• Published 22nd Jun 2021
  • 745 Views, 47 Comments

Investigations: The Chess Master's Turnabouts - Rosestory

A prosecutor and A pegasus uncovers the truth behind a series of magical mysteries

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The Angelo's Turnabout (1-3)

Author's Note:

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Sakurai Garden Park - statue Center

5:00 p.m 26 June

Sebastian Debeste never would have ever imagine himself screaming at the top of his lungs so loudly that he actually cracked some nearby glass, nor would he imagine that he would scream at all while investigating a murder . Then again, never would Sebastian have ever imagine himself coming face to face with a magic talking pony with wings.

Seeing that what he thought was just a statue of a Pegasus was actually a real Pegasus trapped in stone, seeing the Pegasus be free from stone right before his eyes, and seeing it fly move around and talk, in the same language he spoke, no less, had left him speechless and shock , all he could do was stare at the thing with wide eyes.

Once he finally collected himself , his first reaction was to give his vocal chords the exercise they would have usually got in a week or two , before stumbling backwards out of panic and falling onto the ground as a result.

"Wh-WHAT!? I- wha- What is going on right now!?" Sebastian Debeste screamed in his panic state. "Is-is that a talking horse!?" He was pointing his baton at Cozy Glow with fear in his eyes, clearly shock by the events that had just transpired and wasn't really thinking straight, saying things out of impulse.

"Hey! I'm not a horse, I'm a Pegasus Pony" Cozy Glow corrected him with an annoyed air.

"Oh! Okay! A talking pegasus pony! That explains everything!" Sebastian retorted, still freaked out over the creature in front of him. "L-listen, whatever you do, p-please don't hurt me, I had no idea you were that statue and.. well, I um,-"

The curly blue maned pegasus was amused by his reaction "Golly, and here I was being afraid of him earlier when he came close. Alright, what should I say to him?" Cozy glow then extended her hoof towards Sebastian and told him in the most reassuring voice she can "Don't worry, I won't hurt ya."

Sebastian calmed down a bit at her reassuring voice, he stood back up and regain his posture , he looked at Cozy Glow, and realize that she wasn't going to hurt him. He was still a bit shocked that he was face to face with a magic talking hor- ur Pony, but he decided that the best thing to do here was to just calm himself down first.

After taking a few deep breaths, he decided to try and have a conversation with it.


"Golly, " Cozy said "You sure do have a lot of questions, then again, your a prosecutor, so of course you would ask a lot of questions."

"How do you know I was a prosecutor?" Sebastian asked

"Well, look here , I think we gotten on the wrong hoof here, so how about I answer your questions and introduce myself, then you do the same, OK." The filly was speaking in a cherry tone that unnerved the prosecutor for some reason .Nevertheless, Sebastian thought about it for a few minutes and decided it was best to just go with it for now, so he nodded.

"Ok, So, my name is Cozy glow, I'm really just your average regular equestrian Pegasus, nothing special about me ..." That caught Sebastian's attention.


"You know, Equestria, the country I'm from, the land of the three tribes of ponies ," Cozy glow said as if it was common knowledge, but Sebastian just looked her in the eyes and said something that Cozy Glow would never have expected.

"I'm sorry, but as far as I know , there is no such Country called Equestria populated by talking ponies on this planet." His statement made her go wide eye with shock "We are currently in Japanifornia, a city in the United States . "

"The United States?"

"It's the name of the country we're in right now," Sebastian told her "Is there not a United States on the map of the world they give you?"

"N-no! The map they taught us at school had a lot of country names , but not one called the United States."

"Well, why don't you tell me a few more country names and I'll see where this "Equestria" might be"

"Um, Ok then. Well of all the countries and cities on Galia that I know, theres Maretropolis, Griffonstone, Yakyakistan, The changeling Kingdom, Mount Aris, where Hippogriffia is, Seaquestria, -"

"HOLD IT! Sorry for the interruption, but did you say "All the countries and cities on Galia " ?"

Cozy nodded "Yup, that's what I said, it the name of this planet, no?"

"Um , sorry , but no. As far as I know, this planet is called Earth. And also, no offence, but all those country names sound like something from a children's cartoon. I mean, Yakyakistan? Seaquestria? "

" Golly, really, you never heard of those countries before?" Sebastian shook his head, which made Cozy a bit nervous "Um, Why don't you tell me what countries you know ?"

