• Published 3rd Sep 2012
  • 23,292 Views, 1,124 Comments

Her Mother's Daughter - Nadake

Twilight, handmaiden to the Princess, is asked the impossible. And accepts.

  • ...

Chapter Five

“Thank you for your report Captain Soarin’. We will take this breach of protocol very seriously. I can assure you, we will make all relevant investigations and proceed accordingly.”

The pegasus captain bowed. Clad in his blue and gold flightsuit, the Captain of the Wonderbolts stood in the light of the shining sun. “Thank you, your Majesty. I would not bring this to you had I can’t do anything about the boy myself. I apologize for causing you any inconvenience.”

“Oh, nonsense Soarin’. You know that I expect nothing less than the very best from my Wonderbolts. You are our elite flying squad after all. Even if Thunder Lane's father is unhappy, he will not challenge my decision. You need fear no retribution from that quarter. I would like for you to keep me informed about the young mare however.” The Princess smiled down from her cushioned throne.

It was nearing midday, and the entirety of the Throne Room was lit by the broken light of the sun far overhead. Largely blocked by the monumental shadow cast by the Heart itself, the chamber rested in a dim shade during the hottest hours of the day. Ample illumination filtered in through the enchanted windows lining the Heart, without the blinding glare one would expect at this time of day.

Beside the Princess, once more ensconced on the small velvet cushion behind the throne, Twilight was taking quick, neat notes. The small roll of parchment would be the official transcript of the meeting. Ever since she had been old enough to write neatly and swiftly, the mare had been sitting at the Princess’s side during her daily audience. She would record everything said by anypony who arrived, from their name, to their complaint, and the details of their difficulty.

Even Soarin’, the Captain of Helios’ elite pegasus corp, wasn’t afraid to come before the Princess. Today, the masterful flier had come to ask for her aid in dealing with a recalcitrant, but very well connected pegasus. . They were commonly held to be the best fliers in the entire world. They only had one rival for that claim, the Selene mirror of their group, the Shadowbolts. Between the two, neither gryphon nor dragon maintained true aerial dominance. In the air, they were elegant, powerful, and fast almost beyond belief.

“Spitfire ma’am? I will, and gladly. She’s a pleasure to watch, if you feel so inclined. I’ve never seen anypony fly so well in my life, and I’d wager you’d say the same. After all, I’m not getting any younger Princess. Need a replacement soon.” Soarin’ chuckled, stretching his wings slowly.

“I’m sure you’ll be fit and flying for years to come Soarin’, but I will keep that in mind. Thank you again for bringing your concern to me.” At the slight inclination of the alicorn’s head, Soarin’ bowed once more, before turning and leaving the nearly empty chamber.

Once the pegasus had left, escorted out by a pair of armor clad guards, the Princess sighed softly. “Who is next?”

Twilight continued writing for a moment, her elegant scrawl noting the end of the meeting. With a final looping -Fin, Twilight looked up. After a moment of thought, Twilight nodded to herself as she checked the scrolls contents. Rolling the scroll into a tidy little bundle, she bound it with a small piece of twine and set it on the growing pile beside her.

Each record would have to be opened later, read, and copied by one of the scribes employed by the Heart. Then a copy would be sent to the archive, one to the pony who spoke with the Princess, and the final would be given to the Princess herself.

Once they had been copied, the scrolls would be sealed with one of the many magical wards that the scribes were trained in the use of. It would prevent the parchment from being damaged in any way until the seal was broken, and would act as authenticity on any document which was delivered. The seals on the copies in the archive and in Princess Celestia’s personal library also had an added enchantment, which allowed them to be summoned with nothing more than a simple cantrip and the thought of what the scroll contained.

To her left, a far smaller pile rested. This pile was the assembled appointments which had already been arranged for the day, and the Princess’s schedule for the day. While the audience was open to anypony who believed that they had a relevant problem, most chose to arrange an appointment beforehand. Lighting her horn, Twilight lifted the day’s schedule from the pile.

Scanning the list, Twilight check off “Meeting with Soarin (Wonderbolts)- Thunderlane disciplinary action”. The next item on the list nearly made the mare groan aloud. “Lunch Meeting with Blueblood-Eligibility for Marriage-Macintosh Apple (Big Macintosh (Big Mac))”

Glancing over, Twilight saw that the scroll for Blueblood’s meeting was the only one remaining. Quietly, the mare stood and slowly stretched. Her back gave a small series of soft, pleasurable pops as her back arched.

Taking the scroll gently into her mouth, the unicorn trotted forward. Her golden shoes chimed on the marble floor, echoing after each of her light steps. She lay the scroll on the arm of the golden throne, glancing up at the Princess.

Princess Celestia sighed deeply, letting her head hang for a moment. Shaking herself softly, the mare looked up at Twilight and smiled wearily. “I am fine Twilight. A little tired perhaps, but well enough. I would be very grateful if you would bring me some tea though.”

