• Published 2nd Sep 2012
  • 14,184 Views, 292 Comments

Moonrise - BlackRoseRaven

Luna begins an adventure that will change everything she's ever known. First of six stories.

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Waning Crescent

Moonrise: The Waning Crescent, Apotheosis

Luna stirred uneasily in her sleep, before she grimaced quietly and rubbed slowly at her face. Her eyes blinked at the strangeness of light shining through the window before she yawned quietly, then shook her head quickly, confused for a moment, wondering if everything had just been a dream… and then she straightened slowly on her bedding, cracking her back as she rubbed quietly at her chest before glancing down in surprise to see her peytral plate was gone… but instead of panicking, she only smiled softly, saying quietly: “So it all really did happen…”

She shook her head slowly, laughing a little to herself before gazing quietly out at the bright light of morning, wincing a little. So used to dark as she was, the most annoying thing about yesterday had been the seeming neon-brightness of absolutely everything… but after a short time of gazing quietly up at the clear blue, cloudless sky and down over the beautiful, rolling fields outside, she began to adjust little-by-little, murmuring: “In any event, Scrivener, we do… Scrivy?”

She turned around, frowning a bit as she realized the male wasn’t in her room… and she pondered on this for a moment before shrugging. Last night was a bit of a haze… she remembered talking to Celestia, and she remembered returning here afterwards with Scrivy, talking with him, both so tired everything was funny enough to laugh over, she remembered helping each other out of their armor and then…

Luna shook her head again with a smile, then she walked forwards and flicked her horn to the side, the door swinging open as she smiled slightly to herself. But there were no servants, no guards, no nothing… and Luna frowned quietly as she strode silently down the hall to Scrivener’s room, carefully pushing the door open with a hoof.

He wasn’t inside, but Sleipnir’s helm lay on the floor next to the bed… and beside it, a feather. Luna walked towards this, leaning down… and she realized a moment later it was from her own wing, the quill she had given him. It sent a chill through her body, shaking her head as her horn glowed quietly before she lifted both objects and set them carefully on his mattress with a frown, knowing he would never simply discard either… and her fear for what had happened grew, and with it came panic at the thought that someone, inside Canterlot, had hurt Scrivener. Someone… or something… had done something to him, and the only good sign so far was that there wasn’t any blood.

Yet all the same, the idea that he’d vanished… it scared her. It hurt her, as she looked at the quill for a few long moments… and then she gritted her teeth and turned, heading quickly back to her room. She flicked her horn upwards as she stormed through the doorway, and immediately her armor lifted up from where it had been discarded in a swirl, whirling towards her like a tornado before leather slid smoothly over her and gear snapped into place almost painfully, the female gritting her teeth and clenching her eyes shut as she muttered: “I shall share my fears with thee Celestia… but with or without thy permission, I shall then find Scrivener Blooms.”

She flicked her head back, mane swirling outwards before her helm slid smoothly home over her skull… and she looked coldly up at the ceiling as her wings stretched through the gaps in the armor and flapped once before settling. Then she turned, gritting her teeth and storming through the darkened halls of the deeper passages of Canterlot, until she reached the main foyer… and looked up in surprise as she saw only a single pony, who rushed quickly towards her.

The servant bowed his head, and then he said hurriedly: “Princess Luna, Princess Celestia wishes to see you immediately, she awaits at the Chamber of the Sun. Something awful has happened… everypony has gathered in Canterlot Square, but no one knows what’s actually going on!”

“Then go, join the others, and I shall hurry to my sister’s side.” Luna replied calmly, and the pony nodded rapidly before turning and sprinting away as Luna shook her head before she turned and followed, grimacing quietly.

The Chamber of the Sun was a large, cubical building that stood in front of Canterlot Square, with two immense, curved stairways leading up to the high platform the squat-looking stone structure stood upon. It was simply one enormous viewing chamber, usually used by ambassadors or political figures, rarely used by Celestia herself… and often when the Princess of the Sun did use it, it was merely as a place to speak in private to one or two important figures while she prepared to stride out onto the enormous balcony-stage that overlooked the main square, and give either a speech to her people, or the demonstration of her power when she rose the sun in the mornings of the Summer Sun Festival.

And now it seemed like almost all of Canterlot was gathered there, waiting for an announcement… and as Luna hurried towards the front of Canterlot Castle, she wondered quietly if they had literally been a day late. If this was her fault with her side trip to Ponyville… and she gritted her teeth as a voice inside her whispered: But we can make it all better, oh yes. Stop caring for Celestia. Stop caring about Equestria. Go find your young and handsome beloved, while he’s still in one piece, even knowing that while you stay young and vital, he will age… and rot… and die… unless…

“Get thee hence, demon.” Luna muttered, cursing herself as she flicked her horn upwards to send the immense doors leading into the castle flying open before she charged through them, sprinting along the lowered bridge over the wide, deep moat that surrounded the enormous stronghold and down the road into the capital city hidden behind the majesty of the castle, her hooves slamming against the ground as she rushed towards her destination.

