• Published 3rd Sep 2012
  • 23,292 Views, 1,124 Comments

Her Mother's Daughter - Nadake

Twilight, handmaiden to the Princess, is asked the impossible. And accepts.

  • ...

Chapter Four

The great oak doors which guarded the entrance to the Heart creaked open slowly. Leaving just enough space to slip inside, Twilight patted the stoic guardian of wood gently. Pushing lightly, she let the door swing shut with a small click as the latch fell into its place, securing the door.

With the small opening closed, the entry hall of the Heart was thrown into a murky gloom. Taking a deep breath, Twilight forced herself to calm. Her heart was beating a frantic tattoo in her chest as sweat began to bead along her brow.

Shuddering, Twilight took a step into the dark interior. Her hoof struck the marble floor with a sharp clop, and the unicorn froze. For a moment, Twilight remained motionless save for her heaving chest. Her shallow breaths were the only break in the silence of the hall other than the fading echo of her step.

The entry hall of the Heart was one of the oldest portions of the monolith. It had been made along with the Main Hall, the Dining Hall, and the eyrie in which Princess Celestia had later carved her chambers. It was a long room, staggeringly wide near the entrance. Near the exit, it narrowed sharply, funneling anypony trying to enter the Heart by force into a small area. In theory, a small complement of Earth Ponies and unicorns could hold off an army many tens of times their number.

Of course, the only time any creature had dared to storm the Heart, the dragons of Ryais had batted aside the guards as if they had been little more than statuary.

The Royal Helian Guard still had a force stationed within the Heart itself at all times though. Just after dawn, they would still be rousing their brothers in armor, and slowly trooping to the sparce meal the Colonel had prepared for them.

She had seen the bleary eyed stallions trudging towards the kitchens from time to time. Often while carrying a message for the Princess, or when fetching a special breakfast when Princess Celestia wished to avoid the court. They usually had a sleepy smile for her, followed inexorably by a yawn.

As the echo faded, Twilight relaxed slightly. Her body still trembled, but this time, her step was silent. Taking care to tread softly, Twilight made her way through the dark chamber. With each step, her confidence grew, and the next followed slightly faster. Soon, she was creeping along at nearly her normal pace.

Nearing her goal, Twilight sighed. Her body calmed, the shivering muscles beginning to relax as the glow from the many windows in the main hall flooded the entrance with light. Here, the darkness was no more than the shadow a tree cast in the afternoon, dim, but not dangerous. Her breath came easier now, and her steps regained a measure of their normal bounce.

“-telling you, she has to be his sister. You’ve seen how he acts around her Mint.”
The deep voice of the stallion froze Twilight for a moment. Now that she listened, she could hear the clinking jingle of golden armor as a pair of guards neared their post. The sharp, heavy tread of armored hooves standing as a counterpoint to his words. As Twilight struggled to think of a way out of this situation.

By both duty and tradition, it was the task of the Royal Guard to question anypony entering the Heart from dusk till dawn. There was no way that Twilight could explain why she was only now coming back into the Heart. If she did, it would not only be her reputation that would be ruined. Well, damaged, but that was not the point. Her own reputation was of little enough value to her, she would always be the Princess’s servant, no matter what the nobility thought of her. But it would call Princess Luna’s into question, which would be catastrophic.

“Why did you do this, you stupid, stupid foal!” Twilight harshly reproached herself in a whisper. She knew that it was only partially her fault, she had been left alone when she awoke. That was no excuse though, she had put Princess Luna in danger, however marginally, and Princess Celestia had specifically ordered her to take care of the visiting alicorn.

“Think about it Raindrops, there is no way they aren’t related. He follows her about like she's his wife, and then there’s that little unicorn whos always with them. Talk about daughter substitute. What was Shining thinking? Doesn’t he know what that tramp’s done?”

A female voice cut in, shrill and nasal. The voices were coming closer, and Twilight’s time was almost up. Deciding that it was her only chance, Twilight moved faster. She was sacrificing stealth for speed, but in a few seconds, the entire entry hall would be lit up like a courtyard at midday. When that happened, she needed to be in position.

“Come on. Cadance? A tramp? She doesn’t even look at stallions.”

“That’s right,” Twilight shuddered, the pair were almost at the gate. Taking a few last steps, she resolutely turned, and faced the black space. She could almost hear the change, as sound seemed to be trapped by the darkness. Her body once more began to tremble. “You were on duty when it happened. It was just after Princess Celestia left to visit Selene, remember? Cadance had a wild side to her then, when she was what, fifteen? About that anyway. She was sleeping with every stallion in the court. When their wives found out, they were furious, they even kicked their husbands out for a while. So, the slut gets pregnant, and nopony knows who the foals father was, or what happened to it. There were a few rumors going about, the usual stuff. Either she gave it to a family that couldn’t, or she sent it to an orphanage. Who cares? The point is-”

“Miss Sparkle?”

The masculine voice cut across his gossiping friend. “Miss Sparkle, are you well?”

Twilight remained motionless, staring at the darkness. Her body was shaking violently now, easily visible in the light spilling from the Great Hall. Still, she stared into that black abyss.

Then she felt a rough shove, and toppled. Gasping, Twilight's eyes focused on the world around her once more. A green unicorn clad in gleaming golden armor stood above her, while a blue stallion hovered worriedly nearby.

