• Published 31st May 2021
  • 5,251 Views, 199 Comments

Enchanted to Know You - Teal

After flirting with a mare at a bar, Twilight did not realize the she had unexpectedly asked Celestia out on a date.

  • ...

Chapter 5: The Little Sister

Sunny felt wild after that bold move. Never before had she kissed anypony on a first date. She usually was more modest than that, and yet she couldn’t help but do it. After what happened that night, after all the joy and excitement Twilight had brought her, it just felt natural to give her a kiss. It felt right, it felt perfect.

Skipping her way across the now quiet station platform, she gently hummed to herself as she went towards a dark and empty corner. Taking a moment to glance around her surroundings, she then allowed a flash of magic to engulf her.

Teleporting back to her chambers, Celestia couldn’t help but have the thought of the kiss remain lingering in her mind. Giving a wide smile as she thought of it, she momentarily hopped in joy around the center of the room, before jumping onto her bed and squirming in happiness as she lay there. The excitement of the feeling ran through her body, as she thought more and more about it. Feeling her heart beat faster than before, she did her best to suppress a shriek of joy, only to fail and force herself to cover her mouth with a nearby pillow.

Like a little filly who had just held the hoof of their crush, she felt love struck and lost in the thoughts of romance.

Soon enough, she then found herself giggling as she tried to recall the kiss and the events after. She could remember the shocked and goofy expression plastered on the younger alicorn’s face, as she tried to stammer out a response. Celestia had to admit that she looked quite cute like that and it had tempted her to give the other alicorn another kiss. But she managed to restrain herself. All in moderation after all.

Sighing in joy, she stared at her ceiling and allowed her mind to get lost in thought. Her mind quickly drifted towards the planned second date, as she wondered where they should go next. She wanted to do this again, to enjoy the same feelings, to be in the company of Twilight, the real pony who she was.

The date had gone better than she had ever expected. It was fun, relaxed, and heart opening. For the first time, she got to know about the real Twilight, the one she had been yearning to learn more about. Once the talking began and the thoughts and secrets got shared, she began to realize that there was so much more to Twilight that she had never known before.

Despite having known the mare for many years now, and despite all the conversations and letters they had exchanged, there had always been this filter, one built by a student and mentor relationship. Even now, as they stood now as equals, that filter did not disappear.

But now Celestia had found a way to get past that filter, and now that she was on the other side, she was happy to learn what was there. From the date, she learned that she and Twilight had so much more in common.

She never thought of Twilight to be the kind of pony who liked adventure and the outdoors, and yet it seemed she shared the same passion for adventure as her. It made her happy knowing that the younger alicorn wasn’t just all about locking herself in her study to conduct research. Thinking about this more, it made her realize that a camping date sounds like a good idea for next time.

Celestia loved going out and seeing nature up close. She always yearned for adventure, but was never able to find a pony to spend the same passion with. Most ponies she knew preferred the confines and luxury of the castle and although Luna would most certainly join her in such an adventure, her younger sister just didn’t share the same passion to fully enjoy it just like her.

Twilight, however, seems like the pony that she could spend it with. It was a surprise to learn that she wasn’t just the scholarly pony most ponies sees, since it was clear that there was an adventurous side to her.

Sighing in joy, she looked up at the ceiling and began imagining what a time such a trip could be. She could run around free, explore hidden trails, spend an exciting night by the campfire, and do it all with somepony she would like to be with. Letting her mind linger on to such thoughts and imaginations, she felt warm, happy, and complete.

The date, and many more dates she hoped to do in the future, opened something inside of her. It felt nice to finally be herself in front of somepony else. It felt nice to know that the real Celestia had not died after centuries of monotonous formalities. It felt nice seeing somepony enjoy her true self and not respectfully asking her to follow decorum. It felt nice that she got to spend it with Twilight.

After allowing her mind to explore the future for a while, and after she had sobered from all the excitement and joy, Celestia slowly got up from her bed and prepared to take a nice warm and relaxing bath to complete the night. As she got up and moved towards her private bathroom, she noticed a slice of red velvet cake on her writing desk.

Never to be the one to leave a cake unattended, she quickly levitated the desert towards her. A quick little snack before a bath never hurt anypony anyways.

However, as she levitated that accompanying fork towards the cake, a sudden thought entered her mind. When did she leave cake in her room?

Suddenly, she felt her heart drop, as she looked at the cake, before glancing around her room. Upon her initial scan, she didn’t see anything suspicious about her personal chambers. But, as her eyes moved towards the open balcony, a short breeze managed to push aside the curtains that shielded her room and reveal a dark blue alicorn sitting alone and gazing down at the quiet city below.

Celestia nearly dropped the cake at the sight of her little sister. Seeing the lonely sight she presented, the older alicorn couldn’t help but feel her heart beat fast once more. However, this time her heart pounded out of nervousness rather than joy. Quickly returning the cake on top of her writing desk, the white alicorn then slowly, if not hesitantly, trotted towards the balcony.

