• Published 2nd Sep 2012
  • 14,184 Views, 292 Comments

Moonrise - BlackRoseRaven

Luna begins an adventure that will change everything she's ever known. First of six stories.

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First Quarter

Moonrise: First Quarter, No Quarter

Celestia paced slowly back and forth across the carpet, her eyes cold, the flames in the fireplace behind her seeming to burn hotter in response to her anger as she stormed around the wide den. The carpet beneath was plush and comfortable, the walls were lined with beautiful paintings, there were soft and comfortable pillows and furnishings… and yet the gorgeous living area that would be inviting any other time felt like a prison cell, the walls seeming to loom in, suffocating the smaller pony despite the ceiling that seemed countless feet above.

Luna stood with her head bowed shamefully, her eyes on the floor, only waiting for her big sister to either calm down or finally snap as Celestia’s mane flowed around her, the ephemeral rainbow seeming to sizzle with her emotions. Her eyes blazed, her hooves left dents along the floor, her body flexed with her movements… and finally, Celestia came to a halt in front of her little sister, the smaller, deep-blue pony wincing away and flinching despite herself as the larger pony asked sharply: “What happened?”

“I was… merely sparring a little with Twilight. I thought to teach her a little about the lost art of horn foiling, and-” Luna began, and Celestia stomped forwards, glaring down at her and making Luna wilt back at the fury in her eyes.

“Horn foiling? Luna, what were you thinking? Only half a dozen unicorns across Equestria remember that ancient art, us included, and that is how it should remain!” Celestia snapped, glaring challengingly down at her little sister. “That is a relic of the past, and it should stay in the past… unicorns do not need to know any longer how to fight with horn and hoof alone, any more than they need to know the old magic! We are a peaceful, prosperous kingdom!”

“Sister, Twilight Sparkle and her friends are linked to the Elements of Harmony, ‘tis my belief that would only do good to teach them methods of self-defense… their very link with the Elements of Harmony makes them targets to forces nefarious and vile, and-” Luna began, and then she winced away when Celestia stomped a hoof down and the flames in the fireplace leapt up for a moment.

“Sister, enough!” Celestia shouted, leaning down and snarling, and Luna winced back even as she felt her own anger beginning to boil inside of her. “The Elements of Harmony are more than enough to protect Twilight Sparkle as it is. She does not need your help. She does not need to learn to fight. She is not a warrior and neither are you any longer. We are Princesses of a peaceful kingdom now, and we shall remain that way, do you understand me?”

Luna rose up, gritting her teeth, her own eyes glowing as she shot back: “Thou cannot decide what I am, Celestia! Thou cannot and thou shall not! Nor can thou decide what the entire nation must and shall be, ‘tis foolishness… thou art but the guide and figurehead of Equestria, not its dictator!”

Celestia turned away with a snort of derision, looking into the flames and breathing hard… and then she closed her eyes and visibly slumped forwards as Luna’s breaths made her entire body shake, her eyes glowing with her fury before Celestia said quietly: “Luna, a thousand years have passed. We’ve found harmony and peace, even with the enemies Equestria still has. But nothing has appeared that warrants warmongering, and once the artifacts from the vaults are back in my possession, the ponies of Equestria will be protected from even the mightiest of foes, from even the forces that are older and crueler than us.

“Little sister, my goal isn’t to rule over these ponies. My goal is only to protect them.” Celestia turned around, shaking her head slowly and meeting Luna’s glare. “We have moved on from the days of fighting and warring, of dragon-slaying and grand adventures. The ponies are content to live their lives in peace and prosperity, unthreatened by the world around them: they live in safe pockets and safe places, protected from the dying breeds of monster and mayhem that are no longer common in this world. Tyrant Wyrms have been forced out of Equestria, and we have uneasy peace with the dragons… the beasts that are left roaming the dark pockets in our country are at most animals, except in the deepest shadows where no pony has any reason to tread. Just because our ponies prefer to rest on their laurels in peace does not make them weak.”

“Celestia, thou art not eternal… and if thee protects yon ponies from every problem now, what will happen come the future, when true crisis looms or thou art simply gone? Then what shall they do? How shall they protect themselves? Even thy soldiers art sloppy and crude.” Luna said distastefully, shaking her head fiercely. “What does thou fear, that they will wage war against one-another should they learn to pick up sticks and fight, or that no longer will thou be needed?”

Celestia’s eyes blazed at this, and then she stepped forwards with a snarl, and Luna was crushed down into the ground with a gasp as the female’s horn glowed bright gold, the entire room seeming to shudder as Luna’s legs trembled and buckled, wincing at the massive surge of telekinetic force before Celestia narrowed her eyes, leaning back and standing tall as she looked down coldly at her sister, saying quietly: “Is that the show of power you wanted, Luna? Proof that I’m still your big sister, and still as strong as ever?”

Luna only grimaced a bit, slowly picking herself up, flushed and humiliated and furious and a little scared all at once… but Celestia only shook her head, sighing quietly and murmuring: “There are other methods of defense apart from teaching ponies to kick, gouge, and bite, little sister. Twilight Sparkle and her friends, for example: in time, as they harness the Elements of Harmony together, I have no doubt they’ll become great heroes. That Twilight herself may one day rule in my stead, should the day come where I must finally abdicate my throne or leave to join the Horses of Heaven. The magic of friendship is fascinating, Luna, it makes every pony joined together by it strong, links them in a chain that cannot be broken by physical force, perhaps not even physical death. It may be stronger than the old magic, which only permits us to hurt one another, and often uselessly.”