Cocking her head to the side at the odd tone, Twilight nodded slowly. The mare turned, and trotted to the door. As she reached the door leading to the Great Hall, she heard a sigh. Looking over her shoulder, she saw the Princess stand, and stretch her wings.

Stepping out into the hall, she glanced at the guards standing on either side of the elegant wooden barricade. “The Princess is not to be disturbed until I return. Tell Blueblood that he can wait until she is done.”

“Yes Miss Sparkle.” Both guards replied in unison, their low voices melding. They straightened slightly at the glare the mare leveled at them, smiling slightly. Twilight found herself smiling as well, flicking her tail as she turned. Then she set off down the hall, towards the kitchens and the Princess’s tea.

At midday, the Heart was almost empty. Most of the nobility were at their nearby estates, being waited on hoof and horn by their servants, bemoaning the heat. The only ponies who chose to remain at the monolith were those with business there, or those who lived within the Heart itself.

So the only ponies that Twilight passed on her way to the kitchens were a pair of armored guards heading to replace those standing outside of the Throne Room. Twilight nodded to them, and repeated her instructions. After another short series of “Yes ma’am”s, she trotted off.

The Heart was one of the only things in Helios that was greatly decorated. Over the many years since the day Princess Celestia had pulled the Heart from the bones of the earth, a select few ponies from across the country had left their mark on the ancient stone walls. Those who had chosen to remain in Helios rather than Selene were often shunned and ignored, seen as a soft touch and one to whom real work was foreign. So while Helios was far older than her sister nation, only a few ponies has actually carved their craft into the walls of their capital.

One of those ponies had been the famous Bloodmane, the half mad sculptor who took it as his mission in life to record the bloody past and carve it horrific visions forever into the stone. Of the handful of sculptors to work throughout the centuries long history of the Heart, Bloodmane had been by far the most prolific. From bas relief depictions of some of the greatest battles in Helian history, to smooth marble statues of ponies rearing in armor, his art covered the halls.

But though Bloodmane’s work was by far the most common sight in the winding marble halls, it was not Twilight’s favorite. Twilight, like the Princess she served, prefered the work of a young earth pony named Milk Thistle.

Milk Thistle was a young mare almost two hundred years ago, and she had carved the most beautiful statues that Twilight had ever seen. She had only created a paltry few works compared to Bloodmane, but while he had a lifetime, she had only ten years to carve the many beatific statues which earned her a special place in the Princess’s Heart.

What Milk Thistle was known for above all were her ‘Reflection Halls’. The mare believed that in every ponies life, there were times when things were just too much to handle. At those times, her mother had always told her to go outside, and just enjoy nature. To listen to the wind, the water, to feel the earth and the warmth of the sun.

That was reflected in her art. She had carved several halls within the Heart, carving them from the living stone where before there had been nothing. They were in small, out of the way places, removed from the bustle of everyday life. There were places where a pony could go to think, or merely to forget themselves for a time. In the Hall of Wind, placed near the peak of the Heart and surrounded on all sides by windows, chimes and whistles sang a melody as the wind rushed past. In the Hall of Fire, embers and flames crackled as they leapt from a dragons maw, or fell from a phoenix tail.

The Hall of Earth, of Day, of Night, of Chaos and of Harmony, and Twilight’s favorite, the Hall of Water. All eight of the halls were beautiful in their own way, bit Twilight’s special favorite was the Hall of Water. It was a hall carved near the kitchens, both places drawing their almost limitless water from the same springfed cistern near the base of the stone palace.

The Hall of Water was, with the Halls of Earth and Night, one of the few that was not lit by the many windows lining the Heart. While the Hall of Earth was buried deep within the Heart, and the Hall of Night was dimly lit for obvious reasons, The Hall of Water lacked windows simply because of the crowded confines.

Fountains, statues, cascades, and many small pools lined the Hall. Once she was dismissed by the Princess, Twilight would sometimes spend hours in the secluded place. She would simply lie on the marble floor, on one of the many cushions placed neatly along the hallway, and read. The flickering light of the candles within the hall, and whatever light found its way along the hall from the outside, provided ample illumination. Between that and the shimmering reflections shining on the ceiling, the Hall of Water was probably one of the most well lit areas of the Heart.

Between the sense of the overpowering tranquility given off by the flowing liquid, and the shimmering lights, the Hall of Water was a place that Twilight frequented. She would find one of the many soft pillows stashed about the hall, and drag it over to whichever fountain struck her fancy. Then she would curl up with her book, and lose herself in the written word. The pitter of the water’s flow would lull her into a pleasant trance, and her problems would seem to melt away.

If there was ever a time she wanted to lose herself for a moment, now would be it. Cadance was furious with her, and rightly so. Twilight felt horrible for hurting her so, though she was not arrogant enough to believe that the entire farce was her own fault. No, she certainly carried blame, but so did Cadance. The mare should have at least listened to her before attacking Twilight.

Sighing once more, Twilight glanced to her right. The Hall of Water stood only a few short steps away, gurgling and murmuring enticingly. Biting her lip as she thought, Twilight glanced down the winding Great Hall towards the Dining Hall and the kitchens. The Princess had asked her for tea.

