• Published 4th Feb 2021
  • 12,697 Views, 1,084 Comments

Choice - zelkova48

When the time came, choices needed to be made. Consequences be damned. A series of short vignettes set in the Negotiationverse by Rated Pony

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Fated Retribution (April Fools 2022)

Yugo Innovation Labs falls under attack as the secrecy of its research is discovered by pony forces. Princess Celestia, determined to destroy these rumored magic killers, launches an all out attack against Tokyo in order to secure Equestria's victory in the war.

Yugo Innovation Labs was under siege, caught amidst the crossfire of a massive urban battle between an unusually aggressive Equestrian attack force led personally by the Royal Family themselves and the coalition of JSDF and UN soldiers struggling desperately to defend Tokyo city from their assault.

Shouting and screaming could be heard from miles around. Towers of choking black smoke billowing from the numerous buildings set ablaze during the brutal conflict blanketed the skies in a dark haze that nearly blots out the sun. Civilians by the thousands were being evacuated to the subways while the emergency response teams fought their own uphill battle trying to contain the roaring fires threatening to consume everything.

The entirety of Tokyo was embroiled in what could be considered to be the most devastating attack on a major human city insofar, perhaps even more so than the razing of Berlin a year prior.

Staticky police chatter over the city's emergency broadcast channels had reported that the Equestrians were not simply causing mayhem and converting humans as they normally did, there was a slight change to their modus operandi. Local law enforcement and brave newscasters observed that the ponies were raiding every building they came across and setting fires in the hopes that it would spread throughout the breadth of Tokyo, ensuring everything would be reduced to smoldering ruins by the time they left.

To any ordinary Japanese citizen, this was seen as a vengeful attack upon the homeland by Equestrian forces after narrowly being repelled during the battle of Osaka. To the dilligent scientists and stalwart agents scrambling about at the labs, this was a deliberate attack carried out with the intent of weeding out and destroying the one thing that could end their campaign of terror in short order:

'Project J.G.W.'

Hope hangs in the balance, they cannot afford to let it be destroyed.

Failure would mean extinction.

"Bah! Verdammt!" Professor Thalmann cursed, struggling beneath the large heavy metal locker that was slowly crushing the life out of him. An explosion had rocked the labs earlier. The tremor caused the aforementioned locker to tip over and collapse atop him, trapping him underneath. "Moondancer, I could use some assistance here!"

"Professor Thalmann!" Moondancer shouted, rushing over to his aid. Her horn was alight with a warm yellow glow as she began focusing her magic on the locker, enveloping it with the same glow. Screwing her eyes shut she strained herself and steadily lifted the heavy locker off of Professor Thalmann, who proceeded to crawl out from under it as fast as he could. Once he was clear, Moondancer released her telekinetic grip on the object, letting it slam onto the ground with a resounding thud. She began panting heavily shortly after, the act had taken a lot more out of her than she had thought. "I... I really need to work on my magical focus."

"Maybe you can get some practice in after we escape with our lives. My thanks, all the same," Thalmann grumbled as he struggled to get back up on his own two feet. He breathed in sharply and exhaled a pained grunt as a debilitating shock ran up the length of his left leg, forcing him to brace himself upon the wall. "Grr... My leg, I think it's fractured." he hobbled clumsily over to Moondancer, nearly falling over once or twice as he did. "I... can't let this slow us down. There's too much at stake," he groaned, pausing to catch his breath. "How did the evacuation go? Are our colleagues okay? What about our research?"

"At least ninety percent of the staff, Professor Souji included, have been properly evacuated already," Moondancer replied as she began hastily constructing a crude crutch out of metal piping and miscellaneous electrical cords for Thalmann to use, to which he humbly accepts. "As ordered they've brought whatever research papers, notes and physical prototypes they could carry with them aboard the emergency transports. They've also taken the liberty of destroying anything larger, Project J.G.W. among them, to prevent the Equestrians from learning of our developments. I'll admit it's a might heavy handed but its better to be safe than sorry."

"I'm still furious your kinfolk managed to learn about them at all," Thalmann scowled, fitting the crutch to his side until he was comfortable enough with it. "We took every precaution in order to avoid sensitive information being leaked to the public, let alone the Equestrians, but it seems that wasn't enough. Not that it matters anymore. What about our digital research?"

"The digital information had been successfully moved offsite. The backup generators and satellite uplink saved us a lot of trouble of transferring data when the city's power plant was decimated."

"Good, good. All that's left is to find our remaining cohort and get out of here. Where is he, anyway?"

"He should be in the lab up ahead," Moondancer pointed, quickening her pace. "But we need to hurry. At the rate of the Equestrian's advance throughout Tokyo they'll be at our doorstep in twenty minutes, and in another ten we'll be overrunned, if not outright flattened alongside the building." Her face hardened into a frown. "Celestia's dead set on stamping out anything that could threaten Equestria's chances of success. And Twilight? Well, she has it out for me personally. Maybe not as much as Fluttershy, but I can hazard a guess that I'm a close second on her shit list."

"Then, gah!" Thalmann's face twisted in pain as he hastened his steps, "let us not tarry. We have no time to lose!"

Professor Thalmann and Moondancer made their way to the robotics lab where their colleague supposedly was. Upon entering the production floor they spotted an balding elderly man wearing rounded glasses hunched over a computer, his fingers rapidly typing out lines after lines of complex code upon the screen at lightning speeds in spite of his advanced age. Beside him was an android in the form of a young woman with pink hair and a gentle visage that was currently inactive, she was clothed in a modest dress of stunning quality.

From what they could tell, he was trying his damndest to reactivate her.

"Come on... Come on... Please, work," the man murmured nervously with a thick Russian accent as he pushed the computer key one last time. The computer whirred and beeped for a few seconds, lines of code and diagnostic messages flashed across the glowing screen in rapid succession before finally flashing bright green, causing him to breathe a sigh of relief and relax the tension in his muscles. "Oh, thank goodness. Спасибо тебе, Господи. Спасибо." He brought his hands up and removed his glasses to wipe away the tears welling up at the corners of his eyes.

"Doctor!" Professor Thalmann addressed in an admonishing tone. "What do you think you're doing! We need to get out of here before the Equestrian's arrive! The security team can't wait on us forever! Leave that thing behind!"