The smaller pony was silent as she shook her head, starry mane curling quietly around her as she stayed resting back on her haunches, faint pain still pulsing through her system as Celestia gazed down at her with her amethyst eyes, saying softly: “Little sister, tonight you lashed out again in anger. I need you to stay in control of yourself, one way or another. If this means I must assign guards to watch your every movement, I will, but I hesitate to do that. Just as I do not wish to quarantine you… but for now, I wish for you to remain… quiet.”

“Art thou sending me to my room, Mother Celestia?” Luna asked ironically, and then she flinched back when Celestia glared angrily at her, even as she fought to look up and meet her sister’s gaze with as much bravery as she could muster.

For a few moments there was silence… and then Celestia finally shook her head and said quietly: “I recognize you seem to think that Scrivener Blooms is enough to help you each night, but I will be assigning new servants to you. I will also request that you stay in your quarters as much as possible until the excitement over what has occurred dies down.”

Luna looked disgustedly down at the ground and shook her head, and then Celestia sighed and gestured towards the door, saying quietly: “There is no point in discussing this further, little sister. Please return to your quarters.”

The Princess of the Night looked up angrily, her eyes faintly glowing for a moment, but Celestia only looked icily back, and Luna knew it would do no good to argue. So instead, she finally closed her eyes and nodded, turning away silently and shoving the door open with a tilt of her head towards it, storming out into the hall beyond.

She made her way through the castle, past the few servants still awake and guards that gave her a wide berth and dark scowls. Word of what she had done had likely spread throughout Canterlot quickly despite the late hour… and she gritted her teeth, grinding them together as she stormed her way towards her quarters, ignoring everyone she came across.

Scrivener Blooms was in her room, the pony glancing up from a stack of books at her desk as Luna muttered under her breath, slamming the door behind her with a flick her mane before she turned around and lowered her horn, a blue aura glowing brightly over it as a circle of runes inscribed itself rapidly over the wood, carving a silence spell in blue flames before Luna whirled back around, taking a slow breath as her eyes closed… and then she threw her head back with a howl of outrage as she stomped her hooves against the ground, before kicking wildly back at the air, lunging furiously back and forth as she swept her horn around in devastating arcs as shocks ran through her starry mane and energy bruised the air around her.

Scrivy only sat back, watching as Luna stormed back and forth until she finally tired herself out, dropping back and slumping as her lower lip trembled, staring at the ground… and the equine walked over to her, gently embracing the pony. She closed her eyes, resting her body against him and hugging him fiercely in return as she half-curled around him, muttering: “Words are terrible things, Scrivener Blooms. My horn can let me gouge and cut and bleed mine enemy, but words can lash further than any spell, and cut deeper than any knife without ere spilling a drop of blood. Truly, poet, it is not myself but thee who has the most dangerous gift of all.” She paused, then added grouchily: “I pray thee to use it on mine sister Celestia.”

“It’ll be okay, Luna. It will.” Scrivy simply squeezed her gently, and the female sighed and slouched a bit, looking moodily at the ground. “Did things really go that badly?”

“I… I know not.” Luna said honestly after a moment, glancing awkwardly down. “On one hoof, Celestia continues to… act almost more as master over me than sister. On the other, I understand mine own reaction to the guards’ folly was not… the most mature approach. Inside me boils great anger and frustration that I cannot vent except for in childish tantrums… I am not permitted to perform feats of magic, and now I am not permitted to share my other skills with those I would gladly entrust with them. And I fear that in present and future, Celestia will watch me closely in her scrying glass or through the eyes of guard and servant… and I know this shall only further incite and agitate mine aggravations.”

Scrivener nodded a little, but he didn’t know what to say as they rested together, moving to sit side-by-side, pressing flank-to-flank… and then she sighed a little, saying quietly: “I fear that I have ruined all, Scrivener Blooms. After months of work, again the guards will like-as-not look at me as if I were a monarchical prisoner, a bat to keep inside her gilded cage… and the servants and nobles and all others will see only Nightmare Moon. I am only glad that Twilight Sparkle was not injured in the quarrel.”

“Twilight and her friends are not afraid of you, Luna… they offered words of encouragement and support after Celestia dragged you off. You still have tomorrow night to try and enjoy with them… and we can spend it outside of the castle, perhaps in the Garden of the Moon, how about that? Even Celestia won’t be able to find a problem with you spending the time there with them.” Scrivener said quietly, nudging her lightly… and Luna smiled a little before she nudged him gently back. “Anyway, much as I hate to say it… it was a very impressive display.”

“I… enjoyed myself. I should not have, yet I did, and I know ‘twas clear to all others there that I did as well.” Luna said quietly, closing her eyes and lowering her head forwards. “’Twas a reminder of olden times long since past… the grand tournaments, the jousts, the duels, the battles. Beneath our feet, stone and sallow dirt, above our heads, the limitless sky, all around us walls of stone and gates of steel and the excited onlookers…”

Luna smiled a little, dropping into reverie as she lowered her head forwards, starlit night-sky mane spilling over her face as she continued softly: “Celestia preferred to watch… Sleipnir and I preferred to participate. Testing our mettle against ponies tall and strong and stout and short, against young and old, foolhardy and wise. ‘Twas wonderful… ‘twas a way to find pleasure in the pain, an enjoyable practice for the terrors of the real field. But… but I apologize, Scrivy, I do not expect thou art fond of listening to me speak of bloodier times with such… fervor…”

She shuddered a little, whether out of fear of the pleasure she took in the memories or out of fear of that darkness inside her, Scrivy didn’t know… but instead he only shook his head slowly, saying quietly: “Not at all, Luna. You know that I’m always interested in learning more about you… and I think in a way I get what you’re saying. I’ve come to get to know you fairly well, after all… and more importantly, to understand the way you tick.”