“Feeling better?” The nasal tone cut through Twilight’s lingering daze.

“Mint, there’s no need to be rough with her, she isn’t doing anything wrong.” Raindrops, Twilight assumed. The blue pegasus shuffled his wings, He was seemingly adverse to actually looking at her, instead staring at the floor off to his right. Twilight thought she could see a blush on his sharply defined face, but it might have just been the overwhelming light spilling in from the entryway.

“Kiss my flank ‘Drops. you know the rules. She’s trying to sneak in, and its our job to find out why.” Mint purred, sliding a hoof along Twilight’s side “By any means necessary.”

“Oh come on, she wasn’t coming in, were you Miss Sparkle?” Raindrops asked, looking over at the mare lying on the ground, blushing anew when he saw just where the green hoof of his fellow guard was rubbing.

For her part, Twilight lay there in silence while the unicorn came closer to the uncomfortable mare. She kept her head moving gently, swaying back and forth. Then she felt the pressure of the mare’s hoof move to her rump, smacking it lightly. Shaking her head, Twilight shook herself.

“Huh? I mean, no. I was... I was trying to.” Twilight trailed off, shakily regaining her footing.

“Trying to what? Waiting for me?” Mint leered at Twilight, a smoldering smile fixing itself to her confident lips.

The blue pegasus was now extremely uncomfortable, watching his partner flirt with the studious page. His wings were, obviously against his wishes, flittering about at his sides, as uncomfortable as the pony they were affixed to.

“Mint, stop it. She afraid of the dark, she was just trying to conquer her fear, weren’t you Miss?”

Still shaking, Twilight silently nodded her head to the guard. Mint let out an irritated huff, her hot breath blowing out across Twilight’s back. “Well, I still think that we should question her.”

“Please, I didn’t mean to cause trouble. I’m sorry.” Twilight mumbled, looking down at the floor once more.

“No, I’m sorry Miss Sparkle. Mint isn’t usually this... well, its just, I’m sorry. And so is she

The pegasus growled, shooting an annoyed glance at his friend. For her part, the annoyed Mint gave a curt nod to Twilight. Then she turned away, pouting like a spoiled foal.

“Please Miss Sparkle, I know you have your reasons, but you really aren’t supposed to be here so early. Next time, please wait for one of the Guard to arrive. Okay?”

“Yeah, I’m sorry for causing you so much trouble.” Twilight ducked her head, shuffling past the armored pony. As she passed Mint, she felt a stinging slap and the mare flicked her tail, hitting Twilight’s rump once more.

“And you know where I am if you ever want to.”

The blow made Twilight jump, half expected though it was. She hurried away, Mint’s chuckles resonating in the dark hall. They abruptly ceased as the sound of another smack echoed through the room, followed by a yelp.

In the light of the floor to ceiling window, Twilight smirked to herself, casting a parting glance over her shoulder. Mint was rubbing her armored flank, where Raindrop had evidently smacked her in retaliation. The two had resumed their bickering, though it was now low enough that the retreating Twilight could only catch their tones.

“Crisis averted.” She mumbled, chuckling to herself softly. With a smile, the mare set off, looking for the Great Hall, and the kitchens.

The creak of the the double doors echoed through the Dining Hall as Twilight slipped inside. With a hoof, she nudged the door closed, eliciting yet another groan from the ancient wooden barrier. Huffing, Twilight rolled her eyes. During the day, not a single hinge in the entire Heart so much as squeaked, but the moment she was trying to avoid notice, they do their damndest to give her away. Contrary things.

The light from the windows lining long walls of the Dining Hall was somewhat more diffused than that of the Great Hall itself. Set high on the stone walls, they shed what little light struck them into the room. Normally, the Hall was lit by either the rising sun or moon, the grand windows at the end of the hall showing the eastern sky in all its glory. Now though, only the barest sliver of light crested the Drake’s Pine mountains.

Dim though the hall might be, the glare of the rising sun still hurt Twilight’s sensitive eyes. The empty tables lining the hall gleamed in the light, their worn and polished surfaces reflecting the dawn. Where the light struck them, the dark oak shone a burnished bronze.

Twilight made her way along the edge of the hall, keeping a wary eye on the door she was heading towards. Set off to the side, the door to the kitchens was infamous for its habit of suddenly opening and releasing a swarm of cooks without notice. Though it was unlikely that they would be rushing to wait the tables and remove trays and platters to be cleaned, there was always the chance that an experimental recipe would send them running.

Once, while the Colonel had been ill, one pony had decided to prepare a dish from her home village. The earth pony was but one of many in the small farming community, and knew most of the folk recipes of her home. One of those recipes involved the careful cooking of dried corn kernels, so that the heat of the fire would cause them to pop. The white ‘popcorn’ was an amazing success, much to the consternation of a certain sheep.

The Colonel had demanded that she prepare him a sample, over the protests of the doctor who had assigned him uninterrupted bedrest while he recovered. Upon tasting the dish, he had promptly ordered every page within earshot to send word that there would be a ‘popcorn party’, and that they were to alert their lords, and all other pages they saw. Then he had told the young mare to make as much as she could.

As it turned out, one pony simply could not make enough to feed the many ponies who showed up to the new spectacle. So, enlisting the aid of more of the kitchen helpers, the young mare had set the timer on a bomb. Her hurried instructions, broken as they were by her own preparations, had been garbled and confused.

