• Published 3rd Apr 2022
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Demon Slayer: The Strange Demon - Blackdrag-rose

Pinkamena was minding her own business inside Pinkie's mind before she was ripped out of it and thrown into a new world, without any connection to Pinkie, leaving her on her own as she faces demons and a threat to the safety of this new world.

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Mugen: Demon of Dreams

Pinkamena found that, as time went on, Tanjiro and the others started to fall asleep as night covered the area that they were moving through, not to mention all of the other passengers that were sitting on the remaining benches of the train cars did the same thing as the minutes ticked by. She wasn't too worried about that, as Humans needed to sleep and she, being a Demon, didn't need to rest at all, so they had an eternal guardian for the remainder of the night, especially since she was sure that another Demon was lurking in the shadows, eager to strike at Kyojuro or the others. The lingering energy made it much harder for her to pinpoint the exact area that her target was resting in, which had to be intentional if they knew she had the power to track them down, but she made sure to keep her guard up as she sought out her target. The only one out of her group that seemed to be unaffected by what was going on was Nezuko, due to the fact that she was inside her box and no ticket had been purchased for her, though it didn't tell her much when she considered what was going on right now.

As she thought about that, and the fact that everyone was falling asleep now, she felt a slight change in the energy she was tracking and stood up immediately, where she snapped her fingers and undid the marking on her friends' blades, so when they woke up they would join her. With that done Pinkamena rushed to the door at the end of the train car she was in, opened it without delay, and headed outside, into the gap between cars, and instantly felt a surge of demonic energy, which told her that whoever was here wasn't even trying to hide themselves. As such she leapt onto the top of the train car and headed for the front of the train, because now that she had a grasp of the Demon's power she could tell where it was coming from, confirming that her target was near the engine. Sure enough she spotted a figure standing on the engine, one that she recognized from the information she gained from the four Lower Moons who tried to ambush her a month ago, the lone survivor of the faction of the Kizuki.

Part of her was glad, as she had been hoping to run into Lower Moon One at some point in time, to add his blood to what she had claimed since starting her quest, to which she landed on the end of the engine and focused on the Demon that was in front of her, who turned his head back to look at her.

"How interesting. You didn't succumb to my Blood Demon Art... how sad, I would have loved to see the look on your face after I twisted your peaceful dreams into a nightmare." Enmu commented, once more confirming that the Demons saw her as a Demon Slayer and not a Demon, which was good for Pinkamena when she thought about it, because the longer Muzan and his forces saw her as a Slayer the more they would underestimate her, "You either have a strong will, one that not even my technique could interfere with, or you instantly noticed what was going on and broke out of the spell before it could claim you. The Great One was right, you have to die."

"Enmu, also known as Lower Moon One... I was hoping to run into you." Pinkamena replied, though at the same time she had the feeling that she wasn't going to like this Demon, especially with the twisted sense of fun that Enmu told her about just now, which was just sick when she thought about such a thing.

"You know of me? How odd." Enmu said, where he raised a hand for a moment and touched the bottom of his chin, which meant he was thinking about the information she had just given him, despite the fact that all she had said was his name and rank, though she also noticed that his veins were enlarged, like he had been given an abundance of blood, likely after his comrades were sent out on their mission.

"Yeah, the other Lower Moons howled your name as they harped about the injustice of you being spared, all while I ended their lives." Pinkamena stated, which was a lie, the other four Lower Moons had said nothing when she killed them, but, at the same time, she had learned what she knew about Enmu from speaking to the echoes of his former comrades, even if it hadn't given her a lot of information to go on, but there was no way for Enmu to confirm her words.

"Ah yes, the Great One allowed me to hear their screams before giving me a new mission," Enmu commented, where he raised his hands for a moment and rubbed his arms, like he was chilled or overjoyed by something, all while Pinkamena found that both of his hands had markings on them that could be translated into words, before he focused on her for a time, "if I kill a Hashira, like the flame haired Slayer, I'll get an abundance of blood... if I kill the boy with the earrings that offended the Great One, I'll receive more blood... if I kill the one wearing the fox mask, I'll be given more blood."

