• Published 4th Sep 2012
  • 28,481 Views, 758 Comments

Widening the Lens - Harry Leferts

When the Elements of Harmony defeated Discord, they did their job too well, and completely undid all

  • ...

Chapter 3: Charging to the Rescue, Battle of Hippocampus Bay (Harry Leferts, Typhonis 1, Wakka)

Disclaimer: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro.

"That day... was both the most horrifying and yet incredible day of my up to then short life. I thought that I and my parents might die as my town burned around me from the slaver raid. And then... then the Canadians came out of nowhere to help. Real live humans! To save us! It was like something from 'The Dark World: Technology is Courage'! I... I don't think that you or many humans could understand how I or many of the foals felt that day. It was like your entire town was under attack from a massive gang or something and then Batman stepped out of the comics and saved the day. I owe my life and the lives of those that I care about to Jesse and the other Canadians. It's a debt that can never be repaid in my view. I joined the Equestrian Guard, Coast Guard Division, because I wanted to be just like them and help those who needed it and to fight fear..."

- Lieutenant Sprinkles, Royal Equestrian Coast Guard speaking of the Battle of Hippocampus Bay in the book "First Contact: The Event and the aftermath" Canterlot Printing Company, 2019

Day 9, HMCS Algonquin

Sipping at his coffee, Commander Kerr nods as he tilts the computer tablet in his hand so that the black furred pegasus beside him could read it. "Seems that the weather out to sea is worsening Miss Dish, so we might be sticking to the coast for a while."

Blinking as she looks at the picture of the ocean between Equestria and what's been told is called "North America" Dainty can't help but shake her head. "I Bnow from the show that you can't control weather but *Achoo!* But this..."

Looking at the massive storm on the screen, the Commander sighs. "I suppose that it brings it home, doesn't it?" Dainty slowly nods as she blows her nose a piece of kleenix. "Normally I would just ride it out, but I think it might be a better idea to avoid it all together this time." Turning to the bridge's windows, he frowns slightly as he sees the tree coated coastal mountain range with various bays and inlets everywhere. "Should we be on the lookout for anything?"

Dainty slowly shakes her head. "No-not really *Achoo!* Only a few frontier towns around here and Diamond Dog packs... *Snerk* Though I think there might be a dragon."

A nearby Sailor snorts a bit until he remembers that they currently have a talking Pegasus on the bridge and shuts up. The Commander gives him an even stare for a moment before turning to apologize to Dainty when the Coms calls him over. "Is there an issue Mr. Strickland?"

The Leading Seaman turns and shakes his head as he glances back at his display. "Sir, I'm getting a signal from nearby on the Medium Wave AM. It keeps repeating itself at 15 second intervals. There's a weaker signal as well that I'm trying to isolate at the moment give me time and I'll have it."

Holding out a hand, Commander Kerr is handed the headset which be brings to his ear. Closing his eyes for a moment, he listens to the rymthic sound before frowning. "Some Kind of music perhaps?"

Strickland shakes his head. "No Sir, whatever it is, we've been recieving it for the past five minutes. It was weak and I've been working to isolate it." He then makes a gesture in the air. "Might have to do with whatever happened, it's messing with a number of lower frequencies."

After a moment, the Commander turns to the interested Pegasus. "Miss Dish, could you tell me if you recongnize this?"

He holds it next to her ear and she listens to it for a moment before her eyes widen. "Oh Celestia! That's a distress signal!"

That catches the Bridge Crew's attention. "Distress signal?" Kerr and the Leading Seaman share a look before he turns back to Dainty. "Could it be just a test?"

His stomach drops as she shakes her head with a small sneeze. "N-no. A test is just a minute long."

Grimacing, he turns to his Coms only to find that Strickman is already trying to triangulate the signal using the Frigates beside them, the HMCS Ottawa and HMCS Calgary. He then turns to another Coms. "Get in touch with the Enterpise. The Americans have several Guards there, one is likely an officer of some kind, have them let whoever it is know that we're going to investigate." He then orders the Sea Kings on the group's ships to be made to move out at a moment's notice, right before bringing the battle readiness up and ordering any boarding parties to head to the helipads in battle gear.

Twenty Minutes Later

Watching as the ocean passes below them, one of the boarding party members turns to look at the youngest member. "You okay there Jeff?"

Jeff just nods as he looks over his HK MP5. "Yes Sir. A bit different from what we normally do though."

The Petty Officer just shakes his head with a flash of a smile as he looks out the slightly opened door before frowning. "I know what you mean; this is completely crazy what’s going on. Talking ponies? Hell, talking winged ponies."

From his seat, the Pilot leans over and snorts. "Better then some crazy ass aliens invading. I tell ya one thing, Dainty sure as hell looks nothing like ET."

The female co-pilot smirks. "True that." She suddenly frowns as she looks over to the side where Algonquin stated the signal was coming from. "2 O’clock, is that smoke I’m seeing?"

The pilot nods, his expression becoming serious. "Yeah, it is. And if we’re seeing it from this distance…" He then gets on the radio. "Algonquin, do you copy, over?" After getting confirmation, he continues. "Please be advised that we are seeing a lot of smoke from area of destination. Over."

Almost immediately, Commander Kerr’s voice comes over the radio. "How far are you from the last known location of signal?"

The pilot and co-pilot look at the Navigator who holds up both fingers splayed. "We are approximately ten minutes out, over."

The Commander’s voice comes back over the radio. "Continue proceeding to location and be advised there might be possible hostiles."

The pilot nods. "We copy."

He leans over and tells the three boarding party members the situation before turning back to flying the helicopter towards the steadily growing amount of smoke. Five minutes later, Commander Kerr’s voice comes over the radio. "Enterprise has managed to get in contact with a ranking Officer of their military and he has authorized us to interfere if there is civilians in danger."

The pilot and co-pilot share a look before nodding, knowing that the crew in the other Sea King is hearing this as well. "Understood Sir." Looking over, the pilot shakes his head. "I told you that you shouldn’t have complained about us being out on exercises."

The Co-pilot glares at him, mouthing the words ‘Fuck you’ to him. Five more minutes pass before they fly over a ridge. The sight that greets them causes the co-pilot’s hand to come to her mouth. "Oh God…"

What they see before them is something out of a war movie as before them as there is a small township of some kind that’s currently ablaze, the fires reflected in the waters of the sheltered bay it’s clustered around. Clinching his fists, the leader of the three boarding party members grimaces. "Fuck." It’s then he catches sight of something down below. "What the hell… are those… dogs running around down there?"

Pulling out a binocular and bringing it to her eyes, the co-pilot leans some towards the window and shakes her head. "Only if dogs run on their hind legs and… is that a spear that it’s carrying?"

The boarding party chief opens the Sea King’s door and looks down, looking through pair as well. "Sure as hell looks like it."

Meanwhile, back on the HMCS Algonquin as it proceeds towards the last known local of the signal at full speed, Commander Kerr has received the details and turns to Dainty as the Com’s officer gets in touch with the Equestrian Officer on Enterprise. "Any idea what those are Miss Dish?"

She gulps a bit, her quiet voice nonetheless echoing though the Bridge as everyone listens. "Those… *Sniff* those are Diamond Dogs!"

Both the Commander and his XO share a look before the XO clears his throat. "’Diamond Dogs’ Miss Dish?"

