• Published 3rd Sep 2012
  • 23,333 Views, 1,124 Comments

Her Mother's Daughter - Nadake

Twilight, handmaiden to the Princess, is asked the impossible. And accepts.

  • ...

Chapter Twelve

For a time, Twilight was silent, standing like a statue in the swaying grass. Luna watched her for a few long moments, before looking away. When the black alicorn looked down, staring hard at the ground, Twilight cocked her head to the side, ears flicking back for a second. Then, enunciating clearly, she said. “Horse shit.”

Luna’s head whipped around, blue eyes wide. “I, what do you mean?”

Twilight laughed quietly, with a small, bitter edge to the sound. “Princess. Luna. I am not the kind of pony to inspire poets. Nopony just, falls in love. Just like that. You can’t.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Because, love isn’t something that just happens. Love is something slow, and fragile. Both ponies have to work for it, and work hard. ‘Love at first sight’? That is just infatuation, lust, and desire all rolled into one. It isn’t love.”

“How would you know?” Luna snapped. Her eyes blazed in her own glow, and tiny arcs of black electricity danced along her body.

Twilight just shook her head. “Luna, I watched Cadance. I have watched her for my entire life, and I know how she acts. I know that she loves Shining Armor, not just lust, but genuine love. She can barely keep herself from smiling if you even mention him, and the look in her eyes… you can see how much she cares about him.”

Twilight went on, speaking louder as her wife opened her mouth to argue. “I saw other things too. I could always tell when they were fighting, because of the way anything that affected her genuine love affected every aspect of her life. She looked horrible. Her eyes were sunken, she couldn’t smile, all she could do was plod her way slowly through her day, and hope that things would get better.” Luna blinked as Twilight continued, shocked at the sudden appearance of this assertive side of the mare she had married. “She was always worried any time he was away from Canterlot. She cried herself to sleep sometimes, when he was on the front. She was miserable. But when he was there, when they were together, she was beautiful. It was like every worry in the world was gone, like she didn’t care if the world ended, as long as it ended with him at her side. That is love, Princess. So tell me the real reason. Why did you marry me?”

Princess Luna stared at her, then muttered something under her breath. As she listened, the angry lightning had faded away, and though her eyes still danced with fire, she was breathing steadily once more. The words she spoke were foreign, something liquid and heated, but whatever it was seemed to calm the ancient mare. She closed her eyes for a long moment, repeating the phrase, almost bitterly, and then opened cerulean eyes that were once more calm.

“I can’t.” she said, and then cut Twilight’s angry retort with a cascade of furious words. “No. I cannot tell you. Not, I do not wish to tell you, and am not able to. There are… things happening, Twilight. You say that you have seen love? Between your…” Luna paused, face twisting into that of someone who had just bitten an overripe apple. “Between Cadance and Shining Armor?”

“Yes.” Twilight gritted out, trying to keep venom from her tone. She hated when somepony condescended to her , almost as much as she hated not knowing something. Less than a day into her marriage, and her wife was doing both.

“They’ve been getting more and more worried recently, haven’t they?” Luna asked, and at Twilight’s curt nod, she gave one of her own. “I thought as much. Do you know what is happening, Twilight?”

“No. What?”

“Helios and Selene are about to be attacked. There are—” Luna paused again, choosing her words carefully. “Forces, moving. Forces that haven’t moved in centuries, and they are moving against us both. There is a reason that Shining Armor, a tactical genius, was recalled from the front lines where he could be saving countless lives. His new squad isn’t training to defend against the gryphons. Celestia is making sure that she has a legion able to stop dragons.”

Luna stopped, staring intently at Twilight. The little unicorn opened her mouth to demand that Luna finish, but snapped it shut at the expectant gaze being leveled at her. After a few seconds, she spoke, slowly and carefully. “So, what you are saying is that something, or someone, is making the dragons agitated? Something that has Princess Celestia worried enough to lose dozens of good ponies just to train an elite squad to stop a theoretical dragon?”

Luna nodded, and Twilight continued. “So, to make up for the ponies who are being lost training this new legion, and for other reasons, you and Princess Celestia decided to try and join our countries?”

