• Published 2nd Sep 2012
  • 14,195 Views, 292 Comments

Moonrise - BlackRoseRaven

Luna begins an adventure that will change everything she's ever known. First of six stories.

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Moonrise: Moonfall

Nightmare Night came for another year, and across Equestria, it was somber: ponies of all shape and size dressed in costume, and many still celebrated… but it was muted, and there was a sense of looming terror as they looked towards the full moon in the sky, fearing the old mares’ tales, terrified that all the old legends would come true.

In Canterlot, Princess Celestia sat silently in an empty, dusty bedroom in the dark corner of the castle, staring out a cracked window wall, the curtains drawn back. On one side of her body, just below her foreleg, was a thick, circular scar… and she closed her eyes, bowing her head forwards with a tremble, tears leaking down her ivory features as she whispered: “I miss you, sister… I hope tonight of all nights… you’re okay.”

Canterlot itself was a flurry of solemn activity: candles burned quietly, lit for the lost Princess Luna, and priests prayed and guards nervously strode back and forth in pairs, ever-watchful. All throughout the capital, doors were tightly locked and windows were shut: here, there would be little celebration, little partying, the terror of Nightmare Moon all too real, all too close to home.

Yet in Ponyville, Twilight Sparkle was quietly putting the last finishing touches on her costume, Spike looking at her apprehensively as she finished dabbing the last of the paint over her body before the dragon said finally: “Look, Twilight, I know how you feel. Heck, we all know how you feel… but I don’t know if it’s something you should exactly go out advertising. Not all of Ponyville knows the truth…”

But Twilight only smiled faintly, glancing at Spike, Luna’s peytral plate on her chest and tiara on her head, her mane sparkling with glitter and her body dyed sapphire as she said quietly: “Then I’ll just tell anyone who gets mad I’m not Nightmare Moon… I’m Princess Luna. I’m doing it to honor the Princess, that’s all.”

“Speaking of which, Celestia sent you another letter… aren’t… aren’t you going to answer it? She really wants you back in Canterlot…” Spike said quietly… but Twilight only shook her head slowly as her eyes dropped, and the dragon rose his claws, nodding after a moment and saying finally: “Sorry.”

“No, Spike, no. It’s okay. I’m just… I’m not ready yet. I looked up to her so much, and I never expected to ever see… what I did. I thought she was perfect, and incorruptible, and I loved her… I still do love her. But… I can’t go back to Canterlot yet. Living with this lie is hard enough.” Twilight replied quietly, shaking her head slowly. “Ponyville is doing good for me. Being with my friends is good for me. And being able to visit Scrivy and Luna every now and then… I like that too. Besides, I think that everyone knows I’m not just visiting Zecora in the Everfree Forest anymore.”

She smiled a little, then shook her head slowly, saying quietly: “Come on, Spike. We shouldn’t keep the others waiting.”

Twilight lowered her head, her thoughts clustered, difficult: this last year had been hard for her, trying to explain to her friends again and again what had gone on, figuring out how to piece the Elements of Harmony back together, dealing with constant letters from Celestia and even surprise visits that impressed everyone except for her. She had only really spent time with Celestia once… and that was when she took Celestia out to one of the few places in the world she felt she was able to really relax.

Deep in the Everfree Forest, there was now a large cottage in the comfortable shade of a cliff, sitting near a small brook in a field. A path led around the side of the cliff face and up a gentle incline to the rear of the hill, and at the very top, a pony could see for miles over the treetops… look straight down at the roof of the cabin below… or straight up at the beautiful, brilliant sky, where the weather was wild but most nights were clear and kind.

The cottage was pretty, mostly built by hoof and hard work and the help of good friends… and inside it now, Luna and Scrivener lay comfortably on a simple, circular mattress in front of a crackling fireplace, smiling softly, resting overtop each other, their bodies pressed together. Scrivener’s features were scarred, but his build was stronger than it had been, his coat shimmering a little… and Luna, meanwhile, had the same starry mane, the same beautiful coat, the same gorgeous eyes… and yet she too seemed different somehow.

