of Asakusa with ease, without being interrupted by anyone, and once that happened Pinkamena, who had been watching her friend the entire time from the rooftops, jumped down onto the ground and walked beside Tanjiro once more, where they headed to the south east, just as the crows commanded. Pinkamena, once more, found that it was rather interesting that the land went from highly developed and became less and less as time went on, sort of like what she found whenever she watched Pinkie from the mindscape, but for now she kept her senses open and made sure none of their enemies found out where they were going, since she knew Muzan had to know they weren't dead, given the disappearance of Susamaru and Yahaba. Tanjiro, of course, wasn't too happy about the fact that he was still walking right now, since he had been given a short period of time to rest before they departed from Asakusa, but, at the same time, he did understand that they had been given an important mission, to recover the blood of the Demons they defeated in battle, as Tamayo had a cat who would be collecting whatever samples they happened to come across.

Pinkamena had to admit that it was an interesting set up, having a cat with them, though she had snatched it and dropped it into her domain when Tamayo told her about it, having no doubt figured out a bit of her Chaos World from witnessing it, but most of her attention was drawn to the scene that was in front of them, one of the survivors from the Final Selection, the blond haired boy, harassing a young girl who looked to be about his age, and his sparrow chirped at them when they came upon the scene.

Truth be told, Pinkamena turned him out for some time, as it seemed like the newcomer was trying to find someone that he could marry and get out of being a Demon Slayer, meaning he had been forced into this life and had been hoping one of the Demons would have killed him during the Final Selection, though the sparrow chirped at them and gave them some information on what was going on. Pinkamena could understand the bird since she was from Equus, where ponies talked with animals from time to time, though it seemed like this bird happened to be of the same species of the crows, so it was a mutation of some kind, meaning it wasn't hard for them to understand the situation they had discovered, as it told them that Zenitsu didn't like to work, liked to chase girls, and was just trouble for it. As such Pinkamena let Tanjiro deal with the boy, since it seemed like she wasn't needed right now, though she did note something as she focused on Zenitsu, he was a student of the Thunder Breathing, given his clothing and how his Nichirin Blade's hilt was shaped, and at a glace he looked like he was far too cowardly to be a Demon Slayer. As she thought about that, however, she knew that looks could be very deceiving and felt a slight aura around him, something that suggested he might be hiding his true personality, or maybe he hadn't discovered it yet, as he seemed like he would fight if he was forced to do so, but for now she focused on letting her friend do exactly what he needed to do right now.

As it turned out the young lady already had a fiancee and left Zenitsu after hitting him a few more times, causing Tanjiro to stop her from inflicting any real damage to the crybaby Demon Slayer, though once she was on her way the three of them were able to continue down the path in front of them, though they learned that his name was Zenitsu Agatsuma and that his target was deep in one of the forests, in a mansion that Pinkamena could tell radiated demonic energy, meaning they had found their target.

"I smell blood in this area," Tanjiro said, which confirmed something as they stood outside the mansion, someone had to be inside the building and they were either injured or dead, though while he thought about that he noticed that Zenitsu had his hands near his ears right now and Pinkamena seemed to be scanning the area for a demonic presence, which had to be part of her strange powers, "but it's unlike anything I've smelled before... I smell three Demons, but there's another presence inside the house..."

"What's that about a smell? I don't smell anything." Zenitsu commented, where he continued to hold his hands to both of his ears for a moment as he focused on his own extraordinary sense, even though what he discovered chilled him more than he was willing to admit as he glanced at Pinkamena, instantly finding something that might spell his doom, hence why he focused on something else for now, "But can you hear that? There's a sound coming from the area around us... it looks like we're going to need to work together in the future as well..."

"I don't know about sound, but there's some Humans nearby." Pinkamena added, where she glanced to their right as soon as the words left her mouth and she found two young kids, around ten if her estimates were correct, who were worried out of their minds, to which they discovered that it was a boy and a girl, something she was going to leave to Tanjiro and Zenitsu as she studied the mansion some more.

