• Published 13th Aug 2021
  • 992 Views, 5 Comments

The Little Pony Legend: Tales of Equestria - MaggiesHeartLove

A collection of stories staring Team Avatar Harmony and their adventures in Equestria before The Great Change

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Chapter 13–It ain’t easy being breezie

"Hello again, my friends! Here for another story, I presume?

Well, boy do I have a doozey for you all today!

I remember that one time when I visited Twilight and Princess Cadance, Fluttershy was away on a trip to see the creatures known as the Breezies.

She learned so much about them and on one particular day, she and the others gathered to greet them. But, let's just say that the little creatures may have overstayed their welcome.


Proverbs 14:12-13~

There is a way that seems right to a man, but it ends in the way of death. Even in laughter the heart may ache, and the end of joy may be grief.


It Ain't Easy Being Breezie

Fluttershy had all of her friends, both pony and human, gathered in a large grassy field. "Okay, everybody. And everybody. As you know, the adorable fairy creatures known as Breezies are about to come through Ponyville."

Bolin rose his hand to ask a question. "Do they bite?"

"Oh, no of course not. They're the sweetest creatures you will ever meet." she replied. He rose his hand again, but Fluttershy already had her answer ready. "Yes, they are as tiny as they say." Bolin rose his hand once more and, again, Fluttershy answered before he could ask, "No, you don't have to bring them any offerings. They are just passing by on their way back to their home to take the pollen they've collected on their travels."

"Yes! Ooh, it's so exciting!" Pinkie Pie said with glee as she surprised Fluttershy by hanging upside-down by her tail, swinging herself on a branch. "Ah! I can't wait for Rainbow Dash and Korra to make the breeze for them so I can see how cute they are up close!"

Even Rainbow Dash herself was excited, "I've never done it before, not that I won't be totally awesome at it, because I totally will! Remember Korra, go easy on the breeze. I know you tend to get a big aggressive with the airbending."

The Avatar waved her hand in a 'whatever' fashion, "Relax, R.D. I've got this."

"And that breeze is very important," said Fluttershy, "but so is cheering on those teeny-tiny little things, so they have the confidence to ride that breeze to their native land. Did I mention how tiny they are?"

Bolin rose his hand up again, "Exactly, how tiny?"

Korra pulled out a piece of long rectangular paper and shoved it into his face, "Here's a pamphlet. Educate yourself."

Bolin opened it and immediately started reading, "Wow! So tiny!"

"I was thinking we could do a special Breezie cheer!" said Fluttershy.

"I love cheers!" Pinkie exclaimed loudly, making Fluttershy flinch.

"But these cheers should be quiet cheers. We don't want to startle them. They need to be able to concentrate. Why don't we try it? You can do it, Breezies."

The rest of the human and pony friends all cheered at the same time, "You can do it, Breezies!" However, the cheer was much too loud.

"Oh, my."

Applejack chuckled lightly, "Heh, sorry, Fluttershy. I had no idea how hard it was to do a cheer quietly."

"Me neither." said Bolin, "Especially when I'm so used to folks cheering my name when I enter the ring." he jumped up and pounded his fist into the air, startling Asami. "Go Bolin! Go Bolin!"

The heiress gently lowered his fist, "Yeah, let's try it Fluttershy's way."

"Oh, it's okay." said the yellow pegasus, "Quiet doesn't come naturally for everypony. Let's try it again."

The rest cheered once more, attempting to do so much more quietly as Fluttershy instructed, but it still came out sounding rather loud. "You can do it, Breezies!"

"Perhaps just a little bit quieter."

"You can do it, Breezies!" they cheered with lower tones. This second attempt was a tad more successful than the first.

"Just a little quieter."

"You can do it, Breezies!" they cheered once more, lowering their voices even more. This time, the cheer came out practically a whisper, which was exactly what Fluttershy was looking for. She flew up, shouting happily and loudly.

"Perfect! Oh, um, I mean... yay."


All of Ponyville had gathered around to witness the breezies fly by. This would be the first time they would see these adorable little critters. They had heard how adorable and tiny they were. The whole town was bustling with anticipation, but they also knew they had to remain as quiet as they could. While the others ponies prepared themselves for the arrival of the breezies Korra was practicing the breeze she would create for the creatures to fly on. Rainbow placed her hoof in her mouth and inspected how strong the wind current was.

"That's too strong! We gotta slow this breeze down or we're gonna blow those Breezies apart!"

"Okay! Okay!" Korra moved her arms gently with Rainbow assisting her with her wings. She may not be an airbender herself but she was a weather pony, so she knew what she was talking about when it came to powerful winds.

"How's that?" Korra asked, hoping she got it right.

"That's much better."

Mako, Fluttershy and Asami watched from down bellow. The heiress was munching on some of the cupcakes Mr. and Mrs. Cake had prepared for the occasion while Mako watched Korra practice making the breeze. "What I don't understand is why they need somebody to make a breeze for them." he said.

Fluttershy began explaining the process to him, "Well, you see, it's the breeze that activates the Breezies' magic, and that magic protects the pollen they're carrying from being destroyed."

