• Published 4th Sep 2012
  • 28,484 Views, 758 Comments

Widening the Lens - Harry Leferts

When the Elements of Harmony defeated Discord, they did their job too well, and completely undid all

  • ...

Chapter 1: First Week Part 1 (Typhonis1, Vulpine Fury, Nikas, Terrace, GBscientist)

Disclaimer: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro.

1502nd Year of Harmony, first month, tenth day. Royal Palace, Canterlot, Equestria,

Celestia sat pensively, focusing her magic on the sun that had risen on its own this morning. The past sixteen minutes had been tense and sweat beaded at the base of her horn, but she finally had a connection.

Her eyes shot open in shock. 'This sun is ENORMOUS!' she thought. 'How could I ever move it across the sky?' Keeping her focus, but leaving things as they were, she strode to the garden, her guards following discreetly. She could tell that Lieutenant Swift Wing was nervous about the moon still being visible in the sky, but she'd been able to calm him when the sun rose on schedule, if just barely.

She arrived in the garden and kicked off her shoes, planting her hooves in the soil to feal the earth beneath. She immediately felt all of Equestria, and slowly began to feel the ocean that now surrounded them. The Sea floor followed soon after, then she felt deeper and deeper.

She began to chuckle. 'Of course! If the sun is too heavy to move, spin the earth!'

"Your Highness?" Swift wing's worry was palpable.

"Things will work out, Swift Wing." Celestia said, thinning her connection to the sun to a bare minimum, calming some turbulence and flares that had been forming. "Things will work out. Now, would you be so kind as to fetch my quill and scrolls? I have some letters to write."

4 Days after the Event, USS Enterprise, 20 kilometers from the coast of Equestria (Fillydelphia)

Admiral Steven Donaldson looked at the screens in the USS Enterprise's CIC. So far nothing had tried leaving the island yet.Heck they couldn't pick up any radio or air traffic from the new landmass merely odd flight patterns of what seemed to be large birds. He quietly speculated what was on the island hen the phone rang.


"Admiral, there is something up here you may want to see.....a native is .....parked off the bridge."

"Parked , Wilkins?"

"Aye sir ,parked."

The admiral growled as he left the CIC. 'If this is some kind of joke.'

He walked onto the bridge . Commander Wilkins saluted him.

"OK Wilkins, show me this native."

"Aye sir." He pointed at a small cloud just off the bridges window. Admiral Stevens walked over to it and looked at it and .....stared.

Two gold eyes stared right back at him. Two gold eyes set into the face of a grey pegasus who hovered in mid air like a hummingbird.


Lt. Commander Samantha Dolittle growled at the radar screen causing a few of the seamen and women nearby to subtly shift away. She glared at it as the spot near the battlegroup slowly grew larger and larger.

Her brow furrowed as she watched it. Her thoughts racing 'Right, what the hell is causing that cloud to grow and why? The area around it is clear, pressure and humidity indicate this shouldn't be possible.So why are you growing and throwing off my weather predictions?'


" Slipstream , Squall I want you two to hustle. Headquarters wants this storm ready on time. In five hours it needs to be pouring the rain on Fillydelphia. Now move."

Rain Dancer sighed and rubbed his face with a forehoof. Soon the day would be over with and soon he could go home. He just wished he could take some time off to check out those specks on the water but the weather came first. Stretching out a kink in his back he immediately went back to helping move clouds for the storm.


Steven walked to the hatch leading to the bridges observation deck and walked out onto it. A loud squeal of excitement assaulted his ears as the grey and blond pegasus put both forelegs up to his face. The blue pegasus with him looked very nervous and tried getting his friend's attention.

"Derpy come on we have to back away. Yes they are humans but their are so many of them and .."

"Clear Bell this is just sooooo cool this is just like an episode of The Dark World:Technology is Courage. They even have a mobile base like the heroes do and everything."

" I know Derpy I know but we need to be cautious. There are so many of them Not even that one episode where they showed Capital City had so many humans in it. Oh no they are getting closer."

