• Published 13th Aug 2021
  • 992 Views, 5 Comments

The Little Pony Legend: Tales of Equestria - MaggiesHeartLove

A collection of stories staring Team Avatar Harmony and their adventures in Equestria before The Great Change

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Chapter 19– Equestria Games

"Well, it's finally here! Pro-bending season has begun and I've got VIP seats!

Ah, I love sports. The thrill of competition, the crushing sting of defeat and the shinny trophies! Well, in this case it's more of a prize money really.

And if you think this is exciting, wait until the Equestria Games start again this year! I hear Republic City will be hosting the games for once this year! Isn't that exciting?!

I just hope Spike doesn't chock again like last time.

What, you don't know that one? Oh, sit down kids, cause do I have a doozy to tell you!


Philippians 2:13~

"for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure."


Equestria Games

At long last, the big day was finally here! After countless long months, the Equestria Games were finally here! It was already summer time for the Crystal Empire, so the snow was cleared up for now until the next winter, which would bring some unexpected surprises. But, that is a story for another time.

As for today, the train was nearing the empire. Rainbow Dash's feathers ruffled as she spotted the majestic palace up ahead. "This just got real!"

Mako, Bolin and Asami managed to tag along, with both the Sato heiress and the police officer finally getting some time off to see the games, which they had promised months ahead that they wouldn't miss it. The airbender children managed to coax their father to let them come, but he decided to decline the offer, sadly.

Bolin was already wearing a Crystal Empire cap and holding a little flag in his hand, cheering wildly. "Woohoo! The Equesria Games are finally here! And we get to see the Crystal Empire for the first time! I'm so excited!"

"I still can't believe a gorgeous place like that was lost for a thousand years." said Asami, her eyes looking up at the majestic castle before her.

"Where did Korra said we'd meet her?" Mako asked the blue furred pegasus.

"She said she'd help Twilight and Cadance with the preparations. We'll see them at the palace."

Ikki and Jinora were squealing like crazy, thrilled to see the empire for themselves. Their squealing was overshadowed, however, by the line of ponies already preparing for the games. Several were doing pushups, others were liftings weights, jumping jacks, wing-ups, pull ups, etc. There was do denying the commitment these ponies had to the games.

Even the CMC were excited to be carrying the flag for the start of the games. "I'm so excited!" said Sweetie Belle, jumping up and down with glee.

"I hope we do a good job." said Apple Bloom with much concern in her voice.

"You girls will do great." Mako said with a smile, his back leaning against the wall of the train as the scenery passed by on the window beside him.

"Uncle Mako, did you ever feel this nervous before a pro-bending match."

"All the time." he said before kneeling down to their level. "But I always reminded myself, so long as I focus on the game and not the eyes watching, I would be fine. So just go out there and do your best, but most importantly, have fun." the firebender ruffled the pony's mane, making her giggle. He started to giggle was well once the three of them hugged him around his waist.

"Thanks, Mako!" Scootaloo said once they ended the hug. "Let's do this, Crusaders!"

"Yeah!" the three of them high hoofed each other before galloping to the other side to double check on their things and Mako straightened himself. His brother arched an eyebrow and smirked at him.

" "Have fun", hu? You never said that before a match."

"Well, maybe I should have." the firebender said, his face blushing bashfully.

"Awww, look at you being all daddy-like!" Bolin said and ruffled his brother's hair, much to his annoyance.

While the ponies continued preparing for the games, Rainbow Dash took this moment to give some words of encouragement. "Listen up, gang! We're almost there, so I've got a few things to say. First off, who here besides me thinks this is the best Equestria Games delegation in Ponyville history?"

The ponies cheered in response, while Bolin gave a "Woohoo!", Asami simply clapped her hands while Bulk Biceps did his famous; "Yeah!"

"And no matter what your sport is, we gotta give it our best, because we've all got a genuine shot at Ponyville gold!" Rainbow's wings flapped and she floated a few feet up in the air, the ponies and humans cheering even louder than before, especially Spike the little dragon and the airbender children.

"…With the possible exception of Bulk Biceps, Fluttershy, and me." Rainbow said humbly once she lowered down, and the two ponies she mentioned looked at her with concern. "I mean, we're good and all, but we're up against the Wonderbolts in the aerial relay, so gold's kind of a stretch. Let's not kid ourselves."

"Don't feel bad, Rainbow Dash!" Scootaloo said, "We have absolutely no shot at getting gold either!"

"Uh, that's because you're carrying the flag for Ponyville in the opening ceremony. There are no winners."

"Winners or not, we still have the chance to be awesome! And like Mako said, we just have to focus on the games not the hundreds of eyes watching, and have fun!"

"That's the spirit! And that's some pretty good advice, Mako. Who'd have thought." the pegasus said with a sly grin, which only made the firebender rolls his eyes and smirk. Even he could have his shinning moments. Rainbow Dash turned back to the others by flapping her wings. "You hear that, everypony? Winners or not, we all still have the chance to be awesome!"

The ponies cheered once more, and Bolin, Meelo and Bulk Biceps both exclaimed a proud; "Yeah!"

"But, uh, let's still try to win lots and lots of stuff too, 'kay?" Rainbow added, which prompted every pony to get back to their exercise. This was their chance to prove themselves, and they would make Ponyville proud.


The train came to a stop, arriving at the Crystal Empire train station/ The bell rang and the entire group of ponies exited the train. Mako stepped out, nearly hitting his forehead against the entrance. "They really need to adjust the size of these things." he said as he stepped out. The incident inspired Asami and Bolin to crunch down as they stepped out. Once they did, they couldn't believe their eyes.

The Crystal Empire was truly a sight to behold. Every building structure was made out entirely of crystals, coming from blue, to violets, pinks, greens and even a few sky blues and pale silver colors. The textures shimmered in the light unlike anything they had ever seen. All of this placed all of Asami's jewelry to shame.

Even the airbender children were entranced by it. "I never thought I'd say this, but pictures don't do it justice." said Jinora, her brown eyes sparkling at the sight.

Bolin's jaw practically dropped. "So…many…crystals…"

Ikki ever saw a few crystal ponies walk on by. Just as the name implied, they looked like normal earth ponies, but with coats made out of shimmering crystal texture. "Wow! Look at their coats! They look so…crystaly!"

Spike arched an eyebrow at the girl's choice of words. "Crystaly?" the little dragon strained as he tried to carry all of the luggage he carried on his back. This was usually his job, but no matter what, he would have liked it if others would help out. Thankfully, Mako, Bolin and Asami did just that.

