• Published 4th Sep 2012
  • 28,487 Views, 758 Comments

Widening the Lens - Harry Leferts

When the Elements of Harmony defeated Discord, they did their job too well, and completely undid all

  • ...

Chapter 5: Ponyville, Canterlot, and reinforcements (Harry Leferts, Passerby)

Disclaimer: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro

Ponyville Library, Day 6, 1:00 PM

Having finally decided to see what their friend had been doing for the past several days, the rest of the Mane 6 gathered outside the tree house library. Upon reaching the door, they opened it to find no one in the main area of the library. Applejack, for her part, reached up and scratched at her head with one hoof. "Gosh darn it? Where the hay is Twi?"

Fluttershy's eyes blinked as she looked at the door that lead down to the basement as she heard something familiar that drifted up. 'That sounds like the theme song for...'

She had no time to wonder though as that moment Spike walked out of the kitchen grumbling, a large pot of coffee held in one clawed hand. Having spotted the girls, he blinked. "Oh, hey guys, you wanted something?"

A look is shared among the group before Rainbow flew up to Spike and crossed her forelegs across the other as she hovered there. "Yeah, what's going on with Twilight? She's been in here for days!"

Rarity for her part just fluttered her eyebrows at the smitten dragon as she smiles. "Yes Spike-Wikey. We have been most worried for her." She then trotted up and widens her eyes some. "You can tell us after all."

Spike sweated some as he tried to look anywhere but the white Unicorn's face before he finally swallowed. "Um... Well, she's doing some research for the Princess. Really top secret, can't talk about stuff." He noticed the frowns and thoughtful looks, but knew enough that they might drop it when he heard Fluttershy call his name. "Uh... Yeah Fluttershy?"

She looked between him and then the door. "Um... what kind of research would have her watching 'The Dark World: Technology is Courage'?"

The rest of the girls turned from her back to Spike who froze before he sighed and slumped. He slowly walked over to the door and opened it. "Twilight, the girls are here and they know what you're doing."

A few moments passed before Twilight's voice drifted up. "Let them down Spike." A look is shared between them as Spike opens the door for them and they headed down the steps. It wasn't long before they reached bottom to see several tables covered in various items including several models. "Hey girls. Sorry for the secrecy but-"

She got cut off by a small squeal from Fluttershy as she picks up one of the models, looking almost like a small aircraft carrier. "You got a production model of the USS Saipan." She then nodded and gave the others a smile. "It's the home base for the group from Technology is Courage and is a modified Tarawa-Class Amphibious Assault Ship with 8 Sea Stallions, 12 Sea Knights, 12 V-22 Ospreys, and six AV-8B Harrier Jump jets!" She then frowned. "Though I heard that the Harriers might be replaced with F-35 B Lightning II if the rumors are correct..." She then gasped as she sees an odd looking aircraft and picks it up. "And this is an F-35B! Oh my!"

Twilight as well as the others stared as Fluttershy bounced from one model to another listing off various attributes of them. Finally, the lavender Unicorn facehoofed. "I forgot how big a fan you are..."

Fluttershy just turned and smiled. "Oh yes! I'm quite proud to be a puman." She then turned back to the model in her hooves. "They're ever so brave you know. They help people out in disaster areas and rescue others from bad guys! Risking their lives to save the day, all without magic!" She then spotted a picture and picked it up with a frown. "This looks like part of a Carrier group..." Having picked up a magnifying glass, she looks at the hull closely. "Hmm... I don't recognize the numbers... Though those are F-18 Hornets I believe on the deck..." She then tapped one of the ships. "I recognize that as an Arleigh Burke-class though. Ooo! And that's a submarine! Looks like a Los Angeles-class too!"

Having looked over Fluttershy's shoulder, Applejack frowned and shook her head. "Naw, can't be. The sail is too far forward. That has to be the Seawolf." All of a sudden having realized how silent everything had gotten, Applejack turned to see the stares of disbelief. "Uh..."

With an eyebrow raised, Rainbow gave her a look. "So... you're a puman too?"

Her face reddened, Applejack looks away as her face scrunched up. "Ah just know because Applebloom likes them, tha's all." A few minutes passed as they gave her knowing looks before she sighed. "Fine. Ah like the series too." She then huffed a bit. "Ah like it for the plot and characters. They do mighty fine without fancy-smancy magic." She then glanced at the photo again. "Ah gotta say though Twi. Whoever did up that animation panel did a mighty good job of making it lifelike." She then blinked as she saw the nervous look, an unnerved feeling making it's way through her at Twilight's expression, half-knowing and half-nervous. "Uh... This here is an animation panel right?"

Her lips held between her teeth, Twilight cocked her head to the side slowly. "Well..." A few moments later a loud squeal is heard from the library as those Ponies in the vicinity look at it before shrugging it off...

Ponyville Library, 5:00 PM
As she paced, Twilight sighed. "Where are they?" She turned to Spike with an expression of exasperation upon her face. "She can't possibly have all that much stuff that has to do with Technology is Courage..." Her voice trailed off as she blinked before Twilight stopped and turned. "Could she?" Spike was about to say something when banging sounds and muffled curses echo from upstairs, which caught their attention. They headed upstairs to find that the rest of the girls besides Fluttershy lying on the ground as they're surrounded by boxes. Walking up to one, Twilight opens it to find various notebooks and TiC memorabilia inside. She then looked at the other ten large boxes in disbelief as her jaw tried to work. It took a few moments, but eventually she managed to get something out. "Fluttershy... is all this... yours!?"

Having been checking one of the boxes for damages, the pink maned Pegasus raised her head and shook it softly as she blushed. "Oh no..." Twilight was about to say something in confusion when Fluttershy gestured at the smallest box. "That's Applejack's." She slowly tapped her chin with a nervous expression, not noticing Twilight's incredulous expression. "Oh, I do so hope that this will be enough to help." She then looked at an amused Applejack who was getting up from the floor and Fluttershy gave her a nod with a happy smile. "This is just so exciting!"

As she shook her head with a chuckle, Applejack smiled herself. "Ah reckon tha' ya'll are right about that Sugarcube." She then snorted. "Real live humans... Who would hav' thought it!?"

She turned and was about to pick up her box but is prevented as it's enveloped by an purple glow and lifted into the air. Raising an eyebrow, she looked at Twilight who had a smile on her face. "You girls look tired. I'll take these downstairs for you."

A grin bloomed on Applejack's face as she spotted the other boxes also being lifted into the air before she nodded at her Unicorn friend. "Thankee kindly fer tha' Twi."

Twilight just chuckled as she gave a nod. "It's no problem at all Applejack. I appreciate all the help that you all are giving me. Especially after..."

Seeing Twilight trail off with a haunted look on her face, Rarity came up to her and placed a comforting hoof gently on her friend's shoulder. "We already told you that we forgive you for what happened Twilight. We should have never dismissed your worries in the manner that we did. We were all... out of sorts I suppose, after what happened with Discord. You in particular."

Her head nodding, Twilight still gave them all a brittle smile. "Nonetheless, thanks for standing up to Princess Celestia for me. Otherwise..." All of them shared a shudder at the knowledge of what the punishment for permanently manipulating a being's mind with magic would be which causes a feeling of cold to settle in all their stomachs. After a few moments passed, Twilight shook it off as she trotted for the door. "Anyways... we should get started." A few minutes later finds them all in the library's basement where they noticed some new and clean tables have been set up which Twilight gestured to. "Those are for yours and Applejack's items Fluttershy, that way we can keep them separate from what Princess Celestia sent me already and doesn't get mixed up with it." She then walked over to one of the hot plates she had set up on her usual work bench and sighed as she looked at it. "Just give me a minute girls, I have to change out the hot plate so that we can have something hot other then tea or coffee to drink."