Luna laughed quietly at this, shaking her head a bit and saying softly: “My thanks to thee, Scrivener Blooms. I must admit… I’ve become very fond indeed of our chats, and have come to enjoy… speaking of myself, and things that in other company goes misunderstood, whether by fact of ignorance or purpose.”

“And I really do like your pretentious accent.” Scrivy replied mildly, and Luna gave him a flat look for a moment before she rose a foreleg and punched him lightly with a hoof, making him wince back. “And even your not-very-nice attitude.”

“Thank you, Scrivener Blooms, thou art making me feel perfectly at ease with thy unmatched kindness.” Luna said dryly, voice dripping sarcasm, and Scrivy shrugged and gave her an amused look, which just made her roll her eyes and grumble even as she relaxed a little. “I swear thou exists simply to test my patience.”

“Well, possibly. But would you have it any other way, Princess?” Scrivener asked with a slight smile, and Luna nodded after a moment, gazing at him with gentle fondness. “Besides, maybe I’ll learn a thing or two from your experiences. About adventuring, I mean… with this whole journey into the Everfree Forest coming up, I should probably figure out some way I’ll actually be of use to you.”

“You’ll write poems and epic tales outlining our adventure. And carry things for me.” Luna replied mildly, looking at him seriously, and Scrivener grumbled and dropped his head forwards with a mutter. “Come, now, Scrivener, thou art too hard on thyself. In all honesty… thy accompaniment on this journey is necessary for much more than labor and whimsy. I… wish not to tread upon this path alone.”

Luna glanced down with an awkward blush, and Scrivy smiled a little at her, looking touched before he nodded back and said quietly: “Then why don’t you tell me a little about adventuring, Luna? Just so… I can get a feel for it.”

The Princess glanced up at him for a moment… and then she nodded slowly, smiling softly as their eyes met, her deep, serious eyes seeming to glimmer for a moment as she murmured: “It would be my fondest delight.”

For hours they talked, interrupted only just before daybreak, when there had been a quiet knock at the door… and Luna had been delighted to see Twilight Sparkle. Scrivy had slipped over to the desk to give them some semi-privacy, and after apologizing repeatedly for what had happened despite Twilight’s protests, Luna had asked the unicorn all manner of questions, fascinated by her magic studies and the way it had changed so much from her days.

But by sunrise, there had been another knock, and a pair of burly royal guards had appeared to summon Twilight Sparkle to speak with Princess Celestia about a private matter. Luna had been less-than-thrilled and Twilight had looked uncomfortable, caught between her loyalties as she was… but finally, the Princess of the Night had gently shooed her and muttered that she and Scrivy had to sleep anyway.

Scrivener had figured this was his cue to head back to his room, after the guards left with Twilight… but without even looking, Luna had slammed the door with a flick of her horn before Scrivener could reach it, and then she had muttered: “Come here, Scrivener Blooms, sit beside me. I would direly like to feel like there is one whose company my sister cannot steal from me.”

The male had sat quietly beside Luna on her bedding, and then he had sighed and gently pushed her down, making her frown a bit before he carefully brushed her starry mane aside, smiling a little at how strange it felt, how it made his hooves tingle to touch… and then he began to quietly work his hooves along her back, massaging gently along her spine as he said quietly: “I can’t promise Celestia will always permit me to be by your side, Luna, but I stopped treating this as a job a long time ago and now just see myself as helping out… a close friend in need. Now relax a little. Sleep will do you good.”

“I… thou hast my thanks, Scrivener Blooms.” Luna said awkwardly, closing her eyes and fidgeting a bit, but slowly, her body began to untense under the ministrations of the male’s hooves, her breathing becoming more regular, her muscles loosening up as she muttered: “Stupid Celestia. One day I shall drop the moon upon her head.”

Scrivener only smiled a little and shook his head slowly at this, continuing his quiet, gentle massage… and soon enough, Luna was asleep, snoring quietly as she lay comfortably on the bedding, one of her legs kicking quietly. Scrivy smiled a little, glancing up at the light trying vainly to push through the drawn curtains, and then he yawned before letting himself quietly sit beside her on the bed, gazing down at her both affectionately and sorrowfully as he murmured: “I wish I was strong enough to help you, Luna. But much as I want to watch out for you, I’m just a poet… you’re the heroine. More than Princess Celestia ever was.”

Scrivy closed his eyes… then he yawned quietly and let himself settle to the bedding, feeling too tired and drained to move, thinking it would be only a short nap… and what seemed like only five minutes later, he opened his eyes as something shook him before Luna said gently: “Awaken, Scrivener Blooms, thou art in my bed for perhaps the fifth time this week alone.”

