• Published 22nd Jun 2021
  • 745 Views, 47 Comments

Investigations: The Chess Master's Turnabouts - Rosestory

A prosecutor and A pegasus uncovers the truth behind a series of magical mysteries

  • ...

Invitation to a turnabout (2-2)

Amber Lights Apartment- Room 619- Bedroom

June 27- 8:30 a.m.

Sebastian wasn't sure what he should do once he woke up. The information given to him left him with more questions than answers, and he really wanted to learn the truth of what was going on.

All he knew was that there were two worlds, one of magic and one of technology, separated by a magic barrier that sometimes had crack in the form of randomly appearing portals, and that magic and technology has already leaked from one world to another. He also knew that two ponies had ended up in his world from theirs through the portal and that it was next to impossible for them to return back home. Now he was tasked by a princess to help take care of Cozy Glow, and he had no idea what he should do.

He also had the question regarding Cozy's psyche locks, and the advice of a "Motive behind the mask of manipulation". However, he decided that any questions he had would be answer soon, and he should focus on what he should do now. after completing his daily routine of brushing his teeth, showering and changing into new clothes , he looked over to the pillow where Cozy was still sleepin-


Nevermind, she was waking up.

Cozy Glow woke up in an unfamiliar bed. Upon realizing this, she jolted up, glancing around the room before remembering, oh, she'd moved in with Sebastian yesterday. After a couple more seconds of looking around the room, she settled back against the pillow with a sigh.

She then noticed Sebastian looking at her. "EEP! H-how long were you standing there !?"

"Only a few seconds, I came to check in on you. You ok?"

"Y-yeah, feeling good today... You?"

"I just woke up, brushed my teeth and had a shower, so I say I feel ready for the day."

"Oh, ok."

"Anyways, do you want anything for breakfast, there's cereal and milk in the fridge and some apples left over from last night. You never finished the slices . There still some on the plate. I also have some bread and eggs if you want some toast."

"What flavor cereal do you have?

"Well, I got one box of Caramel cereal and one chocolate Cereal."

"Golly! That sounds delicious, sure , I'll have that. "

"Alright, you can help if that's what you want."



Amber Lights Apartment- Room 619- Kitchen

June 27- 9:00 a.m.

Sebastian and Cozy immediately went into the kitchen where they prepared there respective breakfast. Sebastian quickly pulled out two bowls from the kitchen while Cozy glow took a carton of milk and the cereal boxes out of the fridge, using her hooves, somehow. Sebastian will never understand how that works.

Cozy sat down on the table and began to eat her cereal, Sebastian sat down on the chair and did the same thing. He looked over to the young filly who was already filling her bowl with cereal and milk, he did the same and the two started eating. Cozy glow had to admit, while the apples back at Equestria were better than the ones here, the cereal tasted better than anything she ever had.

Maybe it's because of the fact that she has never eaten anything sweet or delicious while locked up in Tartarus and turned into stone. Maybe it's just because of how tasty the extra Chocolate Cereal was, or maybe it was some sort of odd feeling she had...

... like a nostalgic feeling. A blissful and happy memory,

... like revisiting your childhood home or playing with your old toys...

... remembering the childhood happiness you once had...

... before it was taken away by something bad...




Anyways, whatever the reason, She soon found herself no longer using her spoon but now drinking the milk and eating the cereal straight from the bowl, as in she put her mouth into the bowl and started eating.

"The cereal really is delicious, huh Cozy Glo-"


Sebastian had looked at Cozy hoping to start a conversation, only to see her eating the cereal straight from the bowl, he decided to talk to Cozy about how she was eating , only for Cozy glow to suddenly fall backwards down the table with the bowl, along with some cereal and milk spilling onto her.

Cozy glow was so engrossed with her actions that Sebastian's words had surprised her, she didn't even realize what she was doing until Sebastian snapped her back to reality, it like being so focus on something that when something else happens it catches you off guard.

Cozy glow immediately groaned in pain and took off the bowl from her head, finding herself drenched in milk and Chocolate cereal. Sebastian immediately got up and went to check if Cozy glow was alright.

"A-are you Okay!?"

"I-I'm fine..."

"W-What happened ?"

"I don't know, " Cozy shook some milk off her hooves "I guess I was so focus on eating that I accidentally ... leaned back to much... I guess?" Cozy glow shrugged.