Looking up from where she had been working to open a box, Rainbow gives a slight snort as a metal padlocked box floated up to Twilight. "Take your time Twilight, it'll be a bit before we're ready to set up anyways."

Twilight smiled at her before opening the padlock and the box itself revealing it to be full of various glowing gems. Having picked a reddish-orange one, she than closed it and locked it back up before putting it away. After a bit of fiddling, as the sounds of boxes being opened sounded in the background, she managed to pull off the top of the hot plate to reveal a metal surface with red runes and a small, dull reddish-black ruby like gem in the center. Upon seeing it, she tutted a bit as she yanks it out. "I could have sworn that I recharged you just two days ago."

As he walked past on his way to another hot plate with a pot of fresh coffee in his claws, Spike rolled his eyes at her. "Considering how much you've been using it for the past two days, I'm surprised that it lasted this long."

She just gave him a look as she placed the new gem into the hole the other had been in, the runes around it slowly glowing as it settles in place. "Hardy har har Spike." Having placed the top back in place, she locked it back into place and put it back on the table as she passed the old gem to Spike. "Would you mind throwing this one into the fireplace so we can recharge it later?"

Having placed the pot of coffee where he was supposed to, Spike gave her a small salute. "Aye-aye captain!"

As she rolled her eyes at her assistant, Twilight placed another pot on the newly recharged hot plate. Filling it with water and hot chocolate mix, she turns on the hot plate and lets it simmer before she turned to see Applejack once more pouring over the picture of the ship, the name of which they all now know to be the USS Enterprise. "Something catch your eye Applejack?"

A thoughtful frown on her face, the Earth Pony farmer glanced upwards from her the picture held in her hoof. "Do you have any more pictures of this here ship?" She glanced back at it. "Perhaps fro' differen' perspective or distance?"

Giving it some thought, Twilight headed over to one of the tables and grabbed a few photos as well as a film reel. She then walked back to Applejack and handed her the photographs. "Well, these are all from different directions..." She trailed off as she lifted the film reel. "And this was something that the local Guard detachment filmed."

Applejack suddenly looked up from the photos. "How close did them all film it from? And the humans did nothin' ta stop them?"

Twilight gave her friend an odd look before she nodded. "They were actually pretty close, but stopped after a bit because it was making the humans really nervous for some odd reason." She suddenly gave Applejack a questioning look. "How'd you guess?"

Before Applejack could have said something, Fluttershy entered the conversation. "Um... Because while it's glossed over in most of the various media, in the more adult novels for The Dark World, one of the Six Shooters goes and visits his father. They got in a conversation about the past. And, while they didn't go into great detail, the father mentioned something called a 'Cold War'."

Applejack nodded at that. "Ah remember tha'." She then looked at Twilight who's confused. "While they called it a war, it was a time when United America an', I think it was called, a group named th' USSR were spying on each other somethin' fierce." Applejack then shrugged. "Apparently, according ta th' father, they came close several times ta bein' mad with each other."

Taken aback, Twilight shook her head in confusion. "But that makes no sense! I know that if someone we had bad relations with was spying on us, that we would be pretty angry with them!"

Once more, Applejack merely shrugged. "Ah know. But tha' was wha' was written in the novel."

Twilight then shook her head. "Thanks anyways Applejack, Fluttershy." She then became thoughtful. "Though since their obviously military and it's been less then a lifetime since something like that..." Twilight nodded then. "That could explain the nervousness at being filmed. Maybe it brought back unpleasant memories?

Both Applejack and Fluttershy shared a thoughtful look before they shrugged. "Mayhaps Twi." Having gestured at the film reel, Applejack continued. "Anyways, ah was wonderin' if ah could have a look at that Sugarcube?"

Twilight blinked as she was snapped out of her thoughts. "Er... right!" She then headed over to the film projector and set it up, before she turned to the rest of her friends (now joined by Spike) as they picked spots to sit down at which caused her to smile. "Ready?" At the nods and murmurs of agreement, her horn glowed as the lights turned off and the projector came on. She then made her way over to sit with her friends as it started. "Let's see what we got, shall we?"

While it took thirty minutes to run through the entire reel, after it ended, Rainbow Dash gave a low whistle. "Whoa, those..." Slightly confused, she turned to Fluttershy. "What did ya call them again? Hornets?"

Fluttershy nodded slowly. "Yes, those were F-18 Hornets." She then frowned as she cocked her head to the side. "Well... they were also called F/A-18 Hornets in some sources in the fluff sometimes as well.

Dash blinked blankly at her for a moment before she thrusted a hoof into the air, a large grin on her face. "Well, whatever they were called, they were awesome fast! Makes me want to race one!"

Fluttershy then shook her head. "Um... You'd have to be going as fast as a Sonic Rainboom at the least to be close to their top speed..."

Rainbow stared at her for a moment before her grin came back. "Really? Cool! Now I really want to race one!"

Applejack sat there staring at the now blank screen as her mind worked before she looked back at the pictures in her hooves. "Fluttershy... those F-18s or whatever, are they about the same size as a Harrier do ya reckon?"

Giving it some thought, Fluttershy nods a bit. "Well... at the last Pumancon, those of us interested in the technical aspects of things got to together and... um... debated things. For this in particular the general concuss was..." Having noticed the raised eyebrows of her friends, Fluttershy withdraws a little before she continued. "Um... well, yes, they're generally around the same size..."

Applejack just absentmindedly nodded as she continued to stare at the photos. Now, while she may kid her brother about "Fancy Mathematics", she prided herself on her good eye and hoof on feel for sizes. She then shook her head as she lifted it. "Well then. If Fluttershy is right about the sizes for dem Hornets and Twilight is correct about how close to th' ship these and tha' there film was taken..." She glanced at each of her friends before she continued. "Then the top of this here ship must be at least four or so acres in size."

Twilight's eyes widen some at the sure tone in her friend's voice. "Are you sure Applejack?"

Applejack just nodded. "Eyup. Sure as sure can be. Ah reckon it be righ' there abouts."

Rarity gasped as she held a hoof to her mouth. "My word Applejack!" She herself then glanced at the photos. "If you're correct then that ship is simply massive!" She then shook her head a little in amazement. "However could they manage to make such a large ship, made of steel no less, float?"

Twilight tapped her chin in thought for a few seconds she shook her head. "They must have a great understanding of the principals of buoyancy."

Rarity hummed a little before she turned to Fluttershy. "Fluttershy dear..." Having caught the yellow Pegasus' attention, Rarity takes a breath before continuing. "I knew that you were quite the fan of Technology is Courage, but I never imagined that you were... um..." She gestured at Fluttershy's things. "Quite this large of one."

Fluttershy simply blushed before she answered. "Um... I really like the show a lot." Her head hung, she continued in a whisper. "The characters are just ever so brave and the stories and what they use are just so interesting that sometimes... um... I like to imagine myself in the show being just as brave..."

Pinkie choose that moment to jump and throw a foreleg over Fluttershy's shoulders which caused her to squeak in surprise. "Come on Fluttershy! You're one bravey bravest Ponies I know! You were there when we faced Nightmare Moon! And Discord! And you stared down a dragon!"

Fluttershy ducked her head a little, her mane falling over her face and hiding the slightly pleased expression on her face. "Thank you Pinkie..."

At that moment, Twilight glanced back at all the items that Fluttershy brought and owned. "Where did you get the money for all that anyways?"

