• Published 22nd Jun 2021
  • 745 Views, 47 Comments

Investigations: The Chess Master's Turnabouts - Rosestory

A prosecutor and A pegasus uncovers the truth behind a series of magical mysteries

  • ...

NCN:Part 1- A Vision to the turnabout

Author's Note:

So, basically, life was super busy. And with so much going on , I barely had any free time to work on the story

It's been three months and I haven't even really started with the next chapter

It's probably until next year that I will finally have enough free time to start working on the story again.

I already had this story on hold for months and I don't want to keep you waiting possibly another 3 months or so for the next chapter.

And adding onto this, I reach that point in a writer's progression where I look back on my earlier works and want to change some things to improve, meaning once i have free time again, I'm not even gonna work on the next chapter immediately.

Probably also make most of you mad that I'm unpublishing some chapters to edit before republishing them.

So, with so much going on, I decided to do something special.

You see, in the recent ace attorney games, there are new DLC cases called asinine attorney.

They are basically non-canon to the main story, "what-if" short story scenarios .

I has decided that inspite being a few week late for one, and a few weeks early for another

To make a Halloween and Christmas special that shows the misadventures of everyone's favorite prosecutor and filly in an alternate timeline where certain things have changed.

Both for your enjoyment while I finish the next chapter, and to tell you all that I'm not dead nor have given up on this fanfic.

So with that out of the way...



Welcome, amazing readers of Fimfiction/Wattpad/Ao3, to Rosestory's courtroom theater!

Today's is a tale of the most peculiar kind:

As said before, this is a "what if" story that happened in another timeline, different, but still not unlike our own.

"How peculiar could it be?" you might wonder, and to that, you will soon know.

But please don't take this too seriously -- just simply relax and enjoy the holiday fun. And now, it's time for some Non-Canon Nonsense (NCN) !


Star shining Town- ???

October 31st- ??? p.m.

"My heart~~~ it screams for your love"

"But my mind~~~ it screams for your blood! ~~"

In the middle of a town , there was a wooden platform that had been set up.

Standing on top of the platform are what look like two demons, but are actually just two Rockstars dressed up as monsters each using their 'weapons' (musical instruments) to play a beautifully harmonious yet deeply demonic melody.

Said melody was perfectly coupled with the voice from the clocked woman in the middle, her voice enchanting and angelic, but her clothing and the lyrics of her chanting like a dark enchantress.

"Please forgive me my love!"

"I wish that we could be like the stars above~"

From start to finish , she sang of vampires and tragedy, of bloodthirst and lust.

And as she finished, fires suddenly erupted from the ground , all around her were immediate up roar in cheers and claps in joy.

Hidden within the trees, a pair of eyes watches the 'monsters' play out their musical 'ritual', he scowled , and gets ready to retreat back to the forest shadows when he notices something in the distance.

He immediately does a double take, making sure his eyes wasn't playing tricks on him.

After a few seconds, the creature narrows its eyes, gazing its vision , and retreats to the darkness of the forest , preparing something special.


Star Shining Town- Concert Hall

October 31st- 7:35 p.m.

"Golly," I said, once the show had ended "They really know how to put on a show, don't they?"

"Yeah," The human besides me remarks "He always has a knack of impressing others with his talent."

"Still hard to believe some of the stunts he and his band can pull, you really need to see them to believe em."


My name is Cozy Glow, most ponies know me as the demon filly who almost took over Equestria , twice.

You probably think that now that I'm free from stone, i would try to take over Equestria a third time, not even stopped by the fact I somehow ended up in another world.

However , the truth is, I've abandoned those ambitions long ago.

I no longer have any motivation or desire to take over the world, not when I finally have what I actually always wanted.

I made my decision long ago, I never want to return to Equestria ever again, I want to stay here in Japanifornia.

But enough of that, right now isn't a time to lament about the past, now is a time to have fun .

For now, that means sitting down here with Sebby and just relaxing while I listen to the surprisingly good music.

