• Member Since 8th Apr, 2016
  • offline last seen June 2nd


Avid Pink Pone Enthusiast, Part-Time Chaos Lord, and Full-Time Disappointment

Comments ( 57 )

Baphomet. So he is a goat demon, and not a human?

That poor boy’s mom is going to get chewed out and she lost her son at least for the next thousand years

I'm kinda an idiot.
He's a Human/Demon/Vizored/Spirit Quadbrid

I'm the only that thinks she will be displaced too?

Oooohohoho! Me likey...😈

This story will be taking place outside of Equestria for the most part, Lucus may cross paths with the Princess' at a later date, but I can't promise it'll be friendly.

I have a bad opinion of them anyway or most of them being more specific, after many fanfics, so you can even kill them for all I care, if what I think their personalities will be like

Also please don't do something like that:
He forms empire, alicorn sisters come, they stone him, his empire falls, he is freed when the show is running, etc

There's not many displaced with active empire or kingdom, that wasn't destroyed for a time skip

I gotta agree on both, but I would perfer one or two of the alicorns to live (like Luna/Twilight) do they can be an annoyance for later

That would kind of suck that would be my one of his moms we just come home to find out that her son and her wife are both missing.

Maybe in future, both of them in memory of him go to Comicon or go there to investigate his disappearing and then get displaced

This story is set during the timeline of the first season, conflict may start halfway into season 2 when renegade Changelings come looking for refugee status. Which will gain the attention of Equestria (and the rest of Equus)

And I agree with you for the most part, most fics portray Celestia and Luna as arrogant narcissistic pseudo-goddess' that don't really think about their actions. It's more of a "I'm several thousand years old, so just do what I say."

They're gonna find out what happens when they face a true god that can't be Element'd away.

I saw dragons in the tags and was wandering if Ember will play a role in the story shes my favorite dragon in the show. I was also wondering if this is anthro i like the story etherway its a cool story so far.

I love your profile pick.

Thanks its a pirate Ghost-Rider

It is starting to become interesting.


"So it's the Fable II style Morality System, Good and Evil, as well as Pure and Corrupt. Seems easy enough to remember," I said nodding my head.

So the is no option to be gray , be both good and evil, having both halo and horns at the same time?
Something similar to what Angel from Bendy and the Ink Machine has


"It is not, as the previous God of Nature and the Hunt, Hircine, was struck down by the Royal Pony Sister's, leaving the position open. Though Attunement can be handled at a later date, right now you need to get your foot in the door," said Theresa.

For clarification, this is not Nirn,Mundus from Elder Scrolls world and that's not Elder Scrolls Hircine?
I'm asking because if it is , then I have to disagree with alicorn sisters being able to strike him down
Main reasons are:
-Hircine can just sit in his domain and Deadra or Aedra and for sure alicorn won't get into his domain
-Deadra can't be just struck down, the only time it has happened, it was when et'Ada (Deadra and Aedra) punished Lorkhan when he tricked them into creating Mundus

from wiki
"At this Convention, it was finally decided that Lorkhan was to be punished for his trickery in persuading the Aedra to create Mundus. His divine spark was removed and hurled towards Tamriel, and the Aedra departed to Aetherius."

"Is there something wrong with my same?"


Nice chapter and and I like where this is going and hope he goes on path of good (but perfer mix of both but more good because that be fun) look forward to next chapter of this

1. There is a way to be morally grey, Lucus currently is, but it doesn't bring any unique features.

2. This is not set in Nirn, certain elements have been borrowed though.

Well considering the story starts off before season one Ember will probably not play any role until much later, and no it's not anthro.

It is however anatomically correct.

I'm currently working on the next chapter, I would have had it out sooner, but I got Corona'd, and have been bedridden for quite a while.

That being said, it brings me great joy to see that you're enjoying this story as I am enjoying writing it.

>_< I've felt like death bent me over for LITERAL WEEKS! It sucks.

Hmmm very interesting story. I must say this is the first story I’ve seen that has anything to do with Fable. Pretty good game, fable remember my mother got me into it. Anyways I hope to see more of this very soon!

It's good to have another chapter out, and don't worry it will be ok

Another Celestia is being antagonist to the displace. How predictable.

I hope this time she will at least die early or at all and there won't be any idiot ball trope on main character saving her

She's going to be one of many.

Though I never said she'd be particularly formidable.

Happy to see this live and good chapter, look forward to next one

"You're not a certain cocky Knight, you weren't granted inherent affinity for all your abilities,"
Is that a jab at the star eater story, or am i mistaken?

I'm not yet truly decided on whether I want to let her live it not.

But in any case, there will not be a "you were good all along" asspull with her.

Ok well thats still pretty funny to me. I wasn't expecting that.

interesting so far
also images aren't working on firefox

it was when editing the chapter that I realized there was a bit of similarity between the characters, not much, but enough to prompt me to make a little joke.

any idea when we can expect an update and new chapter?

"Yes you do, if you'll pull out your phone and open the new app that's been downloaded we can continue."

I hate that. We're done here. It's a cheap tactic to make the character know what their doing and removes about half the guilty pleasure from these stories.

It was at this point that I got a good look at the map, instead of depicting Albion like it did in game, it appeared to show the whole of Equus. Continents and Countries like Zebrica, Griffonia, Equestria, and The Dragon Lands were a few highlights. All of the countries were highlighted one of three colors Grey, Red, or Blue. Equestria is Grey, The Dragon Lands are Blue, and Zebrica is Red.

You forgot to include Griffonia there. Also, nearly half of the chapter are in italics. Probably should fix this paragraph.

" I'll just grab the pistol, it'll be easier to carry around./i]

I have no idea why it's italicized, I've tried fixing it but nothing seems to work.

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