More than accepting the darkness inside of her, more than becoming comfortable with herself… she had found purpose in it, and meaning in sacrifice. She had given up an entire world, but found someone she wanted to spend her entire life with… and who had been willing to give up everything himself to share the same with her. Now, Luna was no longer Princess of the Night: now, she knew that most ponies feared her, and she would go down in history as a terror, a traitor, a demon… and yet she had saved her sister from madness, she had stopped the country from being plunged into war, she had found friends and love… and it made it all worthwhile.

It was tragic in a way… and yet she was at peace despite it. She rose the moon at dusk and set it at dawn – in fact, while Celestia had recovered from her injuries, she had taken on the duties of moving the sun as well – and she meddled every now and then in the affairs of Equestria and played the role of the trickster, often with Scrivener’s assistance and encouragement. She was stronger now, perhaps even more so than she had been in the past… and she had everything she needed. Not everything she wanted perhaps… but she smiled softly as Scrivener glanced at her, their eyes meeting, well on her way to getting a little more of what she desired already.

The two studied each other, Scrivy’s chestnut eyes gazing into her own dark irises, and then they both glanced amusedly to the side as a small, skeletal pseudodragon chirped, Sammy scurrying over to them before Luna said mildly: “’Thou shan’t steal this moment this time, little brazen beast.”

Then she and Scrivener gazed at each other, and they leaned forwards, mouths meeting in a soft, passionate kiss for several long moments that seemed to stretch into eternity… and then they parted, gazing lovingly at one another as their bodies pressed together, and Scrivener reached up and gently touched the single adornment Luna wore: a necklace of simple ivy, with a beautiful black pearl engraved with a black rose on it. “I love you, Luna.”

“As I love thou, Scrivener Blooms. Although still I sometimes think thou would prefer Twilight Sparkle over me.” Luna said musingly, but Scrivy only rolled his eyes and laughed, nudging her firmly.

“Yeah, well, sometimes I think the same thing, the way you look at her, Luna.” Scrivener retorted, and Luna headbutted him lightly, making him grunt and wince back as her horn brushed against the top of his skull. “Always comes back to the physical with you.”

“Just the way thou enjoys.” Luna replied comfortably, and the two smiled a little at each other before she asked softly: “Pray tell… did thou find the time today to finish penning the tale of yesteryear?”

“I did, as a matter of fact, and I transcribed most of it already. It’ll be ready to send to Celestia tomorrow… or I can do the rest of it tonight, if you prefer.” Scrivy glanced at her curiously, but Luna only laughed and shook her head, snuggling herself against him and closing her eyes.

“Nay, nay. Tomorrow is sooner than I expected, and I am in no rush at all.” Luna replied with a smile, nodding to him as she half-curled around the smaller male, murmuring: “I do not wish to forego this comfort for even a moment. Not until later tonight, when we go to Ponyville, to visit Twilight Sparkle before she can wander into the Everfree Forest ere yet again to try and visit us.”

“Hopefully we won’t bump into each other on the way, then. It’ll be a nice surprise for her… although I think you mostly just want to run around scaring people.” Scrivener replied mildly, and Luna smiled slightly even as she shrugged agreeably.

“Perhaps, but thou should be pleased that Nightmare Moon and I are… at peace.” She paused, reaching out and quietly stroking along the back of the skeletal pseudodragon that was curled up in front of their bedding, her expression softening as she murmured: “Thou hast aided me in ways thou may never fully comprehend in that endeavor, my handsome Scrivy.”

Scrivener only shrugged a little however, laughing quietly… and then he smiled and closed his eyes when she kissed his forehead, murmuring: “We shall be together forever. Perhaps ‘tis selfish of me… but I shall not live without thee, and will not permit thee to live without myself.”

