• Published 13th Aug 2021
  • 991 Views, 5 Comments

The Little Pony Legend: Tales of Equestria - MaggiesHeartLove

A collection of stories staring Team Avatar Harmony and their adventures in Equestria before The Great Change

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Chapter 6–Rarity takes Manehatthan

"Oh, Manehattan!

What you do to me!

What a huge bustling community---Oh!

Ahem, sorry I didn't see you there. I see you're all here for another story. Of course, you are, why else would you be here.

I was just singing an old tune sung by Rarity. You all know her, right? The fashionable and always creative unicorn with a generous heart. She is the Element of Generosity after all.

This story is about the time Rarity was preparing for Fashion Week at ManeHattan. She was so excited not only to show off her new clothes but to be as generous to all she met.

But what happens when her acts of kindness…

Takes a wrong turn?"


Romans 14:13 ~

So let’s stop condemning each other. Decide instead to live in such a way that you will not cause another believer to stumble and fall.


Rarity Takes Manehattan

"I thank you all enough for coming with me," said Rarity. The white unicorn and her friends arrived at the Ponyville train station. The entire Mane Six, even Korra, Asami, and Mako were there as well to join their friend on her journey to the most amazing and fashionable place in all of Equestria.

Manehattan city!

"Are you kidding?" Korra began, her smile beaming, "I wouldn't miss this for the world! To think, an actual urban city in Equestria."

"Remind me again why I had to come along?" Mako asked as he placed his bags on the floor, "This really seems more like a girls-only trip."

Korra rolled her eyes, "Oh, come on! Lighten up, Mako. Manehatten sounds incredible! There's so much to see and do. And I hear they have these adorable rooftop restaurants where you can see the entire city at night."

"Funny you should mention that." said Rarity, "Because I made some calls and…." she took out a piece of paper with the name of the restaurant, "I made reservations for the two of you!"

Mako took the paper, looking in amazement. The place did seem like the ideal spot for a romantic evening under the stars and looking down at the city down below. Korra sure seemed excited, maybe this trip won't be as boring after all.

"Wow. Rarity, this is so…."

"Generous?" Korra finished for him.


While the two were already discussing how amazing their date will be, Asami tried her best to not let her anger show. She could have said "no" to come, but she did want to help her unicorn friend.

The little dragon Spike, and earth bender Bolin, came up with a trolly filled with Rarity's bags. "There you are, Rarity!" said Spike, "That's the last of your bags."

Bolin stretched, "No need to thank us. Just doin' what we men do. Helping out fair damsels."

"Actually, boys, I've got one last pile of bags, over there."

The two boys' eyes widened in surprise at the second large amount of bags right behind them.

"Won't you be a dear? After all, helping 'fair damsels' is what you're good at right?" she said while batting her eyes.

Bolin was hesitant, the first pile was heavy enough, but Spike, being already smitten by the pony's beauty, immediately went on to help.

"Sure… I'll be a dear…" Spike trained as he tried to pull on the luggage, only to receive help from both Mako and Bolin. The fire bender never understood why this unicorn would bring so many bags with her.

"An entire week in the fabulous city of Manehattan!" Rarity said in excitement, "Plus, all of my very best friends there with me!"

"Of course we'd all come along to support you during Fashion Week, Rarity!" Twilight said kindly

"Not that you'll need it." said Fluttershy, "We're sure you'll win."

"She's right." said Korra, "Nopony else can make dresses like yours. And not even as fast."

Rarity squealed with delight, "I can't begin to tell you how excited I am that you'll all be there with me! However... Perhaps I can show you…" she opened her purse with her magic and levitated out eleven tickets."

"What's that?" Korra asked.

Pinkie Pie rose her hoof like a child in class, "Ooh, ooh, ooh, I know! A paper fan!"

"No, it's—"

"A magic trick! You know, where I pick a card and remember what it is and then you put it back in the deck so you can't look at it and—"

"These are tickets to the hottest musical on Bridleway!" Rarity exclaimed excitedly. The Mane Six all smiled in excitement.

"You couldn't mean Hinny of the Hills," said Twilight, beaming, "because that show's been sold out for months! Or could you?!"

"I could. I do."

Twilight gasped and hugged her friend, along with the other ponies, "Oh, Rarity, you didn't have to do that, but... since you did…" The entire Mane Six all galloped and cheered with joy. But Korra and Asami were still rather confused by this.

"What's Hinny of the Hills?" Asami asked.

Rainbow Dash flew up to her, "Only the most amazing, super incredible musical ever!"

Korra had never seen Rainbow this excited since they met Daring Do in the flesh. Or fur. "Wow, must be quite a show to get you this pumped."

"Sounds like fun," said Asami

"This trip is fun already!" said Pinkie Pie while doing a backflip, "I love jumping up and down! Whee-hee!"


The train made its way across the long bridge of the city, which looked a lot like the silver rope bridge back in Republic City. The place was truly amazing! The buildings were as tall as the eye could see, cute little boats were sailing across the bey, a horse statue stood at the top of a tall building, and they spotted a statue of a green-colored pony wearing a crown, rising a flame torch in her hand, nearly similar to Avatar Aang's statue.