You see, one of Sebastian's friends is a Rockstar named Klavier, and he had been asked to perform some music at a fair for the town's Nightmare Night .

"Um... Cozy," Sebastian turned to her , "It's Halloween, not Nightmare Night."

"Well, it's very similar to Nightmare night, so I see no difference in calling it that."

"Yeah, you got a point , I guess," He paused for a moment "Still weird how many similarities there are between our worlds, we even have some similar holidays."

"Yeah, pretty weird..." Cozy placed her hoof on her mouth for a moment "Still not as weird as the fact that creatures you regularly see in Equestria are considered mythical in our world while some of the common animals here were nothing more than ancient text back in my world."

"I still find it surprising you assumed that Missle ,the shiba inu that we have at the police department, was a subspecies of some powerful extinct 'diamond dog' that could summon an Earthquake with it's bark," Sebastian noted

"And I find it odd that in Greek mythology, Pegasus is refereed not to a species, but a single creature who was born from the blood of a snaked maned - er haired monster who turned others to stone. " Cozy paused "I still don't understand the medusa statue you brought for me"

"w-well," Sebastian retorted "I wanted to know more about you since it was my first time seeing a winged talking horse, so i searched online for info and the statue was one of the first things mentioned, so I though-"

"Golly, no need to be defensive, " She said "You didn't know much about Pegasi and saw that statue while researching, I don't really fault you for buying the thing, I just mean it really only ended up collecting dust on the shelf next to ... THAT picture."

"O-oh," Sebastian paused "That picture," he repeated

"Still don't know how your dad has those picture of Rainbow Dash." Cozy said "In fact his whole reaction to me was just odd"

"I-" Sebastian was ready to defend his (adoptive) dad , but took a moment to process what she had said "I guess your right."

"I mean, there's that and the fact that everyone else's reaction towards me was expected, but he had no reason to just trust me suddenly after one day like that."

The prosecutor pulled out his baton and started conducting as if it helps him think "All he would say is that he had a few words with 'that man' "

They both thought back to that day when they both decided to reveal Cozy to Sebastian's friends.

Kay and Klaiver had some fairly positive reactions to her, which was expected. Kay's enthusiasm and Klavier being an easy going Rockstar meant they were ok with Cozy being a pegasus from another world, in part because of her cuteness and since Sebastian himself was ok with it.

Klavier even jokingly said he would write another song about it, while Kay wondered if she can bring Cozy along as a co- Yatagarasu , which... wasn't exactly helped by who she had experience with sneaking in vents and stealing already.

Ema's reaction was more hesitant, confusion and fear, also understandable, she was a woman of science, and Cozy being a literal living mythological creature that could control the weather had Ema off guard, though she eventually accepted the otherworldly creature.

Edgeworth's reaction was the most unexpected, at first, he was shocked , but after looking at Cozy for a bit, he then went ahead and ask her a bunch of questions about her, later, he stood from his seat , took a file from a drawer, and left.

Unfortunately, a picture from the file was dropped on the floor, and everyone looked at the picture, before instantly laughing their socks off.

They were pictures of Rainbow Dash, element of loyalty herself, doing some of the most embarrassing things she had ever seen.

After the initial laughing by everyone in the room, Everyone realized and pointed out how odd it was he had pictures of another pony.

He came by the next day to say he's ok with Cozy glow , and then he started treated her as if another friend or colleague.

"When I tried to press him for more details he just changes the topic or deflects the question" Sebastian muttered

"He looked like he was 'saddled with unnecessary feelings' every time you asked him about 'that man'"

"You can tell?"

"Is it really that surprising I can pick up of even the smallest tells that tell me what a pony- er person feels, or did you forget why I was stoned in the first place?"

"I- ... good point."

"Thank you , everyone, " Klavier took the mic and address the audience, causing Cozy and Sebastian to turn their attention to him "Now, we shall take an hour break, before we give you our grand finale!"

