• Published 13th Aug 2021
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The Little Pony Legend: The Crystaling and To Where and Back Again - MaggiesHeartLove

Join Starlight Glimmer as she tries to redeem herself and saves her friends in the process

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To where and back again part 2

Starlight Glimmer inhaled and exhaled deeply as she made her way into the village. Ponies were already preparing for the festival, hanging up decorations, putting up stands, as well as a large banner, depicting all three of the pony races. Unique in their own way, just as it should be.

Starlight was amazed at how far they had come. Even some of the fillies had already gained their individual cutie marks. To think, she was so close to depriving them of this beautiful experience. Well, she knew better now, and despite her nervousness, she was excited to spend some time with them. Maybe finally form true friendships that she never gave them the chance to do before.

"Uh, hey there, everypony." she greeted. The first two ponies she stumbled upon were Party Favor and Double Diamond.

The two stallions had just finished putting up the banner, but simultaneously froze in place the moment they heard Starlight's voice. Her eyes darted back and forth, noticing that everypony else had the exact same reaction.

"Uh… Hey, Starlight. What are you doing here?" Parti Favor asked, in an rather suspicious tone.

Starlight noticed all the other ponies approach her, each with matching expressions of shock and distain. She levitated the letter she received and showed it to the two male ponies.

"I-I… I was invited. To the Sunset Festival?"

Double Diamond arched an eyebrow at the letter and then narrowed his eyes at Starlight herself. "Uh, yeah, but we didn't think you'd actually show up."

"You didn't think we really wanted you here, did you?" Party Favor said as he levitated the letter away from Starlight with his own horn, and Double Diamond shredded it right in front of their supposed guest.

"But… I... apologized. I thought everything was fine." Starlight said, only to be met with the two ponies laughing derisively. The rest of the village surrounded Starlight, their deranged laughter increasing, louder and louder, frightening the poor unicorn.

The skies turned dark, clouds loomed over, lighting cracked, but the ponies continued to laugh, their eyes deranged and psychotic, irises glowing a devilish red, their pears became pointier and slightly curved as if they had turned into horns, and fangs grew from their upper rows of teeth. Even some pegasus wings lost their feathers, instead gaining wings reminiscent of bats.

Starlight felt so helpless and frightened. What's worse, is that one by one, the ponies all began to shift and morph into identical versions of herself. Or rather, how she was before, with her even bangs and equal cutie mark, all while levitating the Staff of Equality, which was already proven to be a fake, but what it symbolized was still fresh in her mind.

Starlight cowered in fear, closing her eyes shut, preparing for the vampiric versions of herself to either tear her to shreds or devour her.

"Please...! Stop...! Stop!"

The sound of laughter died down and the pony hesitantly opened her eyes. The clones were gone. The atmosphere had changed into a serene, foggy night, the full moon being the only source of light in the entire land. The village remained the same, but now Starlight was all alone.

"What happened?" Starlight asked herself, as the thick snowy white fog came in, nearly engulfing the village, to the point she could hardly see the ground anymore, almost as if she were walking on air. The sound of faint hoofsteps echoed in the night.

"Is anypony there?" Starlight turned around, ready to face whoever it was that had come for her. From the dispersing thick fog emerged an alicorn, with a mane resembling a starry night sky, and cyan green eyes that radiated with such grace, mystery, but also wisdom. She recognized her on the spot, especially when she saw her moon shaped cutie mark.

"Princess Luna? W-What are you doing here?"

"Dreams are my domain, Starlight Glimmer. I am here because you need me to be."

Starlight took in a sigh of relief, "Oh. It's only a dream."

"It may only be a dream, but the feelings in it are real."

Starlight sighed once more, only this sigh was one of disappointment rather than relief. "Great. So I guess I'm more afraid of going back to the village than I thought. What do I do now?"

"I have been helped time and time again by a group of every special friends. They helped me overcome my past. You're fortunate to have them as friends. I suggest you share your concerns with them."

