• Published 13th Aug 2021
  • 949 Views, 2 Comments

The Little Pony Legend: The Crystaling and To Where and Back Again - MaggiesHeartLove

Join Starlight Glimmer as she tries to redeem herself and saves her friends in the process

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The Chrystaling part 5

Starlight and Sunburst came bursting in through the door, nearly escaping the powerful snowstorm that was increasing with each passing hour. The two strained as they worked together to push the doors closed, panting in exhaustion once they did. Traces of snow managed to make its way inside.

Sunburst quickly turned to his father, who was busy organizing several books from his collection. "Dad! Haven't you looked outside?!"

Blazing Saddles looked out from his window, only just now noticing the incredibly large dark clouds and snow falling hard from the sky. Seeing a bit of snow here and there around the Empire wasn't anything new, but this powerful and this sudden was definitely odd.

"Snow? That's... not right. The Crystal Heart—"

"Is gone!" Starlight stated, finally gaining the courage to speak to the older unicorn, even if it was just to warn him about what was going on. "The baby – Shining Armor and Cadance's baby – it's an Alicorn!"

Blazing Saddle's eyes widened and hose mouth opened wide, causing his spectacles to slide down before adjusting them back into position. "Really?!"

"Really!" Sunburst replied, expressing equal amount of fear as his female counterpart. "And her magic is a little berserk, and well, I guess she destroyed the Heart! But Twilight and Korra think they can fix it and Princess Cadance thought you could help!"

Blazing Saddles's froze in place, his shrunken irises darting back and forth. "Me?"

"Of course! You've studied magic all your life, you know magic better than anypony else I know and it's your profession! It just makes sense!"

Blazing Saddles, walked a few steps back, knocking over a few books and scrolls from his shelves. His eyes darted from one end of the room to the other, adjusting his glasses. "Right… right... right right right." he said, his gaze turning away from the two. His son and his companion awaited for him to come up with a solution, but the older unicorn only proceeded to levitate the fallen books back onto the shelves.

"You know, I'd like to help, I-I really would. I-I just have so much, um, important work to do around here."

"Huh?!" Sunburst and Starlight looked at Blazing Saddles in confusion and then back at each other.


"You can't stay here!" Applejack said to the impatient crowd, speaking in a more authoritative tone than she did before. The wind continued to howl and the snow increased, but the ponies remained in their spots.

"Did I mention this was a Royal Crystalling?" said the mustached crystal pony, "When the crystaller holds the young one aloft, all of the Empire will share their joy and light, and the Crystal Heart will beat stronger than it ever has before!"

The pin pony wiped away a single tear, "It really is a moving ceremony!"

"I really don't think it's going to happen." Fluttershy said, her voice becoming stronger as her patience with the ponies was growing thinner and thinner as the weather became colder.

Rainbow Dash was already shivering, hugging her body, "Come on, it's freezing out here!"

"Uh, this is the Crystal Empire. We've seen snow before." said the stubborn female pony.

"Not like this!" Shinning Armor said, getting the crowd's attention as he walked onto the stage, accompanies by Mako and Asami Sato.

"We don't have time to argue! Princess Cadance has decided to evacuate the city!" Asami said to the crowd, her raven locks billowing in the wind.

"But the Crystalling…!" one pony exclaimed.

"I don't know if we'll ever have another Crystalling again!" Shinning Armor said and proceeded to give the crowd the awful news that was kept from them. "The Crystal Heart... is shattered."

The Crystal Ponies all gasped in horror! Their one and only form of protection was now gone. All eyes fell upon Asami, who suddenly felt very uneasy at the hundred of dirty looks they were giving her. The last time something happened to the heart she was the cause of it.

Asami raised up her hands in surrender, "Hey, you can't fault me for this one!" she said.

"Then it's true!" said the stubborn female pony, finally facing the reality of the situation. "It's not safe here!"

Flash Sentry groaned and hoof faced himself, "That's what we've been trying to tell you!"

Mako leaped from the stage and landed before the frightened crowd, taking charge. "Alright, everypony head for the train station. Stay close to your loved ones and leave nopony behind! Go!"