Ten minutes later, and she was heading through the crowded streets of Canterlot, darting back and forth before she growled in frustration and threw herself into the air, powerful wings spreading and propelling her upwards, mane, tail and cloak streaking back behind her like she was living flame and starlight as ponies gasped and stared in shock at the sight of Luna whipping by above their heads. Other Pegasi cleared the airspace for her, even the guards quick to move out of her way, entire patrols scattering like flocks of pigeons before the eagle as her eyes locked on the Chamber of the Sun, twisting towards it before dropping heavily to her hooves on the high balcony before the squat building, striding towards the closed, rectangular doors and flicking her horn to shove them both open wide, slamming loudly into the walls as she shouted: “Celestia, Scrivener Blooms is gone! What is going on?”

The doors slammed behind the winged unicorn, and Luna glanced over her shoulder with a wince before she looked ahead, the light strange and blue in this large, square room, heavy red curtains hanging in the corners of the room and an immense, wide throne sitting at the top of a short flight of stairs at the far back… and Luna swallowed thickly as she stared at this, at the sight of her sister as Celestia murmured in a voice that echoed throughout the room, throughout Luna’s mind: “Yes. Terrible things have been set in motion, little sister. But together… we can ensure the best outcome for our people, for our nation, for our world.”

Celestia breathed slowly in and out as she straightened slightly, making the massive golden plate mail covering her frame clank and shift quietly. Enormous, rectangular shoulder guards glinted in the light as they shifted atop the cusps that completely covered her upper shoulders, thick, chiseled plates shaped like thick, domed dragon scales interlocked down her limbs, completely encircling and shielding her limbs, and locking into what Luna recognized all-too-well as Sleipnir’s silvery hoof-boots, the gleaming metal sharp and dangerous. Over most of her frame, the armor left barely a gap: along her back it was stacked like the serrated, bony carapace of a monstrous turtle or some Midas-touched beetle, with only the thinnest of spaces left for her wings… and even the bases of these were protected, by solid, tightly-interwoven links of golden chainmail, ensuring that no lucky blow could slip through the openings in the heavy armor plating.

Stacked, leaf-shaped shielding protected the sides and back of her neck, and an enormous circlet was locked tightly around her throat, inset with enormous, oval-cut diamonds… and her peytral plate, shining bright with its violet amethyst, had been fused over the front of her shell-like armor. The only vulnerabilities that existed in the entire armor were at the joints, the largest of which was where foreleg attached to shoulder… and yet even here, it was protected by the lighter but likely-all-too-effective golden chainmail.

But it was the magnificent crown that truly drew the eye, however terrifying a goliath such as Celestia was in the enormous armor: protective golden mesh now spilled down either side of Celestia’s face, as well as thin plates of metal that covered her muzzle, protecting it from glancing attacks. And the tan, charred wood of Yggdrasil lined almost the entirety of the helm, pulsing and strangely alive as the runes glowed throughout it… and Luna realized a moment later with shock that somehow Celestia had worked the tiara, the Element of Magic, into the beautiful crown… and then a moment later, that the small five, roughly-circular gemstones that had been hammered into the five sockets that lined the front of the mighty helm above Celestia’s brow, the five gemstones that were so small, but glowed with such fierce, intense light… “The Elements of Harmony.”

Celestia smiled, her eyes still closed… and then they opened, and they glowed bright gold as she looked calmly down at her sister, Luna recoiling as she said quietly: “It was necessary, Luna. You know that I do not hesitate to protect this kingdom. To protect order, and harmony. But we are still missing one player, so calm yourself, Luna, for all shall be explained in due course.”

Luna shook her head in stupid disbelief, staring as Celestia rose from the throne and strode forwards, imposing, terrifying, and she realized that her older sibling’s mane and tail were no longer a soft rainbow of color: instead, they had become a glowing mix of white and gold, wreathing like liquid flames, spilling out behind her as if stroked by the wind as Luna whispered: “Celestia, what has thy done?”

“What is necessary.” Celestia paused, then smiled calmly as the doors behind Luna opened and Twilight Sparkle galloped in… then skidded to a halt, almost falling forwards on her face with a shocked gasp as the doors slammed closed behind her as her eyes settled on the burning-bright goliath. “There you are, my dear student Twilight… now everyone is gathered.”

“Where is Scrivener Blooms?” Luna shouted furiously, blind anger snapping suddenly upwards… and Celestia frowned, leaning back and looking perturbed as Luna snarled. “What hast thou done with him? Celestia, answer me, what hast thou done?”

“P-Princess Celestia, what… w-what’s going on?” Twilight asked weakly, trembling and backing slowly away until her haunch bumped up against the door, staring in terror at the Princess of the Sun as she shook her head slowly. “You… this…”

“Listen to me.” Celestia ordered quietly, and her golden eyes flashed… and both Luna and Twilight trembled for a moment as their knees went weak, Twilight cursing and then collapsing forwards in a kneel as static sizzled around Luna’s body, the Princess of the Night barely able to keep on her hooves. “Oh, difficult as ever, little sister? Good… I need you to be at your peak.”

Luna gritted her teeth, but forced herself to stay quiet as she bowed her head forwards, her eyes blazing with fury as they locked on Celestia’s irises as she said softly: “My little sister… months ago, I began to have… visions. Premonitions… always of two great golden eyes, always of a terrible, malignant force: at least, that is what I thought it was. I realize only now that I was merely scared because of its power… I did not take the time to analyze its meaning, to think about what it could be. I feared it, because I thought it was evil… and almost too late, I realized what it meant.