“Something like that.” Luna said, not meeting Twilight’s widening eyes. Twilight passed over the obvious evasion, slowly working her way along the logical path. Her ears flicked back, and she shifted her weight uncomfortably, as images of Shining Armor’s soldiers flashed through her mind. She bit her lip, reaching the conclusion Luna had been shepherding her towards, and felt the bottom drop out of her stomach.

“So, you are both expecting an attack. No, more than just an attack.” Twilight shook her head. The night air tasted bitter, a thick, foul syrup sliding down her dry throat as she sucked in a breath. “Y-you think that the dragons are going to start another war?”

“Not start, they come to end the war that Celestia halted.” Luna said grimly. “They have had almost seven centuries to gather their forces and plan their attack. If the dragons attack again, they will not stop until every pony in Helios and Selene is enslaved. I’m not even sure if Celestia can turn back the dragons like she did the last time they attacked. Then, she only had to face a few of them, who were all focused on attacking her. Defending her entire country from a cataclysm…” Luna shuddered. “Even if she could, I could not. Selene would be no more, and I would rule over naught but the dead. So, I proposed the alliance to save both nations from a threat most haven’t seen on the horizon.”

Twilight was stunned. The possibility of the dragons attacking had always been present, but other than a single incursion, which was focused solely upon the Heart itself, no dragon had set claw in Helios in centuries. Something nagged at her though, something about the way Luna still wasn’t looking directly at her. Twilight decided to trust her hunch, and asked. “What else?”

“I,” Luna said, grimacing again. She looked pained, as if fighting some compulsion, before sighing. “I can’t tell you.”

“Then we should probably head back.” The chill of the night air added an unwelcome tremor to Twilight’s voice. “It will be morning soon.”

“Twilight.” Luna spoke before Twilight could turn away, voice filled with implacable authority. “Look at me.”

Twilight did, turning to meet the intense blue gaze. Luna stood suddenly close, her deep eyes so close to Twilight’s that she could feel her warm breath. “I do care about you, Twilight. No matter what other reasons I had for doing what I have, I care. And I don’t want you to ever forget that.”

Twilight nodded, then hesitated. Her mouth opened, as if she were about to say something, then she gave a small snort of amusement. Shaking her head slightly, Twilight reached up and gave Luna a light, chaste kiss. Without speaking, she turned, heading back towards the Heart.

Princess Luna caught her up in just a few strides, slowing her pace once more to match Twilight’s. The unicorn gave her a soft smile in thanks, before she felt a yawn bubbling up from deep within. Her mouth opened and Twilight could feel her jaw pop painfully as she let out a massive yawn, making her wince and rub her twinging cheek.

Something large and soft came to rest on Twilight’s back, and the unicorn squeaked as she felt the strong limb pull her close to Princess Luna’s warm flank. Before Twilight could move, Luna ducked her head, kissing the pained area gently. Her lips were soft, and Twilight struggled for a moment, before relaxing into the sensation. When Luna pulled away, Twilight blinked her eyes open, opening and closing her mouth a few times.

“How did you…” Twilight asked, letting her voice trail off. Princess Luna didn’t answer, she just gave Twilight a small, enigmatic smile, and began walking again.

Twilight walked with her, shaking her head with a smile. Giving in, she leaned her head against Luna’s strong neck, letting her wing cover her like a soft blanket.

“Miss…” Pip began, neatly setting a book into a box. “Um.”

“What is it Pip?” Twilight asked, sparing a second to smile at her young helper, before turning back to the dusty tome. “This is a theoretical treatise.”

“What kind?”

“Shimmer’s Guide to Illusory Phantasms.” Twilight said, snapping the book closed to levitate it over to the colt. “Can you put it with the other texts on magical theory? And what was it you wanted to ask?”

“Oh, I was just wondering, what I should call you, Ma’am.” Pip said, with an adorable blush coloring his cheeks and turning the tips of his ears pink. He went on stumbling over the words a little. “I mean—do I call you Missus now? You are married, and I thought that… I mean, you were out late last night and-“

“Oh, that.” Twilight said, flushing a little. She hadn’t thought about what her disappearance last night must have looked like. “ It wasn’t- we just talked. Here, this is a catalogue of magical plants in Selene.”