The curtains closed on the stage, and everyone soon left the concert venue and went about their own business.

"Well" Sebastian looked on his watch " It's almost 7:40, we might as well head to the town center fountain first and meet up with everyone else"

"Yeah, " Sebastian , with Cozy resting on his shoulders , they both begin to walk towards the town center.

"So, just out of curiosity, how are the concerts in your world like?"

"Oh, well, " Cozy though for a moment, "the truth is, I never really been to a concert before, this is actually my first music concert experience, and Golly am I glad it got to be this amazing," She smiled cutely , before continuing "But from what I hear from professor Pinkie pie, musical concerts at Equestria was no different from the musical concerts here- Hmm?"

"Yes, Cozy?"

"W-what is that?" The prosecutor followed the direction of her hooves, and his face immediately shared the same confusion and concern as his cute flying friend.

They were looking at a weirdly shaped shadowy creature hidden within the trees of the forest, it had two glowing eyes , one white a smaller than the larger blood red eye, that pierce right through their hearts. The thing stared at them with its cold dead eyes , which started to unnerve the duo.

Soon, something long quickly emerged from the shadows before quickly retreating back, the creature then winked at them before retreating back into the forest. The long thing was some kind of limb, an arm or a tentacle, it was too fast to see, but one thing was for sure, it left behind something for them.

Cozy and Sebastian turned to look at each other with a worried expression on both their faces .

"Did you see-" Sebastian started

"Creepy glowing eyes-" Cozy continued

"and a grey arm or tentacle-"

"Leaving something there-"

"Before it left." They both finished

They went silent for a few seconds while thinking about what they had just saw. Cozy soon broke the silence "Should we see what it left?"

"I... honestly don't know," Sebastian said "But i get the feeling we should..."

Both of them walked to the edge of the forest lining, where they saw a piece of paper covered with a weird grey ink, Sebastian took the paper , with Cozy looking over the shoulder, but as soon as Sebastian opened the folded up paper-


One moment, Sebastian was with Cozy, now he found himself in this stormy town, and wasn't sure why he was suddenly transported here, it was raining heavily, like the town was under a waterfall, he turned around to see a stone cabin and felt a strange urge to check it out.

looking into the window, he saw Within this cabin, two creatures were having an argument, both looked the same, they were cyclops, one eyed giants that Cozy learned about during her lessons back at Twilight's school and told Sebastian one time. One of them, a larger one with gold rings on his horns, was screaming at a smaller one with silver rings while holding a paper with Beholder's Bank being the only word he could read.

He slowly listen to the argument that the two were having, he couldn't hear everything clearly, but all he heard was the male voice yelling about 'cheating on me' and 'went behind my back' while a female voice said that he 'never loved her' and 'always stayed locked in with his research'

Suddenly, the large male drew his sword and attack the girl, a struggle broke out, after which the girl ran into another room, and the man followed.

Sebastian felt the need to turn to the back of the cabin to try and help the girl, so he ran around and turned to another window, and looked inside-

-just as the man plunged his sword into the girl's chest.

Sebastian was in absolute shock , he had just witness a murder right before his very eyes, the cyclops stood there for what felt like a few minutes , before what sounded like a door being kicked, as more cyclops , this time in guards uniform, ran in and arrested the murderer.




Cozy paused, thinking for a moment, as soon as Sebastian picked up the paper, he suddenly went still and blank in the face, it immediately made cozy worried that something happened to him, so she had been trying to get his attention , but nothing had worked, with no other option, she went into his ear and shouted as loud as she can.

"Dad Debeste!"

Sebastian immediately snap back to the real world, shock immediately caused him to jump "HUH, wh-I-"

"Finally," Cozy faced him "Do you realise how worried you made me, you can't just touch the paper and then become unresponsive like that! Golly, please, don't do that again!"

Sebastian looked confused "Um... do what again?"