She nods. "Yes, they *Achoo!* live underground in mines and can dig through the ground *Sniffle* like a mole. Some packs will do raiding, especially around here…"

Getting a sinking feeling in his stomach, the Commander, takes a breath. "Raids Miss Dish? For food or weapons…?"

His stomach plummets with her shaking her head. "No, they… they… *Sniff* they do raids for slaves to work in their mines." She doesn’t notice the slowly angered expressions on those listening in. "Usually, they will only go after lone travelers or small groups. Raids like this are… *ACHOO!*" Sniffing a little, her eyes slightly wet, she continues in a shaky voice. "Those they capture are usually never heard from or seen again except for bones being found sometimes near abandoned mines…"

Gritting his teeth, Commander Kerr looks around already seeing expressions hardening. ‘Slavery…’ He then turns to Seaman Doyle, who he notes is clinching and unclenching his fist. "Seaman Doyle, please take Miss Dish to her quarters and stay there with her."

Dainty just looks up in shock. "Bu-but…"

Getting down on one knee, the Commander places a hand on her shoulder. "Miss Dish… Dainty, we’ll be heading into combat soon, I don’t wish to see you get hurt." He then sighs. "You’ve given us a lot of help, but let us take it from here."

She bites her lower lip some and nods. "O-okay… I understand."

Giving one last look around, she leaves. The Commander then turns to his Coms once she’s out the door. "Any word from Enterprise?"

Strickland nods. "Yes Sir, apparently the Officer over there has confirmed what Miss Dish said and asks that we intervene and try to secure the area until Equestrian reinforcements arrive."

Beside him, the female Coms turns. "Sir, the Sea Kings have been informed of what we know and have confirmed that the Diamond Dogs are the ones setting the town on fire as well as some carrying nets."

Angered, the XO Grumbles. "Definitely not victims then…"

Commander Kerr gives him a glance before reaching out. The Commander is then handed the radio. "We have received a request from the Officer on Enterprise to intervene and secure the area until such time as native reinforcements arrive. Lethal force if needed has been authorized." And then grits his teeth as he leans against the Coms station. "I want those sons of bitches taken down and taken down hard. But keep your wits about you and stay focused..."

Hippocampus Bay, Town Hall

Overall, Sprinkles the pegasus had been having the worst week of his young life so far. First, there had been that wall of light which had scared the adults so much, which resulted in everypony being effectively grounded for a very nice day (for something that wasn't his fault!). Then, the night sky and moon had been wrong. Everypony had finally calmed down somewhat today since nothing else had happened, and the town's foals were let out to play...just in time for the stupid Diamond Dogs to attack. He rested his grey forelegs on the rooftop's ledge, and looked around for the thousandth time.

The town's foals, elderly, and unable to fight had been immediately evacuated to the upper floors and roof of the Mayor's office building. This was considered safe not because the Diamond Dogs couldn't attack or collapse the solid building, but because those evacuated weren't targets, and this would be far out of the way for a Diamond Dog to attack. Nopony had expected the dragon, least of the all the Town Guard. Now, the four story stone blockhouse was nearly surrounded by burning buildings, and the guards had been driven away from the center of town. Screams, the heavy thwock of repeater bolts hitting, and draconic roars were the the only evidence of the continued fighting, but were now steadily growing fainter.

The worst feeling in the world, Sprinkles believed, was helplessness. He couldn't help fight, he couldn't help treat anyone, and he couldn't even fly for help. Young flight muscles simply lacked the necessary strength and stamina, a point driven home in the opening few minutes of today's catastrophe.

It was the heavy buzzing sound he heard first, like a gigantic swarm of insects was far off. Moments later the underlying thwopping was heard, almost like a large hummingbird wing. A green earth pony filly, Starlight, was abruptly beside him, looking up. Her head turned towards the sound, and her jaw dropped. "No way."

Sprinkles almost rolled his eyes, "What now?"


He looked. He blinked and shook his head. He looked again. "What are those ugly things?"

Starlight regarded him like he was a zebra, "They're helicopters. You know, from Technology is Courage?"

"That's fiction, Starlight," the grey pegasus sighed, "Something that's not real."

"Fiction or not," she retorted "There's two helicopters at the edge of town."

The blocky buglike things had split up, circling around in different directions just outside the town limits. Abruptly, doors on the side of them opened, revealing things that very definitely did not look like ponies.

"More diamond dogs. That's it, then." Sprinkles almost looked sick.

Starlight, on the other hand, looked almost ready to start bouncing. "Those are HUMANS!"

The pegasus opened his mouth to reply, "Starlight, I-"

"Just look! Those aren't diamond dogs, the limbs are wrong."

He regarded the grey...helicopters for a moment, and sighed "I'm not sure, Starlight, they-"

"Go get them, they'll help."

The colt glanced at the newly enthusiastic filly, and shook his head. "You're not going to let this go are you?"

His green counterpart looked him in the eye, "No, I'm not. They'll help, it's what they do. Go get them."

Sprinkles closed his eyes. The town guard was already losing the fight, there was nowhere to run, and the dragon might just torch the rest of the town for laughs. There was nothing else he could do. He opened his eyes, spread his wings, picked his target, and flew

Scowling, the Petty Officer in charge of the Boarding Party members currently on the Helicopter hisses through clinched teeth as he pulls the binoculars away from his eyes. He then turns to the Pilot. "Can you find us a spot to set us down at? Maybe a central location?"

The Pilot nods as he looks out through the cockpit windows. "Sure, give us a sec and we’ll find a place to out you boys down at."

At that moment, the Sensor operator turns towards the rest of the crew. "Sir, we got an aerial contact on Radar flying towards us at 27 knots at 5 O’clock. It’s smaller then Miss Dish so it might be a bird but…"

The Co-Pilot shakes her head. "Sure as hell isn’t going to be a bird flying this."

As they maneuver the Sea King around, Petty Officer Grant MacDonald looks out the open doors and scans the area until he spots a small grey dot slowly growing larger as it heads for them. A moment later, his eyes widen as he can now clearly see its shape. "Dammit! It’s a Pegasus kid or something judging by the size, but why the hell is it coming here?!"

It’s Jeff, a Leading Seaman who figures it out. "Aw shit. I heard rumors that Miss Dish mentioned a show for kids or foals or whatever with humans as heroes…"

The Petty Officer grits his teeth. "And seeing us a child would run to us…" The foal finally comes close enough to see clearly what creatures are inside the helicopter and stops in midair, its mouth wide open. "Kid! Come on-" Whatever else the Petty Officer is about to say is cutoff as the foal is nearly hit by something shot at it. "Fuck!" Grabbing the HK MP5 beside him as he catches sight of a grinning Diamond Dog reloading his crossbow, the Petty Officer snarls as he looks down the sight. "Like hell." A moment later he feels the sub-machine gun dig into his shoulder as he fires two short bursts. The first misses from the movement of the helicopter, but the second slams into the Diamond Dog causing it to jerk around before collapsing. He then gestures to the shocked Pegasus. "KID, COME ON !" A moment later the Pegasus foal flaps as hard as it can and lands inside the hold of the Helicopter. Putting on the safety, the Petty Officer gets down a knee and places a hand on the foal’s shoulder. "You okay kid?"