Scrivener blinked, then he sat up and winced embarrassedly… but Luna only smiled amusedly at him before she gestured quietly towards a large platter with two bowls of salad on it, the female saying quietly: “The servants dropped breakfast off but a few moments ago. We shall eat, and then we shall make our way outside. ‘Tis only just past sunset, we have no need to rush to meet our friends just as yet.”

The male nodded a little after a moment, blushing a bit as he glanced down at himself, and then he grimaced, reaching up and brushing awkwardly at his half-coat as he muttered: “I can’t believe I’m still wearing this, too. Sorry, Luna, I guess-”

“Apologize not. Thy presence is welcome. Thou art like a large stuffed animal I can keep in mine bed without having to fear mockery from mine sister.” Luna replied firmly, and Scrivener gave her a dry look, not knowing whether to be touched or insulted. “Eat thy breakfast, Scrivener Blooms.”

“You eat… your breakfast.” the male grumbled in return, and then the two bumped against each other before they both began to munch in quiet. It was short, but pleasant… and as always when they ate in the quiet reprieve of their rooms, the food was exceptional.

Finally, Luna straightened, chewing the last of her food in a very unladylike fashion before she glanced to the side: a moment later, the curtains still covering the window glowed faint blue before they drew open, revealing the bright, starry night, and the female gazed longingly out at this as she said quietly: “I am admittedly concerned, Scrivener Blooms. I know my sister well, and it is likely that she will be keeping a sharp eye upon these events as they unfold, to ensure I do not go beyond the bounds she has decided must be set for me… and I do not know how to speak to these ponies. Perhaps ‘tis folly to attempt this…”

“Luna, don’t wimp out now.” Scrivy chastised, and Luna frowned over her shoulder at him, although the look was more pouty than it was irritated. “They liked you just fine yesterday… and today, we’ll just… try and stick to conversation. Think of it as a learning experience… after all, you’ve spoken with Twilight now for some time, you have topics you can go to… and you can practice talking like a normal pony for once, too.”

“Oh, be silent, Scrivener Blooms. And… here, by the Horses of Heaven, thou art so messy.” Luna grumbled, and her horn glowed blue as she leaned towards him, the earth pony wincing back… and then fidgeting as his half-coat glowed, beginning to quickly smooth itself out, dust and smudges vanishing from it as she muttered: “I swear, without me, thou must have been a sordid mess.”

“And without me you were all whimpering and whiny.” Scrivy grumbled before he could stop himself, and Luna’s eyes shot upwards with surprise, making him wince a little… and then he grinned awkwardly at her as they narrowed slightly, the glow around his coat tightening as his clothes began to squeeze against his frame. “Please don’t hurt me.”

“Thou art a rude, sallow ingrate.” Luna enunciated slowly, as the glow grew around Scrivener and he was lifted into the air with a wince… and then she sighed and smiled a little, her telekinetic grip loosening even as she continued to hold him in the air. “But what I find most disheartening is that thou art right, I only wish that thou would realize it. Thou continues to see me as legendary… yet all that I am is merely a pony who wishes to see others smile, and to experience the wonderment of friendships I never before had for myself.”

She stopped, looking down thoughtfully, her horn and Scrivener both still faintly glowing blue… and then the pony cleared his throat before he asked mildly: “Then can… you please put me down or something? This is getting a little awkward.”

“No, I rather enjoy these games.” Luna replied comfortably, and then she swirled her head with a slight smile as her night-sky mane and tail both flicked and spilled backwards, and Scrivy grimaced and cursed, flailing his limbs as he was easily spun around above the ground, visibly wincing. “Part of me has always relished this power, as I am sure by now thou knows well. Perhaps more than mine sister Celestia… or perhaps not as much. ‘Tis hard to tell, considering her manner of rule.”

“Can… you please put me down now?” Scrivener asked in a strangled voice as he slowly spun upside down again, and Luna rolled her eyes before she lowered her horn slightly, and the charcoal stallion was spun gently around and settled on his hooves, his limbs shaking for a moment beneath him as he wheezed before he stood up straight and glowered at her. “We’re going to have to work on your etiquette. Picking ponies up is rude in most cultures.”

“True, perhaps, but I think thee enjoys the fact I hold such power over thou.” Luna grinned as she leaned forwards, half-lidding her eyes and licking her own lips slowly, and Scrivener’s eyes went wide as he shrank back a bit with an embarrassed blush. “Certainly I find pleasure in it myself.”

Then she threw her head back and laughed as she walked towards the door, and Scrivener grumbled under his breath as he turned to follow her, saying flatly: “Again, politeness, Luna. You know, maybe we should work on this whole ‘taking pleasure in bullying and intimidating others’ thing you’ve got going on.”

“Thou forgot scaring as well. I do also greatly enjoy scaring ponies.” Luna remarked as she opened the door, and then she frowned a bit at the sight of two golden-armored guards standing silent guard outside her quarters, her eyes narrowing slightly as Scrivy looked up with a frown. “And by what order art thou stationed like watchdogs outside mine door?”

Both of the guards bowed their heads respectfully, and Luna relaxed slightly after a moment as she realized they were Centurions: Night Pegasi, with large, leathery bat-like wings instead of feathered ones, with burning eyes and sharp-toothed jaws. Their coats were pale and ghostly beneath the ornamental golden armor, as one of them said in a calm, whispery voice: “Night Mistress Luna… ‘twas the wish of Day Lady Celestia…”

“As I have already figured. But what are thy specific orders, knight?” Luna asked quietly, leaning forwards slightly and still looking perturbed. After all, despite the fact these imposing soldiers of shadow were supposed to be her personal bodyguards and soldiers… it was still Celestia who was able to give and veto their orders as she pleased, after a thousand years of Luna being sealed away.