The ponies obeyed and ran towards the train station, with Shinning Armor and the others leading the way. As they ran, they passed by several houses, where a few ponies still remained. Flash and Rainbow flew from house to house, knocking on their windows.

"You need to leave!" Flash called out, "The Empire's about to be buried in snow!"

"The Crystal Heart is shattered!" Rainbow Dash called out, "Everypony to the train station!"

Upon hearing of what became of their beloved Crystal Heart, the ponies hurried out of their homes as quickly as they could, meeting up with the rest of their crystal brothers and sisters in a race against time to leave their beloved home before they all froze over.


"Sir, we know you're busy, but did you hear what we just said?" Starlight said to Blazing Saddles, who continued to organize the books on his shelves.

"Oh, I heard you, but-but like I said, when you have a career like mine, the work just piles up."

"Dad!" Sunburst called out, already growing impatient. His yell was enough for his father to drop all of his books and turn to face him, while cleaning his glasses with a rag.

"Look, Sunburst, I want to help. I do. But I can't. I wish I could."

"What do you mean?!"

"Fixing an ancient relic? I-I can't even come close to doing something like that!"

"But, you taught me even the most advanced spells." Sunburst said, "You were top of your class in Celestia's school of magic when you were young. You've spent your entire life studying magic. You come from a long line of talented unicorns, you know more about magic than even I do!"

"Your son's right." Starlight said, seeing Blazing Saddle's eyebrow twitch and his ears press down against his head, bitting his lower lip, almost as if he were trying to keep himself from snapping and angrily yelling at her, but Starlight knew there was more at stake here than just how he felt towards her being friends with his son. "Ever since I was a filly I've always admired your vast knowledge, surely you must know something that can help us fix the Crystal Heart."

"I don't" Blazing Saddles exclaimed, his voice raising and his nostrils flaring, causing Starlight to back away in surprise. "I don't have the magic to fix the Heart!"

"But, you're a magic professor!" Sunburst said.

"I lied! I'm not a professor and I'm not a powerful wizard. I never was one!" the room fell into silence upon Blazing Saddle's confession. The unicorn galloped into the next room, away from his son and Starlight.

Sunburst went after his father, with Starlight close behind, "Dad, what are you talking about?"

"I didn't want you to find out this was. As a matter of fact, I never wanted you to find out."

"Why not?"

Blazing Saddles wouldn't even face his son and kept his back turned to him. "You wouldn't understand."

"Why wouldn't I understand? Dad, tell me!"

The older unicorn closed his eyes shut. He had long hoped he wouldn't have to have his own son find out…but, as it would seem, he had no other choice. He turned to face Sunburst, looking at his only son with great shame.

"While it is true, we do come from a long line of talented unicorns, I was never completely honest with you." Blazing Saddles sat on the table as he told his tale. "When I was a foul I had such a gift for magic. I could do so many things, and I knew so much. I could say about twenty spells at a time without a single mistake. But, when it came to casting them…I was a failure. I was a failure as a magic student and I never got over it. It was the biggest regret of my life. When your mother and I discovered you had such raw talent for magic I tried so hard to make sure you wouldn't fail like I did. That's why I was so devastated when you dropped out of magic school. I'm not upset that you choose to be a cop, I am upset that you had to take it because you inherited my lackluster talent after I tried so long to make sure it wouldn't happen to you! So you wouldn't face the humiliation and regret I did." the unicorn hung his head in shame. "I'm sorry I'm not the powerful wizard you always thought I was."

Starlight looked at the stallion with sympathy. He was trying to make up for his own shortcoming as a father and magic user by making sure his own son would succeed where he had failed.…kind of like when Starlight mimicked Amon's methods so she could make up for her lack of friends by forcing everypony to be the same. Blazing Saddles was trying to make Sunburst into himself so he would no longer feel regret…just like Starlight did to the ponies in the village. Both of them tried to justify their actions, but really it was never about anypony else…it was always about themselves.