The foal rapidly nods. "Ye-yeah…" He then looks around with a slightly awed look. "You’re… real. You’re really humans! Just like from Technology is courage!"

The third member of the Boarding team, Master Seaman Jason Matthew, nods. "Yeah, we’re real." He then frowns. "So what the… heck are you doing flying around here? You could have gotten real hurt."

The little grey Pegasus looks down for a moment before sobbing. "Starlight she… she recognized the helicopters from the show and thought that… thought that you could help and…"

As he starts to tremble, the Co-Pilot shares a look with the pilot before unbuckling herself and walking over to him. A moment later, she has him in an embrace as he starts crying. "There, there little one, everything is going to be alright."

The sniffling and tears running from his eyes, the Pegasus looks up. "Pl-please… you got to help…"

Her own eyes misting, 2nd Lt. Jesse "Fireball" Munroe nods while unknown to her, the Sensor operator takes a moment to snap a picture on a small digital camera he carries. "Don’t you worry little one, we’re going to help." A moment later, she gasps as the Pegasus hugs her tightly and thanks her. "But first, I want to know the name of the brave little guy who came to find us. You can call me Jesse by the way."

Swallowing back a lump in his throat, the Pegasus gives a slightly shaky smile. "M-my name is Sprinkles ma’am."

Jesse just nods with a slight, comforting smile as she continues to try and talk as softly as possible over the sound of the rotors. "Sprinkles? That’s a great name." She then gives him a bit of a serious look. "Now Sprinkles, we need some place open to set down so that these guys here can help, do you know of anywhere nearby we can use."

Still awestruck and disorientated, Sprinkles nods. "Yeah, the Mayor’s office, it’s a big building with a large roof… just like you use in the show!" Jesse smiles and is about to say something when Sprinkles continues. "It’s where the rest of us foals and the really old ponies are."

Automatically Grant stiffens as his mind makes the connection. ‘Dear God… that’s where their children must be.’ Clearing his throat, he gets on his knee again. "Sprinkles, did you see any Diamond Dogs around there?"

Sprinkles looks at him confused and nods. "Well yeah, there… was group of them with this big log thing, but they can’t get in."

It takes a moment but the soldiers figure it out. ‘Shit! They got a battering ram and they’re going for the kids.

Needless to say, that makes them even angrier. Jesse just looks at Sprinkles again. "Sprinkles, can you show us where this building is?"

Sprinkles just nods and smiles. "Ye-yeah! I can guide you there!" He turns to go back out the door when Jesse stops him. "What?"

Jesse just shakes her head. "Sprinkles, you’ve done a very brave thing coming to get us, but we don’t want you possibly getting hurt if those Dogs take another shot at you…" She then looks up at the Pilot and gestures to the cockpit. After a moment he nods and Jesse turns to the confused Sprinkles. "I got a better idea, how about you come up to the cockpit and point what direction we need to go, okay? Just don’t touch anything, okay?"

As she brings Sprinkles up to the front, the Leading Seaman snarls. "Those fuckers are going after children?!"

Looking where the Pegasus is now sitting in the cockpit between and behind the pilot seats, the Petty Officer grips his gun tightly as he nods. "Yeah, and we’re going to make them pay for even thinking of it."

Up in the cockpit, Sprinkles takes a look around, his heart rising before it sinks again. "Mom… Dad…"

Jesse just reaches over and squeezes his shoulder. "Don’t worry Sprinkles, we’ll do everything we can to find them, okay?" She smiles as he nods and wipes away his tears. "They should be very proud of their brave little one." A moment later, she sees the office building Sprinkles told her about as he excited tells them that it’s there. Smiling, she turns to tell him something when she notices a group of ponies in what looks like roman armor come staggering out into the Square in front of the building, one goes down though as a spear pierces through him. Quickly, Jesse looks over to see that Sprinkles is unable to see it. She then leans back. "We can let you guys off in the Square, but it’s Hot!"

The Petty Officer shares a look with the other two and they nod. He then turns back to the Pilot and Co-Pilot. "Do so!"


Grunting as with each step the spear wound in her flank sends spikes of pain through her, Torch aims with her crossbow and uses her last bolt to nail a Diamond Dog. "Take that you Bucker!" A moment later though, her world nearly goes black as a stone roughly connects with her head. Stunned, she falls as an arrow plants itself in her leg, the pain causing her to rush back into consciousness in time to see a pack of Diamond Dogs about to charge her. Ears ringing, she doesn’t notice the rest of her group looking up from behind the cover they scrambled behind as she draws her short sword. ‘Sorry Dash… seems like Big Sis ain’t ever going to be able to apologize for all the shit she put you through growing up…’ Shakily getting to her hooves, she wobbles some as she looks through her one good eye, the other blinded from blood coming from a head wound. "COME GET SOME!" One of the Diamond Dogs is about to charge when suddenly there’s a loud booming sound from behind her as half it’s head vanishes in a spray of red. "What the!?"

She turns in time to see some strange thing drop to its knees and aim a long metal tube of some kind at a group of Diamond Dogs. Due to her hearing coming back, she hears a sound like tearing of parchment as several go down howling. The creature then looks at her directly. "Are you okay?!"

She nods, still slightly out of sorts. "Yeah…" She then glares at him. "Who the bucking hay are you?! What are you!?"

The being gives a small, grin. "Petty Officer Grant MacDonald, Royal Canadian Navy. We’re here to assist you."

Torch blinks at that. ‘We?’ She then hears another boom and looks to see two more start using whatever weapons they are to take down the Diamond Dogs. Seeing that, she nods as her decision is made. "Thanks, we need all the help we can get."

The Petty Officer nods and is about to say something when the ground behind him explodes as a Diamond Dog leaps at him, knocking him to the ground. Twisting the struggling human around, it’s about to spear him when it howls in agony as Torch buries her sword to its hilt in the Dog’s side. A moment later it backhands the brave Guard knocking her to the ground as it pulls out the blade. "Stupid Pony! I will enjoy-" Hearing a clicking sound, it turns back to see the Petty Officer pointing some metal thing at it. ‘What is-‘

It’s thoughts are cut off as well as it’s life as the two bullets plow through it’s skull, a head evolved to shrug off blunt force impacts giving it no protection against the projectiles. Throwing the body off him, Grant winces as wraps an arm around his chest for a moment. "Damn, I knew they could fucking dig, but not like that!" Seeing that the Pegasus that just saved his life is slipping in and out of Consciousness, he slings her over his shoulders in a fireman’s carry before grabbing his fallen gun and her sword. He then rushes towards where the rest of his team is as the second Sea King (the one he came in on having gone to the roof) arrives, its door gun spitting bullets at the hoard of canids. As he’s running, Torch’s helmet falls off revealing her red and yellow highlighted hair. Once he’s behind cover, the medic from the other Sea King begins work to stabilize her as much as possible..

USS Enterprise

"I want those choppers headed north now! I don't care ,yes they will be late but those damn slavers could try again and I'm sure the Canadians won't mind some of Uncle Sam's Misguided Children helping them. I want javelins sent as well you never know . Right...Vegetarian MREs, they are herbivores if what Ditzy and her friends appetites are any indication. Water and water purification gear as well....Enterprise is headed North but it will be a while till we get to the area but if a second attack happens....Well Diamond Dogs will meet Steel rain since the MEU will be there first."