The princess of the night walked up into the sky via an invisible staircase, and her hooves emitted a sparkling aura as she walked, amplifying her mysterious beauty and magic as she approached the moon above them. She softly turned once more, smiling to Starlight. A smile so warm and loving, she would think it came from her own mother.

"I see much of myself in you, Starlight Glimmer, and I can tell you from personal experience that things do indeed get better."

Feeling more at ease with herself, Starlight watched as Luna disappeared into the moon, and she awoke in her own bedroom, taking into account what the princess had advice her to do.

From the opposite side of the room, her roommate P'Li was still sound asleep. Not wanting to wake her, Starlight decided to wait until morning.


"…and Princess Luna said I should tell you all how I was feeling. So... there it is. I'm afraid to go back to the village for the celebration."

Starlight stood before The Mane Seven, Tenzin, the airbender children, Opal and P'Li, informing them about how she was feeling and the advice Princess Luna had told her. She continuously looked downwards even after she finished explaining.

"But why, darling?" Rarity asked, "You went back to apologize. They accepted. Everypony has moved on."

"But have they? They don't really know how much I've changed. Or even worse, maybe I haven't changed as much as I think I have!"

"Trust me. You are a totally different pony now." Rainbow Dash said with confidence. "I mean, you were pretty awful."

"Rainbow Dash!" Opal exclaimed, narrowing her eyes in disappointment at the pony's bluntly honest reply.

"What? She was! It's a compliment!"

Jinora smiled kindly at Starlight, "I don't think they would've sent the invitation if they didn't want you to come. I'm sure they'd be happy to see you."

"And getting an invitation to a party and not going?!" Pinkie PIe exclaimed in horror, taking Starlight by the collar, much to her surprise. "That's like... I-It's like...! Well, I don't know what it's like, but it is definitely bad." the pink pony said as she calmed down and released her friend.

"Just be honest with them." Applejack advices, "I'm sure they'll understand where you're comin' from."

"I understand how hard this is for you." P'Li said, "If you'd like, I could come along for moral support."

"That's a great idea." Korra said, "Bringing a friend along will make things easier."

"Or a few." Starlight asked, "I was also hoping on asking Sunburst to come along too."

"I think it's perfect." P'Li said, "Anything to make this trip better for you."

"Thanks, P'Li." Starlight said, hugging the combustion woman. "I really appreciate it."


"I'll arrange a bison for you to take." Tenzin offered. So far, things were starting to turn out well for Starlight.

Everyone's attention turned towards the main entrance, where Asami and Mako walked in, looking surprisingly saddened.

Korra was the first to stand up and walked towards the two. "What happened? Is everything alright?

"It's Bolin." Mako said with regret. "He's…not coming after all."

"He got held up." Asami said sadly, looking as if she were on the brink of tears.

Korra and the others looked visibly distressed by the news. "Oh, no…"

Silence filled the room for several seconds before….

Bolin came out from in between his bother and girlfriend, all three simultaneously exclaiming; "Psych!"

"Gotcha!" Bolin called out, while Asami and Mako high fiver, laughing at their charade.

Everyone else followed suit, laughing with joy and practically tackled the earthbender with great big hugs. Rainbow Dash ruffled Bolin's hair, Pinkie Pie nearly suffocated him with her own hug, and Spike jumped up into his arms, hugging the earthbender.

"Oh, I missed you guys! Man, you all look….exactly the same as when I left!"

"It's only been six months." Twilight said, laughing.

"I know, but it felt like eight! Man, it's great to be home!"

"It's great to have you home." Asami said, kissing him on the cheek.

"So, what did I miss?"

Everyone could only laugh in reply. They had a lot of catching up to do, they wouldn't even know where to begin.


Latter that afternoon, Sunburst had just finished putting on his police uniform, only to receive a knock on the door. "Coming!" he called out. Once he opened the door, he was met with a kiss on the lips, curtesy of Starlight.