Sunburst sat with his father on the table, showing no resentment once discovering the truth. "Dad, I don't care if you're a wizard or not. I'm just surprised."

Starlight also sat at the table, trying to help comfort the father. "And you didn't fail in teaching Sunburst." she said, placing a hoof over his, to which he immediately pulled away.

"You wouldn't expect you to understand." Blazing Saddles said bitterly.

"Why wouldn't I understand that?"

"Please, you're a protege to the Princesses of Friendship."

"Well, I'm really more a student, actually. Besides, even if you didn't do well at magic school that doesn't mean you don't know about magic. You've taught Sunburst so much, even I remember all the spells you taught him."

"Well, reading about magic is one thing, but you don't know what it was like for me! To know so much and not be able to do any of it and worse, to watch your own son walk down the same path, carrying on a legacy of failure!" the unicorn flared his nostrils in anger.

That was the final straw. Starlight had held her tongue long enough in front of this stubborn as a mule stallion. She stomped her hooves onto the table, surprising both father and son, finally snapping. "Well, you don't know what it was like to be left behind! To be forced to say goodbye to the first pony you ever really loved! And then getting so bitter that you steal the cutie marks from an entire village and then get defeated by Twilight and her friends, so you travel through time to get back at them, but they beat you again and teach you about friendship, but you're so terrified ponies will find out what you did that you can't make any friends!"

The unicorn sat back on her seat, sobbing as tears fell from her eyes. The room fell into silence as she wiped her eyes, leaving Blazing Saddles jaw dropped. His spectacles slid down only for him to adjust them.

"Did you really travel through time?" Blazing Saddles asked, sounding incredibly surprised and…impressed even. But he wasn't the only one who was shocked.

"Did you say you loved me?"

Starlight's face turned red, her heart racing. In her outburst, she confessed her feelings towards her best friend. She looked over at Sunburst and…he smiled. His cheeks were also red, his blue eyes shimmering with hope. Could it be that he…felt the same way about her?

Starlight got off form her seat and walked into the other room, not facing him. Sunburst followed, patiently waiting for her answer. The unicorn finally faced him, ready to be face the truth. There was no going back now.

"Yes." she finally confessed, "That's why it was so hard for me when you left. I've always loved you, Sunburst. Actually, I think I love you more now than I did then. I was so ashamed of telling you the truth about my past but you still accepted me. Not my mistakes, but the new me. I always used to think we were the same but really, we're not. You were always more confident and strong-willed than I ever was…and I'm happy for that. I'm glad we're different and I wish I had known that years ago. I let my own insecurities and pride lead me. I can't expect you to feel the same way if you don't, but If you do…I hope I'm enough."

Sunburst's eyes filled with tears as he lifted up Starlight's chin, wiping away several of her tears in the process. "You've always been enough, Starlight. And you don't have to worry about me not feeling the same way…because I do."

Starlight's eyes sparkled and she smiled. "Really?"

"Why do you think I tried so hard to find you after I came back?"

"I'm so sorry. About everything."

"I forgive you. Can you forgive me for not being there for you when I should have?"

"Of course I do, always. I love you."

"I love you, too."

The two unicorns held one another in a loving embrace, the love within their hearted radiated with such intensity it even brought warmth to Blazing's cold home…and his heart. The father wiped away his tears, realizing he was wrong to try and mold his son to be like him. In fact, maybe it was good that Sunburst didn't finish magic school, because if he had returned he never would have become an officer, and if he hadn't he wouldn't have found his best friend again. He should have thought more about Sunburst's well being instead of his own. Maybe he and Starlight had more in common than he thought.

One the two ended their hug, Blazing hung his head in regret. "I'm sorry, Starlight. I was wrong to try and keep you two apart. I too let my pride guide me. Knowing much is not enough to be wise, and I'm far from being wise. Can you ever forgive me?"

Starlight smiled and hugged the stallion. "Of course I can."

"Me too, dad." Sunburst said as they all shared in a warm group hug. For a moment, Starlight had completely forgotten about the coldness of the storm.