"Alright, there's the Kingdom of Kura'in, Zheng Fa , Borginia, Germany, Cohdopia, Allebahst ..."

"Um , Sebastian " Sebastian stop and looked at Cozy , who gave him a confused look " I don't recognize any of those names. Like, at all."

Sebastian soon had the same confused look on his face. "Wait, really? Not even the Kingdom of Kura'in?" This time, it was Cozy who shook her head.

"B-but wait a minute!" A theory had appeared in Sebastian's head " If you said the name of this planet was Galia ..."

"And you said it was Earth," Cozy glow continued " while giving me a list of Countries I don't recognize ..."

"... While the list of Countries you gave I also didn't recognize ..."

"Oh, buck, All this time I thought I was just moved to a different country , one of two-legged apes, but if he's telling the truth then that means, I'm not just in a different country , I ... " Cozy glow's own sentence in her line of thought was interrupted, or more accurately, finished by Sebastian debeste suddenly screaming...


The realization that Cozy glow was ripped from her own world and somehow teleported to another world has slowly sunk in for both the young filly and the prosecutor. The filly looked unsure on how to react to this news.

On one hand, it meant she was now in a whole new world with a new set of rules and a different kind of logic to follow, and the idea of being lost in an unfamiliar world scared her. On the other, it meant that she was now far away from Equestria, free from her stone imprisonment with no way for any of the ponies to find her and lock her up again.

Sebastian Debeste was already unsure of what to think about the Pegasus filly, but soon he saw the look on her face. He remember that Edgeworth had told him that he should think rationally and not let emotions or personal opinion overcome him, that he should make his decisions base on facts and logic.

He had let him emotions of irrational fear take over , the worry of what the Pegasus could do to harm him, but looking at her face of uncertainty, he realize that she , like him, had emotions as well, and he realize that the filly herself might feel fear over being in an unfamiliar world, more fear than Sebastian might have for being in front of an unfamiliar creature. He also realize that aside from flying and talking , it hasn't really done anything to hurt him yet. Looking at it with a calm mind now, he realize how harmless this Pegasus could actually be.

Neither one of them really knew what they should do. Sebastian wanted to apologize for his earlier reaction and calm Cozy down, while she was still debating if being moved to a whole new world was a good thing or a bad thing. The awkward silence finally ended not by either the human or the pony speaking, but by...

"A magic Pegasus from another world, guess 1 million dollars really wasn't a ridiculous amount after all..." Oh right, Emmie was still here. Sebastian and Cozy just gave her a disapproving look, as if what she said was inappropriate for the situation, which in fact it was.

Suddenly , Cozy glow looked to something behind Blight , she pointed towards it and ask Sebastian who they were. Sebastian looked at where Cozy was pointing with her hooves and saw...

... Detective Frozen Glare, walking to the gate, with someone following him closely behind.

"He must be the witness" He thought.

Sebastian wasn't sure how the Detective or the witness would react to seeing a magic flying Pegasus, sure ya, The officers and Emmie didn't scream in panic like how he did, but given that it was the dark age of the law, these police might have too much on their hands to really care about Cozy, and Emmie probably the type of person to be ok with this sort of things. If Sebastian's reaction was anything to go by, they could have a similar, or more extreme reaction to seeing Cozy.

Not wanting to put this already distress filly in a more troubling situation, and feeling a bit sorry for his earlier reaction, he told Cozy to hide behind him. Which she did, immediately opting for the space between the prosecutors coat cape and his back. Cozy knew that if he was asking her to hide from theses people it could mean it would be bad if they saw her, so she did just that.

The sound of a rusty gate can be heard opening as the detective and the witness walked into the statue center. The detective having the most annoyed expression on his face while the witness had the most casual look on his.

The witness himself was dressed rather oddly, in that he looked like a 19th century British gentleman, including a bowler hat , fancy suit and tie and a simple black slack pants. He even had a fancy walking cane with him...

Wait, it wasn't a cane at all, it looked like a cane, but it really was just a wooden stick , after all , it didn't have a handle on it. It just had the shaft , a plastic ferrule and a golden collar, but no handle, for some reason. That was weird.

The detective took the gentleman over to where Sebastian and Emmie were standing, the detective saw the first to speak. "We're here, Aaron".