He slowly approached the pegasi. Wilkins and a pair of marines behind them. "In the name of the United States of America, I welcome you to the aircraft carrier U.S.S.Enterprise. I am Admiral Steven Donaldson, her commanding officer and highest ranked person in this task group. My first officer Commander David Wilkins."

" I ask that you please stay well away from the flight deck and away from the masts at all times for your own safety and to please not enter the ship or hangars without being invited by one of the officers aboard. A guard will be stationed out here for your own safety."

"SQUEEEE This is is is is....take THAT Rainbow Dash I can have great adventures tooo!!!!"

The little pegasus flew right up too the admiral. "Hi Admiral. my name is Derpy Hooves this is my friend Clear Bell and this is soooo incredible. I mean I always knew you humans were just soooo cool but to be one of the first ponies to actually meet a human!"

"I am certain it is an honor for you sir. I am sure there are plenty of humans that will be glad to meet pegasi such as yourselves."

He giggled. " Sir? I'm a filly, silly just like Clear Bell over there."

Steven merely nodded, mouth kept shut. A simple enough mistake given he had never...'well seems one of the marines couldn't keep his bearing given the snort. Guess who gets to play babysitter.'


"Viper, Wolfman , this is Washington . New orders, break current heading and head South southwest and investigate a cloud formation , over."

"Copy ,Washington Viper and Wolfman setting new course to the South South West. Range to target? Over."

"Range is seven five nautical. No heroics and keep an eye out for natives, over."

"Rodger that , keeping eyes open for 'natives'. Over and out."

" Viper, keep an eye out for 'natives'? over. "

" Ours is not to reason why Wolfman, ours is not to reason why. Over and out."

Two F/A 18 hornets turned to the new course and flew off quickly.


Derpy was torn. 'Do I eat the goodness or save it for later. Oh sweet Celestia why can't I have both?????'

Clear Bell was a bit calmer now. The coffee and banana nut muffins did help, however what was driving those human aircraft was loud. Even when they were sitting still or idling as she was told. They were loud. Sounded like what Rainbow Dash might when she made a sonic rainboom when they took off. She couldn't fault her hosts though. 'They are polite, didn't answer all of our questions but ...well everypony has secrets . Though why do some of them have those odd lumps up front? Is it a physical abnormality?'

A new person came out onto the observation deck. Saluted Admiral Steven , who returned it. Then spoke. "Sir Viper and Wolfman have been dispatched to investigate that cloud formation."

"Good , I want to know what it is. Why it is growing like that."

Clear Bell looked up from her musings. "Cloud formation?"

Steven nodded." Yes Radar has been tracking it since early this morning , why?"

Clear merely smiled "Oh , That. It' s probably the rain storm Rain Dance was having to work on with his team."

Wilkins spoke up. "Excuse me Miss , but work on ?"

"Oh yes," Derpy replied," Typical work for pegasi , such as ourselves. The weather schedule called for a small storm today to break the heatwave and water the plants. Going to be a bit larger than normal but nothing odd."

"Wait, you make the weather?" Steven asked.

" Of course," Clear Bell replied," We have to control it or else it will be random and do as it wishes. So we have the Weather scheduled."

She reached into one of her saddlebags and pulled a book out. "Here is the latest schedule for the County of Fillydelphia. Good through the next five months. My job is to deliver these to the weather teams in Fillydelphia. This is my copy but I can get a new one. So keep it as thanks for the coffee and muffins."

Steven gently took the offered book and tried his level best not to stare at it in shock. Shock and horror at what it implied.


Two F/A 18s approached the area the cloud was in .

Joseph 'Wolfman' Johnson looked out of the cockpit of his fighter and blinked. He blinked again at what he saw working around the cloud that was now apparently being pushed by small pastel colored pegasi.

" Viper. Tell me my eyes are playing tricks on me. But are those ...well pastel colored ponies...flying? Over."

Elliot 'Viper' Smith was about to berate his wingman when he actually looked at the 'wait....'