"Wow!" Team Avatar said in unison. The place looked like a pony-version of Republic City, only brighter, more colorful, and filled with ponies. Despite the similarities, it was also pretty different. Korra, of course, loved anything having to do with learning more about the world of Equestria and its locations. She was never one to turn away the chance to see more of the land. Mako noticed the gleam in her eyes. That joyful and innocent smile and attitude reminded him so much of…of a little boy he once knew a long time ago. Could Korra be the key to bring him back one day? Or maybe, he was already slowly returning. Only time would tell.

They arrived at the ran central train station, with Spike and Bolin equally carrying Rarity's bags.

"Come along, everyone! I found us a place to stay only a block from the train station in the very heart of this glorious metropolis!"

As the group walked down the blocks, they took the chance to truly admire every detail of the city. Korra noticed all of the urban ponies in their modern clothing, tall buildings with advertisement billboards, and taxi carriages pulled by strong-looking earth ponies. Mako's eyes caught sight of a particular building.

"Hey, look! There's the restaurant."

"Wow, it's gorgeous!" Korra said, admiring the building, "I bet it looks even more amazing at night. We don't have too many rooftop dinners in Republic City."

"And the ones we do have are only for the richest people around," Mako stated. Only to realize what he just said and turned to the heiress, "Uh, no offense Asami."

Asami simply shrugged, "None taken. It's not the first time."

"Hey, look!" Applejack pointed towards a theater, decorated with lights and an image of a singing pony with a countryside background, "That's the theatre where Hinny of the Hills is plain'!"

The ponies 'oohed' in amazement before they continued walking once more. "Wow, Rarity! How'd you manage to get us seats for tomorrow night?" Twilight asked.

"Oh, I gave some designs to the costume designer, so he pulled a few strings."

"Cool!" the Mane Six said in union.

"That is what makes Manehattan so splendid and amazing. You do something nice for somepony, and then you never know when they'll do something nice for you!"

"So then you can do something nice for us!" said Applejack.

"Like get us in to see Hinny of the Hills!" said Fluttershy happily.

"Which is only the best musical in all of Equestria!" said Rainbow Dash.

"It must be good if Rainbow Dash is impressed." Mako said, "Normally she doesn't even like musicals."

"I know. Ponies just bursting into song in random places at the drop of a hat? Who does that?"

Mako's eyes widened in realization, "Hey, wait a sec--" before he could say another word, music filled the air.


Oh, Manehattan, what you do to me

Such a huge bustling community

And there's always opportunity

To do the friendly thing

Mako simply shook his head, raising his hands in surrender, "Not gonna question it."

Bolin and Spike were still struggling with the bags when Rarity came singing to them.

If some are grouchy, pay no mind

Surprise instead with something kind

She quickly bought two carrots on a bun from a nearby stand and handed them to the two boys. Spike was just about to eat his, until a bird swooped in and took Bolin's, much to his annoyance.

Lo and behold, you may just find

A smile is what you bring

Once they reached the hotel they would be staying at, the bellhop, a young grey colored stallion, came out with a trolly.

"Welcome to the Mane Fair Hotel! Please allow me to take those bags to your room for you!

"Only if you'll accept this gratuity first." Rarity said, showing him a magenta jewel.

"Oh-ho-ho! I'll get your change!"

"Do keep it all. I insist!"

Mako reacted with a slight yelp at Rarity just handing out money all willy nilly. Even he was smart enough not to do that. Korra patted him on the back to ease him.

"Calm down, tiger."

Rarity then took her friends to a boat ride across the bey. The unicorn sang her heart out as her oink and white scarf bellowed in the wind. Korra was eating an ice pop while enjoying the view with the others.


Generosity, I'm here to show all that I can give

Once they stopped, they descended down the wooden catwalk to see at the top of the pony statue.

Generosity, I'm here to set the bar

Just sit back and watch how I live

Korra spotted a young filly, who dropped her ice pop on the floor. The Avatar graciously handed her her own and ruffled her mane. The pony smiled in gratitude.

At the top of the torch of the pony statue, Rarity was about to use the telescope when another pony was about to use it. Rarity allowed him to go first.

"After you."

"Why, thank you." he said.

Rarity spotted another pony, who was freezing from the cold wind and gave him her scarf, "Please, take mine."

"Wow, okay."

Korra smiled proudly at Rarity's kindness, and Mako watched as scene as well, equally touched. Inspired by this he saw one pony who no longer had any coins to use for the telescope, so Mako generously handed him one of his own.

"Here you go, buddy."

"Wow, thanks!"

Rarity smiled at him, "See? It's catching on!"

The whole group walked on to see the rest of the city.


Some may say, "Rarity,

Don't be so big-hearted and bold

Treating strangers like they're friends

This town's too big and cold"

The group them bumped into a grumpy looking pony, but Rarity was not having it.

But this is how I play my cards

I'm not about to fold

She bought a flower from a nearby stand and placed it on the grumpy pony's hat, making him much happier due to Rarity's kindness.

Where I see a frown, I go to town

Call me the smile patrol

Rainbow Dash;

Oh, Manehattan, what you do to us


What if you find a Gloomy Gus?

Fluttershy pointed to a taxi driver and a pony arguing due to one of the wheels being broken. Immediately, Korra, Bolin and Applejack assisted in lifting the carriage up.


It's no intimidating thing

Pinkie Pie;

Just be kind without a fuss


Generosity, I'm here to show all that I can do

She kindly fixed the wheel so the taxi could take off once more, earning thanks you's from the two ponies.