The unicorn snapped her eyes open, remembering why they came here. She gasped. "I forgot! They're evacuating the city!" she then began pushing father and son out the door, "You need to get to the train station, unless you've got a spell here that will drive back the Frozen North and fix the Crystal Heart so the baby can have her Crystalling?"

"Crystalling…! Of course!" Blazing Saddles galloped back towards his shelves of books, levitating several of them, all while wearing a big old smile on his face while Starlight and Sunburst looked at him curiously.


The three alicorns fought off against the storm as hard as they could, their horns emitting smoke from all of the blasts they had fired at the dark clouds, but even with Celestia's firebending the blizzard only grew stronger and stronger. Their bodies grew tired, heavy and colds due to the frost that had started to form on their bodies because of the cold, but they pushed on. The safety of the empire was more important, they couldn't give up.

"Push them back, my daughters!" Leilani exclaimed, grunting as she unleashed every bit of her magic onto the clouds as did her daughters.

"The storm is getting too powerful!" Luna called out while continuously releasing more beams of magic from her horn. A bold of lightning came shooting from the clouds, striking Celestia at her wing. The older princess cried out in pain and plummeted to the ground, loosing consciousness.

"Celestia!" Luna and Leilani screamed as they raced to rescue her. They held her up as the sun princess groaned, her vision clouded. More thunder was heard from above and Luna and her mother looked at each other in distress. There was nothing more they could do now.

From down bellow, the entire population of Crystal Ponies galloped as quickly as they could, the snow increasing and the temperature dropping at an alarming rate.

"This way!" Shinning Armor called out to his citizens, while the others helped in making sure they all stayed together. One Crystal pony slid on the ice, falling onto a pile of snow. Fluttershy quickly rushed to her aid and helped her to stand back up before the quick quickly galloped away.

Rainbow Dash and Mako worked together, using their firebending to blast at the storm clouds roaming in closer to the city. Flash Sentry also worked alongside Rainbow Dash in using their pegasus weather manipulation to clear the sky of the clouds, but just like the alicorns, frost began to cover their wings, preventing her from flying faster, or even flying at all. They quickly landed onto the ground beside Mako before running ahead to catch up to the others.

"Just a little bit further!" Asami called out to the ponies, "The station's just up ahead!"

As they ran they spotted four figures approaching them, but the cold wind and harsh snow made it difficult for them to distinguish who they were. As they approached closer, the figures were revealed to be Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst and Blazing Saddles. Everyone stopped once they approached them, and the alicorns landed beside them.

"We have to go back!" Starlight called out.

"I know how to stop this!" Blazing Saddles said. Celestia, now having regained consciousness though still shaken from the blast, knew she had seen this unicorn before. She smiled.


Cadance and Spike paced back and forth while Korra and Twilight tried finishing the spell. Between the two of them, they were able to remember the words they had read from the pages. Twilight wrote them down in the scroll. Once she was done she shared it with Korra. The Avatar read the words over before showing it to Cadance.

"Uh, I think that's everything?" Korra said as the older alicorn read the words.

"It looks right to me, but... there's only one way to find out!" Cadance assumed her position, allowing the two princesses of friendship to activate the spell, reading the words from the scroll.

Twilight aimed a magical beam at the broken crystal shards, causing them to rise upwards. Korra then unleashed her own beam from her hands, the star on her forehead glowing as she did. Finally, Cadance aimed her magical beam to the Heart. Between the three of them they managed to place the broken shards into place, creating the form of the Heart just as it was before. Once they had done it, the three smiled with joy. The Heart was back together again! However, it still had crack lines all around it and broke apart once again in a matter of seconds after being put back together.

Korra got down on her knees in defeat and Twilight looked down in dismay. "The spell failed. I don't know what else to do."

"An old student of mine believes he does." said Princess Celestia as she and everyone else walked in through the curtain. Blazing Saddles approached the shattered remains. He carried a saddle bag filled with the books he needed.

"The baby did this?!" the stallion asked in surprise. He knew alicorns were powerful, but this came from a newborn? It was incredible.

