• Published 13th Aug 2021
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The Little Pony Legend: The Crystaling and To Where and Back Again - MaggiesHeartLove

Join Starlight Glimmer as she tries to redeem herself and saves her friends in the process

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To where and back again part 1


Matthew 13:14-33~

Another parable He put forth to them, saying: "The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field; but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares also appeared. So the servants of the owner came and said to him, "Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?" He said to them, "An enemy has done this." the servants said to him, "Do you want us then to go and gather them up?" But he said, "No, lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, "First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into the barn."

Another parable He put forth to them, saying: "The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field, which indeed is the least of all the seeds; but when it is grown it is greater than the herbs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and nest on its branches. "Another parable He spoke to them: "The kingdom of heaven is like heaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of metal till it was all leavened.


To Where and Back Again

It has certainly been an interesting six months since Bolin and Varrick left to join with Kuvira, as well as since Starlight Glimmer reformed and started a new life with the Air Nomads. First, the team headed to the Crystal Empire to celebrate the birth of Cadance and Shinning Armor's new baby, and for Starlight's old friend Sunburst to reconnect with his extended father. But, the visit didn't go quite as either party had anticipated.

The newborn alicorn princess had shattered the Crystal Heart due to her crying, and Sunburst had a falling out with his father, Blazing Saddles, because he didn't directly follow in his hoofsteps. Thankfully, with Starlight's quick thinking, she managed to help Sunburst and his father make amends, restore the Crystal Heart and have a beautiful Crystalling for the baby, who they then named Flurry Heart, in honor of the event. Though, in all honesty, how can anyone forget?

As an added bonus, Sunburst and Blazing Saddles buried the hatchet, and Starlight Glimmer finally mastered the courage to confess to Sunburst her true feelings. As to be expected, her loyal, kind-hearted childhood best friend returned her feelings, and have been happily together ever since.

As for the rest of the team, it had been a pretty uneventful time. Or, at least, there was no "end of the world" crisis in any way.

Rarity and Pinkie Pie spend time with Maud in Manehattan, where the fashionable unicorn helped her hyperactive friend to find the perfect gift for her sister. Brokenheartedly, but with such well meaning intentions, Pinkie sacrificed her party cannon to get Maud a rock pouch, but loving Maud returned the pouch so Pinkie could have her cannon back. It didn't matter how big the gift was, her love for her sister was greater than anything. And any gift Maud received from Pinkie, she would always treasure, five-ever.

That's even longer than forever.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders, now with their brand new cutie marks, were fulfilling their destinies by helping other ponies with their cutie mark problems. Even though they did have a few setbacks here and there. From learning to help others, even when not constantly together, to helping their new friend, a kid-hearted misfit griffon named Gabby, into getting her own cutie mark. Sadly, Gaby could not gain what she wished for, but the Crusaders none the less helped her realize she didn't need a cutie mark to know her life's purpose, and she became their new CMC member!

Spike also had his own adventure, when he and all the other dragons in Equestria were summoned by the Dragon Lord to compete for the tittle of the new Dragon Lord. Reluctant to compete, but determined to try, Spike competed and even befriend the dragon Princess Ember, while also facing his old nemesis Garble in the process. Spike not only won the Gauntlet of fire, but instead gave to Ember, who saved him from Garble in return to his earlier kindness.

Twilight, Rarity, Mako and Korra had tagged along, constantly hiding from the dragons, not wanting to intervene with Spike's task, but were still present in case he needed help. In the end, they were discovered, only to realize they had no need to hide in the first place once they knew who Korra and Mako were. Turns out, dragons have a great respect for firebenders, and treated them like honored guests. Needless to say, they extended their stay for a bit, especially so Twilight could gather some information on the dragon culture in general.

Starlight Glimmer formed many friendships among the airbenders, but when the task to make a brand new friend before a dinner with the royal family, the poor unicorn was a little more than just nervous. However, she did manage to make a new friend after all…


The self-loving illusionist unicorn had made her most recent stop in Republic City, and Twilight and Korra were less than thrilled to see her. None the less, they tried to give Starlight the benefit of the doubt, though Mako, being the overprotective softy that he was, couldn't help but keep a watchful eye on the two former evil unicorns. Trixie and Starlight formed a surprisingly good friendship, and Starlight even offered to help with her new "apology" tour.