The male only smiled again, however, kissing Luna’s neck quietly as he said softly: “And I wouldn’t have it any other way, Luna… and can’t thank you enough for it. My blood runs in your veins, your blood runs in mine… you’ve gifted me with your vitality. More than that… you’ve gifted me with countless years that I’ll now be able to spend with you, Luna… assuming we don’t kill each other, that is.”

She laughed at this thought, then smiled softly, gazing down at him quietly and saying softly: “Nay, we shan’t. Hurt, yes. Maim, perhaps. But never kill… my poor sister, I think she suffered loneliness herself, seeing herself as protector and matriarch first, friend to ponies of Equestria second, revered by them so greatly that in their worship, they set her apart and alone. A thousand years of being their protector, of being revered… and then simple nightmares, nudged perhaps by feelings of displacement by the return of myself and perhaps also the growth of Twilight Sparkle… but who knows? Madness comes, madness goes… ‘tis not logical or sane. For almost a year we have tried to pick apart her reasons… and ‘tis not something Celestia speaks of easily. Poor Celestia… I think she is more tortured now than I ever was…”

Scrivener nodded after a moment… and then the two gazed into one-another’s eyes, smiling softly as Luna said quietly: “But all that now ‘tis unimportant, but dust in the wind, shadows in the past. I have thee, and thou hast me. ‘Tis all that matters.”

“’Tis.” Scrivener said softly, and the two smiled tenderly to one another, in the cottage beneath the moon, deep in the Everfree Forest, exiles from the sun… and yet content to live forever in the embrace of the darkness, together.Forget what you want; get what you need.

October 25th – November 4th, 2011

Comments ( 170 )

YAY! Everypony come read this, I am very excited to see the first piece of the grand saga posted here :)

Oh wow this finally found it's way here? Fuck yes, insta watching. and faving.

The last chapter's name gives me a sad foreboding feeling. :( I hope nothing bad happens.

Formation Of Damnation - Testament

It's just too good!!!:heart:


Thanks very much, and for the fave and watch, too. Going to take me a little while, but soon most of the stories should be up here.


This. Pretty much works for the series. Nice pick.


I've been reading these since the first or second one, why not track fav and track?


Thanks very much, and I appreciate the favorite.


I'm glad to hear you think so and hope you continue to enjoy any of my future works you might read. Thanks very much for the favorite too.

Read this on fanfiction and loved it, its great to see it on fimfiction :)
I would recommend this to anyone as a good read same with the sequels.

FINNALY it's here


Thanks for the welcome to the site, I'm glad to hear you enjoy my work so much and I really do appreciate it. I hope you continue to enjoy my writing: after I get all the old stuff posted up, I'll be adding more new writing.


Yep, finally started converting everything to post here, too. I'll be posting things up as I can and then get new stuff rolling in. Thanks for the interest, fave and watch, it's all very much appreciated.


Thanks very kindly. I'm glad to hear it proved such a good read: I'm only happy to see the people who are findin' it are enjoyin' it.

This was a good beginning to what appears to be an epic tale.


Thanks very much. I hope you continue to enjoy the Edda.

Beautiful ~ but no clop:fluttershbad:


Thanks very much. But I don't think I've actually written any clop yet. Just referenced things in passing. A lot.


It's a pleasure to hear you're enjoying the story so much, particularly Luna and the bastardized dialect she speaks. For me, the characters are always the biggest part of the story, more than anything else. I appreciate your comments and I hope you continue to find the story worthwhile as you progress, since there's. Lots and lots.
Also, thanks kindly for the fave and the watch. It's much appreciated.

Yay for Luna, she seems happy, and someday I am sure she will be able to come out of hiding... well actually that's pretty likely considering this is just barely the beginning of the actual story. I really wish my schoolwork wasn't demolishing ALL of my freetime it seems, it made it so I could only read this chapter by chapter, when all I really wanted to do sit down and read it through! After all, with the size of the Edda, I don't really need to worry about prolonging it. Looking forward to the next installment, because this one was awesome.