"I get it, you're addicted to Muzan's blood." Pinkamena remarked, though that was good for her, because if Enmu had far more than his fair share of the Demon King's blood, especially since he was the only Lower Moon left now, his power was far stronger than what the others might have known before their deaths, meaning his power might be a worthy challenge for her power to face.

"You are so eager to fight. Wouldn't you rather sleep?" Enmu asked, where he raised his hand for a moment and added a few things to it, as Pinkamena found that he gave it a mouth and some eyes, why she had no idea, before she found that it seemed to project his power more than ever before, to actually inflict his target with his power.

Pinkamena debated what to do in this situation, should she open herself up to being attacked or just show her foe that his power meant nothing compared to her own, before mentally sighing as she slightly awakened her power, creating a Room were it looked like she had been hit by the sleep power and was resting on the top of the locomotive, while her true body was off to the side, observing Enmu. Sure enough her opponent stood there for a moment, waiting for her to wake up or do something, before a smirk appeared on his face as he realized that she had been taken out without him having to do all that much, luring him into a false sense of security. Such a thing lead to her discovering that the conductor was one of Enmu's allies and had cut into the tickets that were used as the medium for his technique, meaning her friends were likely in their own dreams right now and wouldn't wake up without something assisting them. The part that interested her was that he even had Humans working for him, more than just the train staff based on what she was discovering, where she found that the people in question had to be suffering from various things, like illnesses or depression from certain family members dying, and he was using those against them, that if they succeeded in their assignments he would give them the dreams they wanted.

Apparently his assistants needed to wait for Tanjiro and the others to be asleep, deep enough so their senses wouldn't be able to sense the impending danger, so they could wrap special ropes around one of their wrists and head into whatever dreams they were having at the moment, to track down and destroy a 'spiritual core'. Based on what she could tell Enmu wanted to kill her friends while they were sleeping, as in crippling them before they had a chance to do anything, so when they woke up they would be shells of their former selves and be easy prey for a Demon to snack on, which seemed to be a part of his plan. Pinkamena was able to figure out what was going on, to a degree anyway, as it sounded like Enmu wanted to eat powerful Humans and might be using the train as a way to lure them in so he could knock them out after lowering their guard, like with the Demon they had seen when the conductor arrived. Taking down a Hashira would definitely boost his power by some degree, not as much as Muzan's blood anyway, but devouring, say, two hundred Humans would add up and increase his power to even new heights, though whether or not it allowed him to approach the level of the Upper Moons wasn't something she cared about.

It was an interesting plan, even though she still hadn't figured out why Enmu refused to leave the area he was standing in at the moment, though the problem with his plan was that it hinged on Tanjiro and the others staying asleep, plus his own allies doing their part to keep the Demon Slayers contained, to which she yawned as she stood where her illusion was and dispelled it, surprising Enmu a little.

"Strange... I could have sworn you were sleeping, having happy dreams like your friends." Enmu commented, showing her that he was interested in how she might have overcome his technique and what it might mean for the others that were in the train car she had left behind, while at the same time informing her that he must not have considered the idea that she had been pretending to be asleep.

"Well, it didn't work as well as you thought it might. Care to try again?" Pinkamena asked, because for right now she was more than willing to waste Enmu's time with her power, tricking him into believing that his power was working on her and making him question what was in front of him, as she knew that Tanjiro and the others didn't need her help, and if they did she could move in to aid them without delay.

Enmu's expression changed for a moment, keeping the surprise while having some interest mixed into it, or at least that seemed to be what Pinkamena was seeing as she stared at him, before he raised his hand and it uttered the command he had issued before, that of 'sleep'. This time around Pinkamena was ready as her power seized control of his Blood Demon Art and the area around them disappeared, where they appeared in a black void of sorts and Enmu glanced around as he took in what he was seeing right now. As he did that she simply floated there, even though she ended up upside down for some odd reason, and off in the distance she could see something emerging from the darkness, which appeared to be a circular stained glass window or screen, with blue and pink colors that were arranged in a way that reminded her of Pinkie for some odd reason. If she had to guess this collision of their powers might have made some sort of heart chamber in her body, or whatever someone could call something like that, though it wasn't terribly important to her, as the more time she wasted the more time Enmu would lose the element of surprise with Tanjiro and her friends.