"Heh, Choco crunch is a delicious cereal , after all, " Sebastian said before he leaned down and grabbed Cozy, " Here, let me help you clean that off."


Amber Lights Apartment- Room 619- Bathroom

June 27- 9:30 a.m.

Sebastian, in all honesty, had no idea if what he was doing was right. It has already been establish that when it comes to taking care of a filly, he had absolutely no idea if what he's doing was right or not, so he was a bit nervous on if he should carry Cozy Glow to the bathtub and clean her off. He didn't know a single thing about washing an equine or properly cleaning wings , he didn't even have any products designed for pony let alone magic ones.

Nonetheless, seeing Cozy Glow completely soaked in milk, he felt like a simple towel wouldn't do, unless of course she was ok with her feathers being sticky and smelling like milk chocolate for the rest of the day. She was stuck as a stone statue for who knows how long so she should have something to cool down with anyways.

"Ok, Cozy, " Sebastian told her, "I going to clean you with a bath, but if I'm being honest, I don't really know how to bathe a pony, or how to properly clean the feathers of a wing. So... yeah" Sebastian gave an awkward laugh.

Cozy just shrugged "It's ok, you'll just need to help remove any cereal stuck on me and clean me up in places I can't reach. Just be careful. Wings are the most sensitive part of a Pegasus and are really important to us."

Great, more worry for Sebastian ,at lease now he knew he had to be extra careful with her wings. He immediately turned on the water in the bathtub . Once he felt the water level was high enough , he turned off the tap and Cozy immediately jumped in.

She began splashing around and playing with the water. Sebastian took the shower head and started washing Cozy clean. He was washing milk off of her body and using his hands to pluck out cereal from her hair. He then went over to her wings, and taking her advice into account, he first told her he was moving onto her wings now. Cozy glow nodded to him, as if telling him he can touch her wings now.

When he heard from her that the wings were the most sensitive part, he realize he wasn't kidding when her wings suddenly popped open to full length as soon as he touched them. "S-Sorry, it-it just happens as a sort or reflex..."

"It's ok Cozy, I'll be careful with your wings, I promise."

He tried to be as careful as he could when removing stuck cereal from her wings without accidentally plucking off a feather. His method of doing so was to locate a piece of cereal and move the feathers out of the way first before brushing the cereal off the wing. This method of doing it also caused Sebastian to see the skin under the feathers,

and that's when he noticed something...

In some part of her wings, the skin was slightly darker than the rest. While some parts were the same Peachey pink as the rest of her body, some parts were slightly darker, like the same skin under a shade of blue and black, there were also some faint white lines across some part of her wings.

They looked like fainted bruise marks and scars.

Sebastian wasn't sure what to say, he decided to clean up her wings first before he said anything. After cleaning the last of cereal off of Cozy's mane and wings, he could have ended things there, but he knew that bathing with water alone wasn't enough, and she would still smell like chocolate milk . He wasn't sue if human shampoo can be used on a pony, then again, she wasn't any ordinary pony...

"Um... Cozy ?"

"Ya, Sebastian?"

"Um... So, I don't have anything shampoo for ponies , but I also don't want you to smell like chocolate milk for the rest of the day, so I wanted to ask if it's ok for me to use human shampoo on you..."



The awkward silence , only disturbed by the sound of water , was killing Sebastian inside. As far as he was concerned, Cozy glow looked like she was staring at Sebastian as if that was the most ridiculous thing she ever heard, In reality, Cozy Glow was thinking inside her head whether trying shampoo from another world was okay or not.

"Um, what in your shampoo..."

"Oh!" Sebastian wasn't expecting that, he immediately picked up the bottle and read the label. "Um... sodium lauryl sarcosinate, sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), and sodium laureth sulfate (SLES)."

"Sounds like the same ingredients in a mane and tail shampoo I have back home. Sure, you can use that on me..."

Sebastian placed some shampoo onto his hands and started washing Cozy Glow's body. He got a good look at her body. Her cutie mark wasn't just a rook. Apon closer look, Sebastian could see the simple black lines that gave the rook more design and style.

He went over to the rest of her body ,expecting to see the same regular pink skin for the rest of the body. Instead, to his shock, he saw some faint marks on her skin. Like a pink background with faint purple lines, they looked , again, like faded bruises and scars. All along her body, faded so much he didn't noticed them until he took a closer look and really focused on her skin. It unnerved him.


