• Published 31st May 2021
  • 5,251 Views, 199 Comments

Enchanted to Know You - Teal

After flirting with a mare at a bar, Twilight did not realize the she had unexpectedly asked Celestia out on a date.

  • ...

Chapter 8: Aurora

Twilight sat alone by the table with a frown on her face. Sunny had been late to dates before, but she had never been late for this long. It had been nearly an hour since their agreed upon time for their lunch had passed, and yet there was still no sign of her.

This would have been their second date in open public. As their relationship continued and became stronger, Twilight started feeling more and more comfortable with dating Sunny. Although she still didn’t like the idea of paparazzi swarming her and Sunny wherever they went, which thankfully hasn’t happened yet, she was at least warming up to the idea that she should no longer be so embarrassed when somepony saw them being affectionate to one another. Because of this, Twilight felt okay at having another restaurant date with her marefriend.

However, there was a problem. Sunny hadn’t shown up yet and the alicorn was starting to fear that she might never come.

Feeling her heart ache, Twilight’s mind initially wandered to thoughts of concern, before drifting off to thoughts of dread. Did Sunny stood her up? Does she no longer love her? Had her marefriend abandoned her?

Letting out a sad sigh, the alicorn had to fight off a devastated and broken look from forming on her face. Feeling her heart race, the world around her seemed to get blurry as sadness took over her heart. By this point, she no longer hopefully glanced towards the door, hoping to see her marefriend come in. No. Instead, she felt weak as she sat there alone.

She didn’t understand how this could happen and she wondered if she had done something wrong. Thinking back, she desperately tried to recall any mistake she might have made. Their last meeting, at least to her, seemed to have gone well enough. Although Twilight did remember that Sunny felt a bit off at the end of their visit to her parents, everything else had seemed to have gone well. Besides, Sunny sounded like her normal self in the letters they exchanged over the week. So what had gone wrong?

Surely it couldn’t have been a spontaneous decision by her marefriend that she no longer liked her? Right? That thought plagued Twilight’s mind, and despite her best attempts to dismiss it, the idea kept on returning. She knew that their relationship was still young, and despite their good chemistry, it still wasn’t as firm as longer relationships. Because of that, she always had this fear that it could all suddenly unravel and disappear.

Frowning deeper, this time in frustration, the alicorn gritted her teeth in annoyance. She was so confused and she didn’t like the feeling. She was a pony who wanted to understand and know everything, and yet what was happening right now was hard to figure out. Why was she here alone? Why hadn’t Sunny come?

She wished she knew what had happened. She wished she could know if it was because of something she did. If it was her fault, then she was determined to fix it and work things out with Sunny.

Twilight loved Sunny and she didn’t want to lose her, not after all the time and fun they had together. Because of that, she once more thought back on the events of the past week and tried to find any fault in her actions.

Had she rushed the other mare? Was introducing her to her parents too soon? Sunny had said that it was a good idea, but had she been lying? Maybe she was not comfortable with it at all and only said yes out of pressure. Had Twilight intimidated the unicron?

However, what if it was something else? Was she lacking in providing Sunny with anything? Or had she become boring for the other mare? That couldn’t have possibly been true, and yet she felt anxious at the thought.

What was happening? Where was Sunny?

So many of these questions whirled in her head that she felt dizzy and close to exploding. She didn’t know and didn’t understand what had happened. All her emotions were attacking her, as her mind tried to seek for answers. She was close to bursting into tears right then and there.

“Princess Twilight?” A sudden voice next to her said, pulling the alicorn out of her thoughts.

Caught by surprise, Twilight suddenly paused from her panicked thinking and turned her head towards the pony who called to her. Trying her best to give a composed look, the lavender alicorn looked and stared at an unfamiliar light blue unicorn mare.

Giving this pony a quick study, Twilight noted that she had a long smooth dark blue mane and teal-colored eyes that stared curiously towards her. Seemingly biting her lip, the pony seemed to have felt awkward in front of the alicorn.

Shoving aside any hurt emotion she was feeling at that moment, Twilight gave the pony the best calm smile she could make. “Hi. Umm…can I help you?”

“Ah, yes.” The light blue pony said, nodding her head hesitantly. “Actually, I’m here to deliver a message from my sister.”

“Your sister?”

“Yes, Sunny Beam.” The unicorn replied, making Twilight’s heart come to life upon hearing her marefriend’s name. Not staring intently, the alicorn did her best to restrain herself and not bombard the pony in front of her with a volley of questions.