Fluttershy blinked at that. "Oh! Um... since I'm the wildlife manager for the local area, I receive a bit extra due to it being so close to the Everfree forest since I sometimes have to go into the outskirts. That plus the amount I got from doing that modeling and... uh... running the local animal shelter means that I have more then enough to take care of all my little animal friends usually. So I sometimes... um..." She trailed off a bit as she poked the tips of her hooves together. "Buy some Technology is Courage stuff if it catches my eye..."

As they remember how much Fluttershy has, the same thought ran through all her friends' heads at the same time. 'Some!?'

Twilight soon shook it off and cleared her throat. "Well, thank you Fluttershy, you're a big help and I am sure that Princess Celestia will be thankful too.

Fluttershy, if anything, blushed deeper at that. "Oh! You're very welcome Twilight. But, um... just seeing the models, the sketches, the animation panels and the notes from the creators are more then enough for me..."

Town of Simple Dam, Day 9, 5:00 PM

Wireless Communication Specialist Deft Touch Falcon sniffed and paged though his new adult pulp novel. The hard-boiled Tyrant Rex, Unicorn Private Eye, was midway through the dame Bright Feathers’ alibi...he was going to get her to spill all the beans on the conspiracy to assassinate the Duke of Trottingham, and it would be a sensual way to get beans to spill…The light yellow Unicorn Pony (who’s step father had been a Griffin) licked his lips as he idly sat in the back of the Coms Wagon. The huge machine that allowed for long distance communication hummed quietly as its minder entertained himself with a adult magazine that was surely contraband while on active duty. Deft Touch had long learned how to ignore the hum, the earphones helped, although the extra padding he installed himself helped further.

Deft Touch giggled as he turned the page, Tyrant Rex was going to get the gal and-


Deft Touch jumped and threw the magazine away like it was on fire as the Coms Wagon let out a loud ring in his ears. It was a priority message coming in. Deft Touch looked at the various readouts as he switched frequencies, collected audio signals, tore paper messages, and parsed Moose Code.

“…Oh buck me.” Deft Touch whispered to himself as he started to sweat.

Elsewhere, one mile from the village proper at the Simple Dam copper mine.

Captain Gernot De Sauveterre snarled silently as he compiled the various reports and paperwork, his talon was cramping up. He eyed the progress report that stated they were behind schedule and he eyed his tin of tobacco blend. Claus Flyer’s Red Star brand, an outline of a Pegasus hanged over a red star on the tin. The little pony called to him.

“The paper getting the better of you again, sir?” Trooper Green Cloak asked as he tipped a small coffee pot into De Sauveterre’s mug. The Griffin smiled at the Pegasus, his orderly, he sniffed the coffee gratefully and thanked the Pegasus with a grateful nod.

“Aye, it is tiring work. Fangtooth said him and his Dogs would have breeched the first tunnel by now and started draining it. But that a week ago. The brass will not like this.” Gernot replied before taking a sip of the brew. Green Cloak was a genius Gernot decided as he savored the heady Zebracan blend.

“Don’t sweat it sir, things will get back on track no probl’m. Fangtooth is a fine officer and his boys are always working.” Trooper Cloak said, tapping De Sauveterre on the shoulder. Cloak topped off the Captain’s mug, and then trotted off to refill the pot. De Sauveterre sighed, just leaning back on his haunches and took a moment to rest his eyes. Things were so stressful, but Cloak’s coffee always made things better. The Griffin clenched his beak and blew, the notches in his beak whistled softly as he breathed out and then in. His eyes glanced over to the mine entrance, water was already hip high on most Diamond Dogs. So it was a gain, when he arrived with Beta Company the entrance had been completely flooded.

In fact, he could still hear Fangtooth cursing at whatever new obstruction was bothering him now. No doubt he was lambasting Pony mining techniques again. De Sauveterre rolled his eyes as he heard the frustrated howls then moan out of the mine entrance. If he had been a fledgling, perhaps the sound would have been scary. Now it was just annoying.

The shadow of Sergeant Vapor past overhead as he made another trip to reinforce the shattered remains of Simple Dam’s dam…which was also named Simple Dam…De Sauveterre rolled his eyes, non-griffins, who knew what they were thinking sometimes.


De Sauveterre sighed and got back to his paperwork. He needed to put in a extension on the operation, and then make a requisition for Alpha Company to come in because of unforeseen complications. That Sweet Syrup had not been forthright with the condition of the Copper Mine.


Signature, signature, read, order form filled, out pile, look at that, sip coffee.


“What is that ruck-“ De Sauveterre began just as a yellow blur crashed and skid to a halt in front of his desk.

“-us…” De Sauveterre finished as he leaned over his desk to observe one of his Communications Specialists puking his guts out on the floor. Even for a Unicorn Pony in a job that usually meant sitting on one’s tail all day, Deft Touch Falcon was pretty out of shape, but it was mostly the content of his messages that prompted the spewing.

The Unicorn slapped down a large pile of papers down on the Captain’s desk as he huffed and leaned on it. With a pathetic epp, he then slid back down and tried to breath.

De Sauveterre blinked before snatching up the papers, he tore through them speedily, his beak clenching with every page read.

“CLOAK! GET ME MY LIEUTENANTS!” Captain Gernot De Sauveterre screeched, his voice breaking into the natural high pitch of Griffins’s cries. His mug shattered and his paperwork, which he had slaved over for hours, soaked in coffee. De Sauveterre did not care.

Before long, Cloak had summoned up his five Lieutenants. Lieutenant Fangtooth dripped with stagnant mine water as he sat on his haunches in front of the Captain’s desk. The other four were a discreet few paces away from the stinking wet Dog. Lieutenant Aba, a slender Zebra mare played with the rings that hugged her left forehoof, mumbling the rhyming patios that Zebrican expats favored under her breathe. Lieutenant Big Eveel, a Buffalo expat, stood still as a statue. He was the tallest of the Lieutenants, even standing taller then the Diamond Dogs, only Sergeants Copper Will, Vapor, and Chim were taller…and Vapor and Chim did not count because they both were damn dragons. His off tawny fur and dark dirt brown mane blended in with the deserts well, but it seemed to only highlight the fact he was the only Buffalo in the Company. A fact that did not seem to both him, even though there were many other units in the REA that had Buffalo in them. Lieutenants Jemtooth and Royer, a Diamond Dog and Griffin respectively hung in the back, the female Diamond Dog was just as muscled as her male cohorts while the Griffin seemed more petite when standing next to her. They had been summoned from a inn in town…De Sauveterre disregarded the ancillary thought as he cleared his throat.

“Hippocampus Bay has been attacked by a heavy Diamond Dog slaver force, they have a mature dragon leading them. I want Beta Company kitted up and ready to fight yesterday. Fangtooth, get your platoon ready now. I want you out first thing, and there with eyes on the situation by the time Cloak gets me a new mug.” De Sauveterre ordered, turning away from the Diamond Dog. Fangtooth nodded once before bounding out from his Captain’s little field office.

“Big Eveel, I want you to get your platoon ready as a rapid reinforcement for Fangtooth in case he gets in trouble. I’m going to be sending Sergeant Vapor with him, so you’re going to get Sergeant Chim, I know he and his squad were celebrating the news that Trooper Ime’s foal was born the day before yesterday. So sober them up and get that ancient bastard ready to throw down.” The Captain ordered as he then consulted his notes. Big Eveel nodded before stomping silently away, leaving deep hoofprints in the ground, yet not making a sound.