"Word from the states is they are sending relief supplies as well. Also a few veterinarians. I'm sending what Corpsmen I can and doctors but space is limited. Mid air refueling for the choppers. 18's as well four are headed north as we speak. Better late than never."

For the pegasi watching it was a sight to behold has 90,000 tons of metal turned hard to the right. Alarms could be heard coming from it as several aircraft were launched. More activity on deck as a small fleet of helicopters from the carrier and her escorts headed North. The carrier followed them and seemed to be accelerating as a Wasp Class with accompanying ships pull out ahead of them all as it launches Ospreys and Sea Stallions.

Hippocampus Bay

Watching as the Naval Boarding Team members take cover, one of whom is carrying an injured Pegasus, Jesse turns to look at their last passenger and gives him a smile. "Okay Sprinkles, we'll drop you off on the roof. Understood?"

Sprinkles nods as he leans against her chair, still frightened from the sounds. "Ye-yeah. That sounds good."

Jesse just runs her hand through his brown mane as he looks up at her. "You've been a very brave colt so far Sprinkles, just have a bit more to go." Lifting off, the copter makes its way to the roof and then comes to a hover just a few feet above it. She then nods at Sprinkles as she unbuckles herself. "Well come on then." Getting up, her and Sprinkles head to the bay door and she opens them revealing the roof, where there are several foals and a few elderly looking ponies. At least one of the foals looks like it's a toddler causing her to take a breath and let it out in a small hiss. She does blink though noticing that a number have a single horn in the middle of their foreheads. 'Unicorns? Really? Eh, they have Pegasus after all, not that surprising.'

Sprinkles hops off just in time for a green Earth Pony filly to rush up and hug him. "YOU'RE OKAY! Oh, Sprinkles I was so worried when you didn't come back and... and..."

Watching the filly bury her head in the blushing Sprinkles chest, Jesse can't help but twitch her lips some before she winks at the poor colt. "You didn't tell me you had a girl waiting for you Sprinkles."

Sprinkles sputters some as the two foals spring apart, both faces ablaze. "It... it's not like that!"

Jesse just winks at him again. "Sure it isn't." She then becomes serious before hopping down and giving him a hug. "Anyways Sprinkles, I got to head out to bring in the next group. Keep safe, okay?"

He nods and smiles as he returns it. "I will, thanks."

Giving him one last squeeze, she turns to head back into the Sea King when she hears a shout. "WAIT!"

She turns to see an elderly looking Pegasus trot over as fast as she can. She hears Sprinkles call her Grandma and gives her a nod. "Ma'am."

The Pegasus stops and looks her over for a moment before turning to look where the gunshots are coming from. "Who are you and where are you from."

Jesse clears her throat a little. "I'm 2nd Leutenent Jesse Monroe Ma'am. Royal Canadian Airforce, we're here to render assistance."

The mare nods. "I see... but where are you coming from?"

Understanding, Jesse gives her a smile. "Her Majesty's Canadian Ship Algonquin. It'll be arriving here soon to give more support."

The old Pegasus nods for a moment before looking at her grandson and his friend for a moment before nodding. "So you come from a warship then? A big one?"

Jesse slowly nods unsure of where this is leading. "Well, yes."

The Grandmother takes a breath and then lets it out in a sigh as she looks at the female co-pilot. "Please then, take our young ones with you so that they'll be safe. This place is a deathtrap for them if the dragon shows up."

Jesse takes a slight step back in shock at both what she is asking and what she said. "Ma'am...?"

The old mare gives a bitter chuckle. "I have watched the show when caring for the young ones and seeing you here helping us because we need it..." She then reaches up with a hoof. "I can see that you'll take care of our little ones. Please..."

Jesse searches her eyes for a moment. "I'll get in touch with the Commander and see what he thinks. But if we do, it'll take a while to get all of you out of here..."

She trails off as the grandmother shakes her head. "Don't concern yourself with us older fuddy duddies."

Sprinkles rushes up and hugs her. "But Grandma!"

She shakes her head, a small tear falling from her eyes. "No Sprinkles. We've all lived our lives and you and the other young ones have just begun to live yours." She then gets down and nuzzles the crying foal. "If it is our time, then it is our time. We can go knowing that our little ones are safe."

Sprinkles just hugs her even harder. "Gran... grandma..."

The two share an embrace as they softly cry. A moment later, Jesse returns after confirming over the radio. Seeing this, the Grandmother nods. "So?"

Jesse just nods. "We'll get them out of here. We can't take many at once, but we'll take as many as we can each time we come back."

The Grandmother nods. "That will do." She then looks at the group of youngsters. "How many can you take?"

Looking them over, Jesse bites her lip. "We might be able to take ten. That would be pushing it though."

The old mare nods and motions for the elders carrying the smallest foals to come over. "That will be fine." She then turns to both Sprinkles and Starlight. "I need you two to go with them." She holds up a hoof at their loud disagreements. "I need you two to go on each one of these... helicopters I believe their called?" She looks at Jesse who nods. "Yes, I need you two to go on each one to keep the younger foals calm."

Getting down on one knee, Jesse places a hand on Sprinkle's shoulder. "Sprinkles, can you be brave one last time?"

He just looks up at her with a slight tremble. "I... I'm scared..."

Jesse just gives him a smile. "Being brave doesn't mean not being scared Sprinkles, I'm scared too you know. But being brave means you fight your fear."

Sprinkles nods a little. "O-okay..."

Giving one last hug to his grandma and Starlight, he flaps his wings and lands in the Sea King bay. Mean while, the first of the foals arrives and Jesse picks them up before handing them to the Sensor Operator who places them in the bay. Picking up a tiny little Unicorn foal, Jesse gives her a small smile. "It's okay little one, everything will be okay."

It doesn't take long until the last of the group their transporting are on the Sea King. Turning to the elderly Pegasus, Jesse's breath is taken from her as the old mare hugs her. "Thank you. And please take care of the foals."

Jesse pats her on the back. "Don't worry, I will." The two separate and Jesse turns and grabs a hand hold, hoisting herself up and into the Sea King. A moment later, the helicopter rises as the foals inside take one last look at the roof, Jesse herself seeing the other Sea King nearly land and a member of it's crew jump out to help take some foals on board. Swallowing the lump in her throat, Jesse closes the door and after patting Sprinkles on the head one last time as he takes care of the crying young ones, makes her way to the cockpit. Strapping herself in, she looks back at the foals. '"Fight Fear" indeed...' She then turns to the instruments as she starts flying the helicopter to the Algonquin. It doesn't take long to reach the Destroyer and even less time to land as their met by various personnel and Dainty herself. The black Pegasus taking it upon herself to help guide the foals to where they'll be out of the way. Sprinkles, of course is the last one off as before he leaves, he walks into the cockpit and gives Jesse one final hug which she returns. "Now, be good, okay Sprinkles? These nice people and Miss Dainty will take care of you."

Sprinkles nods before looking up at her with a worried look. "You'll be okay, right?"