"Well, that's one way to say hello." he said with a smile.


"You seem in a good mood."

"I a better mood, actually. I was invited to my old village for the Sunset Festival, and I wanted to ask you to come with me."

Sunburst's smile faded and he looked down in regret. "Oh."

"What's wrong?"

"I'd love to come, really I would, but Chief Beifong requested the entire police force for this three day seminar. They just mentioned recently it and I now can't miss it."

Starlight lowered her head in disappointment. "Oh, I see."

"Lin's been very strict about it. Says everyone has to be there, or else."

"Or else, what?"

"It's Lin, would it make a difference if we did know?"

"Good point."

Sunburst kissed his girlfriend's cheek and hugged her. "I'm really sorry."

"It's not your fault. I'm just so nervous about going back."

"You don't have to be. You're not that same pony anymore."

"Everyone keeps saying that, but I'm still not sure if I believe it."

Sunburst lifted Starlight's chin, locking their eyes. "You have changed. Let no one make you think otherwise. You're going to have a great time, trust me."

No matter how she was feeling, the male unicorn always found a way to make her feel better.

"I love you, Sunburst."

"I love you too, Starlight."


Disappointedly, Starlight strolled along the park, notching her friend Trixie performing a few party tricks for a group of children. The unicorn smiled at the way the children laughed and gasped in awe at the illusions Trixie performed. While the blue unicorn herself could be a bit…rough around the edges at times, for Starlight, she was still a good friend who understood her almost as well as P'Li did.

The children waved goodbye once their mothers called to them, each leaving with a special gift, either a flower, a balloon or a bouncy ball, and Trixie waved farewell. As always, she wore her signature magicians hat and cape, while wearing some eastern styled clothing, adorning a few stars and moons on her shirt and boots. She spotted her best friend and waved.

"Hey, Starlight!"

"Hey, Trixie."

"You look bummed out. Princess Twilight giving you a hard time?" Trixie asked, rather smugly.

"No, I just asked Sunburst to the Sunset Festival at my old village, but he has this police seminar he has to go to."

"Oh, bummer." Trixie's ears them perked up, "Hey, I don't really have anything planned this weekend…."

Starlight's spirits immediately rose back up, her smile beaming so wide her face might break.


Trixie was just about done loading the sky bison's saddle, with help from P'Li and Starlight. Twilight, Korra, Tenzin and the others stood by. Mako, Flash and Sunburst came by to bid them farewell. Mako and Twilight, specifically, kept their arms crossed as they watched the blue unicorn jump down from the saddle, flaunting her cape, her hat currently absent.

"Thanks so much for doing this, Trixie." Starlight said, "Korra was right, having more than one friend coming along was definitely a great idea."

"It certainly is." Trixie said, and smiled at the two princesses, and police firebender. "Don't worry, Princess Twilight, I– Starlight's best friend – will be right there by her side on this difficult journey." she said, once again, speaking as arrogant as she always did.

"Thanks, Trixie." Twilight forced a smile and speaking through gritted teeth.

"Really appreciate it." Mako added, also through gritted teeth.

Korra, ironically, remained the most composed out of the two. "Way to be subtle." she whispered.

"The festival lasts a whole week, but I'm sure we won't stay that long." Starlight said.

Trixie wrapped an arm around her fellow unicorn, "Oh. I don't know, Starlight. Time really flies when you're spending it with your best friends!"

Starlight hugged her boyfriend once more, "I'll see you when I get back. Have fun at your seminar."

"Or as fun as it can get." Flash said, "It's really not like Beifong to just arrange a seminar so suddenly."

"I know." Mako agreed, feeling a little bit suspicious as to why the always punctual, and strictly organized chief of police would inform all of her officers about a seminar on such short notice. Even they didn't hear about it until Sunburst brought it to their attention. Which was ironic, considering they were almost always the first to know about these kinds of things. Perhaps Lin had a reason for this, they would certainly find out at the seminar.