“Aba, Jemtooth, Royer. You all need to get the rest of the Company armed up, armored up, and geared up. We march after Fangtooth and Big Eveel ASAP, but I want us ready to claw as much throat as we can and not get clawed back. So I want weapons cleaned and repaired, armor spells shored up, and everyone briefed and ready. There will be no screw-up’s and I am not loosing anyone I don’t have to. Now get to it.” De Sauveterre growled as he dismissed his last three Lieutenants. He scratched the side of his beak and huffed, his talons reached for a coffee soaked message from the Brass. Copper mine needs to start producing by next month’s end. Feh, they could go crash themselves.

“Cloak! I want the Wireless Wackers to send out ETAs and these messages. And tell them to ask for confirmation that Humans are present at Hippocampus Bay. What the Tartarus are those backwater rent-a-guards smoking? I took my chick to see one of those shows last leave.” De Sauveterre said to no-one in particular as he swiftly rolled himself a thin cigar with his Red Star tobacco and shoved a few crumpled balls of paper into Cloak's wings.

One Half-Hour Later
The village of Simple Dam was a buzz of activity as Beta Company of the 23rd Royal Equestrian Auxiliary hurriedly collected their members and gear from the site of the collapsed copper mine just outside of the village walls. It and the dam that the village drew its name from were the reasons the 23rd had sent in Beta Company. The collapsed mine was the village’s main export, and when the dam broke during Discord’s storm of chaos…things were not going well to put it simply.

Mayor Sweet Syrup bit her lip as she timidly made her way through the chaotic rambling waves of non-ponies that towered over her. The pure white Unicorn nearly yelped as a Dragon carelessly dropped a lifting harness, that must have weighed a good four hundred pounds, off his massive back. The ground lightly shook under Sweet Syrup’s hooves, or at least she thought so as she made her way hurriedly away from the growing mess.

The Mayor of Simple Dam locked her eyes on the back of her target; the commanding officer of the outfit, who was standing over a simple table with accompanying map. Off color amber fur with the bleakest gray feathers Sweet Syrup had ever seen. The Griffin Captain of Beta Company, Gernot De Sauveterre, and the middle aged Griffin’s head swiveled to Sweet Syrup with startling speed as a thin talon rolled cigar of some sort was clenched in his beak. His feathers were ruffled and his beak notched from years of…well…Sweet Syrup had no idea what, but he looked like he would eat her any second. The Griffin Captain pinched his cigar and blew a stream of smoke away. His beak had in fact been damaged in a minor accident back when he assumed command of the slightly Diamond Dog heavy company.

“I am sorry Mayor, but the mine must wait. I know this is abrupt, but there is a emergency.” De Sauveterre said, his voice thick and gravelly, anticipating the Mayor’s reason for being there.

“But, the mine! We need to get shipments upriver to-“

“I know, but there is a situation, we are needed elsewhere. Another company of REA will be here within a week or two. Good day. Trooper Cloak, get her out of here.” De Sauveterre dismissed Sweet Syrup without another consideration. The Unicorn opened her mouth to protest before she felt something surprising on her flank.

A Pegasus Pony in REA colors and a half buckled breast plate smiled at her, he was handsome and his fur was a nice earthy shade of green…Sweet Syrup blushed as she noted he smelled of blueberries, her favorite.

“Excuse me ma’am, but ah got to ask you to move along. Don’t worry none, the mine will be taken car’ of. Now let’s get you back on your way.” Trooper Cloak said with a bright smile, his accent was a bit strange; but that didn’t really matter did it?

“Of course, yes, Trooper Cloak. I will appreciate a kindly escort back into town. My, what is a fine stallion like yourself doing in the REA?” Sweet Syrup asked, obviously smitten even though Trooper Cloak was there to get rid of her. Her eyes trailed after the tight flanks and plot, a half hidden cutie mark she couldn’t quite make out was her focus…of course it was just so she could piece it together…and not at all because of his tight flanks and plot…

De Sauveterre clicked his beak, that Cloak…he always had a way with others. Sneaky as all Tartarus, and a damn fine scout, but he was useful at keeping the civvies at bay, probably way he was the Captain’s orderly. De Sauveterre nodded, best decision he ever made, Green Cloak was the best when it came to keeping Mayors out of his feathers. The Pegasus was probably one of the backwater hill dwellers that Ponies had trouble with, but hey, he was hard working, good with others, and he made good tea and coffee.

The CO of Beta Company sighed, he needed to get on the road yesterday, it was a miracle though that old Copper Will, their minotaur Company Quartermaster Sergeant had decided to bring along full combat load for the company even though they were only suppose to be on a civil works assignment. The Graying minotaur barked at everyone as he shoved weapons, armor, and gear into paws, claws, hands, talons, and hooves. Already old Copper Pain as he was known was throwing a newer model light ballista into Sergeant Vapor’s claws, a dragon that had been in the REA only a year. Scored top grades and was promoted out of basic De Sauveterre believed. The young dragon’s dusty yellow scales, dull and scared from hard work gave the impression that the dragon had been in many a tumble. However De Sauveterre knew this would probably be the young Sergeant’s first engagement…even though he was sure the Dragon was probably older then himself.

“Lieutenant Fangtooth, what is the status of your platoon?” De Sauveterre asked, not turning to look at the Diamond Dog that had approached him, Fangtooth and his platoon had put in time up north, patrolling and engaging with the filth, mostly raiders and bandits with the odd mad cultist sighting and flutter pony goose chase under his belt. He was one of De Sauveterre’s more experienced soldiers, even though he was in essence an engineer specializing in tunnels and excavation.

“Dropgem, Quill, Petit, and Rockrow have my guys whipped up. We’re kitted up and ready, Cap.” Fangtooth responded with a toothy grin, casual and easy was his style. His armor was scratched and dented, from digging mostly, he hadn’t bothered to buff out the imperfections. It didn’t matter much to De Sauveterre, who’s own armor was maintained with perfection. Fangtooth was one of those traditionalists from one of those packs that got some parcel with service back in the wild days. De Sauveterre tried to recall who and where Fangtooth was sired from. Sir Lord something-something from something Clawhang? De Sauveterre shrugged off the thought, as he glanced back at Lieutenant Fangtooth. A young buck of an officer, fur dirty from long days digging and excavating the flooded mine. His slate blue fur matted and messy in every which way in defiance of REA grooming regulations during peace time civil assignments…although they were not on a civil assignment anymore...weren't they…

“Take Sergeant Vapor, Sergeant Major Stone Dufort and his special weapons squad, Copper somehow got his hands on a new Model 5 so put it to good use; and Corporal Bove and his squad, Sergeant Dagger and his air section, to reinforce your platoon. Then head up to Hippocampus Bay at double time. They need the reinforcements now.” De Sauveterre ordered with a frown as he clicked his beak, he replaced his cigar back in his beak

“Take Trooper Cloak, he’s from the area I think. If not, he might be useful with keeping the civvies calm. He’s got that thing, you know.” De Sauveterre said, before turning back to his map. Fangtooth nodded and gave a casual salute before heading off to gather his reinforced platoon and head out. Vapor was a big dragon, he probably could carry most of the ground troops while the flyers went on ahead.


Fangtooth turned back to look at his Captain, cocking a eyebrow.

“Just so you know, something major is going down up there. Reports of humans. Just thought you should know.” De Sauveterre called over quietly to the Diamond Dog, who blinked…and then whined low. Platoon Sergeant Bright Flame, his second in command, was one of those crazy mares that was obsessed with humans…this was going to get interesting. And not in a good way.