So when the ponies had followed them, they had created a monster. The miasma of burning corn, and the still more foul odor of the burning husks and cobs had sent everypony fleeing. They had burst out of the kitchen, followed by a black haze of billowing smoke, and barreled into the waiting ponies. What had followed was a general panic as ponies scrambled to escape the scent.

Twilight had been a witness to much of the happenings that day, assigned to help in the kitchens while Princess Celestia was away on diplomatic missions. The rest, like the accounts of the Colonels wide-eyed reaction to his first taste of the buttery, salty treat, she had gleaned from the young mare who had first made the popcorn. So, while the bright morning light heralded no ill tidings, Twilight still kept a wary eye on the door.

When she reached the wooden entrance, Twilight grinned anew. Through the soup-stained wood, she could just make out the sounds of the usual clatter of a kitchen. The unicorn stood for a moment, basking in the familiar, warm sounds of pots and pans banging about. Mixed with the occasional exclamation of delight of a loud, vehement curse. Business as usual in the Heart Kitchens.

Still grinning, she nosed the door open. She remained in place, as she slowly inched her head into the room.


Twilight pulled back sharply, though not fast enough to avoid the improvised porjectile as it struck her nose. Her eyes watered as she heard the offending spoon, the cause of her recent injury, bounce off of the floor.


One thing that would forever be a mystery for the royal maid, was just how a sheep of all ponies became such a deadly marksman. He could hit almost anything with a spoon. Twilight had once seen the old ram pin a carrot somepony had dropped to the door half an inch from their nose. The poor stallion had nearly wet himself when he finally realized why half of his styled mane lay at his hooves.

Now though, the Colonel had only hurled a spoon with deadly accuracy. And was stomping over to retrieve the wretched object. “Umm, Colonel? It’s Twilight, would you mind if I came in?”

“Huh? Oh. It’s you lass?” The black sheep asked, no longer bellowing at her. Opening the door slightly, one green eye appeared in the crack. “Why are you here so early in the morning?”

“Oh, I um. Well. I wanted breakfast early?” Twilight asked. Her cheeks warmed as the green eye rolled, before flicking up and down her length.

Suddenly, the ram burst into a rolling laugh. “Aye lass. Of course.” He chortled, opening the door just wide enough for Twilight to squeeze through. The mare obliged, slipping inside the room.

As usual, the first thing the unicorn noticed about the room was the heat shimmering in the air. Where the rest of the Heart was comfortable, if slightly chilly, the kitchens were almost painfully hot. The second sense to be overwhelmed was smell. It smelled absolutely divine in the large room. Smoke, and the thick scentl of cooking spinach filled the air, laced with spices, and the warm, wet odor of soup.

Squinting through the heavy steam that filled the room, Twilight could see the sheep’s rump bouncing off. Hurrying to keep pace, she followed as the Colonel weaved through the many ponies already hard at work. Here and there, a pony would pause in her duties, watching Twilight walk past with the oddly cheerful sheep. It was a sight that they were unfamiliar with, for even when the unicorn visited on occasion, the Colonel was never happy. He was always on the lookout for failure, berating his underlings like a tyrant.

Now though, rather than the harsh care, he was almost silent as he walked among them. He even complimented one mare on her stew, shocking the poor pegasus into dropping her ladle into the thick concoction.

“Ye’ll be wanting food no?”

“Yes please. It was a long night.”

The sheep paused, looking back at her as they neared his tidy workplace. Chuckling again, he patted her on the shoulder. “Yeah, I’ll just bet ye did lass.” He ignored Twilights confused glance, turning back to the spotless area in the far corner.

The only pony the Colonel would ever allow in his ‘Castle’ was the pink confector. Every other pony who tried was soundly booted out of the area, before being chased away by the many improvised weapons of the sheep.

While Twilight waited for the sheep to leave the forbidden zone, she looked around the room. It was never boring to stand and watch the hustle and bustle of the kitchen staff. There was never a sense of stillness to the heated air. Ponies moved to and fro, looking for implements, or bringing a sample for others to taste. Exclamations of delight greeted some spoons shoved roughly into a friends mouth, while others were met with spluttering coughs. Promptly after a moment of hacking, the pony would race off in a frantic search for anything to take the vile taste from their mouth.

Twilight grinned as yet another pony rushed to the barrel filled to the brim with fresh water, dunking his head beneath the surface. A moment later, he was shouldered aside as a grey mare plunged her own burning mouth into the water. Hearing a small cough, Twilight turned.

Standing just behind her, Twilight found the Colonel. And in his mouth like the gift given by the Light itself, was a small wicker basket covered with a checkered cloth. Actually, the basket did look familiar.

“Isn’t that the same basket you gave me yesterday?”

The sight of the basket sent a shiver reverberating along her spine. Had the Colonel seen her, sleeping beside Princess Luna?

While not ideal, if the sheep had been the one to find them then at least the damage would be minimal. He might tease her, and possibly the Princess in question, but the ram’s heart was in the right place. He would never betray his friend.

The Colonel rarely left the confines of his kitchen though. He even slept on the small cot in the corner, the only time Twilight had ever seen him in his actual bed was when the sheep had been ill. If somepony else had found them...

“Hm? Oh. Nay lass. Don’t worry about that thing, I had em made so the wee beasties could pull them apart. Use em ta make nests and the like. This is a new one. Ya wanted food aye?”