Tanjiro did something weird in that moment, he decided not to ask questions and produced a sparrow in his hand, as the bird helped him try to calm down both of the frightened children, which seemed to work well enough for them to get a bit of information from them, which was good since they didn't want to go into this blind, since Pinkamena was sure that they had been sent to deal with one of the Kizuki, or one close to that level. Apparently the Demon in question kidnapped their older brother, who had been traveling with them during the night, and they had tracked him down to this mansion, even if they followed the blood of their brother to reach this point, which the brother mentioned when Tanjiro tried to call them brave for doing such a thing. Zenitsu mentioned something about a drum, a sound that only he seemed to hear, but while Tanjiro wondered what he could be talking about Pinkamena heard the faint and distinct sound of someone drumming, a sound that was coming from inside the mansion, though they also learned that the older brother was hurt, which had to explain the smell, as even Pinkamena could sense that there was something odd lingering in the air. In the next couple of seconds another young boy leapt out of an opening above them, in the second story of the mansion to be exact, and just crashed into the ground near them, where he was injured and clearly bleeding, so it was likely that he was going to die in the next couple of minutes, but he kept mentioning that he had gotten out as they heard something growling, the Demon who seemed frustrated about something.

Sure enough Pinkamena's thoughts were proven true, the boy died just a few moments after escaping from the house, a fact that was sad when she considered it since he was still so full of life, and the young siblings informed them that this boy wasn't their older brother, as Kiyoshi, which happened to be their brother's name, was wearing yellowish brown clothing, causing Tanjiro to silently promise to bury the boy later.

"Pinkamena. Zenitsu." Tanjiro said, where he was furious about the situation they had discovered and he even frightened Zenitsu in the process, not that it was hard to to that since Zenitsu was such a scaredy cat, though Pinkamena stepped up to the entrance of the mansion as well, because if there was a Kizuki inside the building she wanted to face them in battle and see how her power measured up to one of Muzan's chosen, though Tanjiro set Nezuko's box down near the children and promised them that they would be safe before rejoining her and Zenitsu.

As it turned out Tanjiro waited until they were on the other side of the sliding door entrance to tell Zenitsu that some of his ribs were fractured and one of his legs was the same way, as he hadn't had the time to heal after his last battle, causing an already frightened Zenitsu to become even more worried about his chances of survival, and before anyone could make a move the two children came running in, frightened by Nezuko's box moving. In that instant, as the girl made contact with Tanjiro and the boy did the same with Zenitsu, Pinkamena sensed a change in the air as the room they were in changed in a matter of seconds, where they found themselves separated by sliding doors that closed and teleported them to brand new rooms, as she found herself alone with no one near her. Of course, as she thought about that, Pinkamena could tell that the others were safe and sound, to which she pushed open a door and found a hallway, which had to lead deeper into the mansion, and sure enough she found that the three demonic energies she had felt were in different locations as well, one nearby with the other two resting elsewhere. As such she started moving without wasting time on the area she had been dropped in, since it didn't seem important at all, while keeping a hand on her blade, as the moment she found her target it was going to be needed, especially since it looked like this Demon controlled the mansion with it's drums, if they were right about that fact anyway.

What she discovered as she walked was that Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and the other Human presence, another Demon Slayer to be exact, were moving in different directions, even being sent to other places of the mansion when she focused on them, and it wasn't long before she found a Demon who crawled on all fours that seemed to be following Zenitsu, but the amazing part about it was that the sense of dread and responsibility knocked him out. He barely did anything and he was sleeping on the job, and the boy behind him was freaked out of his mind, where she found that both of them were going to die in the next few moments if nothing changed, to which she gripped her blade and focused on the Tongue Demon, as it looked like his tongue happened to be his weapon for taking his targets down. Before she made her move, however, part of the Demon's rather long and whip-like tongue went flying, without her making a move, and it was in that moment that both she and the boy found Zenitsu getting up, one hand resting in front of the boy's face as the Demon Slayer appeared to be making his move at long last. In that moment the air around Zenitsu changed, like he was someone else right now, and a few seconds later he took up his stance, one foot in place with the other behind him as he bowed his head and gripped the handle of his blade, making it look like he was going to run at the Demon in front of him, and it was in that instant that Pinkamena got her first glimpse of the Thunder Breathing Style, as Zenitsu unleashed the power of the First Form and he flashed through the space between him and his target.