"How odd. I was not expecting this to be what you would dream of." Enmu said, where he studied the area they were in for a time and raised his hand to his chin for a moment, showing her that he seemed to be under the idea that this was something she would dream about.

"Please, I'd dream of something much better than is," Pinkamena replied, though she kept floating where she started for a while, not bothering to take in the surroundings since she had a good idea of what was around them, and part of her did enjoy seeing Enmu confused like this, just like everyone else that experienced her power, even if this wasn't something she had created with Chaos World, "this is more like my inner heart, or I guess you and your Human Minions might call it the 'Unconscious Zone', which you sent them to destroy after putting my companions to sleep."

"You were listening to my explanation to my tools. To be honest, I'm not surprised." Enmu stated, where Pinkamena could see that he was thinking about something, in fact he might be taken aback by the fact that he was pulled into an area that he didn't want to be to, hence why he used Humans to do his dirty work, before his right hand shifted and he pulled out a chisel that looked like it was made from bone and teeth, "However, I am free to move however I see fit, and if this is your Unconscious Zone, well, it means you're under the effects of my technique... meaning I can find and destroy your Spiritual Core, ending one of the Great One's threats without too much effort."

"That's assuming I let you anywhere near it." Pinkamena remarked, where her mask shimmered for a moment, a motion that surprised Enmu when he noticed it, but before he could react she flashed through the air and placed her palm right up against his chest, something that was followed by her releasing a burst of energy that sent him flying through the water that was around them.

That was the interesting thing, when they weren't moving it didn't seem like anything was around them, but when she or Enmu moved it felt like water was around them, and her motion sent him straight at the edge of her strange heart zone, to which the two of them emerged from her inner heart and returned to where they were standing on the locomotive, as if nothing had happened over the last few minutes.

"This is just further verification that you have to die." Enmu commented, showing that he had retained the information of what had happened inside Pinkamena's strange Unconscious Zone, as he was eying her mask as he recalled the form that he had seen for a couple of seconds, though at the same time he made no sudden moves, making her wonder if he might be waiting for something to happen.

"That's what the other Lower Moons thought as well, before I cut them down." Pinkamena said, where she noticed that it looked darker out, meaning more than a few minutes must have passed inside her Unconscious Zone, an area she would need to alter at some point in the future, though this time she drew her Nichirin Blade and readied herself, "It seems as if you missed something."

"What do you... oh, I get it. My tools haven't destroyed the Spiritual Cores of your companions." Enmu remarked, because he quickly considered her words and instantly understood what she was referring to, though to be fair he wasn't actually expecting them to break a Hashira's core, much less those of the odd Slayers that had joined him, to which he turned his head for a moment, "Well, they're buying time, so it's fine."

"Ah, but you've also lost time as well." Pinkamena stated, though in that moment she felt the disturbance she had been waiting for after discovering Enmu's presence on the locomotive, as Tanjiro appeared nearby and had his blade out, but due to what she knew of him she suspected that he didn't kill the Humans that the Demon enlisted, merely knocked them out before coming here, "Good morning, Tanjiro. Allow me to introduce Enmu, Lower Moon One."

"Backup has arrived... you know, you could have just slept some more." Enmu said, waving a hand at Tanjiro as he came to a stop near the area that Pinkamena was standing in, though he knew that having two Slayers in front of him would tip the scales in their favor, hence why he was grateful for the plan he had sent in motion earlier, "You know, I just showed you an especially nice dream... I could have shown you a dream where your family was slaughtered before your eyes, you know? Now that I think about it, maybe next time I should show you a dream where your father came back from the dead... that might be enough to take you down."