Twilight levitated the scroll with the spell written on it and showed it to Blazing Saddles. "We tried putting it back together with—"

"The spell of Relic Reconstitution, but that won't do much." the stallion said as he levitated a book from his bag and skimmed through the pages. "The Crystal Heart's been around for millennia, and since this was caused by unstable alicorn magic, restoring a relic like this is way beyond just one spell. You need to combine it with something else. Something unique to the relic itself. Something that strengthens it and provides it with power…"

Korra's eyes sparkled as she connected the dots, "Something involving the baby…"

Twilight gasped in realization. "The Crystalling!"

Blazing Saddles nodded his head, "Combining that spell with the light and love of everypony gathered for the ceremony, together with…" Blazing Saddles gave both Starlight and Sunburst one of his books, "Somnambula's Weather Abjuration to clear away the snow…" he then turned to Cadance and Shinning Armor, giving them a scroll, "and a little Fledgling's Forbearance for the parents…" he tickled the baby's chin, making her giggle, "That should curb the little one's power fluctuations."

Cadance smiled in gratitude as her child happily tapped the unicorn's nose. "You must be Sunburst's father. Starlight said you were a powerful wizard."

"Oh, I'm no wizard." the confessed, earning multiple gasps from the others.

"But he studied magic his whole life!" Starlight Glimmer said, "You should see his house! And since nopony has any better ideas, what do we have to lose?!"

"I say we listen to him!" Asami said, while hugging her frost covered body and trembling. "Mostly because the weather's not getting any warmer and I can't feel my toes."

Shining Armor looked at his wife, who smiled in agreement. If this Crystalling really was their only hope, then so be it. However, since the alicorns will be working together casting the relic reconstitution spell to help keep the Heart in place, there just remained one important element remaining to properly perform the ceremony.

"We had planned on Princess Korra to be our crystaller, but since it seems like she and Twilight be busy…" Shinning smiled as he levitated his daughter, placing her in Blazing Saddle's hooves, much to his surprise.

He couldn't believe it, the prince was asking him to be the child's crystaller. He looked over to his son, who smiled proudly. "I'd be honored!"

"Well, what are we waiting for?!" Twilight said eagerly.

"Let's get this Crystalling started!" Korra said, equally eager.

The rest of the group hurried out to begin the ceremony, leaving the five alicorns, Starlight and Sunburst to work on the Crystal Heart. Just like before, Twilight levitated the shards and Korra helped place them together, casting the spell once more. The two strained as they tried to keep the Heart in place. Leilani and her daughters aimed their own magic at the heart, also keeping it steady. Starlight and Sunburst read the Weather Abjuration spell from the book Blazing had given them and together they unleashed their own beam, casting the spell it onto the Heart. Sunburst and Starlight held hooves the entire time as they casted the spell.

Meanwhile, Blazing Saddles walked up on stage and stood before the crowd with the royal family and the others beside him. He carried the child in his hooves as the parents both kissed her keeps. Their horns glowed, casting the Fledgling's Forbearance on their child. She giggled as her body began to glow a radiant yellow as she slowly rose up into the air.

Rarity gave Blazing Saddles the case of purity crystals, from which he choose the one he saw was best. The winds continued to howl, but nopony else paid mind to it, for it was the ceremony itself that had their undivided attention.

Blazing held the purity crystal with his magic and addressed to the crowd, "Citizens! May I present the newest member of the Crystal Empire!"

The baby spread open her wings as her body and horn glowed brightly like a radiant star, giggle adorably. She was absolutely stunning, even the harsh winter winds succumbed to her light, no longer making the ponies shiver, and even melting away the frost that had formed on their bodies.

Cadance and Shinning Armor had never been prouder. This beautiful creature was their child, crazy magic or not, she was theirs and no doubt she would grow up to become a wonderful princess who would wash over her people for generations.

Several crystal ponies teared up upon seeing the new princess. "She's beautiful!"

"Oh! It's just so moving!"