"So, no breeze means no magic means the pollen goes bad?"

"That's right!"

Bolin walked on by, his nose deep in the paper Korra gave him. "Yep. It's all right here in the pamphlet. It also says that they only have two days to get that pollen back before the portal to their home closes."

"That's why it's ever-so-important that we help them make their way through Ponyville safely." said Fluttershy.

Asami swallowed the last bit of cake before speaking, "We certainly wouldn't want to scare them and divert them from their path."

"Now you understand."

"You really know a lot about them from your trip, hu?" said Mako.

"Oh, yes. I'm so excited for you to see them yourselves!" Fluttershy's aquamarine eyes sparkled with glee upon seeing the magical creatures once more. Suddenly, she had to squint her eyes and shield her vision with her hoof once a sudden blinding white light. Mako and Asami also shielded themselves from the intense light, while Bolin literally screamed upon nearly being blinded.

"The light! It burns!" he cried out, covering his eyes tightly with his hands.

As it turns out, Rarity had decided to dress for the occasion. Her accessory of choice was a dazzling cape made out entirely out of magenta sequins that shined intensely in the light. The cape was indeed dazzling…so dazzling the ponies needed sunglasses just so they could see it. Fluttershy approached her fashion-loving friend, while wearing a pair of sunglasses to cancel out the intensity.

"Um, Rarity? I, uh, hate to weigh in with you when it comes to fashion, but…"

"Oh, there's too much purple on this, isn't there? I knew it! But Twilight refused to admit it."

The alicorn princess, who was organizing her flash cards beside the podium, turned her head and scoffed, "What?! I-"

"Oh, no-no-no-no-no. It's the perfect amount of purple. It's just that there's an awful lot of sequins on your jacket."

Rarity chuckled in amusement, "Oh, darling, please! One can never have too many sequins!"

"You can if they reflect the sun, and the light catches a group of Breezies right in their eyes, and blinds them long enough to get them off their course so they never get home!"

Fluttershy's nervous rant was enough to convince Rarity. "I stand corrected! I suppose there is the rare instance where one can have too many sequins. I'll just take off my jacket."

But once she did, it revealed that she was also wearing a pearly white dress, which was so white it was literally a blinding beam of light. Bolin felt he was going blind.

"The light! It still burns!"

Rarity blushed in embarrassment, "I suppose this won't do either?"

Rainbow Dash shielded her eyes with her hooves as she spotted something on the horizon. It looked like a heard of flying little creatures with wings. She knew it must be the breezies. She whispered to Twilight and the alicorn gained everyone's attention. She spoke in a whisper.

"Everypony, it's time. Please welcome... the Breezies!"

Every so gently, Korra moved her arms to help Rainbow Dash create the breeze. The moment she saw the creatures, she couldn't begin to describe the feeling she felt. They were so small and fragile. Her heart swelled up and it encouraged her to be ever so gentle with the breeze she was creating. Fluttershy was right, they were even more adorable in person.

All the ponies, even the two brothers and Asami marveled at the creature's majesty, adorableness and elegance. They all had long fairy-like wings that moved along with the gentle breeze. Their anatomy was the same as ponies, only with longer and thinner legs. They each had antennas on their heads and big extravagant mane and tails.

Asami was gushing over them, placing her hands on her cheeks, "Awwwww."

Even Mako found himself admiring the cute little creatures. "They're adorable."

"They're as cute as Apple Bloom on the day she was born." said Applejack in a whisper.

"And would you look at those adorable little packs they carry their pollen in?" said Rarity, gushing over the creatures like everybody else.

One of the breezies, a blue one wearing a black jump suite with white fur lining, curly pink mane and tail, led the group. Unlike the rest, he was stern and serious looking. He directed the swarm, speaking in his native language.

"Lun! Arshen aifo!"

Pinkie Pie could barely contain herself, "So… cute! Can't... take... it!" she covered her mouth in hopes she wouldn't loose her cool and frighten the creatures.

Spike tried to get a better view of the breezies but the other ponies constantly got in his way. He walked up to the pink pony, who was still trying to keep herself from screaming.

"Pinkie Pie, can I hop on you so I can see the Breezies?"

"May explode!" she exclaimed in a hush tone before closing her mouth again.

Spike noticed a tree nearby and climbed up onto one of the branches. This way, he could see the creatures perfectly. They were so cute he could barely stay still. The branch started to move and one of the levees flew off. Seeing this, Spike started to panic.

"Oh, no!"

The breezies' leader saw the lief coming towards them and it managed to cause a large portion of the group to fly off coarse. The crowd gasped in horror as the poor breezies screamed in terror.

Rainbow called out to Korra, "Slow down the breeze for the other group to catch up!"

"They're too far back! We can't connect the breeze to both sets of Breezies!"

"What if we speed it up?"

"Then the first group'll be going too fast, and they'll get separated from each other!"

The breezie leader called out to the others, "Tanagretu nik mir! Maisegu de piripa!" he ordered, but it was no use for the breezies couldn't get themselves back to where they were.