"Don't thoughtlessly trample your way into people's dreams. I won't forgive you, Enmu," Tanjiro replied, where he had the feeling that Pinkamena had been talking to the Demon and prevented him from doing anything important over how long the two of them had been up here, though he shifted his stance and got ready, because after facing Rui he wasn't about to lower his guard with another Lower Moon.

Pinkamena noticed that Enmu seemed surprised to see Tanjiro's hanafuda earrings, connecting him to what Muzan must have shown him after the Lower Moon meeting, though it also presented an opening for them to use as her friend took on the stance of the Tenth Form of Water Breathing, Constant Flux. As he started to perform the continuous flowing attack, as in all of the steps to perform this attack without any problems, Enmu regained himself and raised his left hand, using the mouth to try and put her friend to sleep, just like he had tried to do against her earlier. Sure enough, how that Tanjiro had an idea of what to do in his dreaming state, it only took him a second to break out of the dream, the interval between him being struck by the Blood Demon Art and him waking up being a second, maybe two to three at the max. She stood back as she watched it happen, as Enmu repeated the attack multiple times and found that, while he was hitting Tanjiro with his power, his target was breaking out in a matter of seconds, though Tanjiro was enraged by the things that were said in the dreams he had been given.

She suspected that Enmu was trying to make use of Tanjiro's fallen family, to guilt trip him into submitting, and it enraged him to no end, to the point that he was able to reach the area Enmu was standing in and swung his blade before his foe had a chance to actually defend himself, removing his head from his body, but in that moment she sensed that something was wrong, as his body wasn't breaking down yet.

"Now I see why the Great One wanted you to die as well, in addition to the Pillars and the fox mask," Enmu said, where his head, which was resting on the edge of the locomotive, got up and had a mass below it that allowed it to stand up, a fact that told Pinkamena that he had done something before she reached him earlier, "Somehow, I feel like your very existence makes me twitch in anger. Your surprised expression of me not dying is lovely... I wanted to see that face of yours since I put this plan into motion. Tell me, do you want to know how I was able to survive your attack just now?"

"You merged with the train, didn't you?" Pinkamena asked, because based on what she had seen so far it looked like their foe's power over dreams might be transitioning into the world of reality, that anything he desired, and was actually within his power to grant, would be done, and if it was becoming a power that messed with reality it explained the clash that they had earlier, two reality powers fighting for supremacy.

"Indeed. The body you cut down is no longer my body." Enmu replied, though once more he found that there was another reason to get rid of Pinkamena, because she was able to figure out a Blood Demon Art in no time, regardless of whether or not they worked on her, and such a thing might be trouble for him and the Upper Moons in the future, "This whole train has become by blood, flesh, and bones... meaning all of the two hundred passengers are now my captives, as well as food to further strengthen my body. Can you protect them?"

Enmu laughed as Tanjiro attacked him, this time the attack missing as his head and body were absorbed into the train, but in the following moment he followed after Pinkamena as they headed back to where Kyojuro and the others were resting, even though Inosuke burst out of a train car. Sure enough it seemed like part of him was still stuck in the dream, as he was of the opinion that Tanjiro was his minion, but Pinkamena paid it no mind as Tanjiro explained the situation, though part of her was amused when her wild friend claimed that he was right about the demonic train. Such a thing lead to him using another technique of his, the Fifth Fang of Beast Breathing, Crazy Cutting, to smash through the ceiling he had landed on a few second ago and cut into all of the demonic filth that was trying to devour the Humans in the train. As she and Tanjiro kept moving, however, Pinkamena sensed the awakening of the others and drew on her own power as well, as she placed the entire train under her watchful eye, where each demonic part that was cut off disappeared into her Storehouse, and she expanded her power to keep the Humans safe.