"P-Professor Thalmann," the man stammered, putting his glasses back on. "You don't understand. I can't leave her here, she's my daughter!" he pleaded, his expression downcast.

"We don't time to argue!" Thalmann chided, rushing over to the man. "If she were active now I'd permit her to come with us but we don't have the luxury of standing around and waiting for the infernal thing to reboot! We have to go!"

"Please, no!" the man begged, grabbing onto Thalmann's lab coat. "It will just be another minute! Then we ca-" He was cut off as another explosion rocked the building, causing both men and mare to stumbled about.

"The Equestrians, they're here!" Moondancer interjected, shooting a panicked look at the door. She could hear the telltale clatter of horseshoes upon linoleum echoing across the hallways of the building as her heart began pounding wildly in her chest. She quickly spun on her hoof, turning to the man then to the android atop the table before concentrating and enveloping it with her magic. The android was far heavier than she looked but that didn't stop Moondancer from hauling it overhead with all the magical strength she could muster. "I've, ugh! Got her! She can reboot along the way. Now, move your butt, mister!"

The doctor didn't need to be told twice. He joined without hesitation and escaped with the group as quickly as his scoliosis stricken bones would allow him. They departed immediately for the helipad, praying that they would be quick enough to catch the last helicopter out of there.

Moondancer felt like she was dragging along an anchor. For an android made with lightweight alloys she was densely packed with enough mechanics and wiring to make her deceptively heavy.

"By Oda's chapter making consistency, doctor, you couldn't have made a robotic facsimile of your daughter out of something lighter?!" Moondancer strained, shooting a glare at the old man.

He chuckled nervously in response. "She was originally designed to be a combat model unit for a company I, er, used for work for. She needed to be durable enough to resist small arms fire and heavy ordinance."

Thalmann stared at his cohort incredulously. "And you decided to model this thing after your deceased daughter?"

The man smiles sadly. "She was a very... gentle child." He didn't elaborate any further beyond the vague response. It wasn't something he liked to ruminate on, especially during periods of great turmoil. "Regardless, the helipad should be beyond the next wing. We just need to avoid any-"

"Over here! I heard something moving!" a gruff voice shouted from beyond the hallway, followed by the sound of multiple hooves marching in order.

"-patrols," he finished, knitting his brow in annoyance. "We need to find another way around."

"There is no other way around!" Moondancer whispered loudly. "How much longer until this android reboots?!"

"She should've rebooted by now," he scratched his balding head. "Though I assume the internal subroutines and modified Zeroth protocols take do a while to warm up bu-"

"Doctor, focus!" Thalmann exclaimed, pointing to the equine shadows culminating nearby. "The Equestrians, they're here!"

The group attempted to double back only to find their previous route blocked off by a small patrol of guardspony. "There they are! Don't let them escape!"

"Scheiße!" Thalmann backed up into Moondancer, who backed up into the doctor, who backed up into the good professor. They stuck close together as the guardspony encircled them, spears drawn with hostile intent present in their eyes. "We're surrounded!"

"Damn, not like this!" Moondancer scowled, her panic making her oblivious to the subtle twitching of the android floating beside her. "Please! You're all making a huge mistake!" she roared back, a feeble attempt to turn the minds of her kinfolk.

"I wasn't the one who made the mistake..." A new yet familiar voice echoed down the hallway, causing the blood in Moondancer's veins to turn to ice. The group of guardsponies quickly raised their spears back to a resting position before they all parted ways in a uniform manner and bowing their heads in respect to the approaching individual with a level of practiced ease that could only be achieved from years of service. The figure then strode ahead with regal steps, exuding an air of refined grace and barely repressed anger. Moondancer, while fearful, couldn't help by scowl in her presence.

"Twilight Sparkle..." she seethed, her jaw set in a hard frown.

"That's Princess Twilight Sparkle to you, you treasonous whorse!" one of Twilight's personal guards bellowed fervently. "You stand in the presence of the divine Princess of Friendship. Her majesty shall not be disrespected!" He would've continued his impassioned tirade but bit down on his tongue when Twilight raised a hoof to silence him. He complied dutifully, lowering his head in reverence for her. Lowering her hoof, she trained a hard glare upon Moondancer, a palpable aura of hate and disgust radiating off her.

"...Moondancer, it's been a while," she breathed, looking down on her rival like a hawk preying on vermin.

"Not long enough," Moondancer spat, setting the android down beside her. Unbeknownst to everyone present, she was beginning to stir.

"Hmph, I would agree with you on that sentiment, but I won't debase myself by doing so. Not if it means acknowledging anything that comes out of your mouth," Twilight huffed, casually observing her cohorts. There was a visible sneer that appeared on her face as she eyed the men beside Moondancer. "So, this is who you've decided to join up with?" A humorless chuckle escaped her lips. "Frail old men who should be confined to a geriatric ward rather than a lab as sophisticated as this? You always were terrible at making choices, Moondancer."

"And you've always been tool, Twilight," Moondancer sharply retorted.

"I'm not the one fighting a losing war all to protect a pack of warmongering primates!" Twilight snapped, flaring her nostrils. The retort had most certainly struck a nerve with her. Exhaling, she performed the breathing exercises Cadence had taught her and swiftly regained her composure. "No matter. Whatever you've hoped to achieve here, we've put a stopped to that. Your rumored magic killers will remain just that, rumors. It's over, Moondancer. Give up willingly and I will have you jailed rather than executed, and your accomplices converted instead of killed. The choice is yours."

"How magnanimous of you," Thalmann couldn't help but quip.

"Silence, mongrel!" a guard barked, pointing his spear at the professor. "You do not speak unless spoken to!"

"Oh, Gott hilf mir. Bite my shriveled old ass you pathetic gelding," Thalmann mocked flippantly, to which the offending guard could only sputter furiously with a reddened face. Satisfied, he turned to Moondancer. "I've think I've made my position clear."

"As have I," the doctor nodded along, resolute in his choice as well. "I will not submit myself to warmongering tyrants. I didn't escape the USSR just to fall under the yoke of tyranny again. You'll just have to kill me."

"Well, you have their answer," replied Moondancer, turning her gaze over to Twilight. "And here's mine: you can take your offer and shove it where the sun don't shine you bookhumping, goosestepping, kool-aid drinking, grape-flavored horseshoelick!"

