• Published 24th Jan 2021
  • 8,651 Views, 689 Comments

The Ruler of Ponies and Men - Boopy Doopy

Why am I cursed like this? I shouldn't have to suffer this way...

  • ...

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(5-1) Happiness

I leaned in to give Radiant Hope more than a few kisses as I nuzzled her, feeling extremely happy, practically skipping back into the castle at what I had found. She kissed back happily, pulling me into a hug and rubbing her cheek against mine as she smiled into the empty room.

“Somepony’s happy,” she told me, almost giggling as she gave me one last little nuzzle. “Did you find anything useful?”

“I think I’m getting close to something,” I responded. “I really do. I don’t think this will last too much longer, maybe a few months at the longest. I really, truly think I’m that close.”

It was a little bit of a lie, me saying maybe. There was no maybe about it. This would end, of that I was sure, but I already told myself that no one would know just what I found, not even Radiant Hope. I wasn’t going to risk anything getting in between me and what I found, not even her.

“That’s very good!” she said enthusiastically as we broke apart, wearing a genuine smile. “It’s great to hear! Although I heard recently that Starlight was close to getting something together. She said she thinks there are two different consciousnesses inside you if I recall correctly.”

“It doesn’t feel that way, but I can see it. But I’m glad she’s close to something, too. That doubles our odds of fixing everything. Oh, I’m so excited!”

With that, I sat back down next to her, the room devoid of other ponies as it typically was. I closed my eyes as she took my hoof and placed it on top of hers, the feeling of relief just starting to wash over me at the thought that this would end. Even if Starlight came up with nothing, this would end. The only thing that was stopping me at that moment from using what I found was the fact that Starlight already said she was working on something, not to mention the risk involved with what I had. However, if too much time looked like it was going to pass, the risk would eventually be worth it.

“I do have a question,” Hope suddenly started, speaking quietly as her eyes glanced around the room, looking to see if anyone was listening. “Do you think Luna will keep us on the throne once this is all fixed? Because part of me thinks she’ll try to punish us, punish you.”

“She might, but I don’t think they’d go along with it, not Starlight and Twilight at least.”

“What if they did though? What if Starlight fixed you and then she tried to arrest us? Or worse, what if she tried to kill you entirely and keep…”

I gave her a sidelong glance at that idea, asking, “Do you know who I am? Those ponies killed me twice already, and yet here I am. Besides, even if I were killed, it’s not like I’d really care one way or the other… although I’m certain one part of me would find it a bit distasteful. And I don’t think Fluttershy would put up with arresting me. They’d all have hell to pay with her if I told them they hurt me. She will be here when they say they’re ready, I'm making sure of that.”

“What if she didn’t care though? What if Alex was gone entirely and she said, ‘well, he’s Sombra, so I don’t care’?”

“Well, then I’d have to fight them all myself and run away with you, won’t I?” I responded jokingly. “Don’t worry, it’ll all work out, I assure you. This is the land of magical talking ponies who get their power from friendship. Happy endings always come. It may take a while, but they do.”

I did try to convince myself that a happy ending would come, for me at least. I wasn’t sure about Sombra and Hope, but I figured that I truly didn’t care either way. They could do whatever they wanted to once I was gone. Although, ideally, I wanted to go back to my life, but that seemed like it was close to an impossibility at that point. However, I would take being rid of Sombra completely as a consolation gift. Or even being killed entirely. Both outcomes were honestly very close, the only real thing making me like the former being that I didn’t want all of this to be for nothing. At least if I were still here, ruling Equestria, then I could say that all of this, all of what happened to me, had some meaning. I did know though that I didn’t want to remain in the position I was in right then. I would choose death over that if those were the options.

“Although maybe I should ask Luna what she plans in case the options really are between this and death… No, I’m not asking. I couldn’t care less about what happens to me after I’m gone. I’m not going to keep living like this, and I won’t let myself get talked out of this, especially not by myself of all ponies. Besides, either way, I have plan b laying in my fur against my side.”

Radiant Hope liked seeing her friend happy, and it made her smile widely. It was a rare sight for her to see, actual genuine happiness from him, ever since she got her cutie mark. It was probably only a handful of times he was since it happened, but it was always worth it to see. It gave her a nice fuzzy feeling inside whenever she saw him smile just because he did it so rarely.

“And he actually kissed me right when he came in,” she thought to herself gleefully, sending a glance his way. “It was more than one kiss, too, and I didn’t even have to make the first move. He really is getting better, and he'll be better even if nothing changes. Oh, I love seeing him like this.”

“I love you, Sombra,” she told him happily she leaned over to nuzzle and kiss him again.

“I love you, too, Hope,” he answered back. “Oh, by the way, I don’t remember if I told you, but Fluttershy is coming by for tea tomorrow at lunchtime.”