“Er, yes. Thank you Colonel, I was just, umm...” Twilight stammered, taking the proffered basket. She set it down beside her, and with a satisfied snort let the magic dissipate.

“Worried I’d seen ya with yer ‘friend’?” The sheep asked, grinning widely at the mare.

“Yes.”Twilight replied absently, pushing the covering cloth aside with her hoof. Inside, the bright orange skin of several carrots reflected the dim light of the room. “NO! I meant no.”

“Oh aye, o’course ya did lass. Proper mare like yerself, whatever could I be thinkin’? What with ya asking for a basket on ‘Hearts and Hooves’, and all.” The ram’s grin changed, until he was leering at the mare before him.

Twilight’s face returned to what was rapidly becoming its natural color of crimson. Her head ducked as she mumbled something that even she could not discern in denial of the Colonel’s jokes.

“Ah, come on lass. I didna mean it. Look around, I need sommat to make fun of around here.I can only think of so much about how Flip-Flop’s ears are different colors.”

That elicited a snorting laugh from the unicorn, though she had the decency to cover it with a hasty cough. The Colonel, never known for his social acuity, began to roar at his own humor. His laughter echoed throughout the room, stilling every pony who heard it. As one, thirty heads turned towards the chortling ram.


With a squeak, and again acting in unison, the heads swiftly ducked, returning to their tasks. Much quieter, the Colonel chuckled again, looking over at Twilight. “Go on lass. Make sure ye give my regards to the Princess.”

“Thank you, I will.”

Twilight smiled at the ram, before leaning down to the basket. Taking the handle between her teeth, the mare lifted the light load. Nodding her thanks once more, she made her way briskly through the ponies who were once more hard at work.

Once more in the Dining Hall, Twilight took a deep breath. Compared to the warmth within the kitchen, the breath touched her lungs with a cool, refreshing caress. Several of the windows had been opened, allowing fresh air to slowly trickle down into the room, and let in a few birds to partake in the feast soon to come.

It was a custom of the Heart to leave the windows open at breakfast and supper, and everypony was expected to share their meal with any birds who wandered in. It was a custom that tha local feathered fauna knew well, and had come to expect. They even seemed to take turns, forming neat lines before breakfast has even started.

It was a tradition that the Princess had started herself. For several weeks, a single bird had flown in through the windows which had been opened in the hopes of catching a summer breeze. It would wait on the sill of the window for a time, before beginning a slow, graceful descent.

It was until almost a week of research had been done in Twilight’s spare time that she had identified the bird. It was a male phoenix, a ‘fire-bird’, according to the Encyclopedia Avis. They were easily identifiable to anypony who had ever seen or heard of one, with his vibrant purple feathers and large tail. The tail was especially noticeable, as a shower of fiery sparks would follow the phoenix about as it flew.

The firebird would land on the shoulder of the Princess, and take a long draught of her drink before stealing some food and taking wing once more. Ever since, the Princess had asked that the windows be left ajar in the hope that the bird would one day return to her. Alas, only songbirds were seen this morning, plump and happy as they flitted from table to table in search of food.

Eventually a green one, which looked like little more than a ball with feathers, found a weakness in the armor. He fluttered his fat body over to a page who was hurrying to return with his lords seed bun. Feeling the weight of the bird on him, the page stopped, looking over his shoulder. He smiled, before carefully lifting a few seeds from the bun for the bird to eat.Chirping happily once more, the bird swallowed the seeds in a hurry.

As Twilight walked along the opposite wall of the room, she watched the spectacle with a chuckle. ‘Captain Jack’ was the name that the pages, maids, and other staff of the Heart had come to know the green ball. He was a charming little rascals when he wanted to be, and ate like a bird thrice his size.

Interestingly, the bird was no fatter now than he had been when he had arrived, in spite of the countless treats he had been given. When the fat little animal had first flown in, about a day after Princess Celestia allowed the birds free reign, he had charmed almost everypony. With the exception of Blueblood, and a few other lords and a lady with sticks up their... well, needless to say, the only ones who disliked the dashing sparrow were those whose opinions mattered very little.

Jack trilled on the ponies back, nuzzling the rust-red mane, before flitting off. The page smiled at the bird as it left, before reaching down for the bun. Which was when he noticed the chirping laughter coming from the other end of the hall. Seeing that the little devil had stolen the bun and left, the page groaned and began the search. Once found, Jack would happily relinquish his spoils, but the little rapscallion enjoyed mischief too much to pass an opportunity by.

That was what the green swallow was known for, apart from his girth and endearing personality. Without fail, he would play a prank upon anypony who let their guard down. To the bemusement of all involved, including the unfortunate mare herself afterward, Captain Jack had once built a nest modeled after a sailing ship. He had done this with only a few small twigs, a touch of honey, and the mane of an unsuspecting mare at dinner one night. Nopony mentioned to her what the rascle was doing until, just as Jack moved the last strand of hair detailing a wave breaking across the bow, and taken a bow himself.

The movement had sent a spasm through the diners nearby, each one of whom had been surreptitiously watching him work. At his flamboyance though, food and drink went flying as ponies began to roar with laughter. Startled by the apparently sourceless hilarity, the pegasus had swung her head about wildly, looking for the cause. The look on her face when she caught sight of her mane in one of the silver plates had made even Princess Celestia lose her composure. Twilight was already struggling to breath when the Princess had let out a chortle.