Jesse gives him one last squeeze before letting go. "Of course I will be." She then gestures with her head where the last of the foals are gathered around a sneezing Dainty. "Now you head on over there and keep an eye on the very little ones." After one last goodbye, Sprinkles hops off and rushes over to where the other foals are as four Naval Boarding personnel make their way onto the Sea King, one of them carrying a duffle bag and the other with a FN MAG as well as the ammo needed for it. Once they close the door, the copter lifts off, heading back to the town. After a few minutes, Jesse looks back. "By the way, where are they putting the kids?"

One of them, another Leading Seaman jerks his thumb back to where the ship is. "They're going to put them in the galley for now. Head that one of the crew members might be setting up a small DVD player for them to watch." He then looks around. "You got a bag around here?" The crew shakes their heads causing him to gesture at the Boarding Party member carrying the duffle bag to set it down. A moment later, he pulls open the side pocket and takes out a small kevlar bag and begins filling it with grenades. After securing everything, he holds it out. "Here, we were told to tell you that if you see any packs on your way out, you were to drop these on them." The crew share a look before setting the bag out of the way as they continue on their way.

CFB Comox, twenty minutes later

Standing on the runway near the two CP-140 Aurora being refueled, the two crews watch. Shaking his head, the Pilot of one of them turns to the one for the opposite aircraft. "You hear where they're sending us?"

Sipping from his coffee, he nods. "Yeah, I heard we're doing a airdrop over that landmass that appeared." He then gestures at a nearby Hercules also being refueled. "They're even loading a Herc."

The Herc's pilot comes over. "Talking about the mission?"

One of the Aurora's crew nods. "Yeah, no clue what the hell is going on though."

The Herc's pilot is silent for a moment before looking around. "The navy boys went and got into a fight over there apparently." That little fact catches their attention and one of the other members of the group asks what the hell the reason was for that. "They got a distress signal from a town and when they did recon found the whole thing aflame and the group that did it grabbing people. Something about slaves." All is silent for a moment before shouts start ringing out and the Herc pilot holds up his hands. "Whoa! Only reason I know is that one of my guys was monitoring the Coms and overheard it. And children are involved."

One of the crew, a Coms officer for an Aurora slams his fist into a nearby wall. "Damn bastards!"

There's nodding all around as one of the pilots scowls. "No wonder we're being sent up with Land Survival Pods."

The Herc Pilot nods. "Yeah, and they're sending us over with airdropable medical pallets and shelters. They don't expect the fighting to last long." He then looks around before leaning in. "Look, since there's kids involved in all this and it'll take a while before we leave, me and my guys are gathering together some money. We managed to get a hold of some airdrop pods that aren't being used and I'm sending one of my crew over to the airport and the other into Comox to go to a convenience store. We figure that after this, those kids are going to need whatever comfort they can get and the weight ain't going to be nothing that we can't cover.."

The Aurora crews look at each other and nod before the first pilot rubs the bottom of his nose. "How much do you need?"

The Herc Pilot looks towards one of the Base Commanders overseeing the fueling and loading. "However much you're willing to give."

One of the Sensor operators lets out a sigh. "If you can scrounge up some more, I'll head over to the CANEX. I know some people over there that can help." He gives a bittersweet smile. "Nothing like a stuffed toy to make a kid smile." Nodding all around, the crew starts pulling out wallets and taking out bills...


On Route to HMCS Algonquin from Hippocampus Bay

Flying over the forest on their way back from yet another drop off, Jesse gives the Sea King flying beside them a thumb up. "At least all the kids are out of harms way."

The Pilot just nods. "Tell me about it." He then glances back where a single medic is taking care of an injured Pegasus, what visible red and yellow hair sticking out from the blood stained bandage lying limply. "Any idea why we’re just picking her up now? She looks in rough shape."

The medic snorts before shaking his head. "Stubborn as a mule. Didn’t want to get any treatment until after the battle." He then smirks. "Sadly, she never saw the needle coming." He then grimaces as he checks on the red stain. "Idiot could have gotten herself killed pushing the way she did."

The Sensor operator shakes his head. "You sure using that stuff on them is safe?"

Rolling his eyes, the medic gives him a look. "From what I was told they’re mammals so yes, it’s safe as long as we don’t overdose her."

Jesse is about to say something when she notices the pilot of the other Sea King motioning down, causing her to look out the cockpit and swear. "Fuck!" She then turns to the Pilot. "We got a group of Ponies being dragged by Diamond Dogs down there and-" She growls. "We got to get down there now! They’re beating the shit out of one of the Ponies!"

Scowling, the Pilot nods. "Any of you ever been on the ground in combat?"

The rest of the crew shakes their head before Jesse snarls. "No, but we sure as hell went through Basic." Unbuckling herself, she gets up and grabs the bag of flash bangs (they having been placed in a separate bag from the others before making her way to the door and opening it as the helicopter circles back around, the Diamond Dogs staring upwards. With a vicious grin, Jesse pulls out a Flash bang before pulling the pin and dropping it right in the middle of the pack. "Fetch!" A moment later, the grenade goes off causing the Diamond Dogs to drop howling and screeching to the ground as they hold their ears. The Ponies whimper a bit as they shut their eyes causing Jesse to flinch. "Shit…"

The Medic shakes his head. "Forget about that for now." Reaching over, he grabs a C8 and hands it to her. "Here, use this. Better then that pistol you got."

Jesse snorts but doesn’t say anything and once the Sea King is hovering just above the ground, she hops out and makes her way to where the Ponies are. She has to shoot two recovering Diamond Dogs when they try to interfere, one in the leg and the other in the torso. Reaching the tied up Ponies, she grabs her knife and starts cutting the rope hobbling them. "It’s going to be okay, we’ll get you out of this."

One of the Ponies, a dark grey one with a black mane and a seaweed Cutie Mark licks her lips as the rope binding her mouth shut is cut. "Who… how…"

Ignoring the sound of the Sea King with the door gun using it, as well as the other humans cutting the rest of the Ponies free, Jesse gives her a glance as she cuts the last rope. "Name’s Jesse. We’re here to help." She then winks. "And yes, this is just like that show."

The mare blinks for a moment before her eyes widen. "Slide!"

Seeing her rush towards the Pony who was being beaten with a limp, Jesse scowls before chasing her. "Dammit!"

Her scowl fades away though as she sees the mare hold up the other pony’s head and nuzzle it, tears falling from her eyes. "Slide…"

Looking up from his swelled eyes, Slide just gives a slightly awkward grin, his broken wing lying limply. "Hey…" He then notices Jesse running up, the C8 hung across her back. "Aw hay… the pain must be making me see things."

Jesse just shakes her head as she crouches next to him, giving him a look over and grimacing at the wounds as well as the fact she can’t tell what color he is through the dirt and blood covering him. "No Sir, I can honestly say that you’re not seeing things."

He just blinks. "You mean… you’re an actual human?"

She nods as the mare continues sobbing. "Yes Sir. Now where does it… I suppose it hurts everywhere…"

He chuckles before wincing. "Ooo… Hurts to laugh."

She tries to give him a comforting smile as she uses her hands and tries to feel for any broken bones and finds a couple. "Sir, can you feel your legs?" He nods as she grimaces. "Sir, I’m going to have to lift and carry you. I’m afraid that this will hurt."

He snorts a bit and nods as the Earth Pony looks on, biting her lip. "Is… is he going to be okay?"

Jesse just reaches over and lays a hand on her shoulder. "As long as we get him medical attention soon, he’ll be fine."