“LT! What’s our marching orders, Lash ol’ buddy?” Bright Flame asked as she stride up to Fangtooth. Her bright red mane and dull yellow fur gave her name its due, even under a fine layer of soot. The explosive and flame expert smiled up at Fangtooth, short and stocky for a Unicorn. Her ears twitched as Fangtooth sweated at the thought of telling this convention going, costume wearing, toy collecting, self declared super fan, who’s main job involved fire that the subjects of her obsession were just now confirmed real and present at where they needed to be.

“Captain tell you to eat a lemon? What’s with the face?”

Sergeant Chim blinked, he was a dragon, he weighed more then a ton, he was 200 hundred years old while having served for the past century. The post pub-crawl go over, how it was familiar. The sky blue and gray dragon yawned as he turned onto his back and kicked at the air. He was…behind Simple Dam’s only pub, the…something something. Ime’s wife just had their foal.

Sergeant Chim suddenly felt something grab him by the tail…and throw.

“Argh!” Chim groaned as he went though a small stack of empty bottle crates and then through a small grove of weedy thorn ridden bushes.

“What the buck man?!” Chim cried as he rolled onto his belly.


Chim flicked his head up and his eyes narrowed as his entire squad was coming right for him. Airborne…and none of them had wings. Over a thousand pounds of Diamond Dog and Zebra , mostly Zebra, pelted his thankfully soft and nonpointy face.

Sergeant Chim groaned, his Squad moaned, Trooper Ime cried a little as they all squirmed together. Their Hangovers started to throb as Sergeant Chim stood up forcefully, the smaller REA soldiers rolled off like dew.

Lieutenant Big Eveel stared into the middle distance, his back turned to Chim as the sun peeked over the Buffalo’s shoulder.


An Eagle’s cry broke the mewing cries of hung over zebras.

“Oh come off it you toss pot.” Chim said as he closed his eyes. When he opened them he found Big Eveel staring right into his eyes. The Buffalo seemed to gaze directly into the Dragon’s soul with a silent burning judgment.

“Quit it. I’ve been at the pub.” Chim held his talon over his eyes and looked away.


Sergeant Chim opened his eyes and snapped his neck up at the ghostly sound of one of the Company’s Lieutenant’s voice. It was like a tail of dust upon the wind, an upturned crate stood in front of the Dragon. A tray of hangover cure rested upon it. Chim sighed as the wind blew, spurring a flock of leaves and an Appaloosain tumbleweed to bounce past. Large Buffalo hoof prints mired the ground.

“Stop being so stereotypical! I don’t want to go to another sensitivity seminar!” Chim called out in panic, looking around for his giant Buffalo Lieutenant.

“you’re no fun.”

“Argh!” Chim groaned as he downed a mug of some Buffalo remedy for the Pony Water. Why couldn’t Big Eveel be normal all the time, like he was in the field. Why did he have to do this to them?


“The Captain wants my Platoon as a rapid reaction force, you and your guys are my heavy support. Get sober and get the troopers hosed off. We chase after Fangtooth ASAP.” Big Eveel declared from where he stood behind Chim, his tail flicked in the air playfully. Perhaps that was because of the cold water bucket in his horns…

“No do-COLD!”

Canterlot, 8:00 PM

Walking down the hallway, Luna soon came upon her sister's chambers and raised an eyebrow at the shouting coming out of it as she looked at the two nervous Guards. "YOU FOALISH MORONS! WHAT IN THE NAME OF TARTARUS WERE YOU THINKING?! I'LL TELL YOU WHAT YOU WERE THINKING! NOTHING!"

She just blinked as she shook her head. 'Seems Tia finally got them together...'


Still amused, Luna turned to a Guard. "And how long as Our sister been at this now?"

As he gulped, the Guard shared a look with the one beside him and took a breath before he winced at another bunch of insults that drifted out from inside Celestia's Chambers directed at the various Higher ups. "She has been at this since mid-Morning your Majesty..."

Luna just became thoughtful as she looked at the ceiling knowing that it was getting on into the night as another outburst happened. "I CANNOT DECIDE IF YOUR HEADS ARE THE DENSEST OR THE EMPTIEST THINGS THAT I HAVE EVER HAD THE UNFORTUNATE HAPPENSTANCE TO ENCOUNTER!"

As she snorted, Luna shook her head. "She hast out done herself this time."

Her head turned to the door as her sister continued her tirade. She shook her head as she walked to the door and knocked as Celestia shouted something about tar and phoenix feathers which she knew are hot enough to cause fires. 'I simply must remember that one. Definitely new.' Luna then cleared her throat, before she knocked again. "Sister, it is Us. We wish to speak with you on some matters of grave importance." A moment later, the door opened and several extraordinarily pale Guard Commanders rushed out and took off down the hall to Luna's amusement. As she walked in, she saw her sister there slumped as she rubbed her muzzle. "Are you alright Sister?"

As she sighed, Celestia used her TK and poured herself some drink, which caused Luna to raise an eyebrow at the alcoholic smell that came from it. "No, I'm not Lulu." As she gulped down the drink, she savored the burning sensation. "Everything is just..."

After she walked up, Luna nuzzled her distressed sister before she reached over for the drink and sniffed it which made her raise an eyebrow. "Bad enough for you to be drinking Gryphonloch Scotch?"

Celestia glared at her before she dropped it. "Considering everything... yes."

As an eyebrow rose, Luna poured herself a drink. "Perhaps it would help if you would speak to Us... I mean, me, about what the problem is?"

Celestia grimaced a bit and scowled. "That is the issue!" She then started to pace, waving a foreleg in the air as she did so. "Take what just happened..." As she glanced at her sister who's lounged back, she frowned. "I assume that you heard about Hippocampus?"

Luna nodded. "I have." She then gestured outside. "I have been working this morning on getting the relief train together after all."

Celestia nodded herself before she gave a bitter smile. "Thank you for that." She then went back to scowling as she glared at the door. "The reason that the attack even happened was because those foalish idiots that were in here decided that they needed protection for their families and stripped as many of the Guard up in the northern reaches to reinforce the Units in Manehatten, Fillydelphia, here..."

As an eyebrow rose, Luna shook her head. "But I only recognized a few nobles."

Celestia nodded as she flicked her tail. "Yes, but the others are from the richer families." She then grimaced. "And they decided that those up north don't need security as much as they do."

Luna watched her for a moment before she slowly nodded. "I see..." Getting up, she walked over and stood before her sister who was still pacing. "But there's more to this situation I am assuming?"

As she stopped, Celestia seemed to fold inwards. "I was looking over the list of those members of the Guard in Hippocampus and-"

Luna interrupted her with a sad expression. "You shouldn't do that to yourself Tia. It only hurts you more."

For the first time in a while, Celestia turned a glare fully onto her sister who weathered it. "It is the least that I can do for them Lulu." She then gestured at the room around her, though Luna knew that she was actually motioning it at Equestria. "Each and every one of those who die, do so for us... for Equestria." She gulped for a moment she blinked away tears. "If by writing a letter of condolences to their families helps them heal by letting them know that I care and feel for their loss, then I will gladly take that pain onto myself."

Luna frowned for a moment. "Then what seems to be the issue sister?"

Celestia turned and regarded her desk for a moment before she spoke in a quiet voice. "As the initial report stated that the Guard took heavy casualties, I looked over the list of the personnel there and found a Lieutenant Torch listed." She lapsed into silence for a moment before a tear slipped from her eye. "Her one surviving relative is none other then Rainbow Dash."

Luna winces as she hissed "Is she..."