The gentleman, who's name was Arron apparently, screamed " Huff, first off all, we already been through this , I am not some mere "Aaron" that you speak of, I am Arron Rivera! "

Frozen Glare rolled his eyes " *Sigh* Sorry Arron Rivera"

"Hmpf , I'll let it slide this time," While he looked the part , if his tone and speech was anything to go by, he was anything but gentlemanly " And secondly, now that you're here, would you FINALLY tell me why I'm here? Do you realize how rude it is to just knock on my door and tell me I have to go somewhere on such short notice!? "

" *Sigh* Why don't you go ahead and ask him!?" Detective Frozen Glare pointed at Sebastian.

"Alright, then. I'll ask you why I was brought here, and make it quick. I was enjoying a book and the story was getting interesting..."

"Alright, so here's the deal. You witness a murder last night and-"

"Ah, yes. That dreadful sight. I would never have imagined seeing such horrible thing , It's a good thing that horrible girl is locked up in-" Arron immediately lock eyes with Emmie, and said eyes turned wide .

"Wh-What!? What are you doing here !? Why is there a murderer not in prison!?"

"That's why you're here. " He turned to the prosecutor. " Everyone deserves a fair trial and a chance to prove their innocents, and besides, there isn't anything that conclusively proves she killed him"

Sebastian felt a tug behind him, he turned to see a shocked Cozy. Cozy glow knew a crime had taken place before, but she didn't know what crime specifically, now knowing it was murder sent a shiver down her spine, and she reflectively tugged on Sebastian's shirt.

"Hey, Cozy, what's wrong? You alright?"

"I- I.. I" The filly was stuttering a but " I recognize him." Sebastian's own confused look made her elaborate "While I was a statue, I can see and hear everything around me, last night, I saw him push someone in an officer uniform down the ledge"

Cozy glow's fear wasn't just because there was a murder here , but also she witness it and now had a felling of dread not just because she learned what she saw truly was , but also that a murderer was right in front of her. Sebastian's attention was also on what the filly just said, he looked at Cozy, unsure of what to think.

"BUT I SAW HER!! I SAW HER THERE IN THE PARK, SHE MURDERED HIM!!" Arron screamed towards Sebastian, snapping his attention back to him.

Sebastian looked at the witness , unsure what to think of what Cozy said, if she was telling the truth, then that would mean...

No, Sebastian decided whether he was the real killer or not as yet to be seen, for now he calmly told him that " If you were to just give me your testimony, then you can leave ."


As loudly and aggressively as he was being, Sebastian wasn't going to give in to his intimidation " Listen, you got 2 options, either you simply repeat what you already said, or you waste even more of our time by screaming at me . Your choice. "

The gentleman-clothing-wearing jerk was about to say something before he stopped and heard what he had said before deciding " Hmpf, fine. But once you hear what I have to say, you'll regret both wasting my time and letting her go" He said it with an extra mocking tone towards Emmie, who just rolled her eyes and scoff at him

Testimony: What I saw

- I was simply taking a stroll through the streets of the city. I happen to walk past the park.

-I happened to glance through the gates of the park, when suddenly I saw it. Oh that most dreadful scene.

-A poor man's dead body, and that woman, standing there, looking at what she had done.

-After recovering from the shock, I dialed the police on my phone. They arrived soon after.

"And there, you listened to my testimony." He spun his stick/cane around " Now , go and arrest that witch and we're done here!"

"Not so fast , I'll need to cross examine you first before I can reach a conclusion"

" How lowly of you , you're just wasting our time. "

"Wow, he's self absorbed" Sebastian heard Cozy said. "He really thinks he's above everyone, huh?"

"Oh, We'll see about that! Arron!"


- I was simply taking a stroll through the streets of the city. I happen to walk past the park.

-I happened to glance into the park, when suddenly I saw it. Oh that most dreadful scene.


"You "happened to glance into the park" ?" Sebastian questioned

" Hmpf, of course someone as lowly as you would questioned something so obvious," His voice had an air of superiority as he said " Very well then, I'm entertain your small brain" Sebastian felt offended by his remark, but kept in to himself .

" I was walking by the park and was looking around myself, taking in my surrounding as you would on a walk around the streets. It was there when I looked to my right and through one of the small side gates of the park, I saw..."

