• Published 31st May 2021
  • 5,251 Views, 199 Comments

Enchanted to Know You - Teal

After flirting with a mare at a bar, Twilight did not realize the she had unexpectedly asked Celestia out on a date.

  • ...

Chapter 9: Fears

It caught her by surprise. One moment Twilight was laughing and enjoying her company as they had dinner, the next she was frowning and looking at her with a face of disgust. This not only shocked Sunny, but also gave her a hurt feeling inside. She had never seen Twilight give her such a look before. Sure, the alicorn had given her scolding looks when the unicorn teased her, but never had the lavender pony given her an expression like the one she was seeing now. It was worrying and it brought a feeling of unease through her.

Studying her marefriend and giving a very concerned look, Sunny stared at Twilight’s eyes to see if she was trying to pull a prank on her. But she kept up her disgusted gaze at her, as Sunny’s smile faltered.

Sunny could feel her heart drop from the sharp look, as a bad feeling began to brew inside of her. Immediately, her mind began to wander as she tried to figure out why she was giving her such a stare. Did she do something wrong? Was it something she said? Had she forgotten something.

These questions circled in her head until the source of her concern began speaking.

“I can’t believe you lied to me.” She said in a tone that revealed the anger she felt within.

Upon hearing this, Sunny’s eyes immediately dilated in fear, as her ears flattened in nervousness. Feeling herself suddenly sweating, she couldn’t help but dart her eyes left and right, choosing to look anywhere but the pony in front of her.

Biting her lip, Sunny hesitated. She had a growing feeling that she knew what Twilight was talking about, but she hoped and wished that she was wrong. Feeling her heart beat fast and trying to calm down her shaking hooves, Sunny tried to reform her smile as she fixed her eyes back at the alicorn in front of her.

"What do you mean, Pancake?" She nervously asked, trying to faint ignorance.

Instantly, Sunny saw Twilight's eyes switch from an expression of disgust to one of pure anger. The unicorn's forced smile collapsed the moment she saw that, as a whole wave of fear and sadness hit her.

"Don't you dare call me that again!" The alicorn bellowed, before letting out a long groan of frustration. “You know what you did. You lied to me, Celestia.”

Celestia couldn't help but freeze in her seat upon hearing her true name. Suddenly, everything around her seemed to be crashing down, as she stated at Twilight with fear and hurt.

“Twilight…” She began, before suddenly stopping as she felt her throat dry up. Letting out a cough, she tried her best to regain her composure, but found the task difficult under the rage filled gaze of the lavender pony in front of her.

“Listen…Twilight…let me explain…” Celestia eventually managed to say, before suddenly being cut off by the angry alicorn in front of her.

“Explain what? That you lied to me? Tricked me into believing that you were somepony else?”

Hearing this being spat out by somepony she loved, Celestia couldn’t help but hang her head, as she closed her eyes and tried to prevent her tears from spilling. How did she find out? How was she going to explain to Twilight why she did it?

Opening her eyes, she tried to will herself to look up and meet Twilight’s gaze. However, before she could do so, she noticed a small bit of her multicolored mane flow into her view. Immediately, her eyes went wide upon seeing this. Unable to help herself, she began inspecting her body in order to have the growing suspicion within her be confirmed. Her disguise spell had failed.

Frowning, she wondered how it could have failed. That had never happened before and yet it did.

Seemingly noticing her frown, the alicorn in front of her let out a growl of annoyance.

“What, sad that your disguise is gone?” She said in an icy tone.

Snapping away from thoughts on how her spell failed, Celestia stared back at Twilight and tried to explain herself. But before she could utter a comprehensible sentence, a sharp pain suddenly erupted on her left cheek.

It had caught her off guard and she found herself staring blankly to the side. Slowly, with a shaky hoof, she touched the source of the pain and felt it sting. Twilight had slapped her. Suddenly the tears she tried to hold back finally began to spill, as she felt a stream suddenly roll down her face.