And she would get her tea. After Twilight took a moment to relax. She would be no good to the Princess so worried. The white alicorn already seemed short with her since Princess Luna left, though Twilight could think of nothing that she had done to earn the cold shoulder. Nonetheless, Princess Celestia seemed more distant now, like a wall had come between them.

Nodding curtly to herself, Twilight strode forward. Clearing her mind, and her face, she stepped lightly into the Hall of Water.

As soon as she did, the curious acoustics of the hall dampened the sounds of the outside world. As always, the shift brought a smile to Twilight. Milk Thistle had been brilliant, designing not only works of marvelous beauty, but for her almost preternatural understanding of shapes and how they could be used. Each of the Halls were different, in shape, placement and length. Yet each of them had this same effect. Had she not checked, Twilight would have believed that nothing but magic could had produced an effect so... magical.

As well as quieting the outside world, the curious construction seemed to cause the air to reverberate with the splashing of the many waterworks. The sounds seemed to come from everywhere at once, above and behind, below and ahead. They all seemed to be whispering in her ears, covering everything with their quiet murmuring trickle.

Twilight sighed happily, already feeling her mind calm. Then, she heard the faintest trace of another sound. Her ears flicked forward, swiveling to find the sound once more.

Taking a careful step forward, the soft clipped clop of her golden hoof on the tile caused something nearby to shift. Turning her head to the sound, Twilight heard the quiet sound of what seemed to be...

Crying. Somepony was crying. Doubtless, they had come to the Hall thinking that nopony would hear them over the water. They had come to be alone, and would most likely like it much more if she simply walked away. They didn’t want to be seen like this.

Even while her mind was busy with this analysis, Twilight strode closer to the source. It was hidden by one of the supple statues of a mare clad in bizarre armor. Inching her head close, Twilight craned her neck around the scales and fins covering the mare.

It was the colt she had met last week, curled in his blue page’s uniform. His back was pressed against the curved border of a small waterfall, the trickling stream of water breaking the sound of his quiet sadness.

Twilight froze at the sight, watching his small body shake as another sob wracked him. “Are you okay?” Twilight asked quietly, and could have kicked herself. Of course the colt wasn’t okay. He was more than obviously very much the opposite. “Err, that isn’t right. What I meant to say was, can I help at all?”

The colt had stopped crying the moment Twilight had spoken, his eyes flying open and finding hers. After a few sniffles and what sounded suspiciously like a hiccup, the page wiped his eyes with a hoof.

“Oh, oh no ma’am. I apologize Miss, I should not have disturbed your rest.” He looked away now, his eyes fastening on the golden shoes adorning Twilight’s hooves.

“Don’t be silly.” Twilight mumbled, blushing lightly. “You didn’t disturb me.”

Then, Twilight’s voice firmed. “And just because you are sad doesn’t mean you have to hide it. I...”

Twilight trailed off, trying to think about what she was doing. She shouldn’t even be here, she was sent to fetch tea. She still had to do that. Was there any way that she could help the little pony though?

“Only one way to find out.” She mumbled to herself.

“What was that Miss?”

“Oh, nothing. Never mind. How would like to come with me? I’ll get you something to eat, and then you can tell me what's wrong if you want.”

“Miss, you truly needn’t bother. I am much better now ma’am, and I would hate to impose upon you.” Pip said, ducking his head close to the table. The pair were at one of the long wooden tables lining the Dining Hall, near the entrance to the kitchen Twilight had exited only a few moments ago.

“Pip, I’ve told you before. You can just call me Twilight. Ma’am makes me sound old, and Miss is something you call somepony important. I mean, I’m a maid. I might serve the Princess, but you and I do much of the same work, I’m sure.”

“Oh no Miss. Lord Blueblood says that I must always address nobles as such.”

“Well, Blueblood is a pompous ass!” Twilight snarled, her face darkening for a moment. Pip looked alarmed at the obvious loathing, and Twilight struggled to clear her visage. “No, I shouldn’t say that, I’m sorry. I was insulting the poor mules.”

Twilights last comment went unheard as she muttered it under her breath. Pip blushed though, stammering his apologies.

“I didn’t mean to imply that Miss was wrong! I was only trying to explain how I have been taught ma’am. I meant no insult to you. I am most sorry Miss.”

“Please just call me Twilight.” The mare sighed, shaking her head slowly. “Anyway, I brought you here to eat Pip. Go on, I promise you that nopony will miss is.”

Twilight nudged the gilt tray bearing a small meal closer to the colt. The tray was something she had lifted off of the Colonel’s hooves. When the unicorn had walked into the kitchen, and dodged the almost instantaneous attacks of the little sheep, she had asked for a tray with a light lunch. Without so much as a sideways glance, the ram had pulled together a rather appetizing platter of a small sandwich and a much larger pile of hay fries.