She understood what was going on, this Breathing Style had to be focused on the leg muscles and speed, hence why one see him more like a lightning bolt or something as he rushed through the air and swung his blade so fast that a normal person would miss it, since he returned the blade to it's scabbard once his task was done, and sure enough it removed the Tongue Demon's head and caused him to wake up.

Pinkamena had to admit that while conscious Zenitsu was a liability, given his cowardly nature, unconscious Zenitsu had a lot of potential locked away inside his body, making her wonder if there was a way for one to draw out this hidden power, though she made sure to seize the pieces of the Tongue Demon and placed them inside the Storehouse, before leaving Zenitsu and the boy to their business as she tracked down the other weak demonic signature. The mansion around her changed a little, meaning either the Demon was facing Tanjiro and was moving things to make it easier to fight him or this was the cause of someone else, like a drum had been given to or stolen by someone else, though her thoughts were put on hold for a moment as she found a new scene in front of her, a large Demon, in terms of belly, who happened to be as tall as an adult male, facing someone. The newcomer was the other person she had sensed, the other Demon Slayer to be exact, and what she found wasn't what she was expecting, as the figure had a refined and muscular build for someone who was around the same age as Tanjiro and Zenitsu, whose body was male when she looked at his bare chest, he wore the pants of a Demon Slayer with an animal pelt wrapped around his waist and he happened to have a boar mask over his face, making it look like he was a wild beast, plus he had two chipped Nichirin Blades in his hands.

Apparently the boar kid seemed to think that the Horned Demon was a stepping stone for his power as he rushed right at the Demon and did battle with him, where he sliced through both of his foe's arms with ease, cutting them at the halfway mark between the wrist and elbow, before revealing his 'self taught' style, so named 'Beast Breathing', in the form of using both blades to cut open the Demon's neck, called 'Fang of the Third: Devour'.

Such a thing made her wonder what the boy had been through, though after removing the Horned Demon's head, as that attack took it clean off, the Boar, as she was going to call him until a better name came to mind, rushed off as he resumed his hunt for the Demon that was controlling the mansion, even though she was tracking him right now and had an idea of where to find him. Of course she made sure to claim the body of the Horned Demon, since wasting food was a bad thing, even if she only needed one body when she thought about it, and once it was stored inside the Storehouse she resumed her trek through the mansion, following the demonic presence that she felt, even though it seemed like the mansion was allowing her to track down the one that ruled over it. Pinkamena had to assume that her reality breaking power was also in effect right now, doing more than making others think she was Human, and sure enough she found the Demon she was looking for in one of the hallways, a tall male figure who happened to have some good muscles, who wore a separated sash that seemed to cover the front of his waist, the back side, and both sides, with some openings anyway. After that she found two things that interested her, the first not so much since it was the number of drums attached to his body, two on his hips, two on his shoulders, one on his chest, and a scarred area on his back where a sixth drum would have been, so it meant there was someone else messing with this mansion, though what interested her the most was the second thing she noticed, the Kanji for six on his right eye, covered by a white x scar.

Her earlier thoughts had been correct, they had been called in to deal with one of the Kizuki, though it looked like he was a former member, due to the scar over his number, but that didn't mean he wasn't powerful enough to be a problem, since the Kizuki were supposed to be the strongest under Muzan and she had a feeling that the Former Lower Moon Six would provide her with a challenge unlike anything she had experienced before this point.

"Another Demon... you're after the 'rare blood', aren't you?" the Demon stated, where Pinkamena determined that those who were stronger than her, in terms of demonic strength, were able to sense her true nature, despite her power, which told her that if she pushed herself to her limits she might deal with that, though at the same time she learned a reason as to why this figure was after the older brother and not the younger ones who had been outside.