Placing her arms under him, Jesse takes several breaths before lifting him, grunting from exertion as he screams and blacks out. "SLIDE!"

Red faced, Jesse looks over at the Pony beside her before jerking her head at the waiting copter as the Navigator and the Medic come out with a stretcher. "COME ON! We got tot get out of here!" She starts running towards the two soldiers with the Stretcher and reaches them just as she hears a scream behind her. Turning, she sees a furry hand grab the gray mare and start pulling her down into the ground as the pony panics. "Fuck!" Laying the injured Pegasus on the Stretcher, she snarls. "GET GOING!"

The Navigator shouts as she turns and starts running for the mare who’s now up to her waist in the dirt. "MA’AM!"

Jesse just half turns and points to the Sea King. "GO!" Still running, she reaches the pony just as the dirt reaches her chest and grabs her forelegs. "I GOT YOU!"

She starts pulling her back only for a sudden jerk to yank her off balance and cause them both to hit the ground and collapse the tunnel underneath them, the two falling into it. Dazed, Jesse shakes her head and tries to get her bearings just before she finds herself slammed against the nearby tunnel wall hard enough to knock the wind out of her and break a rib. She then finds herself being hoisted into the air by her arm and leg as two Diamond Dogs grab her. "You not a pony… but you do just as good."

Snarling through the sharp pain in her ribs, Jesse’s free boot swings back, catching the one holding her leg in the crotch, it’s eyes widening comically as it drops her. "LIKE HELL!" Now able to move slightly and touching the ground due to the Diamond Dog holding her arm dropping her slightly, her training takes over as one foot slips behind the Dog’s leg and she grabs its arm with her free hand and pulls. While not throwing it, it’s enough to cause it to let go as it trips. As it tries to get back up, Jesse’s foot swings up and catches it in the throat with a wet crunch. Grabbing her C8, Jesse aims it at the stunned group holding the pony down before firing, catching them and bringing them down. Limping over, she pulls the stunned mare to her feet. "There we go, you okay."

Wincing as she sets a hoof down, the mare hisses. "I think I twisted my hoof."

Jesse grimaces and is about to say something when she hears a shout and looks up to see the Navigator poking his head out of the Sea King’s door as it flies above the collapsed tunnel. "FIREBALL! WE’RE GOING TO USE THE WINCH!"

He then tosses down another vest and Jesse slides it on as they swing out the rescue winch. She turns to the mare only to see her staring down the opening to the tunnel. "What’s wrong?"

She gulps before looking at the human beside her. "There’s more coming…" Her ear flicks a bit. "A lot more."

Jesse blinks for a moment before taking a breath as she looks around, and spots a boulder that had fallen in. ‘Its stupid but…’ She looks up and cups her mouth. "THROW ME A FRAG!" Seeing the Nav looking at her like she’s crazy, she scowls. "THROW ME A FRAG, THEY’RE COMING BACK!"

Nodding, he ducks back in as the Sensor operator continues to set up the winch. A moment later, the Nav comes back. "INCOMMING!"

Since the Sea King is so low, Jesse manages to catch the grenade. Looking down the tunnel, she turns to the mare and jerks her head. "Get behind that rock there and tell me when they’re coming down." The mare nods and does as asked. Jesse just takes a breath, wincing as a sharp pain flares causing her to cough. ‘Okay Jesse… you can do this…’

A few seconds pass before the mare shouts. "THEY’RE COMING!"

Jesse rapidly pulls the pin and throws the grenade down the tunnel before running for the rock and grabbing the mare and pulling her behind it. "GET DOWN!"

Inside the tunnel, the group of Diamond Dogs are about to charge out when the grenade bounces off the wall and lands at their feet. Cocking his head to the side, one of them picks it up and scratches his head as he looks at it curiously and then the others. "Ball?"

A moment later, there’s a large boom as Jesse covers the mare with her own body, the noise deafening them enough that they don’t hear the shrapnel bouncing off the rock they’re behind. Blinking away the pain from her ribs, Jesse pokes her head around to see the tunnel collapse Still deafened, she sees the vest on the end of the winch’s cable get dropped into view before she shakes the mare underneath her. "TIME TO GO!" Seeing the confusion and realizing that the mare can’t hear anything, she points. "TIME TO GO!"

The mare nods, also shouting. "OKAY!"

Together the two make their way over before Jesse bends down, helping place the vest around the mare and then hooking herself in. She then looks at the mare. "Ready?" The mare nods as Jesse brings up a hand and gives a thumbs up. A moment later, the combination of the helicopter ascending and the winch pulling them up brings them up and over the lip of the exposed tunnel. Once they’re up in the air, Jesse breaths a sigh of relief. ‘Oh thank God that’s ov-‘

She gets cut off as the mare screams. "LOOK OUT!"

One of the Diamond Dogs had been playing dead, and seeing it’s chance had sprung to its feet and done a running leap into the air, its claws grabbing hold of Jesse’s leg causing the cable to jerk as they continue ascending. A moment later, it bites her shoe, its teeth actually biting through the tough material. "ARGH!"

In the other Sea King, one of the crew there takes aim only to shake his head. ‘Dammit… I can’t shoot without possibly hitting the other two…’

In Jesse’s copter, the Navigator looks at the winch to see it struggling under the weight of all three, small wafts of smoke coming from it as it strains from carrying over its weight limit. ‘Do something Fireball…’

Below on the end of the cable, Jesse brings her free foot down again and again on her attacker’s head, only for it to shrug off the blows. "GET OFF YOU FUCKER!"

The Diamond Dog just snarls as he stops trying to bite through her ankle through the boot, and instead pulls itself up farther as the fight continues over the tree tops. "I will enjoy chewing your bones."

Two hooves suddenly slam into his face dazing him. "LET HER GO!" The mare lines up another shot and smashes her back hooves into his face at the exact same time as Jesse brings her own foot down. The two hits causing him to let go and fall into the forest below, where they see him land on a branch jutting out from a fallen tree, piercing him. The mare then hugs her, quietly sobbing. "I’m so sorry… I am so sorry…"

Jesse just awkwardly pats her back as the cable stops pulling them up. Looking up, she sees the Navigator shaking his head. "WHAT’S GOING ON?!"

The Nav just shakes his head before shouting back. "THE WINCH IS BUSTED! WE’RE GOING TO HAVE TO BRING YOU TO THE SHIP THAT WAY!"

Jesse blinks a bit and begins chuckling, only to wince as she hisses. "Note to self… don’t laugh." A few minutes pass as the trees sweep by below them until they’re within sight of the ocean, the Algonquin and its escorts nearly to the bay’s entrance. She then looks at the still frightened mare. "You know, I never caught your name."

The mare blinks as she stares at her savior before a smile crosses her face. "Name’s Oyster!"

Jesse just grins. "Great name."

A moment later, her grin is replaced with a looks of shock at Oyster’s next words, the mare looking at the approaching open water with a worried look. "I hope that Sprinkles is okay…"

Jesse swallows the lump in her throat. "’Sprinkles’? Is he a gray Pegasus foal with a brown mane?"

She just nods. "Yes! He’s mine and Slider’s son! Have you seen him?"

