• Published 4th Feb 2021
  • 12,648 Views, 1,084 Comments

Choice - zelkova48

When the time came, choices needed to be made. Consequences be damned. A series of short vignettes set in the Negotiationverse by Rated Pony

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Twilight copes with her inability to bear foals after grievous injuries renders her sterile.

The harsh glare of dawn's early light pouring in from the window overlooking the Canterhorn was positively blinding as Twilight awoke to the rhythmic sound of mechanical scratching and the pungent funk of antiseptics.

As her consciousness steadily returned she let out a low pained groan, raising her hoof to block the glare and squinting her eyes against the morning sun. Slowly, carefully, she rose up from her bed, taking notice of the IV needle hooked up to her foreleg. Her gaze trailed from the various tubes and wires sticking out of her to the medical apparatuses they were hooked up to and the room itself, noting just how blandly utilitarian it all was.

It took her a brief moment to collect herself before she managed to deduce that she was in the hospital, and judging by the thick layer of gauze reeking with heady scented ointments wrapped around her abdomen she was recovering from surgery.

She attempted to recall what led her here and remembered that she had just returned from a disastrous mission in Panama before being placed on a gurney and put under.

With the advent of the Thalmann Generators, direct engagements with the human opposition were next to impossible, even with the might of an alicorn backing the Equestrian forces. She and Celestia had thought it prudent to pivot tactics and, for the time being, focus on small scale raids and eliminating key targets as a way to mitigate their disadvantage. With their magic taken out of the equation, it was all they could do now that they were on the defensive.

Thus, it was decided that they would destroy the Panama Canal in order to cripple the Americas' supply line and buy the Equestrians some time to plan their next move. Twilight was to lead a small strike force into the country and sabotage the canal, slipping in unseen and slipping out once their task was complete. But they were caught early on and the mission had ended in complete and total failure, resulting in Twilight and what remained of her crack team of commandos fleeing to the homeland to lick their wounds.

It was another loss to add onto Equestria's growing list of defeats.

Gritting her teeth, she resolved to return to the castle and resume her duties as princess as swiftly as possible. Before she could pull herself off of the bed, however, a familiar voice cried out to her. Her head snapped over to the source of the voice where she saw Spike standing by the door frame, slovenly and unkempt with a look of overwhelming relief on his face.

"Twilight!" Spike shouted, his teary eyes full of worry as he ran up and pulled her into a tight hug. "You're awake! You're finally awake!"

"S-Spike... calm down," Twilight rasped, smiling gently as she brought up a hoof to brush his scales. "I'm alive, aren't I?" She reassured, but her smile masked the pain she finally registered simmering just beneath the skin. Every part of her ached with a dull pain, especially her abdomen. Even speaking was a chore that left her breathing short and labored.

"Yeah, you are," Spike sniffed, wiping away his tears with his arm. "Dr. Wellhoof assured us you'd make it."

"Us?" Twilight raised a brow.

"I believe that's our cue," Princess Celestia piped up, passing through the door along her parents and closest friends. They all clamored around her, expressing how worried they were when they learned she had been gravely wounded and needed to undergo surgery. It was a touching gesture, but one that made for a noisy racket that disturbed the other patients in the medical wing.

Night Light, Twilight Velvet and Spike were in the worst shape they've ever been, looking as though they've been swept up by a tornado and lived to tell the tale. They hadn't been able to find a moment of peace ever since Twilight had been wheeled to the ICU of Canterlot General Hospital. The family was already in shambles, knee deep in a pit of despair having suffered the tragic loss of Shining Armor, Cadence and Flurry Heart. Losing Twilight would've utterly destroy them.

Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Pinkie Pie on the other hoof were just as supportive as they've always been, but even they couldn't hide their excessive distress, acting much in the same way they had been when Twilight had first ascended to alicornhood all those years ago. Deep down they understood that she was as mortal as they were in spite of being an alicorn. Twilight could be killed as easily as Luna was and the thought of it caused no end of panic for everyone.

Dr. Wellhoof entered the room shortly after and frowned at the sight. While their reaction was completely understandable, this was still a hospital. It was a place of healing and proper decorum needed to be followed, no matter who they may be.