"I'm not sure what you're talking about, former member of the Kizuki, but I'm here for you." Pinkamena said, to which she drew her blade and readied her power with a smile on her face, because this Demon would challenge her and give her a chance to further develop all of her skills for the future, and if he proved to be stronger than him she could, at the very least, open the way for Tanjiro to catch up with her, "I am Pinkamena. What name do you wish to be known by?"

The Demon paused for a moment, no doubt caught off guard by another of his kind not meeting his expectations, to which he informed her that his name was Kyogai, even though he huffed, no doubt from being slightly weakened from having a pair of enemies invade the mansion and attack him, given the injury on his back, before he sensed something and moved into the room to his left, where they found Tanjiro and two of the kids, who disappeared after the older one beat a drum to move to another part of the mansion. With that done Kyogai started to beat his drum and Pinkamena found that the room Tanjiro was in started to move, as when he beat his left shoulder drum it moved the targeted room to the left, while the right shoulder did the same to the right, though hitting the left hip moved a room back and right hip brought it back to him, leaving the chest as an actual attack that looked like claws cutting up the targeted area. As soon as Tanjiro became the focus of Kyogai's attacks, and he seemed to be focused solely on him, Pinkamena jumped into battle and lashed out at him, where she was able to remove his left hand for a moment and snatched it so it could be stored without problem, only he formed a new one without much delay and growled at them as they regained their footing. Of course she didn't have a problem with the beating of the drum as Kyogai moved this room around like it was a toy, as she was a Demon and such a thing meant that she didn't have to worry about injuries, while Tanjiro was still recovering from his battle with Yahaba and had to be careful, as one wrong move could do some serious damage to him, and he had to cheer himself on in his head to force himself to stand.

Kyogai stared at them for a few seconds before he started beating his drums once more, where Pinkamena breathed for a moment as she fell in tune with the rhythm that the Former Kizuki had created, allowing her to move with the shifting of the room while dodging attacks with ease, leaving Tanjiro to force himself to learn everything she had figured out in a few moments of observing Kyogai. Pinkamena continued her dance, following the rhythm of Kyogai's tune as if she wasn't one of his foes and was more like a dancer, something that caused him to stare at her as she dodged the claw attack meant to take her down, almost as if he was remembering a memory from when he was Human or during his first few weeks as a new Demon who couldn't go outside. It was as if someone in his past had dismissed him and his skills, during the period of time following his transformation into a newly born Demon, and seeing someone move along with the rhythm he created seemed to ease whatever pain he had been feeling for a long time, where after some time it seemed like he was attacking her and no one else, choosing new patterns and testing her reflexes as Tanjiro was left off with a level of technique that he could survive against in his current state. In fact both of them noticed something as the room moved around like it had a mind of it's own, there was a desk that had been unlocked by all of the claw attacks and some paper sheets fell out of it, to which both Pinkamena and Tanjiro noticed that they seemed to be musical in nature before connecting the dots, though she took it a step further by collecting all the sheets and neatly setting them outside, out of the way so Kyogai didn't have to worry about ruining his own art.

Tanjiro, sensing the change in Kyogai's movements, readied himself as he shifted into the Ninth Form of Water Breathing, an attack called Splashing Water Flow, Turbulent, where the user changes up their footwork to minimize landing time and the surface necessary for moving, allowing him to move all over the room without being caught by the attacks, moving as if he had no limits, and it ended with him removing Kyogai's head.

"Your Blood Demon Art was impressive, Kyogai," Pinkamena remarked, something Tanjiro nodded his head to before he fell to his knees, no doubt having taking a wrong breath or move while finishing off the former Kizuki, though as Kyogai's head hit the ruined floor, however, she pulled her mask off for a few seconds and smiled at him, silently using her power to snatch his body and store it inside her Storehouse for later, "it's a shame our time was cut short, as it was fun dancing to the rhythm of your drums."

"Really? My power was impressive?" Kyogai asked, his tone revealing that Muzan must have dismissed him after deciding he was too weak to be of service to him, hence the scar over his number, and that he was pleased to have someone, even if it was an enemy he couldn't hit, acknowledge his power while making sure his sheets were perfectly fine, as if there was someone in this world who valued his existence, "I'm glad..."