He had tipped those last onto the tray with a wink, saying that they were his treat. It was a well known fact that Twilight adored the fried treats, as anypony who had seen her eat them could attest. While normally at least civil while dining, the mare became little better than one of the barbaric gryphons near the treats. She had almost taken Shining’s hoof off at the knee when he had come between her and the fries last night at dinner. During fry-days, everypony who lived at the Heart had quickly learned to avoid them like the plague, lest a wrathful unicorn fall upon them.

Even Princess Celestia left them alone, though that was likely more from the amusement she garnered from watching her maid snarl and horde her treasure like a dragon than anything else.

Today though, seeing the avarice in the smaller ponies gaze, Twilight relented slightly. “Here.” She grumbled, nudging a small portion of the fries over to the colt.

“I, oh no Miss. I could not. I simply could not deprive Miss of her treat, for I know how Miss enjoys them so.” Pip’s humble voice sounded. Looking at the table as his patchwork coat darkened in a blush, Pip gently pushed them back towards the mare.

“Look, I’m not any more important than you are. So stop with the ‘Miss’ and ‘Ma’am’ with me, okay? I’m Twilight Sparkle, and I’m a servant just like you are. So, ‘sir’,” Pip winced slightly at the heavy sarcasm in the mare’s voice. “Do we have an understanding?”

For a moment, Pip struggled to speak. Finally though, he nodded.

“Good, now eat up, you’ve been staring at that like an earth pony at supper.” Twilight chuckled at the mortified look Pip threw at her, blushing furiously. The unicorn lifted a hayfry slowly with her magic, nibbling on the end.

Hesitantly, Pip leaned in to eat. To Twilight’s surprise, the little pony was a very dainty eater. After separating all of the fries from the sandwich, before taking small, controlled bites. Chewing thoroughly, the colt would swallow, glance up at Twilight, and seeing her smile take another bite.

Watching him eat, something niggled at the edge of Twilight’s mind. The colt reminded her of something. Not a pony, she knew that until last week she had never seen the earth pony. Still, Pip had an air about him that was familiar, something lurking beneath the manners and polite conversation.

Lured by his seemingly magical talent for finding food, Jack flitted down from the ceiling. The little sparrow hopped along the table, trilling happily. The adorably fat little bird had already eaten well today, Twilight had fed him almost half of her own breakfast. Even assuming that she was the only one to feed the sparrow, which was incorrect regardless, the portion Twilight had given him would be more than enough for him today.

Which meant that Jack wasn’t so much hungry, but lonely. Twilight grinned as the feathered feind fluffed himself up, trying to intimidate her. Instead, the puffy feathers did nothing but turn him into a green ball with feet. Only the tip of his beak could be seen through the puffed up feathers, and Twilight giggled as the sparrow hopped in what he plainly thought to be an intimidating fashion.

Her laughter seemed to deflate the bird, and his feathers slicked down once more. The petulant look he threw at her made Twilight giggle once more. The bird winked at her, before craftily picking up a fry and hopping instantly away. Chirping his own laughter, Jack joined Twilight in her merriment, finally eliciting a laugh from the pony behind him.

Pip was chuckling quietly, looking at the bird. “He is a very spirited bird is he not? Is he a friend of your Miss?”

Pip quailed under the annoyed gaze Twilight leveled on him, tired of being addressed like this. Pip look mortified, squeaking out “Miss Sparkle. may I please call you Miss Sparkle?”

Twilight sighed and nodded. “I suppose. At least you are using part of my name. Watch out.”

Her bored warning, and slow wave of her hoof sent Pip’s gaze flying back to the sparrow. Jack had been taking advantage of the distraction of his mark to sneak closer to his tray. As he looked down, searching for the bird, Pip’s legs pulled the tray close to him in embattled reflex. He hugged the sandwich to himself, glaring at the bird sharply enough that even the roguish Jack took a few short hops back.

After only a moment, the colt realized how he was acting, and smiled apologetically at the bird. He held out a small piece of his sandwich gently, giggling as the bird immediately snatched it away.

Twilight had seen it though. She knew that she recognized the way the colt carried himself.

“So Pip, can I ask you something?”

“Oh, of course Miss Sparkle. How may I help you?”

“How long have you been in Blueblood service?”

“Three years this winter ma’am.”

“Pip, does he mistreat you? Is that why you were crying?”

Pip ducked his head, hunching his shoulders high . “I, he...”

“My little pony,” Twilight said, borrowing both the phrase, and the tone of gentle compassion from the Princess. “Please. I promise you, I won’t be angry at you, nor will he, no matter what you say.”

“Miss Sparkle I... Yes.” Pip blushed, looking down again. Jack, cheerfully oblivious to the somber turn in the conversation was still happily pilfering small pieces of the colt’s sandwich. ”He had a lady friend stay with him last night Ma’am. They wanted me to attend them all night Miss.”

Twilight could feel her jaw tense. A lady friend? All that meant was that the chauvinistic pig had taken a fancy to one of the sycophantic layabout who trailed after him. She kept her voice calm though. It was not Pip’s fault that Blueblood was an ass.