The Crystal Ponies all kneeled down, their hearts filling with such love and light that radiated from their bodies, illuminating the ground they stood upon. The entire empire was lit up with the light of the Crystal Ponies. Blazing Saddles placed the purity crystal on the ground and the powerful positive energy was absorbed into it. Quickly, he levitated the crystal and rushed back to where the Heart was and injected the crystal into the Heart, causing it to glow brightly. The others stopped unleashing their magic once the Crystal Heart started to glow brightly and spun around rapidly as it once did. The others waited anxiously for the results.

A beam of light emitted from the Crystal, unleashing a sparkling wave that touched the alicorns and unicorns. Korra and Twilight joyfully gasped once they realized their bodies had been crystalized, as were Celestia, Luna, Leilani, Starlight, Sunburst and Blazing Saddles. The wave also touched the others on the stage, changing their coats and hair to crystal form once again, changing their hair styled along with it. Mako now wore a snazzy prince-like outfit while Asami wore a light violet dress that reached her knees, wearing a golden broach on her gorgeously styled hair, brushed over her shoulder in a low ponytail. Even the baby now sparkled, now wearing a lovely headband over her head.

The crystal ponies sparkled like the crystals of their homes. The sparkling wave spread all across the empire, causing the snow to disappear, restoring their beautiful empire as it once was. The ponies cheered happily and a beam of rainbows came shooting out from the tip of the Crystal Palace, increasing the powerful wave which pushed the dark storm clouds away and back to the frozen north from where it came.

The baby landed safely towards her parents, who happily embraced their child. Not only had they finally got their Crystalling ceremony, but the Crystal Heart had been restored, and was now stronger than ever!

Korra and Twilight rushed to their respected boyfriend, hugging them tightly. Korra laughed victoriously, "I think I speak for all of us when I say; Best Crystalling ever!"

Cadance and Shinning Armor handed Twilight their niece, who giggled happily upon seeing her aunt again. Even gave her a soft kiss on the nose, making Twilight tear up a bit. "I love you too, little one."

Sunburst and Starlight hugged happily while Blazing Saddles simply smiled at the two. They really did make a lovely couple. He nearly fell when his brother gave him a strong pat on the back.

"For a pony who isn't great at magic, you did pretty well." Starlight said, smiling proudly at the unicorn.

"I'm proud of you, Dad."

"I'm proud of you too, Son."

Leilani nodded in agreement, "Indeed. I'm glad to see you've found a way to share your unique gift, Blazing Saddles. You may be more of a wizard than you think."

Blazing Saddles bowed before the queen in gratitude, while Sunburst and Starlight gazed into each others eyes and shared a romantic kiss, which only made their new crystal bodies sparkle even brighter.

Starlight had to admit, this trip really didn't go as she had planned…it was even better!


After the ceremony, the group arrived at the train station, ready to be heading back home. Their crystal forms had disappeared by this point. The train pulled into the station and two unicorn ponies walked out. A male and female, the female unicorn had a gray coat, light blue eyes and a purple mane with white streaks and purple stars on her cutie marks. The stallion, her husband, was blue with darker blue mane and brown eyes with a yellow crescent moon and a single blue star for a cutie mark. They were Night Light and Twilight Velvet, Twilight Sparkle and Shinning Armor's parents.

"You would not believe the crazy weather that delayed our train." Night Light said once he and his wife boarded off of the train, "Came out of nowhere."

Twilight Velvet smiled as she approached her new granddaughter. "But it was all worth it to see this peaceful little angel!" she cooed at the baby being held by her father. "Awww, so sweet! Come to your grandmare!"

"Yeah, peaceful now, anyway." Mako said, earning a playful slap on the chest from his girlfriend. There was no rush in informing the two about what really happened just yet.

"I suppose that spell really did the trick!" Flash Sentry said, sighing in relief and whipping a few drops of sweat from his brow.

At long last, the danger had passed…until the baby inhaled once again, ready to sneeze! her nose was twitching and her mouth opened wider than before. They all knew that this was going to be a real doozy!

"Hit the deck!" Mako called out, quickly ducking both Korra and Asami down while the ponies also ducked, bracing themselves for the impact.


