• Published 21st Jan 2021
  • 2,310 Views, 16 Comments

Sunset Young Justice - madhat886

Traveling through the mirror Sunset ends up in the world of DC Young Justice.

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Chapter 1


A meeting is being held in the pub at the end of the universe. A android modeled to look like an old fat Englishman is the bar keep, wiping some glasses as he waited for the customers. The first to appear is the eldest of a group of beings known as The Endless.

The oldest of the Endless, Destiny appears as a blind man dressed in grey or brown robes, carrying a large book, the Cosmic Log. The book is chained to him, or he is chained to the book, and within the book is written the entire sum of existence, past, present and future. Destiny seems the most possessed by his function and responsibilities of any of the Endless. He rarely demonstrates much personality. His sigil is his book.

He sat down at a table with eight chairs. The moment he sat down, food and drinks appeared in front of him. The next one who came in is his sister.

Death appears as a level-headed young Goth woman. She wears a silver ankh (representing the afterlife), which serves as her sigil. She has a marking similar to an Eye of Horus around her right eye. She prefers to dress and act casually, and is on better terms with Dream than any of the other Endless. She spends one day out of every century as a mortal, living and dying on Earth. She is by far the most pleasant of The Endless, being kind and personable to almost everyone; encountering her upon dying feels like "meeting an old friend". However, she is also capable of intimidation as she use to be the scary one.

She sat down at the table joining her brother. Food and drink appeared in front of her. The next sibling came in.

Dream of the Endless. The Sandman. The Lord Shaper. Dream Weaver. Oneiros (a few of many names he's acquired). The personification of dreams and creativity, and his realm helps shape its opposite, reality. Like all Endless, he can change his appearance. Dream usually appears as a tall, thin man with bone-white skin, black hair, and two stars in place of eyes. Most often they are silver, blue, or white, but when he becomes angered, they have been shown to turn red.

He sat down at the table. Food and drink appeared in front of him. The next Endless came in.

A very large, robust man with red hair, who sometimes appears bearded and sometimes shaven. Destruction abandoned his responsibilities as one of the Endless three hundred years ago, causing much conflict between him and his siblings. Since abandoning his realm, the other Endless usually refer to him as "the Prodigal" or "Brother" rather than "Destruction". He has a passion for creative and constructive endeavors, but little talent. His sigil is a sword.

He sat down at the table. Food and drink appeared in front of him. The next Endless came in.

Desire is androgynous, capable of appearing as a man, a woman, neither, or possibly both. Desire has a cruel streak and a long-standing rivalry with Dream. Their sigil is a silver-tinted glassheart shape and they live in a huge flesh-and-blood statue of themself called The Threshold. Although Desire is Despair's twin, in a sense they are older than Despair. The current incarnation of Desire is the original one, while Despair is currently in her second incarnation.

Desire sat down at the table. Food and drink appeared in front of them. Then next Endless came in.

A short, obese woman with greyish skin and irregularly-shaped teeth. She is always naked. Despair has a cold, quietly intelligent manner. She has a habit of carving her flesh with a hooked ring that she wears, which is also her sigil. She replaced the first Despair after she was killed, with some thinking that her killer is the new Despair.

She sat down at the table. Food and drink appeared in front of her. The last Endless came in.

The youngest of the Endless, Delirium appears as a young girl whose form changes the most frequently of any of the Endless, based on the random fluctuations of her temperament. She has wild multicolored hair and eccentric, mismatched clothes. Her only permanent physical characteristic is that one of her eyes is emerald green (usually the right side) and the other pale blue with silver flecks (usually the left side), but even those sometimes switch between left and right. Her sigil is an abstract, shapeless blob of colors.

She sat down at the table joining her siblings. Food and drink appeared in front of her. She joined her siblings in the free meal in front of them as they waited.