-A poor man's dead body, and that woman, standing there, looking at what she had done.


'There are many ways that I can press this...'

"Describe in more detail what you saw, more specifically ...

> What Emmie was doing
> Where Emmie was
> When did you see this

... Where , from your position , was Emmie standing. "

"From my point of view, the girl was position to my right."

" Alright, Can you add that into your testimony?"

"Hmpf, very well, if that what your lowly mind wants. Whatever gets this over with faster"

"He... really likes to say lowly a lot." Sebastian once again heard Cozy said.

+ From where I was standing, the girl and the body would have been on my right.


Presents Sakurai Garden Park Pamphlet

" Listen here, Aaron"

"How many BLOODY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU PEOPLE !? It's Aaron Rivera!"

"Listen here , Aaron Rivera," Sebastian's voice was now a bit annoyed " There are two contradictions that you have presented to us."

"Hmpf, what kind of contradiction has your lowly mind found that my higher intellect somehow didn't noticed?" He gave a tone of self absorbed arrogance.

" You said that you had more important things to do, so logically you wouldn't waste our time. All you had to do was say the truth and you be on you way home, yet you choose to say a lie that requires further attention and testimony ."

"Oh, and what is this lie you speak of?" He still had an arrogant tone, but it had a hint of worry in it.

" When I asked you during your testimony, you said it yourself that you looked to your right and through one of the small side gates of the park, before you witness the crime"

Arron gave Sebastian a confused look as he continued, "You also claim that from where you were standing, the woman and the victim were on your right, but both these statements combine with a piece of evidence creates a contradiction."

"Oh, and tell me, what is this "Piece of evidence" you speak of?"

"This pamphlet that park staff give you , this is the Evidence!"

"Now that a pamphlet with a lot of parts, which one am I suppose to look at?"

> Park Map

"Look here , where you can see a park map."

"Hm, yes, and pray tell, how does this map contradict my statements?"

"Simple, your first statements mean you looked through a small gate, meaning you must be standing near one of these small gates when you saw and then reported the murder." Arron looked at him as if he was getting bored and subconsciously asking where he's going with this, " We can exclude the 3 gates at the bottom as there is no way you can see the crime scene from there, leaving two gates for you to be at, the one by the playground, and the one by the flower garden."

"However," He stated, " This is where the contradiction arises, you can't have seen crime from the gate by the playground because that would mean the playground equipment would have blocked your view, leaving the gate by the garden as the only gate where you would have seen everything happen."

"But, if you saw the crime from that gate, the woman would have appeared on your left, yet you said earlier that she was on your right," once Sebastian said that, Arron finally realized the mistake he made " How do you explain this !?"

"AAAAACCCKKK!!!" He stumbled back and stuttered "I-well-I um..."

"Wait a minute!" Emmie says, "This contradiction, what does it mean!"

"It can only mean one thing, Emmie, " Sebastian pointed his baton " You , Aaron Rivera, lied to us , you lied about...

> Where you were
> What you saw
> How you saw it

"You lied about where you were when you witness the crime, you weren't by the gate at all!"

"A-alright then! You lowly Prosecutor, " He looked like he was scrambling for an answer, "where the bloody hell was I then !?"


Sebastian points to a part of the map , where he points is represented by the brown square in the picture, the one right above the white circle that represents Emmie and the Victim.

"B-But that's - " Before Emmie could finish, Sebastian simple nodded towards her

"Right, where the killer was when he pushed the victim down the ledge"


"Unless you have a better explanation for this contradiction, then-"


"Huh ?" Sebastian and Cozy had the same thought "What does he mean?"

Testimony: Irrelevant Details

- I had just witness a murder, the shock of seeing such a horrible thing has left me stun that my brain was dazed.

- The events of that dreadful night might have clouded my memories, especially when the first thing I did was panic and immediately called the police.

- However, as unreliable as my memory may be when it comes to certain details, they are all irrelevant and unimportant.

- Whether she was to my left or right, or which gate I saw her from, I definitely remember seeing that girl hit the security guards in the head.

"Golly, you must be really careless if you're just gonna slip up like that," Cozy thought .

"And that's that" He said "Now why don't you just let me go home now."

"Um, sorry, but I'm not letting you go anywhere when your testimony has a giant contradiction!"

