• Published 3rd Apr 2022
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Demon Slayer: The Strange Demon - Blackdrag-rose

Pinkamena was minding her own business inside Pinkie's mind before she was ripped out of it and thrown into a new world, without any connection to Pinkie, leaving her on her own as she faces demons and a threat to the safety of this new world.

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Entertainment: Gathering Information

Pinkamena and Tengen remained on the roof for some time, observing the people that were in the Red Light District and where they went, allowing her to figure out more of the layout of the district, where everyone lived, and making sure that her copy was perfect. As she did that, and Tengen focused on tracking down the Demon that they were looking for, she tried a new power out, the creation of small eyes that were invisible to everyone else and could listen to anything that was in the area they were in, as while she trusted her friends she also knew that gathering information was more important. Hence why she sent out the eyes and scoured the entirety of the Red Light District, tracking down people of importance, such as the Oiran for each house, while making sure to keep an eye out for the Demon that was here, since she was sure one was somewhere in the district. Such a thing also allowed her to keep an eye on what her friends were doing, not that she had a lot of reason to worry right now since they were trained to deal with all sorts of demonic enemies, and listen in on what all sorts of people were saying, even though most of it was trash to her.

As she set up her new technique, and considered how much of an advantage it would be in the future, she quickly decided on a name for it, that being 'Phantom Eyes', considering that she could make more than one, before focusing on where in the district her friends had ended up.

The lady who took Inosuke, for example, thought she struck gold after wiping off all of his makeup, fully believing that he was a girl and could be raised in the same manner as the others that had been taken into the various houses, but at least he had a good chance to track down Makio. Of course the lady claimed that she was going to train him well and that, in time, he would be better than two of the Oiran that were in the district, Tokito's own Koinatsu and Warabihime from Kyougoku, a fact that made her wonder if this house didn't have an Oiran. Zenitsu's new owner, the Kyougoku lady, claimed that she felt his fighting spirit and that he wanted to get back at the man who left her, confirming that everyone seemed to see the boys as girls, so Pinkamena didn't have to waste her own power on pulling the wool over the eyes of those that were inside the three houses they were currently targeting. While they did that Tanjiro was, even if he didn't mean to, showing off his strength as he carried things from place to place, though his owner was enraged by the scar on his forehead and couldn't believe that someone could do such a thing, and since he was hard at work it meant he might find some useful information.

What she wasn't expecting was for Tanjiro to meet up with some ladies that were talking about a few people disappearing, as while they called it 'losing your footing' an unexpected person came and talked with them, as Koinatsu showed up and told the girls not to spread rumors about people. It was in that moment that one of the girls mentioned Suma, the Oiran of the Ogimoto based on what Pinkamena knew of the others, an impressive feat that Tengen would be interested in once he was reunited with his wives, before finding that Koinatsu interrupted Tanjiro. Of course her friend had to lie to her, as she happened to be interested in him and seemed to actually know that he was more than what he said, meaning she had to know he was a boy, but it did get them some new information, a diary that she felt was forged by the Demon's hand, to make anyone think Suma had intentionally lost her way. It was an interesting thing to learn and knew that Tanjiro would no doubt report it when it was time to do so, though it didn't help them find Suma, who she was sure was elsewhere in the district, no doubt under the watchful eye of the Demon they were here to kill, a rather intelligent one based on what she was seeing right now.

It wasn't Akaza, this wasn't the sort of place that he could come to, especially since he seemed to have a thing about not hurting or killing women, which left five other Upper Moons that it could be, and if it was Upper Moons One or Two they were totally screwed, but they might manage it if it was Six or Five, maybe Four if they were lucky.

"Nothing's happened yet... the day is as ordinary as the last." Tengen commented, as he had been patiently waiting for a sign that there was a Demon in this district, especially since three young Slayers had been sent into the nest that he and his wives had discovered, "I have a bad feeling about this, especially since this Demon has done well to hide themselves from anyone whose hunting them down... even though they're being very plain about it."

"That just means the Demon we're tracking down has been at this for a long time," Pinkamena remarked, though while her eyes were closed, focused on learning the ins and outs of this district and the locations everyone slept in for when the battle went down, Tengen kept his eyes open and focused on the building that he was currently staring at, "I haven't found a trace of it yet, but I'm sure you know what that means."

"An Upper Moon... even with you here, we might end up flamboyantly killing each other." Tengen said, revealing that he did understand what she was talking about and didn't need her to explain herself further, a change from when she dealt with Tanjiro and her friends, and she could see, with an eye that remained near him, that he raised a hand to his chin as he thought about this new information.

