• Published 21st Jan 2021
  • 2,310 Views, 16 Comments

Sunset Young Justice - madhat886

Traveling through the mirror Sunset ends up in the world of DC Young Justice.

  • ...

Chapter 7


Smoke pours from behind the outer wall and the shattered front entrance of Jump City’s prison, as well as from a spot on the bridge that leads to the complex. If these clues are not enough to indicate that something very bad is going on, the blaring klaxons and sirens settle the point decisively. At the ruined entrance; three guards came running into the prison.

“Code red! Cellblock Nine! Move out!” one of the guards said.

The other two follow orders, and he brings up the rear. They run in a short distance and then slow to a walk, weapons at the ready.

“Main yard secure,” one of the guards said.

The front metal door of the prison is thrown down in front of them.

“There he is!” a guard yelled as they advance.

“He'll free the criminals!” the other guard said as they level their weapons.

“Fire!” the lead guard shouted.

Their target has already bashed a large hole through the wall of the cellblock and is on the way in: he threw part of the torn-out section at them. Seen from the back, the creature is at least ten feet tall, very blocky, and appears to be built entirely of concrete. It’s the villain known as Cinderblock. Laser blasts from the guards strike the edges of the hole he has made, while a few connect with his back and others fly past. He turns to them, revealing an equally blocky face with small, red eyes. The shots are having no discernible effect on him. Voicing a grating roar, he raises one massive foot and stomps the ground; this produces a long fissure that throws debris and dust into the three guards' faces to spoil their aim. He continues inside the cellblock. He moves in and stops upon hearing a voice calling out to him.

“You know, Cinderblock, normally, the bad guys break out of jail,” Sideways said.

“And I can think of eight good reasons why you don't want to break in,” Jinny Hex said as she leaps across the floor and lands in a crouch.

“One!” Jinny Hex said.

Starfire and Blackstar swoops down and lands.

“Two!” Starfire said.

“Three,” Blackfire said.

Jayna as a tiger, lunges in, along with his sister Zan in the form of water.

“Four,” Zan said.

“Five,” Jayna said.

Next, Raven drops in and gets ready to cast a spell.

“Six,” Raven said.

Sideways portals in.

“Seven,” Sideways said.

Finally, Sunset jumps in.

“Eight,” Sunset said.

The Avengers stand ready for battle now.

“No matter how you do the math, it all adds up to you going down. So, are you going to go quietly...,” Jinny said

“Or is this gonna get loud?” Sunset asked.

Cinderblock roars and barrels straight toward them.

“Avengers! Go!” Jinny shouted.

They charge; Jayna becomes a falcon to fly behind Raven, Starfire and Blackfire. Yelling, the eight heroes and the one oversized villain hurtle toward one another.


JL HQ Earth side -

“They call themselves the Avengers?” Superman asked watching the news from Jump City of the capture of the villain Cinderblock.

“Jeffro gave them the name which he said he has the right to as he is the team’s benefactor,” Batman said.

“He even gave them a theme song,” Flash said. “We should have a theme song.” (1)

“No we don’t,” Batman said.

“Says the guy who has his own theme song,” Wonderwoman teased. (2)

“I never agreed to that,” Batman said.

“How is your brother doing?” Superman asked.

“Doing better now that he’s getting the right treatments,” Batman said having taken his brother Thomas out of the mental hospital and took him to a real treatment center. He’s been spending time with Thomas but he is still unstable.

“You could just go to Jeffro,” Superman said.

Batman said nothing and left the room.

“Donna there you are,” Madame Razz said entering the room.

“Razz what? How did you get here?” Diana asked.

“You know her?” Batman asked having followed the old woman who he passed in the hallway.

“She’s my nanny when I was a child,” Wonderwoman said. “And it’s Diana.”

“Yes, yes Donna,” Madame Razz said as she walks pass Flash and gives him a look over. “Hello Jay.”

“Wait you know Jay Garrick?” Flash asked.

“Yes I know you Jay,” Madame Razz said as she adjusted her glasses.

“I’ll be right back,” Flash said taking off and return shortly with Jay Garrick.

“Madame Razz?” Jay asked seeing the JLA old house keeper.

“You know her?” Flash asked.