The room fell deathly silence once Moondancer was finished. The guardspony nearby were left at a complete loss for words and could only watch with slack-jawed incredulity at what they've just heard. As for Twilight, her nerve wasn't just struck, it was outright violated. Moondancer's colorful response was more than enough to cause her composure to crack, causing her face to rapidly contort almost painfully between indignant fury, wide-eyed shock and hysterical disbelief. In the end, it took all her willpower just to restrain herself and put on devious half-smile.

"Hmph," Twilight scoffed, "I suppose there's really no convincing you rebel types. Honestly, I don't even know what I bother anymore. Very well. Moondancer, on charges of treason against Equestria, the crown and your people, I hereby sentence you and those at your side to be executed for your crimes. May your soul find peace in the fields of Elysium, and may humanity be cleanse of its sinful nature." With a brief clap of her hooves, the guards all directed their spears at Moondancer and her cohorts before steadily closing in on them.

"I see becoming an all powerful alicorn did little to change your patronizing tone," Moondancer glared, mindful of the sharp spears pointed in her direction. "What's the matter, Twilight? Not mare enough to kill me yourself?"

"Tsk, I won't soil my hooves punishing you," Twilight remarked. "I've reserved that for Fluttershy."

"Equestria won't win."

"And how could you be so sure?" Twilight asked, a hint of amusement in her voice.

"Because you've been wrong before," Moondancer quipped with a defiant smirk. She wasn't above throwing in one last dig before getting impaled to death by her kinfolk.

A visible vein twitched by Twlight's temple, but she did her best to retain a modicum of regality. "Impertinent till the end. Commendable, but mistaken. Guards, execute them."

"At once, your majesty!" the guard barked and directed his spear at the guilty party. "On my mark!"

"It's been an honor working alongside the both of you, Professor Thalmann, Doctor Bosconovitch," Moondancer gulped, and pushed down the fear that threaten to overtake her.


"The pleasure is all mine, Moondancer," Thalmann sighed, resigning himself to fate's cruel hand.

"As is mine," Doctor Bosconovitch breathed, rubbing his callused hands over his bald scalp.


The final order was given, and all the spears lunged forward at once...

...But nothing happened.

To their shock, the guards discovered their spears have all been sliced cleanly at the haft, causing them to fall apart the moment they began to move. The spearheads all clattered uselessly to the ground in subsequent order, leaving behind a baffled platoon of guardspony in their wake. Even Twilight wasn't immune to such a bewildering occurrence.

"Wha..." Twilight breathed, looking around. "What did you do?"

"I-er... I-I'm not sure?" Moondancer was just as bemused as Twilight was, unsure of what had happened. Her head darted around anxiously as if the answer would just show up out of the blue to clear things up for everyone. To her shock, something did show up, though it raised more questions than it answered.

"Yoshi!" A whimsical voice thrummed from the aether, startling everyone around. Everyone, except for Doctor Bosconovitch.

"Can it be?" Doctor Bosconovitch mumbled, adjusting his glasses.

Mere moments after, a strange humanoid abomination faded into existence, somersaulting throughout the air like a top and bringing down a razor sharp katana upon the unfortunate pony soldier before him. The guard barely had time to react right as the blade bit into his flesh, rending him from neck to leg in a single clean stroke. The blood that sprayed from the wound stained the ground in an immaculate curve, yet the blade itself remained lustrous and clean.

Once the initial shock of his appearance had wore out, everyone got a good look at the mysterious individual that had arrived onto the scene like an alien guardian angel.

The strange individual was a man, or at least those gawking at the outlandishly dressed figure believed it to be a man, wearing and ornate pair of ninja-yoroi pants and what appears to be set of organic armor inspired by marine life.

Namely, he looked like an octopus-human hybrid with glossy white skin, reddish exposed muscles, and glowing blue luminescent markings that pulsed throughout his body like an elaborate set of tattoos. Long tentacles flowed from his head, shoulders and hips that undulated to the waves of an unseen sea. And his face, it looks like a terrifying red skull with a jaw set in an eerie grin. He was armed with two swords, a sleek futuristic ninjato and a smaller wakizashi, both of which he knew how to use to deadly effect.

He turned around and to everyone's surprise spoke in garbled Japanese that was still somehow understandable to those in earshot.

"Doctor Bosconovitch, are you and your allies okay?"

"Yoshimitsu?" the doctor squinted. When his aging vision finally focused he was ecstatic to see his old friend. "Yoshimitsu, old friend, that is you!" he exclaimed excitedly. "Yes, we're mostly okay. B-but what are you doing here?"

"Fulfilling an old promise. Gather yourselves and run to the helipad, I will stall for time."

"Y-you don't mean to take them all by yourself, do you?" Bosconvitch inquired concernedly.

"Fear not, doctor. You are not without friends." Yoshimitsu concluded before jumping back into the fray.

Taking advantage of the lingering apprehension, the man then danced across the hall in a deft blur of quick-footed movement, delivering more cuts to his surrounding foes with bizarre inhuman grace. He slashed with profound speeds and precision, the blade moving in perfect arcs like the phases of the moon.

Twilight, shaking away her bafflement, growled and commanded her troops. "Everypony, consolidate your defenses! Resist and attack! Stop them from escaping! Your orders are to kill on sight!"

"Y-yes, Princess Twilight! All guards, advance!" The guardsponies snapped out of their stupor and fumbled about with their weaponry, dropping their useless spears and clumsily drawing their own blades to battle the wretched horror. They fought as best they could in the confined corridor, but were ultimately novices when compared to Yoshimitsu's swordsmanship skills. They quickly fell victim to the flashes of steel that rent their flesh like parchment. One by one they fell to his blade, each slash painting the ground with slick crimson wetness, steadily forming a legible pattern right before everyone's eyes.


The rest of Twilight's troops fell back at the horrid display. They crowded around Twilight, shield up and spears drawn to defend her, even if she didn't need it. Yet, it was clear that their morale had taken a bit of a hit. Even in the presence of their living deity, it was hard to remain stalwart in the face of such alien strength.

Yoshimitsu gripped his sword and raised it up high overhead, balancing himself on one foot with his other hand outstretched, palm facing outwards, and directly challenged Twilight Sparkle. "I am Yoshimitsu of the Manji Clan. Tyrant of the south, your evil ends here. Heaven's net has large meshes, but nothing escapes."