Both Korra and Fluttershy gasped! Instinctively, they both reacted. Fluttershy flew up and managed to catch one of the breezies that flew away. Korra airbended herself up and caught a large portion of the creatures in her arms. They all thanked her in their own language.

The breezie leader spoke again, "Mekenar stuff!"

"He's right!" said Fluttershy, "You must all gather as close as you possibly can!"

The breezies managed to grab onto Fluttershy and Korra and the two landed the creatures safely down. The crowd cheered for their heroic efforts. The girls had the breezies land safely onto a rock, none of which were hurt. The leader spoke to Fluttershy, "Mugudi saikendus?"

"Oh, I understand the language of all kinds of creatures!"

But the little creature only rolled his large pink colored eyes. "You must be so proud." it said, speaking in a scottish accent.

Korra shook her head in disbelief, "Wait, you can speak our language too?"

"I can. This lot can only understand you. Clearly, they're not the brightest bunch around." The breezes all shouted in indignation at the leader.

"That was amazing!" Pinkie exclaimed excitedly. She and all the others gathered around the two and the breezies.

"I'm sorry we couldn't get a breeze going that would get them back to the others." Rainbow apologized.

"Me too." said the Avatar.

Fluttershy only smiled, "Oh, it's not your fault."

Twilight Sparkle then hugged the shy pegasus, "I, for one, am very proud of you, Fluttershy. Leaping into action like that."

Korra was next to hug Fluttershy, "That's my girl!" she placed a kiss on Flutter's forehead, making her blush.

"I feel like I should design you a special hero's gown!" said Rarity, "Heh… Or a sash. At least a sash."

Bolin squatted down to the breezies' level. His eyes sparkled with glee. "Awww, you're so cute." he then started cooing the leader of the group, also known as Seabreeze. "Oh, and don't you have the cutest little jump suite I've ever--OW! Hey!" he backed away once the little one bite on his finger. "Feisty little guy, aint he?"

The group heard Spike running up to them before kneeling down before Twilight, hugging her legs, crying. "Okay, okay, okay! I know what you're all thinking! Why don't you just say it?! I'm sorry! This is all my fault! I'm so, so sorry!"

Fluttershy caressed his head with her hoof, "Oh, Spike, it's okay! It could have happened to any one of us."

Spike wiped away his tears and smiled, happy to be off the hook, "Okay… Thank you!" he hugged Fluttershy by surprise, causing her to stumble back a bit, which in response startled the breezies, who shouted at him in anger. Spike backed away several feet, "Uh… I'm... just... gonna stay over here."

"So, Fluttershy, you want us to get the breeze going again so these little guys can get a move on?" Korra asked. She was then startled when half of the breezies flew up and placed themselves on her head and shoulders. They did the same with Fluttershy. They were all so grateful to their heroines, and Fluttershy was more than happy to help them.

"Maybe we should wait just a moment or so. They've been through so much…" said Fluttershy while one of the breezies kissed her cheek.

Korra figured maybe letting the creatures stay for a little while wouldn't be so bad either. They sure seemed to like her too.

"Just give the word when you think they're ready." said Rainbow Dash.

But while the other breezies were more than happy to stay with Korra and Fluttershy, Seabreeze was not. This was not what needed to be done. This spelled very bad news for them all.


It didn't take long for the breezies themselves to get comfortable in Fluttershy's cottage. They made themselves right at home in her bird houses and even in Angel's bed. Much to his dismay.

Korra was there as well, the breezies didn't want her to leave, not like they gave her much of a choice with their constant begging. The Avatar sat on the floor, mesmerizing the creatures with tales of her adventures.

"So then, Amon had me right where he wanted me. I couldn't control my body, I was completely powerless to stop him. He was just about to take my bending when all of a sudden, Twilight Sparkle zapped him with her own magic! The guy was thrown across the room!"

The breezies all went, "Ooooooooooooh!"

Before she would continue she noticed that one of the breezies was shivering. "Oh, little cold there, Twirly?" she took a tissue paper from a nearby table and handed it to Twirly, who wrapped the paper around him like a blanket.

"Sanken" he said as he wrapped himself up.

"No problem."

Fluttershy walked in with a plate of cookies balanced on her head and placed them on the floor for them to eat. "Is everything alright in here?" she asked. One of the breezies came up with a small cup for water.


"Oh, did you need some more water?" Fluttershy took a some water from a cup, using a baster to give the little creature a single drop of water to drink.

"Now, who else needed a hoof-knitted sweater?" Fluttershy gave one of the breezies an adorable sweater to wear.

They all looked so incredibly happy to be around Fluttershy. However, Korra noticed that one of them wasn't. Seabreeze sat in a corner, all alone, moping. Korra gently scooted over to see if he was alright.

"Hey, you okay little guy?"

Seabreeze looked up at Korra with a glare. "No! Can't you see I'm far from okay?!"

Korra was taken back by his remark. She rose up her hands in surrender, "Just asking."

A knock of the door got their attention and Applejack and Twilight appeared by the door. The country pony greeted them, "Hey there! Can we come in?"