Celestia sighed as she shook her head. "I do not know yet Lulu." As she tilted her head back, she stared at the ceiling. "The reinforcements should arrive sometime this night with a radio wagon. Once they manage to get a connection, we should know more..." She blinked before glancing at a letter. "I decided that my faithful student should know if for no other reason then to prepare her friend if it turns out for the worst."

Luna softly smiled. "She has been a help the past few weeks, has she not?"

As she smiled with some pride, the solar princess nodded. "She has indeed. I nor my advisers would have managed to boil down all the information on these 'humans' from what was in 'The Dark World: Technology is Courage' series into such short notes." Suddenly the frown came back bigger then ever. "Which is another concern."

Luna blinked before she looked out the window in the direction she knew Fillydelphia to be in. "Still no word from the humans? From this... 'United States of America'?"

Celestia shook her head, a worried expression on her face. "None." She then gestured in the direction that Luna is looking in. "Up until recently they've just sat there several miles out to sea, not doing anything..." She then furrowed her eyebrows in some puzzlement. "Well... besides that weird 'Drone' thing that crashed into Cloudsdale."

Luna raised an eyebrow at something she remembered. "We saw it being brought into Canterlot just the other day."

As she shook her head, Celestia snorted. "Yes, I was thinking that perhaps we might talk through it as in the show they apparently use it to transport images... but by the time it got here it's power source has run dry." She then ruffled her wings a little. "Though the scientists are sure that they can hook it up to some power source."

While she nodded, Luna frowned. "I suppose that we can only hope Tia." She then sighed. "One must wonder though as to why they have not sailed into port to ask to meet with representatives as soon as they came into sight of the coast. It is most... unnerving to say the least. None of the other races that we have met have ever ignored protocol before."

As she frowned, Celestia continued speaking quietly. "And that is what is most worrisome. They are not following normal behaviors and the question is... why?" She then turned to her sister. "Has something happened? Have we done something to upset them?" She then shuddered some as she closed her eyes. "Or has our coming here done something to this world?"

As she looked at the ground, Luna shook her head in bafflement. "What possible event could our have coming here have caused?"

Celestia glanced at her for a moment before she turned away. "I assume that you know of the phenomena known as 'Lunar Surf'?"

While she snorted, the Princess of the Night rolled her eyes. "Yes, though the name is wrong as it has little to do with the movement of our.... the moon." She then shook her head as she continued. "It usually has more to do with groundshakes and underwater landslides we have heard."

Her expression a grimace, Celestia closed her eyes tightly. "Yes. Now, what size could have occurred due to something the size of Equestria dropping into one of their oceans cause?" With the knowledge that her sister had an expression of pure horror on her face, Celestia sighed. "Though the mages and scientists have assured me that it is a thankfully unlikely event. Still... it is one of many possibilities and we might not have the answer anytime soon..."

Suddenly, Luna's head snapped around to look at Celestia. "Wait, what do you mean by that and... Hold on, you mentioned that 'until recently' they were there!?" As she gulped down the feeling of dread that was building in her, Luna shakily took a breath. "What has happened?"

Celestia stayed quiet for more then a minute before she answered just as Luna was going to ask again. "Just a few hours ago they turned away and are now speeding northwards at a trot that would be impossible for our own ships to match."

Luna frowned as her eyebrows furrowed before she made her way to the window and stared out it as if she could have seen them moving. "Northwards... but why? The only thing that's happened is..." Her eyes widened as her voice dropped to a whisper. "Hippocampus..."

As she walked up beside her, Celestia nodded. "Yes. Odd coincidence that." She then stared out the window herself. "Or... perhaps not that odd of one."

As she noticed that Celestia is looking around, Luna glanced around as well. "Do you know something sister?"

She just nodded. "While it was not in any official reports coming from there, a... source of mine reported that there were rumors that humans might have been there fighting the rogue Diamond Dogs. No confirmation of whether or not that is true yet as it came from an exhausted Pegasus Guard from the town who was sent out just after the attack and is yet unconscious from exhaustion... but it might explain the reasons why they're heading north."

Luna spared her a glance before she turned back to the window. "There is also the possibility that they may know that we are understaffed there and if our... arrival did indeed cause damage, then they may wish to invade in retaliation for it. And with the low number of Guard in the north, it would allow them to gain a foothold."

The silence between the two stretched for some minutes before Celestia sighed. "That is indeed a possibility I fear... But I prefer to think that perhaps another group had come to the aid of our little ponies rather then them coming to war with us for something that we may have happened by accident." Celestia then turned to her sister and looked her in the eye, her own swimming with worry and fear for her subjects. "It is our deepest hope that the worst case has not come to pass..."

Her expression a frown, Luna was about to say something to her sister when a knock on the door interrupted the conversation. "Yes?"

A familiar voice, though muffled by the door, drifted through it. "Ma'am, I have some information that you need to hear."

As she stood there blinking, Celestia shared a look with Luna before she cleared her throat. "Please come in Captain." A moment later, the door opened revealing a serious looking Shining Armor outfitted in his medium armor. "Hello Captain, how can I help you today?" Having seen him glance at the door, her horn glowed for a moment before it closed. "Now then… what is the issue?"

As he swallowed, Shining looked at Luna for a moment before he took a breath. "Your Highnesses, I recently received some news from a contact of mine in the Fillydelphia Guard regarding the humans."

As she frowned for a moment, Celestia nonetheless motioned for him to sit on a cushion. "Very well then." She then smiled as he sat, her eyes glinting with some amusement. "And there is no need to be so formal in private Shining. You are not only the head of Canterlot's Guard, and thus mine, but also the older brother of my faithful student."

Luna then gave him a sly look. "Not to mention that thou shall soon be family when thou art wed to Our niece this summer."

As he licked his lips, Shining cleared his throat as his face reddened. "Yes… well…"

Celestia just motioned him to go on. "You said that you have news about the humans Shining?"

As he took another breath, he nodded. "I do." He ignored the Scotch as he poured himself a glass of water and drunk it. "I know why the humans are heading North." As Shining set down the glass, he sighed. "According to an old Academy classmate, these 'Americans' had received word from a group belonging to another human nation called 'Canada' that they had received an distress call. These Canadians wanted the Americans to ask for permission to investigate from the ranking Equestrian Guard Officer, who so happens to have been Colonel Glassbreaker."

As the pieces started to fall into place in her mind, Celestia sighed in relief. "And knowing him, he gave permission of course."

Beside her, Luna nodded. "And of course they came across the raid at Hippocampus."

Shining grimaced as he nodded. "Yes, apparently these Canadians helped drive off the raid…" He gave Celestia a look knowing how she was going to react. "Their ships took some damage from the dragon leading the raid though and there were some deaths on their part unfortunately. That's why the American ships are heading north, to reinforce them and give aid."

Celestia's eyes started to mist as she closed them in grief for those who gave their lives for her subjects. She opened them a moment later when Luna asked a question. "And why, pray tell, are we finding this out now and in this fashion? And not through official channels?"

Shining just scowled. "Apparently General Puddington decided he needed to perform some damage control when he arrived and found out and try to figure out a way to tell you."

Celestia just sneered, having had more then enough with her Generals for the moment. "More like cover his lazy flank." She then gained a serious expression. "Captain, I want you to head to Filly and… relieve Puddington of his duty before bringing him back here so I can have a little… chat with him as he was not here today. Major General Sopwith shall have full Command of the Filly garrison returned to him effective immediately." As he left, Celestia sighed to herself. "I am getting tired of this." She then walked over to her desk and started to write. "Dear Twilight Sparkle…"

Ponyville Library, 8:45 PM

Furrowing her eyebrows as she looked over her notes, Twilight took a sip of tea before she called over her shoulder. “SPIKE! Could you find me ‘Intriguing Engineering’ from last April 19?”