The three humans grunted as they placed all of the bags down onto the luggage cart. "You sure we got everything, Spike?" Asami asked the little dragon.

"Yep! I double, tripled and quadruple checked! Leave it to Spike, champion gear-carrier for all your gear-carrying needs."

"And the Ponyville flag?" Apple Bloom asked. "You sure? And what about the flagpole?"

"In with the portable ramp!" Spike said, leaning against the pile which caused the wheels of the cart to push back a bit before stopping and he stripped, "Whoa!"

"Give it a rest, Apple Bloom." Scootallo said to her friend while placing a hoof on her shoulder.

"Aw, she's just nervous, that's all." Spike said after he picked himself up and dusted the dust off of his scales, "Perfectly understandable."

"I know, I know." Apple Bloom said, "I just can't help it."

"Don't worry. Whenever I'm afraid I'll forget something or start to panic, I have a simple trick. I count to ten, and by the time I'm done, I've calmed myself enough to get the job done right every time. Easy-peasy, cider-squeezy!"

Suddenly, the group heard the sound of hooves rumbling and in a matter of seconds, two crystal pony stallions wearing shinning royal guard armor came galloping ahead, both carrying a chair on their backs. They swooped down and took the dragon, placing him onto the chair and galloped ahead.

"Hey! Put me down!" Spike cried out, his heart pounding fast at the sudden and unexpected abduction.

"What's going on?!" Jinora asked in a panic.

"Hey, that's our dragon!" Bolin cried out and ran off behind the ponies, with Asami and Mako close behind. The latter briefly stopped and turned his head to the children.

"You guys stay with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, we'll see you before the games start!" Mako cried out, his voice becoming distant the father he ran behind the two crystal ponies. It certainly was a struggle since they had four legs while the humans only had two.

Finally, the crystal guards came to a halt, stopping right in front of the Crystal Heart, which continuously spun around in between two crystallites, once rising upwards and another lowering down. The three humans managed to catch their breath once they arrived and the little dragon slid down from his chair once the two guards kneeled before the Crystal Princess Cadance herself. She was accompanied by Princess Twilight sparkle and Avatar Korra.

"Spike! Are you all right?" Twilight asked with concern, seeing the dragon covering his eyes in fear.

"A thousand pardons, O Great and Honorable Spike the Brave and Glorious." said one of the Crystal Guard ponies.

"Huh? Who the what now?" Spike asked as he stood back up, rubbing his head in confusion.

Korra then noticed her three friends panting for air. "What happened to you guys?" she asked with concern and confusion.

Bolin tried to explain, while still catching his breath, "We…we're just…one second…okay…*deep breath*…we were chasing these guys after they abducted Spike."

"Sorry about that." Cadance replied with a kind smile, "The boys take their job very seriously. It's why they're so reliable. Thanks for bringing Spike to us." she said to the guards who bowed once again before leaving.

"It's okay, Spike. We'll have the hoofponies go back for your bags." Korra said as she led the dragon to the castle.

"Uh, can they hang back a second and tell me what's going on first?" he asked.

"Wow! Is that the Crystal Heart?" Mako asked in awe once he saw the shimmering object.

"Indeed it is." Cadance said as she approached him. "Our Empire's most important artifact."

"Oooh! Shinny!" Bolin's eyes widened and shimmered as he reached out his hand to touch it…only to get slapped by Korra. "Ow!"

"No touching the priceless magical artifact that has been lost for a hundred years!" the Avatar exclaimed sternly, making the earthbender reel back in terror.


"So, let me get this straight. Because Spike got the Crystal Heart to Princess Cadance in time to save this entire empire from the destruction of a shadow unicorn king, he's this big shot hero?" Mako asked, arching an eyebrow as he watched the little dragon already getting the hero's treatment. He laid on a couch while a crystal pony fed him a variety of gemstones from a bowl and another pony fanned him with a palm leaf.

"That's right!" said the little dragon, after swallowing his latest gemstone. "More of the green ones, please? I like the green ones." he said to the pony feeding him, who gladly gave him the green stones.

"You are known throughout my empire as "Great and Honorable Spike the Brave and Glorious"." Cadance said while the dragon sucked on a green gemstone. He still couldn't believe it. In Ponyville he was an assistant, and here he was a big time hero who saved the empire. This was unreal.

"Isn't that awesome? You're a big shot here, Spike!" Twilight said as she led the dragon onto the balcony and pointed downwards. "See that? That's you!"

Spike's eyes widened and a big smile grew on his face. Down bellow was a big crystal statue of him, holding a replica of the Crystal Heart, while several crystal ponies took some pictures with it. Spike leaned against the railing, smiling in satisfaction at the likeness of the shimmering display.

"Hello, gawgeous!" he said, speaking in a la Barbra Streisand accent.

Bolin's eyes widened at the sight of it. "Wow! That is one big crystal dragon!"

"This is why we all hope you do us the honor of lighting the torch at the opening ceremony." Cadance said as she walked out onto the balcony while the pony who was fanning Spike with a leaf came out to fan him once more. "You'd be the very first dragon in the history of the Equestria Games to do so."

"Of course I'll do it! And -- bonus -- I can do it with my fire breath!" Spike gave a visual demonstration of this by breathing fire…which made the palm leaf the pony was using to fan the dragon. Spike laughed nervously at his slip up.

"So long as he doesn't burn the place down." Mako said, only to receive an elbow to the arm by Korra. "Ow!"

The Avatar shot him a glare before smiling at the dragon. "You're going to do great, Spike." she then let out a squeal. "Oh, I'm just so excited! I've been waiting months for these games!"

"And now the wait is finally over!" Twilight said with a wink.


The stadium was packed. Never had Mako seen so many ponies in one place, and with such variety. There were crystal ponies, pegasus ponies, unicorns, earth ponies from all trots of life, even a few griffons here and there. The playing field itself was shaped like a diamond, with everything already set up for the games. In a tall balcony stood the torch, majestic and beautiful, shimmering with its amethyst colored structure. In only a few minutes, Spike would light the torch.

Bolin and the airbneder children were already getting into the spirit of things, holding bags of popcorn, cotton candy, caps, mini flags and Meelo even had a soda drinking hat on him. He already gave himself three brain freezes in the past twenty minutes, but he loved it!

Asami waved a small flag and she and Bolin happily chatted. The two had become such good friends these past five months, and Mako was happy for it. He was always worried Asami still held some bad blood due to their breakup, but he was happy to see that she didn't. Sadly, he couldn't enjoy the moment as much as them.