Amber Lights Apartment- Room 619- Living Room

June 27- 10:00 a.m.

Cozy Glow was now drying herself off with a towel. Sebastian had a lot of questions in regards to the marks and decided now was as good a time to ask about them.

"Hey Cozy" Cozy looked up towards Sebastian.

"Yeah Sebastian" She said in a cheerful , innocent tone.

"D-did," Sebastian wasn't sure how to appropriately say this. " did something bad happen to you before?"

"Golly, what are you talking about?"

"Um... W-while I was bathing you, I noticed t-that there were many marks on you..."

Marks?" She was now confused.

"Y-yeah, marks, they looked like faded scars and bruise marks , and I was wondering about them."

"Huh? I'm sorry, but I don't know what you're talking about. Maybe I got them from some minor injury , I flew into a bush to help get a kite back, I sometimes fly into things by accident, I-"

"Sorry Cozy, but I doubt that." Sebastian stated his point. " I seen images of injuries from my prosecutor course lessons from Themis, and those marks are too focused. A minor hit or scratch from a small incident would leave no marks at all, or at worse a small spot or line. While I only noticed by taking a closer look, that was because of how faint the marks were. The spots and scars were quiet large."

"Really ? I'm sorry but I don't really know what you're talking about..."

Sebastian wanted to know what was up with those marks, but Cozy statement made him decide to just drop the conversation He felt as if now wasn't a good time to press this. "Um, alright..."

Cozy's Mark remembered in a mental note

The next few minutes was complete silence. Sebastian still had some questions in his head. He decided to ask Cozy Glow what seems like a normal question, one with a simple answer and no problems at all.

"So, can you tell me anything about your family ?"




Silence, Sebastian was getting ready for work so he wasn't looking at Cozy Glow, when the silence went on, he asked again. "Um, Cozy glow? You okay? I ask if you can tell me anything about your family?"

Sebastian looked up to see Cozy Glow suddenly having an unnerved look on her face. She wasn't looking at her, but instead down , as if trying to avoid looking at Sebastian . She bluntly stated "Why do you ask?"

"I'm simply curious." The human grunted as he returned to his standing position . "You haven't mentioned them once since you were here , and I would think that would be the first thing you bring up when lost in a new world."

Cozy slowly let out a deep sigh for a moment. "...why do you care?"

"I care about you and want to know more about you, if that's alright?"

"No, It's not..." That surprised him.

"W-well why, Is there a problem with your family?"

Cozy glow stayed silent. Sebastian looks at her and sees she's lost in thought, as if something is bothering her and she has all her focus thinking about it. He notices how uncomfortable the filly looks right now, as if what's bothering her is a sensitive topic to her.

"Um... Cozy? "

Eventually, she lifts her head. "Yes, Sebastian?"

"You alright, you look lost in thought there..."

"Um, y-yeah I'm fine... I guess..."


"If you really don't want to answer, then I understand. From the sound of it... there seems to be something your not comfortable talking about your family. Is there..."





"Hey, so.. um"

"OH Golly, sorry about that. So , what is it?"

Well , she sure bounce back quickly, Sebastian was a bit relived, worried that the topic of family would have offended Cozy somehow.

"I have an idea, and I want to here your thoughts."

"Sure, what is it?"

Sebastian went over to the Closet and pulled out a red coat a golden masquerade mask and a cyan mask with blue and purple mask.

"Um... Sebastian," Cozy looked confused," What are those?"

"You're disguise."

"Disguise ??"

"Well, I was thinking. Whether I should bring you with me to the prosecutor's office or leave you here in my apartment, " He began to explain " On one hand , bringing you along would mean risking someone seeing you and the chances of them having an extreme reaction is very high. They could overreact and their emotions could get the better of them, and the last thing I want is for you to get in danger."

Especially with Kay or Klavier.

"On the other hand," He continues " I don't think It's a good idea to let you stay here in the apartment unsupervised . You know nothing about this world , something might happen and you wouldn't know what to do. Maybe you end up in a situation where you put yourself in danger because of your lack of knowledge on how this world works. So I made a choice."

"Golly! You really do care about my safety , don't you," Sebastian nodded, Cozy continued, "So, what is your choice?"

" You're gonna follow me around wherever I go, and this" He raised the coat and mask "Is my solution to the problem of people seeing you. And also where you're give constructive criticism. "

"How is a coat and two masks going to help me exactly?"