Pinkamena sighed as she and Tanjiro watched as Kyogai's head disappeared, confirming that he was dead, to which she returned the mask to it's position and silently shifted herself into her personal dimension, where she made sure his body was contained inside the Storehouse, with no connection to the main reality, and produced a vial that she filled with some of Kyogai's blood. With it in hand she returned to the Tanjiro's side and nodded her head for a moment, where they heard a meow and Tamayo's cat assistant, Chachamaru as it was called, appeared near them, to which she knelt down for a few seconds and opened the pack on it's back, allowing her to slip the vial into the pack and pet it on the head once she was done with their end of things. As soon as that was done Chachamaru meowed twice more and disappeared, no doubt to leave once they were sure that the coast was clear and night had fallen, though Pinkamena made sure to pick up what was left of Kyogai's manuscripts and added them to her collection, figuring that they would be lost here and that she could take a peak at them later, to use her knowledge from Equus to make them better and maybe spread his legacy as a lost master or something. Once she was done with her self imposed task she and Tanjiro followed his nose where the children should be resting at the moment, and with Kyogai dead there was no drum in their possession no more, though funny enough the two children threw all sorts of objects at Tanjiro when he opened the door, causing Pinkamena to chuckle as he made sure both of them were safe, but once that was done they headed for the main door to join Zenitsu.

What they discovered was that the boar headed figure Pinkamena had seen earlier was tormenting Zenitsu while trying to get at Nezuko, who he could tell was inside the box, showing that he was targeting Demons and would no doubt attack the moment he sensed Pinkamena's true nature, though Tanjiro was angered by this scene, especially since the other boy was injured from protecting Nezuko's box, as it looked like the Pig had struck him several times so far.

"He's the other one who passed Final Selection, but ran off to kill more Demons," Pinkamena commented, as she put the pieces together in her mind as soon as she figured out where she had felt his energy before, though the moment she said that the Boar turned towards her, no doubt sensing the difference between her and the Humans that were around her at the moment, "you should know something, I learned of several rules and it's supposedly taboo for Demon Slayers to fight each other, though they can train as much as they want... and I know you want a piece of me... however, that will have to wait for a later date."

Before the Boar could do anything Tanjiro punched him in the chest and sent him into the trees, allowing Zenitsu to pull the box out of the area, though when trying to reason with this guy they learned that he was interested in fighting and he placed both blades in the ground before lashing out at Tanjiro with his fists, temporarily forgetting about Pinkamena for an undetermined amount of time. The Boar had some interesting attacks that were aimed low and rather fast, like Tanjiro was facing off against a wild animal or something, and when he tried to get lower than that his foe continued to get lower than that, making it harder for him to do anything to actually defeat the Boar, making Pinkamena wonder if using her own power would even the odds or not. Another odd thing was that the boy actually bent backwards, as in he pressed the front of his body right up against the ground while bringing the bottom half up, allowing him to kick Tanjiro with one of his feet, showing them that the flexibility of his body was insane, far more than a normal Human was supposed to have, and such a thing caused the Boar to chuckle like he was having fun. In fact the Boar proved that he had to be insane when he shifted his stance so that his body was coiled to the point where his head rested between his legs and his hands could touch both of his feet, making Pinkamena wonder if he had bones or if they were trained to the point where he was able to do this, all without causing pain to his body... opening a hole in his defenses for Tanjiro to headbutt him, causing the Boar to stagger back after trying to get back up.

In that moment they discovered that the boar head was like a mask, as it seemed to fall off the boy and revealed that he had a rather pretty and feminine face, which didn't match at all, while he had long black hair that ended in blue tips and an unruly fringe on the front side of his head, but not a few seconds later he collapsed from the damage of Tanjiro's blow, to which Pinkamena sighed as she waited for the crows to arrive, as she had a feeling they were going to be traveling with the Boar and Zenitsu for some time and she was actually looking forward to it.

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