Korra was invited to sit with the royals at the royal box seat alongside the other visiting dignitaries, dukes, duchesses, even Mayor Mare sat with them. The four royal princesses, Twilight, Celestia, Luna and Cadance sat at the highest on their respected thrones, each with a symbol of their cutie mark on the head of the chairs. Korra was surprised when she was asked to sit with them, and politely tried to decline, but found she couldn't. She was the Avatar, not a royal princess in this world so she didn't really hold any jurisdiction here whatsoever. Still, Twilight would have liked it if she wasn't alone. So in reality, Korra did this for Twilight.

Speaking of Korra, the Avatar arrived at the royal box seat and upon seeing the princess, she bowed in respect. Celestia nodded while Cadance, Twilight and Luna each waved enthusiastically, happy to see her. Korra let out a small giggle before sitting beside Twilight in a blue colored chair set up just for her. It was almost in the same form as the others, but not as regal looking, but still showed a sign that she was important.

"Thanks for being here with me." Twilight whispered to her friend.

"No problem." Korra whispered back. "I just wish the others were here too."

"Yeah, so do I. But, at least they're close." the alicorn gestured her head to only a few stands bellow, where they could see the rest of the Mane Six and Team Avatar, happily cheering on, awaiting for the procession which would commence in two minutes.

"Places for the procession, everypony! Two minutes!" Shinning Armor said to the group of ponies, each with their own flag, awaiting their cue. The prince wore his traditional Canterlot armor. The CMC were so excited, their nervousness had faded away, and now they couldn't wait to get started.

The Avatar and firebender locked eyes for a moment, both sharing the same disappointment. They were in the same place, but weren't together. However, the firebender himself would be sure to fix that soon enough.


Meanwhile, Ms. Harshwhinny led Spike down a corridor, reciting the instructions once more. "And you're quite certain you also understand exactly what you're supposed to do?" she asked, speaking in her dignified, and very, very harsh, tone.

"I stand where you tell me until you give me the signal, and then I walk over and light the torch."

"Mm. Couldn't be simpler."

As the two headed towards the open doors, the lights nearly blinded the dragon and once he stepped outside onto the balcony, his heart stopped. His legs became frozen and his muscles tensed up. The arena was most certainly larger than he had previously imagined. Too big, in fact. He had performed in crowds before, but never this many. Ponies of all shapes and sizes cheered on as the dragon stepped outside, Some even chanting his name, calling him an assortment of names like "Our Hero!", "Spike the Great and Glorious!", chanting and chanting with no end in sight. Spike was so excited before that he had nearly forgotten just how many were counting on him. His throat felt wet, constantly gulping down saliva down his neck, feeling more like he were drinking loads of water.

Ms. Harshwhinny stopped when she noticed that Spike was no longer beside her, but instead froze in place. "Mr. the Dragon, are you coming?" she asked sternly, but the dragon's little body was shaking like a baby's rattle, his ears were lowered, his irises had shrunk and sweat dripped from his brow. Ms. Harshwhinny only scoffed, "Honestly. [out loud] Would somepony help him walk?" she said impatiently. This was very unprofessional indeed.

The two crystal guards from before came up and began shoving the dragon ahead. The heels of his feet scooting across the floor for he still couldn't get himself to move.

From down bellow, Shining Armor stood firm and regal, as a prince should, as he announced the next ponies to arrive. "Now, please welcome the delegation from Ponyville!"

At the entrance, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle held up a hoop with a piece of sheet with the insignia of Ponyville on it. "Ponyville forever! Yay!" they cheered and Scootaloo came shooting right out, tearing through the paper on her scooter, while carrying the Ponyville flag.

From the teared up paper, Rainbow Dash flew out, crying out, "Awesome!"

Fluttershy flew out cheering softly, "Yay."

Bulk Biceps flew out next, stretching his muscles while exclaiming proudly, "Yeah!"

Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Rarity cheered on, as did Asami, Bolin and the airbender children. Mako cheered loudly, getting on his feet and whistling. "Woohoo! Yeah Ponyville!" realizing his enthusiastic outburst, the firebender blushed and quickly sat back down. Korra just giggled to herself. She liked it when Mako showed passion for something, and it was sweet it was towards these little fillies.

Even Twilight Sparkle was cheering, though in the very un-princess-like way imaginable. If anything, she was acting more like how Korra reacted at her first pro-bending match. At seeing the other princesses being more composed, Twilight towed it down a bit…only for Celestia to give a cheer herself, much to the others liking.

Scootaloo placed the Ponyville flag alongside the flash of all the others places and cities in Equestria before driving her scooter back to her friends, who all high hoofed each other in victory. All gamers and delegations were accounted for. The noise appeared to have increased according to Spike's ears. All he could hear were the roars and cries of the crowd. His body became even more tense and his knuckles clenched together, as did his teeth. He was so nervous he wouldn't even hear Ms. Harshwhinny stomping her hoof. When he did not respond she stomped again.

"This is the signal!" she said, repetitively stomping her hoof. "I'm giving you the signal now!" she said, but Spike only continued shaking and sweating. "Mr. the Dragon!" she called out, leaning forward into his ear, snapping him out of it.

Finally gaining the feeling in his legs, Spike began climbing up the stairs that lead to the top of the torch for which he would light up with his fire. "Don't mess this up. Don't mess this up. Don't mess this up." he kept on repeating to himself. Once he reached the top, he inhaled deeply, as deep as he could since the circle was indeed wide so he would have to give it his all. This was it, he couldn't mess this up.

But, once he released his breath, no fire came. All that did was a small puff of gray smoke followed by coughing. "Come on, Spike! Calm yourself!" he said, his eyes darting all around as the arena somehow seemed to grow larger and larger as well as louder. "Count to ten. One... two... three... thousand... fourteen thousand... Twenty thousand...! Thirty thousand…!"

His heart raced, his muscles tensed and his throat went dry. He couldn't breath fire, that would mean he would ruin the games for everypony! He would become a failure and a laughing stock. What would the others think of him? What would the princesses think?

From their seat, Team Avatar watched with worry. "Is Spike okay?" Asami asked with concern. "He's looking a little pale."

"He's not pale Asami, more of a light purplish." Bolin corrected. Only by receiving an arched eyebrow from the heiress did he finally understand. "Oooooh, you mean that kind of pale. Yeah, he's not looking so good."

The rest of the princesses and the Avatar looked on in concern. "What's wrong?" Cadance asked.