She quickly discovered that Nezuko was slicing into the filth with her sharpened nails, Zenitsu was defending her while he attacked the targets in his train, and Kyojuro appeared after a few moments, following a shockwave, to inform them that he was guarding the last five cars from their enemy, leaving the Demon to Tanjiro, Pinkamena, and Inosuke. It confirmed that he saw her and Nezuko as allies of the Corps and that he was willing to entrust things to them, especially three train cars that were full of people, and once he was done talking Kyojuro flashed back to the cars he was protecting, displaying the sheer power that a Hashira possessed to Tanjiro. With that done the pair returned to the top of the train, as Tanjiro had climbed down to deal with some of the filth on his own, and found that Inosuke was following the scent of the Demon they were fighting, meaning he must have tracked down where Enmu's neck was. Of course he was also jealous of Kyojuro and his abilities, but he was also impressed by him, based on what Pinkamena heard him say, before they focused on their target and headed for the area that the coal was stockpiled in, because if the train was looked at like a spine the coal car had to be the 'neck'.

Sure enough Inosuke smashed his way through the ceiling and dropped into the coal car, where Pinkamena found a lone person working, but given Enmu's desire to use Humans as tools, and the lack of demonic material heading for the man, it was easy for her to tell where he stood, so she struck him with her hand and knocked him out, before moving him into the car that was behind them.

"Now that he's dealt with, you guys can focus on the neck without interruption." Pinkamena remarked, where she turned for a moment and found that a mass of hands was reaching for Inosuke, Enmu protecting himself from danger, and yet it was stopped by Tanjiro moving in with the Sixth Form of Water Breathing, Whirlpool, though her own power snatched the hands before they could disappear.

Sure enough both Tanjiro and Inosuke agreed with her, the neck was right in front of them, something that caused them to attack without delay, the latter unleashing the Second Fang of Beast Breathing, Slice, to deliver two powerful attacks at the floor, breaking it open and revealing a massive spine bone that contained the neck. Tanjiro followed that up by quickly switching to the Eighth Form of Water Breathing, Waterfall Basin, only to find that the hands returned and blocked him, as they got in the way and tanked the attack to protect Enmu, which caused the breach to seal in seconds. Pinkamena knew that to take down the Lower Moon they would have to work together, meaning one would have to break the floor so the other could cut through Enmu's exposed neck, to which she focused her mind and channeled one of her other powers for a time, that being Chaos Breathing, Third Form: Dance of the Phantom. This technique was much like the Third Form that Tanjiro had used a few times in the past, a flowing pattern that resembled someone dancing, only hers was designed to make her disappear from her foe's sight until she made her move, and this time she used it to lash out at the hands that dared to reach for her friends, along with the twisted eyes that showed up.

The opening she provided allowed Inosuke to use another technique, the Fourth Fang: Slice 'n' Dice, where he slashed up the floor open in an instant, and that paved the way for Tanjiro to use another of his father's moves, a complete spin of his body, three hundred and sixty degrees, as he slashed out, which was the move called 'Clear Blue Sky'. The results of that attack were instantaneous, the flaming ring sliced through Enmu's neck with ease, reminding Pinkamena of the fact that the Sun Breathing was incredibly dangerous to Demons, and it even sliced through the rest of the locomotive, as in it was cut in half, like a Demon's head being severed. In the following seconds more arms and hands burst out of the train, which had to be Enmu reacting to his death, and she activated her power as she drew in all the pieces, separating him from the rest of the train, even though there wasn't much she could do about the derailment that was happening right now. It was interesting to think that all of this was caused by one application of Tanjiro's Hinokami Kagura, one move was enough to take down a Lower Moon, after all his training, and even slice through the train itself, and with the opening in front of her and the others they were thrown out of the locomotive

In the following seconds she was sure that Tanjiro, somehow, got struck in the stomach area, too much was happening with Enmu's death for her to keep track of everything, and as she landed near the wreckage she found that Kyojuro had found his way to Tanjiro, likely helping him with the blow he had been dealt, and his black blade had landed nearby, but as she breathed a sigh of relief something crashed into the area near them and crushed the Nichirin Blade... though she had a feeling that things were about to go from bad to worse.

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