Generosity, you are the key

Manehattan, I'm here just for you

Just for you


After the song ended, Rarity sighed dreamingly at a dress on display on a window. "To think my dresses could soon be displayed on the most glamorous shopping thoroughfare of the most glamorous city in Equestria! Oh, it would be my dream come true!"

"Is there anything left to do we can help you with?" Asami asked.

"Hm, nothing I can think of. The dresses are all completely finished, all made from a fabulous new fabric I've been developing for months in advance. Stretchy, but not clingy. Shimmery, but not showy. Thanks to my new waterbending abilities, it's become even more perfect! Of course, I have Korra to thank for that part."

The Avatar blushed bashfully.

"It sounds amazing." said Fluttershy.

"There's nothing left for me to do but check in at the runway with my dresses by two this afternoon."

"Oh, that's funny." said Pinkie Pie "Because that clock over there makes it seem like that's only ten minutes from now!" her hoof pointed to a clock on the window, which really did show it was only ten minutes before two! To make things even more dramatic, thunder rumbled and it began to rain.

Using her waterebending to umbrella herself, "Oh, my ribbons and ice burgs. And the runway ballroom is all the way across town! If I don't get there, I'm disqualified!" she immediately galloped ahead, "Taaaaxiii!"

"Oh, no! We've gotta help her find a cab, now!" said Fluttershy.

"I'm on it!" Rainbow Dash flew up and landed on a cap, "Hey, buddy! Is this cab taken?"

The pony inside the taxi spoke up, "The line ends back there, "buddy"!"

"Huh? What?" she looked behind her, seeing the long line of ponies waiting, "Does everypony in this town want a cab?"

"I'm afraid getting a taxi at this time could prove almost impossible!" said Rarity in distress.

Twilight Sparkle tried to plead with one of the ponies, "Please won't you let her have this taxi? She has somewhere very important to be right away!"

"Not likely!" he responded rudely as he got on the cap, "She can get in line like the rest of us!"

Korra growled in anger, "Hey! You can't talk to my friend like that!" she shouted but the taxi already took off. "Give me a few minutes, I'll get us a cap." she said while pounding her fists.

"It's no use Korra!" Twilight stated, "The cab drivers just drive right past to get to the next pony in line!"

It was then, that a certain pony from before came galloping ahead. It was the one who they helped before with his broken wheel.

"Hey, it's that pony driver from before!" Bolin said.

"New wheel works like a charm! So now which of you nice folks are hoppin' in?"

Rarity beamed, her act of kindness had returned her the favor, and just in time too. She hopped right into the cap, which oddly enough, had some rainbow colors in its side. "Fashion runway plaza in seven minutes. Can you make it?"

"Hang on!" the pony galloped his front hooves before dashing off, as Rarity waved at her friends.


Spike sighed in relief, "Whew, that was close."

"I'll say." said Korra. Then, she realized, "Uh, anybody else feel like we forgot something?"

The entire group gasped in horror: "The dresses!"


Rarity came galloping into the plaza, nearly out of breath and stopped in front of the receptionist. A purple mare with glasses and pale yellow mane who was typing on a typewriter.

"Good afternoon, I'm here for Fashion Week!"

"Everypony's gathered in front of the runway and about to start, so you'll just have to bring your dresses along with you and store them backstage later."

Rarity's eyes widened and her anxiety returned, "My– My dresses! How could I possibly forget them?! I'm dooooomed!"

Just as Rarity was about to give up, while already teary eyed and laying face first on the floor, while the receptionist remained unfazed, the bellhop from before walked in with a trolly filled with Rarity's designs.

"Got 'em right here, ma'am! Your friends told me you need these in a hurry, so I offered to race 'em over myself. "Anything for that nice mare," I told 'em!"

Rarity quickly took the dressed and thanks the bellhop by handing him another gem, "You're a lifesaver!"


Rarity galloped into the runway with her line of dresses and stopped right beside a line of other ponies, all brightly colorful and wearing stylish accessories, and sighed in relief.

"I made it! And with seconds to spare! Hello, everypony. Pleased to meet you all."

"Rarity, I presume."

An older female pony arrived, she was somewhat taller and slimmer than the others, and only slightly shorter than the male stallion. Her coat was grey and wore a pale pink jacket with yellow outlines and white ruffle around he collar. Purple and yellow earrings and a cutie mark consisting of a spool and scissors and pink mane and tail. Her voice was sophisticated and strict, similar to Miss Harcwhinny from the Equestria Games. Rarity immediately recognized her.

"You must be Prim Hemline, the host of this grand event. How do you—?" but Prim interrupted her, causing the unicorn to take a step back.

"Miss Rarity, how is it that all your competitors are here half an hour early, and yet you arrive seconds before we begin?"

Just as things seemed to be going well for her, they didn't. Rarity had to come with something fast. What would Korra come up with? Aside from that 'needed to use the bathroom' excuse.

"Uhhhh…" she chuckled nervously, "Just… lucky, I guess." she smiled in hopes Prim would let it slide. Thank Celestia she did. Rarity sighed in relief while the mare addressed to all the fashion ponies.

"Once we're done here, you're to finish setting up backstage, so you'll be ready for your run-through appointment." she turned to Rarity once more, "You show your designs last. We keep to a precise schedule, so let's try to be more than a few seconds early, hmm?"

Rarity blushed in embarrassment.