Everyone blinked in surprise once they realized that nothing happened. There was no beam of light, no buildings being destroyed, nothing. The baby just rubbed her nose and snuggled in her father's embrace.

"We have Blazing Saddles to thank for that." Shinning Armor said.

"I hope he takes his role as crystaller seriously." said Cadance, "Something tells me the baby will need a pony like him to look to for magical advice."

Twilight Velvet levitated the baby towards her, holding her in her hoof. "Cadance, darling, aren't we gonna name the poor little dear, or are we gonna spend our entire visit just calling her "the baby"?"

Both parents smiled at each other and Cadance gave her in-laws their answer. "We were thinking... "Flurry Heart"."

"You know, to remember the occasion." Shinning Armor said.

Rarity laughed, "Oh, goodness, how could anypony forget?"

Twilight smiled and kissed her nice on the cheek. "I think it's lovely." she said. The baby's wing started to flap and hug her aunt's head before flying off to land in Korra's arms.

"I'm sorry you couldn't be the crystaller, Korra." Shinning Armor apologized.

"It's okay." The Avatar assured, as the baby giggled.

"You know, not being the cyrstaller doesn't mean you don't still get to be her godmare."

Korra gasped, "Are you serious?!" The married couple nodded their heads and Flurry Heart nuzzled against her new godmother's face, making the Avatar giggle.

"Oh, that reminds me!" Night Light's horn glowed and levitated a bouquet of flowers for his daughter-in-law. The flowers had multiple colors on each petal, giving them the appearance of a rainbow.

"Why thank you!" the princess said, taking a whiff of the plants, "Irilisises are my favorite!"

"Say what now?" Korra asked, never having heard of such a name.

"Oh, they're these rare rainbow colored flowers that bloom every few months during summer." Twilight explained, "I just call them the "Iris" flower for short."

"Iris…" Korra repeated the name, "I like the sound of that."

While everyone else boarded onto the train, Sunburst and Starlight were saying their final farewells to Blazing Saddles. "Well, I think you're the Crystal Empire's big important wizard now, Dad. Whether you like it or not."

"I don't know if I'll have time for any wizarding. I'm a crystaller now. That's a big responsibility."

"Well, I can't think of anypony more qualified." Starlight said proudly.

"Just, promise me you'll take good care of my son, Starlight."

"Of course."

"And son, don't let this one get away again."

"Wouldn't dream of it." Sunburst replied confidently and the three shared one final hug goodbye before boarding onto the train.

From the window, Korra and Mako happily watched the three and smiled at the way the two unicorns looked at one another. "They really do make a good couple." Mako said, his girlfriend nodding in agreement.

"And I think Starlight is off to a pretty good start at learning about friendship."

"I know she is." Flash Sentry said as he wrapped his hoof around his girlfriend, "She's got the best teachers."

"I don't know, Flash. I think I have a lot to learn about being a teacher." Twilight said with uncertainty.

"What are you talking about?" Mako asked, "Starlight and Sunburst learned a great lesson."

"They both got over their past and Sunburst rekindled his relationship with his dad!" said Spike, sitting beside the human couple.

"No thanks to me or any of us." Twilight said sadly.

Korra smiled at her friend in reassurance, "Well, I know she needed to be put on the right path, but giving her the space to make her own decisions worked pretty well. Besides, isn't that how Celestia and Leilani taught us?"

Twilight giggled, "You know, I never thought about it! But I guess it is!"

"See? You're a better teacher than you thought."

"Takes one to know one."

The two princesses shared a laugh and Sunburst and Starlight boarded onto the train, taking their seats next to each other and waved goodbye to Blazing Saddles. From that day forward, Starlight Glimmer had decided to place the past behind her and instead learn from her past experiences to help guide others towards the right path. Even though she still had a lot to learn and there was no telling what the future would hold, one thing was absolutely certain.

None of them would be facing it alone.


Revelation 3:12~

"He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he shall go out no more. I will write on him the name of My God and the name of the city of My God, the New Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My God. And I will write on him My new name."