"Oh, of course!" said Fluttershy, "But watch your step!"

Applejack looked down and noticed a breezie trembling in fear at the sight of her. "Oop, sorry about that, little one."

"We just wanted to see if you thought the Breezies were ready to give it another try." said Twilight.

Fluttershy was surprised by the time, "Has it been an hour already? Oh, my goodness! Time flies when you're making sure little creatures don't feel that you're abandoning them to the cruel world."

Korra arched an eyebrow, "But they're not going to a cruel world, right? They're going home."

"Oh, yes, that's right!"

But the breezies all started to protest. They flew up and clung onto the pegasus pony and the Avatar. Fluttershy immediately felt sympathy for the poor creatures, while Korra found it a tad strange how badly they didn't want to get back home.

"On second thought, I don't think they're quite ready." said Fluttershy.

Korra gently took a couple of breezies off of her hair ties. "You sure about that? I mean, isn't the portal suppose to close at any minute? What if they can't get back in time?"

"Oh, I'm sure we still have plenty of time to get them back." the pony reassured her. The two then flinched when Seabreeze began yelling angrily in his breezie language.

"Supa laipas data kurpa! Mise neku ersken laika maur! Siripat sulat!"

Fluttershy's jaw was dropped in shock, while Twilight, Applejack and Korra only arched their eyebrows.

"Uh... what did he say?" Aj asked.

Fluttershy blushed, "I'd… rather not say."

"Okay, well, I'm sure you know what you're doin'." said Applejack as Twilight opened the door and they walked out, "No one knows rare magical creatures like you do."

"We'll just wait for your word." said Twilight as she and the country pony walked away.

"Thank you. I'll be in touch very soon." Fluttershy closed the door and smiled at the loving glances of the breezes beneath her hooves. But only one breezie was not falling for any of this 'sweet life' business.

"We need to go now, or we will never get home!" said Seabreeze, "I wish we did not need that stupid breeze to activate our magic, or I would just force you all to fly home right now!"

"Hey! I helped make that breeze!" Korra stated, rather annoyed.

"Why do we have to need magic to keep our pollen safe?"

Fluttershy approached the leader and tried to reason with him, "Um, now, Seabreeze-"

"Why are you giving in to these wimps?! If they had not been so scared in the first place, this never would have happened!"

"But that is just not true, Seabreeze." Fluttershy said firmly but calmly, "It was because of a leaf, and you know that!"

If Korra didn't know any better she would believe Seabreeze was really a much larger being trapped inside the body of a tiny breezie. He gained up on Fluttershy, still yelling. "Oh, please! They have no idea what they're doing out there! Like you said, we need as much time as we can get because they are so incompetent!"

"Well, I didn't say that exactly now, did I?"

Korra intervened, "You know, maybe they wouldn't be having this much trouble if you'd stop being such an angry jerk all the time."

"Excuse me?!"

"All you've done was yell and curse, not cool by the way, and this isn't the right motivation."

"Well, excuse me Miss-I'm-the-Avatar-so-I-know-better-than-everybody!", maybe you'd like to be in charge of these lazy bums!"

"I never said I was better than anyone!" Korra said in defense, "You're lucky I have a conscious or else I'd crush you right now!"

"You would never do that! I know an empty threat when I see one. You are just as a goody-two-shoes as your friend here!"

Korra knew she would never harm the creature, but she so wanted to punch something right now. His attitude was infuriating to say the least, not to mention his cruelty towards the other breezies was unfair.

Fluttershy knew she had to step in and stop this, "Oh, well, maybe a snack will lighten the mood." the other breezies cheered in agreement while Korra and Seabreeze turned away from one another, crossing their arms bitterly.


The breezies were enjoying their snakes, they all shared a large cookie, grapes and jumpy fruits, they were all so delicious. After a while, they all felt so full they couldn't eat another bite. A group of breezies rested on Fluttershy, all snuggled up and taking naps. One little breezie burped.

"Mi fargen."

"You're excused." said Fluttershy.

At the corner of the room, Korra sat cross-legged while Seabreeze sat opposite her, both facing away from the other. After taking a moment to think, Korra realized that she had blown her top and needed to apologize.

"Look, I'm sorry for blowing up like that." however, the male breezie didn't even turn his head to face her. This made her pout, "You know, you're not making this apology any easier."

"Apologies aren't suppose to be easy."


"If they were don't you think everybody would do them more often?"

Korra was a bit perplexed by this. "I never thought of it that way." she confessed.

"That's a mistake so many folks make. Something being easy doesn't make it worth it! They have no idea what they are really doing!"

"What are you talking about? They're just taking a break. Besides, look…" she gestured to the other breezies, who were indeed happy and enjoying herself. "They seem happy. What's the real harm if they're just enjoying themselves?"

Seabreeze face palmed himself, "Just because they are happy doesn't mean what they're doing is right! How would you feel if you never got to see your home and family again? Sometimes the worst kind of danger is the kind that makes you believe there isn't any at all!"