The two knights hesitated… and then the one that had spoken whispered finally: “To keep an eye on the Night Mistress Luna and the Scribe Scrivener Blooms. To be eyes and ears. To watch and listen. To keep things from… escalation.”

“Wonderful.” Luna muttered, and she sighed quietly and shook he head slowly before glancing over at Scrivener with a grimace. “Come then, Scrivener. Let us find Twilight Sparkle and her friends.”

“But Night Mistress Luna is supposed to stay away from the day-lit parts of the castle.” the Centurion said almost urgently, and Luna frowned darkly at this, turning her serious eyes on him as he shrank back a bit before whispering: “Day Lady Celestia said to send servant if Night Mistress Luna wanted anything. Day Lady Celestia said to remind Night Mistress Luna to stay in the quiet.”

Luna sighed a little at this, lowering her head forwards and gritting her teeth for a moment… and then she said quietly: “And I suppose that mine elder, wiser sister wishes for thou to accompany me should I wish to spend time out on the castle grounds, is this not so?”

“Yes, Night Mistress Luna.” The Centurion nodded, and Luna threw her head back and groaned before she stomped a hoof against the floor, shaking her head as her mane swirled around her, teeth grit for a moment in distaste.

Finally, she looked at the Centurion squarely, saying calmly: “Very well. Please send someone to find Twilight Sparkle and her friends and tell them to meet us in the Garden of the Moon. I will permit the accompaniment of a minimal detail of guards, who are to stay at all times a moderate distance away, so as not to frighten or interrupt conversation with my guests, is this understood?”

The Centurions both nodded, and Scrivener grimaced a little as one of them turned and headed quickly down the hall, the other remaining silent as he simply stood like a statue. Luna grimaced at him, not hiding her distaste before she looked over her shoulder at Scrivy, saying dryly: “Come, friend Scrivener Blooms.”

Scrivener nodded… and then he frowned a bit as Sammy scurried quickly out of the ajar door to his room with a whimper, before running towards him and leaping up onto his mane, looking nervously towards the Centurion that was now pacing beside him. The male pony glanced over his shoulder at him as the skeletal pseudodragon clung quietly to his back with another fearful sound, and he said quietly: “Now it’s okay, Sammy… funny, a little dead thing like you being scared of the big mean-looking guards.”

Then Scrivy grimaced a bit as he realized that two other Centurions had materialized on their other side, shuddering a bit as Luna muttered: “Be not fearful, my friend. They will do nothing to risk incurring mine sister’s wrath… or worse yet, my own fury, which I feel worsening as time wears on.”

Luna fell silent, glowering moodily as she strode imperiously forwards, her hooves almost clanking against the stone with her heavy footfalls as Scrivener quietly followed, his skeletal pet still clinging to his back with a faint whimper.

Instead of journeying into the main foyer, they exited through a side door and headed down a steep incline that took them through the mountain, past looming shadows in a passage lit only by blue torchlight. Canterlot had many secrets, many recesses and dark places like this, that were deeper and older than most people knew… said in some places to be even more ancient than Luna and Celestia themselves, but even Luna didn’t know whether or not that was entirely true, or if royal city and castle had been born at the same time as the pony sisters who moved the sun and the moon.

Eventually, they exited the haunted atmosphere of the deep halls, stepping outside into the brisk night air. For a moment, Luna looked skywards, her eyes settling on the moon high above in the cloudless night, before she closed her eyes as she bathed in the radiance of its pearl rays as countless stars twinkled silently, in time with the glowing points of the female’s mane. “Star light, star bright, spirits of kings and queens of the night sky…”

“Grant me fortune and joy tonight, as thee shine thy splendorous light down from on high.” Scrivener finished quietly, and Luna looked over her shoulder in surprise before the male shrugged a bit, smiling a little. “Well, I am the court poet, Luna. And even though I don’t think you need the luck of the gods on your side tonight, I’m sure the night sky will shower you with prosperity all the same.”

“Thank you, Scrivener.” Luna murmured softly, looking ahead with a faint smile, and then she shook her head slowly before starting silently forwards, and Scrivy released a short sigh of relief as the Centurions faded into the background, staying a respectful distance back as she added in a mutter: “At least my own guards somewhat pay attention to mine orders… although I doubt not that in a moment they would scurry off to do Celestia’s bidding with but a flick of her hoof…”

“We can bitch and moan about Celestia later, Luna, for now, let’s concentrate on the matter at hand.” Scrivener said gently, and the Princess of the Night glanced at him for a moment before giving a small, nervous smile as she nodded. Then her eyes roved forwards towards the squat, wide mound they were approaching: less of a hill, and more of a natural stage, surrounded by tall, spiraled pillars that were beginning to fall into decay, covered in vines that covered up ancient etchings of Celestia, Luna, and Sleipnir.