“It was light, in the darkness… it was not the eyes that were evil, it was the eyes that gazed upon evil. It was the only way to save this world from Ragnarok, little sister… and Ragnarok has come upon us, at long last.” Celestia closed her eyes, tilting her head back with a soft sigh before her glowing golden irises opened and gazed at the ceiling, seeming to stare through it and into the very Heavens above. “We all thought it would end in a flood of flame and carnage, with the monstrous Black Wolves of Hell led by Garm and Fenrir… but no. As was demonstrated by how it tried to corrupt you, little sister, the darkness is more subtle…

“No, you were right…” Celestia paced slowly to the side, laughing quietly and shaking her head slowly, the heavy war-boots of their deceased brother clanking menacingly against the hard floor. “The ponies of Equestria have grown weak and flabby. I thought that peace was the answer, but peace is a lie and a weakness I have been tricked into spreading through these people. Even unicorns as powerful as Twilight Sparkle can barely defend themselves, do not learn magic for anything but convenience, and why should they even learn how to fight? Is it not suspicious that once upon a time, this was a land populated by monsters… monsters that have vanished so completely, that now the populace thinks they are only paltry legend?

“I think not. The blinders have fallen from my eyes, sister… now I see the whole picture, now, finally, I am able to understand the true meaning of harmony, and friendship. Harmony can only be achieved by annihilating all those who would disrupt it… friendship is not giving to others with no thought of self, but empowering and manipulating others in order to better the odds in your own favor.” Celestia rose her head, her glowing eyes terrible, her expression cruel and ruthless and arrogantly righteous. “This is the true nature of all things. This is how mortals must operate to survive. It is with these truths in mind that we shall seal our friendship, Luna and Twilight, and I shall make you both stronger so you may aid me in achieving harmony… and you will agree to my terms because both of you know that you cannot stand up to me any more than you can defeat the darkness that lies in ambush without my aid.”

Luna cursed and looked down, shaking her head slowly before she gritted her teeth and looked up, asking coldly: “What happened to mine loved sister? Even when thou wert Celestia the Dragon Slayer, thou never fell victim to this calamity, the madness of thy own fearsome power! Celestia, Princess Celestia, Celestia the Good, art thou not in this golden, accursed shell, can thee not hear the fears and terrors of thy own people, have thee become blind to what becoming fearsome Nightmare Moon did cost me?”

“Call me not by those weak names, sister! I am Celestia the Radiant!” the ivory, golden-armored equine roared, her eyes blazing with terrible amber light as she snarled and stepped forwards, and Twilight screamed as she was thrown back against the door and Luna hissed as she skidded backwards at the wave of sheer, malevolent force that burst over them both, the air around the enormous female literally shimmering with her fury. “I am the mightiest star, I am the eternal day! And whether you like it or not, little sister, I am the deity that all ponies bow to, I am the living sun, I am the most beloved and worshiped in all this weak and pathetic land!”

“I don’t care about that, I… I care about my sister, Celestia! I care about Twilight Sparkle! I care about Scrivener Blooms!” Luna almost shrieked in return, gazing up almost desperately at Celestia. “What has become of thee? Tossing us into danger against Nightmares for thy own selfish ends, maddened by visions knowing full well thou art not a prophet, that no divination can securely see the future we do not make ourselves… taking on the crown and title of a tyrant who seeks to make war across a peaceful land!”

“You have grown so pathetic and weak. I expected you, of all ponies, to understand…” Celestia said quietly, shaking her head slowly in visible disappointment. Then, slowly, a cold smile drew over her face as she tilted her head to the side, saying softly: “That is why I took precautions.”

Her long, spiraled horn gave a faint white shimmer… and one of the curtains that stood in the corner of the room was torn aside, revealing the shivering, bruised body of Scrivener Blooms, the earth pony rasping softly for breath as he tried to give a feeble smile as Luna trembled and stared at him. Then his eyes clenched shut, and he groaned in pain as a vicious white aura surrounded him, Celestia’s horn glowing as she grinned cruelly, and Luna’s blood froze in her veins as her whole body stiffened, her eyes going wide and her starlight mane snapping backwards as Celestia murmured: “Earth ponies are as similar to us as the kitten is to the manticore. So small… so fragile… so weak.”

Scrivener shuddered, giving a quiet hiss through his teeth as his body trembled, and yet he refused to cry out as Luna stared in terror, in horror… and then beside her, Twilight Sparkle strode forwards and cried: “Princess Celestia, stop it, please! After all the research I did… after everything I did for you, gave you, after you had us gather the Elements of Harmony, after you had us fight Discord, after… after everything that’s happened… please, s-stop…”

Tears rolled down Twilight’s cheeks as she shivered on the spot, looking pleadingly up at the enormous, golden-armored ivory equine, and Celestia’s amber eyes seemed to stutter for a moment as the glow died out from around Scrivener, leaving him gasping quietly as he fell on his side… and then Celestia slowly stepped forwards, towering over the two, Twilight Sparkle shuddering even as she fought to hold her ground and Luna still so caught between terror and disbelief that she could only stare, frozen to the spot.