"You'll wear the coat like a cape and hood, hiding your appearance, the mask is to hide your face."



"Um ... May I ask how ?"

"Like this..."

(Note: My art skills aren't the best so ... yeah.)

Sebastian proceeded to tie the coat into a makeshift cloak, that was the perfect size for Cozy surprisingly, he also had Cozy glow wear the masks, completing her look.

Cozy glow immediately flew to the nearby mirror to look at her new outfit.



"Golly, I was thinking I look ridiculous, but surprisingly , this really is a good disguise"

Cozy turned to Sebastian who smiled, "Thanks Cozy. It was really lucky I just so happen to have all this stuff lying around. The idea to turn my old coat into a cloak took some time. Heh"

"Just out of curiosity, where did you get these?"

"Well, the two masks were something that I had for some years now. Me and my friend swent to a theme park and won these as prizes at some of the carnival games..."

"And the coat?"

"It... " Sebastian paused, and Cozy felt a bit of discomfort in his voice when he continued " ... was a special reward from Themis..."

"You already mention this "Themis" twice now, what is it?"

"Ah, it's an academy for people who want a future in law. It's full name is Themis Legal Academy, and it has three course, Defense attorney, Prosecutor and Judge course. The jacket is a ... gift... from the school..."

" A gift? Golly! The school went out of their way to gift you something? What did you do to get this?"

"Um... Nothing I-"

"Now, Now, Surely you must have done something to earn this, school don't just give out gifts to their students..."


"Why, I bet you got this jacket for being top of your class , haven't you?"

Please just stop

"You probably worked so hard on studying to become a prosecutor that the school rewarded this to you for your skill and cleverness..."

Cozy Glow I beg you, please

" You were probably The Best at Themis , weren't you"

Cozy glow really meant no harm when she said any of that, but suddenly she looked at Sebastian who was crying a river of tears right now. He was absorbed in misery and Cozy could see it straight on his face. She was confused why Sebastian was crying when all she did was give complements to him, so she immediately went over to comfort him.

"Hey, Sebastian, you alright?"

"Y-yeah! I-I'm fine."

"You didn't look fine a few minutes ago, you started crying, is everything alright..."

" Yes, everything's fine..."





"A-anyways!" Sebastian changed the topic before he starts crying again. "W-we need to go right now, I'm running late to the prosecutors office, s-so come on!"


"Um... Okay."

With that out of the way, Cozy and Sebastian immediately left the apartment and moved to the prosecutor's office building.


Prosecutor's office-Room 1223- Sebastian's office

June 27- 4:30 p.m.

Well, the good news was that the disguise worked , nobody really paid attention to Cozy Glow, who seemed like a simple doll sitting on top of a cabinet, or a table, or Sebastian Debeste's shoulder. This meant that whenever people were around, she would just stay in one spot, be completely still and no one would really care about her, hidden in plain sight. Especially given how much stuff there was in Sebastian's office. She could easily be hidden with one of Sebastian's other decorations, such as next to the flower pot, or Sebastian "Steel Samurai" Statue that Edgeworth had given him.

Even when Sebastian was walking anywhere she would be sitting on Sebastian's shoulder and most wouldn't really care, and the few who did immediately lost interest the moment Sebastian lied and told them he won a doll at a prize and it was designed to sit on your shoulder, which was apparently a real thing, they actually ran into a kid with the same kind of doll, and it was a pretty interesting conversation to say the least.

If you though there was going to be bad news, then you be wrong. Nothing bad had happened the whole day, but that didn't mean anything interesting was happening.

Neither Cozy Glow nor Sebastian felt comfortable striking another conversation. The last few attempts at talking with each other went badly , with one of them getting emotional followed by an awkward silence. So for the rest of the day they decided to remain quiet and do their own respective things.

Luckily , Sebastian had a bunch of books that Edgeworth had given him to help with his vocabulary, and Cozy Glow immediately started reading those. Sebastian was actually impressed with her reading abilities, and Cozy immediately took interest in the books, wanting to know more about the world she was now in.

So Sebastian simply did his paper work with Cozy Glow flying around and reading whatever books he had, sometimes asking Sebastian what a certain word meant, starting a conversation with Cozy that ended Cozy learning a new word and their relation smoothing out to a comfortable position in contrast to the awkwardness back at the apartment.