“Twilight…” She managed to utter, as she turned her head to once more face the angry lavender pony.

“You’re pathetic, Celestia.” Twilight hissed. “You’re pathetic for lying to me and you’re pathetic for crying right now when you’re the one who's at fault.”

Celestia opened her mouth to speak, but found no words to say.

“I can’t believe I ever loved you. You’re an old alicorn who just likes to manipulate those close to her.” Twilight spat, breaking the white alicorn’s heart even more.

“I…I’m sorry…” The Solar Princess cries out, as her tears rained down and her body shook from the emotional pain her sadness brought. She had ruined things, she had broken Twilight’s trust. Despite the pain her words brought, she knew that all she said was true. She deserved this.


The cry came loud, as that single word suddenly echoed in Celestia’s ears. For a moment, she was brought away from her sorrow, as she curiously looked around for the source of the cry. To her surprise, the world around her suddenly disappeared, as it all faded into shadows. Looking at Twilight, she watched on with surprise as she dissipated and joined the shadows as they disappeared.

Eventually, the world around her became nothing but an empty white void. She felt alone there and for a moment fear and uncertainty riddled her mind. However, a familiar looking blue alicorn soon manifested and instantly calmed her.

The moment she saw her sister Celestia couldn’t help but rush up to her and pull her into a tight hug. The pain of everything that had just occurred was just too much and the white alicorn ended up crying and soaking the younger princess’ fur with her tears.

“It’s okay, Tia, it was just a nightmare.”

“A nightmare that could come true…” Celestia finally managed to say as she calmed down a bit. Pulling away from the hug, she sat in the empty void they were in, as images of the nightmare flashed before her eyes.

“Now, sister, I doubt that Twilight is capable of becoming so harsh. What you saw was just a creation of your own fears.”

Celestia was silent for a moment.

“Luna…I’m scared…” The white alicorn eventually said. “I’m scared of losing her… I’m scared of what she might say… I’m scared that she will hate me forever…

“You must tell her eventually, Tia. Preferably soon. The longer you hold this facade, the more painful it will be once she learns the truth.

Celestia hung her head upon hearing this, as her ears dropped in sadness.

“A relationship cannot live on a lie, Tia, you should know that.” The younger alicorn said sternly.

“Funny, Cadence said something similar…” Celestia said, as she looked up to meet Luna’s gaze. She could see that the Lunar alicorn’s eyes were filled with worry.

“She and I are not comfortable with what you’re doing. We understand why you’re doing it, but we also feel sorry for Twilight. I have been patient with you, but I must stress the urgency of revealing it to her.”

“I’ll tell her eventually…” The white alicorn began. “I’m just not ready yet…”

“And when is this eventually you speak of?” Luna asked with a raised eyebrow.


“No.” Her sister said, as she shook her head. “That’s not good enough, Tia. This delay has been hurting you and I need you to promise me that you’ll tell her in your next meeting tomorrow.”

“Luna…I can’t…”

“Yes, you can. You need to be brave, Tia.”

Unable to reply, Celestia just looked away from her sister. However, what her sister said was true. The fear and anxiety of what may occur had been plaguing her thoughts more and more recently. Even Twilight was beginning to notice it whenever they were together. She knew she had to face her fears, no matter what the outcome.

“Fine.” She said. “I’ll tell her. But only after I spend one more full day with her. If things turn…sourly…I want us to at least have one last good day together.”

“Good enough.” Luna said with a sigh. Then, looking back at Celestia, the younger alicorn gave her a concerned look. “Get rest, sister, you have a big day tomorrow.”

“I’ll try…” The white alicron said, as she looked down to try and hide the fear that was showing on her face. The thought of the nightmare recurring frightened her and she wished that she could just wake up now and stay awake till she had to raise the sun.

Feeling a hoof on her shoulder, Celestia looked up to see Luna giving her a gentle look. “Worry not sister…” She said. “...I’ll make sure that you’ll have gentle dreams for the rest of the night.”