"Tomorrow is the contest to see which one of you gets to stay to meet top designers all across the city. The rest of you must go home early. So sad. Dismissed!"

With that said and done, the prim mare and the rest of the contestants dashed off to get their designs ready. One pony in particular approached the unicorn. Her coat was bright pink and her mane and tail were curled to perfection in a slightly paler shade of color, similar to Rarity's much stronger colored mane. She wore her hair in a lose bun with a yellow headband and a two-tone blue scarf around her neck. She had colorful buttons for a cutie mark. She spoke in an upper-class accent and had brown eyes.

"I'm so glad you made it, Rarity!"

"Me too, but everything just seems to keep working out!"

"Don't you remember me?"

Rarity arched an eyebrow at the new mare, "Do I?"

"Suri Polomare from the Ponyville Knitters League?"

"Oh, yes, of course, of course! I– I thought you looked familiar, but I couldn't place it." however, she still hardly remembered her. She felt guilty for not knowing, "You haven't been back in years!"

"Because I moved here to make it in the big city. Ha, ha, ha, okay?"

"Oh, good for you, Sur—" Rarity was interrupted when Suri spontaneously hugged her.

"Ooh, it's so good to see you! And now here we are, competing! Ha, ha, ha, okay?"

"Yes, yes. Well, good luck!"

"Oh, I don't need luck. Would you like a hoof with your things?"

"Why, thank you so much!" the two ponies walked backstage to get everything set. Rarity removed the cloths from her dresses, which immediately captured Suri's eye.

"My, your collection is gorgeous!"

"Oh now, I'm sure your collection is equally lovely, if not more so!"

"It's alright, but nothing like this!" she marveled at the beauty of the dresses, noticing their perfect balance of magenta and blue, and the blue was like a shimmering aqua illuminating fabric that was unlike anything she had ever seen. "Where did you get the inspiration?"

"Oh, it was really thanks to a friend of mine I met while I was away several months ago. In fact, she's inspired a lot of my new designs. She and my other friends have been so kind in helping me with the competition. I'm dedicating my work just for them."

"That's so sweet." Suri said, "Your friend must be something if she inspired this! You're so lucky, my culottes are simply crying out for just the right accent, but I haven't the slightest notion where I—" Suri gasped as an idea came to mind, "Actually… just a touch of this fabric could be perfect with it. W– Oh, hey, would you mind terribly if I took a swatch?"

"Oh, not at all! Here, I have loads extra." Rarity kindly levitated a large swatch of her one of a kind fabric and handed it to Suri.

"You're sure?"

"Positive! Oh, well, it's been wonderful getting caught up, and I don't wish to be rude, but I must finish my preparations and I am a bit late as it... is?" To her surprise, Suri was already gone. "Hmm, must be in a rush too."

But what Rarity did not know was that the pink pony wore a sneaky grin on her face as she walked out with the swatch in hoof.


The next morning, Rarity got up early this time and had all of her gowns up and ready. Her friends were off to see more of the city, but before they did, Korra stood outside in the hallway.

"Korra? Aren't you going with the others?"

"I am. I just wanted to give you something for good luck." The Avatar pulled out a stunning hair clip, in the shape of diamonds identical to Rarity's cutie mark. "I saw this yesterday and it reminded me of you." Korra placed it on her friend's mane. Rarity was touched by the thoughtful gift. "I remember how nervous I was at my first pro-bending match. But I know you're gonna knock em dead!"

Rarity smiled thankfully at her friend before hugging her leg. "Thank you, Korra."

"Anytime. Now get out of here, you've got a competition to win!"

The unicorn squealed with delight before running off with her dresses.


She finally made it to the reception area, "Hello! I'm here half an hour early for my run-through appointment, just the way Prim likes!"

"Get in line over there." the receptionist pointed to the line of fashion ponies awaiting their turn. Then, the once emotionally stern pony smiled in awe when she took notice of Rarity's cloths. "Oh my, that fabric's gorgeous, did you make that yourself?"

"Oh, why, yes. It's stretchy, but not clingy. Shimmery—"

"Shimmery, but not showy."

Rarity suddenly heard another voice saying the exact words she herself used to describe her own fabric. She looked into the theater and she could not believe what she had seen!

Suri had used Rarity's unique fabric in ALL of her designs! Everything was exactly like hers! She could not believe her eyes, and what was worse, Suri acted like the whole thing was hers and hers alone!

"And the entire line is in the same adorable pattern. It works on everything from skirts to tops to shoes…"

Prim Hemline applauded for Suri's 'creation'. "Oh, bravo! I've never seen anything like it!"

Suri could not have been any prouder of herself. Just as she walked out, she felt a powerful source of magic pull on her scarf and she was slammed against the wall by a fiercely angry white unicorn. Some of the Avatar's brutality and boldness had rubbed off on Rarity, who sneered at the pink pony.

"You stole my fabric!"

Suri laughed as she walked away from Rarity, unfazed, "I didn't steal it, okay? You gave it to me, 'member?"

"I gave you the fabric for accents! Not for your whole line! And how could you possibly make all of those outfits out of it so fast?!"

"Fast? Hah! Coco Pommel here took practically forever. Nearly got me completely disqualified." Suri pointed her hoof to her assistant, who was so silent even Rarity had nearly forgotten she was still there.