Celestia lowered her head, only a few feet away now as she studied Twilight with those terrible, glowing golden irises… and then she asked quietly, her voice strange and almost-hurt: “Am I not your teacher, your mentor, Twilight Sparkle? Do you not love me? Have I not taken care of you, taught you things I would teach no other, trusted you and shared with you in times of deepest darkness and brightest light? Luna I expected difficulties from, but never you, Twilight Sparkle… never my little pony, my special little pony…”

Celestia leaned down, her eyes glowing brighter as her face began to harden as Twilight backed away with a whimper, and then Celestia snarled before shouting: “Yet all this does is prove everything I say is true! Is it because I have not passed my power onto you? Is it because I’m stronger, better, smarter? Is it because of my glory, my throne? Selfish brat, all this goes to show is that friendship and love truly are nothing more than manipulations to fuel one’s own dreams and aspirations… and if you won’t join us, Twilight, you’ll die like all the others who must be cleansed!”

Celestia leapt forwards, dropping her horn as it glowed gold to spear the smaller unicorn, the female shrieking… and then Luna shot forwards like a bolt of lightning, her own horn meeting Celestia’s with a shower of gold and blue sparks, forcibly parrying her horn as their helmeted skulls almost crashed together as Luna gave a raw yell before her body slammed against the larger female’s heavily armored side.

It knocked Celestia off her hooves for a moment, but she was quick to slam them down with a curse, steadying herself even as she skidded to the side and half-around in a circle, Twilight shoving herself back against the doors in fear as Luna snarled and stood with her head lowered, her eyes blazing with ivory light as she shouted: “I shall not permit thee to harm Twilight Sparkle! I shall not stand speechless while thou tortures Scrivener Blooms! I have made a promise, sister, a promise to never give in again, and never did I foresee my wise, beautiful, once-loving sibling falling the way I fell… but if thou truly are lost, I shall stop thee, I shall not allow thou to make the whole of Equestria victims of the same foolish folly and power that has claimed thy once-honorable soul! Sister, if Sleipnir were here-”

“Sleipnir died a thousand years ago, and means nothing to me!” Celestia snapped back in return, and she rose to her full height, glaring furiously down at Luna as the smaller female gasped and then trembled in inarticulate fury. They glared at each other in silence for a few moments, Luna’s starry mane and tail burning off her like a bonfire, both standing with wings spread and Celestia at full height, Luna crouched and tensed, their horns glowing… and then the enormous, gold-armored female leaned forwards and said softly: “You know you cannot best me, little sister. After being warped and corrupted, after a thousand years of exile, after only taking the smallest steps in regaining your power… how can you fight me? I am the sun in the sky, I am the light that brings harmony to this world, I am the fire that will scorch all evil and darkness from this nation. I am salvation, and I am order. You are nothing but a twisted remnant in the shadows, a creature that I sought to have at my side… but if you and Twilight insist upon this path… I will purge you both first. There are always others… others who will understand my ideals, who will aid me. We will form bonds, and friendships, based not upon the silly ideals that they might seem at first, but instead knowing full well that it is circumstance and power that dictates our allies and our relationships.”

She stopped, then looked over her shoulder at Scrivener Blooms, the earth pony breathing hard as he lay silently, head bowed weakly forwards. “But I should have known that you’ve grown weak and pathetic. Earth ponies are less than pets to us, sister… they have no power, no strengths. Their only purpose is to slave beneath the hooves of their betters, toiling in the mud and mire where they belong. I should not have encouraged this pathetic relationship, but back then, I was still naïve and foolish, thinking somehow that all ponies had worth… but the knowledge of the world flows through me now, the Elements of Harmony make me righteous, Yggdrasil empowers me, and I understand the truth of the world.”

“All you’ve done is corrupt the elements… Celestia, please. Please stop…” Twilight whispered, trembling as she fell back on her haunches, staring pleadingly at the female, and Celestia only looked at her coldly. “I… I love you, you’ve been so good to me, you’ve always been so encouraging, you used to make me feel so safe, so secure, so confident, you were always so much more than a teacher, than even an idol… I d-don’t want…”

“Enough, Twilight Sparkle. Words are meaningless. But as you have studiously shared your findings on the magic of friendship with me, permit me now to share my findings with you.” Celestia said quietly, and then her horn sparked as her eyes glowed gold and she began to turn her head towards Scrivener Blooms, saying disgustedly: “For example, how we must sometimes cut out the weak to make room for better allies…”

Luna’s eyes widened as her heart thudded in her chest, and then she threw her head back and screamed in fury… and the cry shook the foundations of the Chamber of the Sun, sent cracks ripping through the floor as Celestia staggered backwards, grunting in surprise as her concentration was broken as Luna’s wings flapped, carrying her into the air as her eyes glowed brighter before turning dead back as she snarled down at her sister, roaring in a terrible, unnatural voice: “We have had enough, Celestia!”

Then Luna arched her back, shrieking, part of her panicking as a mix of pleasure and numbness shot through her form, filling her veins as her mane swirled around her and inky darkness began to spill like smoke from her body, her wings curling forwards as she floated high in the air as she howled again-

Luna stumbled, then stared around herself wildly: she was standing in a spotlight beneath the ivory moon above, and everything around her was pitch black, for a moment leaving her confused… and then, out of the shadows, a quiet voice laughed before a figure stepped forwards, whispering softly: “It’s alright, Princess Luna… it’s only me.”

The female snarled as the equine loomed out of the darkness, a blue helm tight over her skull, her coat deepest black, her hooves burning with dark flames and her wings leathery and bat-like as she smiled with a mouth full of sharp teeth. An armored, blue-tinged peytral plate covered her breast, solid and war-like, and yet so much of her was similar… the color of her irises despite the thin, feline pupils, the emblem on her haunch, the starlight that filled her ephemeral mane and tail… it was Nightmare Moon, and yet it was not Nightmare Moon.