The older alicorn smiled at this and once again pulled her sister into a hug. “Thank you.”

“No need to thank me, sister, it is my duty after all. Now close your eyes and once you open them again you will find yourself in a sweet dream.”

Celestia nodded and did as she was told. Waiting for a couple of seconds, she opened her eyes to find herself laying on a blanket with Twilight comfortably snuggling up to her. Smiling at this, she snuggled closer to Twilight, as she couldn’t help but be thankful for having a wonderful sister like Luna.

Sunny couldn’t help but feel nervous as she trotted beside Twilight. The moment she dreaded came closer and closer as each second passed. Glancing towards the alicorn beside her, she saw the mare smile happily, as she hummed the tune of a love song that they both liked. Smiling at the beautiful sight, the white unicorn couldn’t help but feel so much love for her marefriend. She was all that she could have ever wished for and it made her happy to be with her. Too bad the moment that might break it all fast approached them.

They had an amazing day. Visiting her at Canterlot, Twilight treated Sunny to a wonderful date, as they watched a movie, galloped around the park like little fillies, and even went antiquing at some of the city’s oldest shops. Sunny had to admit, antiquing was not her cup of tea, but to see her marefriend so happy while explaining the history behind each artifact did make the whole experience very enjoyable.

Finally, they ended the day by heading to the same bar they first met at, the Atrium. It was hard to believe that it was more than a month since the night they had met. Twilight always got embarrassed whenever the unicorn reminded her how forward she was that night, but in the end the alicorn would always admit that her drunken state had brought her the most important mare in her life. The thought of that made Sunny smile and for a moment she forgot the worry she had been carrying inside of her all day.

But now that the sun had set and the perfect day was over, she couldn’t help but feel the feeling slowly creep back. She was scared and she tried her best to be brave and do what she knew she had to do.

Trotting along a quiet sidewalk, the two ponies took their time as they made their way to Sunny’s apartment. With Twilight staying in the city for the weekend, the unicorn thought that it was only right to let her stay with her throughout her stay. However, a voice in her head was whispering to her that the planned overnight stay would not last long after she confessed the truth.

The closer they got to her apartment, the louder the voice seemed to be. Over and over, she could hear it pester her mind, flooding her with words that she didn’t want to hear during that moment.

‘She’s going to leave.’

‘She will be disgusted with you.’

‘She will never forgive you.’

‘You will be alone forever.’

Sunny did her best to fight this awful voice and shove away its words, but no matter how hard she tried they kept on coming louder and louder. Eventually, the troubled expression she was making as she fought this internal battle must have been very evident, as Twilight suddenly stopped and turned to her with a worried look.

“Are you okay?” She asked, a concerned frown plastered on her face.

Feeling unsure of herself, but knowing that she had to act calm till it was the right moment to tell her, Sunny simply nodded and did her best to look happy.

“Yup!” She said, as she internally cursed herself for sounding suspiciously happy. “Never been better.”

“Are you sure?” The lavender alicorn insisted. “You look a bit troubled for a second. Is there something wrong?”

“No, nothing’s wrong.” Sunny tried to assure her marefriend. Then, looking around, she realized where they were and saw that they were near her apartment already. “Hey, look, there’s my place! Race you there, Pancake!”

With that, the white unicorn began galloping towards a single-story apartment and the purple door that led into it. From behind her, she could hear the surprised shout of the alicorn mare she had just challenged.

“Hey, no fair! I don’t even know which place is yours!”

Hearing the sound of hooves galloping behind her, Sunny momentarily forgot her internal worries, as she concentrated on winning the small race. She knew that it was not a good solution to the problem that plagued her, but she was bent on enjoying every last moment of this date they had, because she knew that it may become the last.