"Golly, you don't know?" She said in a sarcastic tone

"I... don't ," He explained "As soon as I took the paper , a flash of light , my mind sorta became unresponsive , all I could do was watch..."

"Watch, watch what!?" Her tone became one of legitimate worry for Sebastian, reflecting what she felt now.

"I-it was horrible, I-I saw ... a wife and her husband having an argument, they were both cyclones, no - cyclopes, the one eyes creatures you talked about one time, the husband turned violet, he pulled out his sword and ..." He couldn't hold back his tears, he started crying.

"Golly, is it that bad?" She placed a hood on his back in an attempt to comfort him , which worked

"Sorry, it's just, it was like I was there, actually witnessing a murder right before me and i couldn't do anything about it..." Sbeastian realise he was still holding the paper and opened it

Beholder's Bank

"W-what the!?" he really couldn't believe his eyes, it was the same financial report that the monster had shoved in his wife face. he immediately read the rest of the paper, of which he only made note of a few


Floral Special : 170 v

Market Meat: Romantic Chicken with lemon: 120 v

Knife- 5 ls wide-12 ls long : 35 v

Pearl Shiner : 135 v

Climing Rope Lenght- 300 Is : 15 v

Empty book: x3 : 90 x 3 =270 v

>Financial report noted

'So that was what the argument was about' He thought, looking at "The wife was cheating on him'


He felt his phone buzz in his jacket. Instinctively, he pulled the phone out checked it.

Family Groupchat

Kay Faraday: I'm at the fountain like we scheduled, were are you all?

"!!!" Sebastian immediately placed the paper and his phone in his jacket , let cozy sit on his shoulders and sped to the town center fountain


Star Shining Town- Concert Hall

October 31st- 7:38 p.m.

Meanwhile, back at the concert hall, The Gaviners decided to go visit some of the nearby attractions while on the hour break, Klavier Gavin and his crew left the stage and went to whatever fair attraction interest them, they were going to take full advantage and enjoy the most out of the fair.

Klavier soon made a beeline towards the some of the carnival games that they had. He soon runs into Ema Skyes at one of the carnival game booths. He decides to walk over to her.

"Excuse me, but what exactly wann zur Hölle are you doing right now, Fräulein Detective?"

"GAH!!!" Ema turned around, and immediately faced Prosecutor Gavin , her shock replaced almost instantly with an annoyed look.

"Oh, it's the fop," Ema muttered under her breath "Hey Gavin, you startled me, just her proving that this game was scientifically impossible."

"Ah, that's good to know, " He remarked

"What are you doing here anyways? Don't you have a Halloween Concert to attend to?"

"Well, My dear Fräulein , our schedule allows us for an hour break before our Großes Finale, and I thought to just have some fun, which bring me to ask, exactly which games aren't rigged?"

"Well, if it'll make you leave me alone, try the rope ladder one, due to scientific physic, the uneven pressure you exert on the rope ladder will guaranty that you'll lose balance if you put your hand and legs on the ladder rungs, but will be a very easy win if you hold the side rope of the ladder , also make sure you're applying equal pressure with your right foot and left arm, then move your left foot and right arm at the same time. Then do the same thing with the opposite limbs."

"Ah, Danke! Fräulein, " He turned abound

He then walked around looking for the ladder climbing game when suddenly he notices some movement near the tree line, he looks over to see... something moving in the darkness, just within the trees, what look like a few tentacles wave in the wind like vines,

Then in a quick motion that caused the Rockstar to flinch in shock, they quickly emerged from the bushes and then just as quickly retreated back, in a flash.

For some unknown reason, Gavin felt a sudden urge to go to that particular spot inspite what he saw causing the logical side of his brain to tell him how bad of an Idea this was.