Narrowing her eyes, Twilight gently brushed her troops aside and glided forward, her head held high and wings splayed out in a show of force. Waves of magic began to radiate off her, her horn became alight with a bright lavender glow that was charged with raw arcane energies. "Foul abomination, you face an alicorn of Equestria! I am Princess Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship, daughter of Nightlight and Twilight Velvet! Sister of Commander-General Shining Armor, and the Element of Magic! You shall spill innocent blood no longer, for I will slay you in the name of Equestria!"

Professor Thalmann, Dr. Bosconovitch, and Moondancer, who was still dragging along the android, made a break for the helipad thanks to Yoshitmitsu keeping Twilight sufficiently distracted. They wasted no time trekking through the ruined corridors of the lab building, survival being the only thing present in their minds.

"Who was that guy?" Moondancer finally asked the doctor, her curiosity getting the better of her in spite of their perilous situation.

"His name is Yoshimitsu, he's an old friend of mine. He's the head of the Manji Clan, an ancient order of ninjas that has protected the innocent for centuries," Dr. Bosconovitch explained, as if it made all the sense in the world.

"You're friends with that odd fellow?" Thalmann flashed an incredulous look at the doctor.

"He's a ninja?!" Moondancer exclaimed, eyes wide in disbelief.

"My history is complicated, but I can assure you he can hold his own agai- Moondancer, look out!" Bosconovitch shouted, causing Moondancer to snap her head over to the side. Her pupils shrank to pinpricks as she finally registered the pegasus flying straight at them with her spear forward from beyond the windows. She crashed through the glass sending multiple shards scattering across the floor and charged straight forward with every intent to kill.

"Die, traitor!" the pegasus screamed, and with a mighty flap her wings accelerated to become a technicolor blur of sharpened steel and feathers.

"Bwah!" Moondancer cried out, reactively closing her eyes and raising up her forelegs defensively, unaware that she had let go of the android.

A loud whirring sound coupled with the blaring rush of jet engines swept across the the room, which was subsequently followed by an cacophonous crashing noise that rocked the entire wing. When Moondancer finally opened her eyes she breathed a sigh of relief as she learned she was still in one piece and that the charging assailant had been dealt with. Though how, she was about to learn.

From out of the smoking wreckage, the android from before hovered towards the group and gently lowered herself. Upon touching the floor she assumed a poised standing posture as the angular jetpack on her back folded neatly in on itself, hiding away as if it was never there to begin with. She casually brushed her hair back into place, smiling warmly at everyone.

"Good day, everyone. Father," she nodded to Bosconovitch. "Forgive me for waking up so late. It would appear there are some ruffians who seek to inflict bodily harm against you. I will ensure that no harm comes to you."

"Alisa!" Bosconovitch beamed, walking over to bring his android surrogate daughter into a warm hug, to which Alisa returned with equal love and care. "Oh, you had me worried."

"So, this is the daughter I've heard so much about," Thalmann hobbled over, half aggravated, half curious. "Bosconovitch, you're a brilliant but sentimental old sod."

Bosconovitch chuckled quietly and adjusted his glasses. "What can I say, she means everything to me."

"Much as I'd love to get acquainted with your scientific marvel of a surrogate daughter, can we get moving already?" Moondancer piped up, tapping her hoof impatiently. "In case you haven't noticed, this place is crawling with Equestrians who want our heads on a stick."

"She's right," Bosconovitch rolled his aching shoulders. "Now that Alisa is awake we won't have to worry much about hostile interlopers coming after us."

Thalmann shot a wayward glance at the hole Alisa made in the wall beside him, and noted the crumpled corpse of the pegasus from earlier within. "Of that, I have little doubt. She was built to last, after all."

"Warning, hostile presence detected," Alisa turned to the corner of the hallway, raising her hand is preparation to strike. Sure enough, Thalmann, Bosconovitch, and Moondancer could hear movement beyond the hall. The clanking of armor and shuffling of hooves stamping about in a long march started off as a low rumble before steadily escalating to a thundering drumbeat that shook the floor beneath them. "Scanning. Life signs: many."

"Thank you for the sitrep, Alisa," Moondancer deadpanned, turning to Bosconovitch. "Can she handle so many?"

"Er, she should. She's armed with a wider variety of weapons and gadgets to help her in combat," Bosconovitch recalled. "However, she's never been built to properly deal with magic."

"Huh, what's this? Another human presence?" Alisa noted, knitting her brow in confusion.

"Another human, here?" Thalmann looked just as confused. "No one would be mad enough to stay in the labs now that it's overrunne-"

"Explosive device deployed! Everyone, please get down!" Alisa's eyes widened before she turned around and activated her jet boosters, sweeping up the trio and dragging them to safety. A bewildered scream rung throughout the hallway before a bright flash of light cascaded over the room, followed by and ear splitting blast and a brief tremor. Debris and other miscellaneous detritus rained from the ceiling, coating the scientists' clean white lab coat with grainy dust and dry stains.

Thalmann began coughing harshly, a high pitched whine ringing in his ear. He fanned away the dust with his hand and used his crutch to force himself up. "That's, *cough*, getting annoying. I-is everyone else okay."

"M'fine," Moondancer mumbles, rising up to all fours and shaking away the dust covering her like a wet dog.

"As am I, though I can't say the same about my hearing," Bosconovitch mumbled as he was helped up by his daughter, who proceeded to dust him off and fix his offset glasses. "What on earth was that?"

"A C4 explosive device," Alisa clarified. "Armed and detonated by the unknown individual. Scanning. Life signs: seven. No, six."

Beyond the ringing in their eyes, there were sounds of a struggle. The pony forces were currently engaged with someone, having gotten the drop on them with the explosive. Whoever they were, they were making quick work of the platoon if the cacophony of screams and agonizing grunts were anything to go by. One by one the voices were eerily silenced,

"Is this that help your alien pal Yoshimitsu was referring to?" Thalmann asked.

"I-I don't know who else I could rely on apart from Alisa and the Manji Clan," Bosconovitch replied.

Soon after, a lone guardspony could be seen crawling from out of the smoke along the floor within their view. He was a gray unicorn, his armor was shredded by the explosion, there were multiple cuts throughout his body and his legs were dragging limply behind him. He cried out in agony, though whatever came out of his mouth sounded like a hoarse croak than a cry for help.