Unfortunately, when Starlight chose to instead help Trixie with her show rather than go to the dinner, the princesses, and Mako were less than happy about it. Even worse, Trixie saw this as a "win" against Twilight Sparkle, only for Starlight to realize Trixie used her to best Twilight, breaking her heart. Realizing her mistake, Trixie tried to make it up to her, but it was too late. Mako and the Princesses then apologized for not having trusted Starlight to make a new friend, and after seeing the regret in Trixie, realized she really did value their friendship. Before Trixie could severely harm herself performing an incredibly dangerous magic act, Starlight came to her aid, rekindling their friendship.

Rainbow Dash performed with the Wonder Bolts during an arial show, Rarity opened up her new boutique in Manehattan…after a few shortcoming, and a very, very detailed oriented interviewer, but her grand opening was a complete success. Fluttershy received a visit from her younger, lazybones brother, Zephyr Breeze, and managed to inspire him to learn to do things on his own, even if he fails, but to get up and try again anyways.

Rainbow even got to see her old friend, Daring Do again, and met a fellow, though somewhat egotistical, fan named Quibble Pants. In the end, they managed to form a good friendship, despite having different opinions about the books.

The team even got to have some, rather mean spirited fun, in teaching the mischievous Kai a lesson after his pranks started getting out of control. They managed to get half the city in on a prank to pretend to have become zombies after Kai switched the CMC's pony scout cookies with joke cookies, that turned one's face rainbow colored once eaten. It was terrifying for the boy, but at least he finally learned his lesson in that one can never have too much of a good thing.

Who could forget the time Discord got to experience guy's night for the first time, with Spike, Big Mac, Mako, Flash Sentry, even Mako's cousin Tu. Though reluctant at first, but after some coaxing from Asami, the chaotic spirit gave it a try, and found out to really enjoy it. And the guys really enjoyed his company as well.

There was also the time Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie played Buckball, and the time Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack and Asami all decided to go on a boat trip, only to come back angry with how disastrous it was. Korra, Mako and Spike tried to figure out what really happened, but each one had a different interpretation as to who's fault it was.

Turns out, the boat crashing was neither of their faults, and that in reality they each had something planned, but didn't realize the others did the exact same thing. Not only was their friendship rekindled, but they managed to have a much more enjoyable boat trip after all. While, playing with a Tri-Horned Bunyip.

Of course, while some adventures were minuscule in scale, compared to their much grander ones, some did test our heroes in a lot of ways.


After Starlight's time travel event, she helped Korra and Twilight restore the map, which immediately called on Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Mako and Asami to the Fire Nation. This was quite the surprise for Mako, and a part of him hoped to find something regarding his mother. Interestingly enough, it happened only two days away from the anniversary of his parents' death.

They were tasked with helping a pony father and daughter restaurant owners of a place called The Tasty Treat. An exotic place located in the most prestigious, and most expensive, city in the Fire Nation. The father and daughter were unicorns, from the exotic land of Marewari, and moved to the Fire Nation to share their spicy foods. Saffron Masala was a beautiful unicorn who was passionate about cooking and welcomed the group with a warm smile. She was also a highly talented firebender to boot. However, her father, Coriander Cumin, was not too confident about their restaurant, considering nobody had come to eat their food and believed they were too different from any of the fire nation citizens to try. The only way for their restaurant to be a success was to gain high ratting from a famous food critic, Ms. Ting.

Being such savvy business ladies, Rarity and Asami assisted with helping Coriander with making the restaurant look more presentable, especially since Asami's father was once fiends with the critic herself. While Mako and Pinkie Pie helped Saffron with getting the word out and getting the folk's attention. In the process, Mako took the opportunity to find anything about his mother, since this city was where she grew up in. All he managed to uncover from one of the oldest residence was that she once lived in a village not too far from the town, and frequently visited the place where the Taste Treat now resided.