In the center of these pillars was a heavy stone table, once used in ancient rituals, covered in hexagrams and lunar symbols. The female smiled softly as they approached this, sitting back a bit and raising a hoof to rest quietly on the surface of the stone as she closed her eyes and bowed her head forwards, her horn faintly glowing… and a moment later, sapphire light whisked through the symbols, a cloud of dust bursting up off the table and making Luna and Scrivy both cough and draw away, before the Princess of the Night blushed a bit when the male gave her a sour look. “My apologies, Scrivener Blooms. I was only curious if some of the old magic remained… how quickly it is that dust and grit and age claim antiquity…”

Scrivy only shook his head a bit as they stood silently side-by-side, and then he ventured quietly: “If you want time alone with them, Luna, I can go…”

“Leave me alone with Twilight Sparkle and her friends, Scrivener Blooms, and I shall transform thee into a giant moth.” Luna grumbled threateningly, and Scrivy cleared his throat awkwardly before she looked at him embarrassedly. “I have found that my confidence is more honest and greater when thou art here to act as my second. ‘Tis like in the days of dueling… I was always more prepared when Sleipnir or Celestia were at my back, ready to aid me should the notes of battle turn sour.”

“Alright, alright. For your sake I’ll put up with Twilight Sparkle and help entertain her friends. Although I’m worse with people than you are.” Scrivy added after a moment, glancing at her, and Luna grumbled before she looked up as there was a loud cheer in the distance. “Was that the pink one? I think that was the pink one.”

“How did you know?” asked a curious voice, and Scrivy and Luna both jumped before they turned slowly to stare at the sight of Pinkie Pie, who was sitting only a few feet away with a bright, inquisitive smile on her face, and then her eyes slowly widened as Sammy scurried up to the top of Scrivy’s head to stare at her.

They looked at each other for the longest time… and then Pinkie Pie squealed before hopping away, and Scrivener sighed a bit as he glanced up at Sammy. “Good going.”

But before anyone could do anything further, Pinkie Pie came rushing back, using her head to shove a terrified-looking Fluttershy along, her back legs kicking and haunch dragging against the ground as she curled her forelegs up against her body and stared, wide-eyed, at everything around her… and then she grunted before looking up in shock as Pinkie Pie exclaimed: “Look, look, look, Fluttershy! It’s a living, breathing – well, not really living and breathing – Nightmare Night dragon thingy! Spike, Spike, Spike, you gotta see this too!”

Pinkie Pie rushed off again in a moment as Fluttershy and Sammy stared at each other… and then the skeletal pseudodragon chirped, and the female squeaked before fleeing quickly behind a pillar, trembling and staring out from behind it as she babbled: “N-No, th-that’s… that’s… not possible, it’s… oh my, oh my…”

Sammy whimpered a little, lowering himself against Scrivener’s head, the blue flames in his eyes guttering slightly as he jumped off the equine’s head to land on the stone table, beginning to turn away… and then Fluttershy’s eyes widened a bit before she hurried forwards with a flush, grasping the edge of the stone table and lowering her head so her eyes were at level with Sammy’s as he looked over his shoulder at her, the female saying in an embarrassed rush: “Oh no, oh no, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. I was just a little startled, that’s all, but I can see you must really be a very nice little pseudodragon… why, look at you, you’re not mean at all, are you?”

Sammy raised his head a little, chirping hesitantly and slowly turning around… and then he quietly stepped forwards as Scrivy said gently: “His name is Samael, but we all just call him Sammy, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy gave a small smile, then she reached out and hesitantly stroked along the psuedodragon’s back… before suddenly picking him up and hugging him close, electing a surprised chirp from him as she murmured: “Why, he’s just so small and adorable! Oh my… it’s so strange. Oh, I’m sorry, I’m so rough…”

But Sammy only gave a half-purr of contentment, curling himself against Fluttershy as Pinkie Pie towed a small dragon up to the table by the tail, the small reptile grumbling under his breath before she finally spat his forked tail out and exclaimed: “Look, look, look Spike!”

“Pinkie Pie, please, I’m a dragon, I’ve seen another dragon before…” the dragon began, standing carefully up on his hind legs and grimacing a bit as he rubbed at his bright green head-fin, the purple scales over his body glinting with luster even in the dark before he turned around, lime-colored ear-fins twitching and one dexterous, small fore-claw rubbing absently at his eggshell-tinted underbelly. “I… whoa!”

Spike’s emerald eyes widened in surprise as he saw Fluttershy sitting back and rocking the skeletal pseudodragon, a smile on her face and her eyes closed as she affectionately clung to it. He stared stupidly at this sight for a few moments, and then pointed and babbled: “T-Twilight, it’s… it’s a zombie!”

“It’s not a zombie, Spike.” Twilight grumbled, giving an exasperated roll of her eyes. “Yes, it comes from a realm of magic that I find hard to believe exists but all the same, it’s very obviously not a zombie.”

“But it’s… I mean… Fluttershy, why are you cuddling it?” Spike asked nervously, looking worriedly over at Scrivener and Luna, and then he winced and raised an awkward claw to them. “Uh. Hi?”

“Oh, but he’s just so tiny and defenseless… who cares what the poor little baby looks like, he’s so adorable and snuggly…” Fluttershy murmured in response, opening her eyes and gazing lovingly down at it for a moment before she glanced embarrassedly at the others. “This doesn’t hurt him at all, does it?”

Scrivy only shook his head and smiled as Twilight bowed respectfully to Luna, and Luna nodded back, looking embarrassed as Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Applejack joined them, the others quickly finding their way around the table and Rainbow giving a loud yelp at what she saw cradled against Fluttershy’s body. Immediately, Sammy glared at her before lightly kneading his foreclaws into Fluttershy’s mane and affectionately nuzzling against her, and she giggled a little as Rainbow leaned over to Applejack and whispered: “I think she’s lost her mind.”