Eventually, Dawn Shadow had calmed herself. She even got a chuckle out of it once Jack had disassembled his masterpiece. From now on though, she wore a hat whenever a meal was served.

Lost in thought, Twilight jumped when she heard a polite cough nearby. She whirled, and found a small speckled pony beside her.

“Excuse me ma’am. I would not like to impose upon you, but may I please pass? My master desires his morning tea ma’am.”

Twilight froze, her eyebrows somewhere in the vicinity of the ceiling. The small pony had blotches of brown strewn across his coat, and one that looked like an eyepatch covering the left side of his face.

“Oh! I’m sorry, I was thinking about something else entirely. I didn’t mean to block your way.”

“No harm done miss. I believe that Master Blueblood will not notice the delay. He and his lady-friend should be occupied for a time. Would miss like some help?”

“No. Thank you, my gentlecolt.” Twilight said with a grin. “I think I should be the one helping you.”

She liked the colt, he had a strange sort of charm. While the precise manners were something often found in the court of Helios, this little pony seemed different. He actually seemed to genuinely mean what he was saying, rather than simply jumping through the civil hoops. It was refreshing to know that there were still ponies, colts especially, who meant it when they were polite.

“Oh no miss. I would never dream of imposing upon you. It was not your fault that you were lost in thought. I have heard many things about Miss, and that she is the most intelligent pony in the kingdom is but one. None of them mentioned the beauty Miss calls her own.” The small pony said with a smile. And once more, Twilight was struck by the oddity. It sounded like a speech that, well, Blueblood would make. When he wanted to, that stallion could charm the moon right from the sky. It wasn’t flirtatious though. Once again, it was a simple fact that the page believed without question. He honestly believed she was pretty.

For Twilight, that anypony would notice her for her own sake was a rarity. She had many ‘friends’ among the daughters of the nobility, each one trying in vain to weasel in near the Princess. They weren’t interested in her, only her position. But to call her beautiful...

Twilight couldn’t remember the last time anypony other than Cadance had commented on how she looked, and Cadance was like a sister, so she didn’t even count.

“Why, thank you good sir.” Twilight bobbed her head to the colt, her eyes shining with mirth and delight. “If it is not to forward of me, may I ask your name?”

“I am Pip ma’am. It is a great pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

Pip bowed to her once more, before glancing out of the window. “I am sorry miss, but my master would be most upset if I were to delay any longer.” The foal hurried off towards the kitchen, and Twilight turned away.

Lighting her horn, she held the basket before her. Rummaging through it, she pulled out a long, crisp carrot.

Setting off along the Great Hall, Twilight chuckled to herself. She liked Pip, he was so sweet. Twilgiht was not exactly the... touchy-feely sort of mare. She would far rather be nestled with a book than near anypony, except maybe the Princess. But even she felt her heart tugged by the little foal. She wanted to just pick him up and cuddle with him, almost like she did with Smarty Pants when she was lonely.

She had a feeling that Pip would be more fun to play with than Smarty Pants. The little foal would be a fine stallion one day, and she was sure that he would make some mare very, very happy when he was.

Taking a bite of her prize, and maintaining her spell, Twilight set off once more. The sharp cruching bites of the carrot were the only sounds in the empty passage, echoing off of the walls as she walked along. With the clop of her hooves muffled by the thick carpet running along the center of the hall, there was silence between each bite.

Twilight and Cadance lived near the top of the Palace, for the sake of conviniece. Twilight would need to be there to wait on the Princess under normal circumstances, and with Cadance at the beck and call of the Helian ruler, it was just simpler.

Sadly, their perch near the peak of the megalith meant that it was a long walk between the entrance, and their rooms. Passing the newly restored carvings along the wall, Twilight hurried past the dark hall nearby. She was nearing her goal, and had a spring in her step.

Nibbling the last carrot, Twilight was almost skipping when she rounded the last corner. Once faced by the small hall in which her room was located, Twilight stopped. Here was where silence was paramount. Taking her hoof off of the crimson carpeting, she set it down softly on the stone. There was a small click as her hoof touched the marble, but one that the thick wooden doors would block.

With the same care, Twilight placed her other hooves slowly on the marble floor. Grinning, the mare began to move along the hall each step as silent as the first. Soon, she was standing before her door, and a grin split her face.

Twilight lit her horn, and carefully raised the latch. The door opened with only a whisper, and the mare slipped inside. She had done it. Now just to sneak into her bed.

Then, a voice issued from behind her, one that nearly froze the blood in her veins. It was one she had never heard before, in all the years she had known Cadance. It was pure, frigid, rage.

“Where were you.”

Breakfast that morning was, for Twilight, an ordeal. She sat in moody silence, only broken by the occasional vicious attacks of her fork on the green salad. It was after one such loud, jab that she felt a hoof come to rest on her shoulder.

Twisting in her seat, she glared at Shining Armor. His blue mane reflected the morning light in the sparsely populated Great Hall. As the last few ponies woke from a long sleep, and rose for their late breakfast. Obviously, Shining was not one of them. His uniform was starched and perfect, the red silk a sharp contrast to his impeccably white coat and mane.

