• Published 4th Feb 2021
  • 12,698 Views, 1,084 Comments

Choice - zelkova48

When the time came, choices needed to be made. Consequences be damned. A series of short vignettes set in the Negotiationverse by Rated Pony

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Agent Sweetie Drops of the Equestrian secret service had faked her death during the bombing of Ponyville and reemerged as the leader of the Equestrian Freedom Fighters. A resistance cell formed with the intent of returning Equestria back to its former glory. Rainbow Dash joins without hesitation, confident that they will succeed where Twilight failed.

Equestria had surrendered.

Humanity had won the Conversion Wars.

Princess Celestia had been slandered as a monster and was vilified by a vast majority of her own subjects.

Those thoughts were enough to make Rainbow Dash sick to her stomach. Even more so than the crap drink she had clutched in her hooves.

It burned like liquid fire going down her throat but tasted like watered down horse piss. Heck, it actually could've been watered down horse piss for all she knew, not that she cared anymore. She was too depressed to do much about anything these days, not when Equestria had fallen right into human hands, courtesy of her ex-friend Twilight Sparkle. Princess Celestia being wrongly accused as a genocidal tyrant was just the cherry on top of the shit sundae.

"Bah! Twilight Ssssssparkle," Rainbow slurred out drunkenly, slamming down the bottle of booze on the plywood counter-top and disturbing the nearby patrons. "Dat bish... ain't nuttin' but a dam traitor... Wish ah nevuh knew her in da fursh playsh..."

"Hey, easy on the counter, Rainbow Dash! It's still under repairs," Pony Joe chided, shooting a warning glare towards her direction. "This is the only bar left in Canterlot that you haven't been kicked out yet for boozing around in. Don't think I don't know that you've been causing trouble for everypony after Princess Twilight spilled the beans on Celestia."

"Buh itsa lie! All lies!?" Rainbow snapped, growling at one of the three Pony Joe scintillating about in her blurry vision. "Those dam hoomans... Dey made Twilight say those ahful things about Celeshtia ta break ush! Ta make it easier fer them to deshtroy our culture... Den she jush hands our true prinshess ovah to da humans? Twilight shuddah been da one in jail, not Celeshtia!"

"Yeah, and I want my shop back in pristine condition, but that ain't gonna be happening anytime soon," Pony Joe sneered. "Looks like we both got burned by that sanctimonious bitch." Right as he finished, Joe was forced to sidestep the wayward bottle Rainbow Dash sent flying straight at him. It collided with the back shelf, loudly shattering into a dozen pieces along with part of what remained of Pony Joe's existing stock of booze.

"You take dat back you dam disshident! Nopony dishreshpects, Prinshess Celeshtia!" Rainbow shouted, getting up from her seat and standing on wobbly legs. "Ponies like you... should be reported to da ESS..."

"Well then, it's a good thing they're not around anymore. Friggin bastards got to my best bud, Millstone. To hell with 'em," Pony Joe snarled before walking around the counter and putting Rainbow Dash in a tight headlock. She struggled futilely in his grip, wildly flailing her limbs about in a drunken rage but was unable to escape his muscly hold. "And as for you, congratulations. You've officially been kicked out of every bar in Canterlot. Cheers, pal."

Dragging her out the doors Pony Joe unceremoniously threw Rainbow Dash out into the ruined streets of Canterlot where she tumbled across the cracked cobblestone roads like a leaf caught in the wind.

"And stay out!" Pony Joe jeered.

"You can't do thish to me!" Rainbow growled indignantly, pulling herself back to her hooves. "Imma el-el... Huack," she gagged, forcing down the content of her stomach that were threatening to evacuate themselves violently up her esophagus. "E-element of Harmony! A hero! Ah used to save... all your ungrateful butts all the time! And thish is the kind of treatment ah get?!"

"Hero or not, you're yesterdays news!" Pony Joe sharply retorted. "Get with the program, Rainbow Dash. Everypony else is." Without another word, Pony Joe walked back into his shop and slammed the door behind, leaving Rainbow Dash to stew in her own embarrassment, becoming the subject of ridicule from various passerby.