Pip’s cheeks were still flaming, but he bent to his task, tossing Shimmer’s Guide onto the large stack to his left. Catching the slim book Twilight passed to him, he lay it onto the center stack, much smaller than the others, and spoke. “So, Miss Twilight?”

Twilight swallowed, and forced her blush away, turning kind eyes to her servant. “Yes Pip?”

“Can you tell me what it’s like?”

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked, opening a very old scroll with care. A thin layer of dust had collected on the rolled parchment, and Twilight turned her head quickly. Her violent sneeze made her eyes water, but at least she hadn’t desecrated the ancient writing.

“Light keep you.” Pip said automatically, clearly still thinking about his question. “Can you tell me what it’s like, being in love?”

Twilight froze for a moment, thinking. Then slowly, she rerolled the scroll into a tight furl, and set it atop the small pile she had begun to construct herself. Turning to Pip, she cocked her head slightly. “Pip, can I ask you something?”

“Of course, Miss Twilight.” Pip replied instantly.

“Why do you assume that we love each other?”

“Well, you did get married.”

Twilight bit her lips, thinking carefully. Standing, she stretched straightening her cramped legs. “Tell you what, how about we go down to the kitchens, and ask the Colonel if he will take pity on two dutiful souls? We can talk on the way.”

“Okay?” Pip asked,nose scrunched in confusion setting down the green volume of Pony Jones Twilight had found him sleeping with not long ago. Then he rose with her, stretching his own small limbs on the marble floor. Straightening, he walked over to the door, and politely held it open for Twilight, before following her out of the suite.

“So, can you tell me why you think that Princess Luna and I have to be in love?” Twilight asked, starting the long walk down to the base of the Heart. Idly, she wondered what life would be like in Selene. Would she still be perched at the peak? Did Luna even have some analog to the Heart in Selene? She could vaguely recall a trader talking about the capital of Selene, saying something about black stone and a pillar.

“I just, I always thought that you only married somepony you were in love with,” Pip said, blushed faintly at the admission.

Twilight laughed softly, turning to look at him with sparkling eyes. The colt’s soft brown eyes met her in confusion, but Twilight just shook her head. He was so innocent. “You have a cute blush, Pip.”

Pip’s cheeks made the shift from a slightly embarrassed pink, to scarlet in a few heartbeats, and Twilight laughed again. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to embarrass you. I just thought that it was adorable. You shouldn’t try to hide it.”

“But it isn’t very... you know...”

“Grown up?” Twilight suggested wryly. Pip nodded, staring at the floor as his cheeks burned. “Pip, you aren’t grown up. I know you’ve had a hard life, especially compared to the ponies you see here. But you don’t have to be a grown-up now, not for a long time. It’s okay to be silly, and to play. Besides, maybe some nice filly will think it’s cute too.”

Pip brushed that aside with a little shake of his head, but he did look at Twilight. “But, in all of the stories, the stallion is supposed to be a big, strong pony, who’s kind and smart and brave. I mean, Shining Armor is just like the hero in every book I’ve read. He’s amazing, just like you and Cadance! All three of you, and the Princesses, you are all so, so kind and understanding. But I’m just… me.”

“Pip, is it brave to run into a fire to save somepony?”

“Yes. Of course it is.”

Twilight waited a second, then said slowly. “What about if you know that the fire can’t hurt you. Like, let’s just say that you have a Fireproofing Potion, and drink it. Is it still brave to go in?”

“I, I think so.” Pip said, hesitantly. He could tell that his mistress was making a point, but he couldn’t make out what she was trying to say.

“Okay, that wasn’t a good example, I’m sorry. What I mean is, are they the same, running into a burning building when you know that you can’t be hurt? Is it the same to do that, as it is to know that you can be hurt, maybe hurt badly, but you do it anyway?”

“No.” Pip said, thinking. “It is still a good thing to do, its noble. But I guess it isn’t bravery, if you know you can’t be hurt.”