Thanks kindly. I'm glad you were able to enjoy the story and hope you like the sequels just as much, if not more. It is a lot to read, after all, and they get steadily. Stranger, too, in plenty of ways. But there's certainly lots to see and I greatly appreciate your comments and readership.

A wonderful story. I am very glad to find a story where Celestia isn't the wise, manipulative, and infallible ruler that she is usually portrayed as.


Thanks very much. I try to just let the characters develop themselves, even though it goes in unexpected directions half the time.

Always been a Luna fan - it looks like she's your specialty, so I hope I'll be happy here!
Only just started reading this one, but I have a few (picky) comments:
1: You go out of your way to refer to ponies (esp. Celestia/ Luna) by a wide range of identifiers, almost like you're trying to avoid using the same one twice on any given page. That's fine, but I found some were a bit difficult to associate with a particular pony.
2: The opposite is true of expressions, where you use 'flatly' an awful lot.
3: The use of 'male' and 'female' rather than 'mare' and 'stallion'; it's accurate, but seems oddly impersonal.
4: Capitalisation of 'pegasus' - in this context it should be lower case, I think, as Pegasus was a specific creature.
...other than that, I'm enjoying it so far - and it looks like there's much more to go!


I hope you enjoy the stories too, then, and find 'em a worthwhile read. There is quite a lot, yes, and I just kind of. Flailed along with things.
I do have a few bad habits, yes, and you noticed one of my biggest ones right away. I'll use a descriptor about a thousand times in a row without meaning to or realizing it. And the Pegasus thing is another quirk, yeah. I am no longer quite sure why I capitalized it everywhere. But I'm sure I had some reason. Maybe. Possibly.
Thanks very much, though, and I hope you like it as it progresses.

It's likely because that's what your word processor auto correct pops up (mine does the same).
OK, so finished this one - very glad it's only the start, because that ending left me pretty depressed. I should probably withhold judgement until after I've read the sequel (who knows what else is going on in the background!), but going with what I have:
==The ending is so far out of the blue that I'll probably have to reread to see if I missed something obvious, if not then you'd probably benefit from a spot of foreshadowing to prime the reader.
==Third alicorn (? not sure, have to recheck, I know the real Sleipnir isn't), the one tied to the third astronomical body (ie the planet) is such an obvious idea, feels very 'right' (I'm surprised I've not read it elsewhere).
==A few bits did cause me problems: Twilight and the Royal Guards, and some of SB's interactions with Luna. Might be me being a bit overly picky though. Also "Twilight babbled, wincing and bringing her hands up" in 'Waxing Crescent'.

Ending aside, I have a lot of sympathy for Tia in this; I wouldn't trust your Luna either.
Final thing: the dates at the bottom of the last chapter. Is that the period you wrote it over?


There is still much mess to be made, yes. I hope that you find continuing to read the series worthwhile, and find whatever you may further read more enjoyable, in that case.
Sleipnir is an earth pony, actually. Well. He has weird hair too. But the first time I actually describe him isn't until a flashback in Starlit Knights.
And well, Scrivener Blooms is kind of a butt a lot of the time. Thanks for noting that part with hands, I... I always seem to do that. Properly getting down "hooves" took me until at least the fourth big story and even now I still write "arms" and "hands" half the time.
But yes, they are. I have a habit of writing down the dates for any of my longer stories. I'm not entirely sure why or even when I started doing it.

Only found out about Sleipnir recently; I'll never be able to see Loki in the same light again...
I have the same problem, and no matter how many times I reread my stuff something like that always gets through.
So about 70K in 10 days. Right. I did this year's NaPoWriMo (that's Pony, not Poetry), and managed to clear the last 10K in two days (it nearly killed me - it was the first time I'd ever actually noticed the muscles in my forearms). Towards the end I think I was starting to hallucinate.
The next question is 'how'? Literally. Is it planned out in detail, or do you just follow a few basic plot elements to see there they go? How much time do you spend on it a day?