Sadly, both plans backfired. In their good intentioned efforts, Rarity and Asami stripped the restaurant of its unique atmosphere (even though they themselves personally preferred the old way as well), and the second party couldn't get anyone to come, minus one tourist couple.

When Ms. Ting arrived, she was less than pleased, leaving the group dishearten, until Saffron makes them the food she and her father always made together, lifting their spirits. Rarity and Asami apologized for focusing more on the business aspect rather than what made the place unique, genuinely believing it was the only way to get Ms. Ting to like the place. Saffron then noticed Mako's picture of his mother, and the bracelet she always wore started to glow.

Mako discovered, before they left, Korra enchanted his photo so he would have a better chance at finding information on his mother. Thanks to a flashback spell, the picture revealed that the bracelet once belonged to his mother, Naioki, who gave it to the kind restaurant owner before his restaurant went out of business. Interestingly enough, the old restaurant was located in the same place where Saffron and her father made the Tasty Treat. Saffron reveals the bracelet was still there when they moved there.

The picture also revealed that on the day Naioki and her parents left for Republic City, a storm caused her parents deaths and she became an orphan in the city, becoming a hard working but stoic woman until she met San and was reminded of her happiness and that good people don't always have a sad ending.

This revelation helped Mako realize exactly what they need to to. While he and Pinkie Pie helped restore the restaurant back into it's rightful glory, Asami and Rarity (using their reputations) managed to draw in a crowd, which made the Taste Treat, literally, and overnight success, despite Ms. Ting still showing distant, because it wasn't like the other restaurants. But, this proved to work in the father and daughter's favor, for something unique was exactly what the people of the city never knew they needed, but once they tasted it, they realized being original was better than having the same every day.

Not only did the restaurant stay, but Saffron and Coriander were reminded of why they choose to open a restaurant in the first place: They loved cooking together, and sharing that same passion with others.

Mako allowed Saffron to keep the bracelet, as a sign of their new friendship, and he returned home, where he and Korra silently show respects to Naioki and San.


There was also one time when Twilight was preparing to visit her brother, sister-in-law and niece, only to receive and urgent message from Sunburst, saying his father informed him of a changeling haven been spotted in the city. With her friends accompanying her, Twilight hurried to the Crystal Empire to help, all the while Spike was, once again, showed with praise from the crystal ponies.

During their search, Spike encountered the changeling…only to surprisingly realize that he was…friendly.

The changeling was named Thorax, and he had left the changeling kingdom due to his desire to want friendship and share love rather than steal it, having witnessed it by the Mane Six during the Canterlot Wedding innovation. Feeling compassion, as well as empathy for the fellow misfit, Spike offered to help. But when other others rebuffed the idea of befriending a changeling, Spike instead got Thorax to change into a crystal pony, calling himself Crystal Hoof, and showed him around the empire, where he made fast friends, not only with the crystal ponies, but also with the Mane Six.

Especially a certain pink-haired yellow pegasus, once realizing they shared a love for animals and played with the ones in the crystal petting zoo, who took an instant liking to Thorax, despite being a changeling.

Sadly, his cover was blown when he got too close to Flurry Heart and reverted back to his true form, frightening everyone as he tried desperately to fight his natural instinct. Spike, being too overwhelmed by all the fear, and the pressure among his family and peers, didn't know what to do.

Heartbroken at the fact Spike sided with everyone else and didn't defend him, Thorax ran off and hid away in the frozen caves, only for Spike to begged for forgiveness and finally tells everyone that Thorax is good, and his friend. But, even with his heartfelt speech (and song), many were still skeptical. Thankfully, Fluttershy vouched for Thorax, knowing that animals would have run away from Thorax had they known he was evil, but they didn't, which proved that what Spike said was true. Twilight and Korra expressed how proud they were of Spike sacrificing his reputation as a hero for his new friend, and Thorax was welcomed into the Crystal Empire.


The second time the map called for the friends, was when it sent Applejack, Fluttershy, and Flash Sentry to Las Pegasus, where they met the charismatic Gladmane, the owner of a hotel and casino. As well as running into the Flim Flam brothers, who surprisingly were against each other instead of working together. After some investigating, especially with Flash Sentry's detective skills, they realized that while Gladmane was a good "friend" to his employers, and they loved him greatly, he was secretly telling lies that put them against each other, so they would remain in his hotel rather than expand their craft and leave.