"Alright, alright!" Dr. Wellhoof huffed, breaking up the unruly bunch. "Dial it back and keep your voices down! Princess Sparkle is still recovering, let her have some breathing room, ponies!"

"Aw , come on, doc. We're just looking out for our friend," replied Rainbow Dash, looking rather chafed.

"Yeah. Can't you make an exception for us?" Pinkie Pie queried.

"If I make an exception for you then I have to make an exception for everypony," he grumbled. The sullen look on his face was enough to get them to back down. "Look. You all can stay, but please, behave. This is a hospital, respect the others who are here as well. That includes you, your highness," Wellhoof glanced over to Celestia, who nodded in return, a slight blush visible on her cheeks. "Very good. Now," he turned over to Twilight. "Princess Sparkle, how do you feel?"

"Better... Dr. Wellhoof, you have no idea the depths of gratitude you've earn for saving me, but I must be on my way. I need to get back to-" Twilight tried to protest, but a stern look from Wellhoof cut whatever response she may have had cold in its tracks. Almost immediately after she broke into a violent coughing fit, whooping and hollering uncontrollably as her parents rushed to her aid, patting at her back and hand her the glass of water by the nightstand. She greedily drank it up, allowing the cool liquid to sooth her throat.

"Easy, Twilight. One gulp at a time," her father, Night Light, soothed.

"Don't push yourself, dear. We're here for you," replied Twilight Velvet, tenderly caressing her daughter's mane.

Wellhoof rolled his eyes at Twilight. "Forgive my brashness but as your physician I declare that you are in no condition to leave, princess. You sustained grievous injuries that would've killed a lesser pony. Were it not for your alicorn physiology and my timely surgical intervention we wouldn't even be having this conversation." The bluntness of his words caused the others to go wide-eyed, save for Celestia. Callous as it was he was just looking out for her. "Fret not. Taking into account your accelerated healing, I estimate that we can have you discharged within a week's time."

"One week?!" Twilight exclaimed, attempting to force herself out of bed, only to be stopped by everypony around her. "No. That is unacceptable. You don't understand, Equestria needs me!"

"Equestria needs you alive, Twilight," Celestia retorted, her expression downcast. There was genuine care in her voice. Twilight was her dearest student and royal equal. She'd even go as far as to call her the daughter she never had. To lose her would make the world all the lesser. She couldn't risk that, not again.

"You will have your time soon, but it is important that you heed the good doctor's words and allow yourself to rest. We've lost so much already, we can't lose you too. Think of your friends, your family." She gestured to the faces around her, all nervous and worried. "One week, that's all you need."

"I-I..." Twilight stammered, weighing her options before frowning and falling back into her reclined position. "Fine. But, I demand that I still be able to handle paperwork while I am bedridden. The central bureaucracy was already hindered without Luna, our government will be dangling from a string if I don't help keep it in order."

Wellhoof nodded. "That's completely fine with me. Now, onto more pressing matters." He used his magic to pull a folder off the wall and began flipping through it. His expression changed ever so subtly as he read over the documents. Whatever it was, he seemed to be contemplating something. "Oh, no... It's worse than I thought," he muttered beneath his breath. Applejack was the only one who seemed to notice his apprehensiveness, and decided to speak up about it.

"What? What's wrong?" she pressed, narrowing her eyes. "Apples and oranges, doc. Don't keep us in the dark."

"...I'm afraid this is something I'd rather discuss in private with Princess Sparkle," replied Wellhoof, doing his best to be tactful about the situation. "If you would permit me-"

"If it's that serious then it could be shared with all of us," Rarity interjected.

"In my professional opinion, I'd rather not," he remained firm in his decision. "Please, if you can all just leave the room for a momen-"

"Oh, out with it already!" Night Light suddenly barked, a glower plastered on his face. "If my daughter has some problem my family and I are entitled to know! We don't need secrets!"

There was an awkward bout of silence after his outburst. Everyone stared at Dr. Wellhoof, who looked aggravated by the position he was in. Sighing heavily, he brought up a hoof to rub the bridge of his snout before turning to face Twilight.

"Princess Sparkle, I advise against this, but with your permission I will share the information on this chart regardless of privacy," he grumbled in as polite a manner as he could muster given what he knows. "Really give it some thought. I mean it when I say that I strongly believe this is something that I need to speak to you about one on one."