I'm somehow sure that he made a very loving mother, though. But uh. Yes.
And well, it just takes time and practice. Lots of both. I'm pretty much always writing, wherever I go, and every little bit adds up. But the actual "how" of my writing is uh... a little trickier. Because I don't plan anything out whatsoever. I get a basic idea in my head, and sometimes I'll know how the story ends. Sometimes. And then I just let my hands take over and do all my writing for me. They seem to know what to do, and they just... go go go. All I have to do is sit at the computer or hold my writing notebook. But usually when I have free time, my free time is spent writing, because that's just... what I do.
What helps me a lot is the fact that I set a quota of pages to do. And I don't really let myself do anything else until that quota is met. Sometimes I do it quick, sometimes I do it slow, but usually by the time I reach my quota I'm in a groove and very happy to just keep going.
Some people also think I'm a machine. Or a Draconequus. I like these explanations a lot more than my own.

You are a machine....

Also, I am rather sad that I read Six Broken Ponies as my first introduction to your writing... I feel it would have been even better if I'd read it in the correct sequence, but knowing how this was bound to end had me looking in places I otherwise may not have looked... and seriously, two great stories read now. I really can't complain.

Any little nitpicky things I noticed have already been mentioned, and knowing the exceedingly short amount of time in which this was written.. yeah. Worth it. ;)


Thanks very kindly. I'm glad it proved enjoyable, even if SBP does kind of. Give away the ending a little, yes. But don't worry, there's lots of crazy twists and turns to come. I hope you continue to enjoy readin', though - and it does sound like you're off to a good start with Lunar Lights, at least - and thanks for the fave on this, too, it's much appreciated.


Thanks very kindly, and for favin' all the Edda and the watch, too. I hope you continue to enjoy my stories: the versions I post on here tend to be cleaner than the ones posted over on Fanfiction, too, since I can make edits as I see them instead of having to replace entire chapters or whatnot to fix any mistakes I come across.


Thanks very much, and I appreciate the faves too. I hope you continue to find the series just as enjoyable, if not more so.

The last two chapters are so epic... I have been waiting for something like this since the moment I saw the description of the second story, but still, the end beat all my expectations.
Also, I know many people already said this, but why does your story has only 40+ favourites at this moment? As for me, It deserves 400... or maybe 4000 favourites. This is sad and unfair.


Thanks very much. I'm glad you found the story so enjoyable. It's a pleasure to see people are still liking it so much and I'm glad to know the ending proved so strong. Hopefully the further stories will prove as good a read too.


Thanks very much. I hope it proves a good read through and through.

This is some good shit. Thank Jesus I have the rest of the stories in this series to entertain me now:twilightsmile:


Thanks very much. I hope the rest of the stories prove just as much a pleasure to read, if not more so.


Thanks very much. Glad it proved a good read.


I never actually thought of that. That is quite good.
Thanks very kindly for the fave, as well.

I wonder, will Luna merge with nightmare moon like Scrivy did with the Wyrms for the final story?

Dammit! I've accidentaly read the description of like the 6th or so story in this series and now I know what happens to Luna. You should really do something about at least putting "SPOILER" at the beginning of the sequels. And before you call me stupid - I found that story on accident and before I knew that it was a sequel to something I already read the first or so sentence. :twilightangry2:
Going to read it anyway.


I really need to go through and update all the descriptions at some point, I do. But I hope you're able to enjoy the story anyway, and there should still be a surprise or two here or there.


I'm happy to see it's being enjoyed so much, and all over again. I much appreciate the fave, too, and I'm glad to know that When Scrivy Met Twilight was enjoyed so greatly as well. It's a real pleasure to know people are so interested in these long, crazy stories. Thanks very much for all the support.

You know, before reading Moonrise I had read descriptions to the first six parts of his saga, but still there were MANY of unexpected plot twists and other good things, so you shouldn't worry about accidentally reading some of it.

Comments of readers, on the other side... now these are dangerous things, I don't recomment reading them until you finish a story.



Thank you very kindly, and I much appreciate the faves and the watch too. It's quite a long series so I hope you enjoy the other stories just as much, if not more.

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