Coco was a lovely young earth pony with an off-white coat and two-tone blue mane and tail. Her mane was short with bangs. She wore a white-bordered lavender sailor collar with a scarlet tie and tri-shaped hair clip in the back of her mane and her cutie mark was that of a stylish hat in the same color scheme as her collar and her eyes were a clear lovely blue.

"Well, I wanted to make sure you'd win, so I took the extra time to—"

"Quiet! I pay an assistant to sew and get coffee, not talk. 'Kay?"

Rarity didn't know what to do. She had been to kind and generous to Suri and now, because of it, she had lost a sure chance of demonstrating her talents. Nothing made any sense. "How could this happen? This doesn't make any sense."

Suri pulled on a faux sincerer tone, "Aw, sweetie, don't blame yourself. It takes some small-town fillies a while to learn it's everypony for herself in the big city, m'kay?"

Suddenly, something ignited within Rarity. There was no way she was going to let her get away with this. With the water skin she always carried around her waist, Rarity bended the water out and hurled it towards a shocked Suri, freezing her against the wall. She grunted as she struggled to break free.

"Uh! What are you doing?!"

"You may think you've gained the upper hoof but you have no idea with whom you are dealing with!" with her horn, Rarity melted the ice, turning it back into water and placed it back into her water skin. Her eyes narrowed as he hovered over a frightened Suri, "Have I made myself clear?"

But Suri was braver than she looked, "You really think some pretty magic trick is going to scare me? Besides, you wouldn't hurt me for real. I know an empty threat when I see one, m'kay?"

Rarity backed away for Suri was right. She would never do anything that aggressive to anypony. She was just so mad she reacted on impulse. Without another word, Rarity ran out crying as Coco watched her in sympathy.

Suri shook the remaining water off of her body as she approached Coco, "Hope you realize how fortunate you are to have me as a mentor. Now get me some coffee!"


Back at the hotel, the Mane Six and Team Avatar arrived after an epic day of sight seeing. Bolin was still jumping from the excitement while holding a foam finger. "Wow! What a great afternoon! That was almost too much fun!"

"I still can't believe how many times Mako fell when ice skating in that rink!" Twilight giggled.

The firebender laughed sarcastically, "Ha, ha, at least I didn't get my tongue stuck on the ice like a certain somepony."

"I wanted to try skating with my tongue!" Pinkie protested.

Rainbow Dash opened the door of the hotel room as the others walked in as well, "Better pace yourself, 'cause the rest of the day is jam-packed!"

"First there's the salon appointment to get our manes and hair done." said Applejack.

"Then our fancy dinner at the Far-Afield Tavern!" said Pinkie Pie.

"Where Korra and I will be having a romantic meal under the stars." Mako said with a smile on his face, which was shared by the Avatar.

Fluttershy continued, "And after that…"

"Hinny of the Hills!" The ponies all exclaimed happily while jumped up in excitement before landing and laughing together, along with the human teens as Spike placed the rest of the stuff they bought on the corner of the room.

The door opened once more and a depressed Rarity entered. Korra was the first to spot her and her excitement immediately dropped. She knew something was wrong. "Rarity…is everything okay?"

"You got the dresses the bellhop brought you and everything, right?" Bolin asked, but Rarity ignored him as she approached her bed and started bawling on the sheets and pillow. "But he said he brought them."

"And then Suri stole them!"

"Who's Suri?" Rainbow asked.

Rarity did some fast breathing before responding, "She's this sleazy, lying little rat!" she did more fast breathing before speaking again, "I let her use one of the other contestants of my one-of-a-kind fabric" more fast breathing, "and then she turned it into a wardrobe just like mine, " more fast breathing, "only now it looks like I'm the one copying her! My generosity has ruined me, I tell you! Ruined!"

Seeing her friend so distressed was enough to get Korra's blood boiling. "Why that no good little--I'm going over there and giving her a piece of my mind!"

"I already did!" Rarity said in between sobs, "I froze her up to a wall and told her to knock it off but--" fast breathing, "It's too late!!"

Korra sat on the bed and allowed the unicorn to hug her as she cried. "Rarity, I am so sorry. But we're here to help you through it. Right guys?"

"Right," said Twilight, "No matter what it takes."

The rest generally agreed to help their distressed friend. "Come on, Rarity, buck up!" Applejack said encouragingly, "All we need is some fabric and you'll be back in business!"

Korra kindly wiped the tears away and Rarity looked around the room, hoping to find some kind of inspiration. Then, the gears in her brain started to spin. She studied the room, the curtains, the walls, the sheets, even the carpets. After a few moments of pondering, she now knew what she was going to make. Her tears faded completely and her depression was now no more, being replaced by excitement and determination.

"This new line is going to be marvelous! Perhaps even better than the last! It's daring, it's bold! Perhaps I still have a chance after all!"

"See, I knew you could do it!" Korra said proudly.

Rarity jumped out of the bed and went into commando mode. "I'm going to need all hooves and hands on deck! Fluttershy, Asami, Twilight get the sowing machines. Korra, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie work on the fabric. Applejack, you're in charge of arranging, Mako organize and Bolin…bring me a drink! This is going to be a long night!"

However, while they were happy Rarity was back in action, this new side of her did seem a tad off. Especially for Korra. Something had changed inside her friend. And she didn't like it.