“Exactly. Because you know that you won’t be hurt, you aren’t being brave, you are just doing the right thing. Bravery is doing the right thing, no matter what, even if you are scared, or could get hurt. Shining Armor is probably the nicest stallion I’ve ever met, and I couldn’t love him more if he was my brother. But I don’t think that he is brave.”

“But-“ Pip spluttered, gaping like a landed fish. “How could you say something like that? He’s so brave and noble. He’s an army commander!”

Twilight winced at the high pitched squeak of Pip’s indignation. “Pip, think about it. Being kind, and noble, those are part of who Shining Armor is. Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t think that you can think better of somepony just because of who and what they are. That would be like me thinking that I am better than you because I am a unicorn. Or maybe, you should think that I am stupider and should be a servant, just because you are physically stronger than I am.”

“But I’m not.” Pip protested, thoroughly confused now. “I’m not any stronger than you are.”

“But you are an earth pony, and they are just stronger than unicorns. That’s the way the Light shines through you, in your physical bodies, like it shines through unicorns in their magic. So placing value in something that is a fundamental and essential part of who and what they are doesn’t seem to be as valid as to give them credit and praise for overcoming their shortcomings.”

“That’s stupid.” Pip said, then glanced guiltily at Twilight. “I mean, I’m sorry Miss Twilight, but that doesn’t sound right. Nopony should think that they are better than another just because of the way they were born.”

Twilight smiled at him, pleased. “Exactly. That’s just what I mean, when I think that Shining isn’t very impressive. Who, and what he is. Those are things that he can’t change. Well, I should say that he hasn’t changed. The way I see it, Pip, you are far more impressive and brave than Shining will ever be.”

“What do you mean, Miss Twilight?”

“You have had a very hard life, Pip. I feel horrible for the things that have happened to you, and how you have been treated. Nopony, especially not a foal, should be treated with cruelty or neglect. Despite that, you are still a kind, caring young stallion. You are polite, not because I demand it, but because you think that you should be. You are kind to everypony you meet, and you are even nice to Jack. You go out of your way to be nice, and that is amazing, if you think about how badly you were treated for so long.”

They walked for several minutes in silence, moving slowly while Pip considered Twilight’s words carefully. Twilight was content to let the little stallion think. After all, what she said had been more than a little odd. She hadn’t ever tried to express the way she felt about ponies before, but she knew it couldn’t be something easy to understand. When she had explained a little of it to Cadance, years before, the pink mare had chuckled at her. When Twilight had asked what was so funny, the older mare had just shaken her head, saying something about her being just like her mother.

They rounded a corner suddenly, and Twilight reached out a hoof just in time to stop Pip from walking into a very harassed looking pink mare. “Hello, Cadance.”

“What?” Cadance snapped, before looking at Twilight again. “Oh, I’m sorry, Twilight. I need to find Princess Celestia, have you seen her?”

“No, I’ve been sorting through our books.” Twilight said, shifting to look at Cadance. “I think she is in her rooms, though. Are you okay?”

“Fine.” Cadance said, already trotting up the long hallway towards the peak. She turned the corner and was gone in a moment, leaving Twilight puzzled by the meeting. As she slipped out of sight, Twilight caught a glimpse of several tightly bound scrolls haphazardly shoved into the small saddlepack resting on her friend’s back.

“Well, that was very strange.” She muttered. Pip nodded his head in agreement, but it was clear he was still deep in thought. Trying to lighten the mood, Twilight jostled the colt lightly with her shoulder. “Hey, what are you thinking about?”

“How does that make me impressive?”

“Huh?” Twilight said, with an utter disregard for elegance.

“You said that it was impressive that I was still kind and polite.” Pip said, and Twilight nodded in agreement. “How does that make me impressive though? Maybe it is just my nature to be kind and polite. I don’t mean to be rude, Miss Twilight, but it seems to me that your idea is flawed.”

“How so?” Twilight asked, without any anger. She was curious, not only about the problem, but what Pip had been reading, if he had suddenly become a philosopher.