Eventually turning from the sidewalk and racing towards her apartment’s entrance, she gave a triumphant smile as she stopped just before the door. Turning around, she got ready to brag about her small victory. However, just as she was about to face her marefriend, the unicorn suddenly felt something impact her, as she was suddenly pushed back. Closing her eyes in shock and pain, she suddenly found herself tumbling on her back. Momentarily confused, she tried her best to find her bearings and soon realized that she was now laying on her back.

Opening her eyes slowly, she was surprised to see a pair of purple eyes staring directly at her. She then felt something pressing against her muzzle and soon realized that the alicorn’s nose was pressing against hers, while their lips touched in a kiss. Through her peripherals, the unicorn also noticed her head was right between the alicorn’s hooves.

Realizing the position they were in, Sunny couldn’t help but smile as Twilight pulled her head back and broke off the unexpected kiss.

“My, my, my, Pancake, I didn’t know that you wanted to be the top.” The unicorn teased.

“Wha…what?” The alicorn asked, as Sunny watched her eyes dilate and cheeks blush a bright red. Eyes staring down at the unicron, the alicorn then saw the position they were in and immediately let out an embarrassed squeak.

“Oh my, Celestia, I am so sorry!” Twilight apologized, as she immediately hopped off from the intimate looking position. “I was galloping too fast… You suddenly stopped… I couldn’t control my speed…”

The frantic attempts to explain what happened continued as Sunny got up and dusted herself off. Turning to the panicking lavender pony, she couldn’t help but smile at how cute the other mare was during such momentas. Twilight really was a beautiful mare and she felt so lucky having her.

Wanting to calm down her worried marefriend before she ends up hurting herself from overexplaining, Sunny slowly leaned towards the alicorn and placed a gentle hoof on her shoulder. Moving her head closer to the mare, she eventually brought her muzzle towards her ear and let out a soft whisper:

“Don’t worry, Pancake, I think I like having you on top.”

With that, Twilight suddenly went silent, but her blush grew even brighter. Stunned and suddenly frozen, the lavender pony simply stared at the unicorn, unsure what to say.

Giggling, Sunny shook her head and moved to unlock her apartment door. Once open, she took a step inside and gestured for her marefriend to follow.

“Come on, Pancake, don’t just stand there. It’s not healthy standing out in the cold night when you can have me keeping you warm in bed.” She said with a wink of the eye.

Snapping out of her moment of shock, the lavender alicorn shook her head and started to step inside.

“You know, you can be mean sometimes with all that teasing you do.” Twilight eventually said, although a small grin could be seen on her face.

“You know you like it!” Sunny said, as the alicorn trotted inside and closed the door behind her. “Anyways, welcome to my home! It’s no castle, but it’s cozy.”

The apartment was the only one she and her sister could find in the competitive market of housing. Two bedrooms, one bathroom, a kitchen, and a living room, the rent for the place was quite expensive. Deep inside, the conservative part of the unicorn regretted spending so much for an apartment that was barely used.

“Thanks again for letting me stay for the weekend. Are you sure your sister is okay having me here? It’s her apartment too, right?”

“Oh, Aurora likes you so she wouldn’t mind. She would be welcoming you here herself if she wasn’t away in Baltimare for work. Speaking of her, I forgot to ask something. Did you two talk about anything when you met last week?” Sunny said, giving the alicorn a suspicious glare.

“Oh, nothing important…” Twilight said, but the mischievous grin on her face did not convince Sunny.

“Really?” She prodded.

“Of course, my little scaredy chicken…” The alicorn said with an evil grin, as she emphasized the last word. This made Sunny’s heart drop in realization at what she just heard.

“No…” The unicorn began, eyes narrowed at her marefriend. “She…she told you about the chicken incident, didn’t she?”

“Maybe.” Twilight said, her grin still present as her eyes looked away from the unicorn.

Sighing, Sunny rolled her eyes as she hoped that her sister didn’t spill any other embarrassing stories about her. However, knowing her sister, she doubted that she didn’t tell Twilight everything.