"Hmpf, you and your so called contradictions. This is a mere waste of our time."

"Oh, we'll see about that once I show you the mistake you made. A mistake so obvious I don't need to present any evidence. I'll just press that statement and we're done here."


- I had just witness a murder, the shock of seeing such a horrible thing has left me stun that my brain was dazed.

- My memory of that dreadful night might have clouded my memories, especially when the first thing I did was panic and immediately called the police.

- However, as unreliable as my memory may be when it comes to certain details, they are all irrelevant and unimportant.

- Whether she was to my left or right, or which gate I saw her from, I definitely remember seeing that girl hit the security guards in the head.


"This is were the contradiction lies, Aaron Rivera"

"Hmm, pray tell, what could you possibly mean?"

" You said you definitely remember seeing that girl hit the security guards in the head, Right?"

"Why must you lowly creatures repeat everything that I say, yes I said that."

"Well, that's the problem, it was impossible for you to see her hit him on the head, and that's because the guard was hit on the head while in the trees."


"It was dark during that time, if someone was inside the trees, it would have been impossible to see them. The killer hit the guard in the head while they were both in the trees before his unconscious body fell down the ledge."

Aaron immediately realize how badly he had put his foot into his own mouth "!!! AACKKK!"

"Exactly, If you were just a witness, you wouldn't have even known that his cause of death was being hit. How did you know!?"

"U-um w-well I urk ..."

"I'll answer that question for you, You knew how he died because..."

> You were there in the park.

> You hear the cause of death somewhere

"I highly doubt that you heard the cause of death from the police, so the only explanation is that you were there in the park, within the trees themselves !!"

"!! OH-oh yeah!?" Arron was sweating bullets right now "P-prove it!? Prove I was there in the trees!"

Sebastian pulled his conductors baton and pointed it at him as he claim "I can do better that that, I can show that you, Aaron Rivera, were the one to kill him!" He was caught off guard by Sebastian's remark.

"You were there, inside the park, hiding in the trees, when suddenly the guard noticed you, if not by seeing you, then by hearing or smelling you. When he spotted you, you panic and hit the guard over in the head and pushed him down the ledge." Aaron was extremely unnerved by how accurate Sebastian was describing the events that had unfolded .

"After recovering from the shock , you remembered that Emmie was going to come into the park, so you wrote a message in the victim's blood to trick police into thinking she killed him, and further making her look guilty was making a police call so they would arrive the exact time she would have stumbled across the body."

"Wha-WHAT KIND OF NONSENCE ARE YOU SPOUTING!!! OF COURSE YOU LOWLY CREATURES WOULD THINK OF SUCH CRAZY THEORIES, THERE ARE MANY THINGS WRONG WITH YOUR THEORY!!" While he tried to sound like a superior gentleman scolding a servant or an average citizen hearing a ridiculous nonsense, he instead sounded like a cornered criminal trying to find an exit out.

"Firstly! You claim that I know this wrench , and knew she was coming here to the park! You even said I wrote that bloody message! Do you have anything that proves so!?"

"Well I-" The prosecutor was rudely cut off …

"And Secondly!" … by Arron screaming " What motive would a high class gentleman such as myself would have to murder a guard like him!? In fact, what reason would I have to be in a park after it closes anyways !? lowly humans such as yourself obviously wouldn't know that I would much rather spend my valuable time doing something else!"

"Wow, he's annoying " Sebastian thought "But not to worry, I'll just show him the evidence and wipe that smug grin off his face."

The piece of evidence that shows he wrote the bloody message is...


Presents Photo of Bloody message

And the piece of evidence that shows he knew Emmie was coming was...


Presents Mysterious letter.

The piece of evidence that shows his motive is ...


Present either Black Chisel or Mysterious Letter

And finally, the evidence that shows he's the murderer is ...


Present Silver Chess Pawn.

"Now, before I show you my evidence , tell me ,what is the woman's name ? Also how do you spell her name? "

"Wh- WHAT THE BLOODY HELL KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT, YOU STILL HAVEN'T ANSWER MY... Ugh fine! Her name is Amy Blight, A-M-I , B-L-I-G-H-T, There, are you happy now."

"A strategy I'm all too familiar with, and looks like you just fell for the hook, line and sinker." Cozy mumbled.

