• Published 24th Jan 2021
  • 8,622 Views, 689 Comments

The Ruler of Ponies and Men - Boopy Doopy

Why am I cursed like this? I shouldn't have to suffer this way...

  • ...

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(7-1) Lies And Deceit

“Don’t follow me,” Cadance threatened angrily as she stomped back to her room. “I don’t want to talk to you.”

“Cadance, just tell us what the problem is!” Starlight pleaded as she ignored the alicorn and continued to follow. “Talking it out will make you feel better!”

“You know what the problem is!” she yelled as she quickly entered her room and slammed her door, using her body to hold it shut. Not that doing so did much. Both Twilight and Starlight teleported into her room a few seconds later, much to the anger of the pink pony.

“What’s wrong, Cadance?” Twilight asked as the mare bared her teeth, much like Sombra did a minute ago. “You can talk to us. Tell us what’s wrong.”

“Why don’t you go ask Sombra what’s wrong,” she spat at them, taking a threatening step towards her. “I know you brought him back, and yet he’s allowed to walk free when we all know he was just as much a part of this as I was. You just got rid of Alex and then didn’t even punish Sombra for what he did.”

“Cadance, Alex is still there-” Starlight tried to say before she was interrupted.

“Don’t lie to me!” she yelled, taking another step as she ruffled her wings. “I know how Alex looks at me, and I know for a fact that wasn’t Alex! Don’t you lie to me, cause I can see right through it!”

“Alex is still there, Cadance,” Twilight explained. “He’s just resting. They're both still there, but right now Sombra is... I think the proper word is fronting? He's fronting for the two of them right now. In a few days, Alex will be back. We’re just seeing what the best option would be.”

“Oh, I’m sure, the best option. And that’s why you brought Sombra back and did nothing to him. Because that’s clearly the best option.”

“We mean the best option for Alex specifically,” Starlight told her. “We want to have him choose what happens to him, and the only way he can make an informed decision is if he sees what it's like to both be in full control and have Sombra in full control, so we-”

“And Sombra gets off with nothing?” Cadance asked aggressively. “That’s what I meant when I said it’s not fair! You’re treating me so unfairly even though I didn’t do anything wrong! And even if I did, he’s getting off scot-free! Nothing is happening to him!”

“We were just talking with Princess Luna about that,” Twilight told her. “We’re going to sit down and have a discussion about what should happen. I honestly think we should have him apologize to the Crystal Empire, but-”

“Oh, sure, have a dinner and make him apologize,” Cadance rolled her eyes. “Why would you put him on trial? He’s just the nicest pony of all time. He would never do anything to hurt you, even though I was only doing what he told me to do.”

“Cadance, we both know-” Starlight started before Twilight put a hoof on her chest to silence her, knowing what she was about to say.

“Cadance, please,” the purple pony said. “Alex is still in there. We haven’t done anything to Sombra right now because we care about Alex and don’t want to see him punished for something he didn’t do.”

“Oh yeah, so just let Sombra be free to do whatever he wants. He doesn’t get consequences because he has Alex backing him up. Isn’t that convenient? How do you know that Alex is even real?”

“Cadance, if he’s not real, how did you notice the difference?” Starlight said. “You’re getting worked up and it’s making you not see clearly-”

“Oh, I see clearly. I see that you two are against me just like everypony else is, and want to try to lie to me and deceive me! You both are taking his side over mine when you know he was just as much in the wrong as I was! That’s what you were talking to Luna about, wasn’t it?”

“We’re not taking anypony’s side, Cadance,” Twilight told her desperately. “We were talking to see what we can do about Sombra and some of the things he’s done, and we decided we would have a dinner soon to discuss it. I can see if you can come to the dinner with us if you want to-”

“No! I already know you don’t care! I don’t want to hear what you have to say. Just go.”

“Cadance, please!”

“GO!” she yelled, jumping at them and causing them to flinch, watching as they teleported away a second later. Then she flopped into bed and screamed at the top of her lungs, holding her mane in her hooves. It wasn’t fair at all and she knew it. She wasn’t in the wrong, they were in the wrong, and she would show it to them. Somehow. How, she didn’t know, but she would find a way. She would get them to see that what they were doing was wrong.

“Well… this set us back with her for sure…” Twilight trailed off. “I really thought we were getting through to her, and now…”

“Hey, chin up, Twilight,” Starlight said. “We can get through this. If any mare can get this fixed, it's you. It’s just… going to be a little more difficult than we thought.”

“Can I? I mean, how do I even start? This whole thing is just such a mess! Luna and Cadance want to see him punished, and you and I clearly know that he hasn’t really done anything to warrant being punished. And even if he has, there’s still Alex to deal with, and I don’t know how to go about this at all! It’s stressing me out!”

“Take a breath, Twilight,” Starlight instructed. “Freaking out isn’t going to do anything. What do you think we should do first?”

“We should- we should…” she got out before closing her eyes and doing as she was told. She inhaled deeply, calming herself down before continuing, “We should probably talk to Sombra beforehoof, and see what he has to say. About how he’s going to handle himself and whatnot since he’s finally free… at least for now anyway.”

“Good idea. We can do that right now if you want, since his and Hope’s room is nearby. I would go over now before supper with Cadance later.”

The two did just that, teleporting over to the couple’s door and knocking firmly, being met with a swift response.

“Go away!” the stallion called from inside the room, not opening the door.

“We wanted to talk to you, Sombra. We have a couple of questions.”

“The two of us are busy!” he responded, more forcefully, not sounding as though he got any closer to the door.

“It’ll just take a minute, we promise,” Starlight said. “Please, Sombra?

There was a grunt and several seconds delay before the door opened, the dark-coated unicorn looking rather annoyed that the two were bothering him as he gave a simple, “What?”

“We just wanted to talk to you about some things before we missed you. You know… uh, trial stuff, and about Alex and such.”

He squinted at them in response, letting the silence hang in the air for a moment before telling them, “This can wait until later,” firmly shutting the door in their faces.

“Well… that could’ve gone better, I think,” Twilight commented. “What do we do now?”

“It might have just been a bad time,” Starlight replied. “I mean, he did just get out, and probably wants to spend some time with Hope, so… maybe tomorrow morning? We can talk to him then.”

“I don’t know. This actually might not be a good idea. I don’t want Princess Luna to get angry with us. We might as well just wait until we all sit down together.”

“If you think that’s a good idea. Do you want to try talking to Cadance again?”

“Maybe not right now… I know we should give her some space for now. I don’t think she’s in the mood to be talked to.” Twilight sighed and continued, “Ugh. This is just a whole big mess. It seems like it’ll never end.”

“I get that. I mean, there’s not some big villain to go after with this, and Equestria’s not in mortal danger, which is a great thing, but… in some ways, it would be easier if it was. But we can only do our best, and trust that everything’s going to work out.”

“I guess…”

“Come on, Twilight, cheer up,” Starlight told her, putting a hoof on her shoulder. “We helped separate Alex and Sombra, kind of, and we’re helping to give him what he wants. It might be hard, but it’s getting better.”

“Yeah, you’re right,” Twilight agreed, already feeling better because of her. “Things are getting better. Even if it seems like a step backward with what happened with Cadance, we’re still taking two steps forward. Thanks, Starlight.”

“Don’t mention it. For now, why don’t we try to talk to Luna to see what she wants to do?”

“Yeah, that’s a good idea.”

Author's Note:

Sorry this chapter was a day late. I was gonna post this yesterday, but I was tired at 7am.

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