“Oh, shush now, Rainbow, before you go stirrin’ up more trouble.” Applejack said flatly, and then she smiled a little over at Luna, saying quietly: “Howdy, Princess Luna, it’s real good to see you again. I hope this ain’t in bad taste, but Rainbow and I were talking about yesterday some and we gotta say, we were impressed.”

“Oh yeah!” Rainbow exclaimed, leaping back on her hind legs with a flap of her wings, swinging her hooves at the air and making Applejack wince back as she held onto her hat with one hoof. “They were all like, trying to shove you around and you were just like, boom! And that one guy tried to get in the air and you just made him go splat and-”

“My thanks to both of thee… I mean… both of you, I am only glad that I did not leave… too bad an impression.” Luna said courteously, blushing slightly… and Scrivy smiled a bit, glancing at her and knowing it was both out of worry for what Celestia would think and pride at her prowess being recognized so jubilantly.

“I’ll say, I bet you sure left an impression on those jerks!” Rainbow Dash grinned, then winced when Applejack shoved at her, glaring pointedly. “What? What’d I say?”

“Let’s move on to a different subject, shall we?” Twilight interrupted, even as the blue Pegasus and the goldenrod earth pony shoved at each other, and they both grumbled a bit before Twilight smiled over at the two before glancing down at the dragon that was still nervously standing away from the table, saying mildly: “Spike, come over here. Princess, Scrivener Blooms, this is Spike, my assistant.”

“Hi!” Spike said lamely, raising his claw again, and then he cleared his throat a bit as he looked nervously from Scrivy to Princess Luna, who leaned forwards a bit, studying him curiously. “It’s nice to meet you Nightmare Moon… I mean, Princess Luna! And uh. You too, Scribbler.”

Twilight dropped her head against the table with a groan and a loud clunk, and Spike grinned embarrassedly as Rainbow Dash snorted laughter before Pinkie Pie said cheerfully: “We should have a party! Except it’s kind of dark…”

“Oh? Oh, of course, I forget sometimes that Scrivener and I are all too used to the darkness… permit me a moment and I shall fix this.” Luna said kindly, and then she closed her eyes and tilted her head upwards, taking a slow breath as a bright blue glow spilled from her horn, a star of radiant white light burning into being at the tip of it, and the gathered ponies stared as she slowly arched her back and raised her head, starlight mane flowing gracefully around her body as high above, the moon glowed brightly before growing slowly larger in the sky.

Then she finally relaxed, bowing her head forwards with a sigh of relief and smiling slightly as she glanced upwards, and the other ponies followed her gaze, Twilight’s jaw dropping stupidly open and Scrivener smiling warmly despite himself, despite knowing Celestia could be less than pleased. Luna had simply dragged the moon closer… enough that now it seemed almost twice as large as it had been before, a massive white dish in the sky that cast glimmering ivory light over them, illuminating them almost as clearly as in daylight before Pinkie Pie began to leap up and down, saying gleefully: “Oh wow, that’s amazing, that’s spectacular, that’s stupendous!”

“The moon isn’t… nearly as large or heavy as the sun, really, ‘tis not that incredible…” Luna said embarrassedly, seeming strangely shy as the gathered ponies marveled at her ability, and her wings fluttered nervously as she fidgeted on the spot. “’Twas only to light the way, nothing more.”

The others were all too glad to lavish praise on Luna, however… and they were honest compliments, not simply sycophantic rambling. Luna basked in it, obviously warmed by it, and Scrivener was glad to sit back and enjoy watching Luna relax gradually, her seriousness slowly ebbing away into relaxation as they treated her as one of their own. There was still some nervous distance on occasion – they recognized, after all, they were talking to a Princess of Equestria, even if she didn’t exude quite the same aura as Celestia – but it was still exactly the experience Luna had been craving: ponies who didn’t fear her, or revile her, or judge her without getting to know her first.

Rarity was the first to leave, claiming that she needed her beauty sleep after a day working in the shops and glaring at Rainbow Dash, who muttered something about ‘accidents happen,’ and Spike was glad to accompany her back to the castle, all but floating dreamily along behind the pony he obviously had a crush on. Applejack and Rainbow Dash left shortly after, and finally, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie… and Scrivy was glad to allow Sammy to go with the former pony, as the latter bounced around, singing songs that didn’t make much sense and as peppy now in the deepening night as she had been earlier.

Twilight Sparkle, Scrivener Blooms, and Princess Luna were finally left sitting alone at the table, and Luna glanced up towards the moon that loomed close overhead in the sky, clouds now faintly obscuring its radiance as she murmured: “Once upon a time, Twilight Sparkle, this world was not controlled and restricted nearly so much as ‘tis now. Pegasi did not make the rainbows, nor did they move the weather but for special occasion… ‘twas a wild world, yet in some ways I think, the better for it. But mayhap again, that is only my fondness for the old, dead ways talking… my wish to return to a world that, while cruel, was the world I knew, the world that I lived in before I made the mistakes that resulted in my exile.”