Korra had never heard words like this before. They were complex that she had a hard time understanding. Yet, once she took a good look at the breezies, resting, lazily remaining in one place while there was a home waiting for them and they didn't even seem to care because they were living the good life. Some didn't even bother to fly up because they were so comfortable in their soft pillows. As Seabreeze's words played in her mind she remembered how helpless they were against that one lief and that if they didn't move now who knows when their home would open up again. Then it hit her, this world was not safe for them. A simple leaf was enough to stir them off course, and now they were seemingly happy, but at what cost? They would lose their home forever of they stayed! Fluttershy meant well, she wanted them to be happy, but by giving them what they wanted she was unknowingly harming them.

That was that, Korra couldn't just stand by and be a bypass supporter in all of this. She needed to speak up, even if Fluttershy and the breezies would deny it.

"Okay, now that you've all eaten and rested, I think you're strong enough to face the breeze!"

Fluttershy gently removed the creatures from her with her tail and placed them down on the floor. "You sure Korra?"

"I've never been more sure."

The pony knew this was inevitable. She smiled at the creatures, "I've loved having you here, and I hope I've made you all feel loved and special. But you have to go. Nopony here will deny that-"

"There is nothing special about these losers!" Seabreeze stated, once again, while yelling, "They cannot handle a simple breeze home! If they could just stick with the program and listen to me, we would be safe! At home!" suddenly, the leader breezie's eyes became puffy and tears started to run down them, "Home, where every Breezie is like us!"

Seabreeze hung his head in sadness as he hovered over to the peephole of the door, sighing as he gazed outside. Korra now knew why he was acting like this. He was scared of never getting back home, and he was frightened for what would happen. No wonder he was so angry, he must really have a lot to return to. Korra could relate.

But Fluttershy was a tad oblivious to his point, "Okay, well, a confusing pep-talk, but nonetheless. I do know that if you don't leave soon, you may never make it back, and that would be terrible!"

Korra placed her hands on her knees and addressed to the critters, "Okay, little cuties, up and up, time to head back where you belong." she gestured to the door, expecting them to fly up, but there was no reaction. "Okay, now." Korra kept her smile and hand towards the door, but still no reaction from the tiny crowd. "Kinda loosing daylight here. Come on. Let's go. Right now. Seriously. Not getting any younger here."

One of the breezies then sneezed, "Merte marshken farde." he elbowed another breezie, telling him to play along. He then started to do a fake cough.

"Merki marshken plumatu."

"I had no idea you all have colds!" said Fluttershy.

But Korra was not buying this. "Really? All of you?" she asked sarcastically. To try and convince her, the breezies all started to cough.

Fluttershy grew concerned, "Oh, dear. I can't let you go out there sick! What kind of a friend would I be if I made you go now?"

But Korra was not going to let this happen. "Fluttershy, they're faking it! They're not sick at all they just want to stay and be waited on hand and foot!"

Flutteshy gasped in horror, "Korra, how could you say such a thing?!"

"Fluttershy, I know you care about them, but right now is not the time for you to be pampering them. What they need is a wake up call, and now!"

"Listen to her!" said Seabreeze, "She may be a hot-head but at least she's got some common sense in that thick skull of hers."

Korra narrowed her eyes at him in annoyance, "I don't know if to feel flattered or insulted."

But Fluttershy, for once, was being incredibly stubborn, "Well, if you both are going to behave like this then maybe it's best if one of you leaves."

Korra gasped, "You're kicking me out?"

"No, I'm giving you the option. You can leave or help me care for these poor sick breezies."

Korra gazed into the wanting eyes of the breezies, but also the troubled eyes of Seabreeze. Even though he was annoying, she understood where he was coming from. She thought by helping Fluttershy she was helping the breezies, but she wasn't doing much for them now. Fluttershy could sense the turmoil within her friend and began to regret her choice of words.

"Korra, I--"

"No, it's okay." Korra rose her hand to silence the pony, "I'll just go. Let me know when they're ready to leave."

Fluttershy watched with a heavy heart as her Avatar friend left the cottage. Was she right? Was she doing more harm to the breezies than good and she just refused to see it?


Korra walked back to Ponyville, Rainbow Dash and Bolin were playing tick-tack-tow on the ground. The pegasus cheered in victory.

"Ha! I win again!"

Bolin groaned, "Aw man! That's thirty-five in a row! Come on, best of seventy-one!"

The two then spotted a depressed Korra approaching. Rainbow was the first to greet her. "Hey, Korra! The Breezies ready to go yet? Clock's kinda ticking for them to make it back before the door closes on their home." she noticed Korra's expression, "Everything okay?"

"No. They're still at her house but they don't want to leave. They keep making up excuses to stay."

"Well that doesn't make sense." said Bolin, "I thought they'd be dying to get back home."

"Apparently, they don't have sweet loving pegasus ponies to spoil them back home." Korra said in disappointment. "If we wait any longer, we'll have to create such a strong breeze, it may be more than they can handle."

"We just have to trust Fluttershy." said Rainbow Dash, "She must know what she's doing." however, even she was unsure about this fact.