“There isn’t any room for good or bad.” Pip said simply, as though it was obvious. Twilight raised an eyebrow, and he went on. “You say that it is impressive if you change something about yourself, but you can’t do that. Even if you act different, how you feel is still something that is based in who you are. Therefore, you can’t ever be a good pony, or a bad one. I think it is an interesting way to think, but it isn’t much of a moral theory.”

“I suppose you’re right.” Twilight said, chuckling. “I’d honestly never given it much thought. It wasn’t ever really my job to pass judgment on how ponies acted, just to write it down.”

“I- I’m sorry.”

“What for?” Twilight asked, looking back at him.

“I shouldn’t have said anything.” Pip blushed again. “It wasn’t my place.”

“Pip.” Twilight stopped walking, glaring at the little colt. “I don’t want to hear those words leave your mouth again. You aren’t a slave; you are a friend. If you want to say something, then please, do so. You never have to be afraid of talking to be about anything. I love talking to you, just like I love talking to Cadance or Princess Luna. You are a very bright young stallion, and you have a very different perspective on life than I do. If you want to say something, say it.”

“Yes Ma’am.” Pip mumbled, looking down.

“Besides,” Twilight continued, smiling. “You were right. I hadn’t ever thought about it that way, but you were perfectly right. There isn’t any way to determine the validity of anything. Thank you.”

Pip nodded his head, cheeks fading from pink to their normal white. Curious, he asked “Have you ever read On Governance

The rest of their walk was a spirited discussion of philosophers and morality. To Pip’s shock, and secret delight, it was a topic that Twilight was almost utterly ignorant about, and she ate up Pip’s minor knowledge. Both of them were laughing, comparing Mass Theory to the Moral of Action, laden with the Colonel’s gifted dinner.


“Horn Pox: A History, by Blighthoof?”

“Um,” Twilight hesitated, biting her lip. “I’m not sure. You could count it as a history.”

Pip moved to set the last book onto the small pile of histories, when Twilight hedged. “But You could also say it is about magical theory. I mean, he talks about how horn pox is spread, and you can only catch it by mixing your magical energy with somepony else’s…”

Pip moved, holding the brown book over the fourth pile of magical theory texts, looking back at Twilight for confirmation.

“He writes about it from a historical perspective, but he continually talks about the methods for contracting the pathogen, and how the magical vogue of the day was joint spells. If there hadn’t been so many ponies joining their magicks, then there wouldn’t have been such a large outbreak.”

“What do you mean?” Pip asked, interested. “Is it rare for unicorns to use their magic together?”

“Oh, no. It’s actually very common for a group of unicorns to come together to pull off some really powerful spells. The Archmage and the senior wizards working together can even rival Princess Luna’s power, and move the sun and moon if they have need to. That wasn’t a good example, because they do have to meld their magic, but it isn’t very common. If they are just moving a large rock or something, most unicorns will just work together by lifting a different piece of the large object, rather than each one of them lifting an equal portion of the total object. It’s like if you had a really heavy board on your back. If you are the only one holding it, you have to balance the board, and lift at the same time. But if you have a friend or two, then they can both lift one end, and you even out and lift together.”

“And horn pox is only contagious if you mix your magic with some other unicorns?”

“More or less.” Twilight giggled at the little colt. “But other than in the university and the army, most unicorns never mix their magic anymore. It is dangerous, and not just because of horn pox. If somepony can feel your magic, really mix their own power with it, they can learn a lot about you. It is very hard to hide something from somepony you join with, and it gets harder the more often you join and the more power you combine.”

“Are you okay, Miss Sparkle?” Pip asked, cocking his head.

“Hm?” Twilight hummed, looking up. “Oh, I’m fine, just a little tired. But since it is so hard to hide anything, Horn Pox died out on its own. Nopony wants a stranger to know her deepest secrets.”

“Which is why,” a laughing voice said from the doorway, “It is normally only married couples who allow their powers to meld.”

“Princess Celestia!” both Twilight and her young assistant yelped, leaping to their hooves. They both swept into identical bows to the white Princess, making Celestia laugh again.

“Please, don’t let me disturb you.” Celestia fairly radiated a beatific smile. “I came to speak with Twilight, if you don’t mind?”