She closed her eyes, and her horn glowed, the aura building with a near-silent hum as the moon in the sky trembled, then receded, pushed back to its normal height in a matter of moments and leaving shadows playing over the three ponies before Twilight Sparkle smiled faintly as her own horn shimmered quietly, and a dim white orb appeared in the air above the table, shedding a pallid light over the trio. “I don’t think anyone can blame you for that, Princess Luna. But you have friends now. Scrivener and myself and others… I know that everyone here really liked meeting you tonight. And I’m pretty sure Fluttershy isn’t going to give you back your pseudodragon without a fight, Scrivy.”

“I was a little surprised she took so well to him.” Scrivener paused, glancing over at Twilight, and then he smiled a little as she smiled hesitantly back. A moment later, the male shook his head with a laugh, saying quietly: “Besides, I’m not as useless as you. I don’t need an assistant constantly by my side to get things done.”

“I’d believe that if you turned out more than one poem a month for the royal courts.” Twilight shot back, and then the two smiled at each other again before laughing and shaking their heads, and Luna gazed from one to the other with strange affection. Then the violet unicorn became a little more serious as she glanced up at Luna, saying awkwardly: “I… I don’t want to ruin the mood, but Celestia was talking to me today… a little about you, a little about… things I didn’t entirely understand. But it worried me.”

She stopped, then winced at the disheartened look on Luna’s face, shaking her head quickly. “No, no, not… not about you, about… about Equestria. About Celestia. It’s not the kind of worries I had when we first saw signs of Discord either… I mean, come on, cotton candy clouds that rain chocolate milk and the worst thing at first was the rabbits grew giraffe legs.”

“Discord was never sadistic. He was always more of a mean-spirited prankster, a cavorter and manipulator. He enjoyed the frustrations of others, but ‘twould be wrong to say he delighted in pain.” Luna paused and smiled slightly. “Even after I knocked one of his fangs from his maw, his lashings-out were that of a child, not of a cold-blooded killer like the Tyrant Wyrms. He made ponies miserable, ‘tis true… but rarely did his jokes become murderous, and never did he endanger their lives by design, even if oft he did put their sanity into peril.”

“You sound almost like you… feel sorry for him.” Twilight said quietly, and Luna looked at her thoughtfully for a few moments before she stood up and motioned for the unicorn to follow. Twilight frowned a bit, but fell into step on one side of the Princess of the Night as Scrivener walked on the other, striding down the mound in the silent, crisp night air, as the barely-seen shadows of the Centurions lurked quietly around them and the faint ball of radiance floated above their heads.

“I do.” Luna murmured finally, several minutes later… and Twilight looked up to realize they had entered the courtyard where all manner of statues were displayed, near the rebuilt hedge labyrinth where Twilight and her friends had fallen into Discord’s manipulations. The unicorn’s eyes roved back and forth over the statutes of the ponies, dragons, and mythical figures, following Luna silently until they reached a tall pedestal… and now, when Twilight’s eyes roved upwards, they settled with shock upon the stony statue of Discord.

The Draconequus stood silently, features still frozen in horror, arms still raised and his snapping snake’s tail curled around the monument’s base, frozen for eternity in stone as Luna looked up at the statue, features painted with shadow, starlight mane floating quietly around her as she said in a soft voice: “This could have been me, Twilight Sparkle. In fact, for a thousand years, it was me… only I was put on display in the moon, not left with my hooves upon the ground. But Discord is an elemental force, an incarnation of chaos made physical… ‘tis not entirely his fault he is the way he is. He cannot control his nature, being made from the stuff of disharmony, and while he is poisonous, he easily could have killed all thee if the urge so took him. But that is not what he does. That is not what he cared to do to thee: instead, he acted out of necessity, Twilight Sparkle. To him, thou wert a threat: the Elements of Harmony, after all, were what nullified him in the first place. So he turned all thee upon thy heads knowing that inverted, thou could no longer bring the wrath of the Elements upon him.

“And yet all the same, thee and thy friends defeated him: that thou should be proud of. What I am not proud nor fond of is that mine own sister, Celestia, Princess of the Sun, had set Discord up in the stone gardens as a display-piece, a trophy… and here again she has placed him, for all to look upon the defeated, terrified face, not knowing if inside this stone shell Discord still lurks, still feels, still screams silently for mercy, spat upon and cursed by those ponies who visit him here, powerless but perhaps trapped inside his own mind, only to grow more lunatic.” Luna said bitterly, closing her eyes and lowering her head silently, and Twilight trembled a bit, looking from Luna to Discord with horror in her eyes as Scrivener sat silently on the Princess’s other side, gazing quietly at the fearful face of the statue. “It makes me wonder, Twilight. Had the Elements nullified all of me instead of blasting much of that darkness that had infected me out of my body, would Celestia have placed me here, among these relics of the past and ancient trophies of stone? And how many creatures, I wonder, are not merely sculpted metaphor… but petrified opponents, set forevermore as examples of what Celestia does to those who cross her?”

Twilight shivered and looked down, shaking her head mutely… and then Luna sighed quietly, glancing towards the pony and offering a faint smile as she murmured: “I was worse than Discord, Twilight. I was Nightmare Moon, a true monster, turning upon mine sister, lashing out in jealousy and rage. Yet I walk, not free, but far from the shackles Discord is bound by… and I wonder sometimes if I even deserve this chance to redeem myself, or if this will all simply end with me here, no longer a visitor, but instead a resident of this terrible garden.”

And the three were silent as they looked once more upon the terrified, frozen façade of Discord, none of them knowing what to say, none of them knowing just what lay ahead under the shroud of darkness that blotted out the future.