Spike tried once more, inhaling deeply only to release a very weak breath and only a puff of green smoke. "Tell me this isn't happening…" he said, his body shaking, his teeth grinding, his body became still and his scales began to shake as swat dripped from every corner of his body.

Korra looked on at the poor little dragon, "Equestria, we have a problem." she said to the alicorn beside her, who shared her same concern.

Spike was a nervous wreck out there. He kept on inhaling and exhaling, but all that came out was a cough. Ms. Harshwhinny rolled her eyes impatiently. "Mr. the Dragon! Would you light the torch already?!"

"I don't know what it is, but I just don't have the stuff today! Did you bring a match?"

"You're a fire-breathing dragon."

Spike coughed once more, "Then some cough drops, maybe?" he asked in a raspy voice. But all Ms. Harshwhinny did was growl in disapproval. "Nevermind. I'll keep trying." Spike inhaled and exhaled, but still nothing came up.

Princess Cadance anxiously turned to one of her guards, "Somepony go down and help him!" she said. The guard bowed and galloped away to do as his princess ordered.

Spike opened and closed his mouth, clicking like a match in a desperate attempt to release some fire. No matter who hard he tried, he just couldn't. "Light! Light!" he chanted to himself and concentrated hard as to get the fire out.

Korra and Twilight knew they had to do something, but what could they do? If only they weren't so far away they could light the torch for him, but they couldn't….or could they?

Korra then remembered something she read in one of Twilight's books and whispered it into the pony's ear. The princess nodded and looked around, making sure nopony else was looking. As inconspicuously as she could, she activated her magic and cast a spell.

While Spike was struggling, he let out another desperate cry, "Light already!" as if by his command, a ring of fire emerged from the torch, startling the dragon and he nearly fell off, only to regain his balance moments latter, his face partly covered in scorch stains. The flames rose up before slightly dimming down, turning into a shimmering blue color around the torch. The flames danced in the surprised dragon's eyes.

The crowd cheered while Korra and Twilight sighed in relief. "Phew!"

Spike slid down from the ladder, to find a stunned royal guard, and an even more stunned Ms. Harshwhinny. "Oh! How did you do that?" she asked.

"I'm… not sure." Spike replied with uncertainty. He wasn't even sure what he did to light up the fire.

"Oh, well. Better late than never."

With the torch lit, Shining Armor proclaimed, "Let the games begin!"

As the crowd cheered for the start of the games, Spike looked on at the torch in curiosity. He knew the flames didn't come from his mouth, so…

Where did it come from?


After the first game was over, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Mako, Bolin, Asami and the airbenders were waiting outside of the crystal arena, where Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow greeted the CMC.

"Oh! There are our little superstars!" Rarity said as her little sister ran up to her, and the two hugged while Pinkie Pie jumped up and down with glee while holding a flag in her mouth. "You were fabulous!"

Apple Bloom ran up to her older sister, who hugged her as well. "Made me sit up proud like a cornstalk in August!" said Applejack.

Rainbow Dash ruffled Scootaloo's mane. "Ya done good, squirt!"

"You three really were wonderful." Mako said with a proud smile, only to be surprised by a group hug form the three fillies. He happily returned the embrace.

Korra and Twilight also walked out to greet the rest. "Korra, did you see us our there?" Scootaloo asked the Avatar excitedly.

"I sure did. You really nailed it!" Korra said as she ruffled the little pony's mane the same way Rainbow did.

But there was one smiling face Twilight didn't see. "Hey, does anybody know what was going on with Spike?"

"He sure seemed to be having a tough time of it out there." Bolin said.

"He put things right in time, though." Asami said. Her words made the princess cringe with guilt.

"Actually, it was me." she confessed. I didn't want him to be embarrassed, so I cast a secret spell to light it for him."

"That was also my bad." Korra said, hanging her head down in shame. "I, might have suggested the spell to Twilight." she said with a guilty look on her face.

"So, what are you going to do about Spike?" Mako asked, "Have you even told him yet?"

"No, but he might have figured it out on his own." Twilight said.

"You gotta tell him, just in case." Applejack said.

"I know. I'm just afraid of how he'll take it. I know what pride he takes in a job well done."

Bolin then spotted the little dragon heading towards them. "Psst, here he comes now! Act casual!" he said. While everyone else just remained as they were, Bolin placed his hands on his hips and whistled a little tune, while Rainbow Dash put on a pair of sunglasses and crossed her hooves once Spike arrived.

"'Sup?" she said in a cool gangster fashion.

Korra was the first to call out to him. "Spike! Is everything okay?"

"I guess. I don't know." the little dragon said with uncertainty. "The weirdest thing happened down there."

Twilight and Korra shared the same guilty look and the princess proceeded to tell her friend the whole truth. "Yeah, about that. I–" but before she could continue, she was interrupted by Spike.

"I mean, there I was, trying to light the torch, with all of Equestria watching, and feeling like the hugest failure ever, and then the thing just lit! It was amazing!"

Twilight was relieved to see he wasn't disappointed, but he seemed to be taking the reality of the situation surprisingly well. "Oh, phew! I was afraid you'd be upset."

"Upset? Are you kidding? Why would I be upset to discover I can light fire... with my mind?"

"What?!" the entire group exclaimed in surprise. So, instead of Spike realizing it wasn't him who lit the torch, but that he thought he lit it with a new mind power?

"Uh, that's not what--" Bolin prepared to say, only to be silenced by Rainbow Dash and Mako who covered his mouth with their hand and hoof.

A couple of crystal ponies, a boy and girl, approached Spike, galloping excitedly. "Look, look, it's the Great and Honorable Spike the Brave and Glorious!" said the male crystal pony.

"Can we get your autograph?" the girl pony asked.

"Sure!" Spike said happily and the pony handed him a photo of him and a pencil for him to sign.

"How you saved our Empire last time you were here was really amazing!" the boy pony said, sounding like such a fan-boy.

"Aw. You know what else is amazing? Watch this!" after signing the photo, Spike stared sternly at the paper, focusing all of his mental brain power on the target. He wanted to impress his fans with his new fire mind trick. But nothing happened. The two ponies looked at one another skeptically. Was this some kind of dragon trick or something?

Spike tried as hard as he could to light the picture on fire, trying to figure out how he did it back at the arena. "Don't worry. Once it bursts into flames through brainpower, I'll sign another one for ya. Promise."