With the help of the Flim Flam brother's con-artist ways, and using his police tape recorder, the trio managed to get Gladmane to confess and revealed it to the entire crowd, especially his employers who quit on the spot.

That day, Applejack realized that even sleazy ponies like Flim and Flam can change and do good….well, when they want to, that is.


While Starlight had grown greatly, both in maturity as well as in magic and airending talents, she still had a lot to learn. Particularly, when to not lean on taking total control of the situation in order to get things done.

When she was overwhelmed with tasks to do with her friends, tasks which Twilight and Korra told her were her friendship lessons, Starlight panicked and used a combination of spells that would make her ponies open to suggestion. However, rather than making them open, it made them downright obedient to the point they couldn't have their own thoughts anymore.

The Mane Six, Asami included, were completely under Starlight's control, though this was not what she original intended, but still used it to her advantage in order to finish the tasks, such as baking a cake with Pinkie, making a dress with Rarity, scrap booking with Applejack, "chilaxing" with Rainbow Dash, helping Fluttershy tend to the animals, and working with Asami with the blueprints of a new road in the works.

Of course, it backfired when they all took her instructions too literally, and the castle became a mess. To make matters worse, Twilight and Korra arrived early from their presentation at Celestia's School for gifted unicorns, and schooled the unicorn for her recklessness, right after they removed the spell from their friends.

The Princesses didn't understand why Starlight would do such a thing, especially since she had excel in her studies in magic, but her friendship lessons turned out so horribly. Starlight confessed that she had been avoiding the friendship lessons on purpose because she was afraid of messing things up if she did any of the things she was asked to do with the girls.

Turns out, the lessons weren't to learn how to bake, or sow, but it was to spend time with her friends by doing things they loved and get to know them. Starlight really missed the point there.

The following day, she apologized to everyone, who were experiencing severe morning headaches due to the powerful spell. They forgave Starlight, of course, and helped her clean up the castle. Starlight learned a very valuable lesson about patience, and something it's okay not to be in complete control of a scenario, but to just let go and let someone else take the reigns. Who knows, one might even learn something new along the way.


The third time the map called, was for Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Korra to help two aspiring wonder bolt students at the academy with a friendship problem of their own.

Two long time friends, Vapor Trail and Sky Stinger where a great flying team. Sky was rather egotistical and proud of his talents as a flyer, while Vapor Trail was rather meek and soft spoken. However, once Twilight, Rainbow and Korra watched the two perform, they noticed that the only reason why Sky was so good, was because Vapor Trail was using her powerful gusts of wind to give him a boost, something he had been unaware of since they first met as kids.

Vapor was only trying to help her friend, but in the process, not only was she demolishing his chances to improve, but also held herself back from fully growing as a flyer.

Twilight trained Sky on his own to help him get better, but still believed he was a good flyer, despite his poor performance. While Rainbow Dash trained Vapor Trail, boosting her confidence in the process. But, when the truth finally came out, not only was Sky's confidence destroyed, but also Vapor Trail felt she had lost her friend. Twilight helped Sky realize that he can get better with practice, while Rainbow Dash helped Vapor trail realize being a Wonderbolt was exactly what she wanted for her life.

Once they had both friends facing each other, using her own experiences as a pro-bender, Korra reminded them that while it's always important to encourage your friends, and help them when they struggle, a true, healthy relationship should be that both parties help bring out the best in each other, on equal grounds. That they help each other to become a better friend, but also better individuals, that for even when apart, their influences will still remain in their progress and growth.

This helped the two friends to perform greatly during their solo trials, and rekindled their friendship, with newfound confidence for Vapor Trial, and humility for Sky Stinger.

Overall, while some adventures were more relaxed compared to others, these past six moths have certainly been eventful one way or another.