He soon saw a piece of paper covered in some grey ink, against his better judgement, he decided to open the paper and-


A flash of light, followed by a loud crashing noise,

The shape of a lightning formed in the sky

It was a stormy night, it was raining so heavily the raindrops poured down onto the town like a waterfall, the clouds covering so much of the night sky that not even the moonlight can shine through, in other words, if not for the street side lamps, or the candle light shining from the windows of the cabins that line the road, it would have been pure darkness.

A creature is seen walking down a road, this creature was a giant, one-eyed monster who resembles a dark gray goat with a humanoid upper body, and two goat horns on the side. His whole body was covered with some kind of coat or a robe, he had a brown backpack behind him.

It (he?) walked down the dirt road , with the nearby lights as the only indicator of where he was, he walked in this dark town until he reached a stone cabin in the far end of the road. The creature had a look of confusion, The door had been left open.

'Why is the door open,' it sounded like the creature's inner thoughts 'I thought I told Vicky to lock the door, I have the keys with me...'

The cyclops walked inside, and his jaw dropped to the floor, he was his whole house in disarray, the furniture flipped over, tings broken on the floor, the cabinets opened, the whole place was messy. It instantly hit the man, someone had broken into his home, and chances were , the burglar was still here, and his wife could be in danger.

He immediately drew his sword from his sheath, ready to protect his home from the intruder (or intruders) he held his sword close, the blade still socked from blood from hunting animals in the forest earlier. He then immediately entered the next room at his top speed with determination!

Determination that immediately died when he saw what was inside the next room,

his own wife, Vicky

Dead, in a pool of blood

Time felt like it paused completely, utter shock and despair felt down to the bone for him. He probably stood there in shock for what felt like minutes until-


"W-what is-" The creature was cut off by a voice

"This is the Gazing Guards, Ivan Stone , you are under arrest on the charges of the Murder of Vicky ' Stone ' Timm


Klavier snaps back to the real world, he was absolutely flabbergasted at what he just witness, he was extremely concerned and weirded out, he looked at the paper he opened.

Murder Weapon

Errimend Hammer's Silver Sword:

Standard Hunter T-127

25 ls wide

65 ls long

>Sword Drawing noted

Klavier took a note of the paper, then took a moment to calm down, to breath, and think clearly about what just happened.

After a while, he came to a realization, 'Of course, who else to ask about something like this than her!' He immediately walked to the direction of when he thought he last saw them.


Star Shining Town- Fountain

October 31st- 7:43 p.m.

"Kay!" Sebastian had ran all the way to the Fountain and was out of breath from running "Sorry we're late, we saw something in the forest and- Um... Kay?"

"So," Kay said , she was looking straight at their costume "Phantom of the Opera?"

"O-oh, y-ya," Sebastian smiled "It is ' debeste' movie that I had ever seen, or at lease the only good one..."

"Ah," Kay turned to Cozy Glow "and what exactly are you suppose to be?"

"Can't you see," She grinned and unveiled her wings, the usual featherily bird like wings seemingly replaced with bat like wings , and her teeth now had sharp fangs "I'm a bat pony."

Kay was confused "A what?"

"A bat pony, " She repeated "Bat ponies are one of the pony tribes, and are basically like a night dwelling star roaming version of the day loving, cloud moving Pegasi, there are even myths that some Pegasi turn to Bat ponies at night ."

"So , basically a vampire pony."

"Yup," She flew around her, "So what do you think?"

"Well, it certainly looks pretty and amazing, also somewhat scary, I'm sure, but there's something I don't get at all."

"What is it, kay?"

"I get the fabric on the wings, the fangs and even the red contact lenses, " She pointes to her flank, then her head ," but I don't get covering your ' Cutie mark' with make up and replacing the rook with three bats , or the hairstyle change."

Cozy causally plays with her hair a bit, she had gotten rid of the usually curly cute look for a long mane that curls at the tips , and covers some parts of her face, it even looks like she could hide behind her mane should she wish to.

"Well, that's mostly because it's actually based on a real life vampire pony. A kind Pegasus turned apple sucking monster."

"Oh, really," She asked warily.