“What?” Twilight snarled, stabbing her fork down again. It missed the metal plate, and bit hard into the oak table. She left the utensil there, held upright by the wood it had sunk into. Absently, Twilight noted she had struck along the grain of the wood, save for the last tine. The last metalic protrusion had slammed into the wood, just outside of the sudden curve of darker wood.

Twilight transferred her glare to the fork.

“Twilight. Listen, I need... Hey?”

Twilight continued to glare at the fork, oblivious to her friend’s words. Images flashed through her mind, and she could once again hear Cadence’s raised, furious voice.

“Twilight? TWILIGHT!”

The purple mare jerked out of her memory, to find Shining Armor only an inch from her face. She lurched back, scooting father down the smooth bench, away from the stallion.

“Dammit Twi, what in the name of Light and Dark is wrong with you?” The Captain asked, waving a hoof about. Looking where the stallion was pointing, Twilight blanched. The fork was still lodged in the table. The tines still showed a stark contrast to the dark wood. Now though, the metal handle of the fork was a twisted, half slagged mess.

She had taken the steel implement, and reduced it to so much scrap. Glancing around, she saw that nopony seemed to have noticed her outburst, and she hurriedly pried the metal from the wood. She tried to anyway. She had driven it in so deeply, that she didn’t seem able to retract the fork from the table. If she left it there though, it would be bound to raise several eyebrows, and many questions.

Shining sighed, and closed his eyes. His horn began to glow with a hard, white light, which slowly enveloped the fork. Then with a grunt of effort, he wrenched his head upwards, and the fork came out of the wood, landing with a small clatter on the plates of watercress nearby.

“You want to tell me why you are attempting to end the lives of innocent silverware?” He asked, arching one eyebrow as he looked down at her.

In answer, Twilight snorted, and grabbed another fork from the untouched plates nearby.

“Twilight. What’s wrong? Please, I can’t help you if you don’t talk to me.”

“I’m fine.”

“And I’m a timberwolf. What’s up? Is it something I did?”


“What about Blueblood? I know he’s a mule, but you shouldn’t let him-”

“It wasn’t him. I told you, I’m fine.”

Shining rolled his eyes. Of course, he had chosen to be friends with the most obstinate, reclusive pony in Helios. Twilight might complain if she was on fire, if she had no legs, or eyes. Other than that, Twilight wouldn’t utter a word. Granted, his fiance wasn’t any more inclined to talk about anything bothering her, but at least he could bribe her.

“Listen Twilight. Listen” He repeated himself, snatching the second fork from the mare’s grasp. “You have got to tell me what’s bothering you. I hate seeing you like this, it makes me worried.” He paused, waiting until he was sure she was paying attention. Then he laid out his trump.

“And you make Cadence... Cadence?” He trailed off, noticing the sudden, rigid posture Twilight had adopted. Usually, once he mentioned the pink unicorn, all of the fight would leave Twilight, she would relax and talk to him. Not today apparently, today there was trouble in paradise.

“Did Cadence do something Twilight? Come on, tell me. Whatever she did, she cares about-”

“Thats. Just. It.” Twilight growled. “She cares so much. Like I was her precious baby ‘Twiliee’.”

“Twi, she just wants to pro-”

“SHE’S NOT MY MOTHER!” Twilight shrieked, bursting into sudden tears. Around the hall, every pony froze, turning to find the source of the scream. Twilight slammed her hoof down on the table, making the plates, bowls, and tableware all jump into the air, before falling with a clatter.

“Twilight! Twilight calm down.” Shining said, backing away from her. His eyes were wide as he looked into the lavender mare’s, seeing the raging inferno in her eyes. The tears streaming down her face were not those of sadness. They were of a helpless, boiling rage, so hot it drove the water from her. Around her, plates and spoons began to crumple, crushed in time with her banging hoof as she slammed it into the table over and over.

Shining steeled himself, and silently begged Celestia to forgive him for this. Then he strode forward with quick, powerful steps, and hit Twilight hard enough to send her sprawling.

She didn’t rise, and the shimmering power vanished, sending the many objects held in the mares telekinetic grip clattering to the ground. She lay on the hard, cold stone, and sobbed. Again and again she hit her hoof against the marble, though now there was no force behind the blows.

Shining walked over to her, and touched her shoulder. The small body shook as the young unicorn continued to cry, oblivious to the soft touch. Sighing, Shining sat down beside her, hugging her to him as warm tears still flowed from the purple eyes.

The guard Captain glared about him, and the curious onlookers hurriedly busied themselves. This late, even the most idle of the nobility had eaten, leaving only the servants and the odd guards-pony or two to finish whatever was left over from the early grand breakfast. Even the scraps of that meal were more than enough to feed every pony who so chose to eat, and they ate like royalty.

Fruits and vegetables, some of the best crops Helios had grown this season, lay on the ground nearby. Bruised and leaking juices, an apple rolled over to the white stallion. It came to a stop after rebounding from his hoof, leaving a wet, sticky residue where the white-yellow flash of the apple pressed into his fur.

“hmi” He heard Twilight say, voice mutilated by both her sobbing, and because he was hugging her close to him.

Shining pulled away, still holding the tearful mare. “What did you say Twi?”

“Why. Why does she have to act like that. Why can’t she let me grow up? Why... why did they leave.” She asked, her voice breaking on the last word. Tears once more streamed from her eyes, and she pressed herself into Shining once more.