Settling in the apartment, the two eventually ended up on the sofa, chatting away about the rest of their week and their plans to do next week. However, the moment they started talking about future plans, Sunny couldn’t help but feel a wave of sadness hit her. Will there be a next week?

Once more, the voice in her head began telling her about the terrible outcomes that would occur the moment she confessed. Fighting back the feeling, she tried to concentrate on her marefriend, but it was too hard.

‘It’s all over now.’

‘Say goodbye to the mare you love.’

‘Are you prepared to be hated by Twilight?’

As the seconds passed, it became harder and harder to hold back her emotions as each word was said. Eventually, the discomfort she was feeling from inside must have shown, as the alicorn looked at her with concern once again.

“Hey, is there something wrong?” She asked with a frown. “You’re making that look again.”

“Look?” Sunny said, before biting her lip. “What look?”

“That sad and worried look.” Twilight said plainly. “The one you’re doing now. Is there something wrong? You know you can tell me anything, right?”

Staring at her for a few seconds, Sunny gazed at Twilight’s eyes. Filled with concern and sparkling with that love that she always gave her, it hurt the unicorn to know that the would probably never give her the same loving look after tonight. However, she knew her sister and nephew were right. She couldn’t hold it back any longer. If she waited, the pain for both Twilight, and herself, would just become worse. She needed to do it now.

“I…” Sunny began, before hesitating. She was beginning to realize how nervous and scared she was. “...I need to tell you something…”

This seemed to make the alicorn in front of her curious, as she raised an eyebrow.

“Oh, what is it?” She asked patiently.

“You see…” The unicorn continued, gazing at Twilight's eyes, before turning to look to the side, and then looking back again to Twilight. “...I…I’m…”

She wasn’t sure how to do this. She was terrified. It was getting harder and harder as each second passed and she could feel her heart beating so fast that it seemed that it was about to burst out of her chest.

Giving Twilight one last look, she couldn’t help but think how much she will miss her if things turn for the worse. Moving her stare from the alicorn’s eyes and to her lips, she couldn’t help but think how much she would miss kissing her. Twilight’s soft and perfect lips always made her so happy when it touched hers.

Unable to resist, she suddenly leaned forward and pressed her lips against the alicorn’s. One more kiss, she told herself. She wanted them to enjoy one more kiss before confessing.

She felt Twilight stiffen from the suddenness of her actions, but soon enough her body relaxed as she kissed her back with affection that surprised the white unicorn. Eventually, the two got caught up in the kiss, as they kept their lips pressed together longer than they usually do.

What started out as one last kiss quickly spiraled into something different, as Sunny got lost in the passion and quickly forgot everything she was worrying about. Inside, she told herself to stop, to pull away and tell her now. But her heart was drowned in the love of the moment, as she was surprised by the alicorn when she placed both of her hooves on the unicorn’s shoulders.

Suddenly, the unicorn found herself lying on the sofa, as the two ponies began to share an intimate moment.

When the passion and love reached its peak, the two mares fell asleep wrapped in each other’s hooves. Sunny had completely forgotten about her important confession. Lost in the beautiful moment, the unicorn couldn’t help but pull her marefriend closer towards her as she went to slumber.

However, sleep didn’t last long, as the sudden sound of breaking glass caused her to suddenly open her eyes. Confused, she began looking around the room, as she felt Twilight slowly stir awake also.

Looking left to right, she then noticed that one of the nearby windows was broken, with glass spread all over the living room floor near it. Frowning, Sunny didn’t like this as she quickly concluded what it meant.

As if to prove her suspicions right, a voice suddenly spoke from right behind the sofa. Quickly turning her head, she narrowed her eyes as she saw an unfamiliar looking pinkish-purple unicorn looking down at them. With a determined look in her eyes, she spoke to them with a tone that Sunny did not like.

“Oh, don’t let me disturb you two love birds. How about you both go back to sleep now, okay?”

With that, the unicorn’s horn glowed and before Sunny could react the world around her suddenly went dark.