Oyster then just watches in confusion as the crazy human begins madly laughing and wincing. After a minute, she too begins to giggle before bursting out laughing, tears streaming from both their eyes. Up near the winch, the Navigator shakes his head before looking back at the cockpit, partially closing the door as he shakes his head. "Guys, I think that Fireball’s finally snapped, she’s laughing like a mad woman…"

Hippocampus Bay

Poking his head over the overturned wagon he’s using as a shelter, a Petty Officer scowls as he fires at a bunch of Diamond Dogs using a pile of debris for defense. "Fucking furry bastards…" He then glances to the side. "Present company excluded."

The Unicorn mare in bloodied grey armor snorts before propping up her crossbow and taking a shot, the bolt narrowing missing a Diamond Dog. "I’ve been called a lot worse in my years. Trust me on that." Ducking below the lip of the wagon’s bottom as several arrows smash into it, she snarls. "They got a hell of a place to fire from. Smart little pups." Moving her head some, she pulls it down as an arrow nearly hits her. "I can’t get a decent bead on them."

The Canadian Naval personnel beside her nods his head. "I would dearly love to throw a grenade up their ass but…" He looks over and fires some shots before ducking back down. "Too far to throw one, and can’t shoot here as it’s just as likely to bounce back thanks to all these walls."

The Unicorn looks at him. "’Grenade’?"

He nods and looks at her. "Small handheld explosive device. You pull a pin and throw it or shoot it and once so much time passes it explodes. This case a frag would be best." Seeing the look, he guesses what she’s about to say. "A frag is a grenade that when it explodes sends out hot metal fragments at high speed, shredding what is in its way."

Getting up again, the two allies once more try and take out the Diamond Dogs only to get one of the five. Ducking back down, the Unicorn rubs at a wound on her thigh. "So a hoofbomb then?" Seeing the confused look, she shakes her head. "You got some?" He nods looking at her causing her to grin with a bloodthirsty look. "You give me one, pull the pin and I’ll make sure it drops in the middle of those mother buckers."

Glancing at her, the Petty Officer takes a breath and nods. "Okay." Reaching, he grabs a grenade and pulls the pin, only to find it floating in the air, a greenish aura around it. "What the hell!?"

Using her TK to toss it, it lands right in the middle of the Diamond Dogs. "What? You never seen magic before or something?"

A moment later, there’s a detonation as several Diamond Dogs are flung into the air howling. The Petty Officer flinches a bit before shaking his head. "Not in my life Ma’am."

She blinks and stares at him for a second. "Huh. Weird." She then motions her head. "On three?" The Petty Officer nods. "One."


Then as one they rise. "THREE!"

Watching the area over his sights, the Petty Officer that the only thing moving is the smoke from behind what’s left of the debris pile as there’s several Diamond Dog bodies in front of them, obviously dead. Beside him the Guard Pony swallows her gorge from the smell and the sight. "Ugh…"

The Petty Officer turns to her. "You okay?"

She simply nods, distaste apparent on her muzzle. "Yeah, not used to this amount of combat."

He just nods. "Doing damn good so far." Giving one last look around, he shoulders his HK MP5 and holds out his hand. "I forgot to introduce myself. Petty Officer Daniel MacGrath, Royal Canadian Navy."

The Unicorn takes his hand and smiles. "Master Sergeant Spearmint." She ignores the slightly confused look before he shrugs it off. She then grins. "Thanks for the assistance that you and your group have been giving us."

Daniel just nods as he looks around with an even stare. "We should get moving-" He gets cut off as he hears several distant grenades go off, a roaring soon blotting out the sound. "Shit, it’s that dragon!"

Spearmint grimaces as she telekinetically loads another bolt into her crossbow. "And we don’t have anything capable of taking that thing down." She then gestures at his gun. "And somehow I don’t think that, that will do much."

The Petty Officer shakes his head. "Nope. But we already knew that we don’t have the weapons to kill it." He then frowns as he looks at her. "We’re just keeping it occupied until the Algonquin, the Ottawa and the Calgary get here. They’ll have the weapons on board to take the fucker down hard."

The Unicorn beside him grins as she holds up her crossbow. "Well then, if a distraction is all you’re looking for…"

He nods and together the two start heading for the fight against the dragon. Within five minutes (and having picked up a Pegasus and another Unicorn), they’re close enough to see blasts of fire through the smoky air. "Well, looks like we found big ugly."

The Pegasus just grumbles some. "That’s one way to put it…"

Spearmint gives him a glare shutting him up before turning to the Daniel. "So what’s the plan?"

The Petty Officer turns and gives her a shrug. "Piss it off to keep it nice and distracted. Hurt it if we can." He then unslings his gun. "As long as we prevent it from focusing on one target too long, we should be okay."

Ignoring the shocked looks of the other two Guardsponies, Spearmint gives a grin and nods. "Short, sweet, and to the point. Exactly how I like my orders." She then turns to the other two. "Dusty, I want you to get into the air and hit it from above. Use lighting to do so as it’ll have a longer range and don’t bother trying to really hurt it. Hit it when it’s focused on the ground." She then turns to the other Unicorn, a colt. "Jackrabbit, you think that you can hit it from range?"

Unslinging an odd, longer crossbow from his back with magic, Jackrabbit nods. "Let me find a place and I can make sure that it won’t be focused for long."

Spearmint nods. "Okay, move out and watch for the signal." They nod and Dusty takes to the air as Jackrabbit heads into an alleyway. Seeing that, Spearmint looks to see Daniel pull his finger from a small bud in his ear. "You ready?"

He nods as he checks his sidearm. "As ready as I’ll ever be to deal with a Godzilla reject." He then jerks his thumb into the air. "I let the Sea Kings know about… Dusty was it?"

She nods. "Yeah, Private Dusty." She then gestures with her head to the ear bud. "Radio headset?" Once more surprised, he nods causing her to chuckle. "Don’t be so shocked. We out here on the fringes in the small town don’t get the new stuff. Saw one on my last trip to Stalliongrad." She blinks as he chuckles a bit before shaking it off. "Anyways, let’s head out." Rushing, the two stop behind a building near an open area, the sound of gunfire, shouts, roars, and "Fwoosh!" of flames echoing around them. Poking her head around the corner, the Guard Pony nods as she gestures to his pack. Understanding what she’s planning, he pulls out two grenades and as she holds them, with TK, pulls the pin. Taking a breath as he does so, Spearmint narrows her eyes. ‘You can do this…’ Her tongue poking from her lips, she floats the two armed grenades right behind the dragon’s head as they go off. Seeing the roaring dragon stagger, she gulps. "I think we might have caught his attention…"

Pulling her behind and against the wall as a gout of flame shoots by, the heat enough to make him sweat, Daniel gives her a deadpan look. "You think?"

At her shrug, they make their way rush across the road, narrowly missing being roasted again. The Canadians and the Guardponies work together, performing hit and run tactics and never allowing the dragon time to focus on one. Up in the air, the Sea Kings with door guns and Dusty along with a few other Pegasi manage to grab the dragon’s attention whenever he begins focusing too much on the troops on the ground. Several times, what can only be called "Illusions" pop up causing the dragon’s attention to switch long enough for the soldiers to regroup. After the fourth time, this time what looks like an Ursa Minor attacking the dragon only to phase through it, Spearmint frowns. ‘Who the hay is doing that? None of the Unicorn Guards is an accomplished illusionist…’ She shakes it off as she fires another crossbow bolt and turns to Daniel. "Any idea how much longer?"