"Hey, at lease it isn't as 'on the nose' as yours," She points her hoofs at her

"Yeah, I mean," Sebastian starts, "The great thief who steals the truth in the name of justice deciding to dress up as amethyst shadow, the Jammin Ninja side character who uses dark magic in the name of stopping evil."

"Hey, that's exactly why she's my favorite side character, and besides, " She smirks "You should see what Dad's got "

"What does he-"

"I didn't expect you to expose yourself out in the open like this, Cozy" They heard Egdeworth say behind them.

"Well, it's Nightmare Night- I mean Halloween, so I thought that no one who saw me would think that I was an actual- Woah!"

They all turn to see Edgeworth, and Cozy and Sebastian's eyes immediately widen.

He was wearing a full steel samurai costume, not just the steel samurai mask, but also a red sarong , and even the steel samurai chess plate with all the tube like things stickling out.

"Woah, Dad, I didn't expect you to have this" was all Sebastian could say.

"I knew you were a huge fan of the show, but I didn't think you actually have a full body cosplay of all things," Cozy commented

"Well, you see," the chief prosecutor explained " A 'friend' of mine used to work as one of those steel samurai mascots, he got fired , but somehow, he kept the suit, and he decide to give it to me," He clarified " I usually have it on display just for show, but I decided now would be a great time for it to be used practically."

"Wow, that is a strong floral scent," Sebastian noted, "I don't think you need to wash the costume so intensely like that, or at lease with so much detergent "

*Sigh* Edgeworth explained "When something smells, it's usually the B-"

"Hey guys," Ema walked in, interrupting Edgeworth , "Sorry I'm late, was too busy disproving the science behind one of the carnival games, and told everyone how impossible the game actually was. Then the fop came around and I lost track of time"

Everyone turned to look at her, She was wearing a Silver Science Shinobi costume, made sense, if her girlfriend was going as her favorite Jammin ninja character then so was she, and while a villain, it made sense that Silver would be her favorite character, in a show of magic and mythology, filled with stereotypical ninjas, the sight of a realistic, true to the facts scientific fighter would definitely stick out to her.

"Alright," Kay said "So now that everyone's here, where are we going now?"

"Well..." Edgeworth made a suggestion "I heard there was a Halloween magic display happening soon, there might be something that interest you, Cozy."

"Oh! Golly, yeah, that was what we were going to check out after gathering at the fountain, " She did one of her happy cute face "Well, I guess that's the only thing we can do, so let's go."

Sebastian and Cozy wanted to bring up the paper again, but decided not to mention it for now.


Star Shining Town- Show stage

October 31st- 7:55 p.m.

"Hello everyone!" The announcer spoke into the microphone as people were sitting down. "And welcome to tonight mystical spectacle ! On this night of magic and monsters, of tricks and treats, tonight we give you the most brilliant of spells and illusions cast by our most amazing of mages and wizards!"

The audience clapped their hands, expect for Cozy , because she had hooves instead. So she clopped those instead.

(Note for some of you, get your mind out the gutter, I didn't mean it like that.)

"First off, be amazed by the sight of... Trucy Wright!"

"What!?" Edgeworth exclaimed, shocked

"what's wrong, Edgeworth?" Sebastian asked "You look as if something bad is happening," Soon what looked like a vampire girl in a dark blue gown emerged from the curtains.

"Happy Halloween, everyone," She smiled "Now tonight, on this night of fright, I'll be giving you tricks of bright, and treats to bite~"

At the sound of 'treats to bite' A sudden rumbling sound , causing people to turn to Kay.

"Sorry, I haven't exactly eaten yet, heh ," She rubbed the back of her head with her hands.

"Um.. yeah, it's been 3 hours since we last ate and some of us are feeling a bit empty stomach," Cozy said, she was also getting a bit hungry.

"Well, in that case, why don't we buy some food from one of the stalls, then come back here."