“I, they kept me running Miss Sparkle. Fetching this or that, or bringing one of their other friends to join them. It is not new, I am more than used to it. But this time they didn’t stop. They did that all night ma’am, demanding that I find this or that. And then, in the morning... I am sorry for disturbing you Miss. I was just so tired from the night before, and so hungry...”

His voice trailed away, and Twilight had to work to control herself. “Pip. Does he feed you?”

Once more, the colt looked away, mumbling something.

“What did you say? Pip, this is important, I need to know.” Twilight repeated herself, but this time the soft tone was calcifying. If she was right, then she would soon be very, very angry, and Blueblood...

Well, he would be very, very sorry.

“Yes ma’am. He give Pip breakfast every day.”

“Take off your vest.”


“Take it off Pip, I need to see.”

Obviously confused, the earth pony did. With a small grunt, he pulled the soft cloth over his head, and Twilight could feel her temper flare.

The colt was thin, almost to the point of emaciation. He had obviously been fed the bare minimum to keep him useful, drained of energy and sleep by the ruthless hours that Blueblood undoubtedly held him too.

“M-Miss?” Pip asked, his voice shaking. Jack too had backed away slowly, seeing the shaking mare.

“That little bastard is not getting away with this.”

Twilight’s growl made Pip cower back. Seeing the small pony, shaking as he looked at her calmed Twilight slightly. It was not his fault, in any way. It would be wrong of her to treat him with anger.

Twilight stood suddenly. Her hooves hit the stone with another ringing chime, and she looked over at the bird. “Jack, you can have what’s left. Your friends can join you. Pip, come with me.”

“But Miss! Your tea, and I must return to my duties soon. I-”

“Forget them, and come with me Pip. Don’t worry about your duties. I’m going to be having a nice little chat with Blueblood.”

“Wait here, until I call you inside.” Twilight told Pip, standing before the carved doors to the Throne Room. A sharp nod from both guards stationed beside the door assured her that they understood that he was not to be disturbed, nor was the Princess. Taking a moment, Twilight calmed her expression, checking it in the reflective stone floor.

Satisfied that she no longer looked ready to rip someone's head off, Twilight took a deep breath and opened the ornate doors. They slid open soundlessly, likely thanks more to the background noise than to any especial lubrication in their own right.

Twilight stepped inside the room quietly, the chime of her hooves muffled by the plush red carpet. The carpet itself was the color of good wine, full and strong. In fact, unless Twilight was very much mistaken, the carpet was wine-died to ensure the color of the dye remained true. The red expanse extended from the doors all the way to the foot of the stairs leading to the raised dais where the Princess sat.

As was customary, Blueblood stood where anypony petitioning the Princess stood, at the foot of the short stair. As the door’s latch clicked closed behind Twilight, the noblepony turned. A small sneer crossed his face, and he called out to her.

“Well, well, well. What have we here? A maid shirking her duties? Tisk tisk, such a breach. It is a wonder that the Princess is so fond of your obvious negligence.”

Facing Twilight as he was, Blueblood could not see the sharp glance Princess Celestia shot him. The Princess knew that there was nothing she could do about Blueblood’s attack on her servant though. There was no break in his etiquette, and he had a point.

“Twilight, why are you so tardy, and why have you not returned with the tea I sent you for?” The Princess asked. Her tone wasn’t sharp, but neither did it bode well if Twilight did not provide a satisfactory answer, and quickly. At the words of the royal mare, Blueblood’s sneer became something positively predatory.

“I apologize Princess. An urgent matter distracted me, one which I would like to bring forward as a formal complaint.”

Twilight had to force herself not to smile as she watched the sneer slide from Blueblood’s face. The pony looked livid at her announcement, and took no time in making the fact known.

“Yes, I am sure that your quest to save the endangered book has taken a new turn for the worst.” The lord drawled. “But you will have to wait to bring your ‘problem’ before the Princess. As she was very busy with her scheduled appointment before you so rudely interrupted.”

The stallion turned, facing the Princess once more. “As I was saying your Majesty, I cannot see how this uneducated farmer could make a possible ruler for a country. I have met the stallion, and I can assure you that he is nothing more than a brute. He can’t string more than five words together, and often far less. How can he present law and rule when he is obviously deficient? I am sure that Princess Luna will be more than capable of supporting him, but...”

The speech of the misogynistic stallion was cut short by Twilight, who had walked up next to him during his expostulations. Twilight had seen the white unicorn deliver a speech before. He would preen and hold a hoof to his chest, eyes closed, attempting to appear important. Twilight also knew the Princess well, having been beside her for years. So while Blueblood might not have noticed the tightening around the alicorn’s eyes, Twilight could tell that the Princess was rapidly losing patience with the stallion.