The Breezies were having the time of their lives, dancing and doing whatever they wanted. Fluttershy even made them slides for them to play on, she was enjoying their company just as much as they enjoyed hers.

The party came to a halt once Seabreeze aggressively too away the saxophone of the breezies was playing and smashed it to the ground, much to the others' disappointment.

"Why are you spending your time on this?! I will never get home!"

His distress was enough to make Fluttershy come to her senses. "Breezies, I must say, Seabreeze has a point. I think it's time for me to get Rainbow Dash and Korra so they can create the breeze for you to get home."

But the Breezies all shouted in dismay, pulling on her tail, begging her to reconsider. "Ooh… You're all awfully anxious... Oh, I don't want you to feel abandoned, or that I wasn't the most kind host I could possibly be…"

"Adoshen papan gorn." said one of the breezies.

"Oh, yes, that does make sense... Seabreeze, do you think you could wait just a couple more hou-" but when she turned her head, the leader of the breezies was no longer there. Nobody else had seen him. "Seabreeze? Seabreeze? Has anypony seen Seabreeze?"

The others shrugged and shook their heads. Fluttershy continued to search the cottage for the little one, only to uncover that the peephole was open! She galloped towards it and spotted the little breezie flying off into the distance.

"Where's he going? There's no way he can handle being out there on his own!"

It was then she remembered Korra's words from before, "I know you care about them, but right now is not the time for you to be pampering them. What they need is a wake up call, and now!"

"Oh dear. What have I done?!"


Seabreeze was determined to get home, even if he had to do it by himself. Home was his goal and nothing was going to stop him. But because he was so small, the powerful winds of Equestria were much too powerful for him. It was like trying to swim in the middle of a gigantic storm. The winds collided against his body like angry tidal waves.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Blusken! Ah! Ah! Arge nusen!"

He flew pass a couple of ponies, who did not notice him fly by. The poor little magical creature struggled to keep course. An acorn got loose and fell from a trine, nearly crushing him. More acorns fell and Searbeeze dogged each one as best he could, but each one was a close call.

"Uf! Osemi! Ah! Narsken! Noi serenda! Ah!"

The impact one one final acorn caused him to fly off and head first into a beehive. Using his antennas for light, he gasped at the angry bees starring at him. He screamed once he managed to pop himself out of the hive but there was nowhere else for him to run. He held onto the branch, ready to face the fate once the bees aimed their stingers at him.

"Excuse me, bees?"

Seabreeze and the bees looked up to see Fluttershy, who had managed to catch up to the breezie just in time.

"Can you please back off my Breezie friend? He didn't mean any harm. It was just an accident."

But the bees did not comply and went back to aiming their stingers at Seabreeze.

"I'm working on a bee-type dance and was hoping you could help me?" Fluttershy was now wearing a bee costume to try and persuade them, "Does this bring to mind any images for you? Perhaps a bee?"

But that didn't work either and the bees once again aimed their stingers. This was the last straw.

"Excuse me!" Fluttershy's now more aggressive tone was enough to fully grab the bee's attention, "I have done nothing but be kind, but I guess that is not working! You bees know better than to hurt a helpless Breezie! I demand that you go away now, or you'll have to answer to me!"

The bees finally complied and left Seabreeze alone before entering back into their hive, away from the angry pony. Searbeeze managed to take in a sigh of relief and turned towards the pony, bowing his head in thanks.

"Menkyulen. Thank you! Thank you so much! Thank you for coming after me!"

"Of course. You could've gotten seriously hurt out there. Ponyville is much too dangerous for you. One tiny acorn is a threat!"

"Yeah, I know! That is one reason why I have been trying to get us to go from the beginning!"

"Oh, my goodness. I was just trying not to hurt any creature's feelings, but my displays of kindness may have cost you everything."

"That is what your friend was trying to tell you, too!" Seabreeze pointed out.

"I know, and I didn't listen because I didn't want to believe I was harming anypony. I just felt so good helping you Breezies I didn't realize I was putting you in real danger. Time is running out, and you may never make it home!"

"That is exactly what I have been telling all of them! But they do not listen to me! Nobreezie ever listens to me!" the poor breezie turned away, bowing his head in depression. Korra helped Fluttershy before, now it was her turn to help Seabreeze.

"Seabreeze, I understand your feelings are hurt, but it's hard for them to hear you when you're shouting and being mean. The message doesn't get across."

"But what about those bees? You were not nice to them, and that was the only way they listened!"

"Yes, but they had to go, and they wouldn't listen to me any other way."

That was when the revelation struck her. Both Korra and Seabreeze tried to get her to see the truth by being assertive. While maybe a tad too assertive, their intensions were for the better. Being firm in the Truth was the best example of kindness one could offer, and Fluttershy thought it was all about giving somepony what they wanted out of love. But wanting something doesn't justify it was right and the best example of love is doing what is best, even if it's hard. As she gazed into Seabreeze's wings, her eyes glowed with rainbow colors. She knew now she needed to do the right thing, even if the other breezies would not be happy about it. This was her chance to be truly kind.

"We need to go, now!"