Korra only face palmed herself. This was just too painful to watch. She took the inactive and walked on over to the dragon, picking him up and giving the two ponies their autographed photo. "Okay, Spike can we have a word with you for a moment?" she said and dragged the dragon away as he called out to his fans.

"Hey, you'd better be careful with that! It might burst into flames later! Delayed reaction." he cried out to the two confused ponies. Korra carried Spike a few feet away, with Twilight in tow. The Avatar placed him right back down. "Hey, Twi, Korra, what is it? Hold on, hold on, give me a second…" the little dragon began rubbing his temples, "If I can set fire to stuff with my mind, mind-reading must be just around the corner! And I predict that you are about to ask me... to set fire to something with my mind!"

"Yeah, no." Korra replied with a deadpan expression before shifting it back to concern. "Spike, you can't light fire with your mind."

"Oh, really? So how do you explain what happened down there in front of thousands and thousands of–"

"I did it, Spike." Twilight confessed, placing her hoof over her heart. "I cast a spell to do it for you."

"In front of... thousands and... thousands…?" Hearing this immediately made Spike's previous confidence suddenly melt away. This whole time he thought it was he who lit the torch, but in reality…it was all just a big trick that he could't even take credit for.

"I'm sorry, Spike. We just couldn't stand to see you stuck like that! You understand, don't you?"

"I… I... I need to be alone right now." with tears in his eyes, the heartbroken little dragon walked away with his tail dragging behind him, his ears down and his head hung in shame, leaving his friends with watch in sadness. As Spike walked, another crystal pony approached him.

"O Great and Honorable Spike the Brave and Glorious, can I get your autograph?" he asked. But the dragon didn't even look his way.

"You should probably ask somebody special instead." he said as he walked away from the concerned pony.


After the break, Mako, Bolin, Asami, Rarity, Applejack and Pinkie Pie walked back into the entrance of the arena. "I feel bad about what happened with Spike." Asami said.

"Me too." said Mako.

"You think Twilight and Korra found him already?" Bolin asked.

"They're probably back with the princesses by now." his older brother replied. The speaks sounded off and Shinning Armor's voice was heard.

"Our next event ...the aerial relay!"

"That's Dash and Fluttershy!" Applejack said, her eyes widening in realization.

"Oh, no! We can't be late for that!" Pinkie Pie galloped ahead with the others close behind. One their way, a strong looking security guard stopped Rarity on her tracks.

"Miss? Step right over here." the pony pointed his hoof to a golden detector-like object with a shimmering surface in the center. One unicorn walked out, her horn now completely emerged with the glow. "Unicorns will no longer be admitted without a disabling spell, to prevent cheating." said the security guard pony. "And make sure you don't even try casting a spell, or we'll know it."

Rarity frowned and lowered her ears in dismay. This disabling spell idea was pretty silly in her opinion, but still she complied. She walked through the detector, and pass the aquatic looking reface, which enwrapped itself onto her horn, disabling her magic for the time being.

"Hmph!" the unicorn huffed with her nose to the air as she headed back to her friends.

The aerial relay had begun. Just like back at Rainbow Falls, each member of both teams must race across the obstacle course and return a horseshoe to their teammate. The one to reach the finish line and gain the most horseshoes in the hole wins. Bulk Biceps handed the horseshoe to Fluttershy and she flew as fast as she could. She was even faster now than she was before.

Ikki, Meelo and Jinora cheered her on. "Go, Fluttershy!"

Pinkie Pie sat on Bolin's lap while holding a bag of popcorn, which they were both sharing. "Ponyville is at the lead!" said the earthbender.

"If Ponyville medals here, we'll have eight medals so far, putting us tied for the lead with Cloudsdale!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed excitedly, tossing the popcorn bag upwards, making it land on Bolin's head. The pony's excitement shifted to worry once she realized, "Unless Cloudsdale medals here too…!"

"Not if Rainbow's got anything to say about it." Asami said, just when Fluttershy reached Rainbow and handed her the horseshoe before the other pegasus could. Rainbow Dash flew as fast as she could, thought through all of the hoops faster than her opponent.


Meanwhile, Spike was still hung up on not lighting up the torch. He had only one job to do and he blew it. If only there was some way he could make up for it. Maybe he could ask Ms. Harshwhinny if there was something else he could do to make up for his mistake. He couldn't leave the games without knowing he did something. He felt he had left Cadance down. He didn't want to do it again. He spotted the female pony signing something on a clipboard being held by one of the security guard ponies.

"Ms. Harshwhinny? I know you're really busy, but…"

"What is it?" the pony asked harshly after she was dine signing.

"Maybe there's something else I can do for the Games. Y'know, something really worthy of the Crystal Empire's admiration?"

"What are you talking about? You lit the torch for the whole thing!"

Spike looked down on his feet and kicked the dirt below him. "Uh, well, actually, that wasn't really–"

"That wasn't worthy enough for you? Ugh, for pony's sake! Next thing you know, you'll be asking to put on a rock concert." she snorted to herself as she walked off. "Celebrities…"

Suddenly, what Ms. Harshwhinny said gave Spike a great idea. "Wait, that's it!"


Meelo was literally bitting his nails as Rainbow Dash and Spitfire were neck and neck, they were almost to the finish line. First it was Rainbow, then it was Spitfire, then Rainbow, then Spitfire, and then…

SWOOSH!! The two pegasus ponies came through the rounded finish line floating in the air. With Spitfire as the lead. The group of friends cheered none the less, for Rainbow Dash still managed to make it through at the same time as Spitfire, even if she was only a few feet behind.

"We got silver!" Applejack cheered, which was just as good as gold. Being a good sport, Rainbow Dash congratulated Spitfire on her win, and vice versa. Korra and Twilight cheered as well, hoof and fist pounding in victory.

The three relay teams stood on three pedestals in a straight line, with the Wonder Bolts from Cloudsdale as the winners with their gold medals, the Ponyville team as second with their silver medals, and the Griffonstone team as third with brines metals.

"Congratulations to all our medalists." Shinning Armor said as he stood before the teams, "And now, the anthem of–"

"And I shall do the honor of singing!" Spike jumped out into the grassy playing field and boldly proclaimed he would sing the anthem for the empire. He wasn't even thinking, he just went up and jumped right in without a second thought. This could only end so well.

But while the crowd was cheering, Team Avatar looked on in worry. "What is he doing?" Twilight asked.

"Embarrassing himself?" Korra said, "This won't end well."

Shinning Armor chuckled nervously, trying to play it cool as he approached the little dragon. "Spike, what are you doing?!" he said in a hushed tone.

