• Published 24th Jan 2021
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The Ruler of Ponies and Men - Boopy Doopy

Why am I cursed like this? I shouldn't have to suffer this way...

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(14-2) Center Of The World

“Twilight,” Celestia started as she stared at her, an upset looking expression on her face. “Explain to me the meaning of all of this.”

“It’s a lot to tell you, Celestia,” Twilight told her. “I told Cadance that it was a novel and a half, and it really is. It could take hours to go through it all.”

“Start by answering me this then: why have you not been referring to me as princess?”

“I’m sorry, princess,” Twilight told her. “In the future though, you’re not the princess. You… you turned into Daybreaker because of Alex and Cadance. Well, not really Alex, but you were angry at Sombra because of Princess Amore, and Cadance-”

“I would not turn into Daybreaker,” the princess interrupted her. “I have too much self control for that. I’ve confronted the demons that might possess me and have made sure I never fall down that path.”

“You will, Princess,” Twilight said, almost with a sigh of disappointment. “You will because you hate Sombra that much and Cadance will edge you on that hate. I was there when it happened. You went into a frenzy and began attacking us.”

There was surprise in Celestia’s eyes, but not on her face. Instead she only asked, “How would such a future be prevented?”

“That’s what we need Cadance in here for,” Twilight sighed. “She’s extremely upset about the fact that you chose me over her, and… well, right now, in the present, she’s on the verge of conquering Equestria because of it. She found Grogar’s bewitching bell and is in the process of stealing everypony’s magic. That’s why we came here… err, why Alex came here. I told him it wasn’t a good idea, but he insisted, and honestly, given the situation, it might be the only thing we can do.”

Celestia looked away and furrowed her brow, the past version of Twilight watching the present version intently.

“Were you not able to use the Elements of Harmony on her?”

“With how quickly Cadance was moving, I don’t think we would’ve done anything in time,” Twilight answered. “I think Alex wanted to try using friendship here and now to fix the future. As much as I know messing with the past is wrong and as against it as I am, it’s probably the best way at this point, unfortunately.”

“And how do we know you’re not in cohorts with King Sombra?” Celestia asked suspiciously, the past version of Twilight taking another step closer to her teacher. “You must understand how ludicrous it sounds to hear about my niece turning to evil because of bitterness over who receives control of Equestria. I’ve raised her to be above such things.”

“You can trust us because he told me where Princess Amore’s pieces are, and is willing to give them to you if you just talk to Cadance about this,” Twilight said firmly, making Celestia gasp and almost fall on her back. She waited a second before continuing, “He’s really suffering, and wants nothing more than to have this end. I don’t know what doing all of this will mean for him, but at the very least, it’ll make things better and hopefully keep my sister in law from going down a path I’d hate to see her on.”

“Stop following me!” Cadance yelled as she marched down one of the hallways, clearly trying to get away from me. “I don’t want to talk to you!”

Even as she said it, she didn’t bother lighting up her horn and teleporting away, which I took as a good sign. I quickly galloped up to her and walked at her side, doing my best to keep pace with her.

“You need to talk to Celestia,” I said. “It won’t end well for you or her or anypony if you keep going on like this, trust me on that.”

“I don’t care!” she said angrily as she walked. “I don’t care about anything, since she clearly doesn’t care about me.”

“That’s why you need to talk to her,” I said. “Equestria won’t come to you if you don’t talk to her. Let out your frustration and have her see what you want. Even if you don’t get it-”

“I deserve it!” she yelled, stopping in place and turning to me, nearly bumping into me. “She told me she had something planned for me after ruling the Crystal Empire, and she’s just gonna give it away to somepony who doesn’t even have any experience ruling? Who just said she doesn’t even want it?”

“Don’t you think that’s something you should tell her about?” I asked. “That seems like the kind of thing you should bring up to her.”

“It’s the kind of thing she should realize herself,” she responded bitterly, turning away again. It sounded like there were tears in her voice as she said, “I can’t understand how she doesn’t see she’s just pushing me aside. No, actually she does see and just doesn’t care. I told her before she was pushing me aside, and she just doesn’t care.”

“I understand,” I responded, “but do you think being angry and bitter and not saying anything will help you? Because all that’s going to do is build up your hate until it starts to spiral out of control, and that’s something we can’t have.”

“I wouldn’t fall apart like you’re saying,” she said. “That not something-”

“I’m sure Celestia’s saying the same thing right now as Twilight tells her how she turned into Daybreaker because of you, but she’s wrong, too. You’re both just those kinds of ponies.”

She paused for a moment in surprise at that, still turned away, but resumed a second later. “I’m not that kind of pony,” she said firmly, shaking her mane. “I wouldn’t ever do something like that, no matter how angry or upset I became. You don’t know me.”

“I don’t have to know you to know that you would do that. I know it because I was there, watching my life just completely fall apart at both your and Celestia’s hooves.” I heard her take a breath to speak, but before she could, continued, “I watched you attack your husband, attack me, lie to Twilight, and steal Celestia’s magic, among numerous other things. You say you’re not that kind of pony, but you absolutely are, and I’m affected by your actions.”

“Oh wow, King Sombra can’t rule Equestria because of me?” she said sarcastically, me practically able to hear her eye roll. “I should talk to Celestia so you can rule? You’re only out for yourself.”

“I lost everything,” I said flatly. I waited a few seconds for her to turn back around before I continued, “I lost everything that ever mattered to me because of this game you all play. My friends, family, my whole life, my whole universe- all of it was taken away from me because of the actions of you and Celestia. Because of your bitterness and Celestia’s emotionalness. I’m telling you right now that I would not be here in the past had it not been for you, and I absolutely loathe you for that. Even being back here, I’m sure the best I can hope for is to fade out of existence, which would still be better than the things you’ve given to me.”

“I wouldn’t-” she started, but I held up a hoof to interrupt her.

“Everything has been taken away from me, and you’re here complaining that you can’t rule a country, so get your sorry flank to Celestia right now and talk it out like an adult, or I’ll kill you to prevent the nightmare that’s unfolded upon me from happening.”

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