" Wolfman. Confirmed. I count about one zero pegasi . Looks like they are herding the cloud towards the land, over."

" Viper. Copy that. one zero pegasi moving that cloud like you would push a sofa and they have seen us,over."

" Wolfman. Rodger that. Enterprise, Viper. We have made contact with the cloud and with some of the ...locals. Count one zero pastel colored ponies. They are moving the cloud towards the land . Returning to patrol route. over."

" Viper, Wolfman this is Enterprise. Good work .Confirming return to patrol route, over and out."

" Viper. Next shore leave first round is on me. Over"

" Wolfman. I copy that. Over and out."


Rain Dancer smiled . The cloud was on it's way. Would arrive in Fillydelphia on time. Clear Bell would be by later ....life was good. When he heard a faint odd sound.

He turned and scanned the sky. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Was fairly clear and...'What in Celestia's name is that?'

He squinted at a pair of dots as they approached . He tried making out what they were. Whatever they were, they were moving like a Wonderbolt with it's tail on fire.

"Boss what is that?" Now the entire herd of weather ponies was watching the objects get nearer and nearer.

"No clue Slipstream. Some sort of bird...? I can't tell what the hay they are."

"Not a bird, " the filly replied. 'Too fast and they look wrong. Kinda like a fish in the sky or something . Whatever they are they are fast and headed this way."

"Right don't panic but be ready to dive into the storm if ......"

Rain didn't get any father when the two objects flew past incredibly fast and loud too his ears. Their speed and shape was totally unequestrian to his mind. They were there then they quickly moved off heading away from the pegasi.

" Space Aliens! They're coming to abduct us and probe our flanks for our secrets!!!"

"Stall ,shut the hay up . Squall ,Cloud Dancer get you flanks to Filly , Get to Polaris and tell him whats going down. If anything he can alert Canterlot to whats going on."

Cloud Dancer quickly flew up and glared at Rain. "Like Hay I'm going to Filly. I'm not scared of whatever those things are big brother. I'm staying."

"Cloud , you are going. First ,If it's just Squall, Polaris may just ignore him. But two reporting the same thing? Second , not only am I your older brother..."

" Only by a minute."

" Not only am I your older brother but your boss. So go."

The filly grumbled and flew over to Squall. " OK I'll go , but if those aliens foalnap you I'm not rescuing your flank."

The two pegasi took off towards Filly. Rain Dancer looked at the other ponies. " Right half of you stay here. Slipstream you are in charge.The rest lets go see where those things are headed."

"Con, Radar reading multiple contacts seven five nautical out. Two targets are leaving the area at about 90 knots. Heading for the city marked as Fillydelphia. Four targets are remaining near the cloud and the last four targets are on a course for us rough speed 90 knots. Estimate they will intercept the two leaving us in approximately 20 minutes."

Wilkins looked at the main screen. " Looks like the 'weather team ' sent someone to see who sent those jets out there."

Donaldson nodded." They also had presence of mind to send a team out to alert the higher ups. Glad our visitors left. Need to talk to the brass on how they want us to handle it."

"Well they did have a delivery to make sir. That book she gave you..."

"I know. So far they are playing nice as it were. Best stay on their good side."

Donaldson walked over to another station. "Patch me through to CINCPAC , JCOS, and SECDEF.....Time to send out the news."


5 Days after the Event, USS Enterprise

Seaman Janice Clark stared at the sight before her. It wasn't even six in the morning. Flight prep was well underway... and what looked like a herd of multicolor pegasi were watching from several clouds that seemed to follow the Enterprise.

They were well away from the flight deck and yet still in a perfect position to see everything happening. It was totally unreal to her. "I see you spotted the natives, seaman."

She turned and saluted. "Sorry sir, was on lookout and-"

The Lieutenant smiled at her and returned the salute. "At ease. Having an audience like that is a bit disconcerting. Damn I... I think the tiny ones are children. Must be quite the sight and... damn."