“She use to work as the house keeper of the old JLA HQ,” Jay said looking her over. "And she looks the same as she did back then."

"And she looks the same as back when I was a child," Diana said.

"Razz where have you been?" Jay asked.

"Just came from your clubhouse and came here don't you remember? I told you," Madame Razz said.

"You said you were going to see the other JL...," Jay said remembering and drawing the connection he hasn't thought of for years.

"Come to think about it, I remember her talking about how I really should bring my friends over when I was little," Diana said connecting the same thought. "Madame Razz did you know about us already?"

"Of course dearly," Madame Razz said.

"John?" Superman asked John who has been sitting at the main computer all of this time.

"I....," John said trying to read Madame Razz's mind but was overwhelmed.

"John are you ok?" Superman ask.

"It's her mind, it's all.... she sees both the past, present, future... all at once," John said his mind couldn't handle all that happens to Madame Razz at once.

"You can see the past and future at the same time?" Diana asked.

"Yes," Razz said.

"Why you never told us?" Jay asked.

"You never asked," Razz said with a shrug.


Avenger's Base -

On the island where the alien ship crashed that attacked Jump City, is the newest landmark of the city. The Avenger's Base is a large tower that's been made to be a fortress. The tower is protected by a series of defense turrets that are hidden away and a force field that protects the tower from just about everything. And staffed by an army of robots ranging from Mr. Handy's to securitrons.

The tower has it's own fusion generator that powers the tower as well as connected to the city's power grid to help supply power. And not just to the city but to several other states, bringing in funding to the tower. The tower also has solar panels and even a wind turbine adding more power.

The tower also has it's own water treatment and purification plant that turns the sea water drinkable. A indoor garden that grows food for the tower. All of which is being taken care of by the personalizes who are the care takers of the tower and came with the tower.

The Auto-Doc, is in the medical wing and heals the heroes when they're injured.

The Biological research station is the mojo mac-daddy of all things agricultural. It has the ability to clone any dried plants and also can process other plant matter into Salient Green.

Blind Diode Jefferson handles the commutations.

Book Chute handles the internet access.

The Light Sisters handle the lighting and power.

Muggy a miniature securitron handles the cleaning.

Sink handles the water.

Central Intelligence Unit over sees everything.

Toaster who handles waste management.

The Avengers returning from their mission in stopping Cinderblock are being treated to a feast. Which is a Thanksgiving Dinner with all the dishes. Which Raven pointed out but the others didn't care and began eating.

"I still can't believe that Jeffro just gave us this tower," Sideways said eating pumpkin pie.

"He had the tower already built," Sunset said eating the egg dish of eggs and mushrooms.

"He had the tower already built?" Blackfire ask stuffing herself with turkey.

"Base it on one of the games he likes playing," Sunset said.

"That explains alot," Jinny said as she looks at the bottle of Nuka-Cola she's been drinking.

"How long have you known Jeffro anyways?" Jayna ask.

"Since, I came to this world," Sunset said.

"So you're really a pony?" Zan asked.

"Yes," Sunset said.

"Just like the figures that The Mystery Shack sells," Starfire said.

"Don't you start," Sunset said.

"Yes don't," Raven deadpanned while hiding the fact she's loves those pony figures.

"What, I thought you like being cuddled," Blackfire said.

"Yes cuddling up in bed is wonderful," Starfire said.

"I know you two are aliens and all but there are some things that you don't talk about at the dinner table," Jinny said.

"She's right," Sunset said. "I really don't get it myself but around here they don't talk about their relationships."

"So no talking about how we sleep together on the same bed?" Starfire asked causing Jinny to blush, and both Sunset and Blackfire to smirk.

"Can we please not talk about that," Sideways said not knowing what to feel as he's the only other guy on the team besides Zan, with Jeffro being the benefactor and not really being apart of the team. That 4 of the girls are into a relationship together.

"How did that happen again?" Zan asked.

"Don't ask," Jinny said who was in a relationship before but broke off after she was cheated on. And somehow got roped into a relationship with two aliens and pony from a magical world, who all don't mind sharing.


Author's Note:

1 - Avengers cartoon theme song.

2 - Adam West 1960’s Batman theme song.