Hours had already past and the team was still working their tails off. Rarity needed an entire new line by tomorrow morning so they couldn't afford to rest. Rainbow Dash and Korra worked on the spinning wheel while Asami, Twilight and Fluttershy worked on the sowing machines and Applejack folded the fabrics with the help of the two brothers and Spike, since the boys were less knowledgeable about fashion making than the girls. Asami was good at working a machine while Korra knew how to sow from Katara.

All the while, a stone-faced no-nonsense Rarity observed all of the progress. Fluttershy nearly dozed off only to force a smile when Rarity spotted her. The unicorn narrowed her eyes at Pinkie Pie, who was playing will a ball of yarn. When Pinkie saw her stare she went back to work, trying to be enthusiastic but found it hard due to Rarity's grim demeanor. She then levitated more swats for Applejack and the boys to fold and arrange. She levitated the already arranged fabrics and handed them to Twilight and Asami.

"Twilight, Asami! Sew these pieces together according to that pattern there!"

"You said if we skipped dinner at the Far-Afield Tavern, you'd order a meal for us while we keep working." said Twilight.

"Don't fret. It'll be here in an hour." Rarity said sternly, which wasn't very much like herself at all.

Korra looked over at Mako sadly, "Sorry we couldn't have our dinner date tonight." she said.

"It's okay. It's not your fault." he said while narrowing his eyes at the unicorn, who managed to catch what she was subtly trying to say.

"What was that?!" Rarity exclaimed angrily. Mako was almost done with her attitude but remained quiet. "There isn't going to be a problem here, is there?"

"Well, we're supposed to be watching Hinny of the Hills by then…" Rainbow reminded her while tapping her hooves uncertainly.

"Oh! I see! I go out of my way to get you tickets for a show, and this is how you repay me? By abandoning me in my hour of need?"

The Mane five looked on in guilt, but Korra knew that the unicorn was being unfair. "Rarity, I understand you're stressed out right now, but we've been working our butts off for---"

"Oh, oh, oh! Fine! Go and see Hinny of the Hills tonight!" Rarity stomped her hoof angrily, "And then tomorrow morning when you come to see my fashion show without any fashion to show, you can have more entertainment!" she got in between Rainbow and Pinkie Pie while speaking angrily and dramatically, " "Oh, why look, there's our friend Rarity going down in flames! Isn't friendship magic?!""

It was now when Mako became fed up with her attitude. He slammed his fists down and stood up. "That's it! I've already given up on my date there is no way I'm spending another hour in this sweat shop with a pony pre-madona!"

"Mako!" Korra called out for him but the firebender had already left the room, slamming the door angrily in the process. Now it was Korra's turn to get upset. "Rarity, what's gotten into you?"

"What's gotten into you?! Oh, go ahead! See your little show and have your precious date! Congratu-pony-lations, fillies! Sounds like you've all figured out already it's everypony for herself in this town!"

The unicorn angrily ran out the door, leaving the others to continue working. But Korra was not done with Rarity. Not yet. She walked out of the room after her friend.

"Rarity, wait!"

The unicorn hesitantly stopped but did not turn around to face the Avatar. Korra could sense the heartache in her friend's heart. It was this that had caused her to behave so badly towards everyone.

"I'm sorry Suri stole your designs, but this isn't like you."

"How would you know?" Rarity said angrily, finally turning around to face her.

"Because the Rarity I know would never treat her friends like this. What happened to that open-hearted unicorn who wanted to give nothing but happiness to everypony she met?"

"That pony was foolish and naive! She's gone now!" Rarity turned her back on Korra, literally. But the Avatar stood firm.

"No. The strong, creative and generous unicorn I know and love is still in there. And It's going to take a lot more than some backstabbing pony to get rid of her."

With that, Korra walked back into the room, leaving a distressed Rarity alone to sob by herself. All while a pair of cyan eyes watched her from afar.


Outside, Mako sat on the plight of stairs in front of the hotel, looking distraught when he heard an annoying voice. "Hey, aren't you one of those two legged human-thingies that came here with that has-been unicorn?"

Mako looked up to see a pink snobby pony, who smiled arrogantly. Mako immediately connected the dots. "Suri? You're the one who stole Rarity's designs!"

"So what if I did?" she confessed snobbishly.

Mako stood up and pointed a finger at her, "Do you have any idea what you put her through?"

"Hey, she's got to learn that that's how you get by in the big city. I did her a favor. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got some more work for mu assistant to finish, m'kay?"

Suri walked off back into the hotel, leaving a guilt filled Mako behind. Maybe he should have been a much more patient friend to Rarity.


Daylight broke and the team was finally done with their work. Bolin and Spike were already sound asleep as Twilight and Applejack adjusted the last broach. "There. That's the last of them." said Twilight.

"Finally!" Rarity immediately took the gowns and galloped out of the room in a mad dash.

"You're welcome!" Korra shouted out in annoyance. But deep down, she hoped her friend would come back soon. She missed the old Rarity.


Suri was the first one to show off her new line. Cameras flashed as fashion critics and high society ponies marveled at the creation as the pony models showed them off. Suri stood beside Prim Hemline as she addressed to the crowed.

"Let's have another round of applause for Suri Polomare's amazing collection. That fabric! So original!" the ponies cheered and Suri waved to her adoring public.

Rarity narrowed her eyes in anger when Suri approached her, "Well look who's here. Here to show off your copycat collection, mm? Heh." she chuckled as she walked by with Coco in tow.