This was not the first time Blueblood had scheduled a meeting with the Princess. Almost daily in the week since Princess Luna’s sudden departure for Selene, the pompous stallion had been inside the Throne Room. Every day he spent attacking the other suitors of the foreign Princess, or stating why he was superior in every conceivable way. Had Twilight been the pony in question, she would have had the arrogant pony thrown bodily out of the Heart by now. Now, even Princess Celestia’s seemingly endless patience was beginning to fray.

“Please Princess. This is an urgent matter, one which involves all of the present parties.”

Her quiet voice seemed to be exactly what the Princess was waiting for. “What is it Twilight?”

“Your Majesty! You cannot mean to say that you-”

“Do not presume to tell me what I can and cannot do. Remember Blueblood, I am your sovereign, and it is your duty as a member of the nobility to heed my will. Or would you rather lose that burdensome responsibility?”

Princess Celestia didn’t so much as glance at the stallion, but her cool tone made him take a step back nonetheless. “Now, you were saying Twilight?”

“Your Majesty, I would like to submit a formal charge against Lord Supercilious Blueblood.”

The Princess’s impassive gaze rested on her for a moment and for the first time in years, Twilight had no idea what the white alicorn was thinking. “This is a very serious matter Twilight Sparkle. I must remind you that the penalty for a false accusation, made in spite is summary expulsion from the Heart, and that you will be stripped of your rank. Are you certain that you wish to proceed?”

Her tone was cool, and smooth as the marble floor of the room. There was no emotion behind her words, which sent alarms ringing in Twilight’s mind. The Princess only reacted with this cold, logical detachment when she was truly worried. The last time she had behaved like this was after a vicious attack along the Northern Line of the army by the gryphons.

“I am, Princess.”

“Very well, Lord Blueblood, you stand accused. Would you care to hear the accusation?”

The cool words snapped the pony out of his stupefied state. “Yes,” His lazy drawl came out tense “I would like to hear what old mare’s tale your maid has thought worth her position.”

“You are accused of the neglect and failure to care for your servant, Pipsqueak, as Helian law requires.”

From the corner of her eye, Twilight could see his body tighten. Tension suddenly entered his frame, and he took a small step to the side.

“Lord Blueblood, do you deny these claims?” Now even Twilight shivered. The voice from the Solar Princess had become something found in the dark of the frozen north. It chilled her blood to hear the sharp anger so tightly controlled.
“Of course I do. This filly has no idea of what she is talking about. I treat all of my servants as the crown has decreed. They are all fed, sheltered, and clothed. They are paid every week. If you have any doubts, ask Inksplotch, my scribe. He handles all of my accounts and can provide the records of this expenditure.”

Twilight allowed herself small smile, hearing the blustering of the noble. He was worried now, and if Twilight could tell, then the centuries old Princess before them could most certainly could as well.

“You are aware that speaking falsehoods while accused will result in a similar banishment for you as well. Do you wish to stand by your statement?”

“Of course I do. I have not spoken a lie. If you have any doubt, then lay a truth spell on the pair of us. I am sure that if anything, your maid will be the one found to be lying.”

“Very well. Twilight Sparkle, do you have any evidence to rebuff his denial? As the accused, he must be assumed innocent until proven guilty, and thus the burden of proof falls onto you.”

“Yes Princess, I do.” Twilight took a step forward, meeting the cool lavender eyes of the mare before her. “I have the colt who is the focus of this complaint. I would ask that you allow me to fetch him, and hear his words under spell.”

For a moment, Princess Celestia’s eyes seemed to shine. Twilight thought she saw pride shimmering there, before the white head bowed slightly. The unicorn mare turned sharply, and trotted to the entrance of the chamber.

Letting the gilded doors close behind her, she looked to the guards flanking the door. Both had rapidly resumed their rigid attention the moment they had heard Twilight’s hoof touch the wood, though they retained the ruffled appearance of those only just roused from a light sleep. Blinking the last of their nap form their eyes, they looked at Twilight. Her cold eyes made both of the stallions, much larger than Twilight herself, blush and look away. Her work done, Twilight glanced around the hall, searching for her witness.

She found Pip curled into a small ball on the sill of one of the great windows lining the hall. Sunlight bathed the young pony’s patchwork coat. The soft snores of a youngsters slumber completed the picturesque scene.

Much as Twilight hated to have to ruin his rest, she needed Pip now. Hooves once more ringing as they set down on the hard stone, she walked over to the colt. Touching his side lightly, Twilight called out to him.

“Pip. I need you wake up. We need to talk to the Princess.”

“Mmm?” The colt groaned, rolling a little further away from her soft touch. As he did, his head rolled into the window.

“Hmm? What was... Oh, Miss Sparkle! I am sorry Ma’am, but I was so tired that I seem to have fallen asleep.”

Twilight smiled at him, holding a hoof up to silence the colt. “It’s okay Pip. Believe me, I know that you deserve your rest, but we need to talk to the Princess now.”

“The Princess!” Pip’s eyes widened. “Oh, no Miss. I can’t. I mean, she’s the Princess. I, I can’t bother her Miss Sparkle. I just can’t.”