“Sunny’s your sister?” Twilight said, as she carefully searched her thoughts. Suddenly, a bright look erupted on her face “Oh, so you must be her younger sister, Aurora!”

“Really, Aurora?” The unicorn muttered, with a bemused look on her face. However, this was suddenly changed to a look of panic, as she suddenly gave an eager nod. “I mean…yes! I’m Aurora. It’s nice to finally meet you, Princess Twilight.”

“Please, just call me Twilight.” The lavender pony said with a wave of a hoof. “Anyways, what did you say Sunny’s message was?”

“Ah, yes, my sister’s message.” Aurora said, nodding. “She wants to apologize for not being here today. She is really sorry and says that an emergency occurred at one of the publishing companies she’s working with. She had to rush there earlier today and would probably be there for most of the day. Sunny really regrets not being able to go and promises to make it up next time.”

Twilight nodded along as Aurora explained the situation, but deep inside she felt relief and joy overcome her. All her fears had been wrong, and it seemed like what occurred was an unavoidable emergency. Slowly feeling better, Twilight gave a little smile, as she realized that Sunny had not abandoned her.

At that point, the alicorn wasn’t even angry or sad that her marefriend couldn’t be there that day. No. Instead, she was glad to know that she had not been left behind and that she was still in a relationship with the beautiful, funny, and quirky unicorn who owed her big time the next time they met.

Allowing herself a brief moment of internal rejoicing, her thoughts soon returned to the world around her, where the light blue unicorn stood and worriedly stared at her silent state. Feeling embarrassed, and realizing that Aurora had been standing there the entire time, Twilight suddenly gestured for the other pony to have a seat.

“I’m sorry, how rude of me.” Twilight apologized. “You must have come all the way from Canterlot just send me that message. Please, have a seat, Aurora.”

“Oh, no, it’s okay, Twilight. I don’t want to be a bother.” Aurora replied, as if making a gesture that she was ready to leave.

“Nonsense. I know from personal experience how tiring those train rides from Canterlot could be. Besides, there’s no use letting these seat reservations go to waste, so might as well use them.”

“I can’t possibly intrude.” The unicorn stated.

“You’re not intruding, I promise.” The lavender pony said, giving a warm smile. “You’re Sunny’s sister, and I can’t let my marefriend’s sister starve to death after going on a journey to deliver me a message. Besides, this is a perfect opportunity for us to get to know more about each other. Your sister has told me many stories about you.”

This seemed to have caught the unicorn’s interest, as Twilight saw the unicorn raise a curious eye. “Has she now?”

“Why of course! She says that you’re the best sister a mare could have.” Twilight said, deciding it was for the best to avoid mentioning the various complaints Sunny had towards her sister.

“Is that all that she’s mentioned about me?” Aurora asked curiously, as she gave the alicorn a firm stare. Feeling nervous now, Twilight felt a couple beads of sweat roll down her face. She did not want to betray Sunny by revealing things she didn’t want her sister to know, but at the same time, there was something intimidating about the unicorn before her that scared her a bit. Despite being an alicorn, Twilight felt that there was some great strength behind Aurora that was warning her to tell what she didn’t know.

Biting her lip, Twilight tried to think of a way to escape the situation. But before she could, the light blue alicorn spoke up once more.

“How about this, if you tell me what Sunny has been saying behind my back, I’ll tell you all the silly and stupid things my sister has done while we were growing up. Sounds good?”

Twilight thought about this for a moment before smiling. So far, despite the hidden intimidating aura, she was liking Aurora.

“You got yourself a deal! Now, take a seat and order some food, I think we’ll have a lot to talk about.”

“Chickens?” Twilight said, trying to hold back her laughter. “Why is she so afraid of chickens?”

“I have to admit, the one may have been my fault.” Aurora confessed, although without a hint of regret in her voice. “You see, when we were younger, my sister and I visited a quaint little farm. At one point, my sister decided to go see the chickens.” The light blue pony paused for a moment, as Twilight noticed a mischievous grin form on her face. “Well, being the prankster I was, I may or may not have tossed a bag of chicken feed on her, which may have resulted in the chickens chasing her around as they try to peck on the feed on her fur and mane.”

“You are one evil pony, you know that?” Twilight said, shaking her head, but at the same time trying to stifle her giggling.