"Oh! Sure, me and Ema will go get snacks, you guys can stay here and enjoy the show." Kay stood up, inspite having just sat down

"Alright," Edgeworth said, slightly nervous, Which didn't go unnoticed.

"So!" Trucy smiled "First , watch as I use my vampiric magic to taint these pure creatures of innocence and light, and transform them into entities of darkness and shadows!

She turned to the host backstage 'oh holy mother did I really just say that!?'

The host whispered back 'just do your magic, girl' Phoenix Wright was in the background , was laughing slight, to which Trucy pouts.

Trucy first pulls out what looks like a white feather, she snaps her fingers and the paper flashes in a blaze, before a dove appears out of nowhere, she then shows off the bird to everyone, before she announces she shall now 'taint its soul' before a flash of red flame erupts and the dove is replaced by a crow.

Everyone in the audience began to cheer at her, all expect one.

"Um... Cozy?" Sebastian was a bit confused "Why aren't you clapping? Aren't you amazed by that?"

"No, I'm not," She said bluntly "By all accounts I should be amazed, since this is supposedly a world without magic, and even back Equestria no one could just turn a dove into a crow, but all of that WOW gets thrown away when you know exactly how the illusion works."

"Wait, you know how she can turn a dove into a crow without magic?"

Cozy took it as a chance to explain in detail " Golly, It's simple, the feather she pulled is actually flash paper, which is an extremely flammable paper that creates ... well... a flash that many magicians use to hide some quick slight of hand trick, "

She pints her hooves at her "look closely at her hand movements, she hid the dove in the cloak and used the flash to pull a string tied to the bird, and on the second flash , pulled on another string hiding the dove and unveiling a crow. She has what looks like a flint and steel in her gloves, to create a spark when she snaps her fingers. Look closely, Before lighting the feather with her 'magic flame' she has her hand her her sleeves."

"Wow, that's honestly still impressive, to pull of a trick would require some talent, even if it does feel... disentranced? No... disenchanting to know it isn't real magic," Sebastian sighed "How did you even know about how it works?"

"Well, I may~ have learned a thing or two from a former magician Unicorn."

"Um...please elaborate?" Edgeworth asked




Star Shining Town- Food stall

October 31st- 7:55 p.m.

"Wow," Ema was baffled "Just ... wow!"

"I know, right!?" Kay returned "I still can't believe the nerve of that creepy pervert to try and flirt with us like that! Who does that 'Larry Butz' think he is!?"

"At lease we got the popcorn and drinks," Ema sighed "Come on, let's go"

Undenounced to them , however, a pair of glowing eyes was staring at them from the tree lines


"Wait, so let me get this straight," Sebastian repeated what he heard from Cozy "Your guidance counselor , Starlight Glimmer, used to be a manipulative cult leader of a small village who planned to remove everyone's cutie marks, and mind control them to her ideology of Equals."

"Golly, by saying things like that, you make her out like some 2-dimentional villain, but from what I know, there was some traumatic event that cause her to believe that to have a cutie mark, or a 'special talent' was a bad thing, never manage to find out what exactly it was though."

"Excuse me, but how did we go from talking about the magic show to talking about this 'Starlight Glimmer' "

" We saw Trucy's transformation trick and Cozy mentions how a unicorn named Trixie used to perform these tricks before she became co-counselor for the school of friendship. The conversation went from how eerily similar magic tricks are in our worlds performed by our own street magicians-"

Cozy continued where Sebastian was "To the love tension between Trixie and Starlight, how their so in love with each other yet are blind to them, to who Starlight glimmer was."

"Ah," Edgeworth crosses his arms and taps his shoulders, "I see, thanks for reminding me."

"You know, it's kind of odd, " Cozy commented

"What is?"

"Two gay lovers who are blind to the other's romantic feelings for them, instead mellowing down to an awkward friendship of tension and drama." The Pegasus narrowed her eyes at Edgeworth, Sebastian instantly knowing what's up.