"You know how they always just play the music?" Spike asked before speaking directly to the crowd, amplifying his voice by speaking louder, "Well, I know all the words to our anthem, and will sing them for you now, loud and proud, to the enjoyment of all!"

Mako face palmed himself while Asami and Bolin both shared the same concerned looks. A pegasus pony flew up as the light dimmed slightly, and she shined a spotlight over the prince. This wasn't part of the games, Shinning knew that, but Spike appeared to be every determined, and there really wasn't any harm in this so, he figured it wouldn't hurt.

"And now... um... the Cloudsdale anthem, as sung by... Spike!"

The spotlight shined upon Spike, who's eyes widened in realization. "Wait! The Cloudsdale anthem?"

"They only play the anthem for the winner, Spike!" Shinning replied in a hushed tone, "The Wonderbolts are from Cloudsdale!"

"But… But I don't know the words to the Cloudsdale anthem! I've never even heard it!"

Camera's flashed and, once again, all eyes were on Spike. He felt his nerves get the better of him again. But while before he actually knew how to breath fire, he knew nothing of the national anthem of Cloudsdale.

"Sing for us, O Great and Honorable Spike the Brave and Glorious!" one pony called out from the audience.

Spike cleared his throat once the music started. He was already here, he might as well wing it. The little dragon began to sing…out of time and out of rhythm as the music played on.

Oh, we're the Wonderbolts and we're super fast

And we're from Cloudsdale which-is-a-part-of-Equestria

That we like best and we're proud and we're fast and we like it because it really has nice trees

Spike laughed nervously and the audience either winced, covered their ears, or looked on in horror at the terrible singing being displayed before them.

Yeah, we love the town because it's so cool and, and we like to fly really fast and everything like that

While the three humans watched in horror at the display, and feeling as if their ears would bleed, they instinctively covered the ears of the air children. Mako covered Meelo's ears, Asami covered Jinora's and Bolin covered Ikki's. Rarity and Applejack were baffled by the singing, and Pinkie Pie was the only one who was actually enjoying the song, bobbing her head to the music with a wide smile on her face.

"Must be a remix!" she said.

Korra and Twilight face/hoof palmed themselves, not wanting to see anymore of this train wreck as Spike continued singing the awful random song. Rainbow's eyes were wide, not knowing exactly what to say about this, while Fluttershy shielded her eyes. The little dragon wanted this to be over just as much as they did.

I kinda wish this was over 'cause it is... n't... yet... over... now.

Oh, we're the Wonderbolts and we're super fast and we're cloud– from Cloudsdale

We like it there 'cause it's really nice and the trees are cool and I hope it is over now

And... it keeps going on, la la la

And we really love the town

So I wish that this... song... was over now.

Over... now.

Over... now.

The lights turned back one and the music finally stopped. But, unlike the terrible song, Spike's humiliation was far from over. The stadium was silent, the only sound being heard was the sound of a baby crying and Pinkie Pie crying out, "Nailed it!"

The poor little dragon hung his head in shame. Once again, he blew it.


The CMC and the airbender children peeked into Spike's room, seeing the depressed dragon already packing his things. "Spike, you comin'?" Apple Bloom asked as the group entered the room.

"Nah, I got this stuff to pack up." Spike said sadly. His ears lowered down and his tail dragging behind him as he placed his things into his luggage.

"But you've been moping in here for almost the entire Games." Ikki said.

"And tonight's the closing ceremony!" Sweetie Belle said, in hopes of getting Spike's spirits back up.

"Which means we leave tomorrow. Ergo, the packing." Spike replied, dragging his body around as he did did so.

A knock on the door was heard and the two bending brothers showed up. "Hey, kids." Mako greeted, "Mind giving us a minute?" the three children complied and walked out one by one. Briefly looking back at the poor dragon in sympathy.

Meelo was the last to leave, whispering to the two, "Good luck. He's a lost cause."

Bolin nodded and gently patted the young boy on the back as he walked out. The two brothers walked in, seeing the sad dragon continue his packing. "Come on Spike, it's not so bad." Bolin said, trying o sound sympathetic, "Nobody really booed. You know, probably because they were just too fabled…fabled by your amazing voice! Right, Mako?"

But the firebender didn't reply. Even Spike was smart enough to know he messed up big time. Mako walked on over and sat down on the floor as the dragon kept on packing. "Look Spike, I know things haven't been turning out the way you hoped, but…"

"But what?" Spike asked as he looked up at Mako, not even bothering to have even the slightest hint of hope.

"And…that's pretty much it." the firebender confessed.

"You're not good at this." Bolin said, crossing his arms.

"Hey, I'm trying!" Mako sighed, "Spike, what I'm trying to say is that--"

"It's okay, Mako. I get it." the dragon replied.

"You do?"

"Yeah. There's really nothing you can say. You can't sugarcoat it, you can't try and twist it around. I messed up. Simple as that. I appreciate you guys trying to make me feel better, but it's hopeless. I messed up."

"But we don't want you being all by yourself." Mako said with great sincerity. He may not know exactly what to say in this particular situation, since he'd never had this kind of problem before, but he didn't want the poor dragon to be depressed for the remainder of the games. "Why don't you come and watch the rest of the games with us?"

"I'll buy you a sapphire on a stick!" Bolin said in a sing-song voice.

Spike sighed and stopped his packing. "Thanks, but no thanks. You guys go on ahead. I've still got packing to do."

All the brothers could do was watch sadly as the dragon packed his things into the luggage. He just wasn't budging. Mako placed a hand on Bolin's shoulder and led him out of the room, giving the little dragon his space.


"And so the Games conclude as they always do, with the ice archery finals!" Shinning Armor announced, gesturing his hoof towards a straight line of four targets with a snowflake image on the center. On the opposite end stood buckets full of ice arrows and an ice bow standing firmly on the ground. It was just like normally archery, except the ponies would use their mouths instead of hands. On account of they didn't have hands.

"Too bad Ponyville doesn't have any ice archers competin'." said Applejack, "We don't have anyone to root for."

Pinkie Pie smiled as she wrapped her hoof around her friend. "That's okay. Ponyville has thirty seven medals, and Cloudsdale thirty six, so looks like we'll be medal champs of the Games anyway! Woo-hoo!"

"But Cloudsdale has two ice archery finalists down there now!" said Rainbow Dash, pointing her hoof to the two pegasus ponies down bellow shooting their arrows at the target. Each time and arrow hit, the object it touched would turn into ice. "If they both place, Cloudsale wins the medal count!"