She was now leaning against the cupboard, reading a book. The position was because the filly was told by the prosecutor about his friend Kay Faraday, and beside the cupboard was the most comfortable position where she could hide from any potential Great Thief looking through the window. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Cozy immediately went back into hiding , after which Sebastian opened the door.

"Guten Afternoon , Herr Debeste!"

"What? " Cozy deadpanned inside her head, what did she just heard?

"Oh, afternoon Klavier, How are you doing today?" Sebastian was happy that it was his best friend form Themis , but a bit concerned for Cozy

"Ah, I'm good , thanks, just wanted to ask my best friend some questions, Ja."

"Ah, sure thing Klav. "

"Okay, first, Herr Edgeworth wanted to ask you why you were late when you're usually on time, but he busy with some work, he wanted to ask you when you come by for the usual game of chess and tea at this time, but you have yet to arrive. Everything alright?"

Crap, I was so focused on Cozy I actually forgot that! Before Klavier got more suspicious, Sebastian made an excuse on the spot.

"Oh, um, s-sorry about that, I guess with all the p-paperwork I forgot... heh..."

"Ja, guess that makes sense, my Freund, especially given your first trial is coming up... Would you like me to help with-"

Klavier was interrupted by Sebastian "A-ah! No, It's alright, Just tell Dad I- ACK!" Sebastian realize his slip of tongue

"Heh, still calling him Dad, Herr Debeste, you know you can't say that word in the office..."

"Ah, sorry I-"

"It's ok."

Cozy was slightly amused at this point, Sebastian wanted to get this over with, the longer he was here, the longer he noticed Cozy, and if being his classmate at Themis was any indication, he will tell everyone about Cozy as soon as he finds out...

" Anyways, another question I would like to ask... Have you seen Kay Faraday?"

"???" Sebastian was confused, this was not what he expected " Um... No, why? Has something happened to her?"

"Ja, apparently she went somewhere at 7:00 p.m. yesterday and told Fraulein Skye She would be back by 11 :00, yet she had yet to show up even now. She's gone missing into the dead of night."

This shocked Sebastian, who's scream shocked Cozy , luckily Sebastian's "WHAT!?" was at least 3x louder than Cozy's "EEP!"

"Ja, Fraulein Skye started panicking at the possibility that her girlfriend might be in danger or worse, so we're launching an investigation into her whereabouts, that's the reason why Edgeworth is busy at the moment ."

Sebastian was in absolute shock , his mouth went wide with an eerie feeling of worry sent shivers down his spine. "H-How , When, What, Why..."

"I have as many questions as you , Herr Debeste, but for now, I shall have to go back to investigations, talk to you soon."

"And with that, Kalvier left. As soon as the door close, Sebastian locked the door up and sat down, silently thinking about the news given to him...


"Sebastian?" He looked over to Cozy "Are you okay?"

"Oh! Y-yeah! I'm fine..."

"I can tell you're not alright... I also know how you feel... "

... Sebastian simply sighed, Cozy tried to comfort him by placing her hooves onto his shoulders.

"It must be saddening to hear a friend you care about missing... But hey, don't worry, things could be better..."

"They COULD be," Sebastian stated "But will they?"

"Of course they will!"


"Heh, Thanks Cozy..."

"So um, another question... Was that the Klavier Gavin you talked about?" He nodded

"Golly, when you said he speaks weird, I wasn't expecting That..."

"Heh, ya, he's trying to speak a different language to make himself more attractive but ended up only using a few words he barely understands the meaning of..."

" So , About that part where you apparently play chess with your dad every afternoon..."

"Um, ya?"

"I remember you mentioned this once at the apartment, you learned Chess before from your dad Miles, right?"

"Y-yeah... It's his favorite past time and he decided to play some games with me and teach me how to play."

"Do you want to play some games with me?"

"... Sure, why not. It's almost break time, and I have a board here, give me a moment."

Just then , a loud grumble can be heard. Both of them stood in awkward silenc before Sebastian spoke up...

"You want to eat first?"


Sebastian took out lunch from his bag, which consist of apples for Cozy Glow and a sandwich for him. He then proceeded to arrange the chess Pieces onto the table nearby before he and Cozy played some games of chess while eating.


Prosecutor's office-Room 1223- Sebastian's office

June 27- 6:30 p.m.

"And Checkmate"

"Golly! You really are good at chess , huh"

"Thanks Cozy, you're really good at Chess too, guess it really is your special talent, huh?"