He looked at four of the pegasi , alone on their own cloud. All wore a greyish blue armor and, instead of talking excitedly and looking about, they were actively watching the ships with guarded interest... just like soldiers on guard duty would.
"What is it sir?"

"Looks like the locals have a military and they're watching us too. Can't blame them though."

Deep inside the ship, the various Commanders briefed their squadrons on their current "observers".

"Word from the CAG, Checkmates!" James McCall, Commander of VFA-211, looked at his assembled aviators. "Seems the scuttlebutt about the locals is right, and Vulture's Row was to small for all of them, so they set out bleachers. So watch your self in the pattern, we have company."

Giving them all an even stare, he suddenly grins. "On a further note, I expect all of you to be performing your best for them, since I made a bet with Colonel Doran. Thunderbolts against Checkmmates. The losers buy the drinks."

As a faint 'Oorah! drifted down the hall, the naval officer smiled. "Let's show those Jarheads and ponies who's the best wing on the Big E."

"Manehattan, Baltimare, Trottingham, Clopton, Fillydelphia, Saddle, Staliongrad..." Admiral Donaldson frowned as he looks over the note pad resting on the table. "Canterlot?"

Captain Huffman just shakes his head as he rubs his face. "I know, that was my reaction as well. That isn't what has me worried. The cities in that book match up with what we've seen on sat photos and Global Hawk overflights." He then taps four of the names with his finger. "All but four. Cloudsdale, Elysium, Aurora, and High Reach do NOT appear on the maps we have. Hell, we can't even find them with satellite or drone reconnaissance. "

Frowning in thought, Donaldson glances at his XO "Could it be something thrown in to fool us, throw us off our game?"

Huffman just shakes his head with a grimace. "We don't think so. They are listed as the prime weather control centers. It's just that we can't...."

A sudden shout from one of the stations catches their attention at that moment. "Sir! We have the latest images from a drone. It flew off course and into a large cloud bank, but..." He Sailor looks around and grunts a bit nervously. "Well, look at the video."

Walking over, the Admiral and Captain both watch as the drone flew into a cloud, when something suddenly covered the lens. A moment later, a hoof wipes something off it and an irate Pegasus can be seen glaring into the lens. For once, the people present, the Flag Officers and the 'pilots', were glad the drone didn't have a microphone as they saw the Pegasus go on an angry tirade as the drone's view shakes as it's jostled around.

The Pegasus leaps out of view and what it shows causes a ripple of shock to run through those watching. Buildings, shops, businesses and homes all made of clouds. There were hundreds of pegasi moving about this water vapor metropolis.

Admiral Donaldson gaped for a moment before getting his bearings. "Right, the Pegasi watching the Enterprise were sitting on clouds. I guess it makes sense that they would build cities on larger clouds."

Day 5, White House, USA

"Sir satellites have shown that the natives know the Big E is in the area and they are reacting too it. First image is the main road connecting Fillydelphia to Canterlot as you can see we have a large troop movement headed to Filly. After studying the picture we estimate each of these squares contains 128 ponies. Designating this a company equivalent we count four such companies to a battalion equivalent. The Locals have four such battalions making good speed from Canterlot to Filly."

"Define good speed Colonel."

"Good speed as in they are moving twenty five to thirty miles an hour with full pack, We estimate they are marching eight to ten hours a day."

"Second we have images from the pegasi city of Aurora we estimate that at least two battalion equivalents are being mustered their. Finally in Filly itself these images show that a further four battalion equivalents have been assembled. We believe one battalion was in the city as its nominal defense force.The rest are reserves called up."

"Our best guess is that these measures are defensive in nature."

" So roughly 1200 personnel with about a quarter of that being air mobile?"

"Why aren't they using the rail network to move personnel faster?"

"Maybe their rail network is inefficient, Mister President? It's entirely possible that they'd make better time without waiting to board a train."

"Or maybe they just haven't thought of it. If they aren't heavily militarized, perhaps the idea wouldn't come up in the first place, especially if railroads are a recent development for them."

"Now you're just wildly speculating."

"No worse than you are."