Another figure appeared behind him, this one human shaped. From out of the smoke came a tall stoic looking man with pale skin and charcoal black hair tied in a ponytail. There was a scar along his lips and a steely gaze in his eyes. He was dressed in urban camouflage combat suit fitted with kevlar and a multifunctional equipment harness. There was an air of professionality and coldness about him, as demonstrated by him casually walking up to the injured guardspony, reaching down and snapping his neck like a twig without even batting an eye.

The sickening crunch was enough to make everyone present cringe in response.

Satisfied with his work, he approached the group and stood at attention, saluting as he did.

"Er, you must be the friend we're supposed to expect," said Moondancer, looking up hesitantly at the man, who in turn nodded silently.

"Oy... Him," Bosconovitch sighed. "Not really a friend, more like a national acquaintance. Though he is one of the best."

"Ah, Sergei Dragunov," Alisa bowed politely. "You presence is welcomed and your assistance is appreciated."

Dragunov nodded firmly in acknowledgement.

"Well, can you talk to us?" Thalmann frowned.

Dragunov merely grunted in response and turned on his heel, gesturing for them to follow him out as he quietly led them to safety.

"Hmph, chatty fellow, isn't he?" Moondancer quips.

Alisa crashed through the walls leading to the outside, carrying more injured guardspony with her before casually dumping them onto the tarmac with a quick apology. Thalmann, Bosconovitch and Moondancer all rushed outside as Dragunov covered them from the rear. There was already a helicopter fueled and ready for takeoff to escort them all off the premises.

"There it is, don't stop now!" Moondancer cried, aiding Thalmann with his lame gait.

"Grr... Curse this injury! I'm hobbling like damn bow legged urchin!" Thalmann let out an aggravated groan. "Hurry! Only a few more meters!"

"Oh, no you don't! Get back here you monkey scum!" Another brave unicorn guardspony rounded the rubble of the lab building and chased down the team. He attempted to blast the scientists with a magical bolt, only to have Dragunov close blindside and grapple him into a leglock, causing him to miss his shot. "Grah! Let me go you infernal primate!" Dragunov made a tsk sound then proceeded to nudge the unicorn in the right direction. The unicorn struggled him his grip, attempting to will more magic in order to pull the man off him. As he did, Dragunov simply held on and let him do as he pleased.

"I. Said. Let. Me G-AAAAAAAH!" A loud pop rung in his ear as his lower adominal section was painfully dislocated, the leglock having forced his skeletal structure into an delicate position where even the smallest nudge could cause major problems. Sure enough, parts of his hind leg were sprained and ligaments were irreparably damaged. He ending up rolling around the ground when Dragunov finally released him, hissing and screaming in agony as the pain rendered him absolutely debilitated. Smiling a ghost of a smile, Dragunov turned and rejoined the team by the helicopter.

The helicopter blades were already spinning and the team aboard shouted for the others to hurry up. But just as hope was kindled a lucent beam of pure magic came down from the sky and ripped through the vehicle like a hot knife through butter. There was barely enough time to register what had happened before the helicopter exploded in a great ball of fire, scattering hot metal junk across the tarmac and killing everybody aboard.

Thalmann, Bosconovitch and Moondancer reeled back from the explosion, feeling their heart sink as their one chance to escape literally went up in flames right before their eyes. Alisa and Dragunov joined up with them shortly after, equally as disheartened by the tragic turn of events.

"That's far as you'll go!" A voice shouted from up above as the shadow of a majestic alicorn swept over them. The group all turned to the source of the voice and, to their utter horror, beheld none other than the immaculate form of Princess Celestia staring down on them. She soared through the air like an angel of wrath as she descended, hovering briefly with placid flaps of her splendid wings before touching down with an air of divine prestige she was known for. Rising to her full height, Celestia cast a look of righteous indignation upon the group, judging them impassively with piercing eyes of smoldering magenta.

Thalmann, Bosconovitch and Moondancer swallowed thickly as Celestia loomed over them. Alisa and Dragunov were steadfast in the face of danger, however, and stood boldly between the scientist and the self-professed Goddess, ready to fight it out if they needed to. The display of bravery was admirable, but ultimately pointless before someone like Celestia, who permitted herself a small smile before speaking.

"Lay down your arms, friends. There is no need to fight," she spoke softly, like a mother educating a newborn. "Though you face the might of Equestria's finest, we come not as conquerors but as liberators. Apart from Moondancer, who betrayed her own people, you humans still have the chance to be redeemed. Give yourself up to me and be reborn as newfoals. Live life beyond the confines of your pitiable human endeavors and-"

"No deal," Thalmann interrupted, his voice laced with pure scorn. "Save your petty speeches. We've already got that chance from your pupil and we turned it down. So save your breath you miserable pissant."

Celestia's face remained impassive. She didn't need to express anything more beyond stoic indifference to a species who couldn't understand just what they were throwing away. It saddened her to be witness to such ignorance, but her worldly duty weathered that feeling.

"...What do you hope to achieve by continuing this pitiful act of defiance?" Celestia asked. "Can you not see how hopeless you are in the face of Equestria's nobility? Though you resist all you do is prolong the inevitable. I offered you salvation, enlightenment, peace. Yet humanity chooses to remain stubborn and obstinate, like a young colt playing with fire who doesn't know when to stop burning himself." She gestured a wing to the backdrop of a city in smoking ruins, sighing dramatically to prove her current point.

"See how your city burns, human. This is the fate that awaits those who run away from Equestria's light. We destroyed all your research, ended whatever façade of hope you've deluded yourself into believing you fostered in an attempt to stave off fate." She gestured again, and the horizon swarmed a veritable legion of pony soldiers. The Royal Guard, headed by Shining Armor and Princess Cadence, occupied the grounds by the thousands, steadily marching forwards like an irresistible force. Eventually they surrounded the group, watching with intent as to what they will choose.

"Tokyo faced the full might of Equestria just as Madrid did. Can you not see how powerless you are? Can you not see why you must give yourselves up to the ponyfication potion? This is the only solution to your plight, and, if you willingly submit to the process, I will give it to you not as a ruler but as a friend with open wings to embrace you with." Her expression soften to that of a loving matron. "Now, I'll give you one last chance. Will you convert, or be excised as the wicked tumor you are?"

