• Member Since 8th Apr, 2016
  • offline last seen 6 days ago


Avid Pink Pone Enthusiast, Part-Time Chaos Lord, and Full-Time Disappointment

Comments ( 22 )

This is interesting.

So this is going to be a sexual adventure... Welp there can only be one thing for a sex adventure... Drop that beat.

Good first chapter like the details since it gives idea of what your discribing though you should add fenrirs other title as the heaven devouring wolf

Ok, good so far. Needs a bit of improving that way it makes sense to others. Furthurmore, I enjoy a good anti-Equestrian story.

plz luna be nice

Might I ask what you feel needs improving? For future reference.

Can't wait for more

With how you spell certen words. Your luck I can understand what you were trying to say. It throws people off you know?

I do believe its spelled Certain not Certen.

But other than that I'll keep an eye out for misspellings and odd diction.

I'm working on the next chapter, it should be out shortly.

I actually really want to see more of this

Hmmm so far interesting start. I shall lie in wait for the next chapter.

So this is inspired by wolf amongst ponies?

Ohh this'll be a good read, hope the next chapter is coming soon...

Oh! Can’t wait to read your next chapter.

Did this die?

Soooo… update?

No update..?

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