Seabreeze hoped onto Fluttershy's head and she flew as fast as she could, the wind practically blowing off Seabreeze's face. Realizing this, Fluttershy slowed down.


Back at her cottage, Fluttershy stood before the breezies, this time doing what she should have done before.

"My dear Breezies, I had to rescue Seabreeze from serious harm, and now I know more than ever that you must leave before it's too late! You would never survive in Ponyville."

Besides her, Seabreeze shook his head at them, warning not to play any more tricks. But the breezies all started to beg for her to let them stay, but Fluttershy was not going to fall victim to their cries anymore.

"I can't help you any more. In fact, I wasn't helping you at all by being nice. Oh... But the truth of the matter is that I must be firm!" She opened the door, using her hoof to point to the outside world. It was time and she needed to be the one to say it.

"You must go, now!"

This was the end of the line. The other Breezies couldn't do anymore to get her to let them stay. And so, with a heavy heart, they all flew up and out the door. Seabreeze bowed to her in respect for her bravery before joining the others.

But once they were all out, the little pony started to cry. The truth needed to be said. Even if it was hard.


After hearing about the news, Korra and Rainbow Dash worked together to create the perfect breeze for the creatures. Korra used her airbending while Rainbow used her wings.

"It's too strong!" said the pony once the breeze caused more leaves from a tree to fall.

"I'm sorry, I can't do it any lighter!"

"Stand back for a second!" said Rainbow, "I'm gonna try and see if I can slow it down."

Korra complied as the pony tried to soften the breeze, but it was far too much. "Now it's too light! Oh, this will never get them home!"

Korra joined back with Fluttershy, the rest of their friends, along with Meelo, Ikki and Jinora and the breezies. "This is bad." said the worried Avatar. "There's too few of them. When they started their journey, there was more of them to face the breeze together."

"How are we going to get them back now?" Bolin asked with worry.

Twilight looked down on the breezies and got an idea, "I've been studying an old spell book from the Castle of the Two Sisters. There's a spell that I think could help us!"

"Let's do it!" said Korra.

Mako's eyes widened, "Wait, what?!"

"The breezies need all the help they can get."

Bolin rose his hand to ask a question, "Is it going to hurt?"

"It may probably feel a little funny at first," said Twilight, "but you're gonna have to trust me."

"I love new ideas that make me feel funny at first!" said Pinkie Pie.

Mako rose his hand next, "Wait, don't I get a vote?"

"And me?" Asami rose her hand as well. But neither her nor Mako had a say in it once Korra wrapped her arms around their shoulders.

"Do it, Twilight!"

The ex-couple simultaneously gulped in fear once Twilight's horn began to glow.

"If anything happens," Asami began, "I'm never speaking to you guys again."

Suddenly, their bodies were now surrounded by the glowing magenta aura of Twilight's horn and beams of magic hit both ponies and humans. Another beam hit the breezies and the spell started to take effect.

The ponies felt their bodies change, decreasing in side and their legs grew longer and slender. Their manes grew long as well while antennas appeared on their heads and long, beautiful transparent wings grew from their backs.

Korra, Mako, Bolin and Asami felt the same change, their bodies shrunk and their ears became pointy, Asami and Korra's hair grew longer and rather than having five fingers they now had three. A pair of antennas grew on their heads as did a pair of transparent wings.

Once the spell was cast, the Mane Six had been transformed into breezies, while Team Avatar were now human version of breezies. Asami and Korra marveled at their wings while Mako tried his best to wake himself up from this dream. Bolin opened his mouth to speak.

"Wow! This is incredible!" he said, realizing how different he sounded in his new high-pitch voice. "Hey, my voice sounds funny! A wood-chuck-would-a-wood-chuck-chuck! I like being tiny!"

Mako only groaned, he had gained this squeaky voice once before when he turned into Mosquito man in the comic book world. "Great, here we go again!"

Korra giggled, "Aww, but you look so cute, Mako." The firebender tried to hide his blush while he crossed his arms and pouted.

Fluttershy addressed to her friends, speaking in Breeezie, "Maifo flai batendud!" but nobody understood her, "Um, I mean, let's go!"

Meelo, Ikki and Jinora worked together to create the perfect breeze for the creatures to fly on, and with the extra help they managed to do so perfectly. Not only that, but this way they would get home sooner than they expected. Both Fluttershy and Seabreeze led the swarm all across the land, passing cold lands and dark forests and sunny deserts. However, some of the breezies started to feel exhausted. One nearly flew off course until his friend helped him.

Seeing this, Seabreeze rushed to help them. Both breezies were just about ready to give up, until Seabreeze flew up to them.

"You can do this!" he said, this time with compassion instead of anger, "I am sorry for how I treated you before! It was not right that I called you names! I did not even really believe those things I said! I was worried we would never get back to our home, and I lashed out…" he looked back at Fluttershy, who smiled encouragingly, "I know you can do this! I believe in you!"

Now, having realized how wrong he truly was, Seabreeze helped his two friends back onto the breeze, "Hold on to me, let us join the group!"