Pinkamena hoped that it wouldn't come to that, as the Corps couldn't afford to lose another Hashira, so soon after losing Kyojuro, especially since there were no Flame Breathing users that had the skills of the fallen man that had trained with her for a period of time, something that caused her to think about Kyojuro's family. She still thought that it was annoying that Shinjuro didn't want to join them and replace his son, especially with the downfall of the Lower Moons, but she guessed he had a lot more emotions to deal with before being able to make a decision on that matter. As she thought about that, and what Tengen was hoping for, she overheard Inosuke eavesdropping on some girls that were talking about Makio, who they said was in her room and no one had seen her for some time, though the food left outside had been taken, so while she might be ill it seemed like she still ate. If there was a Demon in this district, and she was pretty sure there was one somewhere, it seemed likely that at least two of Tengen's wives had already been captured, Makio and Suma, and that told her that they had to find Hinatsuru, before the Demon did and captured her as well.

Sure enough Inosuke made a move and suddenly whatever was inside Makio's room disappeared without a trace, to the eyes of those that were inside the building, meaning he discovered a room and would make his report later, but she felt a slight change in the Ogimoto House and knew that the Demon was moving, or their Blood Demon Art was doing it while they were elsewhere.

As that happened, however, she paused for a moment as Zenitsu started to move, meaning he must have found a lead as well, so two of her friends were chasing the demonic trails they had found, and she moved with him, though while he did find a girl crying he tried to comfort her. In the following seconds the Oiran of the house showed up and stared at him for a time, where she found that Warabihime was a tall and slender woman, who a curvaceous and pale skinned body, while her hair was white at the top and transferred to a lime green for the lower half, or at least it would if it wasn't done up in the style of an Oiran. In addition to that she found a number of hairpins in her hair, which seemed important to the whole look she was currently going for, and there was a sash in her hands, one that definitely had the feeling of a Demon coming from it, meaning their target either liked being in this form, and forced people to work for them least it kill them for failing, or Warabihime was a Demon it had ran to, all to avoid Inosuke. She had this menacing aura that frightened everyone that was around her, as all Zenitsu could do was gulp as the girl in front of him went silent, something Pinkamena knew most of the Humans didn't have, even if they were a respectable Oiran, meaning she had to be a Demon, though it was hard to tell if she was the Upper Moon or a servant.

One thing she noted was that there were two more young girls who informed Warabihime that Zenitsu came in the day before, a fact that the Oiran didn't care much for, though it reminded Pinkamena that she had been watching this district for an entire day with nothing happening, and what she had observed so far had happened on their second day in the Red Light District. Apparently Warabihime told the crying girl to clean the dirty room, even though she had to pinch the girl's cheek to get the point across, something that caused her to cry for a little while longer as she scolded her, which told her that this had to be a common occurrence and no one tried to stop her. Zenitsu, ever the ladies man, gripped the wrist of Warabihime's left hand, something that only upset the Oiran more than she had been when she reached that room, and it only got worse when he told her to remove her hand, showing that, in that instant, he had forgotten his place in the house and the fact that he was undercover. Sure enough Warabihime struck Zenitsu so hard that he went flying through the rest of the door and through another door behind her, showing that she wasn't Human since the power required was more in the realm of what a Demon possessed, and she informed him that he required some discipline, though it told the silent observer that even someone like her couldn't see that Zenitsu was male.

Of course she put on a good show with the master of the house, putting on a smile and saying that maybe she went a little too hard on the new girl, and when she slipped into her actual room, she dismissed the two girls inside it before putting on a bit of makeup, where Pinkamena saw a flicker in the mirror, her fangs showed for a moment as her eyes became like a Demon's, and she noticed the eyes, reading Upper Moon Six.

"Tengen, what's the procedure if there's an Upper Moon here?" Pinkamena asked, as she was simply curious as to what all of them were supposed to do if they ran into one, which they would based on what her Phantom Eye was seeing, even if she knew that it had to be engage the target and hope reinforcements arrived to help take it down.

"Confirm that it is, in fact, an Upper Moon, then send a crow before either engaging or waiting for backup," Tengen said, though the question made him turn his head slightly, so he could focus on his companion for a time, as it was odd to hear such a thing from her, but while part of him guessed it was simply her curiosity he had to ask her anyway, "Did you find an Upper Moon Demon?"

"Yes. I'm currently investigating to see which rank it is." Pinkamena stated, which wasn't a total lie, as she was taking her time to see what she could learn about the Demon that was in front of her Phantom Eye, meaning Tengen could ask on what she had said so far before returning to her side, which would be when she told him what she knew about the Demon that was hiding in plain sight.