Shining was at a loss. What could he possibly say to that? What wouldn’t make the situation worse? Twilight’s mother and father had been killed in a surprise attack by Gryphonia. Both of the unicorn healers had been slaughtered, along with almost half of the battalion. Princess Celestia had gone out to their post herself, the first to respond to the assault.

There she had found death, and the wounded remainder of the guards. The battalion had barely survived the attack, somehow managing to fight the gryphons back. And amidst this carnage, the Princess of the Sun strode. There, coated in the dust and surrounded by rubble, she had found an newborn filly.

She had named the unicorn Twilight Sparkle, and every soldier who died that day had been raised two ranks, while those civilians who had perished became minor nobility. The Sparkles, for their heroism and determination, had become essentially the same rank as such nobles as Blueblood, and Shining Armor himself.

Twilight knew that. She had known since she was old enough to first ask that question. It wasn’t a logical answer she wanted right now. She didn’t want an answer at all. Heartbreak is not something to be soothed with words, and the pain a foal feels for her lost parents is something nothing could mend.

So he didn’t say anything. He just held her while she sobbed and raged, until eventually she sniffled herself into silence.

As her tears slowly trailed away, Twilight pulled away. “I need to go. I’m supposed to help Princess Luna.”

Twilight turned, and walked out of the hall. For a moment, Shining sat on the floor, surrounded by the detritus of the mare tantrum. He had never figured out how both Twilight and Cadence could just bottle up their feelings. When he was upset, he spent the day putting the recruits through hell, and trudging through the mire with them.

“Mares.” He muttered, shaking his head.

“Enough of this. Tell us what it is that troubles you Twilight Sparkle, because Light preserve you should you sigh once more.”

Luna’s voice broke the silence of the library like the crack of a whip. Twilight flinched back at the sudden shift in the mood of the room. The small red book beside her slid from the cushion she lay on as her head swung to face the Princess.

“Well? Tell us.” Luna commanded, her eyes boring into Twilight’s.

Twilight and been very quiet that morning, and now it was late in the afternoon. With her attempts at genial conversation met with a stony wall of impeccably polite, dull responses. The only other sounds that that unicorn uttered were the increasingly melancholic sighs which had been irritating the Princess more and more. Each repetition of the cycle only added to her growing ire.

Now, it appeared that her fraying patience had finally reached its end. As her head swung about, her wings flared behind her beating at the air. Her green eyes seemed to glow, even through the warm light of the late afternoon.

Twilight twitched under that gaze, fidgeting in place. She felt trapped in the room, pinned beneath that gaze. “I, what do you mean Princess?”

“If we recall, we asked you why you insist on this wretched sighing. So, what ails you so much that you feel the need to express it to the world in great detail with such repetition?” The elder mare asked, her voice a growl as she continued to glare at Twilight.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to, I just... have a lot on my mind.”

Luna grunted, before closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. When her eyes opened they had lost that malevolent aura which had held Twilight in place. Looking back at the mare, Princess Luna found the unicorn with her eyes cast down, scratching at the floor with her hoof. The velvet cushion made a soft creaking sound as she leaned forward, until both of her front hooves rested on the tile. Still looking at the floor, Twilight stood.

“I’m sorry Princess. I didn’t mean to bother you.” She said, her voice oddly colorless. “I got into an argument with Cadance this morning. She wanted to know where I was, and we fought.”

“Twilight?” Princess Luna asked. Her soft voice was little more than a whisper in the empty room as she stared at the mare. “Was this argument... our fault?”

“No Princess. It was something we’ve needed to talk about for years.”

“We are sure that she meant no harm. She was only worried about your wellbeing, we are certain.”

“She. Is. Not. My. Mother.” Twilight snarled, her face contorting. She stamped a hoof hard against the stone floor, the golden shoe producing a clear ringing tone.

Twilight was fighting back the tears she had dammed this morning, feeling them well in her eyes as she brought her hoof down on the stone once more. She knew that she was not acting like an adult, that she was in fact acting like a petulant child. She didn’t care though. She was so angry at the pink unicorn. She wanted to scream.

She wanted to scream and scream and scream. She wanted to throw a tantrum, the one she had never indulged. She wanted to hurl the green vase against the wall nearby. She wanted to watch as the delicate craftsponyship splintered into hundreds of pieces before flying apart.

More than anything though, Twilight wanted what she had always wanted. She wanted what every foal wants. She wanted to be held and hugged. She wanted to have somepony to take her hoof when she was lost, and cuddle with her when she was scared. Twilight wanted her mother.

“We...” Luna began. Then she paused, and an odd glint entered her eyes. “We are sorry that you do not know your mother Twilight Sparkle. We know how difficult it is to grow up like that. We experienced a similar youth, though we still had our beloved father.

“We assure you that we understand your feelings Twilight, and that we are sorry that we hurt you, however inadvertently. It was not our place to insinuate that she is something that you do not think her to be. But can you tell us something Twilight?”

Twilight looked away, knowing that she should not glare at the Princess. It was her duty to help Princess Luna, that was what Princess Celestia had told her. Disturbing her rest was in no way helping the ancient mare. Twilight’s face twisted once more, and her hoof nudged the small red book.