Luna breathed hard in and out, studying the female as Nightmare Moon leaned down, her black horn glinting as the two stared eye-to-eye… and then a strange shudder went through Luna’s frame as Nightmare Moon slipped back a step almost invitingly… and barely aware of what she was doing, Luna hesitantly slid a hoof forwards, out of the spotlight cast from the full moon above, touching the inky, black floor as she willingly began to move out of the light… and Nightmare Moon smiled as she slipped back another step.

Luna hesitated… and the monster inside her shook its head slowly before meeting Luna’s eyes, murmuring quietly: “You do not understand, Luna… because you are afraid to. Because you reject again and again that the darkness inside you might have a purpose… but did the Elements of Harmony not flush the poisons from our system? Yes, I am Nightmare Moon… ask yourself, am I the same Nightmare Moon you once were?”

“What does thou mean…” Luna whispered, and Nightmare Moon smiled indulgently, stepping quietly away… and Luna took another nervous step out of the circle, only her hindquarters left inside the light now as she shivered a bit, lowering her head and murmuring: “I am… evil?”

“Oh, Luna, no, no, no…” Nightmare Moon soothed, stepping forwards now… but she only gently, lovingly nuzzled her, and Luna shivered even as her eyes widened in surprise before the dark, demonic equine drew away again… and then met Luna’s eyes, lowering her head with a knowing smile. “There was always darkness in you, wasn’t there? I was always there… and something else used me, used you, as a vessel, amplifying us in awful ways… but now I’m here to help. Yes, I am jealous, bitter, resentful… I am the part of you that indulges in violence, in destruction, in things little ponies quail from and quake at… but remember Nightmare Night, so long ago? The ponies laughed as you played pranks on them, enjoyed as you scared them. You were a hero once because of our strength…”

She stopped, then shook her head, saying softly: “But Luna… I do not have time to convince you of one thing or another. Here, you have to make a choice… you have to let me back in. You have to become me once again, if only for long enough to match Celestia’s cruelty with our dark talents… and what reassurance can I give you that I am not evil at this junction? Except what does it matter… if Celestia is not stopped, Twilight Sparkle, Canterlot, Equestria, Scrivener Blooms… all shall perish. And we wished to be loved, did we not? We were jealous… jealous of Celestia. She was our main target, no matter who got in our way and what we did to try and bring about the eternal night… we wished for them to see the beauty of moon and stars.

“No. The only reassurance I can truly give you… is that we too, wish to protect Scrivener Blooms. We love him the very same way you do… all we ever wanted… needed… craved… was a friend. And he is that and more… he admires us. We must save him.” Nightmare Moon met Luna’s eyes with her own, standing back, tall and proud as Celestia and yet wreathed with shadows instead of light… and yet for the first time, Luna wasn’t afraid of this thing inside her, this demon of darkness that looked so terrifying, yet exuded sorrow instead of the malevolent radiance that now surrounded once-glorious Celestia. “Please.”

Luna leapt out of the circle of moonlight, jumping towards Nightmare Moon and shoving herself against her, hugging her fiercely with her two front legs… and Nightmare Moon smiled softly, gently, leaning down as their starlit manes almost tangled together, kissing her forehead as if in dark blessing before whispering into her ear: “Good girl.”

And then Luna’s eyes snapped open as she howled again in reality, black flames and smoke and a starlit, glowing sapphire aura washing over her… before she dropped to the ground, hooves slamming savagely into the floor as the glow around her body faded and the last of the dark essence wafted off her body. Strong, raven-feathered wings flapped once as her deep-blue, star-glimmering mane and tail flickered and wafted around her, and her body had expanded, stretching the armor clutching tightly to her tall, lithe form, now easily able to look eye-to-eye with snarling Celestia. Her coat had become deepest obsidian, and her eyes of deepest cyan glinted, her slit-like pupils narrowed as she snarled and bared the sharp teeth of her maw, saying coldly: “We shall not allow thee to hurt anypony else, sister. No matter what we have to become. No matter what we have to do. We will stop thee.”

“Last time I sealed you in the moon, sister… this time, I will not be so merciful.” Celestia said darkly, a golden aura shimmering brightly over her horn. “It’s time to bring back the old ways.”

With that, Celestia reared back, flicking her head upwards as her horn sparked… but Luna threw herself to the side with a curse, barely avoiding an eruption of golden light and flame that tore through the spot she had been standing in but a moment before, chunks of stone flying in all directions as Twilight shrieked and scrambled towards a corner of the room, staring in horror as Luna skidded to the side before snapping her head forwards with a snarl.

A blast of lightning erupted from her horn, striking Celestia and making her twitch… then only grin savagely. “I am timeless and endless as the sun above… I am invulnerable, sister! Stop resisting and die!”

Her wings gave a mighty flap as Luna tried to run forwards, her horn glowing and enhancing the blast into a powerful torrent that sent Luna cursing and skidding backwards, her night-sky mane and tail snapping backwards before Celestia stomped a hoof against the floor. Spikes of rock immediately erupted forwards in a squat wall in front of her, and Luna’s eyes widened before Celestia snapped her head forwards with a snarl, the thick thorns ripping themselves out of the ground and launching at her one after the other like guided missiles.