As if sensing her approach, Luna let out a cold question that almost froze Celestia’s racing heart.

“Where have you been, sister?”

“Now, Luna, I can explain.”

“Oh? Explain what, Celestia? The fact that you left the castle without anypony knowing? Or the fact that you lied to me?”

Turning around, Luna gave Celestia an icy stare. The older alicorn froze at this, as her very soul seemed to have been attacked. Looking at her eyes directly, the white alicorn could feel the emotion behind her sister’s eyes. Hurt, anger, and disappointment, all summed up in one stern look. She had seen that face before and knew that she had made a big mistake.

“Luna...” Celestia began, trying to find the right words to say. The situation was delicate, and she needed to explain things properly. Deep inside, she was cursing herself for not explaining things earlier, but it was too late now. The only thing she could do is hope that her sister would listen to her right now.

But what was she to say?

Trying to speak, she found that no words came out of her mouth. How was she to explain that she went out on a date? How was she to explain that she wanted to be free and be herself with somepony who she shared interests with? How was she to explain that she went out with Twilight?

“Luna, I didn’t want to lie to you.” She eventually said, but immediately regretted it.

“But you did, Celestia.” The dark blue alicorn said, her voice seemingly quivering in restrained anger. “I came up here to check up on you...to check up on you and give you cake. I know your work days have been hard, so I wanted to help you feel better. But guess what? I came to find an empty room.”

Celestia frowned deeply at this, but felt a jab of greater pain when she saw some tear forming on her younger sister’s eyes. Her heart felt shattered as she realized the terrible feeling Luna must have experienced.

“I’m sorry, Luna.” She said, each word bearing the heavy weight of guilt. At that moment she felt like the worst sibling in Equestria and knew that she deserved such a title. “I didn’t mean for you to find out this way.”

“Find out what exactly? Celestia, where did you go?”

“I...I went on a....” The last part of the line was mumbled and incomprehensible.

“I’m sorry, what?”

Celestia rarely showed her shy part, but when it came out it was obvious and clear. Embarrassed to admit the reason for her brief disappearance, and also a bit scared of how her sister would react to it, she somehow managed to keep her voice low and meek.

“I went on a date.” She said, her voice still quiet, yet somewhat enough for the other alicorn to hear.

Raising an eyebrow, Luna stared at Celestia as she tried to process what she heard.

“Excuse, but did you say you went on a date? As in, you snuck out of the castle just to have a date?”

Giving a nervous smile, Celestia nodded her head slowly.

This seemed to catch the other alicorn by surprise, as a moment of contemplation hit her. Her expression soon changed from one of anger to one shock and confusion. For a few tense seconds, Luna stared and blinked at her, seemingly unsure what to say. This only made Celestia feel more and more nervous, as she wondered what her sister was thinking. But she soon wished that the silent remained, as her sister started shouting at her with a scolding voice.

“YOU WENT OUT ON A DATE?” She yelled in the Royal Canterlot Voice, making Celestia wince at the violent sound.

“Not so loud! Other ponies might hear!” Celestia said in panic, not wanting word of her escapades to spread out.

“What, you don’t want the whole castle knowing that you lied to your sister and snuck out of the castle to go on a date?” Luna said with a roll of the eyes, although her voice was much lower now, yet still contained a venomous hint of anger within it.

“Listen, Luna, I’m sorry. I really am sorry.” Celestia apologized, looking back at the younger alicorn who seemed to be trying her best to contain her anger and frustration. “I know I should have told you, but if I did I know you wouldn’t have let me go out.”

“Of course I would have stopped you! Because going out on a date is a foolish idea, Celestia!” Luna remarked. “Princesses shouldn’t spend their nights frolicking around the city. Think of the image you have to maintain. What would the public think if they saw their Princess spending her nights like that? There would be an uproar!”

Now it was Celestia’s turn to roll her eyes. Although it was true that such practices were unbecoming of a Princess, Luna’s reaction to the situation was a bit over exaggerated. Despite the length of time since her return, some of the younger alicorn’s old world views were very outdated. It would have caused a scandal, sure, but not a gigantic controversy like Luna was suggesting.

“Luna, it’s okay, I made sure to put on a disguise to make sure nopony recognized me.”

The dark blue alicorn let out a frustrated snort at this. “Oh, sure, that makes the situation totally better. Let’s just ignore the fact that you still snuck out just to bed somepony.”

“That is not what happened!” Celestia said, her cheeks blushing red at the accusation. “It was just a normal dinner date. Nothing more than that.”

“Then why were you gone for so long? You were missing for hours!”

“Well...because we had fun… We enjoyed each other’s company so much that we lost track of time.”

The genuine tone in Celestia’s voice seemed to have gotten to Luna, as the white alicorn saw her sister’s face soften.