Spike sighed as he slowly walked to the magazine rack while he rolled his eyes. “That’s the one about the new high altitude station they’re building right? The big airship one?”

His reply made her blink, which caused Twilight to turn and smile at him as she nodded. “It is. I’m surprised that you remembered that Spike.”

As Spike snorted, he opened the drawer containing past issues of Intriguing Engineering and started poking through the various issues. “How could I forget Twi? You were pretty excited to hear about it after all.” Finding it, he smirked as he continued. “You did go on about it for weeks.”

Upon seeing that he had it, Twilight turned away with a huff. “Well, it is the largest one ever built and can contain a crew of fifteen Ponies for several months as they do experiments.” She then sighed. “I wish that I could go up on it. Imagine the cutting edge research going on about how high altitudes affect various physiologies and magic!”

Spike just blinked before shrugging as he laid it on the table she’s using. “Didn’t you go up on the last one?”

Twilight just shook her head as she flipped through the pages, her magic holding her tea as she sipped. “That was the Galloplieo and it was only for a few days with Princess Celestia when she visited it.” She then sighed dreamily. “The Da Finchi is much bigger and more equipped.”

As he was rubbing his chin, Spike slowly mumbled in half remembrance. “Da Finchi… Da Finchi… wasn’t that, that famous Griffin artist?”

As she glanced at him, Twilight shook her head. “He was more then that Spike, he was also an inventor, scientist, and engineer well ahead of his time.” She then chuckled. “It’s fitting that it’s named after him.”

Shrugging, Spike headed towards the kitchen. “I’m grabbing some gems. You want anything?”

As she thought it over while she looked at the various papers and books, she nodded. “A daisy sandwich would be great, thanks.”

A few moments later, Spike’s voice drifted out from the kitchen. “This is about that space station thingy that you saw, isn’t it? I think that you’re obsessing over it a bit too much Twi.”

A few moments passed before the lavender Unicorn sighed. “It is an amazing feat of engineering Spike. And if that panel Fluttershy gave me and the notes from the creators are correct, then they got it up there without the use of magic, but instead rockets!” As she shook her head, Twilight grumbled a bit. “Its something from science fiction.”

While walking out of the kitchen with a bowl of gems in one hand and a plate with a sandwich on it in the other, Spike raised an eyebrow as he looked at the ceiling in thought. “Don’t remember an episode with that…”

Twilight’s lips twitched a little as she softly chuckled. “It was in some deleted scenes that were cut for being too fantastical. Thankfully though, Fluttershy is a big enough fan that she bought a number of never used scene sketches which included it being discussed among the characters.” She then frowned thoughtfully. “It was about them sending up another piece of it I think…”

Stopping for a moment, Spike suddenly burped out a green flame from which a scroll appeared. Clearing his throat as Twilight started bringing it to herself using magic, Spike shook his head. “Still, don’t see what this has to do with those high altitude stations.”

With the scroll in front of her, Twilight rolled her eyes. “Because they’re the closest thing we have to something like this. And the airships used are supposed to find out various things for when we go into space.”

As he screwed up his face in thought, Spike set down the items in his hands and flipped a gem into his mouth. “How the hay we going to get into space?”

As she smiled Twilight broke the seal on the letter. “Well, some are working on rockets, but the main one involves several hundred Unicorns lifting the items into orbit with the help of a spell array…” While opening the letter, she continued. “Of course, that’s years if not decades away with how complicated all the work would be.”

Spike was about to say something when he noticed Twilight’s face paling as she read the letter. “Twilight? Is there something wrong?”

While licking her suddenly dry lips, Twilight took a deep shuddering breath as she looked at him. “Spike? I need you to go and gather the girls.”

Blinking, Spike held up a claw. “But-“

As she shook her head, Twilight interrupted him. “Spike, I need you to do this.”

Still confused, he slowly nodded. “Okay Twilight…”

Watching as he walked out, Twilight waited until he heads out the door before reading the letter again as a tear fell from her eye. As she swallowed heavily, she closed her eyes and ran her hoof down her muzzle as she shook her head. “Oh Rainbow…”

Forty kilometers South-Southeast From Hippocampus 8:55 PM
Two Unicorns stood side by side in a small-hedged clearing off to the side of a fork in the road. The massive forests around them were foreboding and claustrophobic. One, a massive stallion of a Pony, at least twice as tall and one and a half times wide as the average Pony, with Khaki fur and a Strawberry blond mane. Scars covered this Herculean head to hoof, with a wicked Glasmarian Smile scar marring his face. The other was a stallion of some would call…mare-like looks. A slender build and long neck, with thin girly hooves. A neatly parted Auburn mane and carefully trimmed mustache were the only signs of Stallion hood on a creamy white body that looked silky smooth to the touch.

They both wore the dulled Equestrian Guard field medium set armor, most of the shine was scratched out and both looked in used condition. The newer Mark XI crossbows were slung easy to their sides. The gleaming metal tips of the standard EG bolt sent shivers to their senses.

It could clearly be seen that these two elite warriors would need no words to communicate as ears flickered and muscles twitched. The bigger stallion sniffed, his eyes glancing around.

The Rendezvous was imminent and they both could feel eyes on them.

“…Did you just expel flatus?” The Slender Unicorn asked suddenly, his eyes narrowing as he kept his gaze locked on his surroundings. His voice was musical with a nice middle tone.

“'e 'oo smelt it, dealt it.” The Giant Unicorn replied easily, his accent marking him to be from the East End of Trottingham. His voice was gruff, and like ground glass.

“Stop being foalish, it is obviously whoever rebuts it cuts it.” The Slender Unicorn replied as the bushes ruffled and he pretended to not notice.

The stench of wet Diamond Dog was in the air, and both could tell.

“’e ‘oo sniffed it, biffed.” They were on the right.

“My word, must we do this all the time? It gets old.” I know. The Stallions are ready.

“'ey. you're the chuffin' wahn that brought it up. Not me.”

“Oh come on now old bean, just admit it instead of all these juvenile games next time.

“Ya saying that ya Trottin’ham Charmers never make Raspberry Tarts?”


Several dozen yards away, in what was thought to be downwind, LT. Fangtooth squinted at the two Unicorns in their armor and crossbows? Was that the Guards unit they were supposed to link up with? Were they talking about…gas?

Fangtooth mumbled a growl as he looked over to Bright Flame, who looked back with a shrug. There was a couple of heavy armored Ponies and their attending gunners parked just back in the hedges. The light illusion over the hide was a dead giveaway to those that knew the Book.

Time to meet the neighbors it seemed.


“Green Fairy!” A voice called out to the Unicorns who both subtly checked their crossbows.

“Honey Cider!” The Slender One returned as the bigger one chuffed.

They stared at the Diamond Dog that hopped out onto the road, and the Unicorn that followed him. The Slender Unicorn licked his lips at the sight of the Mare with the Giant Unicorn stoically considered the two.

“Lieutenant Regal Crescent and Sergeant Smooth Charmer I presume?” Fangtooth grinned as he slowly swaggered up, his own crossbow in a low carry. He looked to the Slender Unicorn and then to the Giant Unicorn in turn.

“Nah, clock, I be Regal, this be Smooth.” The Giant Unicorn stepped up, cocking an eyebrow at the surprised looks on Fangtooth and Bright Flame. The Giant Unicorn grinned, stretching his scared face.

“Wot, surprised? We garn ter 'ave a lil' problem 'ere?” Regal Crescent asked with a cocky, and hideous, grin.