USS Enterprise

The supply plane was late. Normally, the Big E's own plane would have gone back to the mainland for a supply run, but it was currently being repaired after a Middy's prank gone wrong.

The C-2 from the Providers had hit some thunderstorms off the coast brought on by a cold front from the new landmass. Lieutenant Desiree "Dizzy" Doolittle handled the rough weather with aplomb, and had even found a fuel-saving thermal to overcome what she's spent getting through the storms.

After a moment spent on ATC protocols, she spared a glance at what the folks on the "Big E" were calling the "spectators." It made her double-take so badly, she needed to readjust her strabismus-correcting lenses.

"Muffin Express, you are clear for landing," the bored air traffic controller said.

"R-roger," Dizzy shook her head and tried to ignore the laser-like focus of the pegasi sitting on the cloud bank.


Some of the sharper-eyed pegasi noticed the larger flying machine come in and began to chatter about it.

"Hm, that one's slower."

"Huh. It's got pegasi painted on its tail. Their lines are all wrong though. Almost looks like one of the Princesses."

"Omigosh! Look at the Pegasus painted by the front of it! Ditzy! Look! It's you!"

Day 5, Lauren Faust's house, USA

"Dear Princess Celestia,

Sometimes it seems that one doesn't fully appreciate how much she depends on somepony until they are not around for a while. While Rainbow Dash was in Cloudsdale for the Weather Pony Inservice, Fluttershy stood in for her with assistance from Cloud Kicker.




"Lauren, honey, wake up." Craig nudged his wife gently.

"Huh? Wha?" She muzzily woke from the dream. Her pony dreams hadn't been that vivd since she was a kid. She could have sworn she smelled the scent of old books, ink and Twilight's shampoo. "Wha' izzit, Craig?"

"The President's on the phone."

Day 5, Thiessen Household, Canada

"I'll get it," he said to his wife as he went to respond to the doorbell. It was an unexpected interruption to his Saturday afternoon routine, but not a serious problem. What he found on the other side of the door caused him to revise that assessment.

"Mr. Jayson Thiessen?" One of the two uniformed RCMP officers asked.


"There is a matter of national security that requires your expertise. Please pack a bag with a week's worth of clothes and come with us."

"Where's the hidden camera? I'm being pranked, aren't I?"

"No, sir," said the officer, displaying his badge. "This is very real."

"The federal government really needs the help of an animation director? Seriously?"

"Yes, sir. Ponies have become a matter of national interest."

"Ponies. Have some mad bronies started a terrorist group or something?"

"I haven't been provided any more information than what I've told you."

"And I'm not under arrest. I can still talk to my family, right?"

"As long as you do not divulge any classified information, yes."

"Alright. Give me a few minutes."

"We'll be in the truck." Jayson closed the door and turned back to the house.

"Jay, why is there an RCMP SUV in our driveway?" his wife asked.

"I've been asked to go consult on something for the government."

"Ottawa seriously wants to talk to you about ponies?"

"That's what it looks like."

"This is the craziest story I've ever heard."

"I feel the same way. They say I can call you, so if you don't hear back from me in 12 hours call the cops."

"Okay. Say goodbye to the kids before you leave," she said they wrapped their arms around each other.

"I'd never forget something like that. Can you help me pack?"

"Sure. I wouldn't want you meeting the Prime Minister with mis-matched socks."

1502nd Year of Harmony, first month, Fifteenth day, (Moon Day) -- "Atelier Secundus", Baystown, Duchy of Whinnychester

The unicorn illusionists working on the newest episode of "The Dark World: Technology is Courage" looked up from their easels as the pair of Royal Guards strode into the studio. The Guards stopped smartly in the middle of the floor and spread their wings to draw attention. The one on the right cleared his throat.

"Would the ponies Flipbook and Toola-roola please step forth?" he intoned. No matter how polite the request, there was enough force to it that the pair requested quickly stepped forward.

"Be it known that Their Highnesses, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna require your attendance in Canterlot at your earliest convenience."