Hope’s face scrunched up just a tiny bit hearing that, unnoticeable to Alex as she responded, “Is she? I didn’t realize two moons had passed by so quickly. Didn’t you just see her before the trial?”

“I did, but that was mostly me speaking to Starlight and Twilight. But I bring it up because I didn’t want you to be caught off guard by my absence. I think I’ll take the full day off actually, if it’s no trouble.”

She tried to keep herself from sighing internally. “It’s alright. There’s no reason to be jealous. There’s nothing even to be jealous of… except for the fact that he never looks at Fluttershy with disdain and hate like he does to me… They’re not even a couple and he clearly is more fond of her, at least Alex is anyway...”

“I have a question, Alex,” she suddenly got out before she could stop herself. “Is there… is there any way you can just… skip seeing her tomorrow? Just once, please?”

“Why? You’re not jealous of her are you, Hope?” he asked curiously. “I mean, you and I both know that she’s involved with Discord, and even if she wasn't, I wouldn't get involved with her because I don't see her that way.”

“I’m not jealous of her, I just… I don’t like the way you look at her…”

“How exactly do I look at her?”

“It’s- you look at her the same way you do me, but it’s… you don’t look at her like you think everything is her fault, and you just…" She couldn't help the sadness that came onto her face as she spoke, continuing, "You don’t know how bad that makes me feel, seeing you look at me that way.” Alex frowned at her words, and she couldn’t help but scream out loud.

“That one! That’s the look I just can’t stand! It’s not my fault that this happened! I know you think it is, and I know you blame me, but it’s not! It’s not! My! Fault!”

It was a very sudden outburst, both of their moods being ruined quickly because of it, Alex sighing as Radiant Hope frowned and put her head in her hooves. It was the same complaint she gave every time, and every time nothing changed. He still gave her that look, and she couldn't help but hate it.

Her jaw was clenched as her eyes were filled with tears, giving a sniffle as she continued, “You just don’t… you never listen to me! Ever since I got my cutie mark, it’s felt like you’ve been avoiding me and ignoring my advice, and it hurts. And it’s not fair. And I don’t know why you’ve been doing this to me, but I hate it…”

Alex looked at her for a few seconds as she closed her eyes before leaning over to put her head on his shoulder, the tears getting into his coat. He wrapped a hoof around her in a hug as she shivered, and held her for a long moment before speaking.

"I told you before that this would end soon, and I assure you, it will. I promise, this will end, and you won’t have to deal with this indecisiveness anymore. I don't know how this will end, I don't, but I assure you, this will end. I know this is killing you, too.”

“Yeah, but how’s it going to end?” she asked quietly through her tears. “With me losing my friend forever? The only friend I ever had?”

Alex sighed at that and told her, “I know I’m being irrational when I think to myself that it’s your fault. I know it’s not really your fault, it just feels that way. And even if it was your fault, ever since you’ve known me, you’ve done nothing but try to help me and be my friend. So even if I can’t say that I love you, I can offer to try and be your friend if you want.”

“That’d be nice,” she whispered to him sadly. “It’d be better than nothing, I guess… I love you Sombra.”

“I love you, too, Hope.”

They hugged each other for a long moment before finally letting go, Hope wiping her eyes as she apologized.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry, I don’t mean to get jealous, but I can’t help it.”

“You’re fine. I understand. But I am still going to see her tomorrow, just so you know, although I won’t take the whole day if you don’t want me to.”

“I know… but thanks for not leaving me alone all day tomorrow.”

There was a long period of silence as the two sat in the empty room before Alex said, “I met a pony named Brimstone who said he talked to you earlier. He asked to go into the Royal Library with me.”

“Did he tell you that I told him I’d put him down for a date a few weeks from today and that he needed an escort?”

“Yes, he did, and he asked to go in with me and have me be his escort when he saw me heading there, so I let him.”

“You know I- I did that because he’s probably an evildoer? I don’t know if you know this, but most of the time, ponies with evil sounding names and appearances turn out to be villains… no offense.”

“Yeah, well, I prefer not to judge ponies by their appearances like most other ponies do. I’m not in the business of accusing ponies of things they might have done just because of what they look and sound like, unlike those six who like to think of themselves as the protectors of Equestria. Although I will say I did have a great conversation with him about that, how he said sometimes he feels like he should just be a villain because nopony believes in him.”

“I’m not saying he’s definitely a villain or he’s definitely not. I’m just saying that ponies with evil sounding names are villains a lot of the time. I just want you to be watchful and wary is all.” Alex started to open his mouth to say something, but Hope cut in, “Please just listen to me. Please. Just listen to me this one time.”

The stallion paused for a moment as if considering it before he sighed and responded, “Okay. I’ll listen and be wary. I promise.”

Author's Note:

You can join my discord if you'd like... Also, buy me a coffee?

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