Starlight, Trixie and P'Li mounted onto the bison, with P'Li at the helm, all waving farewell as the beast took off into the sky and flew directly into the portal out in the ocean, entering the land of Equestria.


The group eventually arrived at the village. With the two ponies once again in their natural pony forms, they jumped off of the bison, saddle bags and all, while P'Li carried a simple shoulder bag. She really didn't have much to pack, unlike Trixie.

The trio approached the very edge of the mountain, which led downwards to the village. Just like in Starlight's dream, ponies had decorations and banners all set in place, looking as content as they did in her dream.

"There it is!" Trixie pointed her hoof to the location, :The town where you—

"Magically stole everypony's cutie marks, replaced them with equal signs, and forced them all to hide their natural talents? Yes." Starlight hung her head in regret.

"I was going to say where you came from, but yours is a more... emotionally traumatic answer."

"Not really helping, Trixie." P'Li said, placing a hand on her hip.

The blue pony sucked in her lips in responce. While she knew this incredibly tall human was one of Starlight's friends, she was still rather intimating with just her presence alone. She would be wise not to mess with her.

Starlight inhaled deeply, and exhaled, "I just want to... blend in. Be just another pony in the crowd enjoying the Sunset Festival with my friends."

P'Li squatted down and petted the pony's mane. "You'll be fine."

"And if things get weird for you, just let me know. I've got your flank." Trixie said.

"Is that a promise?"

"Not just a promise. A great and powerful promise!" Trixie pulled out a few smoke bombs and threw them to the ground, causing the three to caught due to the smoke.

"Well, I couldn't ask for more than that." Starlight said.

"Though, maybe keep those smoke bombs in your sack for now." P'Li said, wouldn't want any of these ponies getting asthma."

"Good call." Trixie said in between coughs and the three made their way down, with the bison patiently waiting near an area with luscious greens to eat.

"If we're gonna do this, let's do it." Starlight gulped, but just the fact that her friends were here made things all the much less terrifying.


Upon entering the village, Starlight was almost bewildered at how nearly identical it all looked compared to her dream. While it wasn't one hundred percent identically, it most certainly felt like it did in her dreams. Her fears would have driven her to run in an instant have not P'Li and Trixie right beside her.

Double Diamond and Party Favor were the first to greet her. Just like in her dream, they had just finished placing the banner. But, unlike her dream, they didn't show any hesitation to greet her, and instead looked rather happy and excited that she arrived.

"Oh! Starlight, you came!"

"We were worried you wouldn't be able to make it!" Party Favor said, equally excited.

"It's…great to see all of you too." Starlight replied, already feeling her anxieties wither away.

"And you brought friends along! Awesome!"

"Everypony, this is Trixie and P'Li."

"Nice to meet you." P'Li said as she crunched down to shake Party Favor's hoof. "Starlight's told me a lot about you all."

"Are you staying the whole week?" Party Favor asked, "We have different events planned each day!"

"How is it living in Republic City?" Sugar Belle asked.

Double Diamond clapped his hooves, "It is so good to see you!"

Trixie smirked, "Oh, yeah. These ponies are terrifying." she said in a mock-whisper before giggling. Starlight didn't take it to heart, she was already coming to the realization that she really didn't have anything to worry about after all.

"I have to say, I was surprised when I received the invitation, but I'm really glad I came."

"You got here just in time. We were having some debate about these banners." Party Favor showcased a few of the banners, being held up by some of the pegasus ponies, "Which do you think feels more "sunsetty"?"

And just like that, Starlight felt her nerves slowly returning. She remembered how she basically made every decision for them when she ran this village, never once giving them a chance to think for themselves. Last thing she wanted, or needed, was to be reminded of how terrible she once was. Or to be placed in a position of power.

"O--Oh, you don't need me to decide that. Heh. Whatever you think is probably best."

"I like the first one." P'Li said, earning an proving nod from the other ponies.