"Tsk, tsk," Sebastian had Edgeworth's smug look on his face "You have fallen right into my trap"

"W-What do you mean, fallen right into your trap!?"

" The real killer wanted to pin the blame onto Mr's Blight, without knowing that the victim was instantly knock out, as shown in the autopsy report . He used the victim's blood to write the Emmie name onto the ground as a faked dying message. But the problem was, they misspelt her name , not as E-M-M-I-E, but instead as A-M-I !"

Sebastian saw the most shocked and surprise look on Aaron's face as he continued, "Whoever the killer is , he obviously doesn't know how to spell her name. So-"

"N-Now wait just a moment, wh-whats not to say that she herself wrote her name wrongly to throw the blame off herself!?"

"That wouldn't make any sense, she herself was caught in put in prison because of the message. Why take that risk when she could have simply just ran away from the crime all together."

"W-Well I-I don't know, lowly human such as her tend to make stupid d-decisions."

"Well, by that logic, you're a "lowly hoo-man" as well." Cozy glow said to herself in amusement , though she said it so loudly everyone heard, and while everyone else paid it no mind, and Sebastian gave Cozy a quick glance, the comeback hit Aaron so hard he actually had to take a few seconds to restart his brain or something.

"Really Cozy"

"Hey , come on!"

"*Sigh* Look, you see," He said, ignoring the gentlemen-by-looks-only blue screen of death moment and continued " This ties in to the another piece of evidence, the reason why you knew her name and that she was coming here, hence why you faked a final message because of ... " Sebastian shows the letter to everyone, causing Aaron to go wide eye "This!"


"This is a letter sent to Blight by someone named "Angelo" , telling them to bring a chisel and come to the park. I had found out that Emmie along with her partner in crime was planning on stealing one of these statues for some money, and that according to Emmie, her partner was already waiting here in the park, where she would have meet him . "


"Wait!?" The detective screamed "She was planning on what!?"

"*Sigh* Yes, it's true," Emmie said dejected "My family fell in debt and I couldn't find anything that pays enough , so I took up an offer."

"Anyways," Sebastian continued "While I was investigating the patch of trees where the killer would have been, I found this letter . It clearly shows that the true killer of this crime is the accomplice, who was hiding there before being spotted by Mason, and killed him out of fear."

"Wh-Well, I- um, y-you see,"

" After killing Mason, he knew that Emmie was coming here, so he wrote her name into the ground to make her look like she was the killer, but misspelt it because he only knew how her named was spoken, not spelt."

Cozy glow grinned behind Sebastian's Coat, "What a "lowly " mistake that they made." She said to herself.

That triggered some anger within Aaron, without thinking he screamed " How many times to I have to say, I'M NOT LOWLY!" Apparently Cozy said it too loudly again , this time everyone heard, though they had assumed Sebastian had said that.

"Wow! really Cozy? Wait... "

"Hey, I said that the real killer made a lowly mistake, I never said anything about you!" Sebastian tried to hide Cozy from him and the detective by going with the assumption he really was the one to say it.

"Unless of course, you're the "lowly" killer of this case," Aaron realized how badly he had metaphorically put his foot into his mouth and literally put his hands onto his mouth.

"Oh who are you kidding, of course he's the culprit, and you got the evidence to prove it!" Cozy glow said much more quietly, so that only Sebastian heard her from behind his back.

" Yes I do, " He responded to Cozy , before screaming "and this black chisel and silver pawn is the evidence proves it!" As soon as Aaron saw them in Sebastian's hand, he reflexively yelped backwards and tightly held his cane.

"Wh-I wha-um, that, I um...- I never , ummm..."


"Now slow down there, Prosecutor," The detective said, "How do I know that all these are actual evidence and not something you pulled out of thin air or something..."

" All of these pieces of evidence I found in the patch of Sakura trees where the murder took place, If you doubt my word, then you're also doubting the sight of at lease 15 police officers! Who saw me investigate!"

"*Huff* Fine! What do those things prove anyways"

"I'll tell you what they prove," Sebastian looked at Aaron, who looked like he was having a panic attack "It proves that You were the murderer!"

"Wh-How did- how Those- I..."

" This chisel had the initials A.R. on them, Aaron Rivera, even if you claim the possibility that it's someone else with the same initials, we can run a forensic analysis test to see if there are any fingerprints or blood that belongs to you or the victim or not."