Once he managed to get them back on course, Korra smiled proudly at Fluttershy. Their good friends has learned a valuable lesson as well.


The wind blew and the team finally reached their destination. On a cliffside, beside a waterfall, rested a large hole that almost looked abandoned.

"We've made it!" Fluttershy stated, "The Breezies' home!"

Mako placed his hand over his now large eyes, squinting to try and see something. "It doesn't look like there's anything in there." he said.

"Looks can be deceiving, Mako." said Korra as the others swooped down and entered the hole.

At first, the pathway was dark and barren, but once they reached the other side, they could not believe their own eyes.

It truly was a whole other world in the cave! There was light and color, small houses made out of trees and flowers with colorful breezies all around.

"Holy mini-sized paradise!" Rainbow exclaimed in wonder.

Asami was breathless, "I've never seen anything so beautiful!"

Even Mako was amazed by this land, "No kidding!"

"This is simply beautiful!" Rarity swooned, "So much inspiration. Where's my sketchpad when I need it?"

Pinkie Pie couldn't contain herself, "So…stinkin'…cute!"

The rest of the Breezies all cheered with joy at the return of their friends and family. Brothers with brothers, sisters with sisters, children with parents, even Seabreeze was reunited with his family. His lovely wife and most beautiful baby boy. The sight of it filled Korra's heart with such joy. No wonder he wanted to get home so badly.

"He had a family all along." Mako said, starling Korra a bit.

"Yeah." she agreed…before placing her head against his chest. The firebender wrapped his arm around her, this was her way of saying that even though he didn't have a family, in a way, she was a part of his family now. And he was a part of hers.

Asami then felt somebody hug her from behind. It was Bolin. "What are you doing?" she asked.

"Sorry, I got caught up in the moment." he said with a smile. But, in secret, Asami enjoyed the gesture. Next, she felt Korra place a hand on her shoulder, the second still holding Mako's. As she gazed up at all of the Breezie families, she began to understand how they felt. But just barely.

Fluttershy started to tear up. "You okay, Fluttershy?" Applejack asked.

"I'm just so very happy they got to be reunited with their family!"

Rarity noticed that the opening was slowly closing. "We'd better get going before the entrance- well, exit for us, closes."

The others hurried to the portal, but Fluttershy wanted to say one last goodbye to her breezie friends. "Goodbye, Breezies. I must go now."

She briefly stopped when Seabreeze placed a flower over her hair, "To remember us by."

Fluttershy wiped away her tears and hugged him goodbye, "Thank you! I'll miss you. I'll miss all of you!"

Korra quickly flew up towards here, "Fluttershy, it's time to go. Goodbye, Breezies!"

"Thank you, Avatar Korra." Seabreeze said with a bow, and Korra returned the gesture before she and her pony friend flew out of the portal, saying one last final goodbye before leaving the portal.

At last, they were all out right when the portal closed. Who knew when it would open again.

Bolin wiped away sweat from his forehead, "Whoa! That was a close one!"

"Okay everyone, gather round." Twilight instructed once her horn started to glow once more. The magic spell was now broken and all the ponies and humans returned to their normal forms. Bolin opened his mouth, hoping to hear his squeaky voice again.

"A wood-chuck-would-a-wood-chuk--" but he had his normal voice again, "No, not the same."

"I have to admit," Mako began, "That was a pretty wild ride."

Korra, once being turned back, inspected her back. She somehow felt weird without wings on her anymore, almost like a part of her was missing. Being able to fly felt so right, she wondered if she would ever have that feeling ever again.

"Korra…" Fluttershy spoke up, "I want to say I'm sorry. You were only trying to help me see the error of my ways but I didn't want to believe you."

Korra squatted down and petted her head, "It's okay. We both learned something important today. And so did Seabreeze."

"Oh, yes. Kindness can take many forms, and sometimes being too kind can actually keep a friend from doing what they need to do. Pushing them away may seem cruel, but it's sometimes the kindest thing you can do."

"That's a great entry for the journal." said the Avatar with a wink.

Bolin then began asking Twilight a question, "So, uh, I've always kinda wondered what it would be like to be a griffon." he smiled at her widely in hopes she would turn him into one.

"Me too!" Rainbow mentioned, also smiling.

But the alicorn rolled her eyes. "Not a chance."

The two looked disappointed. "You sure?" Rainbow asked. "What about a dragon? No?"

"It doesn't have to shoot fire!" Bolin added as the aliconr kept walking away with the others close behind.

Korra gave Fluttershy one final hug while the flower in her mane shimmered with rainbow colors as the sung started to set over the horizon.


"So, both Fluttershy and Korra learned an important lesson that day.

That while there are many things that do feel good that doesn't mean they are all good for you. When I was still the master of chaos, I was happy, but at what cost? I realized that my form of happiness wasn't the right one.

Like Seabreeze said, sometimes the worse kind of danger is the kind that makes you think there isn't any at all. And it takes a real true friend to show you the way, and that kindness is not always easy to do, but it is what needs to be done.

Hope to see you next time in another

Tales of Equestria!"