Rainbow Dash wandered after that, moving from place to place in Canterlot no clear sense of direction. Still drunk out of her mind she stumbled across the breadth of the ruined city, which had only just begin its reconstruction efforts. Whole districts had been cordoned off with security tape, construction materials were stacked atop one another on large pallets as workers hurried up and down scaffolding doing their jobs.

Rainbow frowned at the sight, not that they were doing their jobs incorrectly, but that they were using building materials that had been generously provided to the city by the UN. The intermingling of human and pony cultures had already begun and she could only watch on in disgust before shambling away in a hurry.

Sometime later she found herself by the park. She was hunched over a trash can, hurling out her guts before sliding over to the nearby bench and conking out completely.

The whole time she had been completely unaware that somepony was tailing her...

Rainbow Dash awoke to the sound of a ticking clock and an earsplitting headache, pulling herself up from her bed and rubbing at her head to make the pain go away. It didn't take her long to realize that something was wrong, however.

"Wait a minute..." Rainbow mused, pulling the blankets off of herself. "This isn't my bed." She took a cursory glance around the room she was in. It was bland as can be. Four walls, ceiling and a floor, all in a tasteless wood grain finish. "And this isn't my room!"

"Finally awake I see," a new voice snapped Rainbow Dash to attention. She turned her head and beheld a familiar looking mare wearing a suit and sunglasses sitting across from her by the foot of the bed, a mug of steaming hot coffee gripped in her hoof. "It's nice to see you again, Rainbow Dash."

"...Bon Bon?" Rainbow questioned, squinting her eyes.

"In the flesh," Bon Bon smirked, pulling off her sunglasses.

"But... you died back in Ponyville, The humans bombed it to kingdom come," Rainbow muttered dumbly. "Unless... this hangover is way worse than I thought. It's making me see ghosts."

"Believe me, Rainbow Dash. I am no ghost. This is all quite real. The me that perished at ground zero was little more than a lifelike dummy, a means to conceal my true identity. But I'm getting ahead of myself," replied Bon Bon, handing the mug of coffee over to Rainbow. "Here. Something for that hangover of yours."

Ghost or not, Rainbow Dash took the mug without hesitation and drank it, taking careful sips at first before downing the hot liquid in one single regretful gulp. It was good, real good, top shelf stuff, but it barely made a dent on the hangover.

"Okay, not my best idea," Rainbow blanched, rubbing at her burning throat. Bon Bon could only giggle at Rainbow's impetuousness. "Alright, now that that's over, you mind telling me what's going on here? Last I remembered I passed out on a bench in Canterlot dreaming of punching Twilight in her stupid face, repeatedly."

"I'll explain everything in due time. But first things first, call me by my real name: Sweetie Drops. And second," Bon Bon took a few cursory sniffs of Rainbow Dash before recoiling from the odor wafting off of her. "You're in desperate need of a shower."

One shower later Rainbow Dash came out feeling cleaner than she had in weeks since Twilight's treacherous act of surrender. Currently she was walking beside Bon Bon, or rather Sweetie Drops as she now knew her as, down a long hallway and was being debrief on her entire predicament.

"You have to forgive me for the sudden abduction. We couldn't risk talking to somepony like you out in the open and believed it would be better to show you what we're about. We've been watching you for some time now, Rainbow Dash," Sweetie Drops started. "You are of particular interest to us and the cause."

"Uh huh," Rainbow nodded along. "And who exactly is us? And what's this cause you keep referring to."

"The us is simple. We're a group of pony patriots who believe in Princess Celestia and old Equestria, the true Equestria. Not this crude post-war facsimile that's been contaminated by human ideology," replied Sweetie Drops. "As for the cause." She opened up a pair of doors and revealed to Rainbow Dash her place of operation. "We're going to restore Equestria back to its former greatness. We won't stand for Twilight Sparkle's treachery and we intend to fix that."

Rainbow stared in awe at the massive facility she trotted into.

It was cavernous bunker that was as big as, if not bigger than Castle Canterlot itself. It was filled with innumerable rooms both big and small scattered across several floors with hundreds of ponies running about performing their duties. There were even a few that she recognized; Snips, Snails, Limestone Pie, Lightning Dust, heck, even Daring Do was here.