A pregnant silence filled the air.

What will they choose?

Harmony or chaos?

"Read my lips," Thalmann spoke up, eyes steely and resolute. "No. Deal."

"You heard him, Celestia," Moondancer frowned. "You won't get us. Not now, not ever."

The army of ponies erupted in an uproar of jeers and boos, shouting them down vehemently. Shining Armor and Cadence turned their head, seemingly unsurprised by the outcome. The outrage was damn near palpable, with their discordant cacophony of voices making earth tremble. Celestia raised her hoof and silenced her troops, leveling a hard glare upon the group.

"...Hmph, so be it," Celestia huffed, sounding deeply regretful as to stir on her ponies watching. "Let it never be said that I didn't give you the opportunity to be more. I only wish things could've been diff-"


Without warning, something crashed atop Celestia, burying her in a deep crater and sending a plume of debris billowing outwards. Moondancer covered her face just as the cloud of debris blew right past her. There was another unexpected development and at this point she didn't know whether to feel relief or anxiety. From what she could observed, whatever struck Celestia appeared to be an object of great force that crackled with purple electricity.

The whole turn of events was enough to make her speechless, as it did just about everyone else watching.

A powerful gust of wind swept the smoky debris away as Celestia hurled herself out of the crater and back onto solid ground. To everyone's shock, her mane was bedraggled, and, if Moondancer was seeing it correctly, she was bleeding from her nose.

Celestia stumbled about and struggled to stay upright, the pure shock of it all had also affected her. Bringing a trembling hoof up to her nose, she wipe at the blood and her eyes widened in horror at what she was witnessing. She was hurt, not just a glancing blow or a negligent graze, but an actual injury that had left her bleeding.

"W-who..." Celestia stammered, her face contorting into a hateful scowl. Furious, she began to speak through gritted teeth. "What madness is this?! What insolent mongrel dares to bring harm to Princess Celes-"

A gray and white blur crackling with purple electricity suddenly rose from the crater and closed the gap towards Celestia.


A powerful fist and an arm rippling with pure muscle wreathed in lightning collided with Celestia's chin with all the force of an out of control bullet train. It slammed her teeth together with an audible clack and sent her flying off the ground where she somersaulted twice before crashing into the Royal Guard, who all clamored around her in a fit of panic. Jaws aplenty fell to the ground at the sight of it all.

"YE-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! YE-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!" Loud boisterous laughter filled the air of the helipad, emanating from an balding elderly man with twin peaks of gray hair at his side wearing a black martial arts gi with a red belt around his waist and had an image of a savage tiger embroidered on the back of the vest. Though clearly old, he was at the peak of physical health as evident by the sheer muscles present on his exposed chest and arms. He was supposedly the one that had the sheer audacity to throw an uppercut at Princess Celestia, the living Goddess of Equestria, and seemed to revel in his flagrant act of attempted regicide.

"Ha! Is this that Princess Celestia I've heard so much about?" the man jeered, maintaining his arrogant grin. "I'm disappointed."

"Grr..." Celestia snarled, and pushed herself away from her troops. She hobbled back onto all fours and faced down the man, one eye twitching in anger. "You dare... YOU DARE!" she bellowed furiously. "Where do you get the gall to strike me? Who do you think you are?!"

"Hmph, who am I?" The man scratched his chin. "I am Heihachi Mishima. Head of the Mishima Zaibatsu and owner of Yugo Innovation Labs. You lot of kid's cartoon rejects are trespassing on my property!"

"Wait, Heihachi Mishima?" Moondancer looked bemused. "Is that crazy old guy our boss?"

"I believe so," Thalmann sighed.

"Ugh, Mishima," Bosconovitch groaned.

"Such arrogance!" Celestia barked, glaring daggers at Heihachi. "But you made a fatal mistake. Did you honestly think you could stop me all by yourself?"

Heihachi smirked, and pointed up. "Who said I came alone?"

Everyone looked up to the sky where Heihachi was pointing and reeled back in surprised as the glut of planes and jets soared across the sky, dropping soldiers and other weapons into Tokyo to retake the city. Wave upon waves of infantry flooded the streets and began overwhelming the Equestrian forces in spite of their magic advantage. It would appear that they've all been outfitted with the prototypes Moondancer and her cohorts had been working on. Part of her was shocked to see them in mass production so quickly, the other part wasn't nearly as surprised if this rich karate enthusiast of a man was in control of all their assets and had them secretly completed on his own dime.

"No! NO!" Celestia screamed, watching in rising panic as her troops were steadily being overwhelmed. She turned over to Heihachi, bearing her teeth at him. "YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!"

"That's my line," Heihachi remarked flippantly. "You owe me compensation for all the property you destroyed."

"Grr... You-!" Celestia attempted to deliver a scathing rebuke, when the building behind her suddenly exploded. A strange octopus man could be seen flying out the side of the building, propelling himself across the sky by rapidly spinning his sword by the wrist as he narrowly escapes a particularly peeved Princess Twilight from blasting him out of the sky with all the recklessness of a gun toting maniac trying to shoot a fly. Yoshimitsu soon landed beside Bosconovitch and friends, sword drawn as Twilight landed beside Celestia, looking equally as harried and covered in several deep cuts.

Twilight panted heavily, shooting a burning glare at Yoshimitsu. "Y-you... Stay still you rubbery freak!"

"Though the bamboo forest is thick, the river flows through it easily," Yoshimitsu quipped, much to Twilight's annoyance.

"Shaddup!" she snapped, oblivious to the chaos happening around her.

At the same time, a red beam of light rapidly soared through the air, carrying with it a familiar blue alicorn who was screaming at the top of her lungs. Princess Luna's was carried over to the helipad by a bright red beam of devilish energy that burned into her flesh. She crashed onto the hard ground, skipping and bouncing and rolling to a stop beside Twilight as she struggled to stand back up.

"M-monster..." Luna breathed, scared out of her wits. "D-devil."

"Hmph, it won't do you any good to disrespect me." A purple winged devil landed beside heihachi, who's devilish form faded away in a dark mist to reveal a middle aged man dressed in a purple business suit. He looked as muscular as Heihachi did and one of his eyes seemed to glow brightly with malignant energies. His face looked to be set in a permanent frown and his black hair was spiked up behind him like a mountain.