Luna immediately dropped herself forwards, her horn glowing brightly as she snapped it back and forth like a blade, parrying and shattering each and every rocky missile that shot towards her even as the wind continued to blow and bite around her body, stony shrapnel bouncing off her helm and armored body and digging thin cuts along her face as she snarled before lunging towards Celestia as the ivory equine glared furiously at her sister.

She dropped her head forwards as Luna ran towards her, then suddenly lashed her horn upwards and to the side as it sizzled brightly, and a crescent-shaped blade of golden energy shot forwards, Luna’s eyes widening as she tried to throw herself out of the way too little, too late, before the blade of burning light crashed into her and exploded in a thunderous blast, sending her flying backwards with a shriek to crash on her side and roll several times, her armor charred and cracked. She winced as she skidded to a halt, trying to shove herself to her hooves… and then she looked up in horror as a terrible crashing filled the air, staring as Celestia stormed forwards, an unstoppable juggernaut in her massive armor as gold and white flames enveloped her entire body.

Luna shoved herself backwards, and almost struck the back wall as she looked towards Celestia, seeming to freeze up for a moment as she reared back, the equine drawing closer with her horn lowered as she barreled forwards… and then Luna suddenly grinned, and Celestia’s eyes widened before the Princess of the Night became nothing but ethereal blue fog and smoke, Celestia barreling uselessly through her to crash headfirst into the solid cement wall, horn ripping through it like butter but heavy body and momentum forcing her to continue forwards past this, cursing as her head crashed through the stone and her shoulders rammed hard enough into the cement to send spiraling cracks through it as the blue, glimmering smoke that was Luna shot to the side and slid along the wall before forming once more into the tall, darkness-kissed pony, Luna shouting angrily as Celestia forcibly tore herself from the wall with a humiliated, furious flush: “Enough, sister! Cease, and listen to reason!”

“I will not waste words with you, monster, I shall kill you and every other wretched beast in this miserable land, I will not allow you to disrupt my beautiful harmony!” Celestia howled furiously, and then her eyes glowed gold before she stomped both front hooves into the ground, and a wave of golden flames erupted beneath Luna, sending her hurtling high into the ceiling above with a loud crunch as she cried out in shock before gargling when Celestia’s amber eyes glowed brightly, matching the terrible aura around her horn as yellow flames surrounded Luna’s body.

She struggled weakly, but the fire burned as a telekinetic grip crushed into her, making her gasp and wheeze as she struggled in the savage vice of Celestia, who grinned callously as she strode slowly forwards, Luna helpless and panting as her eyes filled with agony… and slowly, Celestia leaned in towards her, standing only a few feet away as she began to tip her horn towards Luna as invisible claws seized Luna’s muzzle and yanked her head upwards, exposing the soft, vulnerable skin of her throat as Celestia whispered: “I should have done this all those years ago… you were always different, you were always evil…”

“S-Sister…” rasped Luna, but there was no reason, no rationality, no sanity or compassion left in Celestia’s soulless, glowing eyes as her horn sparked before glowing white… but then, before she could make the fatal attack, Scrivener Blooms crashed into Celestia’s armored side and knocked her staggering with a surprised grunt, tipped more by the weight of her own armor than the attack as the bruised earth pony collapsed with a wince and curse at the pain that shot through his body at the contact alone with the enchanted golden mail.

It was enough to distract Celestia, however, the female snarling as she flung Luna backwards against the wall, the winged unicorn crying out in pain as she bounced off before staring in shock as Celestia shouted furiously: “Worthless little slave-hoof, how dare you think yourself worthy enough to touch me!”

Celestia rose a hoof as it burst into golden flames, Scrivener looking up almost dully… and then she struck savagely down, slamming it into the side of the pony’s face and smashing him face-first into the ground, golden flames licking greedily at the male’s features as he howled in agony, skull crushed beneath the metal hoof-boot as its sharp edges tore against him. He screamed, and yet Celestia only looked down in disgust, as if she were crushing a bug beneath her heel… and then looked up too late as Luna gave a raw howl of rage.

Luna’s horn swept up beneath Celestia in a mighty heave, sending her flying upwards even in her heavy, massive armor, her eyes widening as Luna leapt over Scrivener’s prone body as tears of anger and despair and a flurry of other emotions spilled down the Princess of the Night’s face, her horn crackling with energy and powerful before a blast of lightning and blue flame shot upwards in a vicious streak, crashing into Celestia with enough force to send her hurtling upwards as she screamed in shock, the equine smashing not against, but through the heavy roof the Chamber of the Sun like a rocket, leaving a streak of black smoke behind her as lightning and blue flames surged over her armored frame.

And Luna looked down at Scrivener for a moment, tears dripping from her face before she launched herself upwards, ignoring the chunks of stone that brushed against her frame as she shot through the hole after Celestia, her wings flapping powerfully, propelling her into the bright sky, snarling in fury… and then staring in shock as she saw her sister already recovered, hovering silently as terrified ponies below yelled and pointed and Pegasi circled the two, obviously not knowing what to do.

Celestia’s armor was burnt and damaged… but much of Luna’s attack had been deflected – even if late – by the shield that had appeared on Celestia’s foreleg. A heavy kite shield inscribed with the symbols of the sun, the moon, and the earth, emblazoned in a holy triad that now crackled uneasily with energy… and Luna shook her head slowly as the two flew in a silent circle, judging each other, snarling at each other before Celestia said coldly: “Your battle is a hopeless one, Luna. Soon, all of Equestria will watch as I, Celestia the Radiant, cast down Nightmare Moon one final time beneath the glory of the sun… they revere me and revile you! They will never love you… they all crave the harmony and peace only I and I alone can provide!”