" YOU CAN'T DO THAT!!" He panic and try to do anything he could to stop the prosecutor from taking his chisel

Sebastian asked "Why can't I do that? The law said that all pieces of evidence should go to forensic analysis ."

"I-um, T-the law also s-stated that ,uh, it's i-illegal to take a-another person's p-private b-belongings without t-their permission , " He wasn't thinking straight and was just saying the first things that came to his mind.

"So, you're saying this is yours?"

"Yes!" Then common sense caught up, "Wait, I-I didn't mean , uh .."

"Oof," Cozy glow was watching everything unfold around her behind Sebastian , "One slip of the tongue , like a mistake in a game of chess, you just sealed your fate..."

"Then why was your chisel here in the-"



" There is still the matter of this silver pawn," Sebastian pointed his baton at him," a pawn that will checkmate your king in this game of chess!"


"From the games of chess that I've played, you'll be surprise ... " Both Sebastian and Cozy thought at the same time.

"This pawn has dried up glue at the bottom, showing that it was glued to something. I believe that it was a part of the murder weapon and broke off when Mason was struck in the head. Now tell me, what are you holding ?"


"If that a cane, then where's the handle?" Everyone who was listening to this , which consists of Sebastian, Cozy Glow (who peeked over Sebastian's Coat) , Emmie, Detective Frozen Glare, Aaron and about 5 police officers immediately looked at the cane that the lying gentleman was holding . Low and behold , the Ferrule, shaft and collar was there, but no handle. Where it was suppose to be was instead a few clumps of dried up glue.

"Um, w-well, t-the handle broke off , o-of course, b-but it has nothing to do w-with-"

" It has everything to do with this," He interrupted " I believe that this silver pawn was the handle, and that this cane of yours that your holding is in fact, the murder weapon!"

"Ack! W-well..." He was pouring a river from his head.

"I politely ask you to give us your cane, we'll be able to see if this pawn was from that cane, and if either of them has the victim's blood on it."

"Wh-I NO!" He screeched "I-I'M NOT GOING TO-"

" Listen here, I'm giving you two options. One: You try and fight until the end, even though struggling even more will just waste more of our time, or Two, just surrender the cane to us. If you aren't the killer, then there will be no problems at all. Unless of course, you are the killer..."


"So why don't you just give up now, because I move this silver pawn to B7 and with this checkmate, no matter which way you move your king, you are now more cornered than a circle!"

"Golly , More cornered than a circle, now that was good."

"I-I-I, Ugk A-aa..."







"This, this wasn't how it was suppose to go. "

"... if only I was just more careful, maybe he wouldn't have saw me."

"Maybe, I wouldn't be here ..."


Amber Lights Apartments- Room 619- Living Room

June 26-9:30 p.m.



"Hey , Is this a Prosecutor... Sebastian Debeste ?"

"Yes, that's me .Who is it?"

" It's Ema Skye, forensic investigator. Just wanna call you that the results are in."


"The silver pawn did in fact come from Aaron's cane, and both of them had some of Mason's blood. The pawn also matches the wound on his head. The chisel also has some splashes of blood along side Aaron's fingerprints. Just thought I let you know."

"Oh thank you very much , I should expect them to be ready in court soon?"

"Yes, the evidence is in a locker at the police department. Someone will be there just before the trial to give them to you."

"thanks , Mr's Skye ... By the way, How's Aaron? ... and Emmie?"

"Aaron's in detention right now, contemplating his life choices. As for Emmie, from what I heard, she was sent to 6 months in prison for attempted thief, but she's actually happy there, knowing her family's alright."


"Hey, that was really nice of you to give Emmie's family the financial aid they needed . Though with the extreme bills that the landlord was giving , I imagine this won't last long..."

"Don't worry, that greedy criminal will pay for this, I actually check the law book and apparently the extra bills he's charging Emmie's family along side many others are illegal. I plan a lawsuit and a court trial on him."

"Heh, going the extra mile huh. Alright , that's all I have to say. Bye."




"Um, Sebastian?"

Sebastian turned around to see Cozy Glow , the filly looking at him with a confusing stare. "Yes?"

"Who were you talking to?"


Part 1 Completed : Start to a Story that was Set into Stone

To be continued in part 2: The Motive behind Masks of Manipulation.