It was a rather lazy day, so naturally Twilight and Korra managed to find something to do. Even if it was moving some older books into the Air Temple library's reference section. Starlight Glimmer was more than happy to assist, if only because she loved organizing the old history books almost as much as Twilight, especially the ancient airbending history books. Over time, Starlight developed a deep passion for airbending in general, and was, but what Tenzin has said, one of his most promising students.

The three girls placed the last boxes into the library, while Spike trailed behind them, struggling to keep his balance while holding the large box of books. It especially didn't help that he couldn't see where he was going due to the large size of the box. Because of this, the little dragon tripped, and thankfully, Starlight was able to catch him before he or the books fell from the box thanks to her levitation magic.

Spike chuckled and scratched the back of his neck, "Well, we don't all have magical horns."

"Okay, that's the last box." Korra said after she placed said box down and started levitating the books out, placing them on the shelves.

Tenzin, who was behind said shelf, placing several more books in place, revealed himself to the group. "I've been meaning to move these older books to my reference section for a while."

"Good choice." Twilight said, "Got to keep the new books front and center!"

"Thank you all for your help." Tenzin then turned to the anthro unicorn, placing his hand on her shoulder, "And thank you Starlight. I'm sorry you had to reschedule your lunch plans with Opal and Moon Dancer to do this."

Starlight only scoffed, "Are you kidding? After all you guys have done for me, this is the least I can do."

"Oh, please. We haven't done that much." Twilight said humbly.

"Nah. You just taught me how to be the best airbender I could be, not to mention the value of friendship. Not much at all." Starlight said with playful sarcasm.

Korra giggled, "Well, we may have offered you some guidance, but you are responsible for the pony you've become."

"Korra is right." Tenzin said, smiling proudly, "You've come a long way from the pony you once were. I'm proud to call you my student and my friend." he placed a hand on Starlight's shoulder, to which she placed her own hand over, smiling contently.

While she had experienced a few rocky steps along the way, Starlight felt that the pony she once was was now miles away. She had made so many new friends, even gained a loving boyfriend in the process, and learned so much. Her life was only just beginning, and she couldn't be happier.

"Now we just need to get rid of these boxes. Spike, can you—?"

"Korra! Twilight! Where are you?!" a frantic voice called out, prompting the group to exit the library at top speed. They came to a screeching halt when the one who had called stood before them, panting from exhaustion.

"Thank Celestia!"

"Asami, what's wrong?!" Korra asked, already mentally preparing herself for what was to come. "Is someone hurt?"

"Were you robbed?" Starlight asked, equally concerned.

"Are you being blackmailed?" Twilight asked.

Asami gave them a questionable look, arched eyebrow and all. "No. Why would you automatically assume the worst?"

The three girls dropped their arms, allowing them to dangle against their upper torsos. "Says the girl who was screaming at the top of her lungs like somebody died."

"Well, nobody died, but I do have some great news!" Asami practically squealed as she showcased them several letters in her hand.

"Oh, the network finally responded to your letter to reboot the ending of LKT?" Twilight asked, pointing at the said letters.

"No." Asami replied, her once beaming smile rapidly morphing into a disappointed frown. "But thanks for opening up old wounds."

Korra rolled her eyes, "Okay, Asami. 1) Get some help. 2) What's the real news?"

"I got a letter Varrick saying he's dropping by to see the new shipment of satomobiles, and Bolin's tagging along. He's coming home!"

Korra and the others could only scream with delight over the news. After six months of traveling with Kuvira, Bolin was coming home for a visit. Asami missed him every single day, so there was no mystery as to why she was so excited to the point she would burst.

"Oh, before I forget, there's a letter for Starlight too."

"For me? Who'd be sending me a letter?" Starlight asked, taking said letter and opening it to read what was inside. Her eyes scanned the paper, taking in ever ink printed word. Her expression shifted from curious to a look of distress. "It's… the ponies from my old village." she finally said after reading the entire letter.

"Are they in danger?" Tenzin asked with equal concern.

"Are they upset with you?" Spike asked.

"No… they…they've invited me to the annual Sunset Festival."

"That's great!" Twilight said encouragingly, "I just know they'll be happy to see you again!"

Starlight gave a nervous smile. "Yeah…happy."