“Celestia, thy aim will destroy everything we have so long worked for… stop and look at thyself, at what thou hast become!” Luna shouted, and then she shot suddenly forwards, bringing her hooves up to rake them savagely at the female, but Celestia quickly rose the shield in front of herself, repelling the attack with a scream of hoof-on-shield before she rose her hind legs and kicked viciously outwards, the deadly, sharpened metal coverings over them flashing dangerously with golden light… but the kick went wild as Luna propelled herself upwards and snapped her horn down, sending a surge of lightning shooting towards her sister that knocked her backwards. “This is folly, this is madness!”

“It is for love and peace and harmony!” Celestia screamed in return, and this time she launched herself forwards, and Luna cursed as she flapped backwards, dodging a lash of one of Celestia’s hooves before the winged, armored unicorn threw herself through the air with a wild swing of the shield on her foreleg, and the lucky attack crashed into Luna knocking her backwards before she howled as she was battered once, twice, thrice again by the heavy shield as it glowed with radiant energy, kicking and shoving weakly at it before she fell limply through the air and barely managed to push herself in a steep, diving glide.

Her wings caught the wind, and she flapped them hard, twisting herself around as she shook her head to regain her senses as Celestia snapped her horn upwards… and around them, the daylight seemed to intensify, becoming blinding, scorching, as Luna hissed and flapped her wings, gritting her teeth as through even the magnificent radiance, Celestia gleamed like a golden, terrible star, shouting: “Your battle is over, Luna… I shall wash away your darkness forever, the sun shall never set!”

Luna hissed, trembling as she threw herself backwards, yet she couldn’t escape that terrible glow… before the female arched her back, her horn glowing with blue radiance, clenching her eyes shut as she shouted: “I will not allow thee to burn this world with thy accursed, insane light!”

And Celestia looked up in shock as in the distance, something rose from the horizon, arcing through the sky… and then covering the sun like a great black disc, a corona of gold and orange wreathing around the edges of the dark shape in the sky, making it seem to glare down like a terrible, wrathful god as ponies below shouted and screamed, and in the air, Celestia trembled and shook her head wildly before glaring furiously at Luna, howling: “I shall not permit you to bar the world of my glory, my light!”

Celestia shot towards her through the air, and Luna, cloaked in darkness and no longer blinded by the sun, looked sharply up before lunging to meet her, their hooves slashing at each other as their horns clashed before Celestia attempted to swing her shield out, but Luna darted to the ivory equine’s other side and shot upwards as she kicked both lower legs out, slamming her hooves into the female’s vulnerable side and knocking her through the air with a shriek… and enraged, eyes glowing with golden fury, Celestia tried to follow Luna upwards, clawing at her with her front hooves, horn glowing gold as it thrusted after her-

And in a sudden, shocking move, Luna arched her back and gracefully flipped herself in a rolling movement that carried her low, darting down just beneath Celestia as she began to pass… and then she flapped her wings once, straightening her body like a living spear, and her horn shot straight up and tore through the open flap just beneath Celestia’s right foreleg, thrusting into her breast as Celestia’s legs spasmed and uselessly kicked at thin air, Luna clenching her eyes shut as her helmeted head pressed against the female’s armored chest… and then the golden glow in Celestia’s eyes stuttered before her amethyst irises stared stupidly, weakly upwards as her wings managed one final flap before she let out a low, weak sigh.

Moving almost slowly, she spilled backwards, tumbling through the air some hundred feet high above the Chamber of the Sun… and Luna could only watch, hovering and staring, as like a golden, metallic comet, Celestia fell in a twinkling glow… and smashed through the ceiling of the squat stone building, sending up a plume of dust and stone. And for a moment, there was almost total silence, so quiet and stretching so far, that even from so high up Luna could hear the tumble and tinkle of stone and mortar and wood falling quietly from the broken rooftop… and then a single, loud shriek that started yells of horror and terror in the crowd below.

Pegasi shot through the air in a wide hurricane as Luna began to descend in a slow corkscrew towards the Chamber of the Sun below, her mind a blank, trembling quietly… and screams, cries of hysteria, yells and moans rose all around her. She could feel terrified, horrified eyes on them in the red light of the eclipsed sun, her eyes clenching shut as she slowly spiraled down, down, downwards… until finally, she glided quietly through the broken hole in the rooftop to find Twilight Sparkle sitting beside a rasping Scrivener Blooms… and laying on her side, broken and battered, Celestia was panting and bleeding from the deep hole in her chest, her eyes clenched shut and her body shivering and broken.

Her crown had fallen from her head, and it glinted almost maliciously, the charred wood of Yggdrasil squirming almost eagerly and the corrupted Elements of Harmony still glaring like eyes… and Celestia looked weakly up as Luna silently turned her back to Twilight and Scrivener, approaching her sister, her own armor broken and mangled, cuts and scrapes and battle damage across her body, her eyes sharp and cold as they looked down on her older sibling. For a moment, their eyes locked, and Luna rose a hoof… and Celestia only silently bowed her head, trembling as her tattered gold-and-white mane spilled around her, neither speaking.