“But-but-wah?” Bright Flame blinked and took a step back as Fangtooth nodded in understanding.

“I heard of your family, Trottingham landowners right?” Fangtooth asked, extending a paw to Regal Crescent as Smooth Charmer meandered up to Bright Flame.

“Yeah, that is wite. We own a Hoppin' Pot of land. Summit ter ya?” Regal Crescent asked as the area rustled audible.

“Heh, don’t be too surprised Sergeant Flame, why I was born and raised in the East End of Trottingham. Why don’t I tell you all about it.” Smooth Charmer offered as he sized up the shorter mare. Bright Flame gave him a half lidded look as their Lieutenants started to get into the whole Noble hobnobbing thing.

“That your guys back there with…the Model 5s?” Bright Flame asked as Fangtooth gestured wildly.

“Sharp eye. That your Pegasus in the trees with the knife?” Smooth Charmer replied as Regal Crescent then returned the gesture with his own.

“Yep. We brought a reinforced platoon. Got a Dragon arcing around for air cover, and some heavy weapons. You?” Bright Flame confirmed and then asked as she watched Smooth Charmer scan the treeline and nod at her tally.

“Reduced strength ourselves, CO got orders to send most of the Ponies back near the interior. Left us with the heavy guns and armor at least. They copper-stripes seem about done, let’s get our people moving.” Smooth Charmer said, leading Bright Flame into the trees.

“First thing I liked out of your mouth so far. Heh…how do you feel about Dark World?” Bright Flame asked with a cocky smirk, the two Unicorns ghosted into the treeline as they left their Lieutenants to talk.

“The Colt’s thing? Never gave it much thought. Why?” Smooth Charmer could be heard asking before more and more steps and movement could be heard. The combined might of the REA and EG merging together around the two COs.

There was a shared nod between Diamond Dog and Unicorn before they too disappeared into the forest.

“Oh, no reason. Next stop, Hippocampus Bay.” Bright Flame smiled widely as nearly a hundred Ponies, Griffins, Zebras, Donkeys, Cows, Minotaurs, and Diamond Dogs spilled onto the road and begun marching at a steady rate.

“Oh Celestia, you are a Puman, aren’t you…”

Ponyville Library, 9:10 PM

As they opened the door to the library, the rest of the Mane 6 along with Spike shook off the evening chill as they walked in. Dash snorted before she shook her head. "What the hay is so important Twilight that you had to get Spike to bring us here this late..." Whatever she had been about to say trailed off into nothing as she caught sight of a disheveled Twilight. She blinked as their arrival shook her out of her thoughts. She stared at them with red-rimmed eyes as she griped the ginger scented tea in her shaking hooves. "Twi? Is there something the matter?"

While she set it down, she sighed as she gestured at the area in front of her. "I... got something to tell you girls. If you could come here?"

They all sat down, but they're still a bit weirded out as Twilight made sure that they sat in a specific pattern which had Fluttershy and Applejack beside Rainbow. After she shook it off as an example of Twilight's oddness, Applejack cleared her throat to bring attention to her. "Now then Twi. What's gonin' on and why are ya'll lookin' like Ya'll were cryin'?"

Twilight sat there for a few moments as she sipped her tea and gathered her thoughts. "I... just received word from the Princess that there will be a relief train coming through sometime in the early morning hours. They're heading for a community that was under attack." Having waited until the gasps die down, Twilight continued. "They were hit earlier today by a Diamond Dog slaver force lead by a dragon..."

Having noted how Spike tensed up and clinched his fists from bad memories, Rarity gently laid a hoof on his shoulder before she turned to Twilight. "How bad are we talking darling?"

Silent for a few moments, Twilight's next words caused all their stomachs to plummet. "Bad. They torched most of the town and killed a large number of the Guard stationed there." Taking a deep breath, she glanced quickly at Rainbow as she continued. "Thankfully, a group of human warships nearby heard their distress signal and came to their aid." Grimacing, she shook her head. "They took casualties in the process as well though."

Fluttershy blinked for a moment before she looked at Twilight with a confused expression as the others besides Rainbow talked. "Um... Twilight?" She flinched a bit as everyone looked at her, but continued as the lavender Unicorn gestured her to do so. "Uh... Why would the Princess let us know? There's... um... not that much that we can do after all..."

Twilight stared down at her tea as Rainbow Dash's sub-conscious placed all the pieces together as her breath quickened and her heart beat faster. Twilight finally lifted her head and stared at Dash who's heart stopped with her friend's next words. "The town attacked... was Hippocampus Bay..."

For Rainbow, the world seemingly stopped at that moment with the name of the town echoing through her head before she started to shake her head. "No..." Tears started pouring from her eyes as she rushes up and grabbed Twilight. "This is a joke right! Because it's not funny Twilight!"

Her grip weakened though as her friend looked away and closed her eyes sadly. "I'm... I am so sorry Rainbow..."

The blue Pegasus' body shook as she collapsed inward, reality itself seemingly shattered as she violently shaking her head. "No... NO! NO!"

Applejack and Fluttershy shared a look before they move up and draw their friend into a comforting hug as she struggled and screamed while tears run down all their faces. Rarity just hugged Spike as she sobs as Applejack ran her hoof down Dash's mane. "There, there Sugarcube." Blinking away her own tears, she looked up from the devastated Pegasus and at Twilight. "Is her sister..."

Her own sobs chocked back, Twilight shook her head as she shrugged somewhat helplessly. "I... I don't know." Having looked at each of her friends, a feeling of powerlessness filled her. "There's been almost no communication from Hippocampus since the attack..." Having gulped, she continued. "Princess Celestia told me that she would let me know more once she finds out herself. She just thought it might be better coming from me then..." She swallowed a bit. "Then a black armored Courier..."

Having buried her face in the yellow fur of her oldest friend, Dash lets out loud heartwenching sobs as she shook in their embrace. As she did so, memories rushed through her head. Torch raising her from when she was young after their parents died. The fights that erupted between the two as the younger sibling grew older culminating in that last, horrible fight between the two that saw Dash run away and stay with Fluttershy for a month before coming back to an empty house, Torch having gone through with a transfer somewhere.

And then she had received a letter from Torch a few weeks before Discord. The letters sent back and forth with the last one telling Dash how proud Torch was of her and how she beat Discord... the promise to meet face to face and finally lay to rest the past.

Dash shook her head as she buried it into the soft fur of her friends. 'She... she can't be dead... she just can't be...' She slowly raised her head, the truth having hit her as she whispered. "I never even got to tell her how sorry I was..."

Having held her close, Fluttershy nuzzles the top of her head. "Oh Rainbow..."

With trembles still having run through her body, Dash looked at Twilight. "That... train that is coming through here... it's heading there... right?" Twilight nod was enough as an answer as Dash spoke in a voice thick with the emotions running through her right then. "I want on it... I... I have to know for myself... I need know..."

Slowly having gotten up, Twilight made her way over and then joined in the hug. "Princess Celestia already knew that might ask that and gave orders that if we wished, they were to pick us up."

Stunned, Rainbow looked at her in surprise. "'Us'?"

Rarity then joined in the hug as she looked at her Pegasus friend with a caring gaze. "Of course we would be going with you darling. There is no way that you could keep us from coming, for support if anything else."

Tears flowed freely as Pinkie joined in. "Yeah Dashie! We're your friends after all you silly-willy!"

Stilled racked with sobs, Rainbow gave them a thankful smile. "Thanks you guys..." Holding them all tighter, she nodded as she continued. "You're the best..."