Edgeworth notices the weird looks that the two are giving him and starts to get nervous "W-what are you two-"

"Miles! Just who exactly is 'that man' ! ? "

"W-WHA-" He reels back in shock for a moment before he composes himself "W-why exactly is this so important to you?!"

"Well, because every time 'that man' is mentioned, you always look away to your right before quickly turning back to us,"

Sebastian continued "You get nervous and are going a hard job at hiding it, clenching your hand tightly on your sleeve and tapping your leg sometimes"

"And you always give an indirect answer every time this gets brought up." She finished.

"I-NGOOH!" Edgeworth starts to visibly sweet a bit, a very uncommon sight "Look, I-"

"Hey guys!" Kay and Ema walk up to them, and Edgeworth uses the opportunity, successfully though not discreetly, to change the topic

"Ah! Kay, Ema, there you are, I see you brought the popcorn" Edgeworth smiled, slightly wavering. Cozy narrowed her eyes at him

"Hey guys, " Kay smiled back , she passed a large sized caramel popcorn tub to Edgeworth, and Ema passed a box of apple juice to Cozy, a bottle of lemon tea to Edgeworth and a soda to Sebastian. Ema gives Kay her favorite orange pop while she passes her their shared salty popcorn.

"So , what were you guys talking about?" Was asked out of curiosity

"Well, we were pointing out how odd Edgeworth was acting when-"

"Cozy," Edgeworth interrupted "Please, can we drop the conversation , the next act is happening

"Golly, sure," Cozy and Sebastian decide to drop it for the time being and just enjoy the rest of the show. Ema slightly chuckled at the hilarious antics , and opens her popcorn box, ready to eat, when she suddenly notices some weird note in the popcorn.

"Ugh, probably just that Butz trying to give a cheesy love note or something, so annoying," Ema sighed, she knew what was written in the note , and how stupidly lovey dovey it would be, and how hard she would cringe at it, but her curiosity got the better of her, and she decided to open up the note just to see exactly what cheesy love poem was written in-


As soon as Ema opened the paper, a bright flash of light blinded her, before she found herself in a dark void. At first she began to panic, but then a set of lights turned on, she soon found the source of the light, a mysterious door suddenly appeared, and the word 'AUTOPSY ROOM' glowed above them.

Ema felt that she was here for a reason, and decides to enter the room, there, laying on the bed , was a dead body, but it wasn't human. No, the body was that of a cyclops, one large eye in the head of a goat, with a humanoid , fur covered body.

She immediately wanted to nope out of the room, but found the door behind her had vanished. She looked over the body lying on the examination table, and sighed. She was a forensic investigator in training and a detective anyways. She might not be a coroner, but she at lease seen and knows the basics.

She gets down onto the body and begins taking notes, writing them down apon a piece of paper. she was worried that the fact it was a different species would make things considerably difficult, but cyclops and human anatomy, at lease in the body, seems very similar

Cause of death: Large amounts of blood loss from stab wound in the chess. Wound size no more than 4 ls (Note, what is an ls measuring unit???)

Extra notes, bruises clearly caused before rigor mortis . Signs of a struggle?

As soon as she finished writing her notes on her paper, a sudden bright flash of light blinds her, and-


Ema found herself back at the stadium. Sitting with her popcorn box on the same seat. She felt the paper in her hands and immediately opened it up.

She was absolutely shocked by what she saw on the paper. It was the autopsy notes she had just written.

>Autopsy report noted

Ema turned to her left, where Sebastian, Kay , Edgeworth and Cozy are, she immediately wanted to tell them about what just happened when a burst of flame erupted from the main stage. Everyone cheered at the performing pyrotechnics .

Ema , for whatever reason, felt like it wasn't the right time to tell them about the note, so she decided to put the paper back in her pocket and tell them later.


Behind the tree lines, a low, distant chuchle can barely be made out.

'Now all I need to do is bring them there, hopefully this plan works... hehe'

To be continued...