Sebastian and Cozy were both enjoying game after game of Chess, having played 34 rounds together, both of them proving to be experts at the game, and equally balance in skill. So balance in fact, that when Sebastian took the scorecard...

"And that's 17 to 17 !" He said, writing into the paper he used to keep scores " This is every Chess match so far, every time one of us wins the other evens out the score."

" Wow, really?"

Sebastian nodded. Both of them looked impressed with the game of Chess. Suddenly, a knock at the door , Cozy put her mask back on and hid into the top of Sebastian's desk, after which Sebastian opened the door. There greeting him with a concerned look is Mile Edgeworth himself.

Sebastian spoke first... "AH! Edgeworth, Sir!"

"Sebastian," Edgeworth was glaring at Sebastian with such a scary face that even Cozy herself felt shivers down her spine " may I ask why you didn't come to the office break room during lunch time?"

"AH! W-well..." Damn it, he was so focused on playing Chess with Cozy Glow he didn't come down to eat with the other prosecutors like usual... "Um, W-well, I had s-some extra paperwork and d-decided to complete those first before-"

He was cut off " Lunch starts at 5:00 and you're telling me you took 1 and a half hour to complete it?"

!!! Was he really that focus on the games with Cozy, then again, they did play 34 rounds... "A-ah , w-well, you see..."

"What I see is someone who's acting strange , or out of character ," Edgeworth stated his point " I know exactly how you tick, you always follow a schedule of sorts, and never break it unless something happened that effected your life in a big way that you had to reschedule your usual routine."

"AH! Well..."

"Don't think I don't see the chess board behind you, or the fact that the pieces appear to be in an endgame position, in fact, from where I'm standing, that game has already ended with a red checkmate.

(Note: The chessboard Sebastian has is red vs blue instead of white vs black)

!!! Sebastian quickly glance over to the chess board .

"I also see two tupperwares of food scraps on the same table, I don't think you would eat two separate meals into the office and eat them on a table with a chess board in your own office and not in the prosecutor's break room. Sebastian, what is going on here?"

"Um... W-well, you see Mr Edgeworth, I-"


Suddenly, another, more scruffier voice screamed down the hall, Cozy saw someone wearing a green coat walk towards Edgeworth.


"What is it , detective gumshoe?"

" Detective Frozen Glare wanted to talk with you , SIR, about Kay's disappearance ..."


Edgeworth seemed really deep in thought, on one hand Sebastian was still acting odd, but on the other he had really cared about Kay and wants any chance of making sure she's safe. He decided he talk to his adoptive son later and focus now on the whereabouts of his adoptive daughter.

"Fine, I'll talk to him..."

Edgeworth walked off, and Sebastian immediately locked the door.




"So... that was the Edgeworth you talked about?" Sebastian nodded

"Yeah, my mentor and my adoptive father..."

"Golly, well, guess it makes sense for him to be your mentor, if that scruffy person hadn't come around chances are he would have caught us right then and there..."

"Y-yeah. Um, I'll go clean this place up and go back to the paperwork now..."



Dream world -Sebastian Debeste's Dream

again, time is irrelevant

"Today was quite an... interesting day, to say the least..."

Sebastian was once again in the same palace, the Castle of the two sisters, and was looking over to Bishop, who was sitting on the moon throne, with the sun throne complete empty .

"Interesting to you, awkward and stressful to me..."

"Oh don't say that, Sebastian... I asked you to take care of Cozy and I say you did alright..."

"Alright? Alright!? How was it alright !? I had no idea what I was doing and now I screwed up!"

"Well, you gave Cozy something to eat that she enjoys , made sure she was clean, played Chess with her and had a good time, talked to Cozy every time she reads a book and learns a new word, slowly teaching her about your world while learning about hers , and kept her safe from potential harm by giving her a disguise..."

" But what about the conversations earlier in the morning that ended with awkard silence, or the time Edgeworth almost caught us!"

"You simply wanted to speak with her and had no idea that it was a sensitive Conversation for her, and you can't fault yourself being busy playing with Cozy to go down and eat with the others..."

"I... guess you're right." Sebastian had to admit , she had a point. Sebastian was worried about screwing up badly , but so far Cozy Glow was okay living with him. For now , at least.


"Perhaps you are wondering about what you should do next?"