"About time you showed up, Kazuya," said Heihachi, laughing as he did. "Is the great CEO of G-Corp too weak to handle a flying horse all on his own?"

"Shut it, old man," Kazuya grumbled, turning an evil eyes over to Luna, who visibly flinched under his gaze. "I had to go gather everyone up. Lars will be here soon, along with Jin."

"Heh, Jin, eh? Ha! Three generations of Mishima's together at last. YE-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!" Heihachi jovially bellowed. "Let us show these invaders what happens when they mess with us!" He assumed a fighting stance and stared down Celestia. "I've killed gods before, and I'll do it again!"

"Just try you senile ape!" Celestia snapped, her horn lighting up with magic. "I will show the full extent of Equestria's might!"

And just like that, Yugo Innovation Labs became ground zero for the ultimate clash between warriors and soldiers. Equestrian forces battled the combined might of the Mishima Zaibatsu's Tekken Force, G-Corps private security team and rebel army Yggdrasil, while the Equestrian Royal Family squared off against the Mishima's and other assorted fighters that happened to get tied up in the conflict.

And throughout it all, Moondancer couldn't help but stare in bafflement at the ludicrousness of it all.



Author's Note:

Happy April Fools! Here's a Tekken crossover for everybody.

Character Costumes by game:
Dr. Bosconovitch: Tekken 3, P1 outfit
Alisa: Tekken 7, P1 outfit
Dragunov: Tekken 5, P1 outfit
Yoshimitsu: Tekken 7 P1 outfit
Heihachi: Tekken 2, P1 outfit
Kazuya: Tekken 7, P2 outfit

Comments ( 45 )

First, X-COM, now Tekken? You're really good at adding the crossover elements to this story. Very impressive.

i feel like there are references that im suppose to be understanding in here but im just not.

Absolutely marvellous!:pinkiehappy:
F:yay:CK’em up Mishima!!:flutterrage:

I didn't really get them either, but I'm not a Tekkan person. Was still entertaining though.

Ha, you got me there. Happy April Fool's.

I feel like if Equestria invaded Toyko, there would definitely be some people who will try the Ninja approach.

Booo I want to see the whole fight! Lol just kidding great chapter

NOW THIS IS A F:flutterrage:CKING STORY!!!!!

I was so invested that I forgot what day it is today. :pinkiehappy: Although, realistically, you know Godzilla would've already incinerated the Equestrians by now.

Shhh! Don't give him that idea!

Lmao you got me good. Excellent chapter

Thus was fun

Nice try pal. The moment Yoshimitsu appeared, I remembered what day it was and knew it was another April Fool's chapter lol

I hope we get an update on Celestias chapters soon, I’m really looking forward to seeing her final moments. I love how you write her inner turmoil, giving us an idea for how she thinks. Additionally, I’m curious to see the reactions to the announcement of her impending death. Will we see her last conversation with Twilight from her perspective? It could be interesting to see her inner thoughts during that talk.


How interesting...


Actually that was supposed to be the last chapter. And we know Celestia's feelings on her last moments were regret and denial.

I say it's time we get a Luna chapter. She has been somehow shafted by the narrative in comparation to the other alicorns. Heck, even Shining Armor's perspective could be interesting.

I'm with Raistlin.

Luna honestly gets shafted in general in CB stories it seems.

Lesson of this story: DON'T F**CK WITH JAPAN!!!!

"By Oda's chapter making consistency, doctor, you couldn't have made a robotic facsimile of your daughter out of something lighter?!" Moondancer strained, shooting a glare at the old man.

Is One Piece finished in this story?

Ha ha, I wish. Here's to another year of one piece. 2022, let's finish the Wano arc

The three Mishima are fighting together. As in actually not turning on each other, but focusing on a single enemy. Wow. The ponies really failed at the whole "divide and conquer" deal, didn't they?

Another fun April Fools' joke. I was taken for a loop at first, but took me a while to remember the date.

Luna is sidelined because the main adversary to humanity would be Celestia, with Luna supposedly her equal but generally following the plans of her older sister. So she basically ends up in a supporting role and overlooked.

the next chapter should be the final battle.

To Rated ponystar’s negotiation verse, no

This is the stupidest thing ever.

Ok that makes sense, also confused this chapter with the Doctor Hoves story chapters.

Got to say sad Shining died, was hoping he live in the story so he can face the conqunces and the awful truth as well.

You should use interrobangs:

> "¿What is an interrobang?"

> "¡It is the bestest punctuation-mark evar!"

> "⸘How does one use it‽"

Did you accidently remove a normal chapter when removing the Regeneration chapters?

I don’t believe so

I think it was Luna's and Twilight's failed attack on Jerusalem wasn't it? Where Luna had to hide in a shop or something to recuperate. I also remember she was talking big about taking Jerusalem down.

Damnation part 2 is still being written at the moment, it’ll ne finished when its finished

I see, thank you for the update. :twilightsmile: Also I am sorry if I troubled you.

Ah! I see where I messed up. I was referring to Damnation part 1, because I didn't see you moved it. Sorry about the misunderstanding.

I know that is is a JokeChapter, but it misuses the verb to decimate.

Hey, was there ever a "Damnation, Part 2"?

It’s still being written, it’ll be done when it’s done

It is strongly implied that's the case. Carrot Top's parents are dead, but around the time nopony had even considered the possibility of Equus being left for dead

Yeah it was pretty messed up but good news, I have since been told that the author retconned that part. No more soul deletion, make of that what you will.

Huh, those are valid points and I suppose for a Megalomaniac like Celestia, the idea of creating more beings that were even marginally equal in power to her and her fellows was more terrifying than anything, even losing the war. Maybe she’d have regretted not doing so once the war ended, she woke up from her coma and realized she’d lost everything

Her viewpoint would be far different from our own so her priorities would absolutely be different, fair enough. I guess, putting myself in her position, my nation losing a war on all fronts that I started, my people being slaughtered facing an enemy now superior in every aspect, my own hold on power in grave jeopardy, the end all but here?

Even without the benefit of hindsight, I honestly would have thrown caution to the winds, victory at all costs and all that. To bloody hell with the consequences, let’s win this war or at least end it on favorable terms and we’ll deal with fallout later, crossing those bridges when we come to them and burning them behind us if required.