“Well, you don’t have too. I bothered her already, and now she wants you to come in and talk to her. So unless you want to ignore the Princess’s will...”

The colt gulp audible, his mouth working soundlessly for a moment. Finally though, it snapped shut. Glumly, he nodded, letting his head sag down as he did.

“Good, now come on.” Twilight tugged on his leg gently, pulling him out of the small alcove. She lead the colt to the ornate doors, pausing outside of them for a moment. Biting her lip, Twilight thought for a moment. Was this the right thing to do? To risk everything because she believed the little foal?

Yes. Yes it was. Twilight nodded to herself, before resting a hoof on the carved wood. Gliding silent on their hinges, the doors opened onto a scene exactly as Twilight had left it. Neither Princess nor noble had moved in the slightest, though as the door shut once again, they both turned to look at her. While Princess Celestia’s expression had resumed its statuesque facade, even from the far side of the room Twilight could feel Blueblood’s glare.

Twilight matched him glare for glare though, striding forward without any hint of hesitance. Pip jumped when she began moving, then scurried after her, trying to keep pace with the mare. The colt also kept Twilight’s flank between himself and his erstwhile employer.

“Princess Celestia.” Twilight said, reaching the foot of the dias. She dropped into a bow before the mare, her horn touching the soft carpet. Beside her, she could hear Pip make his own hasty show of respect. Unlike Twilight though, the earth pony did not rise, but remained prostrate before the golden hooves of the Princess.

“Is this the same Pipsqueak who is your servant?”

The sharp words of the Princess bit into Blueblood like the crack of a whip. The stallion took another pace back, now almost a full length behind Twilight. Shakily, his blonde head nodded, and his voice came out as a cracked facsimile of its normally self assured resonance.

“Ye,” The stallion halted, clearing his throat after his squeaking syllable. “Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Princess, as you can clearly see-”

“Twilight. This is a formal trial. You will remain silent unless spoken to.”

Twilight recoiled as though she had been struck. Never, in all the years that the unicorn had helped the Princess, had she heard such anger in her voice. Nor had the ancient mare ever lost the calm composure with which she spoke to Twilight.

Twilight nodded, her eyes fixed on the Princess’s hooves.

“Now,” The Princess spoke once more, and her voice had thawed. “Please tell me what evidence you have that supports your claim of neglect on behalf of Pipsqueak?”

Twilight looked up once more, meeting the impassive lavender eyes with her own confused gaze. Shaking her head softly, Twilight laid a hoof gently on Pip’s back. She could feel his back twitch at the soft contact, the muscles tight as he waited for... whatever it was that the little pony was waiting for.

“Pip, I need you to stand up please. The Princess needs to see you.”

The colt finally moved, turning his head slightly. One brown eye stared at Twilight, the huge pupil begging her to let him flee. Twilight smiled though, and touched his back once more.

“Pip, stand. let the Princess get a good look at you.”

The colt nodded, standing slowly. “Princess, this is Pipsqueak. I invoke my right as accuser, and ask that you lay Truth Spell on him.”

From behind her, Twilight heard a sharp intake of breath. Looking over her shoulder, she grinned. Blueblood’s eyes were round as dinner plates, and he was almost hiding behind Twilight now.

The Truth Spell was one of the most powerful spells that had ever come out of the College of Magic. The Helian scholars who dedicated their lives to the study of magic and the magical arts were among the most powerful unicorns in the world.

The Truth Spell was an invention by the pony who was commonly agreed to be the most powerful unicorn in history, Starswirl the Bearded. In ancient times, the unicorn mage had created the spell by doing the very simple. He conjured a wisp, one of those small, weak magical entities which live almost everywhere. One of the most peculiar aspects of a wisp was that it was subject to even the smallest of magical disturbances, such as those naturally emanated by a unicorn. Or by a lie.

The unicorn in question would buffer the wisp against the natural currents of magic which normally disrupt the small creatures. What is left is a glowing halo that surrounds a pony, which will vanish the moment a falsehood is uttered.

What Twilight was asking for was a form of this basic spell. While not truly simple, the casting of a basic truth spell is well within the talents of those unicorns with a moderate gift. What Twilight was asking for was what Starswirl, Goldenmind, and only a few other unicorns had ever been able to do. To force a wisp into a ponies mind.

The process was harmless, both to the wisp and the pony involved. The difficulty in the spell came from not only melding the wisp into a pony, but in shielding it from the energies that flow through all living things. Unprotected, the wisp would be torn apart by the flow within a pony. There was one overwhelmingly useful aspect of this spell though. For the short time the wisp inhabits a pony, that pony is utterly incapable of speaking a lie.

Both forms of this spell were the centerpiece of Helian justice, allowing fair decisions to be made based on only the truth. It was also very risky. If the evidence given under truth spell denied your claim, than summery banishment was the only option. The possibility of losing her maid might have been why Princess Celestia’s eyes narrowed slightly, the only break in the perfectly neutral expression.