But perhaps most impressive of all was the facility's arsenal. Rows upon rows of shelves were stacked high with all manner of weapons both mundane and magical, including some she was pretty sure weren't even supposed to exist. It was like they were preparing for war.

"Sweet Celestia..." Rainbow Dash breathed. "Where am I?"

"Home," replied Sweetie Drops. "That is, if you want it to be." She turned to face Rainbow Dash, her casual expression turning stern. "Rainbow Dash. What I'm about to offer you is something I've offered to hundreds of ponies already, but that shouldn't make it any less impactful for you. I'm giving you a chance to be something again, not that nopony loser that's been kicked out of every bar in the city. We want Rainbow Dash, Element of Loyalty. Rainbow Dash, Wonderbolt extraordinaire. Rainbow Dash, the hero of Equestria to join the ranks of the Equestrian Freedom Fighters."

"The Equestrian Freedom Fighter," Rainbow muttered, a small smile gracing her lips. She liked how it sounded.

"That's right," Sweetie Drops nodded. "After Ponyville was bombed, the ESS activated the Fallen Protocol: an contingency plan developed as a means to keep on fighting in the event we lost the war. We're a resistance cell formed from the remnants of the Equestrian Secret Service members, Royal Guard and assorted disillusioned ponies who want to take back Equestria from the humans, depose that traitor Twilight Sparkle and finish what Princess Celestia started. Everypony here is prepared to fight for those ideals and I know for a fact that you will to."

"You must've heard about all the things that have been happening around Equestria recently. A human settlement is being constructed on our soil with the hopes that it will foster better relations between humans and ponies. The Church of Harmony has been systematically dismantled, with many of our people becoming atheist or converting to human religions. Members of Celestia's inner circle are being rounded up to be interrogated and jailed or worse, killed for their continued dedication to the true princess. It's madness, utter madness. This is why we exist and why we fight, to bring sanity back to a world gone mad."

"...What are my choices?" Rainbow asked, raising an eyebrow.

"There are only two," replied Sweetie Drops. "One, you can refuse to answer the call and that'll be the end of it. We mind wipe you to maintain our secrecy and you can go back to living that sad little life of your roaming the city looking for your next hangover. Two, you join the freedom fighters and be the hero you've always been. Together, we'll kick the humans out of Equestria, recover Princess Celestia wherever they're holding her and make Twilight Sparkle regret the day she sold us out to the monkeys."

"Huh," Rainbow smirked. "When you put it like that I almost feel stupid for asking in the first place. I'm in all the way. You can count on me to get work done."

Sweetie Drops smirked back. "Knew you would. Only a tainted Equestrian would deny the call." She extended a hoof to Rainbow Dash and the two shook on it. They were both confident about their future prospects. "Welcome to the EFF, Rainbow Dash. Welcome to the resistance."

"So... When can I start killing some monkeys?" Rainbow asked a bit too eagerly.

"Whoa there, killer. We'll get to that when it's time. For now though, we have to keep things on the down low," replied Sweetie Drops. "The freedom fighters can't reveal themselves to the world yet, not when we're still building up our ranks and prepping for shadow ops. Speaking of, do you happen to know where Applejack is? She's also a pony of interest to the EFF."

"Last I spoke with her she said she was heading back down to the old homestead in Ponyville to try and recover anything that survived the bombing and pay her respects to the folks," said Rainbow Dash.

"Say no more. I'll dispatch Lightning Dust and Limestone Pie to come get her. How receptive do you think she'll be about my offer to join the EFF?" Sweetie Drops asked.

"She's the same as me. We both hate humans and Twilight and want nothing more than to see Equestria back on top again. There isn't a doubt in my mind that she'll accept the offer."

"Good. Everything is coming together swimmingly," said Sweetie Drops as she led Rainbow Dash deeper into the bunker. "Now, follow me. We have to get you properly initiated into our ranks. With you on our side, old Equestria will rise from the ashes and all will soon be as it was meant to be. Revolution is inevitable..."