"..." Twilight looked deep in thought. Dr. Wellhoof seemed adamant that he talk with her privately.

He was serious about it, and for a moment she was inclined to agree with his assessment. However, after everything that's happened, what with Equestria steadily being pushed back in the war, she didn't know if she could take any more bad news alone. She needed the support of her friends and family to help cope with whatever it was that he had to say.

"Just... Tell it to us straight, doctor," Twilight breathed, gripping tightly onto Spike's claw, who squeezed back reassuringly.

Wellhoof clicked his tongue and cocked his head to the side. He had hoped it wouldn't have come to this, but his hooves were tied now. His horn glowed and he closed the door to the room, locking it so that others may not disturb them. Then, he reached into the folder and pulled out an x-ray sheet. He propped it up against the light board and switched it on, displaying the contents of the film. Everyone looked on, confused as to what they were looking at due to part of the image looking mangled.

"This is an x-ray of your lower abdomen, Princess Sparkle," he gestured to the film. "You were shot several times during your encounter with humans in Panama. While they weren't fatal, a few bullets found themselves lodged in your body. We removed all of them to the best of our abilities, something that was made easier due to your accelerated healing repairing damaged tissue." He pulled out another film and planted it on the light board, it depicted her organs.

"Unfortunately, it would seem that the damage done to this specific area of your body was much more severe than we had originally anticipated." He tapped a part of the film depicting a small cluster of shard-like foreign objects.

Twilight subconsciously brought up her free hoof to the gauze around her abdomen and gulped. She felt her heartbeat quicken to startling pace and breathing grow short. A chill ran up her spine, suddenly the room had become all too cold. An overwhelming sense of dread began to form in the pit of her stomach as the doctor continued with his explanation.

"One of the bullets fragmented upon entry, expanding throughout your body and causing damage to your reproductive organs. Permanent damage." Wellhoof let out a heavy, sorrowful sigh. He and many others like him hated being the bearer of bad news, but it was all part of the job. Swallowing thickly, he met Twilight's anxious gaze and said what needed to be said. "Princess Sparkle. I-I'm sorry, but... that bullet. It left you sterile."


The word echoed in Twilight's mind like a gong. Now, it all made sense why he was so apprehensive to reveal this information to an audience.

Twilight could no longer bear foals.

She'll never be able to have children.

Panic and denial began to set in, the room around her started spinning wildly.

"No... No, no, no! P-please, tell me you're wrong! Tell me, it's not true! I'll never be able to... Able to-! Gah!" Twilight screamed like a banshee, pulling away from Spike as she broke down in front of everyone. She gripped at her head and screwed her eyes shut, retreating into the darkness of her mind and rationalizing to herself that it was all some horrible nightmare she would soon wake up from. That one day she'll be able to cradle a newborn foal as a mother.

Wellhoof could only look on with pity as the room exploded in a squall of angry shouts and shocked disbelief.

Spike, Pinkie Pie and Applejack all became white as a sheet, unable to process the mere idea of being unable to have children. Twilight would dream of raising a family one day, now that dream had been to smashed to pieces.

Night Light and Twilight Velvet were rightly horrified by the news. They swiftly embraced Twilight, whispering words of comfort and apology, holding onto her out of the fear that if they let go she'll spiral deeper into madness.

Rainbow, Rarity and even Princess Celestia ran up to Wellhoof, yelling in his face, blaming him for not doing enough or questioning if it was possible to undo the damage.

He answered truthfully. With their current level of medical knowledge there was no way to reverse the damage or if it would even be possible to begin with. The only other option he could think of would be tapping into powerful, perhaps even profane, magicks to remedy her sterility, and even then he wasn't sure if Twilight would want to go through with that. He said the best thing they can do was to be there for her, as they are now.

As for Twilight, she wept.

She collapsed into her parent's arms and began to mentally unravel, sobbing uncontrollably and crying until her throat turned hoarse and face stained with hot tears.

Cruel fate had taken from her again.

And it will continue to take until there is nothing left so long as she continues down this path.

Author's Note:

Had this prompt laying around for months, never got around to actually finishing it, until now. I hope you enjoy the chapter while I work on Damnation part 3.