"So you're saying that it all comes down to this one event?!" Pinkie asked in shock, her eyes widening.

"Pretty much." Applejack said.

Pinkie Pie began jumping up and down from their seat shouting; "Omigoshomigoshomigoshomigosh!"

Korra and Twilight both walked down the stairs, bypassing numerous ponies in their seats. The two were rather surprised to see Pinkie PIe appear before them, standing on the head of a random crystal pony. "Twilight! Korra! Come take this extra seat next to me and freak out over the medal count! I'll show you how: Omigoshomigoshomigoshomigosh!"

"Actually, we were looking for Spike." Twilight replied, "Have you seen him?"

"He wouldn't come." Mako said sadly.

"We tried to talk him into it but he wouldn't listen." Bolin said, before pointing his thumb at his brother and shielding the right side of his mouth with his palm, whispering to the two girls. "I blame Mako."

"Me?! Why blame me?"

"Well, you're not exactly the best motivational speaker." the earthbender said, which was in fact the truth. At least, for now anyways. Mako still had a long way to go from this point.

"You can have his extra seat, though." Pinkie said, only to realize that the two were now gone. "Uh… Guys?"


Bored and too depressed to even care, Spike laid his back on the sofa of his room, blowing on a single pillow feather and watching it rise up and down. He didn't care about the games, he didn't care about his boredom. He just wanted this all to be over. He refused to show his face to the public until they left. But even by then who knows how far the news of his failure would spread. He wouldn't be able to show himself anywhere ever again.

"Spike?" the voice of the alicorn princess calling his name causing Spike to sit upwards in surprise, accidentally swallowing the feather in the process.

"You in here?" the Avatar called out, startling him even more. He quickly reached for an already packed lugged and opened it up in a hurry, causing all of the already packed clothing to burst out and cover him in a mountain of cloths, which he stuck his head out of.

"Uh, yeah! I'm super-busy!" Spike replied just when the two walked into the room. Unlike the bending brothers, they didn't look concern, but angry. "Look at all this packing left to do, heh. Crazy, right?"

"That's it, Spike!" Korra exclaimed. "No more hiding out."

"You're coming with us." Twilight said firmly. "Now."

Spike knew there was no negotiating with these two when they were being firm. If he didn't comply they would just drag him out of the room.

"Okay, fine. I'll come. Can I at least wear these?" he asked as he took out a pair of circular dark sunglasses and a brown fedora hat.

The two girls complied. At least he would be outside and not cooped up in this room.


Back at the games, the team were watching the ponies shoot arrows at their targets. Asami's eyes shimmered as she watched the ice take shape every time the arrows hit the target. "So, those arrows are of some kind of ice magic?" Asami asked.

"Something like that." Rainbow Dash explained. "They freeze whatever part of the target they hit. Whoever encases their entire target in ice first wins. Keep your eye on number seven from Cloudsdale – he's the favorite."

Back down bellow the stands, Korra and Twilight walked ahead with Spike behind them, now sporting a matching trench coat to keep himself from being recognized. Though, the girls were pretty sure somepony would be able to spot a dragon in a coat, fedora and sunglasses. His little body was a dead giveaway.

"Honestly, Spike, I don't see why you're being so hard on yourself." Twilight said.

Spike hung his head and rose up his collar. "I let everypony down. Twice. You two never let anypony down, so you don't have any idea what that's like."

This caused the two girls to stop on their tracks, causing Spike to bump into Korra's legs. "What are you talking about, Spike? We've totally let others down." Twilight said.

"Heck, I've probably done it more times than Twilight, if not worse." Korra said, "Remember when I was stupid enough to let a misunderstanding come between the Fire Ferrets and we not only almost lost our match but our friendship too?"

"Yeah, but you managed to patch things back together in time."

"That's not the point." Twilight said, "We mess up too. Besides, the torch got lit, the aerial relay teams got their medals -- no harm, no foul."

"No. You lit the torch. I had only one job to do and I blew it." Spike hung his head and tipped his hat lower, covering his face. "Can we at least watch from inside there? I'm not sure I'm ready to face crowds in the stands just yet." he said as he walked back to hide.

It was then that Korra finally realized something. "I think I get it now."

"What?" Twilight asked.

"Spike wanted to do a good job but we took it away from him."

"We did it so he wouldn't be humiliated."

"I know, I'm not saying our intentions weren't in the right place, but how would you feel if Celestia tasked you to do something and someone else wounded it doing it for you because you were too scared. Wouldn't you feel you've let Celestia down by not doing what she asked?"

Twilight's ears lowered in sadness. "You're right. I didn't even think of it that way."

"Neither did I until just now."

As the archers continued shooting their arrows, one of the ponies lost his balance, stumbled on the bucket of arrows and accidentally shot it upwards into the sky. The arrow hit a cloud, and its magic was activated. Before everybody's eyes, the ice began to take shape, encrusting the cloud in its icy spell. The ice began to weigh the cloud down, at first slowly but then it began to pick up speed, with chunks of ice falling down, the chunks hitting the ground like meteorites plummeting to earth. Ponies all around galloped for their lives, screaming in terror as the ice came falling down, hitting the bleachers and the arena.

"No!" Shinning Armor exclaimed.

Spike removed his glasses, horrified to see the display before him. Twilight and Korra were in equal shock, as were the royal sisters, who immediately flew upwards to protect their subjects. Celestia and Luna shoot magical beams from their horns, hitting the ice that came at them, but the chunks were coming far too quickly. Luna's wing was hit and the princess plummeted to the ground.

"Luna!" Korra cried out for the princess, who struggled to get up due to the ice already trapping her wing. Celestia, distracted at seeing her sister wounded, was hit herself.

Mako immediately took action, sending out commands to his friends, "Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, you and the pegasi steer it towards the filed away from the crowds! Asami, Bolin, take the kids and eveyrpony else out of here!"

His friends all nodded in agreement and did just that. Rainbow and Fluttershy flew up, gathering as many pegasus ponies as they could. Avoiding the falling ice, they used their strength to try and lift the thing up, but it was far too heavy. Rainbow Dash began using her firebending at the ice, but it barely left much effect.

"It's no use!" the pony exclaimed, "The ice is magic, it'll take a huge amount of magical fire to melt this!"

"Somepony cut the disabling spell!" Shinning Armor cried out to the security ponies.

"There isn't time!" one of them cried out.

Mako ran onto the arena, calling out to the princess and Avatar, "Korra! Twilight! Come with me!"