Luna’s hoof crashed down like a hammer, glowing with black flames… and it crunched in the crown, shattering the ancient wood, tearing through gold plating, sending the melted tiara flying from its grips and causing the other gemstones to explode in a flash of light, and Celestia flinched, then looked up in stupid surprise before Luna quietly leaned down, embracing her sister tightly around the neck as her starlit mane flowed almost soothingly out over her body, squeezing her fiercely as she whispered: “Come on, big sister. Thou shall be fine, just fine.”

“L-Luna…” Celestia murmured weakly, trembling hard… and then she looked up as her mane and tail slowly both returned to their soft rainbow glow, the radiance fading from her bruised body as tears spilled from her eyes, taking a hitching breath. “Oh w-what have I d-d-done, little sister…”

“All will be well. We’re going to fix everything. We’re going to put it all back the way it has to be.” Luna said soothingly, stepping silently backwards… and Celestia trembled a bit as Luna stepped carefully, quietly away before smiling faintly as she rolled her shoulders, closing her eyes… and inside her, she felt Nightmare Moon writhe… but then fall silent and recede.

Luna’s body glowed quietly for a moment… and then shrank down, several broken plates of armor falling off as she returned to her normal size and shape, breathing hard as she lowered her head… and then she looked up silently at Celestia as the female tried to pick herself up, but only succeeded in flopping on the ground, moaning weakly, shuddering in pain as tears fell from her eyes… but she could tell it was not from the physical pain, from the terrible lines of sorrow and self-loathing etched over her features as the ivory horse said in a broken voice: “I’ve destroyed it all…”

“No, no, shush now…” Luna said quietly, trembling a bit as she shook her head… and Celestia stared at her, eyes hollow, her very soul cracked. “We shall fix this, sister. We shall. Thy people are scared… but none are hurt. None but for…”

She stopped, looking over her shoulder… but Scrivener only smiled faintly as he looked up at her, giving his head a slight shake… although half of his face was now marred by a terrible, enormous dark burn-scar, eye tightly shut, mane charred as Twilight trembled and looked up from beside him, whispering: “I did what I could to help him, but… Luna, Luna, what do… what do we tell everyone?”

Luna was silent… and then she quietly strode past Twilight and Scrivener, heading towards the doors as she bowed her head, Celestia helplessly looking towards her sister before the Princess of the Night glanced over her shoulder as she offered a faint, small smile. “Tell them… it was Nightmare Moon. After all… ‘tis what they saw, ‘tis what they will be all-too-glad to believe.”

“Sister, no, no! No, I… I will not lose you again!” Celestia almost begged, trying to drag herself forwards, her eyes wide and horrified as she shook her head wildly. “We’ll tell them the truth or…”

“Nay, sister, nay.” Luna said gently, and Celestia could only stare, trembling, as Luna’s eyes roved to Twilight as she looked helplessly at the female. “Thou must back up this story, Twilight Sparkle. That Nightmare Moon returned, and struck down Celestia… but that together, my sister and thee were able to drive Nightmare Moon… me… away. Most ponies already fear and hate me… ‘tis better this way. I will not have them lose their trust of mine beloved sister over… a single fault in countless years of wisdom and loving rule. I shall retreat to the Everfree Forest… I shall find a home there, safe in its dark recesses. I will be in no danger, and they shan’t give chase… and let me fade from their memories, becoming only an old mare’s tale one day once more, and let all forget Princess Luna.”

“No…” Celestia whispered… and then she dropped her head forwards as she simply broke down into sobs, dragging her hooves against the ground, shaking her head weakly, the mighty equine laying broken and defeated.

Luna closed her eyes as Twilight slumped, unable to argue… and Luna turned silently away before she frowned quietly as there was a scraping behind her, looking over her shoulder to see Scrivener smiling faintly as he walked towards her… and she shook her head slowly, saying quietly: “Do not come with me, Scrivener Blooms. Thou can have a better life without me. Thou hast done more for me than any other, and I wouldst not drag thee down with me into the darkness.”

“Without you, life isn’t worth living, Luna. I could be king of Equestria, and it would all be meaningless without you.” Scrivy said quietly, lowering his head for a moment… and Luna looked at him, trembling a bit, before the male glanced up and smiled faintly. “Besides, you’ll need someone to keep you company.”

Luna looked at him… and then she simply nodded slowly before stepping towards him, embracing him silently as blue mist began to rise around them, the two leaning together as their eyes closed and they smiled despite everything that had been lost in one fell swoop… and Twilight watched silently as they vanished, tears dripping from her cheeks as she shivered.

The violet unicorn lowered her head… then looked over her shoulder as Celestia looked up, pushing herself up and whispering: “T-Twilight… please… we can’t let… Luna, we can’t let Luna sacrifice herself…”

But Twilight only looked at the sobbing, broken female for a few moments with a strange, sad look in her eyes… and then she turned around, lowering her head and closing her eyes tightly as she murmured: “I’m sorry, Princess Celestia. I’m going to honor Luna’s wishes… for her. Not for you… for her.” She stopped, then looked over her shoulder, adding almost silently: “Goodbye.”

And with that, Twilight Sparkle turned silently towards the double doors, striding towards them as tears fell from her eyes, her horn glowing and yanking them both open before she strode out onto the grand stage of the sun, facing out over the rioting, crying, screaming crowd and throwing her head back as she shouted in a raw, broken voice: “Princess Luna is gone… Nightmare Moon has returned!”