“Thank you, I do try my best.” Aurora said with a proud smile on her face. Then, glancing towards a nearby clock that hung on the restaurant's wall, she gave Twilight an apologetic look. "Anyways, I had a grand time talking to you, Twilight, but I think it's time for me to go now. Although I am in no rush, I still do have some duties to attend to back at Canterlot.”

Looking at the same clock that hung on the wall, Twilight soon realized what time it was. She and Aurora had ended up talking to one another for three hours, which surprised the alicorn, since it felt much shorter than that.

“Oh, wow!” Twilight exclaimed, slightly embarrassed for occupying so much of the unicorn’s time. “Sorry about that, I didn’t realize we’ve been talking that long.”

“Don’t worry, it was time well spent.” Aurora reassured me. “Now that I know what my sister has been saying behind my back. She’s got a lot of explaining to do once I see her later.”

Twilight giggled at this before shaking her head. “Please don’t be too hard on her, she might break up with me because of this betrayal.” She joked.

“I doubt that she will break up with you over such a trivial matter.” Aurora said.

“Yea.” The alicorn said with a smile, as she let the word trail. There was something about the idea of Sunny breaking up with her that unnerved the Princess, even if it was a joke. Because of this, her smile faded for a second, before quickly returning. However, this was not missed by the blue unicorn, who gave the lavender pony a quizzical look.

“Is there something wrong?”

“No, none at all.” Twilight initially scoffed, before frowning once she saw that the unicorn was not convinced. “Well, I’m not sure. I just have this fear that someday I might do something wrong that would make her break up with me.”

Looking down, Twilight couldn’t help but let those fears plague her mind once more. Sunny was the first pony she loved this much and she was terrified of losing her. All possible reasons that may result in losing her, whether small or big, worried her so much.

She didn’t want to lose Sunny and she hoped that her fears were just her anxiety playing tricks on her.

When she finally looked up and stared back at Aurora, she saw the unicorn giving her a gentle look. For a moment, the two were silent, both lost in their own thoughts. Then, the blue unicorn finally spoke up.

“Listen, Twilight.” She began. “I just want you to know that my sister loves you very much. I understand your fear of losing her, it happens to all of us, even to her. But be confident in yourself. There is nothing about you that my sister does not love and I know in my heart that she would never break up with you for no reason. Trust me when I say that you are the mare she loves and would love to continue being with.”

Hearing this lifted the lavender alicorn’s spirits, as she started feeling a bit better. Slowly, her fears started to drift away thanks to the reassurance. Although this didn’t mean that it was completely gone, she at least felt less anxious now.

“Thank you, I think I needed to hear that.” Twilight eventually said.

Aurora smiled back at her. “I have to thank you too, Twilight, for making my sister happy. I have never seen my sister so happy and in love before, and it’s all thanks to you.”

This made the alicorn bushed, as she looked away. Deep inside, her heart was racing fast, as the thought of Sunny being that much in love with her made her feel so important and special.

“Does she really fear that I might break up with her too?” Twilight asked, once she calmed herself down. Remembering what Aurora had just said, the lavender pony found it interesting that a pony as calm and confident as Sunny worried as much as her.

“Oh, yes, she does.” Aurora said, shaking her head as she smiled. “I had to calm her many times already and reassure her just like what I just did to you.”

“Really? Twilight said, her curiosity rising. “Is there any reason why she’s so worried?” In her mind, she was wondering if the same irrational fears plagued her special somepony too. If so, then she would do her best to reassure her and comfort her the next time they met.

Looking at the blue unicorn, Twilight saw the expression on her face changed to something that displayed hesitation.

“As much as I want to tell you about her fears, I believe that I am in no position to tell you about them. You’ll have to ask about it yourself.”

“Oh.” Twilight simply said, a bit disappointed that she wouldn’t get to know just yet.

“Twilight…” Aurora began. “My sister loves you, never forget that. No matter what happens, always remember that she loves you, okay?”

Twilight nodded and smiled at this. However, as she stared at Aurora’s eyes, she couldn’t help but see a hint of fear and worry in them, as if she knew something that she wasn’t willing to tell.

The two of them eventually paid for their meals and left the restaurant. A few more conversations followed as Twilight escorted Aurora to the train station, but the alicorn couldn’t help but have her mind elsewhere. There was something that Aurora said that bothered her.

For some reason that Twilight couldn’t explain, it somehow felt like Aurora was trying to prepare her for something.

Author's Note:

Wow, look! An update after over a year! Yea, sorry about that... 2023 had been a busy one for me. But I'm back now and I plan to finish this story!