The two nodded and stood firm, unleashing a powerful amount of their firebending at the ice, alongside Rainbow Dash. But, due to the incredible weight and size of the ice, it took much longer for it to melt.

"It's not enough!" Twilight called out.

It was then, something ignited within Spike. There was one more fire breather left. Removing his poor disguise, Spike leaped into action, ran across the field, bypassing more of the falling ice and stood beside the others, inhaling deeply and unleashing a powerful amount of his fire breath like never before. The fires of the two humans, two ponies and little dragon merged into an incredibly powerful magical fire combo, which increased the melting of the ice.

"Fluttershy! Move!" Korra called out from down bellow as she kept on helping with the fire attack.

Fluttershy and the other pegasus ponies flew out of the way, the ice around everyone started to melt away. Before long, the magical ice finally gave away, transforming into steam and engulfing the entire arena. The group stopped their fire attacks and Spike pulled out an umbrella, which shielded him from the now poring rain, as a result of the melted ice. The rain came and went rather quickly, not leaving enough to fully wet the others.

Once the danger had passed, the entire crowd cheered and applauded. Korra and Mako lifted a surprised Spike upwards, tossing him up and down. "Whoa! Hey! What gives?!"

"You did it, Spike!" Korra said with great pride. "You saved everypony!"

"That was awesome!" Rainbow Dash said as she performed an happy air flip.

Celestia and Luna were back on their hooves, Luna's wing only partly wounded but nothing she couldn't shake off. Cadance, the rest of the group and Shinning Armor approached the little scaly hero.

Korra and Mako lowered the dragon down and received a bow from the Crystal Princess. "I just wanted to thank you personally for saving those ponies and the Games, O Great and Honorable Spike the Brave and Glorious." said Cadance.

You must be very proud." Mako said to the little dragon as he placed a hand on Korra's shoulder, both smiling like a couple of proud parents.

But, to their surprise, Spike on shrugged. "I guess."

"You guess?!" the entire group asked in shock.

"I just saw what needed to be done and reacted. Besides, you guys were the first to react, all I did was give that fire a little extra boost. Nothing special. if anyone else could do that, they'd have done the same."

"Forgive me for bein' blunt, Spike, but you're not makin' a lick of sense." said Applejack.

"Yeah. Besides, we never would have been able to melt that ice if you hadn't jumped in." Korra said, "We'd all be crushed ice by now."

"Well, it's just how I feel." Spike said with a shrug.

Twilight approached her little assistant. "Spike, I'm sorry I lit that torch for you at the opening ceremony. I know how badly you wanted to make Cadance proud."

"You only did it to help me." Spike said. "It's not your fault I froze. I couldn't even do one simple job right."

"You keep saying you let everypony down, but we all keep saying you didn't. You know who's really disappointed in you, Spike?...You. And only you can make it right with you again. What would that take, Spike?"

"Meh, I don't know. Can you turn back time? 'Cause I'd sure like a do-over on that opening ceremony."

"We can't turn back time, but, would you do me the great honor of lighting fireworks in my place at the closing ceremonies tonight?" Cadance asked of the dragon.

Korra squatted down and petted the little dragon's head. "Come on, Spike. You saved the Crystal Empire twice! I think you can light some fireworks."

"Mm, I guess I have to at least give it a shot."

"After that display, this should be a piece of cake for you."


As the games came to a close, each flag of each town and city was risen up for all to see, congratulating all who participated. PInkie Pie jumped up and hugged her friends. "We did it! Ponyville won the medal count, and only by one medal!"

"Hmm, wonder which medal that was?" Rainbow said with a grin before she and Fluttershy showcased their silver metals. "Bam!"

Applejack wrapped her hoof around her little sister, ruffling her mane. "How does it feel to have opened the best Equestria Games in Ponyville history, squirt?"

"Probably as good as it feels to close them!" said Apple Bloom.

The airbender children felt the warm embrace of the Avatar, who finally got to sit beside them for the final part of the games. "Did you kids enjoy your first Equestria Games?"

"It was amazing!" Jinora said, "I hope we can come back to the Crystal Empire again."

"You can count on that." Korra said with a wink. Her cheeks blushed when she felt a hand on her shoulder, and smiled at the firebender. "I'm sorry I had to spend most of the games with the royals until now."

"Well, you're here now. Just like I knew you'd be." Mako winked and received a surprise kiss on the cheek, which in turn made him blush.

"If you think this was fun, just wait for the Glacier Spirits Festival next month. I can't wait for you to see my parents again."

Mako's eyes widened in surprise, and he chuckled nervously. "Um, yeah…great." he said, secretly praying her father wouldn't murder him. Even if Tonraq already knew of their already fully established relationship status as boyfriend and girlfriend, that didn't mean he had to be too happy about it. But, he would have to wait and see for himself to see how that field trip will go. So long as there wouldn't be any falling ice clouds, he should be fine.

The crystal guard ponies marched across the arena, while Cadance and Shinning Armor stood before them, with Ms. Harshwhinny and Spike close by. The orange pony, for once, actually smiled at the little dragon. "Okay, it's time!" said Mr Harshwhinny, not sounding harsh at all for once.

Spike walked up to the line of readied fireworks. Nervous at first, but then he remembered what he had done today. he help save the Crystal Empire, and everybody here. Maybe there really wasn't anything to be afraid of. Taking in a deep breath, Spike released a perfectly wonderful green breath of fire, which lit up the fuses on each of the rockets, sending them flying and going off into the night sky, illuminating the stadium with the most dazzling display for fireworks.

"You know, it's kinda weird. No matter how many times others tell you you're great, all the praise in the world means nothing if you don't feel it inside. Sometimes to feel good about yourself, you gotta let go of the past. That way, when the time comes to let your greatness fly, you'll be able to light up the whole sky."

As the fireworks were set off, Korra came up and carried Spike in her arms. "Good job O Great and Honorable Spike the Brave and Glorious." the Avatar tickled his chin and the two hugged, while enjoying the beautiful display above them, with the rest of Team Avatar beside them.


"That most certainly was a great day for Spike. Oh, which reminds me, I should get going. The games are about to start!

Oh, before I go, I just realized something…I've already told you all the stories that happened before the Glacier Spirits Festival. And yet, I still have two more stories left. Both of which happened after the Great Change and before Team Avatar went to look for airbenders.

Well, looks like I'll be seeing you guys again for two more adventures. Until next time, keep a look out for another…

Tales of Equestria!