"How about helping us with the routes for the relay races tomorrow? Can you take a look?" Double Diamond asked.

"Oh, I-I shouldn't." Starlight took a few steps back, "You all go ahead. I-I just want to enjoy the festival."

"But you will be a judge for the baking competition, right?" Sugar Belle asked excitedly. "I bet you'll be great since you've been in Republic City and all. I've heard they make the best fruit cakes!"

"We had a few questions about the order of the acts for the talent show. You always were great at organizing."

"And the unicorns have a fireworks show planned!" Night Glider said, "With your talents, we could really use your help!"

One by one, more and more ponies surrounded her, eagerly asking if she wanted to participate in this, or that, asking for some advice, asking if she'd prefer this over that. In reality, they were only trying to make her feel like she was a part of the festival, so she could feel like their friend again. But for Starlight, it was live a reversal of her dream, only instead of everyone turning into a version of her past self, she saw them eager to put her in a position of leadership, which was the last thing she wanted. What if the power went to her head again and she lost it? After all, she did use a literally mind control spell on her friends and nearly destroyed Twilight's castle, and that was just taking care of a few friendship lessons. Starlight wasn't always good at allowing others to take the lead, and when she finally decided she wanted to be a follower, not a leader again, everypony around her trusted her to be the latter.

She couldn't do it. She wouldn't do it.

"No! "

Starlight's horn glowed bright, emitting a powerful blast of wind that knocked everypony, save for P'Li and Trixie away from her. The two managed to keep a firm stance, but were still pushed back a few feet. Starlight trembled, her stomach to the ground, covering her eyes and her horn stopped glowing.

P'Li quickly rushed to the little pony's aid, while everypony else looked at her with concern and confusion.

"Starlight, what's wrong?" Sugar Belle asked. "We just wanted to make you feel like you were part of the festival."

Starlight continued to tremble. "I can't! I can't!" she exclaimed in fear.

P'Li calmly addressed to the other ponies, "We appreciate your invitation, but I think it's best we leave. Starlight's, not feeling so well. I apologize for the inconvenience.

"The Great and Powerful Trixie would like to thank you all for being such an amazing audience. Sadly, it is time for us to depart. Good night, fillies and gentlefolk!"

"It was nice meeting you all!" P'Li said before Trixie threw the smoke bombs, which caused several ponies to cough as the others made their leave, with Trixie shielding Starlight with her cape.


P'Li handed Starlight a bottle of water as they flew on the bison over the land of Equestria, sitting on the beast's head beside the combustion bender.

"Ugh! I was horrible when I led that town! I was ready for them to not trust me, but... I wasn't ready for them to put me in charge again!"

"They only wanted you to feel welcomed." P'Li said. "I don't think they were expecting you to be their permanent leader or anything."

"Still, with my past, I should never be in charge of anything! Remember how I freaked out and used a spell on my friends because I didn't know how to handle a friendship lesson?"

"So you messed up. Big deal." Trixie said, "You're not the only one."

"She's right." said P'Li, "We've all done things we're not proud of. I used to date a mad man who wanted to bring chaos into the world because I was brainwashed into believing some false philosophy. All the people I've hurt, it's not an easy thing to get over, or to forgive. But just because it's not easy, doesn't mean it isn't possible. It just takes a little more time is all."

Trixie removed her hat, allowing the winds to blow against her white/blue mane. "Don't tell anyone else I said this, but even Trixie's made mistakes."

Both Starlight and P'Li gave he a deadpan stare. "You don't say." they said with subtle sarcasm.

"I know! The trick is to just move on and pretend they never happened."

"Actually, that's not true." P'Li stated, "You can't always forget your past, and sometimes you shouldn't. The point isn't to pretend they never happened, but to accept them and learn from them. After all, how can anyone learn without messing up first?"

"You know, that's actually pretty good advice." Starlight said.

Trixie rolled her eyes and crossed her hooves over her chest. "Yeah, yeah."