The Petty Officer just gives her a grim smile. "Right now, just received the order to bug out."

Nodding, the Unicorn concentrates before a blast of energy shoots into the air, creating a firework effect. Immediately, all weapons fire stops as everyone holds their breath while the dragon looks around. "Come out little things… I can smell you…"

A moment later, a low flying Sea King buzzes him before vanishing into the smoky gloom causing him to snarl as he leaps into the air after it. After a minute passes, Spearmint sticks her head around the corner and nods. "It’s clear."

Daniel nods as he steps out beside her, his gun leveled at the burnt clearing while keeping an eye on the area around and above. "Yeah… seems like it’s gone…" Seeing a bluish glow though, he whips around in time to see a silvered maned blue Unicorn using its magic to carry an injured Leading Seaman. "Alec!" Running over, Daniel grimaces as he sees that one of Alec’s legs below the knee is completely gone, some of his uniform jacket wrapped around it to keep it from bleeding out. "Alec, wheres…"

The man just shakes his head sadly. "The dragon got Shawn, Danny after we found Trixie here. He saw the dragon and pushed me and her out of the way of its fire."

The three turn and look at the shuddering pony, her eyes wide with fear as she looks up, tears streaming from her eyes. "He… he saved Trixie’s life… and…"

Alec just lays a hand on her shoulder. "And you saved mine." He turns to Daniel. "She pulled me out of the way of another fire blast."

Spearmint just frowns. "I know you, you’re the performer right? Were those illusions yours?"

Trixie just nods. "Ye-yes. Trixie’s quite good with illusions and proud of her ability."

Daniel just nods as the other two Guardsponies that accompanied him along with several others (Canadian soldiers and Guards) start gathering. "Okay… let’s get you to the Evac zone."

He moves only for the glow around the Leading Seaman strengthens as he looks at Trixie. "Trixie will carry him." She then looks down and swallows. "It’s the least she can do."

He watches her for a moment and then nods in understanding. "Okay… okay then." He then turns to the others. "Let’s move out and regroup. Double time people…" He gets a sheepish smile as Spearmint clears her throat. "And Ponies." The group then begins the trek back to the Mayor’s office, the Wounded and Trixie in the middle…

***************** Up in the air *************

Dodging to the side as another blast of fire just barely misses the Sea King, Lieutenant Jake "Sully" Jackson snarls as his Co-Pilot tells him to get a move on before he snaps. "I’m currently engaged in a running dogfight with an goddamn dragon that breathes freaking fire in a fucking Sea king. I’m doing the best the best I fucking can dammit!" His statement is punctuated by another blast of fire just missing as in the bay, a Leading Seaman leans out some and fires his C8 at the dragon. A moment later, they clear the smoke and fly out over the bay. "Where the hell is the Algonquin at!?"

The Co-Pilot grins. "She’s about to come into view!"

Jake grins himself. "Well then, let’s hit the deck!" Bringing the Sea King into a dive (and just dodging another fire blast), he flattens it out as it rushes across the waters of the bay, the wave tips just touching the bottom. "Come on…" He dodges another blast. "Come on…" He then sees the three ships as they come charging into view. "YES!"

Yanking back, the Sea King goes into as vertical a climb as it can while on the Algonquin’s bridge, Commander Kerr lowers his binoculars. "Fire."

As the ships' cannons fire at the dragon, three RIM-66 missiles leap off their racks, rapidly accelerating to Mach 3 as they home on the dragon. Two hit it as it's distracted from dodging the cannon shells, injuring it as it keeps heading for the three ships. The two Halifax-Class frigates adding their own fire alongside the Algonquin's CIWS as the engagement rapidly narrows, their own Sea Sparrows launching at the still oncoming dragon just as it breaths massive gout of flame, incinerating some of them while detonating others. It bursts from the cloud of flame trailing fire as a blast from the Algonquin's 76 mm tears off one of its wings moments before it slams bodily into the foredeck of the Ottawa, the force of the impact causing the ship to list to the side as the broken and battered dragon rises from it’s position. Watching as it shoots a ball of flame at the nearby Algonquin, blackening and blistering the paint where it hits, Jake’s jaw drops. "What the fuck does it take to kill this thing?" He then grimaces. "Oy, Chris, you trust me?"

His Co-Pilot shakes his head as the enraged dragon tears the main cannon that had been turning to fire at it from the forecastle it sits upon. "Fuck yeah. Whatever you’re planning, I’m in."

Jake just nods. "Then better strap yourselves in. Things are about to get a little bumpy."

He then brings the Sea King around and into aims downwards as everyone secures themselves. Meanwhile, the dragon raises his head and staring out his only good eye while ignoring all his injuries, the dragon snarls as the various sailors shoot at it before looking at the Ottawa’s Bridge as it sucks in a breath. "Time… to… die…"

Sucking in his breath, he starts to raise himself onto his back legs as he prepares to fry the bridge. Time slows however as he hears something and turns in time to see Jake’s Sea King bring itself into view. Jake for his part sees the surprised expression on the dragon’s face moments before the undercarriage of the Sea King smashes into the dragon’s head at over 80 kph with a good chunk of it’s 18,000 some odd pounds of weight, knocking the dragon off the ship while tearing the Sea King’s undercarriage almost off. Inside the cockpit, Jake ignores the pain in his forehead where it smashed into instrument panel as he fights the controls to keep the wounded helicopter in the air, slowly losing the fight. Gritting his teeth, he takes a breath. "HOLD ON, WE’RE GOING TO HIT!" The Sea King hits the water with a massive level of force tossing the crew and their passenger against the straps holding them in place. Shaking his head to clear it, Jake looks out the window as the Sea King floats on the water as it’s designed to. His eyes widen as he sees the dragon’s head clear the water two kilometers away and a distance behind the three ships. "Oh… you have got to be fucking kidding me!"

On board the Algonquin, Kerr looks at the sonar operator. "Do we have a lock on it?"

The sonar operator nods as out in the water, the dragon ignores the pain it’s in, to start swimming at top speed towards the downed Sea King. Just at that moment it’s doors open and the Leading Seaman aims the door gun at it, firing. "COME ON YOU SON OF A BITCH!"

Commander Kerr nods. "Launch Torpedoes."

From the launchers nearest to the dragon, two Mk. 46 torpedoes leap. Hitting the water, they rapidly accelerate as they lock in. The dragon, focused on the downed Sea king, doesn’t notice them until they hit. Both 44 kg high explosive warheads detonating almost simultaneously, blowing apart the dragon as two plumes of water rise above its watery grave. On board the Sea King, the Leading Seaman blinks. "Is it… dead…?" He’s answered a moment later as what’s left of the head hits the Sea King beside the door, causing it to tilt back in the water. "Um…"

On board the ships, there’s a collective sigh of relief as the sonar operators confirm that it’s dead. Turning, Commander Kerr looks over at the Ottawa where sailors are getting the fire on the foredeck under control. "Tell Ottawa that whatever assistance they need, we’re going to provide." He then glances to the side of his own ship where there’s some smoke wafting from the scorch mark. "And someone get me a damage report ASAP…"