The door open as the Endless finished their meal. The newcomer is a heavy set middle aged man. He wasn't all that fat but more of a mix of fat and muscle, a large belly, bronzed colored skin, thick and long limbs if he was skinny he would had look taller then he really was. He wore a baggy pair of green long baggy shorts that were held up by red suspenders. A pair of heavy work boots, a white shirt and a wide brim tan colored hat with a pair of goggles resting on the top completed his outfit. The only piece of armor that he wore was a placket, a metal plate covering his belly tied with a shoulder harness making it hard to knock it off of him. He's armed with a large oval shape shield and has a large double-bladed battle axe that's on his back.

"Glad to see you all made it," the man said as he joins the Endless at the table.

"You're not from here," Delirium said.

"I woke up here in the DC universe and found that, I had the superpower of Omnipotent. I can do anything but open a portal to another universe that I can travel through. I really would had like going to several universes that, I always wanted to visit. I use to be nothing but a normal guy living his life, doing his job to earn money, and writing fanfiction. Then woke up here like so many of those self insert fanfictions or those manga and animes where this happens. So has this happen before in this universe?" the man ask.

"No," Destiny said.

"And you all know that there are more than one multiverse and that in some you're all just fiction right?" the man ask.

"We do," Dream answers.

"Ok than. The reason why, I called this meeting, is that seeing I'm stuck here," the man turned to the old Englishman. "I made this pub and created him to run it. An android modeled after the form that The Presence seems to like. Or am I too early?"

"Well not for the one here," Destruction said.

"Just great, I've been trying to see if he wouldn't decide to pop in replacing the droid with himself," the man said.

"You been trying to get his attention," Desire said feeling the want.

"I figured that the reason why I'm stuck here is because of him. I know that he's bored to you," the man said pointing to Death. "And seeing that I'm outside his universe. He has no power over me. But it doesn't mean he can't keep me from leaving."

"Sounds like him," Death said.

"So I'm going to entertain him and have some fun while doing it. And got this idea from Marvel for some fun that you all, including your parents, Time and Mother Night can get in on," the man said.

"What do you have in mind?" Despair asked.

A golden gauntlet appeared in front of Despair, a crown in front of Dream, a necklace with a large ring locket in front of Destruction, and the rest gemstones. But Destiny and Death have two gems instead of one.

"The Infinity Gauntlet and the gems, along with two extra items. They're fakes with no power at all but no one else needs to know that an ruin the fun. The gauntlet is yours Despair being the only thing that can handle the power of the gems. Desire has the Power gem, Delirium has the Reality gem, Destiny has the Mind gem, Death has the Soul gem. As for the Time gem that Destiny has and the Space gem that Death has, Time is for Time and Space is for Mother Night. Which Destiny seeing how Time likes you, you can be the one who stops by to give him a gift. Same for you Death," the man said.

"Death is going to be the one who visits mom?" Delirium asked.

"Well if you want you can go with Death and both of you can present the gem to her as a gift from both of you," the man said.

"What about this?" Destruction ask holding the necklace.

"That's the Necklace of Creation which allows the holder of the gauntlet to be able to understand how to use it. And the crown is the Crown of Imagination so that they can dream and create anything," the man said. "Of course the only way to get the items of power. Is by passing the test that each of you make up for them to get the item. Which are all completely powerless without the complete set. So what do you all think? Want to play?"

"I'm in," Delirium said. None of the other Endless said or showed any signs of them not wanting to play.

"Also you all only give your test for your item only if the one who wants the complete set has the gauntlet first," the man said.

"Why?" Desire asked.

"To explain why no one has ever gotten the complete set. Despair is the first challenge to get the Infinity set. And is the reason why no one has ever gotten pass her test in her realm," the man said.

Destiny said nothing as he picks up the two gem and left.

"Well see you all around," the man said taking his leave too.

"You haven't told us your name yet," Dream said.

"As if you all don't know it yet. But might as well, it's Jeffro," the man said leaving the pub.


Earth -

A young woman with orange skin and long red hair with a yellow strip came out of the base of a horse statue. The teen stumbled as she didn't know how to walk on two leg yet. The woman played with her hands as she stares at them. Nearby Jeffro watched the scene before him.

"Right on time," Jeffro said ready to begin his story. (1)


Author's Note:

1 - It's time for me to do a self instead story myself. And do it my way.