But I’m not Celestia, I haven’t lived her life and I can’t even begin to rationalize many of her decisions so what I or anyone else would do in her position doesn’t matter in the end. Her power, her maintaining control, mattered more to her than anything, she’d never knowingly or willingly do anything that, even remotely, would jeopardize that, even though literally every action she took did just that, she just didn’t realize it.

My theory is that her control freak tendencies started out benevolent, a factor for stability in the early founding years of Equestria, where predator races surrounded them on all sides and evil mages lurked around every corner. Celestia and Luna were themselves victim of chaos and instability, their family killed by Griffin raiders during Equestria's weak, chaotic years. You'll note that Celestia does everything she can to ensure that Equestria has no equal or rival, and her own personal rule is no different. She cannot and will not abide to any rival for her power, something which may have shown symptoms before Luna's revolt but became full-blown paranoia after Luna became Night Mare Moon. If her own sister turned on her, how can she trust anyone else, let alone grant them the power of the alicorns? Even when there were multiple Alicorns (after Luna's return, Twilight's ascension and Flurry Heart's birth), her position was always first among equals, and like zelkova said, she worked hard to ensure their trust (though you'll note she never trusted them with the really important things, like the fact the Sun was dying). Naturally, she covered up the whole new alicorns bit with "they proved worthy of ascension" (read: "I can trust them to be loyal to me"), and as such "Ascension" was limited. Flurry Heart being born an alicorn throw a wrench into that plan, but it was mitigated by the fact that a) Cadence wasn't going to have a lot of children, so no fear of several new alicorns and b) she could rely on Cadence to raise Flurry Heart to be loyal to her aunts.

And if we take MLP G5 into account, there were other alicorns, like Queen Opaline, but they were clearly antagonistic to anything Celestia would do, so again, why make any more alicorns than she can control or manipulate effectively?

Over time, Celestia's well-intentioned tyranny got corroded, and she couldn't see the forest for the trees, so to speak. Over time, her perfect society, possibly originally created to protect her ponies, became the most important thing, and Equestria changed to reflect that. She lost sight of what was important, so the society and ideals became more important than the ponies, and anything threatening that had to go - such as humanity's infectious cultures and ideas. And again, as Zel said, too many alicorns would cause a schism.

After the war though, it's fair game. The humans had won so thoroughly that fighting them head on was madness, so the EFF needed to make up for the vast power difference somehow, especially since the only surviving (and free) alicorn is on Humanity's side. Equestria had been through a literal apocalyptic war that destroyed everything and left its people at the mercy of its enemies, so any cost was acceptable. Granted, the EFF would have tried to carefully choose its candidates for alicornhood, but since they couldn't realize Trixie was a traitor, it's doubtful if they would have been able to ensure all new alicorns were loyal to Equestria (or rather, Celestia). Plus, I'm not entirely sure if anyone could survive ascension without proper preparation.

Which really comes to show that for all their talk of wanting to save humanity, and then having to fight them, the ponies never really bothered to learn about them. Whether as a way to divide and conquer, or as a way to break their morale, the ponies never really bothered to understand their adversaries, and were stuck with "hit them harder until they break". The humans, by contrast, quickly cast aside their issues and tried to study the ponies' power and society to break them.

As Sun Tzu said, "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle."

In the end, Celestia's basically that one student in history class who was given an assignment on WW2, and then spend the next two weeks either playing Wolfenstein, reading memes, or watching the "History Channel" for her information, and then got pouty when she got a failing grade. Her whole war plan depended on a) the humans being too divided to fight her and b) that there was no way to counter the ponies' magic or the barrier. As it turned out, wrong on both counts. All the humans needed was a basic understanding of magical energies, and the whole thing turned upside down in an instant.

You forget the whole point of Twilight's character arc post-Conversion War is earning forgiveness, not thanks. Yes, the people she wronged will still remember her sins, but the point is, she clearly worked hard to undo her mistakes, even if a lot of said mistakes can't be undone. A lot of Newfoals - including some Twilight herself transformed - have died in the war, whether as cannon fodder, targets of bombing, or being abandoned to starve/die or getting killed by vengeful ponies when the war had turned against Equestria. Plus, she used her magic and combat skills to do extensive damage to infrastructure and human soldiers and civilians alike. While not everyone can or will forgive her, it's clear she's worked her hardest to fix her mistakes or fix as much as she could. Whether everyone forgives her or not is a different matter, but by Rest, it's clear the majority of both ponies and humans alike consider her debts paid and have largely forgiven her. There might be some who agree with you that she can never be forgiven, but really, how long do you keep a grudge, and when does it end?

The speech bit I mentioned would most likely be early on in the post-war period, where Twilight has the monumental challenge of trying to rebuild Equestria while simultaneously trying to mend bridges with the same people she belittled and tried to exterminate.

Oh I’m well aware of the purpose of her character arc and development post-war. I imagine, if my little idea happened, she’d accept the punches the restored newfoal gave her without fighting back or even receiving treatment for it, knowing she deserves it. The same with the diplomat who’d call out everyone for congratulating her for finding the cure. Those scenes would be, I suppose, reminders to her and the audience that no matter how hard she may try to redeem herself, there will always be some who will never forgive her. I mean, it seems inconceivable to me that Twilight could be forgiven in her lifetime by absolutely everyone, even considering the incredible candlelit vigil turnout at her deathbed we saw in Rest.

I guess I’m thinking of Hirohito when he died. From around the world, officially, an outpouring of grief, sorrow and condolences at the statesman’s death. Unofficially, especially among WW2 veterans and survivors of Imperial Japans Occupations, a great deal of grumbling that the war criminal didn’t get what he deserved and spitting on his memory. It’d be the same for Twilight, or worse considering just how much she participated in the Conversion War and how, what with Equestria needing a figurehead and a cure for the potion, she never suffered any “legal” consequences for all the things she did. (Note: Legal, as in she was never put on trial. Not to say she didn’t suffer, though I think she didn’t suffer enough)

As for how long you can hold a grudge? I’ve heard of some American soldiers who liberated the concentration camps and held grudges against Germany and were prejudiced against Germans as a whole till the day they died. Grudges can last a very very very long time.

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