Or it might have simply been that she disapproved of her maid raising allegations against one of the most influential stallions in the ranks of her nobility. Regardless, her gaze once more sharpened as she looked at Twilight, searching the mare’s face for any sign of doubt.

Then Celestia nodded, looking to Blueblood. “Do you wish to challenge her right to call for a Truth Spell?”

Everypony in the room froze for a moment. For Blueblood to challenge her right to invoke the Truth Spell would mean that he would be admitting his guilt. Gritting his teeth audibly, the stallion shook his head.

“Pipsqueak, do you consent to the use of the Truth Spell?”

“I, I am sorry Mistress. I do not understand what it is that you ask.”

“The Truth Spell is just that, my little pony.” Celestia said, smiling down at the colt. Her voice was once more its usual soft melody. “I will place a spell on you that will make sure we know that you are telling us the truth. Then you only have to answer a few questions.”

“I... Yes. I will Miss.” Pip bowed once more, and Twilight could hear Blueblood’s teeth grinding together behind her. Twilight grinned to herself, glancing away from the Princess for a moment.

Princess Celestia bowed her head for a moment, and the spell began to weave itself about her. Her horn began to glow with a beautiful golden light, the aura of power shimmering around her pointed horn. Below her, Pip was also sheathed in the golden energy. The Princess’s magic strengthened, the color solidifying from a mellow gold, to a deep amber.

The honey colored magic began to dim, fading away into nothingness as Princess Celestia opened her eyes. The amber glow lingered there for a moment, tinting her eyes the same powerful shade before slowly fading.

“Now, tell me. What does this pony, Lord Blueblood, do to you Pipsqueak? How does he treat you?”

“He, he treats me as I deserve ma’am.”

Princess Celestia turned her head slightly, one lavender eye narrowing as it focused on Twilight. The mare gulped under the narrowed gaze, before stepping forward.

“Please Princess, may I ask the questions?”

Both eyes narrowed this time, but seemingly in thought rather than ire. After a moment, the Princess nodded curtly.

“What? I must protest Princess, this leaves me at a marked disadvantage.”

Twilight rounded on the blonde pony with a snarl. “If you are innocent, then nothing I can ask will prove otherwise, not will it?”


Both unicorns flinched as Celestia’s voice rang out once more. “Ask your questions Twilight. And you Blueblood, you are not to speak until you are spoken to.”

Both ponies nodded dumbly, looking up at the Princess. Twilight shook herself, and looked to Pip. The little pony had righted himself once more, standing before the throne.

“Pip, I only have two questions for you. How often did Blueblood provide you with food?”

“About, about once a day Miss Sparkle.”

“Now wait just one moment. You cannot truly believe that I am responsib-mrrrbh.”

The expected denial from the noble was cut off as the alicorn’s horn glowed for an instant, and Bluebloods mouth sealed. Hearing the sounds of his muffled speech, Twilight and Pip both giggled. Even the icy exterior of Princess Celestia cracked for a moment, and a tiny grin flittered across her face.

“Sadly Twilight, he is right. By law, only one meal is required per day at the employer’s expense. While I find it... deplorable,” The alicorn’s lip curled into a sneer. “It is by no means illegal to treat your servants so.”

“I know that Princess. That was merely to exemplify that he is more than capable of neglect. My real question is this. Pip?”

The colt’s head snapped around once more, standing at rigid attention as his eyes bored holes into the marble steps leading up the dais.

“Pip, can you please tell us how old you are?”

“I am almost seven years old, ma’am.”

“And Pip, I only have one more question for you.”

“Hmmph.” The noblepony behind them snorted, a gleam in his blue eyes. Twilight bared her teeth at the stallion, a gutteral snarl issuing from between her clenched teeth. The white unicorn’s eyes widened, and he took several stumbling steps back. Tripping over his own hooves, Blueblood was sent crashing to the floor in an undignified heap.

Snorting explosively, Twilight turned back to Pip. “Pip, since you have been employed by Blueblood, when was the last time you went to school?”

The air in the spacious room seemed to have suddenly vanished. The tension was palpable as every eye locked on the small pony standing before the throne.

In Helios, it was required by law that every foal attend school. It was one of the founding laws of the land, and in fact was one of the core reasons for the division between the old Terran Empire and Helios. Celestia believed in education, and she would even take time to teach as a guest lecturer on occasion.

To deny any foal their learning was a crime that was punished immediately, and severely. Blueblood gave a choked squeak, and began to back away slowly. Just as slowly, the white head of the alicorn turned to face him.

“I have not attended school since I was hired Ma’am.”

The eyes of the Princess narrowed as they shot a glare at Blueblood. “Thank you Pip. Now, as for you. I think that losing your position is a small price to pay for breaking one of Helios’s founding tenets, wouldn’t you agree Blueblo-”

The Princess was cut short, her head snapping to attention. From outside the chamber, faint sounds could be heard. The muffled screams and bellows of ponies in a panic echoed through the halls of the Heart, and all three ponies looked to their Princess, eyes wide in sudden fear.