“Of course not.” Twilight and Pip said in stereo, before glancing at each other and Twilight giggled again. Shaking her head a little, Twilight took a step forward. “Of course I don’t mind, Princess Celestia. Pip, I can carry these back to the library by myself. Why don’t you go to bed?”

Pip glanced between Twilight and Celestia, then nodded his head. Bowing to the Princess again, he scurried away.

“He sleeps in your room?” Celestia said, puzzled and amused as the colt shut the door softly.

“No, not usually. He’s just trying to give us a little privacy.”

“Well, far be it from me to discommode such a courteous young stallion.” Celestia spoke a little louder, just enough to carry through the wooden door. She winked at Twilight, and flashed a wicked grin. “Would you be willing to part with him?”

Twilight giggled, and spoke up as well. “Not even for you, Princess.”

Celestia chuckled quietly, and tilted her horned head towards the door. “Walk with me? I don’t want to wake Cadance. She’s had a trying day.”

Twilight nodded her head, and smiled at the white mare. She stepped forward, and nudged the door open with a hoof, holding it politely open until her Princess walked through the small entrance. Celestia took a short, sharp breath as she entered the long hallway, and the light surrounding her flared for a moment. Twilight winced, squinting into the light, and shut the door. After a few long moments, the brilliant glow faded again, until the normal shine of white light surrounded Celestia.

“Are you okay, Princess?”

Celestia paused, taking a short breath before smiling at Twilight. “Celestia. You and I are equals now, Twilight. I never was fond of ‘Princess Celestia’ or ‘Your Majesty,’ anyway. It seems too formal for a friend to use, and I certainly hope you think of us as friends?”

“I,” Twilight stammered. “I mean, yes. I hope we are friends, I mean. And I know what you mean; I’ve tried to convince Pip to call me Twilight and so far all I managed was to get ‘Miss Sparkle’ from him.”

Princess Celestia tilted her head back and let out a hearty laugh. “He is very proper and correct for his age, isn’t he? I hope you don’t mind, but I arranged for him to travel with you.”

“I would have insisted on it.” Twilight admitted, smiling to herself. “He is a very sweet colt, isn’t he? He doesn’t deserve all of the hardships he’s suffered.”

“But is it not those same hardships that have shaped him into the kind, polite stallion he is growing up to be? If you take his trials away, how can you know he will still be himself?”

Twilight rolled amethyst eyes, and smiled. “Pip and I had exactly this conversation earlier today.”

“Great minds think alike.” Celestia chirped, and Tiwlight stopped. Princess Celestia turned a mischievous smile on her former servant, and asked innocently, “What?”

“Forgive me, but you seem…” Twilight struggled to find the right word. “Ebullient.”

“My dear, are you implying that I am not ever the spirit of delight and good cheer?”

“I’m sorry, that isn’t what I meant. Usually you are much more, focused. That’s all.”

Celestia grinned at her, and Twilight arched an eyebrow. “Twilight, this is one of the few times I have been able to speak with anypony as an equal in the last half a millennium. You have just had a wedding, and I adore being able to see my dearest friends happy. Why shouldn’t I indulge in being a little bit effervescent?”

Twilight couldn’t help herself, she laughed. She was used to seeing what she thought was the relaxed Celestia, the kind, ancient mare who would speak soft words and who had a gentle smile. She had only seen flashes of this… she hesitated to call the ancient beauty before her a filly, but that was the way she was acting. Like a filly who was immersed in the simple pleasures of life.

“Not an inaccurate description.” Celestia admitted, winking. “But the pleasures of life are anything but simple. I can’t think of anything more complex.”

“Ugh.” Twilight groaned, hanging her head. “Is there anypony who can’t tell exactly what I’m thinking?”

“Don’t worry, it isn’t a common ability at all, at least without using an actual spell to form a mental link. Spike, Luna and myself are all the exceptions, not the rule. And no, I didn’t know you had a crush on me as a filly, until just now. I only picked up the trick of it a few days before your wedding in fact.”

“Light.” Twilight moaned, turning and banging her head lightly against the marble wall. “I didn’t want you to know that.”