"And now, Rarity from Ponyville with her brand new line – and I mean "brand new" – Hotel Chic." Prim announced Rarity's name and her models walked out to show off her new line, inspired by the hotel room. Everypony loved them. They were so creative and out there, they couldn't help but adore it. Rarity gasped with delight.

"Oh! They're liking it! I think I may have just won this thing! Oh, I can't wait to celebrate with…" then, reality hit her once more as she looked at the audience, "My friends. They didn't come. What have I done?"

What had she done? After the way she behaved how could her other friends ever forgive her. And Korra, after the way she acted in front of her, she must be even angrier with her now.

Prim Hemline approached the unicorn, "Rarity, they all adore you! Aren't you going to tell them about your fabulous pieces?"

As Rarity looked on, all she could see was the rope in front of the audience which gave off a rainbow-colored glow. The space where her friends should have stood. Her eyes flicked with a Rainbow hue as Korra's words rang in her ears.

"The strong, creative and generous unicorn I know and love is there in there. And It's going to take a lot more than some backstabbing pony to get rid of her."

She was right. The old Rarity had not left, she was just lost. But now she knew which path to take.

"I have to go."

In a rush, Rarity galloped onto the stage and out of the room, much to Prim's and the audience's shock.

"Come back at once!" Prim called out, "This is unheard of!"


Rarity galloped outside and encountered the Bellhop pony once more, carrying an assortment of luggage, "How do you do, ma'am? Contest going well?"

"No time to talk. I have to find my friends!"

"Oh, uh, they're gone already. I saw them headed out this morning."

"Oh, no! Back to Ponyville and Republic City, I imagine. Oh, they worked so hard on my behalf! And I repaid them with unkindness." she then removed the hair clip the Avatar had given her before, "Korra…oh, she never stopped believing in me, even after I yelled and ruined her date! What have I done?!" as she began to gallop away she briefly stopped and gave the bellhop some jewels in gratitude, "Oh… here you are." she said before running off.

"But miss, I– I didn't do anything!"

But Rarity did not hear him, for she needed to find her friends at once.


Thunder roared and rain pored down, soaking Rarity's mane to the bone. The unicorn tried to find her friends but there was no trace of them. There was nopony else to blame but herself.

Oh, Manehattan, what have I done?

The thought of Fashion Week was fun

As she looked on a window display of a dress, all she could see were her friends selflessly helping her the night before.

But I went way too far

My friends gave to me in ways so kind

And I gave them nothing but a hard time

And now alone I stand

And now alone I stand

As the rain continued to fall, so did Rarity's spirit.


Back at the hotel, Rarity walked up to the receptionist, "I need a moment with Prim Hemline. I have to rush back to Ponyville, but I just wanted to thank her first for—"

"Uh-uh-uh, you'd best steer clear of Prim for a while." Suri said when she entered the lobby with Coco, "She's pretty furious. Isn't that right?" she said to her assistant who timidly replied.

"Um… yes."

The doors opened once more and Rarity's heart leaped for joy and relief when she saw both the Mane Six, Spike and Team Avatar, all smiling happily at the sight of her. Even Korra and Mako, who were the most furious.

"There you all are! I can't believe it, I thought you went back home!"

"We missed the show because we overslept." Twilight said sadly, "Suri told us you lost. I'm really sorry."

But while her friends showed their sympathy, Suri was smiling in satisfaction. Her smile then faded when she noticed Korra's angry death glare.

"I lost?" Rarity felt so hurt, but in reality this pain of losing wasn't as great as the pain of losing her friends. "You know what? I don't even care. I'm just happy you're all still here after how I treated you. Taking advantage of your friendship the way I did. And Korra, Mako, I am so sorry for ruining your date and made you miss seeing Hinny of the Hills after I tried so hard to get the tickets for you. How could you ever see past it?"

Her friends smiled kindly at their beloved unicorn, until Applejack broke the silence, "Yeah, you were pretty rotten."

Bolin's jaw hung open, "Wow, Applejack. I know your thing is honesty, but come on!"

Korra squatted down to Rarity's level and gently petted her mane, "I'm sorry for getting angry before. I just hated seeing you in such pain. But I knew the real Rarity would come around."

Twilight began next, "Last night we may not have seen you at your best, but we know you. And we would never let one thing like that change how we feel about you."

Pinkie Pie jumped around and hugged Rarity first, followed by the rest of the Mane Six, Spike and Team Avatar.

"And I'm sorry for walking out like that." Mako said, "That was pretty cold."

"Yeah it was." said Applejack.

Mako blinked, "Okay, we get it. Honesty's your Element. Don't rub it in!"

Rarity's eyes filled with tears of joy. "Oh, thank you! You really are the most wonderful friends a pony could have! You know, I already arranged to make it up to you this afternoon! Hope you're all available for an exclusive performance of Hinny of the Hills!"

The Mane Six cheered happily before walking out the door, all happily together once more. But then, Mako remembered something important. "Oh! I left my wallet in the hotel room. I'll be right back." the firebender bypassed Coco and Suri, the latter smiled in satisfaction.

"And that is how it's done. Pretty clever how I convinced her to stay away from Prim, wasn't it? Wouldn't have wanted her to find out the truth now, would we?"

Coco lowered her head in shame. Just what was she doing with her life now?


Mako searched for the last place he had his wallet and found it on one of the beds. But then, something else caught his eye. He squatted down and picked up something from the pile of clothing from Rarity's bag. It was then a smile appeared on his face.