“Sister, I’m not saying that I am happy at what you did, but this pony you went on a date with, did he make you happy?”

“It’s a she, and she did.” Celestia admitted. “Luna, I felt free and happy being with her. We formed a connection, one that I never thought would have ever happened before. I know you and I share a bond, and as sisters we would always have that. But this relationship I formed with her is something else.”

Luna nodded her head in understanding.

“But is what you’re doing right, Celestia?” She ultimately asked. “You yourself said it, you were using a disguise. Do you think it’s safe to play with this mare’s heart by pretending you’re somepony you’re not.”

Celestia shook her head. “I wasn’t pretending, Luna. Although I was hiding my true physical form, the personality I gave was real. I shared who I truly was, and I was happy to see somepony so accepting of it. The date was something I wanted to experience for a long time and this mare is somepony I would like to spend more time with.”

For a moment a brief smile formed on the night princess’s face, as if her anger had been subdued.

“You’re starting to sound like a character from a theater play, Celestia, but then again you always were such a dramatic pony.” She said. “Clearly this date of yours has conquered your heart and, despite me not agreeing with this terrible idea of disguising yourself and sneaking out for a date, I guess I can’t really separate two ponies who have fallen for each other. Listen to me, I’m starting to sound like your niece.... Anyways, please promise me that there would be no more secrets, okay?”

“I promise, Luna, no more secrets from now on.”

“Good. The rest of your scolding can continue later, but for now, tell me who was your date and what were they like? Based on how loud you were shrieking, and how giggly you sounded earlier, it must be somepony who matches you perfectly.”

At this, Celestia gave a sheepish laugh, as she blushed red and looked away, unable to stare Luna directly in the eyes. “Well, you see, you actually know her...”

After a quick confession on who the other pony was, Luna gave out a reaction that shook the castle to its very foundations.


Sometimes Celestia had to wonder whether she was the older sister or if it was Luna. Sitting there at the balcony as Luna scolded her, she was at least glad to hear that her sister used a lower indoor voice than the one she had been using earlier. Nevertheless, the dark blue alicorn kept on pointing out the mistakes Celestia made and how an alicorn of her age should not act so childish and impulsive.

“To disguise yourself and date somepony is one thing, but to disguise yourself and date Twilight is a completely whole other thing in itself.” Luna said as she glared at Celestia. “She was your personal student, and currently a fellow princess and a close friend. I think I speak for her when I say that it's somewhat offensive to disguise yourself in order to go out with her. If you wanted to date Twilight then why not just court her yourself, you know, as Celestia, alicorn Princess of Equestria. Resorting to disguises just complicates things and would make it seem that you’re keeping secrets and lying to her, which you seem to be in the habit of doing a lot lately.

Celestia sighed at this and shook her head.

“Luna, you and I both know how Twilight is. She places me on a golden pedestal all the time. A date between Celestia and Twilight would be nothing but her faking herself. However, a date between Sunny Beams and Twilight is natural and true.”

Luna gave her a deadpan expression at this. “Really, Sunny Beams? Is that what you’re going by?”

“What, it seems fitting to me.” Celestia said in a defensive tone. “Anyways, I’m serious Luna. I know that this isn’t one of my best plans, but what happened tonight made me happy, and I’m sure it made Twilight happy too.”

“Will she still be happy when she learns the truth about how you tricked her?”

Celestia frowned at this. “Okay, I know that this lie is going to pose a problem, but I do intend on telling her the truth...eventually.”

“When would that be?”

“Just...” Biting her lip, Celestia thought for a moment and wondered. If she told her on their next date, it might be too sudden for Twilight and she might get embarrassed and angry at how she was fooled. However, if she delayed and waited for another time, then Twilight might feel her trust broken and get angry at her for it. She regretted admitting it, but at this point there was no right time to tell her anymore. “...just give me some time. I will tell her, but not now. She doesn’t need sadness to replace the joy we both share right now.”

Deep inside, despite her better knowledge, she hoped that maybe, just maybe, it might become easier to tell her once a firm bond has formed between her and Twilight.

Celestia could tell that Luna was displeased by this, but whatever her sister thought it was clear that she was holding it back. Instead, she gave the white alicorn a stern look, one that seemed to give a warning.

“Celestia, sister, be careful.”

“I will Luna, and I promise, I’m going to make things work. I care about Twilight and would never break her heart.”

Luna nodded, but the look on her face told her that the other alicon was unconvinced. Soon, however, the two sat on the balcony in silence.

It wasn’t until Celestia spoke up did the quietness break.

“Okay, so now that you know the truth, I would like to ask a small favor from you.”

“Oh, what is it, sister?”

“I kind of told Twilight that I live here in Canterlot and I think I may need to buy an apartment now in case she decides to visit in the future. So, would it be too much to ask for a bit of help on that one?”

Luna just stared at her after that and Celestia could swear she could see one eye twitch in irritation.