“Twilight, you need to learn something if you are going to survive ruling a country.” Celestia said, seriously. Twilight turned to look at her, and lavender eyes trapped her as the Princess spoke. “You need to learn to enjoy yourself. Take pleasure when and where you can. I adored talking to you, and it was often the only thing I looked forward to in a day. Nopony wants to sit on a Council meeting about the irrigation plans for a settlement for five hours, no matter how important it is to the ponies who live there. When I was young, I used to dream about just leaving, and letting the nobles make their own decisions.”

“You did?”

Celestia chuckled, a little ruefully as they began to walk once more. The long hallway was empty this late at night, and the echo of their steps gave a soft background to their speech. “Of course I did. I couldn’t stand being cooped up for so long. I had just barely gotten my wings, and all I could think of was flying. But I knew that if I left, then there was nothing to prevent the more… self-interested parties involved from sneaking some advantage in while I was away. So I stayed, and I like to think that I didn’t do a horrible job of guiding Helios through the centuries.”

“You just got your wings?” Twilight asked, and it was Princess Celestia’s turn to freeze. It was only a fraction of a second, but Twilight saw the Princess pause, before taking another long, slow stride.

“Yes.” She said softly, looking down. Then her jaw set in anger, and Twilight looked away.

“I’m sorry.”

“No, you haven’t done anything wrong, Twilight.” She said, smiling down at her young friend. “I said something I wish I hadn’t. Too many bad memories. What I meant was, you are going to rule a country. You will have Luna there to help you, and you will both rule Selene together. But you have to do what you must, to ensure the health and safety of everypony. Once you have done that though, don’t be afraid to indulge yourself. Go on walks, talk to your friends. Maybe have a nice, romantic dinner. Don’t become a slave to duty.”

Twilight didn’t say anything for a long time. They reached one of the many halls cutting through the belly of the mountain, the Hall of Memory, before she spoke. “I’m not sure if I can do that.”

“What do you mean?”

“Princess, Celestia.” Twilight hesitated, grimacing before continuing. “You and Cadance are the closest things I have to a, a mother. You are both so kind, and noble, and so much more than anypony I have ever met. I love you, Celestia, just like I love Cadance, and Shining. They are my family, and you are what I have always aspired to be.”

She stopped talking, taking a few deep, calming breaths. She let out her held breath with a hiss, and scratched her neck with a hoof. She was mortified to hear her own words. “You, in particular, are everything I ever hoped I could become. Kind, wise, caring. I know, better than anypony, how much you have given up for Helios, to keep everypony safe. So if I can be even half the mare you are, I will be.”

Twilight turned, and gave her Princess a smile. She couldn’t tell if she was looking directly at the mare she had spent her life serving, there was too much water in her eyes. She swallowed, and croaked. “Even if I am miserable, it will be worth it.”

“Twilight,” Celestia said softly, and held one leg out invitingly. Twilight moved into the embrace, and felt the tears that had blurred her vision begin to fall. She was smiling, and laughing weakly, cuddling up against Celestia’s strong, warm chest. She heard a rustle she recognized, and felt the soft brush of feathers as the Princess’ wings bent forward protectively, cradling her just like the gentle hoof.

Twilight stayed there for a long time, shaking with laughter and sobs, feeling the warm hug. It took a long time, but slowly, she reclaimed her composure. Sniffling a little, she weakly pushed away, and Princess Celestia let her go without protest.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.”

“It is more than all right, Twilight.” Celestia said warmly. Twilight looked up, and was more than a little dazzled by the alicorn’s kind smile. It wasn’t something that she saw very often, a simple, genuine happiness and compassion. “Sometimes, we just need somepony’s shoulder to lean on. It isn’t a weakness.”

Twilight sniffled, but let out a breathy little laugh. “Even you?”

“Why do you think I kept you so close?” Celestia’s smile dimmed slightly, and her lavender eyes focused on something far away from a long moment. Then the Princess returned, and leaned down to nuzzle Twilight gently. “I will miss you, Twilight.”