As Tengen nodded, and disappeared to write up a letter for a crow to take to their superiors, Pinkamena focused on her main target, finding that Warabihime finished her makeup, adjusted her features to hide her demonic features, and stood up so she could go about her daily business. Zenitsu, as she expected, was taken to his room and deposited by the girl he was being carried by, something he would have been pleased by had he been awake, though she did sense that another Demon was stalking him and waiting for him to be alone, which would be for some time. It confirmed something else for her, the Oiran wanted to remove anyone who angered her and likely had another Demon that did her dirty work, but that didn't change the fact that she felt another Demon lurking somewhere in this district, one who seemed just as strong as the Upper Moon she had discovered. Such a thing made her wonder if the Upper Moon Demons were different from the Lower ones she slew a while ago, like if one Demon could split itself into multiple selves and each one acted like their own individual person, which could explain why she felt more than one Demon of the same power, a fact she would have to be mindful of when they finally engaged her.

The district became alive as the day turned into night, confirming that it was an entertainment district, not that she had a need to confirm that, and one of her Phantom Eyes followed Warabihime as she went about her nightly duties, though she didn't have the odd sash she wore when she found Zenitsu. As she thought about that she noted that Tanjiro and Inosuke only did chores, carrying stuff and cleaning, showing her that the owners of the houses didn't push young girls into doing all of the more adult acts that an Oiran and the higher prostitutes did. Zenitsu, on the other hand, simply disappeared as the hours went by, where Pinkamena made sure to attach a Phantom Eye to him as another watched him be abducted by something she was expecting, the sash seemed to absorb him after slipping through some passageways in the building and vanished using the same manner. Thanks to her actions she was able to find out where all of the 'fallen' figures were, in a hole under the district, though getting down there would be a challenge for Tengen or the others, as she spotted two pretty ladies in the sash that had to be Suma and Miko, showing her where the Hashira would go first once it was time to confront the Demon.

Other than that she found that the third Demon didn't make a move, meaning it was either sleeping or lurking in the body of another Demon, and by the time morning arrived she was able to confirm the same thing, only two Demons had moved during the night, so while Tanjiro and Inosuke conversed on the roof she was on she had to wonder if she had been wrong about the amount of Demons that were in this district.

"Like I've been saying, there's a Demon at the house I'm staying in." Inosuke continued, where he made movements that he assumed the Demon had been making before he caught it, or at least chased it away from the room it had been in, so he really had no idea what it even looked like.

"Inosuke, just wait for Tengen and Zenitsu to arrive, then we can make our report," Tanjiro commented, as he didn't see a reason for them to discuss all of this while they were missing two of their members, but he did think it was really odd that Pinkamena hadn't moved since they arrived in this district.

"Zenitsu isn't coming... it would seem that, in my haste to save my wives, that I've placed him and you two in grave danger, as there's an Upper Moon in this district." Tengen remarked, having arrived silently while the pair was talking, showing off his shinobi training, while his eyes were on the buildings that were across from them as Tanjiro and Inosuke turned to face him, as they were curious about his choice of words, "As much as I hate to admit it, you two and Zenitsu are too weak to deal with an Upper Moon, even with Pinkamena backing us up... we don't know the extent of her power and I'm not willing to get you both killed."

"Before you go, take this." Pinkamena said, where she raised a hand and offered him a small stone that looked like those that were attached to his head piece, only it was rather small and caused him to raise an eyebrow or a moment, causing her to tap where a Human's ear would be, "When it is time to strike I'll be able to direct you to the Demon we're hunting, and the location of your wives, if I find them before you do anyway."

Tengen really had no idea where she came up with all the ideas on how to utilize her Chaos World, but, based on the fact that she was going to save everyone in this district, he didn't have much reason to complain, where he accepted her gift and attached it to his right ear, before departing to complete his side of things. While he did that Pinkamena heard both of her friends discussing the fact that they were a higher rank than Tanjiro thought, as he assumed they were the lowest of the ten ranks and the reality was, for him and his Human friends, that they were the seventh rank, showing off their level of experience. Of course they got to talking about the Demons in the houses and that there had to be passageways their targets were using, which had to lead to a hidden area that all of the 'fallen' had been stored in, and Tanjiro was going to act with the belief that they could be saved from the situation they were in. Inosuke also showed off the Wisteria Carving that was on their hands, to show off their ranks, though Pinkamena ignored that as Tanjiro pouted about the fact that he had no idea that this skill even existed in the first place, though by the end of their conversation both of them agreed that they would act like everyone was alive.

With that in mind Tanjiro got ready, switching into his Slayer attire and arranging some of his money to pay back those in the house he had been staying in, while Inosuke simply went back to his residence to search for the Demon, though she kept her power at the ready, as she was sure that they would be fighting the Upper Moon in no time and she was eager to see what sort of power the powerful Demon possessed.

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