“Twilight Sparkle. When we speak, it is your sworn duty to listen.” Twilight shivered. The cold voice was one that the Princess of the Night had not used with her before. It was the tone of icy authority which Princess Celestia reserved for criminals, and the council. It was the tone used when the pony knew that she was in power, and expected them to listen.

Slowly, her head rose, until she was looking at the mare’s hooves. “Are you paying attention?”

At the unicorn’s nod, Princess Luna continued. “Twilight, how long have you known Cadance.”

Twilight glanced up at the Princess for a moment, puzzled by the odd inflection she gave the name. Brushing that aside, she thought for a moment. “My entire life. She’s always been there.”

“In Helios, foals attend school do they not?”

“Of course they do.” Twilight was looking the alicorn in the face now, her earlier emotions sloughing away. Now her body only conveyed a wary curiosity as her mind sped ahead, seeking the method in the Princess’s questions.

“We are sure you were sometimes upset by this yes? Something being taught that you did not understand,” Luna paused, chuckling softly at Twilight’s snort of derision. “Or perhaps the cruel tricks of your classmates.”

That made Twilight pause. It was true enough. An orphan, and able to simply comprehend material far faster than her schoolmates, Twilight had not been very popular for anything but target practice. They had levied insults and sneers on her, jeering at her lack of parents and her inability to use magic. She had responded by diving into her books, studying in every spare moment. Soon, she was being taught things that ponies a year older were learning, then two.

She began to scare her teachers, the little purple unicorn filly who sat silently in the back of class. The only sound she would make the entire day would be to flip through her books, reading page after page on subjects more complicated than the teachers themselves could process. She was horrible at casting spells, so Twilight became an expert on magical theory. She wasn’t liked, so she began to study group dynamics and social behavior.

That didn’t stop their words from hurting though. She couldn’t remember the time when she had huddled behind her books after another day of ‘Twilight-bashing’. She would hide behind the tomes, and cry silently. She would pray for the day to end, beseeching the Light to take pity on her. When the bell finally rang to end class, Twilight was always the first out the door, anxious to escape her tormentors.

“What about when you hurt yourself, falling from a log outside, or down the stairs. Surely that must have happened to you once.”

Twilight shook her head, remembering all too well just how often she had fallen. She had little balance and no grace, so falling was a very real, and ever present danger. She was in more danger of tripping over her own four hooves than to forget than anything else.

“So tell us Twilight. Who was it who comforted you? Who was there for you whenever you needed help, be it a friendly voice or a shoulder to cry on?” Princess Luna’s eyes narrowed. Once more, Twilight felt trapped beneath that gaze.

This time though, it felt different. Before, the frosty stare had sent shivers of fear skittering along her back. This stare too sent shivers, but it was not frozen. Her eyes were no longer the alien, angered orbs they had been earlier. Now they were deeper, darker, with something that looked like worry and compassion in them. Like the Princess was actually worried about her.

The only other pony who looked like that was...

“Cadance.” Twilight breathed.

“Exactly. Twilight, you must accept that you will likely never know your parents names. You might pass your mother every day, and not know her at all. She could be a servant in the kitchens, or a lady at dinner. She may be truly deceased.

“But she does not matter Twilight. If she is not the pony who you turn to, the one to whom you know that you will always have a home, then that mare doesn’t deserve to be called your mother.” Luna stamped her silver shod hoof. For the black alicorn, it was a far more impressive gesture. It sent a loud crack throughout the room, making Twilight jump. Looking down, she could see that the blow had cracked a small portion of the hard stone.

“No mother would abandon her daughter Twilight Sparkle. No real mother would ever leave. So I must disagree with you. Cadance may not be the pony you always wanted as your mother. But she is a better mother to you than most are to the foals they bear.

“Can you truly say that you have not thought that you would want a mother who is kind, loving, and who will protect you?”

Twilight blushed, and shook her head mutely.

“And can you say that Cadance is not those things?”

Again, Twilight’s head shook.

“So tell us Twilight Sparkle. How can you think that she isn’t your mother?”

The Night Mare’s question hung heavy in the air as Twilight looked away. She could still feel the deep, powerful gaze of the alicorn.

“You said as much to her didn’t you?” The voice of the Princess lost its tone of command, dropping into a softer voice. “You told her she wasn’t your mother.”

Twilight’s eyes watered, her head nodding. “Yes. Oh Light. I did. I was so angry. I didn’t, I should have-”

“Shh. Listen to us for a few moments longer Twilight. There are two more things you must know before we take our leave for the night. The first, and most important is this. You MUST speak with Cadance. You cannot let this fester, and become the rot which destroys your friendship. I am sure she loves you Twilight Sparkle, just as you love her. You need to talk to her, and tell her how you truly feel. Apologize to her, because she does not deserve to be treated so harshly. We are certain that she has hurt you as well. Tell her, both what she said, and how you feel. And most important of all, tell her that you love her. we can see it in your eyes Twilight. You do.”

Twilight’s eyes closed, and the tears were forced out. Two tracks of dark fur marked their passage, before the mare smiled.

“I will.” She said, looking up. “Thank you Princess. What else were you going to say?”

“Oh, we are leaving for a time. We must return to Selene, and confirm our choice in our marriage.” The black pony winked at Twilight. “We expect that the Council will have no objections though. We hope that soon we shall make one pony very very happy. Goodbye Twilight Sparkle. We hope that we shall see you soon. And remember our advice. Speak to her Twilight. To your mother.”