"Y-yeah, I am. How did you- wait, right... You can visit my dreams, you can probably read my mind too or something ..."

" I could tell what your thinking just be the look on your face. No magic needed, " Bishop cleared her throat " as of the matter of what you should expect, Allow me to inform you of something."

Sebastian looked at Bishop with an eyebrow raised as she continued "Tomorrow, after Aaron Rivera's trial, you will be given an invitation, I recommend you accept it."

"... Wha-What does that mean!? I will be given an invatation, to what?"

"You'll find out soon enough... "

"I-You're not gonna answer my question are you?"


*Sigh* "Alright, I'll keep that in mind..."


District Court- Prosecutor's Lobby

June 28, 3:30 p.m.

It was Day 2 since Sebastian became Cozy's caretaker, and today, things went better than yesterday. Today started with no incident or awkward conversations, no knocks on the door since he arrived at the office, no one giving him even a glance while he and Cozy walked / flew down the streets, everyone being too busy to care about Sebastian's "Doll" at the police station when he came to collect evidence, and there was a perfect spot for Cozy to hide in the courtroom during the trial of Aaron Rivera.

There was even some good news that came after the trial, Sebastian wanted to protect Cozy as much as he could, so when address the issue of the "statue" , he was as vague as possible of it's whereabouts and whether the thief was successful. As such, even when Aaron was clearly charged with attempted thief along side murder, the manager himself came to him and told him how he'll just get Hazel Art Emporium to make another statue to replace the "stolen" one.

Cozy and Sebastian was just about to leave the courthouse, talking ( more like whispering ) about their next game of Chess or about the similarities and differences between their worlds, when suddenly...

"Wait a moment! You!"

They turned around to see a man who was calling out to them. Cozy thought he looked like a fancy gentlemen, like the ones you see in the high court of Canterlot, while Sebastian thought he looked like a businessman, running a company with a high net worth. In reality, he was a simple, humble servant, though you can't really fault either of them for their assumption, a black suit and tie with black slacks and fancy shoes was a pretty versatile outfit for any professions.

Golly! What does he want? She whispered

I don't know , Cozy, but he seems really addiment on getting our attention... Sebastian told her.

"Excuse me , Mister," He said, "But you wouldn't happen to be a mister Sebastian Debeste, would you?"

Sebastian wasn't sure how he should respond, so he decided to be as honest as possible with him, since he still didn't know who he was " Yes, I'm Prosecutor Sebastian Debeste, and you are?"

"Ah, sorry, where are my manners," He extended out his hand showing he had a letter in it , "My name is Paul Light , a servant working for the Mikado family , and I was told by my master to bring this letter to you, here you go."

Sebastian immediately took the letter and opened it, he pulled out a piece of paper and read it

"To Sebastian Debeste, You are invited to the annual party at Mikado mansions on Sunrise Streets , which starts at 7:00 p.m. The ticket that comes along with the letter shall act as your invitation. Signed , Mikado..."

Sebastian and Cozy was unsure of what to think of this, they never heard of Mikado family or their mansion, and why invite him of all people, if they had servants , they should be very rich, what connection could they have to a simple prosecutor like him?

Sebastian was about to give the letter back to Paul, after all, he was suspicious of why he of all people would be invited to a rich person's party, combined with the fact he never even heard of Mikado in the first place. There was also the matter of potentially putting Cozy Glow in danger, regardless of whether this invitation was legitimate or not. But just before he refused, he remembered Bishop's words last night...


"Cozy Glow, what do you think?" He whispered, Paul didn't hear, but Cozy did.

"Golly, you're asking me? I honestly don't know what to think about all this ... but if you want, then sure, we'll go to this "Mikado" party "


He turned to Paul , who was still waiting for a response, he told him :

"Alright, I accept the invitation."



Miles Edgeworth created a new chat

Miles Edgeworth change the chat name to "Sebastian is hiding something"

Miles Edgeworth added Klavier Gavin , Ema Skye, Justine Courtney, John Marsh , and Detective Gumshoe

Miles Edgeworth : So can we all agree that Sebastian is hiding something from us?

Klavier Gavin changed the name to "Herr Debeste why are you SUS"

Klavier Gavin : Yes, yes he is...

Ema Skye changed the name to "Sebastian is acting weird"

Ema Skye: My scientific analysis says he was acting weird when he came to collect evidence...

Justine Courtney : What in the name of the goddess of law happened?