This was not over yet.


The Mane Six stomped their hooves in applause and cheered when the curtain went down. THe show was even better than they had imagined, and it was a private show just for them.

"Wow! That was even better than I imagined!" said Applejack

"Truly amazing!" said Asami

Rainbow Dash flew up into the air and made an air flip, "I loved it!" she then realized her reaction and lowered down, trying to act aloof, "Uh, I mean, it was a'ight."

Applejack and Pinkie Pie laughed happily.

"How did you ever get them to agree to do an extra performance just for us?" Twilight asked Rarity.

"Remember my costume designer friend who got me the tickets? Well, I offered to make all the costumes for his next show!"

"Um, here in Manehattan?" Fluttershy asked, her voice dropping out of sadness.

Rarity noticed the rest of the sad expressions of her friends, "Well, um... yes... it will keep me away from Ponyville for a while. But I so wanted you to see this show! And working for this designer is such a great opportunity!"

"We know." Korra wrapped her arm around the unicorn, "We're happy for you, Rarity. We're just sad for us."

The doors opened and a voice was heard, "Room for two more?" The others looked up to see Mako and a certain little pony beside him.

"Mako? Where have you been?" Korra asked.

"Yeah, you missed the whole show!" Bolin said.

"I just needed to get something first. You guys know Coco Pommel, right?"

The pony looked at them shyly. "Mind if I join you?"

Rarity was the first to speak, "Sure. Come on down." Rarity was a bit curious as to what she was doing here. But the others were even more curious to see that Mako had brought with him two bouquets of lovely wild flowers. One of which he handed to Korra.

"I went to get you guys something to show I was sorry." he handed the other bouquet to Rarity, for which the flowers were really for her.

"That's very sweet Mako but, why would I need this for?" said the unicorn.

"Because you're the winner of Fashion Week!"

"What?!" Everyone gasped in shock and Coco took out something from her saddle bag. Rarity took it and her eyes widened.

"This is the first place trophy. With my name on it! But I thought I lost!"

"You didn't." Mako stated as he continued to explain, "When I went to get my wallet I found something else." he showed them the scarf that was made entirely out of Rarity's special fabric, which was now colored magenta for Twilight's cutie mark.

"This is one of the scarfs I made for everyone. I was planing on surprising you all with them by the end of the week."

"When I found this I went to find Prim…."


The memory replayed in his mind when he barged into the room and found Prim standing there, ready to announce the winner.

"Can I help you?" the pony asked.

"Actually, I think I'm the one who can help." Mako took what he had found in the hotel room; a scarf made out entirely of Rarity's one of a kind fabric. Once Prim read what was on the back he angrily turned to Suri.

"Miss Polomare you are disqualified for stealing another designers fashion!"

Suri gasped in shock, "What?! But--But I---" to shut her up, Prim showed her the evidence.

"Pack your things. An artist who steals from others, is not an artist at all!"

Suri then glared angrily at the firebender, who smiled in triumph. "Next time, don't mess with my friend. M'kay?" he mocked her using her own slang.

Suri growled before stomping off.


"I don't understand." said Rarity.

"Look at what it says on the back."

Rarity read the words out loud, "To my dear friends. Love Rarity."

"This proved you made the fabric yourself."

"Mako, I--I don't know what to say! Thank you!" the unicorn hugged the firebender's legs, making him smile.

"Suri was hoping that if you didn't claim your prize, the judges would consider it a forfeit and first place would go to her." Coco explained, "So she lied to make you and your friends go away, and, well, I lied too. I've worked for Suri for so long, I started to believe that it really is everypony for herself in this town. Until I saw how generous you were with your friends and how generous they were with you. It made me start believing there was something better for me out there. So, I– I quit. I brought you something to say thank you."

Coco took out a box from her saddle and gave it to Rarity, who smiled. "I suppose you'll need a job now that you're no longer with Suri. How would you like to work for my friend making all the costumes for his next show?"

Coco couldn't say yes fast enough!


The following morning, the group waved goodbye to Coco as they took the train back home. Bolin looked out the window, "Farewell Manehattan. If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere."

Rarity sat beside Korra and Mako, "I can't thank you both enough for what you did for me."

"You don't need to thank us Rarity." Korra said.

"Well, since you couldn't have your dinner at the restaurant, maybe I can make up for it."


And she did. That night, Rarity and the others arranged a lovely dinner at the rooftop of building, arranged personally for them. With a lovely gazebo, decorated with lights and flowers.

"Well, it's no fancy restaurant like you expected." Korra said.

"You know what, I think it's better this way." Mako said with a genuine smile, "It's the simple things you remember the most anyways."

Korra smiled in return, "I couldn't agree more."

Rarity levitated a jug of water for the two and poured it into their drinks. The two teens hugged the unicorn in gratitude.

"Manehattan was simply grand. It was in this magnificent metropolis that I learned that, while there are ponies who will take advantage of your generosity, you should never, ever let that cause you to abandon your generous spirit. Nothing feels worse than taking advantage of the giving nature of your friends."

Once Rarity was done writing her own entry in the journal, she opened the box Coco had given her and smiled when she found it was a cute little spool with rainbow threads. She placed it with the others on her work table and the spool gave out a shimmering rainbow glow.


"And so, Rarity had learned that Generosity

Really is the Key.

I'll see you all next time for another adventure in

Tales of Equestria!