“I’ll miss you too, Princess.” Twilight whispered, barely able to talk through the hard lump in her throat. She swallowed, hard, and smiled back up at her Princess. “I guess this is goodbye.”

“For now,” her words were echoed by the hard stone walls. Twilight felt something stir about them, a ripple of magical power that jolted through the air around Princess Celestia. “But we never leave those we love. Not for long.”

Twilight smiled up at her for a moment, then moved forward. Without asking, she reached up, and wrapped her legs around the white mare’s strong neck. Twilight squeezed, hugging her Princess close, then let go. Looking up into those lavender eyes, Twilight thought there might have been a hint of a tear, or maybe half-hysterical laughter was making them shine. Swallowing, Twilight spoke up. “I should… be going now.”

“Yes.” The alicorn responded, a little too quickly. “After all, it is late. Goodnight, Twilight. I wish you a safe journey on the morrow. And,” Celestia hesitated a moment, then smiled. “I wish you the best of luck.”

“Princess?” Twilight blurted, catching the old mare as she turned. Celetia turned her head, and peered over her shoulder at Twilight. “Would you like to walk with me?”

“I cannot.” Celestia shifted, her eyes and smile both slipping away from the young Princess. “I am sorry.”

“Oh. Okay.”

“Goodnight, Twilight.”

“Goodnight, Celestia.”

Celestia started off up the long hallway, her golden shoes making a soft ringing chime as they struck the marble. The stone gleamed around her, illuminated by the glowing aura of the alicorn rebounding from it. Twilight stood for a moment until the last of Celestia’s glow faded into the background, and she was left standing alone. Cool, dark glass sparkled with the light of distant stars cast their light upon her right side, while the warmer, nearer blaze of torches bathed her left. She turned her back on the torches and took a few steps forward until her breath misted the glass.

Her reflection stared back at her, a dim shade hovering only a few inches away, speared by the tiny points of the starry sky. Did Luna make the stars?

Twilight shook her head, and turned to look down. The light of Hoofington shown farther down, a sphere of cheerful, orange light glowing at the base of the Heart. She could see the tangled maze of hedges that lined the path from town to the Heart, and the small clearing where the tiny white bodies of statues reared. A few small ponds glimmered in the moonlight, and Twilight grinned. She had once spent an entire day lazing about by one of those pools, alone except for Cadance. They had talked and played and slept, and simply enjoyed themselves. It had been a wonderful, beautiful day, full of warmth and sunshine and laughter.

Twilight sighed, smiling fondly down at the little pond. It was easy to pick out among the hedges, it had the long, serpentine statue of some bizarre creature standing over the pool, and she could see the marble body from her perch. There were more statues, of course, scattered throughout the gardens. Statues of pony nobility, of heroes and heroines from ages long passed. A few were creations meant not to remind of the past, but encourage the future. Here and there, among the armored warriors and robed mages, statues of foals frolicked. There was even a statue from Selene, a large granite ball, supported by a stream of water. The ball slowly turned, and even a foal could change the way it spun, just by pushing on it lightly.

Twilight chuckled softly. There were bound to be more of the strange statues in Selene. So many ponies were artists, there would doubtlessly be more creativity there than anything she was used to. The smiths and artisans of Selene were legendary, and even the dragons adored their work. Though, Twilight thought cynically, that might be just because they were shiny.

She shuddered, and felt the muscles clench in a painful spasm around her stomach, a feeling too deep and gnawing to be simple fear. A sudden wave of unease washed over her, and the young princess struggled to swim to the surface of her thoughts again. She had gotten used to her fears, her doubts. About Luna’s choice. About herself. This time, it wasn’t worry that made her stomach flutter. It was fear. She knew it was irrational, that nothing bad would happen to her. But Selene was so… alien. It was a country with an entirely separate history, with different values and ideas. She was as foreign to them as she was to the gryphons. And tomorrow, she would have to meet them all. Just, walk up and announce that she was their ruler’s wife. Could she do that?

“Yes.” Twilight said softly, and smiled. “Yes, I can.”

Author's Note:

As usual, I would like to thank my wonderful editors for their help, with this more than most. I love you guys.